hello everyone thank you for joining us for another live webinar session hosted by eetech and all about circuits my name is David Peterson I'm the director of engineering content for control.com over at eetech and I'll be your moderator today today's session is brought to you by Omron and is titled safety in sensing sensor technology in smart cities let me tell you about today's presenter krie Horan attended Georgia Institute of Technology where he obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering he is currently the business development manager for Omron serving as America's technical content for omron's diverse sensor product offerings he has expertise in the manufacturing field including iot Smart City and agriculture applications following the presentation we'll have a Q&A session with Carrie and you could submit your questions at any time during the webinar using the Q&A section that's over on the right hand side of your screen I would also like to mention that there will be several poll questions during this presentation so make sure to watch out for them and answer them for rron to understand more about your customer needs we'll also provide our attendees with a downloadable copy of the presentation and some other resources near the end of today's session this will be available in the handouts tab thank you so much for joining us and with that I'll hand it off to Carrie for today's presentation thank you very much David I appreciate the introduction and thank you everybody for joining once again for another Ron webinar uh as David said our pres presentation today is on safety and sensing uh sensor Tech technology and Smart City applications over the past few years our Engineers have been hard at work working on our technology and Innovation specifically for Smart City applications and as we get into sensing technology and ways to improve it so I'm happy to share with you some of our advancements today a quick ran overview for those of you who may not be aware uh omran is a Japanese based manufacturer specializing in many different fields of operation including Industrial Automation Health Care Data Solutions social systems Solutions and service and from where I come from our device and module Solutions at our core we are a uh components manufacturer primarily mechanical based with our power relays switches and connectors but also our sensing technology which we've had expertise on for the past several years as we've developed our sensing technology we have made the move to create full solutions that are not just components for larger machines as a whole but Standalone products and our sensing technology has been a core component of these Solutions as we've developed them our goals overall and especially through this technology is to connect data and Empower people through Automation in many different Industries we see a growing need for sensing technology and not only being able to collect it but also be able to transfer it easily to Central databases and to places where they can easily where data can easily be analyzed and actions can be taken to uh combat any issues that are being seen but uh the goal with Automation and communication is really as a way to help uh categorize that data and to react to it as Trends emerge so we come to our first poll question uh what improvements are you looking for from sensing technology we are going to be talking about uh three key applications that om is involved in here and that's Precision weather station pedestrian safety and overall sensor communication and integration uh but if you are seeking other uses in sensing technology we'd of course love to hear that from you as well as we have many different fields of expertise that we can certainly help you out in so we'll start with our discussion on prision Precision weather station Precision weather sensing um as as many of have seen with ever growing climate concerns weather tracking has never been more important as an industry Tool uh ways to spot weather data to uh realize Trends and see if there is any indication of storms on the coast or drought in certain areas of the United States there are many ways that weather data collecting it and and understanding the trends can really help us combat any issues that are coming from that change in weather data and adjust accordingly to make make sure that everything is operating still smoothly and effectively and above all safely we've seen a growing need for green energy Alternatives and more sustainable manufacturing processes um those of which can also include weather sensing technology as a means to uh maintain energy performance as well as ensure that um the the the processes that are being used are done safely and effectively and of course all of these industries uh that we've seen utilizing spot weather data are requiring not only proper real-time dat uh weather data Gathering but also communication so that even when you're in remote areas you can have someone be able to access that weather data easily so in short there there does become a growing need for a device which can provide weather data as well as that seamless communication that need for smart weathered sensing data come across several different industries that we've seen through our developments uh as I've mentioned power and energy as we've reached uh into sustainable energy practices utilizing the weather data is great for energy management uh adjusting the input and output based on weather data and as and alerting in case of potential damage as well as for example in solar energy Gathering proper weather data to make sure that those solar panels are getting the the proper amount and the expected amount of of energy that can be used to power the surrounding areas in agriculture we have of course seen uh a need for real-time weather data to capture the conditions for crops um especially as we deal with storms and or droughts in whichever respective area of the states that you are uh growing your crops in there is need to manage the irrigation and harvesting equipment on weather conditions and there is a need to monitor the conditions that the crops are going through to ensure that they're getting enough water or they are in conditions that are going to be able to uh produce fruitful Harvesters so tracking data for crop health over time is of course important and especially with these being a very remote areas we're looking at a lot of Need for long range communication but in the Smart City we've seen uh a lot of growth here for being able to track time real real weather data across populated areas with these weather stations there are ways to create a network of sensors working seamlessly with the existing infrastructure as a way to uh set up a web to real to to gather the weather data across a large area with existing power with existing power already built into the Smart City infrastructure such as with uh Street lighting or with um polls with a with polls that are placed throughout the city um there are of course easy ways to install weather sensors to fit at the top of these areas to make sure that uh you're getting the proper weather data that you need there's of course also an advantage in alerting the population for abnormal or dangerous conditions that are sensed and communicated quickly to a central database so with that comes our weather sensor product the omon weather station is an ongoing development project merging the abilities of seven key sensing functions within this singular device that you see pictured here we have the ability to capture temperature humidity barometric pressure light level rainfall wind speed and wind direction we have conducted evaluation in Japan as well as North and South America and are looking to expand our reach with the several sensor several hundred sensors that we already do have deployed and our short-term goals include development among various communication protocols our current version is able to communicate well in a cellular network with LTE communication but we are also exploring options for other forms of communication including lowra to uh better suit applications that may be in uh remote areas that require communication over long distances so we'll showcase here the greater needs for weather sensing in these industries and how the weather station can help benefit it so we come to our next poll question uh if you are looking for weather station uh or weather St station function in your applications what industry are you most closely working with is that in smart cities agriculture oil and gas renewable energy um General weather data studies we've seen a lot of benefi in or if there is something else again we'd love to hear about that so talk a little bit more about our weather station and how it's able to get all of this sensing data and be able to communicate it effectively so our iot Gateway module is the core component of our weather station that allows for such easy communication we'll be talking a little bit more about the iot module in detail but this iot module is a chipset which allows for full communication and sensor connectivity the iot module can allow for uh any sort of communication protocol that you may be looking for and as we've developed this device to connect to various different sensors we figured that rather than as a component we could incorporate it into a fully functioning module that would be able to work effectively across different Industries and suit different needs and so around that using some of our existing technology and knowledge in weather sensing we uh created a device called the weather state St that is our device module which has our several sensing functions that are built in and with the communication module that we have built into the base of the sensor we are able to remotely communicate all of that collected data to that specific user so here we have a picture of our current weather station as it looks today which offers the sensing functions that we've talked about and several key advantages that we have in our singular housing uh number one this right here in the picture is the full package that makes it very easy to install once we have it set up and plugged in everything will be able all the sensing functions will be running and then automatically communicated via the iot module once we get all that set up on the software side that weather data starts coming in immediately because all of the sensing functionalities are in this one single package of course that makes it very easy to maintain many many traditional we stations that we've seen uh in the industry today include moving parts anemometers that are collecting wind speed data weather veins that are looking for wind direction uh tip buckets that are collecting the rainfall data all of those functionalities are included in this weather station for optical sensing for rainfall and ultrasonic sensing for wind speed and wind direction the ultrax Sonic sensors you'll see right here above the base where we have our iot housing and this black Square right here is actually a hole that goes down into this bottom section here where the rainfall is coming in our Optical sensors are able to track the rainfall and provide that data of uh rate as as as it comes through and lastly our low operating costs as we incorporate low rod technology but already with our LTE technology our software power the the power of our software within this weather station allows for a very low processing uh requirement that allows so that um in turn comes with a low operating cost as we incorporate uh cheaper uh Protocols of communication such as low ra we'll see those costs drop down even lower but all of these different advantages coming with our product as we've developed it have been uh very positively received so with our real time environment with our real-time environment protection we have our experience with our former uh 2jc environment sensor and the development of the iot module we've been able to put together this weather station for General weather sensing needs as you see in this picture here we have a screenshot of uh some of the data that we've been able to collect with the weather stations that we have out uh in the field today but let's take a closer look at what these look like so here we have past data from over a week um we can take the data that we've collected on some of our stations and be able to look back months in the past to see if we can uh gather growing Trends or see how weather may have been uh affecting things over the past week when we might not have been uh around the area with our dashboard we're able to access weather data from the present as well as looking uh weeks months into the past as we look at the specific day we can look uh specifically at the um at the data points throughout minute by minute uh we'll see here in the uh illuminance section this is the one just outside our office right when the Sun reaches over that tree line at just about 11:30 is where we start getting that really bright sunlight and one point of data those very interesting many of us may remember on April 8th that we had the solar eclipse uh Chicago was very fortunate I think we had about 97 or 98% coverage uh with the solar eclipse but I was able to pull the data from that day specifically and we saw some very interesting results of course the illuminance we have dropped down way low as as the solar eclipse comes on so a very cool effect here uh we see the temperature drop and the humidity start to rise around that same time frame and also the barometric pressure drop right as the eclipse passed through and then right after we started getting a little bit of rainfall so a very interesting day of weather weather that we were able to collect from uh the weather station that we have just outside of our Ron office so very cool information that we're able to to get from this sensor so next move we'll move on into pedestrian safety uh our pedestrian safety advancements our pedestrian safety Focus have come from advancements in car travel that have really changed the makeup of of pedestrian safety um especially in the US we're seeing an increase of drivers along the road which means increased chance and incidents with pedest um and with our increased automotive technology we've seen smart Vehicles which have had their um added controversy added uh controversy that they've been coming out with wondering how they're going to be handle handling pedestrians who may uh uh unpredictably act or or come across the road U not in necessarily crosswalks but smart Vehicles can re also decrease the attention of operators as they're coming through populated areas as these advaned ments have continued to grow there becomes the need for a device which can effectively detect pedestrians and alert drivers especially at crossing crossing sections so the overview of this project our rron Engineers have worked to developed our existing hvc P2 model and that's the picture that you see right here our camera module here to be optimized for pedestrian Crossing applications usage of our body detection uh software that we have incorporated into this chipset as well as our fast software processing allow for quick communication to data Crossing signals we have also seen testing and deployment and have found success in Japan already uh causing for a continued growth of this application and we'll talk a little bit about more more we'll talk a little bit about all of these in the following uh section so first we'll come to our next poll question if you're looking at uh pedestrian safety applications what is the most important to you in regards for devices for pedestrian safety um of course safety is going to be most important but after that uh is there privacy concerns is there concerns with working in different environments maybe you're in an exceptionally cold or hot climate or some parts of the US definitely experiencing both or is it quick communication and data collection or is there something else that you might be interested in so let's get a little bit into the background of uh our experience with this particular module on our body detection technology I gave you a a quick bit of information at the start you may be wondering you know you don't know much about this camera module you don't know about our uh facial recognition technology well we've had a long history of developing um specifically our Oak house software ow is the name of our facial recognition software that we have developed over a long period of time um that initially was installed in uh early smartphones that were looking at face detection early uh point-and-click digital cameras uh that technology and you'll see it you'll see similar technology in in smartphones today the way our ow technology was being implemented into these devices were ways to detect the face in the picture and be ble to focus on that specifically uh automatically so you're not taking pictures of your family or friends and having blurry faces even though they're right in the center of the picture our Oak house software was very uh popular on many different devices that were using this sort of technology and from that we were able to really um make a lot of key advancements into how this technology operated into the future we have included this software in many different types of applications including uh advertisements including uh camera modules or uh digital cameras um security applications and we have developed this hvc P2 camera module which includes the entirety of the oakal software included in this chipset we are of course looking to uh continuously expand the usage of this this software and this Hardware application and incorporating it into the iot space so a little bit of the overview of our Oak house software um as I mentioned the software was originally designed into the uh basic face detection application those being in your digital cameras your early smartphones and as we've developed it we've gotten into very sophisticated types of um uses that it can have including facial recognition gender age and expression estimation and expanding p the face we've gotten into hand detection and human body detection now one of the main uh concerns here is the um ability of the sensor to uh not only recognize but also make sure that it's not Gathering too much information of course we don't want something that is uh compromising on our privacy our algorithm has been designed uh to effectively Rec recognize whether there is a face present in frame and recognize certain characteristics of that face but also we want to ensure it performs to our higher standards of quality and privacy so our updates to the software uh do increase performance but we of course don't want to design anything that holds any information without anybody's knowledge or consent so our software is able to just recognize the image that's in front of it while not necessarily transmitting uh the memory of the the images that it has seen but just looking at the images in real time so as we developed our hand detection and human body detection we have seen increased needs in looking at these through safety applications in both industrial as well as smart City Industries so as we get into pedestrian safety applications we have our oakal software that can detect a person that may be about to uh cross a pedestrian Crossing and will alert vehicle to stop using an LED display so this is especially useful when installed at crosswalks without traffic lights and it is a better alternative to uh traffic light installation where we can have the specific LEDs that are only reacting to a person's presence which can still alert drivers just as a traffic light would the sensor using the oal technology can send that data to a computer to alert drivers with the LED sign and we've seen the installation of this work out well already in early installations so that came uh in the spring of 2024 we had a number of systems uh 10 systems that were distributed along the Sait the saitama prefecture among others outside of Tokyo Japan we had these camera modules that were placed at uh intersections that didn't have a stoplight that was already indicating whether somebody was present and it would have several different people that may be Crossing it in uh several different states of high traffic or low traffic areas over several months they were able to use this system as well as surrounding CCTV cameras around the area to determine any changes to pedestrian incidents uh and over that time since the installation of the sensors incidents at these specific points overall reduced by a factor of 50% which would spark the development for future inst for further installations so we've seen uh very successful results in how these devices have been implemented in Japan so we'd uh love to continue bringing this practice over State side and see a similar increase in safety and in uh regions around the US so lastly we'll talk a little bit about iot connection so sensing data is critical for realizing activity Trends and what reactions are needed of course but communication of that data is important so that analysis can be made and precautions taken to make sure that operations are running smoothly safely and effectively with the proper connectivity users can not only get that sensing data right in that moment but also clearly communicate that Trend to Central databases especially in remote areas so as we've seen the advancements in sensing data collection we have of course seen the need to actually being able to gather it and as we've not only worked in smart cities but also in remote areas we are looking to have create devices that are able to communicate that data effectively so that brings us to the iot Gateway module now we have talked about uh this briefly with the weather station um but our goal with the iot Gateway module is to provide a customizable solution that incorporates various different communication protocols s uh sensing functionality excuse me uh sensing functionality as well as power supply um as we develop this chipset again we are we have looked into some broader ways for application and development but we've seen uh the specific application in the weather station so we have had our Engineers um have their practice in different sorts of ways to uh utilize the iot Gateway and sensing communication other industries that we have been able to work with on this Gateway include Energy Management as well as renewable energy applications as these are also ones that are going to be collecting data um uh several points over the period of the day I mean several times per minute um and being able to get that data um right away is is important especially as you're looking into Power Management Solutions with our iot T Gateway we are able to provide a hardware solution as well as an extensive software library that will help easily maintain that module performance we have our software engineers and our Hardware Engineers hard at work in being able to create something that is easy to use and something that is flexible to be able to be adapted into whichever different application that you're looking for uh so we come to one more poll question um as you're looking at different communication protocols and that can come with weather sensing that can come with pedestrian safety that can come with whatever type of application you're looking for is there a certain communication protocol that you're focusing on um or a communication protocol that you'd really like to um use much more in the future is that LTE LTE cm1 uh Lowa Bluetooth are you looking for a direct wire connection or um if there is another protocol that are most interested in excuse me of course I'd love to hear more about that as well so uh we'll come back a little bit to our weather station as again this is one of the main um applications that our iot module has been uh Incorporated in So within our weather station we have all of our different sensing function functions connected directly to that internal iot module as the weather station operates the module is um able to communicate each of those sensing dat each of uh those sensing data points individually so that it can be easily gathered and put onto the weather sensing dashboard that I showed you earlier with our weather sensor module being well suited for outdoor applications we're able to protect the conditions of the iot module to be ble to communicate that uh data successfully and clearly with our wireless technology um with our lpwa wireless technology as well as our goals to incorporate low Rock communication that can mean the module can transmit data very easily at a very low cost so certainly advantageous and not only um High uh high volume application such it's a smart city but also as we get into remote areas as well so in conclusion I threw a lot of data at you but omran Engineers are continuing to develop products well suited for Smart City and sensing applications our all-in-one weather station can help collect key data for industrial function as well as user safety installation of the hvc camera module can drastically reduce incidents of cars entering intersections with pedestrians up by up to 50% or even more uh and the iot mod module can connect sensors through various communication networks for streamline data sharing into the future as omon continues development on these products Engineers are always hard at work creating the next big thing I encourage you all to sign up for our component Insider where you can stay up toate on all of our advancements not only in sensing technology but our switches connect connectors relays and more so one last poll question before I send you off what further information can we provide you after this webinar would you like sampling would you like information on sampling the weather station testing the hvc module and oal software discussion on the iot module and its abilities or do you just want to be signed up for the newsletter and learn about whatever you can that we have to offer if there's even more please of course feel free to reach out to me my name is Carrie heran thank you once again uh if you'd like to reach out to learn a little bit more my emails k.h haran omron.com and any more information that you'd like to know about please feel free to visit our website at components. omron.com thank you very
much and David I'll turn it back to you thank you very much Carrie that was a great presentation I was especially that part about the data that was gained during the eclipse uh I got to see the full totality of the eclipse and that would have been very interesting to compare data from around the US with these weather stations definitely gonna go sign up for that component Insider too those are really interesting product lines you guys have thank you so we already have uh some great questions I just want to take a second to remind everybody that there's still plenty of time to submit the questions um that you might have that's over on the rightand side of your screen in that Q&A box so I think we should go ahead and get started on the first question that we've got today um so this first question says can you explain a little bit more about the initial deployments um if they have continued and if it's possible for other companies to get involved just kind of looking at a continuity of where those projects have gone from the start sure um so the main initial deployments of our weather station have actually happened in Japan uh we're working with a company that is deploying these stations for uh General spot weather data and they've Incorporated um I believe a few hundred different sensors across the island of Japan um so we are uh very happy with the results that we have seen from that the network that they have built um from all of these different weather stations that are down in uh tropical more tropical climates those are the more temperate climates colder areas um but we have seen a lot of very cool results and and very good data that's coming from uh the deployment of these weather stations uh this particular company is also looking for their expansion into South America and uh so that has also been very exci exciting a very different sort of climate for us to um try our stations out in and then across the us we have worked with uh a number of different uh companies on on testing out our station um we've uh actually we were um just recently we had someone hand back our weather station that had been out in the field for oh at least a year and uh you know it looked it obviously looked like it had been outside for quite a while but uh it was very interesting seeing how well it had performed in that time great and um so the next question actually is kind of a similar nature to that but moving towards the the face recognition camera setups the hcp2 what about the performance capabilities in harsh environments kind of brings to mind here you know some of the the the conditions that might be most important are things like when it's icy outside when when those when there's a lot of rain and so how what measures are being taken to ensure that those can stand up to harsh environments so uh I mean that's that's great and very important you know we've as as we've been looking to bring that over here our our first thought is you know being from Chicago you know how how's it going to be through our winter um so we have uh currently rated the hcp2 at about minus 20c um for temperature uh capability which is um you know getting about 10 Fahrenheit I believe um but as uh we've seen this uh need for the hcp2 getting into outdoor environments we've been doing some increasing testing in uh down to minus 40 um and seeing how well it is it is capable of performing in these environments um now we have seen positive results in being able to at least uh you know the cold is of course going to slow down any technology but still being able to survive in those conditions and and as it comes back into warmer warmer temperatures we have seen still positive results on how it's been performing um but we have also been looking into uh different ways of protecting it you know we don't want uh we want as little of the the chip set itself Exposed Of course uh while still having a clear line of sight onto the intersection to make sure that we're having things operating safely but um our team is currently working on uh the increased testing of of the camera module and how well it's performed in colder environments so um in short we're we're we're seeing it uh take a little bit more than uh we we thought it could handle and and and doing very well here but um also looking into uh the casing to protect it a little bit further so it doesn't have to necessarily experience the Direct effects of a harsh winter uh so the next question asks about whether the weather sensors are capable of running on sustainable power sources and I guess I might kind of expand that also to this this Vision system system too so actually I sorry did I were you saying something else no go ahead okay sorry uh um so actually yes we have um had the weather stations that we've had um set up and the and the hvc camera modules that we we've set up and as we've um deployed them out for for evaluation uh one particular user that we had uh that um working with our weather station out in um crop Fields um we saw their setup as on working on a pretty small little solar panel about 10 by 10 by eight inches or so um and we had the weather station running perfectly perfectly well on that um we also had uh in the earlier picture I showed of the um pedestrian Crossing signal um with the hvc P2 module all of that was was uh running through solar energy as well I believe that had a solar panel right on top of that um so yeah both of these are capable of running on sustainable power sources um you know certainly important with the weather station and it is a a pretty hefty device but um certainly in in what we've seen very capable of of running on um power sources that don't need that direct connection I know that can be difficult in remote areas yeah absolutely and especially considering that those the power sources themselves have to be able to withstand those harsh temperat and condition that we were talking about earlier oh yeah so the next question says what other products is Oman working on within the space of smart cities um So within um smart cities um I I will sort of pivot back into sort of energy management I mean that becomes a a very big component as we get into these smart cities we've seen um a lot of advancements in uh solar energy um being able to you know to advanced cities up to more sustainable energy practices um Energy Management Solutions uh EV charging capabilities we have a number of different Power relays that we have been um developing that work within that smart City space so um and and all across all of those different Industries so certainly a product that we have a a a whole lot of experience in um but as we are incorporating them into these um energy and Technology uh areas that is that is of course something to definitely consider um another one is um with our um uh non-c cont battery charging um we have uh a lot of developments in that we had uh done some developments with Bike Share applications in using the um contactless battery charging so uh another one that we are in development on for the Smart City space and very excited about great so um this qu this next question you kind of alluded to the answer earlier but maybe we could just kind of reiterate it a little bit because there's there's curiosity about that but with the hcp2 it's capturing image data and you mentioned a lot about privacy for for data you know obviously we want accessibility of data but we also want privacy for for people uh so what measures are being taken to ensure that privacy when it's Gathering images sure so um what the hvc P2 is it is you know capturing the image but it's not necessarily Gathering the image data the the the data that it's really capturing is the coordinates of you know where where they're seeing uh the face where they're seeing the body so um it is uh in a way you know it has to process the image to to take a look at the to take a look at the shape and understand um whether or not there is someone present in there um but with the camera module itself the there is not really a space for any um uh sort of processing memory to uh capture all of that image data um and and be able to um uh even hold on to that for for that extended period of time um so for example if I were to um walk in front of the um HV hvc module and in a recognize my face and I uh step out of the frame if I come back um unless I have physically taught it to recognize who I am um I would walk back and it would just sense just another shape of a face that that is in the frame um so there is uh uh not really an ability for the camera module to be able to capture save and and recognize un less uh directly um uh instructed and the next question is stays on the the subject of the cameras but it says for non Omron cameras if I have my own camera is it possible to run the ow software on it uh yes absolutely um our Oak house software is uh designed for the um uh the the Oka software is designed for the ability to work on any sort of of camera so if our hvc cp2 module was uh developed for um those who might not have their own camera module so just as an all-in-one solution that has all of the oal software embedded into the chipset um being able to use all the functionality at once um but the oak house software is actually something that can be very customizable to your specific solution so if you have a camera module and you're just looking for something that is um maybe detecting uh detecting the face or just detection detecting maybe where their eyes are looking in case you're trying to monitor where they might be paying attention um the oakal software can be packaged to um be very specific and have very specific functionality within uh your spefic application and within your camera module okay and the next question is uh it says does the the weather station product come pre-certified and I guess again kind of expand that question to talk about the hvc as well pre-certifications for these products so yes our our products of course uh come pre-certified um and that all that information we can certainly provide um as as you're get looking for more information on those products okay and we're kind of coming to the end of the questions here just want to again take a moment we have we have time for the audience if you have any other questions to submit those in the Q&A box over on the side of the screen and so our final question here says where can I find data sheetss for parts for the specs for various parts yeah so um all the data sheets and specifications for our parts can be certainly found on our website um our weather station not being officially released just yet um if you would like more info on it I encourage you to please reach out to me or reach out to your local rron rep um they'd certainly be able to get in contact and get you all of the right information you need on the um specific on the specifications the data sheets and any other info you need on any parts that you might be interested in do you know if there's a rough timeline on the release of that weather module uh we're looking we're looking into next year for it we do have you know of course as I said several that were deployed um so we're very close to having that uh final design but uh we're looking into next year for that weather station but any samples or any um uh devices that you're looking for to test with um we have the ability to have some produced for you and and get your project going underway that's great I will definitely I I think I'll be keeping an eye out for that kind of product release very exciting yeah it's great we're very excited about it as well Carrie well once again thank you for the the presentation all that great insights and for the discussion during the Q&A that was a a really great discussion that we had today thank you thank you and I also want to of course thank our audience for their participation today and in just a moment you will be redirected to omron's website where you can view more about the weather sensors so that you can get started on your own meteorology projects and you'll also be able to view this session on demand using the same link that you use to view this webinar so if you'd like to view it later or share it with somebody who was unable to make it today then you can share that link with them so that they can see it we thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing you at another live session again sometime soon
2025-01-24 13:17