Webinar April 2023: Improve your Management & Daily Workflow using Jumppl

Webinar April 2023: Improve your Management & Daily Workflow using Jumppl

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foreign thanks for joining guys and today I'll be going  through some new developements in jumppl and just   taking you through some workflows as well that  you can use for your agency and just   to manage your day-to-day work properly and  better. All right so the first of all let's start   with the inbox section. So what we've done is  there's a new inbox section in jumppl now where   you can you get all the activities of your  daily like you know whatever has been happening   and someone is assigning you tasks or someone's  commenting on the tasks you can just open up   here inbox and they'll show you what's been  happening throughout the day. We have   integrated the same inbox in the desktop  app as well so yeah so it's at the top here so   you can see everything that's happening over  here from from desktop app as well very easily   so that's the first thing that we that you  can use so let your team members know as well that   uh they if they want to see all the activities  for the day or like you know they just want to   catch up on what's been happening in the in  their account they can just go to inbox their   uh then what we're doing is uh okay the workload  View all right so uh this is pretty exciting so   next thing is a workflow worker view so uh  something really exciting in something that   we've been working on for a while to get this  right and uh show you uh so what happens is like   from a manager's point of view um you want to go  and allocate the tasks to everyone for the week   um what you do is you go to project and go to  assign tasks in the same tasks you can choose   the person that you want to plan the week for  and say example this is NX Martian now these are   all LX tasks that are assigned to them or the  whole like you know between the whole project   so this is one project this is uh there's  a few projects and as you can see it's been   assigned to a lot of tasks it gets really hard  to see the these are due dates for that it gets   really hard for you to manage that as a manager  so uh this is I'm really excited about this one   what we do is this a new section here called show  workflow you can come over here and this will give   you the person's weekly like you know schedule  what they're working on not just that what you   can do is you can actually drag and drop the task  from here and allocate these tasks and plan their   whole week this is like you know this is really  good for uh as a manager like you know I've been   wanting this for a while where I can visually see  that and I think we've we've nailed you nailed   this one uh now like you know I've been thinking  for a while like you know how to how to make this   work and I think this is a really good view so  what you do is like you know you go in you can   drag and drop so I'm gonna I've got a let's say  example I have [Music] um the week starts and   I know that I've got a few tasks for Visa but I  don't I don't know which one they're working on   so what you do is like this drag and drop here uh  and this really uh plan to be card for them and   they can just come here as well and they can click  on the task here and they'll know exactly what's   happening and like you know the task details and  where the task is located which project it is in   um everything to do with the task they can just  click here and then do them so this is this is a   really good Improvement I've been um trying to  figure we've been trying to figure it out for   a while but I think we've nailed this one now  so I've been using interest for the past couple   of weeks to carry out all my um uh or all the  planning for the week so this is really good now   uh what you can also do is uh there's another  view called view here and this this one what   you can do is you can come and select the group  that you want um for example I want to select   this group and create a workload so this will  create the workers for the whole uh the whole   team so you can select the so you can see like  uh Alex is being assigned to this task and you   wanna you can see the whole view for a group or  uh like for everyone or just just one group so   yeah so and then and the thing that you can click  on it and you can see their details as well from   here uh so really really helpful I hope you guys  enjoyed this one uh let me know if you have any   feedback but we're gonna keep improving these and  things like um adding tasks straight away see you   can add tasks to Innovation here if you double  click this one I think we have a feature where   um so but yeah we didn't find it we're going  to be refining these as well later all right   um so this was the new workflow review and the new  groups worker so this is the this is the group's   workload you can choose one single person as  well if you say like this you can choose a single   person as well and just hit create workload  and it will create the workload for uh this   will become the chart for that for that group and  obviously you can go next view next week and and   come back as well like this all right now uh you  might have seen uh the automation it's a mystery   listing with the system is automations uh you  might have seen the automation section over here   um if you haven't seen already then what you can  do is uh if you're the admin of the if you have   the admin you can click on this button and enable  the automations for your team and just by clicking   here and this will bring out the automations so  let's go to Automation and see how they look like   I so when you first enter you haven't got a rule  yet and it will say create a rule automations you   can do a few things automation you can for example  you have a particular workflow where if uh if a   new if a new task gets created in a project then  assign that task to someone else or if the status   of a task changes then ruination action on that  so these are the first uh work automation rules   that we've created I'll show you over here when  task status in Project [Music] in project uh   Sapphire changes to uh done so this is the action  uh so the trigger sorry trigger and what do you   want to action it all so select connection assign  the task to another team member and then when   you've done this just say save here and now it  will become a rule in your automation so you can   keep on doing this you can keep on creating  others as well same when a task is created   in the produce you get all the list of projects  uh when the task is created [Music] um copy the   task over to the copy the test task to another  project as well [Music] and yeah so we created   two rules here very easy to create and uh we're  gonna be extending these uh bit further afterwards   um so you can do actually a sequence of  automations in in a in a workflow let you   know in one group so that'll be really uh so  that's the next thing that we'll be working on   you can do this and this is a really helpful uh  someone asked us the other day like can we uh   can we create a task and that task gets created  in in a few different projects so they have a   they have a workflow where a few different clients  are doing the same thing and they just want to add   another task to main project in that case added  to a lot of other uh sites so you so this one   using this you can do that so you just need to  create a let's trigger a rule for each of the   projects like this this and then you can you can  do all of this so really helpful uh I think it's a   combine with our externally because we  haven't we haven't external API as well   um and the Integrations are there and obviously  we are on zapier as well Japan and integral map   you earn a few few platforms where you can do  automations so this is uh like you know this   is a start of a new uh a new workflow creation  which you can do with which I'm doing so yeah um   uh we are looking at uh another like you know  another we useful workflow would be if a new   project a new a new client comes in then create a  client portal for them and read the tasks for them   and all of that we're looking into doing that as  well all right so this just said that's that was   the automation automation part of the of the uh  topics now let's go to timesheets and attendance   uh now this is a really good uh Okay so  let me go into timesheets and then you know um I'm recording this webinar as well  so we'll post this on YouTube so you can   afterwards you can have a look at that in details   all right so timesheets and attendance so every  we find that like you know a lot of companies have   different ways they do they use time sheets  and attendance so some people don't like you   know some companies don't track even agencies  like you know they don't track the time at all   uh they just like you know um have a more open  relationship with their with their uh employees   and with the team some attractive tasks for  every like you know they take the time for every   um tasks that they do and you know they get  a list of tasks that are done every day and   something like this so what we wanted to do with  our timesheet section is make it really flexible   so all these different scenarios can be met  with with Chapman and I think we've done a   really good job of doing that what we do in  the settings section if you come to settings   um you get a bunch of options over here for the  time sheets so if you wanna if you want to track   the time uh start time and like you know I'm  going to just timer running right now and uh   so this is this will become like an entry in the  timesheet section an interview over here but if   you wanna if I don't wanna do that like if if  they just want to say uh check in and check out   and like you just want to see when the person  logged in and logged out that that's all then   then I would have like you know this section of  all of this section of this sections off so uh   we have Manchester United shows the running  time like this uh capture screenshots while   working this this is like going to another  another um uh extreme level of monitoring   um blog uses idle time so how much how long was  the keyboard and uh the mouse is not working like   you didn't move and stuff like that leave  management and all of this uh different   uh settings you can do from here and based on  this you cannot you can customize the workflow   to your own image um now having said that  um and we have a very open relationship with   our with our employees as well we don't  track the time too much and and and uh   we'll let's just put more of our trust  basis uh but having said that what you do is   in the timesheet section uh this is a really good  workflow that I wanted to tell everyone about is   what you can do is like you can attach you can  start a timer or you will not start time or just   just like you know uh have one interval going  here and within this timer what you can do is   you can keep adding tasks so say example I have  uh this uh John has been working for five hours   uh and this is the this is the time period of  depths happening right now now which tasks did you   work on on this uh in this uh in this five hour  what you can do uh and this is I haven't seen this   overflow in any other tools like in the platform  but what you can do is you can actually go to   the uh let's close the project list you can  go to any task and attach the time stream   so I'll go here I'll just say uh [Music]  so what I can do is I can go to this task   and I can say you've got time breaking  and when I press this it'll say a timer   is running already you want to attach it attach  the timer I say yes uh and now what happens is   um these tasks are getting attached to  my time internal which is really useful   because then in a single go you can see what  um John has been working on um and you get a   list of all of this I'll just show you I'll just  attach three tasks uh go back to the timesheets now you can see in this interval uh there  are three tasks attached to attach the person   now imagine and if you click this  you'll see that these two tasks   were here now imagine your your team is working on um well this is like you know for today's  timesheet and you can see you can have get   the live view of what everyone is working  on or what I what everyone has worked on so   this this like you know uh example like  click on there and I can see data this I think it's very useful to see that because then  rather than having like you know going to your   um staff and saying oh you want to be working on  this and that like you know you know all just back   and forth you can get live view of what they're  working on um and it doesn't have to be like   controlled or like they can still have to start  the timer and stop the timer they can just log   a log an entry here and then say I've worked on  these tasks um and one of the thing is like you   can actually download this stuff so you can say  uh downloads and include task just click here   and uh you'll get a whole view of what they've  been working on so Ramadan worked on these tasks   from the project this duration and so on and  at the start time and time and all of this   um some of our some of our like companies that  have like 10 to 20 or even 30 people working   uh people are on the platform they actually  practice and then they send this to the client   so it's a really easy way of of saying if they're  building the client for for their resource then   they'll just continue to do that and imagine  that happening for the whole week um this makes   it really really easy for the clients as well as  to make it keep transparency going and to show   them what what everyone's been working on and  this is a really good we we don't uh use this   entirely like this internally uh but a lot of our  customers are doing this and they're pretty happy   with like you know because it uh apart from being  transparent as well they both decide like because   the employees and the manager knows exactly what's  happening um so that that becomes like a really   transparent uh World flow signal and the client  as well obviously all right so that's what's that   covers uh the timesheets and the attendance um  uh side of things and what I want to show there   um now let's come to the desktop app it features  the desktop app and uh so the desktop app okay we've got a few more people joining in and  you can ask questions as well as we go along and   I'll try to answer um I can all right so uh  when Japan as a whole is divided into three   interfaces we call it interfacing so one  is a desktop app this is the desktop app   uh which you can download on your on your desktop  for Windows uh Linux and Mac uh this is the uh we   that's the most used app in our in our business  because it you know we use it for chatting as well   as having tasks and stuff like that then we have  the internet portal so this is the internal portal   on app.jumppl.com this is where all your team uh  all your team is and you can do all the settings  

from here and project and then the third is the  client portal I'm sure you're aware of your client   portal which can be white labeled and it can you  can host it on your own on your own platform on   your own subdomain so this becomes like you know  a front-end uh facing for your client because I've been running an agency for about 12 13 years  and the thing is the clients really want to come   to your main portal because it's so much uh it has  too much information right and they just want to   come and they just want to see exactly what what's  going on or like you know a really streamlined   view uh and then they just want to uh or they  want to create a task or something and then   they don't have too much time you don't  have to spend too much time on them so   this inclined portal is a really  extreme line process you can   uh with all this tabs at the top you can  actually uh as you know like you know you can   customize these and you can choose which ones  you want and which ones you don't want uh okay   so what's a couple of I'll show you a couple of  nice features on the client portal that you can   use for your clients um now one is definitely the  job request so job request is I think this will   be uh this will become a norm in the near future  for all the uh for all the agencies uh right now   so job request for what are job requests so for  example your client wants to create a campaign   how do you do that you send them uh sometimes they  email you sometimes you send them a form uh and if   you say example they're emailing you that it gets  cluttered and um all the information get started   if they're sending it to chat obviously that all  that information gets created as well how do you   translate that to your own team and and and and  communicate back to the client and it's all it   all becomes a really a big myth uh especially  for agencies for example we're running monthly   campaigns or or weekly campaigns um and there  are multiple ones multiple campaigns happening so how do you manage that uh you can create a  Google form or like you know some people use   one form and other stuff but I think with the  forms is they don't once it's once it's created   now the client doesn't get an update on on what's  been happening on that the clarity if client has   some changes to do they they can't do that because  they don't have a login or they can't go anywhere   to update that and that's where the job request  form the client portal and job plus form coming in   where you can actually create a set of a set  of types of job requests that the client can   create and then the client comes and does that  and there's a form involved uh with each job   I'll show you an example let's say example uh  Let's uh let's quickly actually let's quickly   create one so you go the client wants to create a  a job request and this can be anything like paid   paid a paid ad or content creation or a Blog  article if they do that and you can link it up   with sub requests as well and based on on all  this information uh there can be a custom form   that that can come out of this and it's really  easy to set up that it's like you know takes   takes a takes like less than 10 to 15 minutes  to create to create a form link to this as well   and when the client creates this this uh job  request they created and this actually becomes   they get a list of all the ones that they've  created like this and this actually becomes a task   in the relevant folder so you link it up with the  phone with it with the project and this becomes   the task in the project so your team internal  team gets this request they know exactly like   if the client knows exactly what the status of it  is the in in the entirely I'll show you give you   examples this one uh is preparing the test query  environment this one is within the main project um to the product overview yeah so we did the product overview you go here  and that's the that's the project that's been   linked to this uh this job request so this job  requests uh a link to this one and now what we   do is we go to uh and this these are all job  requests that are coming from the client and and when the status is updated they will  get get updated they say they can come in   and they can see that that something if  they want to communicate on this I'd like   you in the team they can do that as well  so they can actually come and they can uh comment on this comment here or attach files or  whatever they want to do and uh yes [Music] and   this actually goes to the internal team and the  inside inside the project and they can see uh the   tasks here and they can see the task detail first  of all they can see all the task details [Music]   and then they can communicate with the client on  that and the workflow flows pretty easily so this   is the uh this is a custom form that they created  okay I'll show you um these are all the form um so this actually is if you create a new request  let's say per W I say create and this is the   form that we created and the form is based on the  custom fields of this project so this is a project   called bird overview and which has a few custom  fields for each class uh CD level custom fields   and this will appear when the client is making the  filling out the form for the request now all this   information goes to the uh the internal internally  you go and you assign this task to anyone   and they can see all the information uh  relating to them and pretty easy so if   you want to if for if at the end if you attach  your file they'll do that and change the status   this way this way the client doesn't have to go  to the emails and um or like you know fill out the   forms and not not know what's happening with that  this has we found like once the client get creates   a couple of them they really get used to it and  we've been at this has been like you know a very   popular uh workflow with the client especially  because they know exactly what's happening they   can they can they Implement they can talk to  the team and they know exactly what's happening   uh right so I think I think this will be a really  good a really popular uh workflow in the very near   future we just have to educate uh our users in in  the industry as well on how to uh use this player   or or get a hang of it but the clients are  absolutely loving it because what happens   is uh internally the management your  management becomes really easy because   these are all the different clients and uh  you can create like you can create this uh you can link to this project to all different  clients and these job requests will be coming from   all over the place like all every client or every  uh sorry fifth share on reporter so it actually   is these are all coming from different client  portals and internally you have to worry about   where it's coming from you just have to the team  has to deliver this and and the workflow goes on   um and it has helped automate a lot of stuff for  uh for a few of our clients one of the companies   that is using it they they have uh small offices  so they don't use it with the client but they have   all offices all around Australia two or three  people offices uh about like 30 or 40 of them   and all their requests come through come through  this system so they have a client portal for each   one of those offices and they use the same the  same one and the internal team keeps delivering   uh work for them let's quickly see if there's  any questions um no 100 I think uh q a [Music]   yep no no question if you have any questions feel   free to send them and I will kind  of answer answer them all right um okay so this colors are  uh next topic that was um okay so I think I jumped over this one  I went to job request and updates in   Timeline my frame okay so why haven't client  portal I'll explain a few others uh things so   and I think that's really good in  the client model is you can create   um so so a few things you can do with the you  can uh do the job request only you can link all   the projects to the to the client you can have you  can share all the folder like files and everything   all the folders in there for the client in  the client boardroom you can do an invoicing   um you can actually do iframes so this is iframes  is really good so another very useful thing in the   iframes where you can host a few different iframes  and create each one of them a different tab for the clients for example this is this is I'm  just giving example of a newsletter so mean there   is there but you can do stuff like you so you can  share Google Docs you can share presentations uh   you can actually share analytics as well so you  can host like um Google analytics the whole page   here so they don't have to go and and that's for  each of the client you can do it differently and   new so you can just logs in and they go on  and they they see exactly what they have to   see and then and then uh it it stops from  like you know uh sending them reports and   everything while they can just log in here and  they can they can see see it everything over here   another good good thing is the update so what you  can do is like you can create and update for the   clients uh from here you can post updates  you can actually you can also link the uh   link tasks as well so I'll just show you  you know when I go and select delete stuff   please shoot up I there's a menu at  the bottom you can see over here flat   button post entertainment we do this post in  client button and uh let's uh okay update um and the telephone name is acting company it would  say um we will we will work on these tasks or just   and I'll say happy camping and I said they've  mentioned the three tasks that I've attached below   and I said create post and and what happened  is this will compare if I have in refresh   and then the client logs in  uh they'll be able to see them so the client logged in and they can they can  see um in my post plus all the tasks as well   that I mentioned so they can just click here  and the details appear over here as well so   like you can do that yeah as an example you can  say the listed bunch of tasks and say we're going   to be doing this this month or this week and  the status will change as you change the the   task status from internally uh now this is  a really good way as you can see like you   know for for updates and all this this is save  you a lot of time to having to tell the client   within like you know a couple of minutes  I can I can post a report on this and yeah   very easy to uh when you attach the task over  here as well um I'm sure people who have uh   given the brief for the client they appreciate  how how easy this was and how uh how much you   can help them as well so so a few things you  can do with the client portal there and uh   we're adding a few more we're concentrating a  lot on the job request because I think this has   a really big feature and I think uh it can really  streamline the client communication uh and the   internal team communication um a lot in the in  the next like you know uh six months to a year   um we're adding more features to this plus  we're adding a few more other things to the   clamping group and I think I'll I'll create I'll  have another webinar just for the client portal   um because it has we have a lot to cover uh  there's a lot of stuff we can do with the   client portal and I think um and we're finding  like even the stuff that you didn't imagine some   of our customers are creating um creating  workflows that that we we didn't imagine as   well and that they're creating by themselves  all right you have a question let's see uh yes so uh very easy uh what you can do is uh   an email goes out to The Client very easily  image it goes out to the client and they can   um reply to that email and it'll it'll come in  their comments as well so this uh we work you on   the reply reply part at the moment and it should  be live next week um where very simply you can the email goes out for for this part for  email goes out for a job request as well so   the client will be attacked like the client uh  if you're looking here right so these are the   people who are in the client model if the client  was involved there then they'll get this email   right hope that answers the question all  right next let's keep going uh [Music] let's come to the uh next okay  so we have another question   let's answer this thing if it's on the same topic all right okay sure so I'll uh I'll  show you how to set this section so   yeah I should have mentioned that um no if I could  you so this is in your internal Hotel I should okay so inside your entire report will you  get it you'll have a tab over here called uh   you'll have a tab over here called sign  portals I go over to the time photos over here uh you can do everything to do with  the client portal what happens is you can add a   client portal here and you name this uh and you  can involve invite your own members or invite   the client um if the client  is already on your platform   then you can add them to the new portal otherwise  just send them a link uh when this created uh so   next you can create um these Dash you can select  the items that you want included in the client   model link the project to it next example I  added product or overviews and this is the one   uh and there's a few settings over here and I  and in the I think in the next webinar I'll go   through all the settings that we have because  there's a few of them there's like you know   you can customize it to to few things uh this is  the one with the feed and you can change the name   of the tab so this changes the name of the tab  okay so the example uh over here you can see one in the client model you don't have  this tablet here so you can change   you can name them all differently uh  easily from here so I change the name   to updates and that's it you create that  client problem and it will become [Music]   a quarter like this and so you can see there's  a few portals they all matched to this one they're all matched to there and yeah you can  do that simply hope that answers the questions uh but you can play around with the client  portal and you'll find a few things you can   do with that again I think I think this  is definitely a topic for another webinar   so let's just let me honest let's just post  it for the client building just for the time   all right okay let's move forward uh with uh new features in desktopath all right so this  is the latest version that I'm using for the   desktop app it is version 1.3.1 it hasn't been  released yet and it's coming out probably uh   next week early next week uh or maybe even less  leadership testing on it uh just this alone this   version alone has over 30 improvements  that we've done um on on the platform   so the desktop app is a completely different  platform from this from the internal portal   and why we've done this is it's because if  you're using like you know if you if you use   normally what you do is like you use slack and  then you use teams or you use project management   differently the workflow is uh the interfaces  are different for each for each platform   now that's why we wanted to create a totally  different desktop app that the the interface is   suited for chat and suited for really to do really  quick stuff let's say example I I have tagged this   project over here I can just quickly jump to that  project by simply click clicking here uh or I want   to start my and because it's a desktop app it has  a lot of capabilities as well a lot of external   capabilities for example the screen recorder so  I can create a video and share it with my team   reducing a lot of time for meetings and stuff like  that so is it is I'm getting a video right now   and when I'm done I'll just talk stop the video  copy the link just answer it to someone or I can   just send the video to Someone Like This  or what I normally do is I copy the copy   the URL and on the brow if I want to send  it to someone I'll just put in the browser   and it will open up in a new window which is like  you might have used like really hard or Loom or   stuff like that that's all built in within Jumppl  um take it if and and you know you're saving like   10 to 20 dollars a user for for this one just  just by just this feature here um I'll show you   another uh Next Level to that but uh let me let  me see through this so these are all the videos   here and you can see the number of views as well  and if you want to come to that later and copy   the link you can copy the link and then send  it to someone so all the videos are over here   now in this version in this in this the topology  1.3.1 what we've added is the ability to uh attach   a video to uh to a task straight away okay so  this is this is why we created the rest of apps   so there's no boundaries of what we can do uh  now you go ahead and just say screen recording   and I want to explain my my teammate what  to do and I can just create a video and   and send and whatever even send it will get  attached straight away to that I'll show you   this one now now it's recording you're recording  recording and when it's done I'll just need uh [Music]   uh I just attached the task to test it to top  to the top and there it is so in in the web   uh and even our audio as well so if I don't  wanna do a screen recording I can I can do an   audio as well and I I'll again record this and  attach this to the uh record this and attach   this to the class straight away so this is a  really like nice feature that I always wanted   in Jungle and uh there you have it so you can  do that other stuff is what you can do is uh on this one so this I can see a small bug here  that's why we haven't released it yet but we   will take care of this um okay so I can restart  the and restart the desktop app from this family   issues we just restarted and it it's all uh  it all goes back to normal all right so in uh   a few other things that we've added the example  is and you might have seen this before if I wanna   this is a really good workflow that that I really  like you know if I want to create a document uh   then I want to work on so this is a note or  file and just say notes and I'll just save it   and I can attach this uh put this in a folder  straight away uh right now I can actually go to   go here and just pin in this and when you pin  it it becomes available over here uh Within   the top pins now I can have several of them here  and I can just go and edit them straight away here   and you also get collaborative editing so if  there's a few just like up to three people   can simultaneously edit this as well so it's  really good for uh for working with your your   emergency assistance or or other team members as  well on on content writing and stuff like that   um you just save it and I'll save it uh  just pictures available here and like yeah   pretty simple way of creating a document and  sharing it with them the new uh desktop app also   has this inbox section as well it's already the  same inbox section as the one in in the web portal   and heaps of other stuff as well I'm sure I'm  just saying a few but there's other others just   a little time sheets and workloads and we try  to bring the workload the same workload over   here as well where uh you get all the tasks  from that from the prison and this example   here uh yeah they'll get all the all the tasks  listed so they don't have to go in anywhere else   you can still see all the tasks over here all  right uh now let's move on to the next topic   so screen recording and new  features that's done but we   have we don't have too much time left  now but I'll just quickly go through   um service code mostly all these topics here if  you have any questions feel free to ask as we go   now let's cut uh well at the end you just  want to see what's coming in jumppl and uh   and obviously the big question strategy  PT and AI Integrations everyone's yeah   everyone's been looking into this we have also  uh started the Integrations already and [Music]   and we're happy to take any suggestions from  you guys like how how we can integrate it   integrate these things not just chat GPD  but other AI platforms as well um and how   to make the platform much better obviously the  automations are there uh as like you know uh   automations are there given where we can link  it up to all the other platforms and like the uh   using chat GPT it makes it really easy to for  the system to understand what you're trying to   do and then and do that but apart from that like  you know we've also looked at uh child supports   um on the client portal like you know automating  those as well where you where the where the   system knows exactly what's happening see with  jumppl the whole Vision with creating Japan was   to bring all of your all of your data from all  of your former projects chat plus uh tasks plus   files and everything in one place that becomes  a really good and a great tool for to optimize   like things like uh AI or top AI on top of that  because AI is served with data right and like the   better size the more uh AI gets powerful and when  you're when you're dealing with a project and you   have all the information inside one place um say  example you're you're not you're not talking to   your client on Skype and then doing the project  somewhere else and then doing the email somewhere   else and so if we if we are able to make this  all happen in one place with with uh with jumppl   this will open a lot of a lot of possibilities  for the how to how to uh get the summaries out   of it and how to how the AI understands what's  happening on the project which which can like   you know in the future predict what's going to  happen next example you've got a uh every every   week uh key dates of the year you have campaigns  happening right and the next if you set it up   from one month one year then the next year it sort  of generates those by by themselves and and what   not like you know there's a lot of possibilities  happening I have been looking at AI for a while   um and that's something that we we're gonna be  using a lot in our roadmap I'm really open to   all sessions that you guys can give to make  it better we also in trying to [Music] um   so so there's like a bunch of dozens and hundreds  of products coming out of uh of uh uh of the GPD   like the extensions of chat GPD and we came  to uh integrate them as well within jumppl   I know people get scared of like the AI but it's  a reality like you know you either embrace it or   like you know you get left behind them and  that's the sort of thing that I have uh uh   um I've contributed to that like so we have to  we have to really accept that um it's not going   away so it won't be like you know it it won't be  there anymore so you have to like like in coding   as well like you know so we've got um co-pilot  Microsoft co-pilot coming out GitHub co-pilot   so the code is feeling much easier to write uh  a special intervention between here for human   as well because we have to make sure everything is  right but it makes it making it's giving you a lot   it's increasing your productivity so we have to  probably eventually uh start using that okay so um updates [Music] all right so yeah so I understand that will  be automated um okay we don't have a way of   doing it right now I would name it mail to B  to send every 30 to 60 minutes okay uh we can   look at generating that but is it will it be  based on the activity that's been happening or   um what do you think it'll be based on and uh we  can definitely look into that like you know so   and if that's relating to AI you're right about  that as well where you know we can uh generate   automated emails and other reports and stuff like  that uh the first thing that we're going to do   okay so that's the first thing that we want to do  with jet GPD is your your weekly report that goes   out to every uh all of our managers uh customers  who are managers that will be uh that will have   translation for chat GPT and that's coming out  in two weeks time so this is the next Sprint that   we're doing very simple uh we already sending  a few highlights of the week and we'll send uh   we'll send this as well like there so a summary of  what's been happening uh for the project for that   okay apart from that uh the road uh so just uh  yeah so apart from GPT and uh things AI uh we have   a new designs as well coming I'll show you the new  design so there's been working on uh getting some   new designs for example so this is something of  what it looks like there's a few screens as well   uh they're coming out but this is the layout  you can see the top part is a bit different and navigation is a bit different so we'll be  working on creating new designs that'll improve   and obviously for the client mode level as well  we're able to make the clipboard really shine out   so you can present to the client easily um and so  yeah a few things coming out through the design   one of you we've uh in this inter iteration of  design we'll try to make everything consistent   because I think we uh we are uh lagging a bit  on design on making things consistent that's one   of the reasons is because we're we're creating  stuff so fast that um the design team uh can't   follow the developers keep on keep on putting  in new features and we're not able to uh keep   the designs as consistent um but what we've  done what we've done right now I think I am   really like you know really really loving where  we are at the moment where a lot of the features   have been finalized a lot of things are coming  along and we can take a sort of a break on the   development side of new features but in include  uh include like uh design consistency and also uh   work on the on making the features stronger that  we already have so that will give the that will   be happening for the next month or two um and in  the meantime this is a really good time where we   can make the design consistent consistent for  the whole platform and so we have got a new uh   make sure you we're working on a new exam  guide uh so here somewhere I think well   maybe not here yeah so yeah we have  a new style guide coming which will   make sure that all the design from  across the platform is consistent   um apart from that um the roadmap is  from the mixed uh two to three months is   definitely uh improving and putting in chat  GPT but AI functions in inside the platform   um improving that'll make the work easier  for the manager especially and uh the clients   obviously like you know and then make the  make the whole business more efficient   um so that's one thing the roadmap the  another roadmap in the CRM and Integrations   integration we already have a lot  of integration we haven't documented   um my fault mostly is we haven't documented the  Integrations um on the pages but we have heaps   and heaps of Integrations already in there like  Shopify you can you can create if we would link to   Shopify we link to GitHub uh we link to um oh yeah  [Music] in Gmail so okay so I'll tell you I'll   tell you what we're working one of the things that  we're working on that I'm really excited about is um I can go to the CRM okay so CRM uh is already  working and not not not I'm totally refined   but what we what we're working on is a Gmail  inter uh integration with the with the contacts   so uh we have we're almost done with the Gmail  like you know I mean the fetching the email if   if the person is on the contact list um then to  fetch their email and put this in the timeline   for the for that for that contact so in the CIS  how CM works is uh you create an organization uh   so this you create an organization on the  customer and then you add contacts to it   the contacts are people uh that can be on  your client portal as well or they they don't   have to be on the client mode and so it's all  interconnected with the client portal or Gmail   and CRM so it will become uh sort of so all  the men all the communication with the client   um who can be handled through through jumppl  so that's that's our that's our like you   know vision for the CRM where it can get uh  it'll make client communication much easier   um and with achievement integration you can you  can set uh we'll you can set the email email that   you want to interact with within Gmail say that  an email address and all the interaction with   that will go on for for the CRM and also linking  to the tasks as well for example you want to um um comment is coming from a client and you  want to attach that to a task somewhere   you can do that uh that that's coming the  roadmap that's obviously in the road now   uh we have a couple of Integrations with and  also WhatsApp as well yeah so WhatsApp is a is   a lot of customers obviously using WhatsApp for  businesses and for for business communication and   we want to integrate uh WhatsApp with jumppl  as well uh so the client communication can be   smoothed out a bit if you've used a Jumppl's  mobile app what maybe we haven't mentioned   then we should document all this is you can  actually send if you get a message on WhatsApp   you can actually forward it to jumppl chat as  well I just have to go and like you select uh   example from from the apps and then it focuses  to the relevant to whichever group or person you   want to do do it and even files as well they  you can you can transfer the files like that   okay so I think we're coming to an R uh and uh  We've Spoken a lot about uh the new features   and everything if you have I hope this has  been um informative session um I would have   liked to do it a bit more uh in detail as well  but we'll have we'll keep having this webinars   um as we go along one thing I want to mention  is if you want to contact me on Whatsapp or   on mobile just do this on here six one four  two one two seven five three five feel free   to message me anytime of the day or night and  I'll try to answer uh whenever after as soon   as I can alright so this is my phone number and  you can you can save it send me any or send me a   message and let's keep talking on WhatsApp or  as much as we can because the more feedback I   get from you guys the more we can improve jumppl  and make sure that we are building features that   are most relevant and they're most helpful for  you I've got a lot of um iron and app agency as   well so I've got a lot of uh talks about which  features we can build and we want to build but   it's obviously um you can decide like you know  which which are more important all right take a   look guys have a good uh weekend coming up against  coming up have a good weekend and stay in touch   and we'll let you know about the next webinar  soon and if you have any questions just email   me uh and I'll write my email address example.com  uh just email me or uh WhatsApp me and we can say   that all right okay thanks a lot guys thanks for  questions Marco and talk to you guys soon bye

2023-05-03 12:23

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