Weak Men Create Hard Times - Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, @Mark Moss

Weak Men Create Hard Times - Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, @Mark Moss

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this is the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money here's robert kiyosaki good morning good morning good morning russian radio show good news and bad news about money we broadcast from beautiful old town scottsdale arizona whereas either heaven or hell and right now it's bordering on hill it's hot as hell but anyway as i say it's a dry heat and uh we have a very very special guest kind of an old friend today all friends are like two years old because it's changing so fast and friends change so fast today and we were with mark moss with our other old friend george gammon at georgia's event in miami which for me was a transformational event i mean i i completely changed my book capital's manifesto so it was a magical event zara was there kim and i were there and all this and it's really nice for me personally to be the old guy listening to young guys and it's nice to see because the old guys are screwed and it comes the young guys are smart let me tell you that um at george's conference um mark i understood a lot of your presentation there were some that were just so over my head with graphs and charts and talking 10 miles an hour but it definitely brought up a ton of questions and a ton of what i don't know and what i need to know so this can be fun we have mark in studio with us which is great we're going to talk about market cycles which i don't know how you i'm going to i'm here as a student today because i don't know how you figure out these market cycles today but we're going to learn from from mark and from robert and i'll be the translator for if the jargon gets too complicated i'll be the one that jumps in all right now as much as i really despise censorship by youtube and all that it does a lot of good so i'll just say that before they censor us so mark give us a million background please besides living in puerto rico yeah so i'm uh from from southern california but i'm temporarily in puerto rico inside joke well you gotta explain why we're living in puerto rico because guys like schiff and maloney and who else dent and all those guys live in puerto rico but if you're like trump and me we're real estate investors we don't pay taxes so everybody moves to puerto rico to avoid taxes but really real estate investors don't pay taxes anyway so that's part of capitalism so that's what we're giving everybody who live in puerto rico grief because we have to give people grief otherwise they don't know where they are okay so yeah you called me out from stage i think three times uh on that on that so i called my tax guy as soon as i got home i said figure this out we're making a switch good well look at it figure it out how do you make a lot of money and pay no taxes that's the rich dad way exactly exactly so of course legally legally legally legally of course yeah so um anyway first thanks for saying the smart guys are the young guys today because i've learned so much from you so i'm just picking it up and trying to carry the torch and try to make difficult subjects very easy to understand so people have actual information well i think i say that as the younger people are more aware of what i was talking about back in the 70s i said there was something wrong when nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in 71. i knew something was going to radically get screwed so but nobody could understand it and so my generation the boomers you know we've been we bought we drank the kool-aid all i needed was a 401k and the 401k came out in 74 which i thought was interesting and basically that was you know you think homelessness is a big problem today the next round of homeless will be boom baby boomers yeah because they'll run out of retirement money and then the fed will probably have to print more so anyway that's kind of my dismal forecast but for people who are aware you can prepare for it so that's why i really really enjoyed what you were saying on stage at george gammon's event because the younger guys are more aware than the old guys would you say that no i don't have them okay so i won't be able to join in okay okay anyway so that's how i see it so you guys are much more aware where the old guys like the boomers are still on fantasia land yeah so so mark give us a little bit about your background how did you get into all this yeah so i was um a real estate investor i was an entrepreneur real estate investor and had figured out how to make a lot of money i did really well for myself um from like 95 to 2005 started buying bank repos out of the out of the crash of 89 to 92 so 95 i was like 18 years old started buying bank repos um your book really kind of expanded my mind and helped me think differently i had a couple of businesses fortune 500 exits you know 25 million in real estate development but when 2008 came i got hit really really really hard you didn't pay attention to the repo market that's fine yeah and uh you know mike tyson says everyone has a plan to get punched in the face i got more than punched in the face i got knocked out and so a lot of people did boy a lot of people did and it made me it made me go shoot i'm pretty good at making money but like i don't understand this whole financial casino thing going on right and so then i realized it was a lack of my own education and that's where i had to dig in so that kind of changed everything for me and i just spent all my time figuring this out being kind of competitive i learned this key concept that money doesn't disappear it's like it's like energy it doesn't disappear it transfers so when i lost my wealth somebody got my wealth correct and that didn't that didn't sit well with me like ah me neither and i vowed to never let that happen again and as a matter of fact to be on the receiving end of wealth transfers and so for 12 years i've studied wealth transfers um about six years ago i started writing a financial newsletter making videos and so i've kind of been an educator maybe now for the last five six years and so i'm on youtube in a podcast and so i think it's important to learn to do it and then teach it and it's been really helpful for me i love that the resilience i mean you lost a ton of money and most people would go crying and i'm a victim and all of this but it was a great wake-up call and you took advantage of it well i grew up in southern california doing extreme sports i grew up raising dirt bikes and i broke every bone in my body pretty much i have metal in four of my limbs and so i'm used to just kind of dusting myself off and doing it again so maybe that helped me a little bit god almighty anyway so what we're going to talk about today besides everything well i wanted to talk about um three different angles three different revolutionary cycles that we can see that are converging and we look at them from different angles from like a political structure from a technological angle and from a financial angle and the reason why it's important to look at them from those three angles is because like with financial indicators like the repo market just that indicator by itself isn't conclusive we want to look at bunch of indicators to see which way they point but we also want to expand past financial let's look at the other areas because solutions come to problems things are reactive cycles are reactive and so what happens in the political social area pushes like technological and then that drives financial and so i think a lot of people are looking for financial answers what comes next will the dollar remain the reserve currency will it be the yuan will it be an sdr will it be whatever but they're looking at it from only a financial angle and without understanding the technological side or the political side they can't really get to the answer and there's one more thing is the media side sure because the media today is completely biased definitely you know so that's the real danger today so that's why we've got to be careful what we say here at rich said constantly because we just had eric trump here they took us off we said nothing political really just because they named trump they took us off it's amazing it's really amazing so what do you see with these three cycles of these three yeah so um if we start from like the political social side of things we can see that there's um the world's in turmoil right the world's breaking apart it's pretty easy to see that and so there's kind of two cycles within that that we look at and so one there's like an 84 like populist uprising or regime change cycle so 84 years ago was world war ii and hitler and and mussolini and even um fdr changed the united states into with the new deal kind of into like a socialist type nation um 84 years before that was karl marx wrote the communist manifesto not not the capitalist manifesto but the communist manifesto which then led to the european spring which is the largest european revolution three 84-year cycles equals a 252-year cycle which is a revolution cycle so 250 years ago was the american revolution the french revolution the birth of democracy capitalism et cetera 250 years before that was the protestant reformation wow what's important and what's really important about those two things those 250 year and 500 year cycles is they were both representing rejecting globalism or centralization and moving to decentralization oh okay that's the key piece so in the in the protestant reformation the church the catholic church and the and the government were together and there was only one way to god right through this central control but the people interesting point 70 years later earlier had gotten the printing press they had gotten the bible they learned that i don't need a central control i can go decentralized now i can have an independent path 250 years ago same thing rejecting the the monarchy rejecting you know the the established government in europe and they created a decentralized government they're giving me hope here that we're 250 years and we're going to have there's a lot of hope this rejecting of globalization this is a message of hope this is good it's a message of hope and so 250 years ago they rejected the centralization of the monarchy and the united states was set up as a republic which is a decentralized government and so history is kind of littered with stories of governments getting too oppressive being overthrown freedom become too oppressive and overthrown and so there's these 250 year cycle so right now we're at a 84 year and the 250 years converging right now now a couple key pieces that are really is that 2020 or 20. yeah so you know the weather has you know we have like summer spring winter fall but it and even though maybe on the calendar we have the day that it changes the spring but it doesn't mean the weather changes that exactly i know so i just want to give people a reference point today where we're talking about because the good thing about what we're doing today goes evergreen so 252 years from 1776. so we're right about now all this is converted it's all going to happen this decade one more question because it's really popular it's the fourth turning how does that fit in the whole thing yeah so the fourth turning is uh 80-year cycles and there's four go ahead there's four 20-year cycles within that 80-year cycle and that's a that's another key piece that's in part of my research correct and again it's reactive so they say that hard times bring strong men strong men bring great times great times bring weak men and weak men bring bad times but the bad times bring the strong men again so it's like a cycle and it's reactive um and we can see that today we have these bad times with weak men who are literally living off of the wealth that was created two generations before them so academia and politics these people have no reality because they've never produced they're living off wealth of the past and so they're produced i just wrote this in capitalism faster which comes out soon i mona who was kind of my conscience when i'm writing because i was writing what what mark said about women it wasn't flattering so she says you better change that because you don't want to upset the women okay we change it so the thing that kim always said there's three kinds of men in the world bad boys nice guys and wimps so in in manifesto i said is trump a bad boy nice guy in wimp or wimp and is biting a bad boy nice guy or wimp and i think that's the kind of what you're saying right now we had a shift from the bad boy to either a nice guy or a wimp yeah but but the generation second generation third-generation wealth have never produced and what we're seeing in the us and around the world is there's no product the production is diminished dramatically and they just keep printing money not just that but they're making policy um in academia think tanks but also through government they're making policy that are not grounded in reality no so they've never produced so they're making these laws like ao so i'm in puerto rico last week when i was there three out of four days i got you know to be with no power for four or five hours a day that's pretty cool um and aoc was actually there um giving a talk and they want to shut down the coal plant that produces 20 of the island's electricity 20 percent and she says oh um we got reports that said this won't limit the amount or won't impact the amount of electricity we have and it won't raise rates it's 20 percent of the power that's that's not reality right so they they they have no reality as to what i want to say one thing rich dad does its best not to be political or anything like this we don't make recommendations we don't say buy this do that or vote for this but aoc is one of the characters popping up today in society i mean she claims to be a poor girl but she wasn't a poor girl yeah you know what i mean and she was a barista and all that but she went through making from from working on tips to 180 174 dollars a year with a huge staff that cost millions of dollars yeah 174 000 a year with a staff that cost the taxpayer money and she's still claiming to be a poor girl from puerto rico right i'm going you got to be kidding me are people that stupid they can't see what's going on so i'm not against aoc i just don't like the rhetoric well it's not reality as you say mark it's not reality so we have like natural law like gravity high gravity is a natural law with enough money in technology we could suspend gravity temporarily but we're always going to have to come back to that and so the another natural law is that you must sow before you reap you must produce before you consume that's a natural law so we can get away with consuming without production for a while but eventually we have to go back to producing first okay so what we're going to do is we'll hold it with there we're talking to mark moss he's again we've been an old friend for now two years we've been you know we cooperate on our youtube things and share information and ideas that our schools will never teach us never just know because things are changing so we come back we'll be asking mark what he sees coming with the conversions of our technology what else and and financial financial and political social and political and social this is a big convergence we'll be right back welcome back robert here a second the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money you can listen to the rich dad radio program anytime anywhere on itunes android or youtube as long as they don't take us off and all of our programs are archived at richdadradio.com

we archive them because we don't sell anything we have no recommendations we don't say we will vote for what to buy what to invest in we're purely financial education or macro education so go to richdadradio.com listen to this program again you'll learn twice as much but more importantly share it with friends family and business associates because and if you discuss it you'll learn twice as much again because unlike school the more you cooperate which is called cheating in school the more you learn so our guest today is mark moss and he comments kim yes so mark it's so great to have you here in studio so you're an investor you're entrepreneur and is it a podcast market disruptors as your is your podcast that's correct market disruptors highly recommend market disruptors but this is so this is a fascinating discussion because what you do is you study the history of cycles and it's actually a positive message you're coming out so keep going with cycles so it's a positive message so i believe there's great hope on the other side of this so um setting this up again so um solutions come to problems and so we look at um the world is rejecting centralization globalization and they always reject that to go to decentralization we can see that we're at peak globalization right now the wef and the who and the imf and et cetera et cetera so we can see that we're there and we can see the world is rejecting that we had pre-pandemic there was 10 countries with a million people each marching populist uprisings if we look at some of the problems that we have centralization is a problem the money printer is a problem unlimited money supply censorship is a problem man is always the problem because man always tries to corrupt these things we have a problem where we used to be ruled by law like the constitution but today we're ruled by men who constantly change the rules all the time so those are the problems that we have we need solutions for and so what's interesting is at the same time as the world is rejecting globalization to go to decentralization and we have those problems that need to be solved we have a technological revolution that's happening right now now these move in 50-year cycles every 50 years we have a new technological revolution i'll run you through the five of them the industrial revolution and these these aren't just new technologies like an iphone these are things that change humanity brought people from the cottage industry to the to the factories into the cities then we had the um steam engine so people had walked and used horse and manpower for eternity now we had steam engines then we had a and steel steel allowed us to go from two stories to skyscrapers then we went to um electricity obviously that was very big for humanity then we went to oil and automobiles people had walked for all of eternity now we had cars pretty big 1971 we had the age of the microprocessor which allowed personal computers and the age of information internet what we're doing today 1971 plus 50 years puts us right here today and we have another technological revolution not a technology but a revolution that changes humanity and what is it giving us decentralization exactly what the revolution is asking for okay so other thing too in 1971 was when the year nixon took the dollar off the gold standard so 2021 is the 50th anniversary of fake money the us dollar yep and so then crypto pops up so that and that's the decentralization that's the decentralization cryptocurrencies so it's it's bitcoin and the reason why it's bitcoin and not cryptocurrencies is because when you understand the problems the unlimited money supply the changing governance um the the centralization we need something that answers that so we need something that's decentralized that nobody can control we need something that's censorship resistant that nobody can censor we need something that has immutable immutable law not governance so all those cryptocurrencies have a governance we need immutable law and so when you understand the problems and that we need a solution to that out of the 8 000 or so cryptocurrencies there's only one that fits that bill but it's interesting that at the same time as we have this 250 year revolution cycle rejecting centralization to go to decentralization we have a technology revolution cycle at the same time bringing us exactly what we need yeah if i could add for those who understand the macro is that communism is central control of the economy yes and america was a democracy it was a republic and now we're becoming a centralized controlled economy and that happened when janet yellen moved from the fed into the treasury and then biden stepped in you know bad times good times create weak men he's by probably the weakest i've ever met i've seen so we're right there i mean this is the 50th anniversary of the u.s dollar becoming fake money this year august 15th of this year is the 50th anniversary so um so these cycles in the past have been revolutions they've been uprisings is that what we see coming i think it's pretty evident we're already here yeah right i think like i said there was 10 countries with a million people each marching just in the last two weeks in london there was a million people marching of course the media doesn't tell you that we can see all through south america um chile just is it put a new constitution in they've been taken over by communists argentina all through central south america is all regime change you know um so we can see it it's happening we're in it right now we're in the middle of it can i can i say one more thing as a us marine is that we also are pulling out of afghanistan and that's the same thing we did in vietnam and those afghanis who supported us will be murdered and we don't report that and there is a tragedy of our fake media exactly as trump said fake news they report what they think we should hear anyway so keep going mark yeah so so we're in it and so a lot of people want to know like when is this going to happen it's like we're living through it in 50 years history books will be written about this period of time right here lenin said that there's um decades where nothing seems to happen and then there's days where decades happen and so that's kind of the fourth turning in this fourth turning um is when all the change happens so this decade i believe that the end of this decade is going to look completely different the the age of the giant nation in 2030 by 2030 which of course the wf has an agenda for us by 2030 will own nothing to be happy the world wrestling federation i believe that history tells a different story what's the wf the world economic forum oh okay see smith was in wwe you know schwab and friends over there they're saying 20 30. everybody you'll own nothing but you'll be happy yeah you'll be happy we live it we we we own nothing we share everything we all live in a commune oh yeah the commune back to what you said though real quick about communism so again trying to make this super simple i i think people get lost in words so socialism fascism communism capitalism whatever i see two systems one that's centrally planned controlled right and one that's free open and competitive right it has to be that way and that's it and so we get lost in all these words what's the difference of fascism and socialism well they're both centrally planned and controlled but that's why that's why trump says we're a nation of laws don't break the laws but we break we break every single law and they put trump in jail or they impeach him there is some and then alan weiselberg who is trump's cfo is a friend of kim and mine they put him on the perp walk i mean he didn't do anything wrong but our fake press puts alan in the news as his criminal and he didn't do anything wrong i read what he did every corporate guy does the same thing yeah he got anyway so that's what's that's why what you're talking about is so crucial is 50 years what other what were the other days or times and cycles well so those are the 50 year technological cycles technological revolutions now each one of those creates new economies so like uh you know uber was cool but that just kind of extended the existing economy but technological revolutions create new economies so the the age of the information computers and internet created all new economies that weren't there and so that's kind of where we're looking at so then we look at the financial side so this kind of brings us back to what we typically talked about financial and we can see the financial system is actually being reset right now so about every 80 years um there's like this uh radialio talks about like this 80 or credit cycle and so you have the rise of credit which things grow up really fast but then credit also works the opposite way and very deflationary and so we can see that 80 years ago was the whole world got a new financial system the bretton woods agreement so the whole world changed 1944 1944 and today the imf is calling for a bretton woods 2 moment right we can see that the financial system is ready to be reset we were talking about reverse repos before we went on the financial system is cracking apart we don't know how much longer can go but not only do we not know how much longer can go but they're actively calling for a new system and they have to they have to but so people are like well would the dollar remain or will it be the digital we want or will it be that imf creates an sdr basket what will it be will it will we go back to gold and i think they're all asking the wrong question because they haven't looked at the other two revolutions that are there okay what are those well so they're looking for a centralized answer ah okay they're looking for a centralized answer from the powers on high to say this is the new system but the future is decentralized not centralized all right so the future is decentralized where bitcoin is my reserve asset it could be your reserve as that we know a lot of s p 500 companies are now using it as a reserve asset well was it el salvador and guatemala just shifted now we have countries making a reserve asset so it's a it's a decentralized movement where i choose what's best for me you choose what's best for you good luck place your vets accordingly and we're already starting to see that so i don't think well everyone's looking for that answer that central answer that's not what that's not what the history tells us the future holds for us and so one is the decentralized you said there were two two things they're not they're not looking at uh well they're not looking at um the political social cultural side of things right which tells us that we're rejecting globalization to go to decentralization and they're not looking at the technological piece that creates new economies which is the decentralized technology so they're only looking at the financial system looking for a centralized answer but they don't realize politically socially culturally we're rejecting centralization to go to decentralization they don't realize that technologically we have a new revolution that creates financial markets so if they're only looking at the financial piece and so i think those two things tell us that it's not a central answer from the imf or whoever do you think they don't see it or they don't want to acknowledge it i think both uh both i mean they want to keep the status quo they want to keep their power as long as they can um [Music] but human freedom always wins history tells us that right we have this natural drive to freedom and history is littered with examples of human freedom always winning if the people don't want something to be illegal or wrong it won't be and i know that's very optimistic well robert i mean this this lines up with your message i mean i hear people at the time oh the government's not going to allow that they're going to make it illegal and i'm like what you're just giving up you're a sheep like that if the if a billion people don't want it to be illegal it won't be no but you said it earlier is that we're shifting to fascism right you know we went we went from democracy socialism communism fascism and fascism as they'll teach you they'll tell you what to think what to do and how to act and unfortunately that's what i see coming is you know the rise of hitler again some kind of hitler but but there's but there's hope there there's hope there though so well the question is what's the body count well that's the thing you see i understand i'm a marine and the body count is going to be extremely high communists and socialists and fascists have murdered more people in history than democracies sure hundreds of millions i think the future though is the revolution in the future is not over guns it's over information and money i understand but when you when you have homelessness going through the roof and you have old guys the baby boomers have been counting on this bogus 401 k sold them by these communist crooked four financial planners you know i'm saying suck about centralized planning they're called financial planners and i've caught hell for years by saying i wouldn't touch that stuff you know i mean and the trouble is financial planners are just as stupid as everybody else because they don't know the bigger picture they're sales reps yes they work for wall street and the treasury and the central bank so that's that's what so i don't i can you can sit optimistically but i ordered kim a new shotgun that's a little bit more tactical it comes down to how fast can you shoot and what how much how much load you have in your in your cartridge i hate to be that pessimistic but i'd rather be pessimistic with the option of being optimistic so we come back we'll be talking more to mark moss because i am i am the grinch that stole i don't know what but i've been saying i've been singing this song for so long i think it's good that you're you're the clarifying what's happened so people can make choices yes and i also want to say when we come back i want to talk about you'd say you know people are just like laying down and playing and quitting what do we need to do what do we need to do yeah it's i want you we can go look at your your new shotgun i'd like to hear mark's master thank you very much i have i have i have the marine corps answer shoot them if when they come in the house that's the best thing you can do so we come back we'll be talking more about mark mars we're going to go on an extra session because this information is so vital timely and again we at rich that we make no recommendations we don't say do this or do that we want you to think for yourself and as the great thing about the younger generation they're much more aware than the old guys like me we'll be right back welcome back robert kiyosaki the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money today our guess is i mean it's a fascinating subject mark moss you know like most capitalists we got our butts kicked and those are the the best thing can happen to you is get your butt kicked when you're young and then you can recover because kim and i've had our butts kicked so many times and unfortunately academic system says the way you get rich is you don't make mistakes and you memorize the answer some idiot gave you the answer to memorize and that's called academics and we wonder why we're in trouble today so mark is going to continue on for the third segment on what the cycles are comments kim yes um so the cycles into the history of the cycles so um you interviewed jim rogers recently and he said one thing that history has proven is that people mainly are politicians and academia do not learn from history so what's fascinating about this is you're giving us the history and we are learning from you the history of economics and and the cycles and the markets so continue on well it's more than just money is a convergence of different technologies coming together today which is why we've been saying for years gold silver bitcoin because that's still solid mm-hmm so um when we when you understand these things are reactive right so solutions come to problems so the financial system needs to be reset that's a problem um but this but we can look back to the technology side that drives financial cycles technological revolutions but then technological revolutions are solutions to problems that happen politically and socially and culturally and so that's kind of how we've how we trace that down now to the point you were kind of making before we took a break um the body count um i believe all this change happens over the next decade and it's not gonna be smooth it's not and so the way i look at it is uh the work i'm doing the work you're doing it's like everybody's on the titanic and it hit the iceberg and it's going down and the more people we can offload onto lifeboats the less of an impact that ship going down will be and so that's kind of what i'm trying to do let's get people onto as many lifeboats as we can again mark is drinking from the kool-aid cup here and i'm going [Music] it's not but it's ex that's why we have the rich dad radio show i mean since look well think about cycles this is august 15 uh 1971 nixon took the dollar off the gold standard and prior to that was 1944 the bretton woods they don't teach that in school so this is the 50th anniversary this august 15 2021 is the 50th anniversary of fake money and that 50 years ago it changed the world i mean they stopped teaching about gold in school and ever since then i've been buying gold and then for the younger generation it's bitcoin yes and so you talk about the younger generation we're talking about this at the break um we see more and more people you know you mentioned people are just laying down and playing dead and quitting but we're seeing i mean our job your job is to get people aware and always wake them up to what's really happening and you're also saying that it's younger younger people that are getting more aware faster than the older generations so i like to say on my channel i'm not here to wake up the sleeping sheep yeah i want to wake up to sleeping lions that's who we really want to wake up and i would say that while i do get discouraged by seeing the lack of attention by so many people today who are just reading headlines and don't really understand what's going on i'm also really encouraged by the amount of people that are waking up and i believe that the internet has created transparency where the government and the you know organizations aren't really able to hide this stuff anymore and i mean you've been educating for a long time robert and i mean nobody used the word fiat before and now everybody uses that word and knows what that word is and so i think that there's um maybe half the gen people have fallen deeper asleep but there's a whole half of people that are waking up to this and uh they're not they don't want to stand for this i don't think people even understood centralized government versus decentralized i don't think so or democracy and republican versus kremlin and remember solutions come to problems and so we can see that the government has gotten more aggressive more central more fascist more authoritarian or whatever you want to call that um and that causes people to want to rebel against that and go back to freedom so you know 30 40 years ago people didn't need it as bad but today everybody's actively looking for that solution so what what can people do what do we need people to do well i mean the things that we can do uh one understanding that um this this next decade is probably gonna be rough the transition won't be smooth um i believe there's great hope on the other side but how do we survive that so a couple things but mark i will say hope is for the hopeless it's called intention responsibility action discipline the words of the marine corps you know hope is for those communists out there who went to school and they're now school teachers they're the worst people on planet earth because i grew up with them they sit there all the government will solve this problem that's hope that's hopeless for hopeless people well the key word you said there was responsibility yes and so the word response is your ability to respond and so the question we're kind of asking you how do we respond yeah so by taking responsibility knowing that the government isn't going to save you and that social security's not going to be there for you um and so it's kind of up to you and so increasing your education obviously is kind of the first part so one of the responses stay stay educated stay abreast definitely okay the world's going to change super fast and we don't know exactly every turn that it's going to make and so we want to make sure we're paying attention are you specifically recommending bitcoin of course why is that yeah so i'm specifically recommending bitcoin because i believe that we have problems that the the money printer sits at the base of every problem that we have in society once again rich dad does not recommend it but kim and i do own quite a bit of bitcoin but we bought it at a very low price because that's the difference yeah okay so we're so i'm not we're not recommending we're just saying we already buy off on that program yeah so i think if you understand the problems and the the money printer sits at the base of every problem and that if we don't separate money and state none of this will ever be fixed what does that mean money in states so right now centralized the sense that they control the money printer and so the lockdowns for example would have never happened if they couldn't send people stemi and this this whole vaccine program would have never happened if they didn't have all this money but where'd they get the money from um the whole afghan thing that we started out talking about how did that war how would that war have ever started if they didn't have a money printer like er like you know the money printer creates this wealth inequality and this i mean that we can look at the divorce rate we can look at the incarceration rate and it all stems from the the homelessness problem all stems from that money printer and so we have to get rid of that um this ever-changing law of governance we have to change that right we need a rule of law immutable law and we need to be self-sovereign where i can store my wealth in a way that can't be seized or stolen or inflated away inflation is theft and if i want to send it to you nobody can stop it block it or prevent it that's true freedom that's true censorship resistance and so we need a solution to that and there's only one there's only one and so we need to be able to keep our wealth what's that solution bitcoin uh it's pretty pessimistic so we if you know as i said in my talk i mean if not bitcoin then what and so a lot of people want to like say well bitcoin has this problem that problem okay great what's your solution because there's there's no other how about not needing money well uh you know so i don't have to live in puerto rico i understand i think differently so we don't need money and that's what rich dad teaches yeah well you see because money can be made anytime you want the domination may change which is my second part of my advice that you're asking for advice is um you need to figure out how to make money and what i recommend is that you learn high value skills those are typically around sales and marketing and they should be something that you can do from anywhere preferably like something like we've done over the internet because you may need to move jurisdictions maybe not puerto rico but you may need to be able to move jurisdictions and so um increase my income a lot of people don't focus on that they think about investing but they need to focus on creating more wealth and so learn high value skills sales marketing skills things that can be done anywhere because you may need to move around to increase your freedom as this transition happens and then also i think there's a small shift in your thinking where instead of thinking about things in us dollar terms all the time and trying to increase my dollars because dollars are losing value really quick it's increasing my purchasing power it's just a little shift but if you can think about increasing your purchasing power how do i protect my purchasing power as the system crashes around me so that then i can use this kind of sale of a lifetime on the back end of that um so so kim and i hold a lot of goals over bitcoin and bullets and the reason we have bullets is because soon they're going to be able to trace them and when you can't trace a bullet its value goes up as chris rock said someday i'm going to shoot you on when i can afford the bullet yeah do you know what i mean and so what that that they're attempting to do is not only inflate prices but but tracking devices and anything of value look how volatile the price of bullets have been i know that's what i'm saying before the pandemic they're you know nine millimeters 30 cents a round it went up to a dollar around today it's back down to about 50 cents around um so even that's volatile but yeah stockpile that i mean it would be definitely i don't know what i said you want untraceable bullets sure and what you're talking about with gold and silver and bitcoin they've got to be untraceable because right now they're coming out with gold that's traceable so if you understand that you'll understand the world of information and invisible so you want stuff that cannot trace is bitcoin always untraceable because now governments are taxing it they're taxing if you use it if you purchase something they're taxing it is that does that take away some of it so bitcoin is an open network that's anonymous but not private and so what that means is anonymous so you can see all the addresses you don't know who they belong to it's not private where you can't see it where they get you is the fiat on and off ram so when i buy it with my fiat they have to get my kyc know your customer so they get all my info and then if i sell it back for fiat again they know my customer and then using ai software they can somehow tie all that back together but if i stayed only in bitcoin and never went in or out of fiat like in el salvador for example now i'm giving people a way to earn money in bitcoin so they're getting money and earning it in bitcoin anonymously and they're spending it anonymously and nobody will ever know who that is because there was never any kyc attached to that okay so that's that's a very very big point because of gold and silver when we don't have stocks i don't trust the stock market at all because because kim and i have created a gold mine and a silver mine and they it's so manipulated it's horrifying but anyway the key is is that kim and i have gold and silver stored outside this country so that it's not traceable once i spend it you know i can go anywhere in the world i can go in guatemala and give them a gold gold eagle they'll take it as long as it's not traceable and that's where it goes into diversifying your correct you know around the world the point here is just don't think there's only one answer that's what i get definitely that's when i got a little psycho on people i agree i agree and i own i own a lot of assets gold as well and real estate as well but i'm afraid of having all my real estate in the united states because you know we've we've seen that well not only taxing but they've you know rent moratoriums um eviction moratoriums um you know rasheeda to leave they're talking about you know making it where you can't even collect rent anymore um and so you know there's there's risk to being all-in-one geography so now i just bought a piece of property in mexico and you know we're diversifying that so um not having your simon black would say you know you wouldn't have all your money in one stock why do you have your whole life in one country and so that kind of goes back to where i was saying learn skills that could be done anywhere in the world right that's decentralizing decentralizing yeah and i think that's probably the best message you're putting out there you know mark i really appreciate what you're saying our job is to get people to think and like we have spencer who came to our companies his father is my cardiologist he says would you mind taking spencer under your wing so i said so what's you what do you hear spencer he's 20 years old he's my mom says i get a 401k i said you've come to the wrong company but but that's why it's brainwashing yeah my generation are so brainwashed you should get a job have a 401k and live happily ever after i don't think that's going to happen again 71 is when the dollar went off the gold center 74 was in the 401k came up do you smell a rat there well we know it we know it doesn't work because half the baby boomers today have no savings the other half that do the average is about 100 grand so we know it didn't work and we know it won't ever work because you don't want to live off savings you want to live off cash flow correct but that they're eating principle all the time right i think you know the good thing the school's doing a good job because i was driving down the street and there was this guy i hate to say he was pretty pathetic looking you know i mean he had this goofy head on he's telling the arizona heat and it says if you can read he says if you can read i need 50 bucks badly i can read but i'm not going to give you 50 bucks at least the americans can read you know god bless us they don't know anything else but they're going to read that's thank you going to school and it comments again no this is this is just fascinating so um in terms of i i like what you're saying you've got to get educated get bitcoin but it's a decentralized attitude yes and and i remember simon black said once also when he was talking about looking for where you want to you know be um look for the country that wants you there that welcomes you that is friendly yeah look go to places that are friendly to you and the us right now um unfortunately there the government is seeing its citizens as its enemy that's my concern and i get asked all the time like where would we go what countries and i i say start traveling now because you want to have that plan in place before you need it so start start you go figure that out for yourself go visit those places now good yeah that's where i went down to the uh what's it called the nomad capitalist thing in mexico that was fascinating i mean these guys you pay them 25 000 and they'll do that search for you now if you don't have 25 000 it's gonna cost you 25 000 to travel to montenegro anyway yeah i mean so if you don't have money it's because you went to school because you're taught to be a socialist marxist and a fascist because that's what school systems teach and that's why all these years i mean kim's had to listen to me just berate teachers berate teachers and it does no good because they're idiots you know they bought they drank the kool-aid if all you have to do is sit in a classroom and repeat what the teacher tells you you know you'll be smart and then kim and i were just saying you know gammons george gavin singer this lovely little chinese girl who walks out probably an a student she says what should i invest in real estate or stocks and i lost it mark i just freaking lost it once i said what do you think i am your school teacher why don't you ask your stupid school teacher what to do why don't you think why don't you get on youtube why don't you think but our students are so conditioned to do as they're told and that's what we're doing our best to break people away from any comments kim yeah well according to you mark so the next 10 years are going to be 10 years from now is going to be indistinguishable from today 10 years is not going to be the easy road but the positive takeaway i have is that people are going to there is going to be a revolution and it's a revolution for freedom not for decentralization and even even better so history's uh repeats this cycle over and over and over um i believe that we may be able to break that cycle and so because man is the problem that always wants to continue to push that control but if we have a system that man can't control potentially we could break away from that cycle repeating i understand but there will be violence i look at everything from the marine corps side like i really pray for those afghans that supported us they're going to be murdered that i saw that in vietnam and we don't report that that's what's really tragic about our news it's fake exactly as our friend donald trump said it's fake and i'm glad people like you with you know market disruptors and gammon and all that we do our best to get through and just talk about talk to people about what we think is going on not that we're right or wrong but this is what we see going on i have one final question um because people ask us this all the time nobody i know these days is watching mainstream media but where do you get your where do you get your information do you have any sources that you would recommend people to start becoming more aware other of course your your podcast market disruptors rebel capitalist george gammon uh rich dad radio it's definitely alternative news sources for sure so it's definitely not cnn and msnbc for sure although if you learn to read between the lines and be able to discern information there is stuff that you can get from there but typically it's you know it's other podcasts it's other financial newsletters reports um other people uh decentralized news sources a search doing real res doing real research right i mean real research is the key the web is fantastic you know i mean i don't believe everything on the web but it's fantastic from different points of view yeah and i think that's what i suggest people do is look for a different point of view you know if i say i wouldn't have a 401k or like i said to you i don't pay taxes the question what how do would you do that if you didn't have a 401k what would you do yeah but if you want to be you want to be the teacher's pet raise your hand oh tell me what to do teacher you're listening to a communist marxist and a fascist that's really the big problem there yeah and and they're good people anyway i want to thank you mark you know thank everybody for listening to it trust trust we've disturbed you all have your friends listen to this and discuss it you'll be even more disturbed because they all want to be told what to do so sarah final comments from you final comments um of course mark thank you so much for joining us in studio and being flexible and showing up but um you know i keep i i wrote down your for you know the four steps or solutions that came to but it's really i the biggest thing i took away was a sen decentralized mindset or decentralized attitude and i think that's what all of us can kind of take away from this and we've always talked about changing your mindset but i really liked that decentralized attitude let's also keep an open mind definitely like tonight we're joining mark and george gammon at dinner and we're going to talk about something exciting like repo and reverse repo and there i you know in in 2008 when the repo market crashed this is what's really sad about the press you know it was really the failure of our of fannie mae and freddie mac and all the banking system but they blamed it on the subprime borrower they said the reason this market crashed was because of the poor people and the average poor person believed it but it was really the centralized banking system that crashed that was in 2008 and the market crashed again just uh recently the the repo markets now reverse repo and so everybody's rushing into stocks bonds real estate and all this and what reverse repo means it means the money is running out of the banking system so what does that mean we'll discuss that tonight great final words um just thanks again awesome show and look forward to our discussion tonight and keep learning everybody thank you mark thank you

2021-07-17 00:24

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