Watch SpaceX Live: Second Launch America - Mission To Space from the Kennedy Space Center

Watch SpaceX Live: Second Launch America - Mission To Space from the Kennedy Space Center

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Looking live at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida we're, moments from now two, US astronauts, will once again try, to make history for the first time in almost a decade a manned American, spaceship, is launching, from US soil our launch, countdown starts. Right now this, is an ABC News National. Geographic special. The. Crew is suited, up again the hatches, closed. The. Countdown. Resume, a. New. Chapter in space exploration is. About, to be launched, LD coke launched 15. Decades. In the making. Propelled. By American. Determination. And spirit. Tragedy. And triumph. A new. Generation of spacecraft. A. Public-private. Partnership that. Will. Take cruise to the International. Space Station welcome. To the new era and spaceflight returned, astronauts. To the moon. Expand. Our reach through the solar system. And. Continue. The mission we started. Countdown. To launch starts. Now. Live from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and, ABC. News launch, headquarters. In New York City, here, now, Tom, yamas, and Lindsey, Davis and. Welcome, to launch America, we are coming to you live from ABC, News headquarters in New York on an exciting, day for the u.s. space program the, return of space launching, from US soil it is a complicated, day for the country given the unrest in so, many cities but right now our focus is on this historic, launch and so, far all systems, are ago though everyone of course is watching the weather so closely again, today that is the big unknown we'll, talk to ginger zina moment the weather going down to the wire we are thrilled to be working with our partners National. Geographic to bring you this historic, live event liftoff, scheduled, for 322. Eastern, Time just a few minutes away a redo, of sorts from Wednesday, when we got within 17. Minutes of launch only, to have the mission scrubbed now our team from ABC, News and National, Geographic spread. Out to cover every, possible angle of, this launch and we are lucky today to be joined by two astronauts. Including one, who returned to Earth just, three months ago and we look forward to speaking to both of them it is the first time NASA astronauts, will launch into space aboard, a privately, owned and operated spacecraft. And it's the first time any private, company has sent astronauts, into orbit and that's, why you're about to witness history the, spaceship capsule, is called the dragon just behind me here it sits on top of that massive, Falcon 9 rocket named. After Han Solo's Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. Both the capsule, and the rocket built by maverick billionaire Elon Musk, and his company SpaceX a, US, launch hasn't, happened in nine years certainly. A hopeful, moment during such a difficult and. Tumultuous, time, for our nation as Tom mentioned those massive. Protests, taking place across the country after the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota, many, of those protests. Turning violent, but for, right now at, this moment all eyes on the two NASA astronauts, Doug Hurley and Bob bankin currently awaiting liftoff, in the dragon atop the 23, story tall rocket bankin, tweeting this image earlier today saying. Launch day in America, again, and he is so right and there they were earlier, leaving the operations, building that famous walked a huge applause so, much about NASA's about tradition, and so is this but, right away again we see that this is a little different with SpaceX.

You See those new spacesuits, Doug, Hurley they're on the Left Bob Behnken walking over to talk to their families right here and this is such a special moment and this is something new they get to get up close with their family, Megan, McArthur they're in the light blue shirt she's the wife of Bob Jenkins she is also an astronaut, they have a six-year-old son Pheo and then to the left there that's Karen Nyberg, she's Doug Hurley's wife their son is Jack ten years old she spent six months on the space, station she's, a retired astronaut. But this is so great and we actually got to hear a little bit about what they were saying let's listen in right now. Bring. In former NASA astronaut. And, ABC. News contributor, Cady Coleman right, now and Katie you told me this was such a special moment for you because you can remember saying goodbye just, before you take off into the heavens well. You know just watching them I've seen it a couple times now this, morning and I, mean it's it's hard not to cry and that it's just it's so hard to say goodbye to your family and at the same time they're right there with you and, walking. Out like this getting to talk to people it's a way of bringing people to space who better than your family it was awesome Katie, you have a ten year old son just, like Doug as well but I'm curious we get to see the family so up close and personal with the astronauts. Today inside. Of a pandemic, it seems like that's unusual. Because even, outside of a pandemic the astronauts, would be quarantined well, the families have been in quarantine as well in fact they quarantined it together for. For. The week prior to launch and so, they're actually fine. You. Know as we look at this right here Katie this is also so special, you see Karen right there and their son and they're waving, goodbye to Doug as he's inside sitting in that Teslin they're able to sort of touch, just one last time before they say goodbye what. Were these conversations, like with your loved ones right before you took off, it. Was December, in Baikonur Russia for us so it's a little colder out too just, say goodbye and. You. Know it's it's. A hard thing my husband actually sent me a picture of my son standing, the spot that I stood in and reported in and he, sent me that when I was up on the space station of my, son standing there our son standing there and, you. Know it's hard to leave the people that you love on the ground no matter everybody leaves somebody and that's what actually joins us all together as, a crew really is that all, of us leave somebody behind I think we're about to see in a moment they're going to get on to those space, capsule, or get on to that space capsule, I'm curious to get a sense from you the old space versus, the new space because the. Space shuttle is described as being really cramped. With a lot of controls, perhaps. 2,000. Manual, switches, versus, now just maybe 30 and they've got those gloves that that have the touch screens you, see the touch screen gloves right there well. I would, actually I'll be clear I'd take, any ride to space old switches new switches you know you name it if it the rocket and it's going I would seriously love to be on it as with many of my colleagues but. It's a great opportunity to start with a clean, slate you know we have so many things that are legacy, often because they are proven, and it's actually more expensive to.

Into, To make things new and yet this partnership with our new commercial partners, with Boeing with SpaceX, allows. Us to start, anew and, it's. Pretty neat to see the inside of the spaceship and just think you know now we've got more room for people more, room for cargo yeah. And as we were just watching them getting suited up in these special, suits you, know they were designed by a Hollywood costume designer, and the teams were checking for any leaks and testing the communication, systems and here, they are once again we saw this on Wednesday looking. Up at that big rocket, current, NASA astronaut, Christina cook joins us now as well, and resina you've been here before you launch into space from, Russia something, interesting you were telling me before the broadcast a lot, of times they learn things when missions get scrubbed like they did on Wednesday you're saying they really didn't learn anything new so it looked like it was gonna be a successful. Launch right up until the weather hit. Yes. That's right you know I think there are always lessons, learned and sometimes the most important part of that is talking about what did go well and making sure that you put everything in place to repeat those successes, so, it sounded like that's mostly what they found I'm sure where there are some tweaks that they wanted to make but, now that we're coming into the closest, we've been to the, actual launch time we're actually a little bit closer than I think the scrub time yesterday just as of the last few moments so, now we're kind of back into that unchartered, territory, and seeing what might be new and different but so, far everything they did today was basically, just a repeat of all the successes, that they had on Wednesday so looking. Forward to see if this time the weather were cooperates, I will talk to you both in just a minute again but for now our Gio Benitez he joins us live once again from the Kennedy Space Center not. Too far from the launch pad in Gio certainly, a big, day once, again weather permitting, for NASA for SpaceX and those two astronauts. That's, right Lindsay you said it if weather permits a very exciting, day but I got to tell you it is looking better now that it has all week long certainly, a lot better than it did on Wednesday when. This launch was scrubbed take a look there's the countdown clock, t-minus, 13, minutes remaining here and just, above the, launch pad right now launch pad 39a, that that historic, launch pad that launched people to the moon just above it right now it is crystal clear we, are going to see if that stays because. It has to be totally. Fine at exactly. 322. P.m. that, is when this spaceship, has, to launch it has no other possibility. 3:20, 2:45, Eastern. Time and they need to make sure that the weather is not just good here in Cape Canaveral it has to be good all along the eastern coast and, also, in Europe all the way up as this tracks up into, space because if they have to abort, this flight, if they have to do that as they are already in the air they, need to be able to land in the ocean that is what this spaceship, is built for the dragon, must land in the water Lindsey and Tom alright you there are so many factors at play especially when we talk about the weather I do want to bring in Cady Coleman again to talk about the, moment because we can't really forget how big this moment is we talked a lot about this on Wednesday. But this is a huge. Moment for the space program and for America you have the private company SpaceX partnering. With NASA now. Launching, two astronauts, into space for. You what, does this day mean it. Means everything to, everyone who wants to explore further and I think that means actually all the people on this planet I mean it's one more step it's, a huge one because it brings the imagination, of not just a government agency but, our commercial, partners as well who, can take different kinds of risks have different kinds of ideas I mean this is this is the first step back to the moon and we. Talked a lot about Bob and Doug but I see, and feel all the people that have been working, on this program together for years and years from not just basics but our other partners as well all. Right we're gonna go once, again back to the, weather which is our big focus, right now all eyes on the skies out there ABC, News chief meteorologist, ginger Zee joins, us now, do you think in ginger. Lindsay. I finally. Allowed myself to get excited, and let me tell you why we have a Seabreeze to thank let me explain it this is a three-hour satellite. Loop it's visible satellite most of the day it had these thunderstorms.

And Rain showers moving over the Space Coast but, within the last half hour that, onshore flow, so infamous, in Florida, for those daily thunderstorms, it started, to hold the clouds and storms at bay so let me show you the, cloud to ground lightning is plenty far away it is just the towering cumulus that, have had some rain showers that the Seabreeze is actually knocking, down so it's even killing it a little bit more but, even if they had a high enough top I think that they're far enough West about 13, miles so outside that ten-mile, periphery, they're looking for that, it would be okay why did we not want a cumulus cloud I thought it was just lightning no the, tops of a towering cumulus can have a charge and then a rocket, as it goes through the troposphere can, create a charge and it can create something called trigger lightning we've seen it in the past and that's been a problem so. That's what really looks better at this hour it made me excited all the rest of the criteria, have, been met from, my understanding there's certainly not any sustained winds of 30 miles per hour and that cloud, the one that is the closest, it's dying so Tom I think it looks good okay, that's great news ginger definitely, a different sense from you of what you saw on Wednesday. So we're feeling the positive, vibes hopefully they hold I wanna bring in Colonel Steve ganyard now right now an ABC News contributor, he's a former Marine Corps fighter pilot, and he was a squadron made of Doug Hurley knows him pretty well has, an interesting story about Doug, Hurley znik team we'll talk about that a little later but Steve I want to talk about the stakes today because you, know first, and foremost we are talking about human lives two Americans are in there two brave Americans, who are about to make, history hopefully. But also so much is at stake because this is the biggest test so far for, Elon Musk and SpaceX, and anything.

Less Than a successful, launch is going to be a failure, yeah. Um I, think looking, at this in the bigger perspective what. We see here is the triumph up to now of SpaceX, and being able to drive down the cost to orbit back, in the space shuttle days it cost about twenty five thousand, dollars to put one pound, orbit SpaceX. Has driven that down to about a thousand, pounds and with the next generation of rockets musk, helps to bring that down to say 50 or even $5, a pound what that's going to do it's an enable us to go, to the stars it's going to enable us to put colonies. On the moon for. Us to put colonies, on on, Mars and so really what we're doing here is, taking one big step towards, that new golden, age in space exploration, that will include colonization. Of other planets, just. Curious, here this is a 3.1. Billion, dollar, effort, so for the Earthlings down here what does this do for us especially at this time in our country where so many people are struggling financially and, want to understand what are the what's the potential, of this trip well. Some, of the things that SpaceX, has been able to do is they're putting up satellites. 42,000. Satellites, that will bring broadband, to every part of the world so, it places that haven't had internet before places. Where we're gonna be able to put saddle ups satellites. Up that we'll be able to monitor the earth but of the atmosphere, the environment all. Sorts of things that we couldn't afford to do now, become, possible, because it's so cheap so inexpensive. To put things into orbit and that is a lawn musk this, larger-than-life, brilliant. Up entrepreneur. That is his triumph I will bring it right back in but we are also joined now by National, Geographic contributing. Writer Nadia, Drake who covers space Nadia talk to us about the significance of this moment. This, is the final, test of a brand new spacecraft that can carry humans, into orbit and it's only the fifth time that we've seen something like this in the United States the last time of course being in 1981. When, Bob Crippen and John Young flew the space shuttle for the first time and, if this demonstration, mission goes well I think we are looking at the beginning of a new chapter in space exploration where. Private, companies can help make it easier and more affordable to get into orbit and that's, important, because if we as a species they're setting our sights on living among the Stars whether that's on the moon or on Mars or, beyond then. We have to get serious about sending, a lot more people into space it. Is so true all right not yet thank you for that I do want to bring in Christina, back into this conversation Christina. You know we know right now Doug and Bob are in that space capsule the Dragon capsule they are right next to each other they have those form-fitting. Suits on and those new form-fitting, seats, inside the capsule what's, going through their mind they probably, heard the same news we heard that the weather looks pretty good this is a potential, go for a launch we'll know and in less than eight minutes so, what's going through their heads you. Know, I think they're probably pretty, calm they're ready to carry. Out the mission that they know that they are very very trained for and very prepared for I wouldn't, be surprised if there's a little levity in the cabin it's always good to take any opportunity you can to rib your crew mate just, to keep things light and to recognize that you know you do, know what you're doing and you don't have to be too, serious despite, the fact that you are very focused, I think one exciting, thing coming, up in the countdown is they're about to switch to autonomous, power and that's when basically they're, in control of their own spacecraft and that's a big moment because they know that they're, gonna be in that position you, know until they dock with the space station, and they're just looking forward to feeling those engines go behind them and, Katie you've talked to us before about, how your first mission got scrubbed seven times, within, the first 30, days so, you know Shaddai has a song it's never as good as the first time is that true do you think that they still have the same excitement.

And Anticipation about, this trip yeah I'm sitting here right now actually just I mean if there's just this feeling, you feel it and there's no I mean maybe, yesterday maybe this morning oh I don't know will it launch I guess I'll go out there the weather looks bad but then you put that spacesuit, on you do all these things and I mean I have, this good feeling about la I do know. I was gonna say it's a lot harder to watch a launch I think than to be in one mm I mean when you asked about what why we're going well, cuz they're they've trained for this they're ready it is owned and well and also I mean it's what, everybody's, been living for all the work they've all done together they're doing it now today together, and yet. Watching, watching, is hard Christina. As you watch this we know that you helped pack, them get them ready for the space station talk to us about that process we we asked you about that on Wednesday but it is so fascinating, what they can take up to the space station and how they kind of figure out what, they can't take and what they can do and the certain things that they sort of needed to live on the space station with. Yeah. Absolutely you, know this whole process begins, just by getting their provisions, up there you don't get to pack your own bags when, you go to space they're just taking the spacesuits that are on them and so everything's, already been set up it's ready for them and they know that but it is still a strange feeling to be launching, to. Have nothing with you but like, I said that process began when I first unpacked, you know their food containers. And their clothing containers, with their last names on them and I looked at them and said this is happening this new era is gonna begin and it's going to be soon and, it curious, also you have said before Katie, that launching, is the most thrilling thing that you do it's also the most dangerous how, in this, moment are you thinking, about the risks of it you've. Made the decision to be on the top of that rocket years, years, before you're actually sitting there and so, I don't think you're at the I mean you're they're, doing their jobs and and, they're thrilled about what their jobs are and it's just so much work that everyone's put in it's. It's it's harder on the folks that are on the ground I think we're. Just seeing the president right now who has arrived there, to the Kennedy Space Center to witness history to watch this launch as you look at the countdown clock they're just four minutes away I believe, that's Vice President, Mike Pence standing right next to them as well and, in the distance there we can see the Falcon 9 rocket and, the Dragon capsule above, it this. Is a definitely. A difficult time for the country right now and and it is going to give us a break of from, everything that is happening across the country so, much unrest so much unhappiness so, much sadness it'll. Give us a reason, to look up because for so many months we've been looking down for so many reasons the pandemic and now everything else that's going on around the country.

Do Want to ask you when you take off Katie, at, what point do you feel the force because we're talking about 17,000. Miles per hour you, can go from Miami to Los Angeles in ten minutes I mean that is fast talk to me about just what it feels like inside that capsule your your on your on your back and then it's just this it's, this amazingly, intense. Thrust, for you just realize that you are go it's nothing you're going so fast yet but you are you are just it's so clear you are just not stopping, until you, get to space and, in. These final, moments as we're just minutes. Away at this point from launch what is it less than three minutes to go. Give. Us the pull back the curtain and give us the sense of what it's like to be in this in that chair I. Think. You I don't. Know if I have time to put it together but these folks, know just from everything they've done pre-flight, um they've shared so much with everyone, because, they realize they're bringing everyone with them this is a new era in spaceflight, it's, where, we're launching, people, you. Know I mean from from from another place another capability, to. Get to the space station to, continue that mission onto the Moon and Mars and they know they carry those people with them and yet I think that they are looking, I mean there are business, right, there and they're best friends so I think there's no place better to be Cristina briefly, because at, 2153. 2150, we're gonna listen to, the launch commander, talk, about it this is definitely a go tell, me about Doug and Bob just real quickly we know they're close friends and that they're family men what else should we know about them. The. Important thing to know is that they are just wonderful people they've both been a mentors, to me throughout my time here you know I joined in 2013. They've been here for 13 years by then so they had a lot to convey, and, they always did that anyway. It. Was great and Bob. Was actually lead of the astronaut corps when I joined so that was just extra, mental. We're. About in less than a minute from hearing whether this launch is a go or, a no-go, and Katie, talked to me about the prizes because NASA and SpaceX obviously, wanted two astronauts, who were incredibly experienced, they got that ended up involved but they also wanted, to astronauts, who were gonna represent, sort of this first mission if you will into the new era of space well. I think the basic. It comes down to skills in terms of test pilots toes test a flight test engineer you, know these are the skills not just to sit on a launch pad right now but to actually develop this vehicle together with. Another entity that wasn't NASA and we have the same kind of team including. Our test, pilot for that team is Nicole, man we the same kind of team for Boeing as well okay. We're gonna listen in right now Falcon 9 is in start-up bracket. Doesn't count down, FTS, is armed for launch. Dragon. SpaceX go for launch. It's. A lot. We. Just started ready to launch worth 30 seconds to wait Katie I see the tears in your eyes right now talk. To us about what's going on inside it's. A big deal for people to leave the planet it is so hard and so many people have come together to make this happen and. We're. Watching, it. To be there with them stage 1 tanks pressing for play here, is 15 seconds. 10 9. 8 7. 6, 5 4, 3 2. 1, 0. Godspeed. Indeed vehicle, pitching downrange. Emotional. Moment for you right now Katie mom, propulsion is nominal. And, 1d thrall down. Katie, and Christina as we watch this I just I'm thinking about what Bob Behnken told his family just before they left let's light that candle because you see that big beautiful kid rock Gator fun it clear, blue skies and. Just headed straight, on. Its mission. And. One do you thought all up hope. Triumphs, over fear, in a time where our country needs. It. Needs. To be reminded of that. And. Down on the crown they can actually feel you. Can physically, feel that crackling that we hear you can physically feel that. Our. Gio Benitez is at the Kennedy Space Center right, now, behind. Him is where the rocket just took off from in geo what, are your thoughts I mean you were right there you could feel it you could hear it walk us through a part of that back end until. Well. I just have to tell you I'm, emotional. Right now, because, this is such a moment, and. To feel what Katie was talking about feeling. That moment, feeling that. Go up into the air and you can still sort of feel it, extraordinary. Human achievement right here and sorry, for getting emotional, but it's, my first launch so there's. That at Cristina not at all your first launch what are your thoughts as you're watching this historic, moment I. Just. Couldn't be more thrilled I'm thinking about how Bob and Doug feel in there and how excited, they are you know every moment of the day was mostly the same as what they had experienced.

And Their training Sims until. That takes off and you know you're going up and at this point they've been going up for so long they know they're not stopping to learn space and that, is just an incredible feeling, it's, a new era where space, travel isn't just limited to sovereign. Countries and governments it's something, that's going to be accessible for all and it's gonna be an innovative, thing where we just open it up and I can't wait to see where we get with that and confirmed. There's. First stage set. And recognition. Can. You talk to us about what we're just watching right here we know this is a sort of a critical moment that's the first stage dropping, away we caught a main engine cutoff, explains. Exactly what's happening basically the first stage the first giant, piece we've used all that gas and now we're kicking it off it's, actually, going to fly itself, back down to the recovery ship it goes up for another long time and then comes back down but we'll see all that within the next few minutes and that was a major part of SpaceX's. Program, the reusable, rockets to make this I don't want to say affordable, but to make it cost-effective exactly. To be able to reuse them again and actually what they learn and making, sure they understand how to make them fly back has, been immense and, Elon, Musk had referred to that as part of the holy grail of space flight essentially, saying why would you throw away a 747. Every time that. You used it give us a sense of what, happens now it'll, not be until tomorrow is, that in the morning or, the afternoon when, it's expected to dock with the International Space, Station so this is the the, dragon itself is still is still powering, up into space so it's still on the it's on the second stage engine. But right now it'll trajectory, nominal, trajectory I'm hearing and so. Boom. You go and. What does that mean what we're hearing right now they're. They're saying when, the next abort site is like so all the way up from North Carolina, and basically Nova, Scotia over, to Ireland there are abort, points they are designated points, that if something goes wrong that will be the place and there are more the Dragon capsule can come off exactly propulsion. Missile Navajo that particular. Abort, that's available here actually made, this less, risky, than the initial NASA, space. Shuttle flights I don't, know about the numbers but it's really it's. Extremely. Valuable to have this kind of abort capability, not. Interrupted, by oh if it happens at this time we couldn't quite abort, they have abort capability they, have 50 different abort sites all the way from the, Cape and from the time before they fuel from. That time that capsule could be pulled off of the rocket and Bob. And Doug would land in the water and now it's just a question of if that should happen where.

Krysya. Talk to me about what Bob and Doug are doing right now inside the capsule we can see them there in the left hand of the screen. They reviewing, and and and what, are they doing at this moment. You. Know at this moment it's, really just all about the rocket so they are probably reviewing. Some of the pressures, and different, signals that they're getting in telemetry, from the rocket itself like Katie said they are on the second stage so they're gonna continue to be propelled into space up, until eight or so minutes into, the total flight so, they're monitoring, but monitoring isn't as simple as just looking at a couple gauges, you know everything, is vibrating, they're having a lot of g-forces, on them so even just monitoring the systems and listening to the communications. Is a big job as test pilots that they're doing you, know I'm gonna ask our director Dave descent if he can by chance, go back to the initial liftoff. When, the rocket took, off when it was ago and I want to bring him back Colonel Steve ganyard, Steve. Your friend is Doug Hurley he's in that capsule right now he is, headed for the cosmos, I. Understand. When you saw the rocket. Takeoff it was it was a pretty emotional moment, for you as well was. It was you, know with like, like Geo it's it's it's hard not to be overwhelmed, by this by this triumph that the number of people that came together to. Make this happen and for the u.s. to be going back to space and to. Think about this in in the broader context, of what it means for for, human. Can't kind to be able to go out and truly colonize. To to bring. In this golden age of space exploration that, that these guys are laying, the foundation, for your. Friend Doug Hurley I mean he is an astronaut, like the other astronauts we have joining us on this broadcast he is somebody who's dedicated his. Life to this and it is not an easy life it is it is glamorous, for the, the launches, but but it is a very difficult life and your family has to make a lot of sacrifices, talk to us about Doug a little bit, yeah. He's, one. Of those guys that just everybody, would like if, you met him in a bar he's, the guy who's not too loud but loud enough where you want to hear his stories and he's just you know he's the kind of guy that anybody would, would love, to be like that that people would want their their their sons and daughters to grow up like and so he's a great role model and I think Bob is too from. What I've heard from so that's part of part, of how NASA selects, its, astronauts, they're not only highly, capable and. Willing, to face the dangers of traveling, in space but. They're also just great people and they're people who can help the. Rest of the world understand, science, and to appreciate the kind of science and engineering that's, going into into, the space exploration, so he's, a great ambassador for NASA as is Bob and it's a it's, a it's a great great, thing to watch and see if I got to ask you though the, nickname Doug's, nickname you mentioned it earlier and, the story behind that.

I'll. Give you a hint, anybody. That saw Wayne's World, maybe. You can think back to that but Doug and I have sort of a mutually. Assured destruction, we're. Going to talk about our personal call signs together on TV. All. Right Colonel Steve ganyard for us and I want to bring the astronauts, back in you know just in his State of the Union address, President Trump, in February, said how necessary it, is for the u.s. to be the first country, to be able to plant its flag on Mars. Why is space, exploration still. So where they're not from a financial, perspective but, from your perspective as astronauts. Why. Is it space. Exploration. Why is that so important, and yet why would he said why would president Trump say it's so important, for example for the United States to be the first country to plant their flag on Mars it's, about people and and. People I mean this haven't, gone to space I always thought that space was somewhere else and then once you get there you realized that Earth is just bigger than you thought home, is bigger than we thought and our our place is this universe and exploring. Further and further and further is what we do it, will be countries, individual. Countries that lead this and yet we, will be doing it together and, Christina wanted to bring you back in as, well seemed like you wanted to answer that question also, you and you can do that also curious, just to give us a sense for, most, of us who have never been on the International. Space Station what. They're about to be greeted by. Well. It's an amazing feeling when you come through that hatch because the first thing you see is the face of someone that you trust a, crew member who you know has got your back and finally, after being you know in a small capsule, space. On your way there for many many hours and, in their case almost 20 hours they. Know they're home, and they know that they're gonna be well taken care of and you know they you start right away learning how to live this new life in microgravity onboard. A space station carrying, out your tasks and duties and so it'll be interesting to see them make that shift from kind of test pilots to being, in it for the long haul and I know they're gonna do an awesome job Katie, you want to just make a point here too I was just hearing some awesome words nominal, orbital insertion what, does that mean means that they've gotten to space real orbit.

Alright, So that's that that, is a major moment here they have entered space if you've been watching the broadcast on the right hand of the screen we are getting feeds in from, SpaceX, and from NASA what, we just saw right there I don't know if we just if the moment just happened but it looks like the, rocket. Booster just real ANDed right that. Was that was the booster that was the booster it just that so this that that's incredible it just launched into space and it just came down and that was also successful landing onto the ship because just before that it wasn't there and we don't got a correct here that I think they were calling that they're looking at a nominal orbital, insertion okay, because in one minute less than one minute from now we're talking about separation, explain to us what that process is, so that means that the we're, actually going to be done using the second stage and Dragon. Will actually separate, we. Have a very. But. You have the Falcon rocket here and you have the Dragon capsule this essentially comes off and it takes off from there Doug, and Bob are in here and they're going from here straight to the space station, that's correct and this is not that large right the capsule itself is not that large it's larger, than what you think of for you know Apollo Gemini but it's still it's a small place but it can seat four they've, got two people in, it and the. Bottom part of that is actually going to stick with it but they're actually living in the top sort of more triangular part there and it's a throwback to the, older missions right the bringing back of the capsule if you will physics, doesn't change right. Curious. To get both of your perspectives. Christina. If you'll jump in here to what you love most about being. In space, what you love most about this moment that they're feeling right now and beyond. Well. The thing I love most personally, throughout my mission was being able to contribute, and give back it's something, I've held in such, high regard my entire life so to be able to actually work on it day in and day out was just such a privilege, the, moment that there and right now is unforgettable. They're, floating out of their seats a little bit for the first time they're in microgravity of course they've experienced, that before but for me it was my first time and I looked over at my crew mate Nick Hague who was, also a rookie, at it and we smiled at each other and we knew we had gotten there it's also maybe their first time to take a peek out the window um if they have access to that to see earth which is another just phenomenal, moment but, probably, for a little while they're gonna be monitoring those systems, this is a big checkout period where they're making sure comm navigation.

And All that is working as expected so. Despite. That they're pretty happy okay. Let's listen. Dragon. Separation, confirmed. Separation. Confirm big smiles, from both of you here. Calm. Down one is not merging. This. Is an incredible, moment right here, SpaceX. Two. Astronauts, a private, company along. With NASA, I know. We are still very far from mission accomplished, but but so, far where. We are right now in this in this part of the mission, incredible. This. Is the safest, plate if you're not down here on earth this is the safest place to be dragon, dragon. The ground, Bob. Dug on behalf of the entire launch team thanks for flying with Falcon, nine today we hope you enjoyed the ride and wish, you a great mission. We. Won't be. F19. For the first human. Ride. For Falcon. 9 and it, was incredible. Appreciate. All the hard work and thanks. For the great rides. Of space. I. Love, you guys and the rest of the team thank. You so much for what you've done for us today putting, America, back into, low Earth orbit, up from the Florida, coast. Good. Luck Godspeed. Godspeed. So, next they're gonna stay, for a minimum of one month the maximum, of just over a hundred days beef it's a sense of what, the machine is vehicle. Check out the. Boys at program right now they're getting ready for the rendezvous so, tomorrow, is when they talk I tell people eight and a half minutes to get to space in about a day and I have two or so to parallel, park right, so, they're gonna approach the space station and in, that and before they do that or while they're doing that we're actually really I mean this is still a test mission every single minute of it as a test mission and they've got some you, know well-thought-out, tests, to understand, does, this vehicle behave like we thought it would you know is can everybody have the right information at, the right time and, does, everything look good for docking so there's a lot to do between now and tomorrow. Morning when they'll actually dock with the space station, and it's kind of like a ballet, up in space they'll, be sort of like catching up with the space station there they're in orbit a little lower than, the space station and so they go around a little faster, and then they will actually do a burn to to, catch up with the station and that ballet happens, over the next 19 hours Kristina talk to us about Doug, and Bob right now inside of that capsule, are they navigating. The capsule, or essentially, is it on autopilot, being, controlled, and they're sort of worrying about everything else. It. Should be on autopilot one, thing about the spacex crew Dragon. Capsule is that it could be completely, automated throughout, the mission including, rendezvous, and docking, and. It is the first of its kind to actually do that now they do have the ability to take over manually, and because this is a test mission they're actually going to practice, that ability, and test, it out both near, and far from, the international space station so, they're they're. Not necessarily, driving, but they're paying very close attention to. How those automated systems, are responding as you can imagine when it just pops off at the end of the rocket there's, no guaranteed, orientation. Or attitude, it has to use all of its systems to figure out where, it is in space how, its oriented in space and make sure that it's you know belly down and nose forward going around the earth and so Bob and Doug are making sure that all those systems are working great they're, ready to react in the case that anything, doesn't go as expected and hopefully, they're just watching all those systems come online nominally, even, including the life-support systems, they're in a closed-loop life, support system situation. Right now everyone, just went through a lot of vibrations, on launch so hopefully they're just watching everything come up nominally, we. Actually also have that moment we spoke about earlier the reusable, rocket that we heard you mentioned it's, actually, it landed back on a ship at sea and we have the video we want to show that to you now because this was one of the sort. Of the selling points for NASA and SpaceX they promised they could do this it took them a while but they figured it out and I think we do have that that clip if dave descent II can, show it to us now this was just the moment right after it landed back, on that ship and, you can still see some of the thrusters. There as we see some of the smoke coming off the bottom of the, rocket but an incredible, moment and incredible technology, and Katie. As you, watched this - SpaceX, impress.

You More and more as you've sort of seen their. Journey from once they got into the space race and what, we've seen today. Absolutely. I mean I love that they bring things that are new new ways of thinking new ways of doing and you know they and the NASA team have figured out a way to work, on this together which. Do, you know takes I think being brave enough to say this is what we see that's what we didn't can do and NASA, going well that is a different way and vice-versa and so, it's, it's a pretty cool partnership, and yet, it, actually paves the way for other partnerships, as well, again. Iord wanted to bring you back in just to get a sense of what, that partnership, means, and it wasn't necessary. In your opinion, for spaceflight to reinvent, itself for, the 21st, century. Yeah. I think, if, the lawn musk were with us right now he would tell you that SpaceX, has stood on the shoulders of NASA and and, to. Katie's point previously this is a public-private. Partnership so, you're taking the best of government and the best of the private sector and together, that's, the triumph here today this is the triumph that's going to drive the cost increase. The safety reliable. Launch to orbit that's going to allow us to put colonies, on other planets, so so, to do, that we required the best from the private sector the best from the government, and, that's how we got to this launch today and that's what the future will be and, give us a sense just again of why NASA is no longer launching, astronauts, itself. Yeah. Government. Government you, know go node. If we look at the covert response, right not, great so if we leave things exclusively. To government, they, aren't as agile, you know if you go to the private sector they're faster, quicker better cheaper but. You need government, in something like this we're big science, very expensive, big science is involved and so this, partnership, between NASA and SpaceX, and in, the future there's lots of other companies that are involved here you know it's not just basics.

We. Have Jeff Bezos and Blue. Origin coming, along here he's nipping at the heels of the law and musk and, Jeff. Bezos is spending a billion dollars, with a bee of. His own money to get to the moon and you have these competing visions, where a lot of musk wants to go and put a colony, on on Mars and, Jeff Bezos wants, a colony, on the moon and, so you have these two entrepreneurs. The. Richest. Guy in the world and the 31st, richest guy in the world we're putting their own money down to to secure, a personal, legacy to secure a personal dream that, most of the rest of the world shares and that is to get to space and create colonies, and explore, new worlds and advance, science every, watching that launch it just does not get over Katie you wanted to comment well, just I think with all these these. Companies in, the, partnerships, with government, I mean government has the public trust I mean we are the Shepherd's of the taxpayers dollars and, then you have these innovative companies who can actually take bigger risks not, with people regions but with hardware and by them being able to say well let's try it this way something, that would be a little bit harder for the less flexible your bureaucracy, of the u.s. to, do Ebola by doing that they, actually go several steps ahead and it brings everybody with them and, that's a general principle that we're using to basically get right now air to Mars faster how, has the marriage been though because you do really, have now, sort of two very different spouses, in NASA Elon, Musk and you know. Yeah, I mean how has. This marriage worked in which what is the real story I mean results, matter, there. Are results right now we're watching them up close but, how has that been because you have the rebel billionaire, and you have to buy the book agency, well I'd like to look at even what we've seen in the press conference is the way these people talk to each other you, can tell that they have figured themselves, out you, know that they have figured out how to forge relationships and, part of it if I think that the mission is, the same the mission is to explore and to, go further and to build the hardware and make, sure that basically. You know a diverse, bunch of people can get to go and not just a few and, when I think when they focus on that I mean I see the bridges in between, individual, disciplines. And even I mean they're watching movies together during you, know during the quarantine they had the the flight control team SpaceX, and NASA we're, watching I call, him boy movies I think I think there is a there's a show Bob and Doug McKenzie, I think, that was a favorite.

Christina, Curious, if we can just like kind of piggyback on that your thoughts on, space. Tourism, and, the, idea, of should. Space just be open for people who have experience or come. One and all so they're gonna continue under the power I am definitely in the come one and all camp and I think that that's the prevailing theory right now you know NASA's, job was to incubate this until it was ready for release into, the private sector until. It was commercially, viable and that's when it's better to hand it off to companies. Not. Get. Them to those points fast things like going back to them this decade and eventually on so. I think anyone who's curious anyone, who has a desire to do do game to, create humanity's, dreams with them into space and to share it when they get back to contribute to the science on the frontiers, I welcome, them and that's why this era, that we're starting today is so exciting, and Katie we talked about that they won't actually attach to the International, Space Station until tomorrow how long, is this portion of the flight waiting for this portion meaning until they get to the space station right it's I think 19 hours okay is the is the total and so they're gonna actually get. A chance once they're doing a lot of things right now checking out things as Christina was saying there's a lot of shaking that goes on you want to make sure everything's, still in good shape but. After they're done with a bunch of tests they'll probably take their suits off they'll, they've got food up there there's enough room to move, around eventually. The astronauts will go to bed so, you will sleep so Tom. Actually brought this up about is this kind of writing, itself, at a certain point on autopilot, but they'll. Both go to sleep at the same time or it's one person as always someone, watch. Well. There as, I understand the plan is to sleep at the boat at the same time there's a timeline and says you'll sleep and actually, being ready for that critical I'm being, funny about it but being ready for that critical operation, of docking, is imperative. And they've had a long day and so when. Sleeps your job that's what you'll do and at the same time they've, got it all arms inside the vehicle there I'm, sure they're, gonna be watching what the ground is watching them as well you. Know Christina we I know you set, the record for the, longest time in the space station, by, a woman nearly a year incredible. And one of the research, projects. You worked on was what sort. Of being in space that long does to the human body what. Did you figure out what did you learn and why, on this mission with Doug and Bob is there sort of a sliding scale it could be a few, months or it could be a hundred and ten days explain that. Sure. Well some, of the things that we're looking to find out is what is normal, for the human body after up to a year in space and hopefully longer eventually as we're going to looking, to architectures. For Mars missions but I think what we find is what things sort of plateau in, terms of your physiological changes. And what things maybe keep getting different and keep adapting that we have to maybe watch and come up with new countermeasures, for our, exercise program, is excellent so we keep that cardiovascular and, muscular health going. But there are always new things to learn when we extend those missions for, Bob. And Doug I think there are a couple different factors on, that effect when they can come home one is the readiness of the next vehicle it's obviously still going through some of its final you know phases. Of its construction and delivery so we'll see what how that pans out obviously, right now the goal is late, August I believe and. Then also things like are their solar arrays going to perform better or, worse than expected that could change its maximum, possible duration. There's operational, requirements. And constraints are, they going to do some spacewalks, get some new batteries installed. Then simply weather you know when they come home there's a lot more weather sites to check for all the different possible, landing sites so there's kind of a few different factors that we're playing and what I love is that NASA, is nimble enough to play with those factors, and recognize we don't have to pin it down right now we can, be flexible and nimble and to see that developing, as we work with our own private, partners is pretty exciting, and, Katie wanted to bring back the point that Doug and Bob are both dads, and and, you had a ten year old son and now who's now 19, but you were still able to communicate, with him every night I mean give us a sense of the regimen and how you're able to stay in contact with, home with. The same kind of way we can actually see the astronauts right now and talk to them we can actually call our families for you know at least 40 minutes of every hour if we wanted to if you could all day long which nobody has time for that but I spoke to my family every day except.

For Three in, almost six months eight one so we get to talk to them we used to have video conferences, once a month sorry. Once a week it might be a little bit better than that but, you find raised to be and touch and be together my son I used to read stories I think, we got some video you brought your flute with, you into, space, and. In a moment we're gonna we're gonna play that there we go the first ever duet, from. Space and on the ground tell us about this moment this is with Ian, Anderson of, Jethro Tull, and I. Loved the fact that he brought the flute to, rock music and he and he sort of brought a whole bunch of people with him including. And so I wrote. To him and just said I'm gonna go to the Space Station a little business trip and I wonder if I could take your flute with me on. The day this the first day on the day of his duet he. Was in Perm Russia playing a concert it was the April 12 2011. The 50th, anniversary of, human spaceflight he. Was in Russia I was living on the space station and, we, played this duet together. Incredibly. Cool and and I got it I got to think even, though you have a whole nation behind you in rooting you on in space at moments. It has to get so lonely and you do have to cut loose and whip. Out the jazz and. Just. Go wild right, I mean after after, you're up there for so long well you know the big secret is that people feel badly for us and they have these images of capsule, but you know that Space Station is like 10 school. Buses without the seats in them all connected, together at different angles I mean it's huge and giant, it's filled with science experiments, that can't, be done down here and it's, um it's, it's the most amazing place to live I would have stayed another six months in a minute like to bring Gio Benitez back, in angio, it's, quite a different. Scene than it would be outside, of a pandemic certainly, you would have many. People who are watching give, us a sense of what. You are observing there from on the ground and if you're, able to kind of give us a read on the energy there. People. Were just so excited, Lindsay just so excited, they've cleared out but this whole lawn here was packed with people as people were just watching this launch by the way I got to just say Katy and Christina they're incredibly, modest, but you know how they tell us oh you should know a little bit about everything well, astronauts, need to know a lot, about everything they are just the smartest, people that I've interviewed so far because they go in with some expertise. And then they have to know a little bit about everything including, how to do, their own surgery. Because. They're obviously alone, there on that ship on that International. Space Station by the way I should tell you that tomorrow, morning, 10:30 a.m., Eastern, Time. That is when they, are expected, to dock at the is us and at 12:45. P.m. Eastern, that is when they are going to do that hatch opening, into, the International, Space Station and that's, where they have the welcome, ceremony. Could. You sense the pressure from from speaking with so many nasa staffers. And being in those news conferences, could you sense the pressure that you, know all eyes were on this launch it had to be a successful, mission for a variety of reasons of course because we had two Americans aboard, the capsule but also just, to push forward the space program, in America, because there are some very ambitious projects. Down the road. Incredibly. Ambitious projects. We are talking about I spoke with the NASA Administrator and, he said that one of the projects he's most excited about is the idea of 3d. Printing, organs, can, you imagine what that would mean for healthcare that is something that you could do in the microgravity, of space that, you can't necessarily do, here, on earth so no doubt about it they wanted this to succeed and they, wanted to make sure though that Bob, and Doug were both safe as they did it.

Curious. If you're aware of this story Katie you probably are I guess there was an American, fragment, fool on the first ever space shuttle and tell us about that because now it sounds like there was a. Actually. From. Ducted, Doug and his commander Chris, Ferguson who. Is the commander, of the Boeing. We're gonna be launch that, will be coming soon right. And so here's the commander, and pilot vying, for who's paid who's spacecraft, commercial partners spacecraft will be up there first to then retrieve. That flag and bring, it back home it's. Basic so I guess that well, you know you don't like to say it's done till it's done but it's looking pretty good for SpaceX, I would. Ask Christina Chris you know you know we're talking about docking, with the International Space, Station aboard a private, rocket ship and a private space ship how, much harder now is this is the next step is getting back to the moon it's on a privately, owned and operated, although. Well. Obviously there's, a lot of new technologies, that are gonna be developed but I think one of the big hurdles is actually forming those partnerships, and defining how we talk. About requirements, in meeting the NASA safety, standards, when we have private companies actually, designing, and building, the, spacecraft so we've really overcome, the, biggest procedural. Hurdles to that and, the other part is just having that collective, Drive having, you. Know I, just, kinda go I think we've over put that foretold spell and I think it's gonna actually, what. Those, fact I'm second, and. Give us a sense also because we've heard that the International, Space Station is about the size of what, a football, field there's, six different living, quarters, on there bay. Window I've only read about it but you've both experienced. It so. It is if you laid it out on a football field it would go end to end but. We and that's where the sort of outside and solar arrays are we actually live kind of along the 50-yard line and it is those sort of like eight or ten modules that I talked about school bus size so I'm pointing up some pointing down all in a row and in the middle is what we call the cupola, and it is a module, of Windows that, where, you can look at the top you can look out this way and the, contrast, is on every, vehicle until this time you, just had a portal and if you're looking for hawaii's, you go over I mean you have to look exactly the right, and see it whereas being able to sort of look and see a place that means something, to you something you, know on the earth and see it as it's coming and spin, around you watch it going it's, a very it makes it it gets us a human presence Cristina. You I saw you nodding along. Yes. I I was because I was just envisioning, the cupola as Katy described, it she's exactly right it is a phenomenal, part of station because I think it really brings the human element I call, it the bay windows patient, station, it looks down on earth and you can actually position yourself, in it to where the only thing that you see is the horizon of Earth in 360. Degrees and, the thin line of the atmosphere, around it and depending, whether you're in a night pass or a day pass either the stars, in the universe or, you know the beautiful, continents. And oceans below you and just to recognize that you know that view and bringing it home to all the people that got us there and really, answering humanity's, call to explore and taking that perspective, and bringing it back home is such, an important part of our mission in addition to the great science and the benefits and Technology answering.

Humanity's, Call to explore we're seeing that today and this mission is expected to be about 3,200, days or a little bit more what determines, how long they'll, stay, they've. Got certain objectives, to meet this is a test, mission and it just depends what the answers to the questions, are as they go along and also the needs of the space station and I would, think how ready they are to launch, in August you, know one of the things that we always try to keep in mind is the space station is an orbiting laboratory it's, our test place for. Testing out things for the Moon and Mars and having. Two extra people up there who already know, how to get to work do, spacewalks all those kinds of things is really valuable work and, what is the plan next is is there another trip providing, that this is a success, and they return without any kind of incident another, trip, already planned or anticipated for. August so, for SpaceX scheduled right now for August but do you know TBD depending, on the results, here of you know testing, out this this is a test flight and then also for Boeing, they are in line as well and I'm, going to fly there they're an uncrewed. Mission first we, do have some news from the president, he spoke briefly to reporters we just want to mention what he said he set up quote I'm so proud of the people of NASA public and private when you see a site like that it's incredible, when you hear that sound, the roar you can imagine how dangerous it is I think this is such a great inspiration for our country, our country is doing well so, the president there to witness this up close Gio Benitez one, final thought before we wrap up our coverage you were there close to you could see it you could hear it you could feel it your, thoughts as you sort of reflect on that incredible moment. I'm. Thinking, right now Tom about Bob and Doug's wives they're, both decorated. Astronauts, themselves, Karen. And Megan and they, were, watching knowing. Exactly what. Could go wrong and what could go right and what you do when things go wrong and they were there watching so I'm thinking, about them watching. That with their sons right now just, pretty special to see such a successful, way you, know this. Is just so great and I can't stop watching them and I'm glad they're playing just one more time because it has been such a tough time over the last three months in this country we've, just, everything. Sort of has not wanted for so many families whether, people getting sick of losing their jobs and then right now we just have so much unrest, because, of what's happened in Minnesota and you, get to just sort of pause and see. What this country can do when it all works and things, come together and ambition. Meets hoped meets, dreams it. Is just incredible, it is amazing, to watch and, it's. Not that we can, forget what's happened this, week or over the last three months but it's a reminder of, what we can do look on the space front today signifies, a, major, advancement. Right we have propelled forward and now I think it's also we, have to be mindful that, we have to remember, how to get things right back here on earth you know especially as. We talked about these protests, and what's going on as a result of what happened in Minnesota but. Such. Excitement, for a moment, to take a breather, from that and watch this and it's incredible because it's gonna be to be continued, this is the first new chapter and we were gonna keep reading this book and keep covering this because it's incredible, this does conclude our coverage of launch America, mission to space live I want to thank our partners at National Geographic our, ABC, team and special, thanks to NASA astronauts, Christina cook and Cady, Coleman for, Lindsay Davidson myself I'll see you later on a World News Tonight have a good afternoon thank you so much for, witnessing history with us, we're, glue.


2020-06-03 22:36

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