VMware Course | why Company need Virtualization ?|VMware On job training |VMware Certification Guide
so okay so we'll get started now uh without you know wasting more time um thank you again you know for taking the time out on a weekend evening to join the session so a little background about myself I have been working uh for close to about 18 years now and on VMware technology I've been working for close to about I would say 14 years now so I've done a lot of work on in VMware I started off with really old versions and I'm working on the current version so I have a good understanding of how VMware portfolio works and how it it is all you know clubbed together the intention of the call is to basically highlight you know why you should be basically interested in VMware why you should be learning VMware that's the most important question that I would be answering today and what is that we are going to offer you and so in the next one hour I'm going to talk about that what is in it for you why you should be learning VMware how is it going to help you and you know um when you join that session what is that we are going to cover and how it is going to benefit you um so all those things you know I'm going to talk about if you have any questions at any point of time my request is that you know you can feel free to unmute yourself and ask the questions as we go along if you would like to put it on the chat it's up to your wish please feel free okay let's make this conversation interactive I would love to hear your thoughts I would love to hear that you know what is that um you know you expect from the session if there's something which is I do not talk about and you would like to hear more about it please let me know I'll be more than happy okay all right so with that let me get started now so first I would like to talk about that what is VMware and you know is it really relevant now in today's world okay now I'm not a presentation guy I do not make a lot of presentations uh but somehow I'm not able to share my screen Amit you need to allow me I am I'm unable to share my screen okay thank you I should have the access now yes I have the access now sorry someone had any question okay I'm muting everyone okay if you have any questions at any point of time please feel free to unmute this is just to you know stop the background noise all right so um you are seeing my screen okay so first I would like to talk about that is VMware still relevant today okay I I believe that you know you all understand that what VMware is so if I basically talk about vmware's architecture all that it is doing for you is and that you know um you have for example a physical server okay let's say that you have a physical server and this can be any server HP Dell IBM Lenovo you name it you know that's the server that you have okay generally what would happen is that you know on This Server you can only run one operating system so if you install Windows or if you install Linux it's only one operating system which you're running on it now with the introduction of VMware what you basically do is on this Hardware on this HP or Dell server that you have you install hypervisor okay so you install hypervisor and that is basically giving you the functionality to run multiple virtual machines and what you do is that you install hypervisor directly on the hardware like you know for example if I uh give you a laptop and if I ask you you know to install Windows 10 on it all that you have to do is basically get the Windows 10 operating system and you install it directly on it okay same would be the um you know I should say the fundamentals when it comes over here so when you have to install the hypervisor you are basically installing it on the hardware directly there is no middleman in this okay you do not have to make any changes to install the hardware to install the hypervisor operating system on the hardware so you are installing it directly now once you have done this after that what you need to do is basically create virtual machines okay and all these virtual machines would have their own operating system their own application okay and then they would work in this fashion okay this is what basically virtualization is doing for you so basically virtualization is giving you the flexibility wherein you know you can run multiple operating systems on one Hardware that is the benefit okay now the point is that is it still relevant today now most of you would already know about it that you know you have Cloud out there something called as AWS or Google cloud or Azure or Oracle Cloud Alibaba Cloud IBM Cloud you name it and you know every company is giving out a cloud over there okay so in today's world should you really be you know learning VMware I mean what is the point of learning in VMware I mean why don't you simply learn AWS and that's the way to keep it okay now there are some subtle differences okay and I would like you to expand your Horizon and think about it okay so let me give you a small example let's say that you know you are a big pharmaceutical company okay let's say that you are a big Bank okay so in India you know there are so many banks out there do you think of any Bank you know that comes to your mind now A Bank cannot have all the operations running on the cloud okay I'm not saying that you know they should not do it or they should do it I'm I'm not commenting on that but think about it a bank cannot basically do away with everything and run everything on the cloud that is something a banker cannot do a bank needs to maintain its local environment and then of course there might be few services that they can move to the cloud and they can run it from there sure no concerns at that point of time but everything cannot be moved I mean it's a journey I mean you might say that you know AWS you know launched in 2006 or 2007 it's been so many years now that you know they are working on it and you know cloud has been out there for more than a decade now I agree but still people take time to move to the cloud okay so people do need to maintain the environment that's the first point that everyone cannot move their Cloud blindly they have to think about it take an approach do a phase migration that take years to come okay now the second point is that when you move to the cloud the basic difference is that you lose the control you do not have the control of the hardware or the environment or your data when you're running in the cloud now few clients might be okay with it okay but when you again like I mentioned expand your horizon when you are a billion dollar company okay you would not you know lose that control you ought to maintain that control that you know nothing is there in your control so people do would like to maintain the control that you know they have an on-prem environment they know what is running they know when things are down what is down what is not working they have a complete control on it okay on cloud you lose that flexibility that you know where the data is for example if you choose Mumbai region or Hyderabad region so you can definitely move everything over there but where the data is has been looked at I mean there's so many questions you know open-ended questions now this is something that I read somewhere that VMware and all its customers combined together they have close to about 85 million workloads so think about it I mean this number might be you know not an exact figure this is an approximate figure that I'm telling you this is I've read somewhere that VMware has close to about 85 million workloads you know which are running um you know all around the globe now this is a huge number 85 million you know servers you know Windows Linux machines combined it together you know you are running okay now VMware customers you know expand you know huge I mean if you go to their website you would see that you know Airtel is their customer you would see SBI is their customer okay you could have a very small you know Enterprise you know which only has two or three esxiles or two or three servers they are also VMware customers so VMware has a huge you know base of customers right from the small ones to the huge customers as well okay in U.S if you you know go to their website you would find so many other names over there listed as well okay now my point is that VMware is definitely here to stay 85 million workloads like I mentioned just cannot disappear overnight okay if someone says that they are going to disappear overnight they are absolutely lined okay now this is the first aspect the second aspect is whenever a company is not performing well or if the company is about to die you know uh you look at their financial Revenue you look at that how the company is making profit okay now on Google if you just type VMware revenue for example okay just type VMware revenue and if you scroll down you would see this uh link over here that says VMware Revenue it's a public uh website companies Market Revenue and if you go over here here they basically show you what render of how VMware has been behaving okay so they started off in 2005 with a revenue of 0.39 billion okay that was their revenue for a financial year now you scroll through and you come to the 2023 fast forward then you come to the present here then now revenue is 13.54
billion and if you look at the trajectory it is always going in an upward state it is not coming down so if a company is about to die or if if a technology is no longer applicable in the market its Revenue should fall the revenue should not go up however over here with VMware case you know we see that you know the revenue is going up and you can see the difference in you know the percentages okay VMware started off as a company with two products and if I now take you to vmware.com okay and I'll show you the number of products that they have you will be absolutely amazed to see that you know how many products that they have okay so if I show you over here and if I come down and if I click on see all products that they have you see over here 177 results they have 177 products and the best part is look at their category they are into basically everything you name it and they have an answer for you right from AIML workloads right from um you know end user Computing server virtualization kubernetes containers Network you talk about value cloud and network ALB app controllers you talk about blockchain you talk about integrated openstack you name a technology and you VMware has an answer for you okay so VMware has actually diversed a lot so if you are not changing if you are not making changes you will surely you know die so VMware did not want to become a dinosaur in the technology company they absolutely wanted to evolve and you know to be very much irrelevant and that is why you know they have 177 products that is why their revenue is going up okay now VMware also went ahead and did a brilliant move in the market that was they collaborated with the public clouds so if I I take you over here to products okay and if I show you over here you see these functionalities over here Alibaba Cloud VMware service Azure VMware solution Google Cloud IBM Cloud Oracle Cloud on AWS so what this basically means is you can now run VMware on public Cloud as well so it's no longer the affair that you have to run VMware only in your public environment you can absolutely run it on the public in clouds as well and you name a cloud okay these are all the major plays of you know Cloud I would say that you know anyone if you talk about Cloud you know they would have heard about Alibaba Azure cloud and everyone so the point is if you have to run VMware you can absolutely run it in your private data center as well if you want to host your own data center you manage the way you would like to do it sure absolutely you can do it however if you would like to have a joint approach so you would like to also maintain your environment and you also want to take the capabilities of the cloud as well you can absolutely do it okay and you have the option of which Cloud you would like to go ahead with so you want to go ahead and with AWS with Oracle IBM Google Azure Alibaba whichever your favorite cloud is VMware has an option for you and you can go ahead with it Heritage you have a question please go for it buddy okay let me unmute yourself uh okay let me how do I unmute you ask to unmute okay I've given you the prompt to unmute yourself if you have any questions please feel free if you don't that's okay okay I'll take it as a pass for now and I'll move on okay so my point is that you know over here if you would like to maintain your VMware environment and you would like to move it on the cloud that is something that you can also do as well and this is trust me a very popular move now all the customers who are basically running VMware the 85 million workloads that I talked about they have this golden opportunity with them that they can maintain their environment and if required they can move few workloads to the cloud okay so let's say that you know you are running on a public cloud and you you know set up VMware over here as well so you have a VMware which is running at your on-prem and you have a VMware which was running in the cloud okay be it any Cloud provided LGB like and now you can link both these environments together to think about it that you have two sites you know you have a site in location a and then you have a site in location B and that location B for you could be Azure could be IBM could be Google Cloud okay and you can link both those environments together and you can operate from there so whenever you require you can run the workloads uh from your on-prem and then if required you can also run your workloads from the cloud so basically you have the control of where you want to run the workloads and the migration and the connectivity that happens you know to migrate the virtual machine so for example you have a virtual machine over here okay tomorrow you say that you know you want to run it from the cloud you can absolutely do it you can absolutely migrate it to the cloud and this can be done live without any downtime this can be done live without zero downtime and you can migrate it to the cloud and you can run it from there tomorrow you decide you want to bring back this VM back to your on-prem again you can absolutely do it you can bring it back to your on-prem and this will be live again there would be zero downtime so all this flexibility VMware is giving you VMware is not you know making you a vendor lock-in like you know you would have heard about it that if you go native to the cloud you have a possibility that you might not be able to move out from the cloud because you get logged in their applications their databases that you are running you would only find on that cloud and you know when you have to move to the other Cloud then you have to learn their skill sets their tools their new database you know do everything over here that's not the thing if you are running VMware at the on-prem and when you run VMware on the cloud you basically get the same tools I mean there is no difference over there the stack that you are running or the on-prem and the stack that you're running on the cloud is based basically the same there is absolutely any difference over there okay everything Remains the Same so the benefit with VMware is they have evolved okay they have 177 products as we saw okay they are not about to die okay because their revenue is growing okay we see that they are very flexible you want to maintain it at the on-prem that's fine you want to move it to the cloud that you can something that you can also do as well and you do not have to reskill yourself so for example if I ask you that you know you have to maintain an Azure environment now if you like it or not you have to study Azure I mean you can definitely argue that you know if you have studied One Cloud the other Cloud basically operates in the same manner and you just have to you know understand few things and you will be good to go I agree I mean that would be the case but think about it there are still challenges over there you still have to understand the nitty-gritty of the other Cloud to make sure that you can handle it in an effective manner with VMware that's not the case if you're running at the on-prem or if you're running on the cloud basically you are getting the same skill you have the same skill you get the same software that you have to maintain there is absolutely no difference okay the other benefit is there is no lock-in it is not that you know you go on the cloud and you're getting stuck over there now how do I move out if you do not like for example any public Cloud you know that you move your VMware workloads then you're not happy with it you can always come back to your on-prem and then tomorrow you can decide that you know I did not like for example Cloud X now I will come back to my on-prem and now I want to move to Cloud y I can absolutely do that you know you see all these options over here we have got so many clouds over here you can pick and choose you know whichever Cloud vendor is the best for you you don't like one Cloud vendor that's fine you come back and you go to the other one and you do not have to relearn anything so you have a lot of flexibility that you gather and there's basically no login okay and all of this basically boils down to learning vsphere so the base technology of whatever I spoke about is the core of the VMware is vsphere so you talk about you know all these products that VMware has okay so if I show you over here quickly so you see over here that you know they have networking and security you have desktop hypervisor Cloud management anywhere desktop you know tanzu I've got so many things over here but what is the foundation what is that core principle on which everything revolves it is vsphere okay this is basically the base and then on top of it you know you keep building on it think about it that this is the base layer of the cake and then you know you can keep adding whichever flavor you like and you know you how you want to you know bake your cake it is absolutely your wish but the core component you know baking the cake is V sphere so this is what you know you basically first understand and then you can of course you know keep letting the new VMware products As you move along okay now Our intention over here so what I've discussed so far is that why you should be learning VMware okay my intention is to basically uh tell you that you know you should not be in that thought of mind that you know I should not be learning VMware VMware is not good for me or VMware has nothing to offer me okay that's the mindset I would not like you to have this technology is absolutely relevant and it is here to stay so these were the examples that I gave you okay okay um agreed that you know this technology is here to stay and uh I should learn this technology the second question comes what is it in it for you I mean how is it going to help you out are there jobs out there are there people looking for VMware admins are they people you know who are basically you know posting jobs for this technology now I would like to show you that okay so we talked about that why VMware now what was the benefit when you learn VMware okay so LinkedIn is a very popular tool we all know that you know LinkedIn basically um gives you a lot of uh flexibility in terms of you know making your professional connections looking for a job or whatever you would like to do okay let me show you real live on LinkedIn that you know how many people are basically looking for VMware admin okay so all that you have to do is go to LinkedIn on the search bar that you see over here just type hiring VMware okay just type over here hiding VMware and you need to click on this post over here and sorted by latest so that you know the latest post comes on the top now here you would get the post right around the world if someone has posted in Dubai in America in South Africa wherever the post they might have posted you would see it over here yeah now we are based in India okay so let's focus on India only so these jobs let's say that you know we do not have the Visa so they might not be the relevant job profiles for us fair enough no problem so here you see that you know they have this opportunity over here basically they are hiring for this if you keep coming down you would see you over here that you know our team at cohesity is basically hiring you know this is what you are looking at so you see this person they are basically hiring for it if you still keep coming down then you would see over here that this person is basically hiring for it keep coming down keep coming down and you would find a lot of post over here wherein basically people have mentioned that you know they are looking for VMware admins okay so this is a basically job in U.S so this is not going to help us okay you see over here they're basically hiring for a VMware consultant so here they're asking for a couple of more technology so if you are from a networking background okay and if you know VMware vsan is a very quick tool to learn I mean you can definitely you can definitely apply for this opportunity okay so you see over here that you know again this is a job in U.S so we need to ignore this um okay this is again from the US but the point is basically if you keep scrolling down you would find you know jobs over here you would find post over here that you can reach out to the people and you can basically you know uh you know connect with them and basically you know apply for the opportunity okay so you see over here again so this is the US1 all the interesting one but you could also apply for these opportunities you see over here that you know this is a job in Doha and Qatar for example if you are willing to relocate yeah so you know this is the way you can quickly find out you know what the jobs are you know how people are hiring and you know what the post that they have mentioned over here and you have a lot of you know post every day you know that people are putting today being a weekend you might not see a lot of post over there but again you know do check it out on a weekday and I'm very sure that you know you would find a lot of opportunities over here that you know that you have yeah now there is one more way that you can also look for the VMware jobs is basically when you just type in VMware okay hit the enter key and instead of post you basically switch it to jobs okay and basically if you look for the jobs that have been posted in last 24 hours it basically shows you 1 000 results okay so you see that you know Accenture everyone knows about Accenture a giant in technology is basically hiring for VMware administrators you know so many opportunities that they have listed so they have listed everywhere so basically it is gurugram and then they have also posted where Bengaluru Mumbai Pune you know there are so many opportunities Noida Hyderabad you know so many companies are basically hiring for VMware administrator then it's only the first page if you keep scrolling down you know you would find so many you know uh jobs available you see Infosys Desiring okay so yeah so my point is you have a lot of uh you know VMware technology which are still relevant when you learn the technology it's not that you know you are wasting your time absolutely not you have so many companies who are basically looking for it and you can absolutely apply for them okay so this is the way that can also help you so for example let's say that you know you might say that red hat is a Linux company all together it's a Linux different uh company altogether but if you know VMware of course it is going to help you as well okay because uh Linux definitely works on a VMware and you can absolutely run your environment okay because that's the platform yeah but you've got so many companies you know who are basically you know out there looking for jobs and you can also type over here for example VMware admin if you would like to Define your job okay you can also mention over here as VMware admin you know so many options are there my point is you have the opportunity the profile is relevant and it's going to help you okay now the sex now the next question comes okay I understand that VMware is relevant there are jobs available or we uh work Linux VM hey I did not get your question on the chat can you please elaborate I mean if you are if I get your question if you would like to run Linux on VMware absolutely you can do that so you can create a red hat sent OS you can absolutely run it on a esxi so that's no problem so if you have to install a Windows operating system or if you want to install a Linux operating system that is something that you can absolutely do okay so I spoke about that you know why you should be learning VMware once you learn VMware are there any jobs available yes definitely jobs are available okay and the next thing that I would like to talk about is basically um what we are going to cover in this course okay so in this module of ours in the training of ours what we're going to cover is basically when you go to Google and you just type VMware vsphere 8 ICM ICM basically stands for install configure manage okay you look at this URL VMware vsphere install configure manage okay and this is basically the course you know that they are saying okay let me find it in a pleasant way in a pretty format this is yeah this is the new website where they have it in a pretty format uh okay let me look forward we sphere 8 over here okay the page is not working that's good to know okay let me try it again over here it could be a browser thing yeah this one yeah this is the one so what we need what we are going to cover in our course is basically we sphere ICM that is install configure managed and we are going to learn version 8 which is the latest one now these are the objectives that you're going to achieve now here they have given you an outline basically what you will be learning so if I go over here you you will they will basically Begin by an overview then how to configure your esxi how to manage all those esxis you have a vcenter then how do you set up networking storage how do you get the virtual machines to interact how do you manage them when you jump to the cluster setting up the high availability vmotioning and then how do you manage and upgrade and Patch your environment okay so whatever they have mentioned over here everything we are going to cover in our training there is nothing that we're going to leave out okay this is a five day official trading okay this is basically nine to five you know if you go for an official training that would be it uh but again we would not be doing in five days we would be basically doing it over uh 14 to 16 classes on weekends and here you know I would really break down things for you talk about what everything means what the word appliance mean and you know basically talk about anything and everything you know and show you everything in my lab yeah so I have a good lab to basically demo all the environments let me quickly show you my lab as well um so how I'm going to do all my practicals so I have a server on which I've installed ea6i directly and if I log into my server and show you the configuration that I have it is basically having a good core it has basically a good Intel Xeon Processor I have 256 GB of RAM I have a good three terabyte of SSD hard drive so yeah I would be able to basically do all these practicals for you so basically I create a virtual esxis and show you that you know how they interconnect how the esxi installation would happen and I would you know basically do everything that okay and I would also be covering all these points over here so whatever they have mentioned I would also be talking about few things that you know they have not mentioned over here and I think which are important I we would be absolutely covering those as well okay um I have been giving trainings for a very long time now I mean I started giving trading in 2015 and I've been giving it for many years now and as I mentioned mentioned earlier also that I still today work on VMware technology okay if you ask me to teach you VR to teach you AWS or to teach you Google or IBM sorry I would not be able to do that because I only look at VMware I mean my more my I should say uh core svm where I and I only teach VMware yeah because I still work on the technology okay so I know VMware I know how it works and I've been doing this for a very long time so I think uh when you join my training you would absolutely uh not be uh you know uh in a state of mind that you know you don't get anything or what is happening you're not sure about it I will basically break down things for you and teach you in an absolutely structured way and go in the basics so that you know you understand everything okay and absolutely when you learn the technology then you have absolutely so many options available you know that you can apply for the opportunities and you know you can uh you know apply for them so so many options are out there so this is if I do in a past month then you say that you know there are basically so many opportunities only in India you know that you have and that you can apply for okay so yeah you see VMware consultant Cloud admin L3 VMware admin VMware administrator so yeah so many things are over here NTT data entity is a very good uh brand name you know Norwin Technologies this is a good company you know see so many options they have over here you know you can this is the one you know that you would like to apply after this training and I am very sure that you know you would be able to get through now if I talk about course duration course duration is basically generally I would say two months okay we would basically have the classes on weekends and it will be a three hour class on a Saturday and it will be a three year class on a Sunday so basically in one week we study for six hours okay and we basically study for six to seven weeks okay this is what we do okay and for fees I am not the right person basically you should reach out to Amit um I hope everyone has this phone number you can reach out to him and he would be able to tell you that you know when the batch begins or what is the fees he would be the right person to answer that question anything related to course I would be able to do that yeah when it comes to lab we can definitely look into it if you need a lab we can give you lab access a few folks already have the labs and they don't need it so we can definitely talk about that that should not be a concern as well okay so yeah this is what you know what we are going to do this is how we are going to cover and I absolutely feel that you know after doing this course um you know you would be able to get yourself a hike um any project exposure definitely I mean I would not be able to give you any real-time projects but I can definitely share my experience with you that you know what you need to do in these circumstances or if you would like to you know I can give you an approach I can tell you on how a project Works how do you begin from A to Z so I went to answer your question um you know we can definitely do that you know so if this is for example if you have to migrate from an old cluster to a new cluster uh how would you do that what are the things that you will be considering why would you be migrating what would be the reason behind it so we will basically deep you know do a discussion on every project so when it comes to migration building um you know setting up Technologies what is the best practice how you should be doing it so we will be basically talking about all of this uh arvind I hope that answers your question If Not Buddy please feel free to type in on the chat yeah you can absolutely you know create your own lab as well uh no problems over here and I would be more than happy to show you then how on how you can do that you have multiple ways you know you can either do it on a VMware Workstation or you could do it like I have done that you know installed esxi directly on the hardware and then build a virtual ESX file and then you know establish the communication and then you know if you want to do all that I'll be more than happy to basically demo and to you know show it to you the non how you can also do that no concerns over there that should be absolutely fine okay um okay do you have any idea in U.S right
now how will we will get the job only with VMware knowledge I mean um Jyoti are you in us if you are in U.S after this course you will absolutely be able to get a lot of jobs over there okay sure thank you so much thanks for the answer yeah I mean um shifting from India to us I mean Visa would be a lot of problem that is something I don't think so the children will be easy for you to uh move over but if you are in U.S you have a valid work visa after this opportunity trust me you know you have when you have so many opportunities and they also have a culture of remote work over there in India you know you still have few companies who basically ask you to come from you know come to office and all that but in U.S I think it will be a very um good option for you to land uh you know into a job and I'll be honest with you that you know in you as it should be relatively simple there shouldn't be any concerns thank you so much right now I'm in U.S so I don't know the market how it is going I'm sorry oh and U.S it is absolutely great I mean if I talk about there are so many opportunities that come in U.S you know
you can apply filters and you can create job alerts for you um you know I could definitely you know just like I was showing it to you over here to you if you type over here United States I mean yeah should be it so yeah here you would find so many opportunities over here so you can apply for all these opportunities and after this course I am very sure that you know whatever I teach you it should be you know you just need to practice and after this Jyoti I'm very sure that you know you will be in thank you so much yeah no problem so other question Mahesh has is what is esxi esxi is basically the hypervisor on which the VMware is running air watch is a different uh product all together so esxi basically gives you the functionality so if I show you the ESX or maybe let me quickly draw the efxi architecture so basically you have a physical machine let's say this is a physical machine that you have okay this could be an HP server Dell server IBM Lenovo Fujitsu whichever company that comes to your mind think about it this is the server that you have now on this server you would have CPU you would have Ram you would have network cards you would have hard drive you know you would have all those good components over there now after this what you do is basically you install esxi the hypervisor directly on it okay so you have the physical server you install esxi directly on it after installing the hypervisor what you do is you create virtual machines for example if you create vm01 here it has dedicated operating system dedicated application now this could be a Windows or a Linux it could be nginx Apache or whatever you feel like and then you could have another VM over here vm02 and then you know you could have Windows running over here you could have is as an application running over here so this is what basically the architecture will look like so physical box you install the esxi create the virtual machines and boom there you go this is how it will be okay so Mahesh I if I haven't answered your question if there's something else that you were looking at buddy please feel free to type in with the chat yeah what is the type 1 type 2 hypervisor that basically uh debug depends on that uh uh what kind of Hardware you have so a type 1 hypervisor is wherein in esxi is a complete operating system okay and you install it directly on the hardware so this is a type 1 hypervisor okay if I talk about a type 2 hypervisor think about it as an application so it is an exe file okay so if I tell you that on the Windows 10 laptop I have to watch a movie which software should I download to watch a movie so you would say that you know VLC is a software you can download it it is an exe file just run it and then you can watch a movie similarly would be the case with the type 2 hypervisor so what you will do is if I change it over here you have a physical machine HP Dell IBM server now what you do is you install Windows operating system or a Linux operating system on it then you install VMware Workstation on it which is a type 2 okay and then you create virtual machines on it this is what a type 2 architecture will look like this is not recommended in production this is only recommended for a lab testing you know all those sort of things you know this is an architecture to look at in type 1 is always recommended in production so where on the server directly you install the esxi okay uh Deepak I hope I answered your question If Not Buddy please feel free to type it in the chat I have a system within one terabyte of hard drive and 8 GB of RAM uh will I be able to install the lab no you would not be able to do that that's a very low Ram you absolutely need 64 GB of RAM or at least 50 GB of RAM to get to to do the practicals bare minimum okay so this is what you are basically looking at yeah so AirWatch was an MDM mobile device management I agree but this is not getting covered in this course okay this course is basically all about the core uh esxi vsphere and MDM is basically we would not be covering endless scores over here okay all right uh any other question if anyone has anyone would like to ask something feel free to unmute yourself and feel free to basically uh no ask you a question so again my intention is basically to tell you that you know you should definitely learn VMware it is going to help you I showed you the examples that how it is going to help you it is going to give you a salary hike end of the day when you learn any technology when you're trying to learn something new we always ask the question what is in it for me I mean you know why should I be doing this absolutely VMware is a compelling reason that will get that will definitely get you a hike okay there are so many opportunities out there VMware as a company is not going to die till here to stay okay so for example if someone says that should I learn Linux I mean absolutely you should learn MX I mean there's no questions about it should I learn networking absolutely you should learn it working I mean networking Linux I mean these Technologies are here to stay they are not going to go away same is the case with the virtualization it is not going away it is here to stay okay so if you learn it about it it is absolutely going to help you in your current organization okay um okay great so that was yeah go for it yeah yeah so uh see I have a low configuration laptop with me so how do I can actually like you know how you will be giving access to the lab in that case so this is something that we can talk about it so what we can do is you know we have a desktop you know that we can share with you over uh you know these remote tools so for example you know Zoom it could be you know any other software and you know you could uh you know then take the access and work on it that should be okay okay and uh one more thing sorry since you're actually working uh you are already working with VMware right so uh like you know uh like after completing this course test like now we will be able to crack an interview by like you know using this sure so I would not be helping you as a proxy I mean you know a lot of people out there you know do a proxy things that is something I will not do but I would prepare you for the course okay yes on how to crack the interview you can do it on your own that is very simple because all the interviewer is going to ask you is about the scenarios that if it if this situation comes how are you going to handle it what is that you're going to do this is what basically interviewer is looking at they are trying to judge that you know how knowledgeable you are on the technology what is the approach that you're going to take okay nobody is a hundred percent I mean if you ask me right now that you know would you be able to make sure that my environment never goes down absolutely not I mean I cannot guarantee you that environment is there it will go down things will break but a job of an admin is to make sure that you know how to keep the environment up how to keep the lights on if things go sideways how do you get things back to work I mean this is what the job is so yeah if you know the technology it'll be easier for you to you know answer those questions this is the approach that I would take this is what I will do this is how I would behave you know in this uh situation yeah so that's all those things you know we are going to cover in our course that shouldn't be a concern okay and uh are we going to cover vmotion uh vmotion and all absolutely anything and everything so like I talked about um let me so all these Technologies over here that are mentioned in the course we are going to cover anything and everything about it so how vmotion Works how storage Works how the connectivity happens what is this the motion storage view motion data flow cluster y should be creating it um how ha works when I teach you something I always teach you that how it works in the back end so when you hit the button what is happening in the background that is something which is important and you need to learn okay thank you arvind thank you for joining the call Buddy so it is important for you uh you know to understand basically how things are working in the background just hitting the button enabling the functionality is not good enough you need to know that what is happening in the background once you get to know that what happened in the back end it will be very easy for you to troubleshoot very easy to con you know to virtualize or to you know conceptualize I should say that you know how things work if things are not working what should I do so that would help you a lot so all those things I would be doing so whatever is mentioned over here absolutely we would be talking about it and you know be going beyond that as well thanks no problem anyone else guys if you have any other question please feel free okay so if no other questions I think uh yeah that's about it uh for this course uh that I wanted to give you a quick demo on uh what we are going to do um how you know VMware as the technology can get you your nest it can get you your next hike I should say can get you your next raise and I think as a technology it is here to stay it is not going to go away okay I would like to thank you all of you for taking the time out on our weekend evening thank you for joining the session I hope it has been informative for you and I I would absolutely love to see you in the match thank you all sure thank you so much yeah
2023-09-22 11:55