Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the DHS National Cybersecurity Summit

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Well, Thank You secretary Neilson thank you for that kind introduction. And. For your leadership at, the Department of Homeland Security, would. You all join me in thanking secretary Kirsten, Nielsen for her leadership and, for bringing together, this, historic, summit, today. To. The secretary, and the secretary Perry. Director. Rea director. Alice to all the public servants that are gathered here to. All the leaders of Industry, and academia. Who. Have come from near and far, it. Is my honor to. Welcome you all at. The close of the events today at the first-ever. National. Cyber, Security. Summit. Thank, you all for being here today and. I, bring greetings and, gratitude. For your participation, in this conference from a great champion, of American, security, president, Donald Trump I'm. Here today on behalf of the president, because. Cyber security, is a major focus, of this. Administration. Over. The last year at, the president's, direction we've. Taken unprecedented. Action to strengthen our digital infrastructure, and defenses, because. We know that cybersecurity has never been more important, to, the American people. America. Depends on the digital world more. With every passing day as all. The industry leaders here know too well. It's. Open to countless new doors of opportunity. Created. Extraordinary. New sources of prosperity, and unleashed a new era of entrepreneurship. And innovation that is infused, nearly every, aspect of, our lives and our. Society. And. While this revolution. Has spurred new opportunities, as, you. All have discussed here today, it. Has also spawned, new threats. Criminal. Terrorists. Foreign. Adversaries. Constantly. Prowling, this digital domain, represent. A threat to this nation in. America's. Digital infrastructure. Is under. Constant cyber, attack. The. Federal government alone experiences. Hundreds, of thousands. Of digital. Assaults, every day and, across. The entire country, the. Number of attacks on our digital infrastructure, is. Impossible. To calculate. Our. Digital, foes are targeting, every facet of our society. They. Threaten our family's privacy, like the. Hackers who breached the credit bureau Equifax. Last year and made. Off with the social security numbers, and other personal, information of nearly a hundred and fifty million. Americans. They. Extort, our hard-earned money as we. Saw in the. North Korean wanna, cry attack that held more than two hundred thousand, devices in 150. Countries hostage. Demanding. A ransom. Foreign. Interests, also, routinely, steal, trade, secrets, from. Some of our most important, industries, as, our. Administration's, recent 301. Trade investigation. Found. For. Many years China. Has directed, bureaucrats, and businesses, to find. And steal our nation's, intellectual property, and advanced, technologies. Especially those. Pertaining. To our national defense. Our. Cyber adversaries, also seek to infiltrate our critical infrastructure, including. Our electrical, grid power stations. So. That in some future conflict, they, might. Have the opportunity to shut down the. Nerve center of American. Energy in our national life. They. Also target, our economy, a, single. Russian, malware, attack last year, cost. A major American shipping, company roughly. 400 million dollars and, in, 2016. Cyberattacks, it, is estimated, cost our economy as much as a hundred and nine billion. Dollars. Cyber. Attackers also, go after government, at every level. Such. As in March when criminal. Hackers hobbled. The city of Atlanta, and crippled. Many basic, services, for. Several days and. As. The American people know all too well our. Adversaries, increasingly, use the digital world to manipulate, to. Divide. To. Chip away at our most chair values in, the. Face of these threats. The. American, people demand and, deserve. The, strongest, possible. Defense. And we. Will give it to them. But. Sadly previous, administrations. Have. Let the American people down when. It came to cyber defense. At. The outset of this administration. It became clear from early on in. A, very real sense we inherited, a cyber crisis. Last. Administration all. But neglected, cybersecurity. Even. Though the digital threats were growing more numerous and more dangerous by the day. In. 2014. A foreign, government. Actually. Hacked into the White House network, itself.

And. Yet in the face of constant attacks, like that the. Last administration too, often, chose. Silence, and paralysis, over strength and action, I'll, make no mistake about it. Those. Days are over. At. President, Trump's direction, our. Administration. Has taken decisive, action to. Fortify America's. Cyber, security, capabilities. We're. Also forging new partnerships. Evidenced. By this conference, today all. Across, our society and also. With state and local governments, and. With great corporations, so. Well represented here we've. Secured, vital new funding for cyber security in our, first year in office we allocated, an additional 1.2, billion dollars for digital defense and next. Year our administration. Has requested, a record 15 billion, dollars to secure America's. Cyber frontiers, and, we'll. Continue to work with Congress to, provide. The resources we need to defend our nation from. The threats we. Face in, the digital domain. But. This critical, issue requires. More. Than new funding. America. Also needs a central, hub for cyber security and, today. We. Call on the United States Senate to follow. The lead of the House of Representatives, and before the end of this year enact. Legislation to, create a new agency, under, the authority, of DHS, the. Time has come for the cyber security and, infrastructure. Security. Agents. To keep to commence. Thank you. This. Agency will bring together the resources of our national, government to focus on, cybersecurity and, it's an idea whose time has come, in. Addition, to funding and reforms, our, administration. Is hardening, federal, networks as never before, we're. Taking renewed action to identify, and eliminate weaknesses. That our adversaries. Could exploit. For. Example, the. Federal government has long allowed, Kaspersky. Lab a, Russian. Antivirus. Software to be installed on federal devices. Even. Though it has a direct relationship, with the Russian government and intelligence, services. This. Threat existed, for many years. But. Our administration. Ended, the. Threat last, year, when, we banned, Kaspersky. Lab software. From, the entire federal, government. We've. Also dramatically, increased information sharing, with innovators, developers. And network defenders. America's. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

Have. An unparalleled, ability, to discover weaknesses, in digital products and software. But. While the last administration's. Almost. Always held, on to this administration. In this White House I'm. Proud to report that we've significantly, improved, how much we share with. The private sector and the. Speed with which we share it, today. Nearly. A third of the threat indicators we share with businesses, aren't available from, any, other source and we'll. Continue on that track. Finally. Our. Administration, is putting the finishing touches on our national, cyber strategy. This. Strategy will make clear that the. United States will. Bring every, element, of our, national power, to bear to protect the, integrity and security, of, the American Digital, Domain. Our. Actions, have already made our adversaries, actions. More costly, and as. We continue to reinforce, our cyber defenses, we. Will deter them as never before. But. As you well know we. Can't, prevent every salt or. Attack, in the digital sphere, the. Sheer size and magnitude. Of the danger combined, with the rapid, evolution. Means. That some attempts will simply slip through the cracks, they'll, be assured. Our. Government, will continue to ensure the resilience, of our digital infrastructure, so that. When these breaches may occur we. Can get back on our feet fast chart. A path forward, learn. From. Our vulnerability. And prevent the next attack. When. It comes to stopping our, cyber adversaries. Resilience. Though isn't enough. We. Also must be prepared, to respond. And. In this White House I'm, proud to report, we. Are, our. Administration. Has taken, action to elevate the United States Cyber Command. To. A combatant, command, putting. It on the same level as the commands that oversee our military, operations around. The world, gone. Are the days when America allows our adversaries, to cyber attack us with impunity our. Goal remains. American. Security. Will, be as dominant, in the digital, world as, we are in the, physical world. But. For all that we've done and. For all that we're doing, there's. Still much more work ahead, and. What brings us all here today is the recognition, that we cannot. Do it alone. Strengthening. American, cybersecurity. Does. Not belong solely, to. Our national, government in Washington, DC. The. Greatest progress. Happens. From the bottom up not from. The top down and so. Beyond our government-wide, approach. We. Need you, we. Need you to continue to partner with us for. A nation-wide. Approach. For. Together we. Can protect, America's. Digital domain. You. Know it's been said cybersecurity, is a team sport, it. Requires seamless, collaboration between. The federal government state, and local leaders but. Also, innovators. Entrepreneurs. Academic. Experts, in. A word it requires, all. Of you in this room and all. Of those that you represent, all, across the nation. We've. Already taken important, steps I'm. Pleased to report to improve our partnerships, at every, level and in. Addition to this conference today where you've heard, much about those efforts I'm particularly. Excited with the new initiative, the secretary, Nielsen announced this morning the. National risk, management. Center. This. New center will be the gateway for. American, companies who want to work with the federal government more closely, to. Strengthen, our shared cybersecurity. And. Let me take this moment to thank all of you who. Have already expressed, your intention, to. Join this critical, initiative, just, a, few weeks ago in the, Situation, Room I personally, met with the president's, national, security. Telecommunications. Advisory Committee, also known as n stack which. Brings together key, industry, leaders to develop recommendations, on cyber policy I learned. Then and will learn more in just a few short weeks an. N stack will soon launch a cyber security. Moonshot. Initiative. To, focus our national, energies, and skills on digital. Dominance. Those. Leaders that day, informed, me that America, won the race to the moon and. Under this administration, in partnership, with all of you, America. Will lead, the, way to, cyber security, and, strength. The. Examples, that I mentioned today are all essential. The. Security, and prosperity of, the American people.

But. As we gather today, the. American people also deserve to know that. Our democracy is secure as well, so. Before I close, let. Me speak to our administration's, unprecedented. Action, to safeguard, the integrity of, our elections. While. Other nations certainly. Possess the capability. The. Fact is, Russia. Meddled, in our 2016, elections. That. Is the unambiguous, judgment, of our intelligence community and as the president, said we. Accept the intelligence, community's, conclusion. Russia's. Goal was to sow discord and, division and, a. Week in the American people's faith in our democracy and. While. No actual, votes were changed. Any. Attempt, to interfere in our elections, is an affront to our democracy and it will not be allowed. The. United States of America will not tolerate any foreign, interference in, our elections, from any nation-state. Not. From Russia China. Iran North, Korea or anyone else as. President Trump said. We're. Not going to have it to. That end over the past year, president. Trump has directed our administration, to create as well, a whole-of-government. Approach, to, strengthen, election, security as. Recently. As last week the. President, convened a National Security Council meeting for. Updates on the progress that we've made as, the. President, has said we've. Taken a firm stance and we backed it up with, strong action. The. FBI, has. Formed the foreign influence, task force to, identify, secret. Foreign attempts to infiltrate our society, and undermine. Our democracy. The. Department, of Homeland Security has, launched the election information sharing analysis, Center this. Project, which. All 50, states and more than 900, counties have already joined. Will. Help prevent attacks before they happen, identify. Them when they're underway and stop them before they can do any, lasting. Damage. Working. With the Congress we've, also made 380. Million dollars available to States to. Help them ensure the security of their. Election systems, including. Upgrading voting machines and the, most up-to-date and, secure.

Technology. We're. Deploying new sensors, to monitor election, networks and identify potential, intrusions. At. The state and local level. 37. States have opted into this program but before this November, we intend, to expand further. 22, states and counties as they. Request. Our. Administration. Has also launched, a national, cyber situational, awareness, room, that offers, States of virtual, connection, between. DHS, and, election offices on Election Day itself in. My. Home state of Indiana as. Well as Ohio North Carolina, and West Virginia this. System was, used in the May 8th primary, and we're. Working hard to expand this project for other states so, that's ready before the midterm elections, in November. We've. Also been working to help state and local governments, rapidly, respond to cyberattacks. Less. Than two weeks ago. Finney. County Kansas, reached. Out to DHS. For help after a malware attack forced them to shut down not. Just their election network but the entire counties, Network, federal. Officials worked earnestly. Hand-in-hand. With. County officials to identify and ultimately. Eliminate this dangerous, intrusion. This. Action was a model, of the, collaboration. That we need, to ensure the, security of our. Elections. And we commend, the state and local, and federal officials that, made it happen. I make. No mistake about it our, administration, recognizes, that elections are administered, and conducted, at the state and local level. This. Administration, has already been a champion of federalism, and. Respected. The purview and the authority, of our state local officials, yet. It concerns, us that many states still don't have concrete plans, to upgrade their voting systems. 14. States are struggling to replace outdated voting, machines that lack paper trails, before. The next presidential election, so. Today, not. Just as vice president, but as a, former, governor I, want. To urge with. Great respect. Every. State to take renewed. Action, take. Advantage, of the, assistance, offered by. Our administration. Do. Everything, in your power to strengthen and protect your. Election, systems. You. Owe your, constituents. That and the, American, people, expect nothing. Less. This. Is a time for vigilance and resolve. And. I can assure you our administration. Will continue to take strong action, we've. Already done more than any Administration, in American, history to preserve the integrity of the ballot box and. We've. Just begun. We'll. Continue to work tirelessly, to. Prevent foreign nations and malign actors from hacking into our election infrastructure, with. The potential of changing votes, or election outcomes, as. The, president, has said, we. Will repeal, any efforts. To interfere, in our elections. When. Anyone violates our laws we will bring them to justice and, utilize. Every element of our national power, to respond. Because. Our, democracy. Demands. And deserves, the, most vigorous. Defense. We, can give it. I. Want. To assure you we will do this in a manner that respects the god-given liberties, enshrined in our Constitution. Including. The freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. We. Will never stifle, voices, in a free society. But. We can't expose, malign, and fraudulent. Voices. And. They seek to undermine confidence in. Our democracy, and this we will do, our. Administration. Will. Always make efforts to shed light on foreign, attempts to. Interfere or so, malign. Influence, in. Our elections, in our society, our. 16th. President, Abraham Lincoln, probably said it best when, he. Said give the people the facts and the, Republic will be saved. When. The American people have the facts. They. Always uphold our most cherished institutions and. Values and, this. Is just as true today as, has. Ever been in our, nation's long and storied history. So. Thank you again for being here, being. A part of this, important. And historic, gathering. You. Do the nation a great credit. By. Participating. In today's discussion, and, more. Importantly. By. Following through on the discussion, with a greater, partnership. And collaboration. In. Cybersecurity. The. Truth is cybersecurity, is unlike any challenge we've ever faced. It. Is a a, work. That's never done. It. Is a process that is continuous, and so. Must our collaboration, be. Technologies. Are shifting by the minute, from. The Internet of Things to, 5g. To. Artificial, intelligence to, quantum computing and each, advance is, a company, not only by new opportunities. But. New challenges. And. Just, as a just. As the threats are evolving, our defenses, too must, evolve. The. Only way to be strong and, secure, is if.

We, Stand, strong, and. Cure together. On, behalf, of the American, people. Cyber. Security. Cybersecurity, then, is a shared responsibility. And. I believe that cybersecurity is, a civic, duty. You've. Already distinguished, yourselves as leaders and, Patriots in this. Cause, long. Before this conference today by your efforts, on, behalf of the American people the President, and I need you to continue. To. Be advocates, in your industry and among your peers for. Greater cybersecurity. Collaboration. The. American people deserve nothing less. Keep. Talking with your peers about how they need to enlist in this fight. Tell. Them that they have an obligation to, identify. The weaknesses in their own networks and platforms because. The. Weakest link, creates. The greatest vulnerability. Tell. Them we need them to buy American. When. It comes to digital products, and services. Not. Just to support American, jobs and, innovation. But. To support American, security. Tell. Them they need to share their insights, ideas. And innovations, that will strengthen our collective caesarian security, and above, all else. Tell. Them what you've heard here today at this conference. Tell. Them we need to work together, an. Increasing. Basis. Not. Just with our national, government but with state and local governments to, ensure. The continued, security, and prosperity, of our. Nation. The. American people are counting on all of us, they. Deserve to know that their homes are free from prying eyes, their. Personal, information is safe and secure, that. Their bank accounts, can't. Be robbed that the lights will turn on when they flip the switch in the morning and the, American people deserve to know that our democracy. Cannot. Be corrupted, and that our, nation is stronger and more secure. Even. In the midst of a techno logical. Revolution. Than. It's ever been before. This. We can do together so. Thank, you for the opportunity, to, address. You today to. Wrap up what I trust has been a meaningful and productive, dialogue. But. I hope you will not feel, that you've, come here today and done your part, by. This attendance, I hope you leave here today with a burden on your heart to do more, the. Truth is as the old book says we. We. Should not grow weary in doing good for in due season will, reap a harvest if. We do not give up, so. Don't grow weary. Don't. Grow weary and, standing. Up, for. The security, of the American people, in the cyber domain. With. The trust of the American people. With. The patriotism. And collaboration, of all of you gathered, here, will. Work together with us on this, vital issue, with. The leadership of President, Donald Trump. And. I know, with. The support and the, prayers of the American people. We. Will. Defend. Our nation. We. Will defend our, nation, on this cyber frontier. And I. Know as, Americans. Have always done. We. Will do it together. Thank. You very much, god. Bless you and God bless the United.


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