Upgrading our FREE internet to 25 gigabit!

Upgrading our FREE internet to 25 gigabit!

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when we expanded our space to give the Creator Warehouse merge team their own building I outright refused to get them their own internet connection which sounds unreasonable until you consider my perspective I already pay for commercial internet right over there a line that actually has to run through the D mark in this building so why should I pay for a second internet connection that's why we set up a ubiquity air fiber XG a dish setup that allows you to wirelessly beam internet between two locations at speeds of up to six gigabit per second which sounds great right and to be fair they are pretty great when they're set up properly we just aren't Wireless install techs and we made the mistake of mounting them on poles that are so short that the wireless signals flying between the dishes hit the side of the building on the way which actually limits us to about one-sixth of the theoretical Max now we could fix this with some taller dishes but the proper solution is always going to be hardwired the question is just how and the other question is who will sponsor this video xsplit level up your live streams with simple yet effective broadcasting and video production tools for use on platforms like twitch and YouTube check out xsplit at the link below and use code Linus for 69 off your first purchase or subscription haha funny number but it's real so our first slots were not gonna lie Pretty Jank see the electrical mechanical room for this building which is actually the one for this entire three building complex is right here literally 25 Paces a stone's throw or a wrenches throw as it were from our building across the parking lot so it did occur to us to just string a wire between the two buildings or hack a micro trench into the parking lot and hope that nobody complained but believe it or not we've been trying to get away from Jank lately thankfully there's a solution because this is a three Building Development there's already conduit between the main mechanical electrical room here and the one in our building we just have to find it oh well it's this one obviously it's not going to be quite that simple though you see that conduit goes to the very opposite end of our building which is not where our unit is also I couldn't help noticing it's really full how the devil are we gonna do this oh we don't need that for that that's to go to Creator Warehouse from here there's already fiber that goes over to our building yeah but aren't we using it sort of this giant cable which looks suspiciously like the one we ran through the woods is where the fiber comes into the complex it runs up into this distribution box where the fiber is actually terminated these two cables here because we have our own dedicated wavelength are our internet these other ones are for everyone else in this building in fact our old connection actually breaks off of it here you can see Linus media this is plugged in and doing nothing sick yeah our dedicated wavelength runs over this really thin cable loops around there over to this guy that giant box just has a switch and a battery backup in it can confirm is battery backup is fiber optic network switch here's the Upstream to the provider that we showed you before and then here's our Downstream fiber pair which comes out here and goes into this box which actually raises some questions even for me this is a switch with just one thing in and one thing out isn't that just a cable with extra steps yeah I think they do like their speed limiting and stuff in there like routing and so this is not to our benefit this is so that they can control our shiz yeah got it okay yeah fine why don't we get to the part where Jake said sort of in this box the fiber cable from the switch is coupled into the big cable that runs over to the studio you can even see on this helpful label 12 single mode fibers hey that's a lot of fibers yeah it's uh 10 more than we're using right now you can actually see it says fibers zero three to twelve are dark that means they're not in use which is great we can just terminate a couple of those fibers and we don't even have to run a cable right it's not what you told me before we started this yeah it's not uh we don't own this cable and while we probably could get permission to use it there is an easier way this right here is a perfectly ordinary single mode duplex fiber optic cable it's got two strands in it one for send and one for receive but the thing is single mode fiber can carry many wavelengths of light at the same time without hurting the signal that means instead of using two fibers to run from our isps switch to our rack we could install a special bi-directional transceiver that uses a separate wavelength of light on the same fiber for transmit and receive that's going to free up the second fiber on our existing cable so the part that we are actually allowed to be using for us to send internet back from the other building over to Creator Warehouse well it's sort of just just to hear well to here but I mean we still got to run the case that's why we have this to go from here to there yeah that's gonna be fun don't worry about it question for you this seems like the kind of thing that's going to knock out everyone's internet access when has that ever bothered you before what is going on here what the heck there's like 40 people in this building I can put them on the back up yeah oh right okay yes we actually do have backup internet now it's so cheap is there a reason we don't just use the backup it's not commercial grade blah blah for like 120 bucks a month we can get internet that's faster than what we paid like five grand a month for here when we first moved in there we go done we're on the backup in theory the connection automatically fails over anyways it's just that it takes like 15 seconds nope so I just forced it I set the backup is the priority One hopefully nobody notices hopefully nobody was in the middle of an upload uh we could have checked that anyone middle of an upload anyone uploading to where these people to the internet nope no I mean is your computer working yeah then no okay see you later nobody was uploading anything we're all good uh sort of there's still activity on the way in and I was thinking about what could this be it's parsec because it's Port forwarded to that specific Wan interface and then on top of that in parsec you have to like Define your external IP so any editors that are working off site right now are gonna get kicked off I see how quickly can we have this up and running can we just ask them to take lunch yeah in theory it should only take the amount of time that it takes to put that transceiver in in theory hey I lied uh parsec doesn't work right now I think man scheduled maintenance oh so parsec was already broken cool see you later let's move on okay do you want to go over there and are we doing this like uh you know nuclear you know do you trust yourself to unclip the like LC duplex clip like take the two fibers apart I've never done it before so I'm just gonna YOLO it but okay cool that's that's the answer I needed um you need the transceivers which are in Creator Warehouse so you should grab those cool I haven't disconnected it yet it will stop working it's not hard for him to act exasperated and walk away from me he's just like that all the time um wait well I can't just take one of these they're not like duplex connectors in that you can just use whichever one on either end oh they think about it right if you're transmitting and receiving on different wavelengths if you did transmit on the same wave length on both sides you would be Shining Light into light and then the receiving on both sides would be getting nothing and they would actually potentially burn each other out yeah that is really a thing you need lasers swapped so they're kind of paired but not really these are all one side oh I see so you see it says 1270 1330. yeah the other side is 13 30 1270. makes sense yes um so if you're going to use bi-directional Fiber transceivers pay attention to that make sure you don't order all the same ones because they will not work coming over here and create a warehouse we've got the RGB shirt and charcoal and hey let's leak that Matthew can I have that yeah oh the laptop bag is gonna be so awesome luggage strap magnet it's gonna fit 14 inch laptops even with a Big Caboose look at all that wire holding and wire management oh okay I don't want to talk about the 16 inch one yet I guess that's leaked now too anyway the point is here they are fiber optic transceivers over here complaining ah no I don't think so Matthew have you guys actually had internet reliability issues over here oh I didn't realize that it cut out from time to okay well that explains why we're doing this cool I thought Jake was just like oh this is cool I want to make video um which is fine too are we gonna need these attenuators Jake didn't mention anything but when you have overpowered transceivers these can help to knock down the signal strength a little bit to keep them from burning each other out but um I don't know if you didn't say anything then I guess I'm not going to bother what could go wrong what could go wrong my company could have no internet the whole thing I'm trusting Jake hello hello hello okay there's one more thing to mention oh do I need the attenuators we shouldn't need it right away because it's in theory in Spec there's a bunch of couplings in the chain already so there's already going to be a decent amount of signal loss but yeah okay so are you gonna unplug yours now I mean that is plan yes quick cue for you oh wait no I'm in the wrong box wait what do you mean how are you in what box are you in you should just be the switch yeah the switch and you're taking not the Upstream one the downstream no I'm in the switch box yeah you weren't before eh oh yeah I was oh yeah yep okay well I'm just keeping my ladder exactly where it was yeah you didn't move a ladder right no let me just get all my pieces aligned here I need to have these ready because the last thing that we want is to accidentally get these fibers dirty or damage them so I'm just gonna get without touching the very ends pop those little caps on all right our internet is now down it's out oh he unplugged it okay we're going oh no oh God now I'm gonna pop out the transceiver that was in there what are you talking about Jake are you talking right now I'm having problems I'm gonna mute now bye and I'm the one who needs adult supervision this one fiber is coming out yeah I couldn't push the lock down and it was really hard to get out now I'm gonna pop it out of the duplex clip just like that which fiber are you going to use the left hand one or the right hand one I was gonna ask you uh they're color coded so why don't we just go with blue no they're not they're not color coded on my side because there's like four different cables in between here and there oh my God so just use the left hand one assuming that you didn't take them out without realizing which is which position left Jake like if you're looking at it plugged in okay let's Orient based on the clip your finger is on the release yeah and I'm staring at my thumbnail my thumb is on the release and I'm looking at my thumbnail left the left hand one the left hand one I mean we'll find out right hand though oh my God okay great that's cool I believe you can figure it out do I have to break it to get it out I've never done this before what what you're flying shut up what do you mean break it you're breaking how would you break it you have to take the driver out I'm uh I'm gonna plug my side in so okay take this guy there we go what's the problem I am just trying to figure out how to get this apart without breaking anything okay well I'm plugged in I'm gonna come over there now sure before we go over there and help them I'm going to plug in this other transceiver this is a 25 gig transceiver that's going to be providing the internet back to Creator Warehouse so we don't have to come back here and do it again later and then we're gonna plug this into our 25 gig Dell switch here [Music] there we go see I've got my one fiber and I just put that bad boy in there you figure it out yet oh yeah I was just calling you you don't answer your phone oh that's fine I don't see a link oh that's not good I can try the other side oh yeah wait hold on a second hey there we go oh really yeah I know we're done because if you have two ends of a cable it would be the opposite right that would be the corresponding yeah that makes sense hey Matt so it's working so it's working yeah we have a link so you can leave that one that's already plugged in on the other side wait this is already plugged in on the other side yeah I figured it might as well because oh okay then coming back I was gonna tell you I only have one CI these are both GE e yeah this the CI is for Sienna which is the brand of switch fs.com sells transceivers and all the different switch Brands and in theory a lot of them don't care and you can just use the generic which is what GE stands for I just picked Sienna so we hopefully wouldn't have problems I thought that was the coding for the wavelengths yeah okay let me wrap my brain around this we're doing send and receive that's our internet that's our internet this is Creator warehouses internet connection from over there back right so I have to plug this into nothing a cable we have a coupler yes wow it's working though right yeah I guess I could just go check uh we should probably put in attenuator in there now that it's working though do you have attenuators there I know I left them over there okay uh I was just gonna do two because we already should be within range because like every coupler which if you think about it there's at least three maybe four is gonna have a little bit of loss so I was thinking 2db would be fine I mean we could do five see if it works if it works then we're good as I mentioned before an overpowered transceiver can burn out the unit on the other side so since these are 10 kilometer transceivers if we put a five decibel attenuator so that is intentionally causing five decibels of signal loss that should help to prevent any kinds of burning out mishaps over the longer term and relate just like that and I'm apparently supposed to figure out which of these conduits goes to the Creator Warehouse unit something we could do is we could go to the other side and see what color and characteristics the pull cord has we got Blinky lights look at that it's online that's the backup that's the main one can't believe this worked okay now we change it back and hope that nothing works hey look at that the speed test servers here aren't really fast enough to do the full 10 gig but it's working wow I can't believe we just unplugged our internet and didn't take everyone's internet down that's so cool oh oh Jesus wow he's he's really he's into it he's in the he's not even in there anymore that conduit doesn't actually go to the electrical room here I didn't even tell them where the conduit comes out um I hope he's figured that out himself but maybe in here is it bad to voice lines the time like this like I feel a bit bad just from the time wasting aspect but he would totally do something like this to me so then I feel much less bad you know you figured out yet where the conduit is is this a bad time to tell you I already know which conduit it is it's under the sink you were on track though were you following the fiber cable yes yeah okay look at how professional that install is oh wow look it come it comes down here you can see the fiber box oh my God this leaks just hanging on are we not going to fix this Plumbing who did this which part the bucket or the fibers completely unprotected fibers are just hanging here good old uh teles techs I don't believe Telus did this really no they screwed it into something in theory we could have just used telus's existing fiber but then you know we don't really own that so oh yeah why don't we just do that Jake well because I want to pull I want to do it properly because I want to pull fiber that was the real answer and then he corrected himself um so though you see the orange and white string in there on you see how there's like three conduits is the Box open right now or no no LGBT screwdriver octstore.com let's go

kind of wish I had the stubby right now though it's weird for you to wish to be shorter hey and I just start pulling on this right oh yeah definitely should we pull both fiber cables like just no I don't think there's any reason to because we're only going to use one of them anyways great okay see you in a few okay so there's a few things to keep in mind when you're pulling a cable through a conduit unfortunately this cable was supposed to come with pull Loops which would just be like a little plastic or steel thing that's integrated into the cable to make it easy to pull uh it doesn't look like if they got made with those so instead we're just going to electrical tape the pull cable to the cable and hope that it doesn't come off the other thing to keep in mind when you're pulling the cable through you are using your pull cord this pull cord is going to come all the way out and there's no longer going to be a pull cord in there so we need to pull one with the new cable at the same time so we take the pull cord out and we're replacing it with a new one hello hi okay I'm gonna pull on this a little bit hold on hold on no it's not still tied I untied it so do not just start reefing on it okay I've got a good grip okay I'm just gonna pull a little bit just to you feel that nope you feel that nope you're lying not lying how about you pull it from your side then okay see anything brother I did this yesterday you're just with me I'm not pull more there we go now it's moving pull more okay there we go okay this is the right one beautiful okay stop pulling I gotta do some taping here so just give me a minute and then start by taping these fiber ends because this is the the most important part we don't want to damage I don't want these caps to come off while we're pulling it and I don't want to rip the connector off do we have any lube like yellow 77 or whatever there was very little resistance when I tried this so I think it's probably okay okay I would strongly recommend using lubricant if you're pulling cable through conduit though it makes it a lot easier and you can get these like very low residue ones that won't break down the sheet thing of the cable or anything like that um yeah and if you don't have it basic hand soap is a really good option so I tied it between the two pairs which are protected with electrical tape and then I'm going to wrap it like crazy you really really do not want this to come off uh mid pull because then you are out of luck you ready almost I just gotta tie up the uh the twine the replacement pull cord take your time God all day what what'd you say what okay do you want to pull a little bit now you know Jake there is a fair bit of tension on this that's okay it's moving smooth on my side okay we should have lubed this we can Lube it if you want we should Lube it oh God like dish soap uh yeah this should be fine or Lubin her up all right can I start pulling it's nice and lubed all right just keep lubing it I put lots of lube in the hole don't worry oh wow this is definitely slow down stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop and just tangled up here hold on okay wow it really does slide nice now eh oh yeah bud oh boy oh this is not good oh I don't really want to have to unspool 200 feet to untangle this but oh Jake yeah I was kind of thinking we just go out the door Jake Jake Jake Jake I'm not angry son I'm disappointed look it could have just been wrongly wrapped from the factory but then I would have to be mad at infinite cables and we all know that that's not possible no it's definitely not possible probably because we were shaking it around before we shot a bunch oh I see what I'm trying to say oh I see yeah it's yours so ice I see so this is on me yeah 100 okay okay we're good hey all right really did you just do that he took the whole neatly spooled thing that we just did and he just dropped he just threw it on the floor should be fine I'm in position okay you can start pulling now can you imagine there was like two more feet yeah come on buddy anytime you're ready hold on I think something might be coming through it's a boy it's really wet yeah well I poured it in the hole so oh how the hell am I supposed to get this undone with it all slippery like this she was a curse the question now remains how do we get it from here to the closet no you know the answer to that what this yeah oh yeah but um see about that no stop you know no I don't shut up this is UPC you see how it's green oh that's an angled connector they use that on passive Optical networks like when you have fiber to the home it's a passive Optical Network they use that so it doesn't shine back like reflect back off the connector this does not so if you put them together it won't work and I did order an adapter but it doesn't look like it showed up for now we can try it by moving the switch over here or we pull this all the way over there I was thinking we just move the switcher um switch here just for like a day or two how many times we've deployed something for a day or two well then we won't deploy it we'll unplug it after do you have a patch cable that we could at least just like run in a knot awful way over there oh yeah why don't we just do that then it's not going to be any worse than what they did yeah yeah run it along the baseboard up here and over here and over here and down here and through here or something oh uh it's not coupled I'm gonna grab a coupler I'm going to come back and do this properly later but for now we're just going to couple our cable into our extra little fiber up there put our fiber into the coupler that one side still has a cap on it for now and then take this guy and plug it into there so I'm on the right side the white side on this side there we go okay I couldn't find another coupler so I'm going to do something naughty and steal it from this box thanks ISP appreciate you don't tell anyone I did that wait where's the coupler jeez okay awesome uh we need a transceiver I will go get one the existing switches we have over here these unify Enterprise 48s don't have 25 gig so we're gonna put in an xg24 Enterprise which is a 24 Port 10 gig switch with two 25 gig ports and then from here we can kind of patch over we can use two 10 gig links to to give 20 gigs of connectivity between here and these or whatever we want to do we also might just not put this switch here and just have a 10 gig link between the buildings it's you know they've been operating on gigabit for over a year and it's been fine um so 25 gig is it's probably Overkill but it right okay I should be a pro at this now pretty smooth and the last time took a lot longer right we oh Jesus sorry let's catch you guys up Jake moved the switch out of the network closet because this direct attached copper cable is not very long and we needed to plug it into this computer this is a 25 gig Nick yes sir all right let's see it running at full speed yeah the connection's actually working now that's another update ah yeah cool oh yeah what happened when you're using like 25 50 100 Gig you run into Ford error correction when you're running at those crazy speeds and they expect Forward Air correction mode 74. and the Dell by default defaults to nothing cool so usually with a direct attached cable it doesn't matter when you start to move to actual Optics got it then it matters so we set it CL 74 you can see right there nice and it worked I didn't put an attenuator in there yet but we can see the receive power is -2 DB and if you look at the product page the overload happens at two so we should be okay we could put a I'll probably put one on there anyway two DB in there I mean you can also see it's only transmitting at like minus 0.5 and it can transmit at up to 4 DB yeah so it's going to automatically adjust we're in the range I might just leave it but sure we'll see anywho yeah internet well let's just let's just do a speed test obviously the best way to screen cap I'm sorry hey that's about as fast as I can ever get out of a speed test our internet is 10 gig but the speed test servers on the other end not so much that makes sense the upload should be faster it might be it might be more importantly let's have a look at what kind of speeds we get off of our Nas which is over in the other building what are you doing trying to try to find there's a 150 gig file absolutely fine just Just Go With It doesn't have to be out just go to the table yeah sure okay that's 800 megabytes that's it it's SMB man you're not gonna get what I've seen faster than that yeah I mean it could be the system let's try going back oh look not even one gigabyte a second I love SMB it's great quality this isn't a limitation of like the connection this is a limitation of single client SMB and if we had more than one client we would be able to overcome this limitation and saturate more here you can see that one core is just pegged yeah what if I try and copy two files at one time so I know I gotta do separate transfers hey it's hey exactly this is a little higher no it was 800 no it was like seven okay now it's down to this basically the same thing you know what we need he knows Choice oh you weren't even thinking that [Laughter] Jake's favorite piece of software the point is just this is like seven times eight times faster than what we had before and it won't go down in inclement weather which to be fair the dish hasn't really gone down in inclement weather wasn't there the one time with the smell there was the one time with the snow Yeah but they also it was still like Early Access firmware up until like a month ago so overall I'm actually really happy with it it has been shockingly stable it goes down for like one minute every couple days but it's usually in the middle of the night and it hasn't been doing that since it's been updated to like Mainline firmware cool well we should just leave it in place as a backup kind of like what we have over at the lab yeah okay so it's back and it's exactly the same as it was doing before all right high five SMB we're not really done yet though this race is a pretty important question why doesn't everyone just use bi-directional transceivers for everything really Jake well the transceivers are a lot more expensive than standard duplex transceivers for example the 25 gig transceivers we got for this project are more than double the cost of the duplex transceivers that we'd use otherwise and okay fifty dollars versus 120 isn't huge but if you were to multiply that by a hundred or a thousand servers suddenly the extra fiber cabling sounds like a pretty good deal unless your cable is really expensive imagine this you got like a 20 kilometer run that's already there right and you need more throughput you've maxed out that throughput there's no room in the conduit the city's not going to give you a permit or you know running that cable cost you a million dollars you take your duplex you split it and now you have double the throughput now you have double the throughput except okay you know how we talked about two different wavelengths through a single fiber for Center receive many isps would actually be using a far Wilder setup called multiplexing where they use duplex fiber and they're running a ton of different wavelengths through each one and then splitting it out on the other side we actually saw this this is wild look at this from the Z16 facility tour see I told you no no use this footage it's wild but look at that so cool so cool like this segue to our sponsor sacred lab sitting long hours in an uncomfortable chair can take a real toll on your back and your spot on the leaderboard whether it's business or play secret lab chairs are designed to keep you comfortable throughout your gaming session or work grind their Titan Evo 2022 series chair offers four-way lumbar support comes with a magnetic memory foam head pillow and is offered in several upholsteries like hybrid leatherette 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2023-07-15 05:24

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