Upgrade To Windows 11 for FREE - Before it's Too Late!

Upgrade To Windows 11 for FREE - Before it's Too Late!

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it's 2025 the year that Windows 10 comes to an end now you might be getting lots of people saying just go and buy a new pc but you might not want to you might be quite happy with the computer that you already have plus upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 is free so in today's video I'm going to show you how you can enjoy a seamless upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 plus if you're a little bit naughty and you want to install Windows 11 on an old computer I'm going to show you how to do that as well but before we start just a quick introduction as always my name is Jonathan Edwards also known as the beta 365 guy now you can find more information about me at be365 guy.com so the date that you need to keep in mind is the 14th of October 2025 that is the DAT that Microsoft will officially stop supporting Windows 10 so what does that mean what's going to happen on the 14th of October is your computer going to blow up is it going to stop working no all it means is that Microsoft will stop protecting Windows 10 computers so if you run a business you don't want to be using Windows 10 computers past that date so if you've got a lot of computers running Windows 10 and you're quite happy with them you might just want to upgrade them to Windows 11 but there's a few obstacles that can get in your way and in today's video I'm going to show you everything you need to know about upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 but before we get into all that is there a cost associated with upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 now I mentioned earlier in this video that the upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 is completely free of charge absolutely no money needs to change hands so what does this mean well providing that you've got a licensed copy of Windows 10 already it won't cost you a penny to upgrade to Windows 11 but you do only get the same addition with Windows 11 so if you're running Windows 10 home you can only upgrade to Windows 11 home if you're running Windows 10 professional you can upgrade to Windows 11 professional get the idea so that's the cost covered now let me talk about the biggest obstacle that you might face when trying to upgrade your computers from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and that is the hardware now Microsoft recommends that you have a certain standard of Hardware in your computers in order to run Windows 11 optimally now Microsoft recommend this for a reason so I always advise that you should try and go along with it so what are these Hardware requirements let me show you okay here's the page with the system requirements that you need to run Windows 11 now I just want to point you to a specific word this one here minimum okay these are the minimum requirements not necessarily the recommended requirements if your PC just has these I guarantee it's going to run very very slowly but these are just the minimums in order to get Windows 11 installed we can go through a few of these settings now first one is processor now you can go on here there's a a massive list of all the processors that are supported within Windows 11 now the most common type of processor is Intel so your PC might be running an Intel processor the rule of thumb is that it needs to be an eighth generation Intel processor or newer so the e8th Gen Intel processors were released in about mid 2017 so they're still fairly old so how do you know what processor your computer is running if you just go down to here on Windows 10 go to settings go to system and go down to about at the bottom you can see here look it says processor so it says Intel Core I5 it's these two digits here so it's the first digit of this long word here so this PC is running a 10th generation processor so we're okay if yours is seven or six or anything before 8 then Windows 11 isn't going to run okay and again as I've said before we talking about PC's about 7 8 years old plus so you would have to ask yourself the question is it worth it you also need 64 gig or larger storage device again if your PC is a few years old it's likely to have that and we've also got a couple of security features here so one is called secure boot capable so what's that again this is in newer PCS it's a security feature which is designed to prevent malicious software from loading up when your PC first starts up okay so it's quite a new thing there also a TPM chip which stands for trusted platform module you need version two of that what's a TPM well this is a physical chip in newer PCS and that just confirms that the operating system and the firmware on your device are what they're supposed to be and they've not been tampered with okay so again if you've got a newer PC you're going to have these if you got an older PC you might not have them but in later in the video I'll show you how to get around these so what we're going to talk about next so the hardware that we've talked about isn't what I would call Advanced if your PC has the right Hardware it is what Microsoft would call a supported device if your computer doesn't have the right Hardware so maybe it's not got enough memory or it doesn't have a TPM chip Microsoft would call it nonsupported device but you can install Windows 11 on both a supported device and an supported device however Microsoft say that if you do it on a unsupported device Windows 11 might not work as well and it might not be as secure so Sur the question that you need to know to start with is is my computer a supported device or an unsupported device well let me show you how you can find out okay we're still on the system requirements page and you can see here look if you've got Windows 10 you can use the PC health check app and what that we'll do it's a Microsoft app check for compatibility so this will run and it'll check our current Windows 10 computer and it'll let us know if there's any problems so we'll open that now we'll agree and we'll click on install I'll add that sh to the desktop and we will open this software now okay here's the application and it says at the top introducing Windows 11 let's check to see if this PC meets requirements you can simply click on there I've got a nice green tick so this PC is a supported PC all the hardware in it will upgrade to Windows 11 now at this point you might get stuck cuz you might get an error message you might get an error message to say that some aspect of your PC isn't able to upgrade to Windows 11 if that is you hang about to the end of this video and I'll show you another way but for now I'm in a good spot so what do we do first well the first thing is you need to absolutely Ely make sure that you've got a backup of your data sometimes these upgrades don't go as planned so make sure you've got a backup of your documents your files your folders your pictures your movies all of that try and get a backup into one drive or something like that also have a look at all the applications that you use on your computer if the worst comes to the worst can you reinstall those and have your data back this is really important let me show you a bit guidance on how I would do that now okay obviously this isn't a backup video but I will give you a bit of guidance in the PC health check you can see we can open Windows back up here and if I click on backup it will ask us for a Microsoft account and it will back up your data into the Microsoft Account there's also another way if you wanted to maybe back up to an external hard drive if you go down here and type in control panel within Windows 10 there's also the old window Windows 7 backup okay and that will open this and you can go through you can set up a backup it says it can't find any backup drives cuz I've got nothing plugged in but you could put an external hard drive in there or something like that the most important thing though is if you've got documents pictures movies get all them backed up maybe into one drive or something like that make a list of all the applications that you use in case you need to reinstall them so that is a brief overview of back up your data next up we need to make sure that your computer is fully up to date it's in the right version and it has all the updates how do you do that let me show you back in our PC health check you can see here look Windows update and if I click on here it says you're running Windows 10 Pro 22 H2 you need to be running that okay so what you can do without the PC health check app is go to settings you can go to system and again you can go down to about and you can see here like Windows 10 Pro 22 H2 so if you're not running that you need to try and get upgraded to that what you can do is go back here and go to update and security and it says here look you're up to date so there's a couple of things firstly make sure you're running 22 H2 then come in here and it says we're up to date but I'm going to check for updates as well just to make sure that there's none lurking in the background and you can see that there are some lurking in in the background so install all the updates that need to be installed so the update summary is 22 H2 and then keep coming in here so after this is finished it might ask me to reboot my computer I'll reboot it and I'll come back into Windows update I want my Windows 10 to be as up to dat as possible okay I've installed some updates I've rebooted a couple of times I've come back in here I've clicked on check for updates and you can see that there are no more updates lurking in the background I think we're ready for the next step okay we've done all the prep work we're now ready to upgrade our Windows 10 computer to a Windows 11 computer what I'll do to start with is download the windows 11 software and then I'll upgrade my computer to Windows 11 let me show you how to do this on a supported device okay first we need to get hold of Windows 11 so I've simply gone to B or Google or wherever you want to go and type in download Windows 11 we want the Microsoft result here look and then we've got a few options what I'm going to do though is I'm going to download Windows 11 disk image okay so click on here I want this one there's only one option click on download now then it's going to come to here so I choose my region so whichever your language is I'm going to go for English International click on confirm and it says here look our link is valid for 24 hours okay and we'll just simply click on 64-bit download and that's going to start downloading you can see that it's 5.4 gig and it's going to take about 15 minutes so of course I will pause the video and I'll come back shortly so once it's downloaded if you go to file explorer and downloads you can see that it's here so what we need to do is right click and click on Mount and then click on open then if we go to this PC you can see it's kind of mounted this installation as a drive here click on there double click on setup click on yes I'll just minimize that and you can see it's preparing okay install Windows 11 click on next here it's going to check for updates we know we've checked and installed updates already but this will go through and check again for us okay we're getting a few things ready checking PC again okay here we are uh so we'll click on accept again it's running through and checking for updates again okay and finally we get here we are ready to install and it Recaps so we're going to install Windows 11 Pro and at the moment it's going to keep our personal files and our applications so it's just a straight upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 I can click on here and I can change this if I want so with this one it'll keep our files our Word documents things like that but our settings and our applications will be deleted or we can just get rid of everything and do like a clean refresh of our operating system and get rid of our files and apps but it's up to you what you choose to be on the safe side for this one I'm just going to keep it as the top one here click on next and then click on install and that is going to install it says your PC will restart several times now I'm not going to keep you on here whilst this installs so I will pause the video and I'll come back if there's anything of note okay we're about 10 minutes in the PC is restarted and this is where we are so I'll keep coming back okay my PC has booted back round again and this login screen looks a little bit different of course it's now running Windows 11 let me just log in and we log into the computer and it's running Windows 11 so if I go to settings if I go to system and I go to about you can see now now it's Windows 11 Pro 24 H2 so we're in a really good spot what I would highly recommend you do once it's running Windows 11 is pop down here to Windows update and it'll say you're up to date but again the might be something looking in the background so just make sure that your PC is fully up to date and there you go look proof again there are updates lurking in the background so we'll install these we'll reboot it and we should be good to go well that went pretty well didn't it but what happens if your upgrade doesn't go as well what happens if you run the installer and you get a message to say that your PC is missing some Hardware components so it's an unsupported device well luckily for you you can still upgrade to Windows 11 but it's time to cross to the dark side so before I show you this hack let's talk about a couple of things firstly what I'm about to show you is making a change to your computer I cannot be held responsible if the computer breaks so whatever you're doing it's at your risk secondly if you want to travel a 100 miles an hour down the motorway or the freeway depending where you're listening do you want to do it in a car that's rattling shaking smoking and losing parts or do you want to do it in a car where it's a smooth journey I would always question why you would want to install Windows 11 on an old computer surely you want the windows 11 experience to be nice and seamless and you've got a nice quick PC okay lectures out of the way now there are two ways that you can install Windows 11 on an unsupported device first let me show you the first way so the most common reasons an upgrade fails is because the processor is too old or your TPM chip isn't 2.0 how do you get around that let me show you okay you might get a message like this this PC doesn't meet Windows 11 system requirements and it'll tell you why so in this instance there's no TPM chip in this computer so I'll click on close and then what I'm going to do is come down to here and I'm going to type in reg edit okay and we want to go into the registry editor then we go down to Here Local machine system setup and within there there's a folder here called emo setup and then what you want to do is right click on this folder and go to new dword okay and that's going to populate that in there now you need to type this in here it's okay it's allow upgrades with unsupported TPM or CPU now please also take note of the capital letters in here okay so there's capital letters throughout it I'll put this below the video in the description once you've done that you just have that you right click on it you go to modify and where this says value data you just put number one one you okay that you come out of it you run the upgrade again and it should give you a warning message okay and what you do is you accept that warning message and then you can go ahead and install Windows 11 on your unsupported computer okay does that way work for you maybe maybe not there's a second way and it's using a thirdparty piece of software which is a free download now I'm going to show you this now but try carefully because this will wipe your PC wipe your data so make sure that you've got a backup let me show you okay so what you'll need for this is a USB stick okay and then you go to rufus. IE and you want to download this

piece of software here okay you just download it here and what happens then so just download The Standard Version you can launch it and this appears here so you stick your USB drive into your computer you can see that I've got it here you also need to download Windows 11 from the Microsoft website as we did earlier you then leave this as the same you click on select here and you select your windows 11 ISO go like that okay and then you click on start you can see now look we get Windows user EXP experience customize Windows installation and you can see here look we can remove the requirement for 4 gig of RAM secure Boot and TPM 2.0 we can also remove the requirement for an online Microsoft account and there's some other things that you can do here you click on okay and it's going to tell us that all the data on the USB drive will be wiped you click on okay there and that will set up our USB drive what we then do is we have to restart the computer that we want to install Windows 11 on and make sure it boots from the USB drive you can then install Windows 11 in this way but as I've said it will wipe all your data so please tread carefully okay there you have it upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 I hope your upgrade has been successful I hope You' enjoyed this video look forward to see you again soon

2025-01-07 02:07

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