Unboxing Every Mid iPhone Ever

Unboxing Every Mid iPhone Ever

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Oh, are we rolling? *laughs* Rest in peace little  buddy. The home button is finally gone. Because   the iPhone SE, the special edition, the last home  button sporting device in Apple's lineup has been   retired and replaced with this. The iPhone 16e.  E standing of course for... I don't know. So I   went onto eBay and I did as any morning person  would do on new in-box devices that are very,   very old and frankly, probably not new in  box that have been repackaged by some Chinese   factory trying to exploit YouTubers like myself.  Particularly this one. Because I wanted to answer   the question, has Apple really ever made a good  budget phone? And is this budget at all? Is it   any good? What are all these phones? Let's find  out. It all begins with the iPhone 5C. Look at   this box. they sure don't make stuff like this  anymore. This device was launched in September   2013 alongside the iPhone 5S. And this was  a big deal because it was supposed to be  

Apple's first budget phone attempt ever. Wow.  That is satisfying. And check this out. Wow.   You haven't seen anything? Cut! Alright, action.  So as I was saying, the iPhone 5C was intended to   be a huge hit because the iPhone, though six  years old by the time this came out, didn't   really have much success in emerging markets. It  was expensive. This device, for example, was the   first iPhone to ship and sell into China, China  Mobile, market that is now one of the iPhone's   biggest markets globally. And so Apple thought  this was really gonna be a hit because it was able  

to be produced more inexpensively than the iPhone  5S. Let's do the peel. Yeah, you'll see that they   actually print a picture of the home screen.  It's not powered on, this is a sticker. Oh,   and look at that, it kind of stays with this tray.  So now we just snap and pull. Wow, all right.   I have iPhone 5Cs, like. I got them but these  things I've never seen them not scratch to high   heavens but this this is amazing and this is so  thin like there's my iPhone 16e wait no what do   I have the iPhone 16 Pro and look how much thinner  the iPhone 5c is I mean not just in physical size   obviously this is this is tiny this thing has  got a 4 inch display which was the same as the   iPhone 5s that's not coming in the iPhone 16e  Wow look at this this was a budget iPhone but   it came with a heck of a lot more stuff than  we get today nice hard plastic case this is the   same case they used at retail I believe you've  got a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack because a   headphone jack still did exist on the you get  a five watt wall adapter. These are not very  

good at all. Five volts at one amp, I believe they  used to be. Yep. This came in a bunch of different   colors and Apple really focused on the cases and  the color combinations you could have with their   cases. Their cases had these little holes in the  back. They were available for $29. And when they   announced this, both on stage and during the  little Johnny Ive like a little promo video,   they spent half the time talking about this  phone uh in reference to the case i think they   were really proud of them and maybe it's because  they weren't proud of the specs but let me tell   you the iphone 5c was not a very good i don't know  why i'm trying to turn it on like there would be   battery surely there's no battery in here nope so  we need to break out this bad boy today's sponsor   i'll tell you about that in a minute. Oh, dude,  look at this. This is gorgeous. The headphone jack   and the lightning connector are both black, which  match the front of the device. And then the rest   of the device has these beautifully. Oh, that is  one thing that I remember about the 5C that was so   good. Here's the here's the iPhone 5S released  the same time. Nice, but not quite as good.  

This though. *cough* That's good. Alright.  I still wait for it to boot. And while I do   wait for it to boot, I should probably tell you  one of the many reasons why it flopped. You see,   Apple's sight of the reason that this was  less expensive to make was the plastic case,   but that's not really true as it turned out,  because the inside was still comprised of an   entirely stainless steel frame. And much of the  tooling came at such a high cost that most of the   savings came from the last gen hardware, not the  plastic case itself. This was an iPhone 5 on the   inside, and it's really hard to understate what  a huge upgrade the iPhone 5s was over the iPhone   5. The A7 was significantly faster. It brought an  SoC that was running on a new 64-bit architecture,  

had moved from a 22nm to a 14nm process shrink,  almost doubling the transistor count, offering   twice the speed while offering better battery  life. The iPhone 5S brought Touch ID, a totally   new interface paradigm that was not present on the  iPhone 5C, and it brought forth vastly improved   cameras, the biggest camera jump probably in an  iPhone ever to date. Yeah, you see the iPhone 5C,   it wasn't free either. Like this was a budget  phone, but not really. It was $99 on contract,   which was less than the $199 on contract of the  iPhone S, but only $100 less for a significantly   worse phone in literally every way. It was a tough  sell even for first-time iPhone buyers. And here's  

some anecdotally: I repaired a lot of iPhone 5C  models when I owned and operated Screen Clinic, an   iPhone repair business. SimTrain Management, which  is actually present on this, where the logic board   would flex over time due to heat and deflection  of the LCD itself because because this case was   just not rigid enough, was really common. And it  had some of the worst sealing of any device ever.   I never worked on an iPhone 5C that didn't have  one of the moisture indicator stickers gone pink   or red to indicate that it had been exposed to  moisture. And that's because you could put this in  

a shower or in like a bathroom that was slightly  humid. Heck, the state of Florida, and you would   have water ingress issues. It was just a really  poorly built iPhone. And while I'm using USB-A   to charge up this old iPhone, it's booting! It's  booting! I can't wait to tell you after this ad!   While I'm using USB-A to charge this old iPhone,  this Anker laptop power bank is really designed   for high-power laptops. At 90 watt-hours, but only  the size of a tall soda can, it delivers a massive   165 watts of output. It features dual built-in  USB-C cables, this 2.3-foot retractable one,   tested for 20,000 retractions, and this shorter  cable that doubles as a lanyard, supporting   up to 44 pounds. The smart display shows you  everything you need to know, remaining battery,   output wattage for each port, temperature and  battery health. And thanks to its one, two, three  

input and output ports, each capable of 100 watts,  you can charge even the craziest devices like a   16-inch MacBook Pro to 50% in just 21 minutes. And  then you can top off both your power bank and your   devices with Anker's 140-watt laptop charger. It's  small, thanks to gallium nitride, can charge up to   four devices at once, and has a real-time display  for power and temperature visualization. And   thanks to its port placement, is not going to fall  out of the wall from all of that weight. Charge in   a flash and share in a dash, with Anker's laptop  solutions lineup perfect for all of us who need   efficient charging at home, work, or on the go.  Hello! Slide to set up. This is running iOS 7,   I think. Also, that lock sound, they've changed  that. This like echoes. That sounds way cooler.  

I will tell you what, look at these keys. Look at  my finger. These are so tiny. This is the second   budget iPhone released after the failure that was  the iPhone 5C in 2016. The first generation iPhone   SE. And this is unquestionably the greatest  budget iPhone ever. And I have been jebaited   because this is not, this is not a genuine box  at all. I mean, look at that. That is pixelated   out the wazoo. Look at the home button. Like  nothing about this is a good copy. Here's the   thing about buying iPhones on eBay. Half the  time they come from some seller that claims to  

be in the United States. and then you get a box  that comes from China and you're like, hmm. And   then you open them up or you look at them for  one fraction of a second and you go, oh yeah,   this is very clearly not an OEM box. But, ooh,  but that still looks really good though. Okay,   so let's go through the process of this unboxing.  Yeah, again, you can even just tell from the print   quality, like, look at this. Am I supposed to  believe that this is Apple? No, they would never  

do that. Yep, not even a question about it. The  injection molding quality is significantly worse.   There's inconsistencies in the matched plastic.  There's the Apple one, there's the counterfeit   one. Not even remotely similar. That's a lie,  that's counterfeit. Let's open this little packet   of information. I don't know why it even matters  'cause, oh. Great. iPhone 5. Here's the iPhone  

itself. Peel. Yeah, my eyes do not deceive me.  This is definitely a reproduction case because   this laser etching is not only off-center, but  it's also off-axis a little bit, which would   have never flown with the real OEM one. But it  is one of the better third-party enclosures I've   seen because this has got a stainless steel Apple  inserted logo, which was new to the iPhone SE. If   you actually look at the iPhone 5S, this is just  laser etched. This is actually lasered out. They   cut it out and then they inset a stainless steel  Apple logo. And that started with the iPhone 6S.  

Hey, it's counterfeit enough to have been charged  semi-recently. They probably put this in a box   like a year or two ago and repackaged it. Ooh,  yeah, look at that. That's not an original display   either. You can see the top of the display is  fairly yellowed. That's something you frequently   see in very inexpensive LCDs. This is a new enough  device to support setup, wireless setup. So let's,  

oh, and there it goes. Set up your new iPhone?  Yeah. I'm going to say continue. I say English.   United States? It's got good buttons. Whatever  happened to good buttons? We don't have good   buttons anymore. That feels soft and sad. This  has got... That's got some click. Listen. Soy?   Beans. Ah, Touch ID. I haven't used Touch ID  in literal years. Ooh. Did the iPhone SE have   a Taptic Engine? because this doesn't. Can you  hear that? That is a non-linear vibration motor   for sure. Sounds horrible. Well, I guess this  debuted six months after the iPhone 6S, which  

was the first iPhone to have the Taptic engine  because it was the first phone with 3D touch.   This device famously did not offer 3D touch. I  will say it's a really nice looking phone. I mean,   you can just look at the bottom of that. I think  that the iPhone 6 is one of the ugliest iPhones   to ever exist, and by consequence, the iPhone 6S,  particularly the rose gold, it was just hideous.   But this phone, this is beautiful, with the white  glass on the top and the bottom, with the actual   nice-looking pink, and then frankly, the squared  edges, which when this came out was indicative of   the old design. Round and curved was the new cool.  We've kind of done a 180 on that, haven't we? It's   just a really, really handsome device. So let's  talk about the context. Apple made a really big  

deal when they unveiled this thing, saying that  they still continued to sell about 30 million   4-inch iPhones per year, meaning the iPhone 5S  before this released, and that buyers of these   4-inch iPhones did so for two reasons. Number one,  that many were first-time iPhone and smartphone   owners, meaning that it was likely only selected  because it was just the free on contract or very   heavily subsidized device. But there was a second  group of people that they talked about on stage.   There were just a lot of people that really  loved smaller phones years later. And I mean,   the iPhone 12 mini would prove that not so true  in later days, but back then in 2016, I think that   was true. I mean, this was right on the heels  of Jobs famously saying there would never be a   phablet-sized iPhone. And many people with old  5S devices had now skipped two generations of   upgrades, the 6 and the 6S, because they refused  to go big. This was the answer to those prayers,  

because unlike the 5C, the SE was every bit  as good as the flagship 6S. It had the same A9   SoC. It had the same 12 megapixel rear camera as  the flagship 6S, though it did retain the older,   worse, 1.2 megapixel selfie eyesight camera.  It had the same storage chairs, 16, 32, 64, and   even 128 gigabytes of storage. It had Touch ID,  not the slightly faster second generation sensor  

found on the iPhone 6S, but not much slower,  no slouch. And the battery life was fantastic,   up to 14 hours, better than any other 4-inch  iPhone ever. And because it wasn't compromised,   it was just a 4-inch flagship iPhone.  And the price, the price at $399 off   contract was insanely good. even compared to  mid-range Android phones of the era. I mean,   it was $250 less than the iPhone 6S and the only  difference was a slightly smaller screen. I mean,  

score. So was it a success? Yeah, you bet your  booty. It was very well received, especially for   its compact size with reports of strong sales and  even later clearance sales into 2019 indicating   sustained demand. Software longevity on this phone  was unreal. I mean, right now, as we speak, I am   downloading iOS 15.8.3. That was released just  last year. It was a security update, but iOS 15   was supported into the end of 2022. That's nutty.  It's still getting updates security-wise today,  

and it was getting feature updates until just  a couple of years ago. And this is almost a   decade old, a decade next year. The iPhone SE  was absolutely killer. Da da da da! This is the   second generation iPhone SE launched in April of  2020. So that's seven months after the iPhone 11.  

But in the body of the now two year old iPhone 8.  So let's open this thing up. I miss when they did   this little nice origami plastic packaging. They  don't do that anymore. They just have those straps   because then you could just go. I forgot that  They started doing this and I don't like that   I feel like when you open the box you should see  the phone I don't know why they got rid of that   Welcome to iPhone Okay, so I guess they're still  telling people Well, granted, this was the SE So   a lot of people were updating from older 4-inch  iPhones So they're like, hey, here's the side   button Here's Touch ID Stickers! You still get  stickers Even with a cheap iPhone And here it   is Oh, wow I forgot how thin the iPhone 8 was.  Was it? It wasn't quite as thin as the iPhone 7,  

I don't think, was it? Now it's a little thicker.  The iPhone 7 is even thinner. This is like,   what? This is so thin. I mean, look at my modern  phone. Look at that. Look at that. I mean, that   is like noticeably taller, and that's excluding  this enormous camera mesa. Wow. So you've still,   even with a budget iPhone in 2020, got your little  headphones here. Although these wouldn't have been  

a headphone jack because the headphone jack is  gone. Yep, so you've got lightning ear pods.   Look at this. So you pull the back, it comes to  the top and then you keep peeling. Nice, that's   a good design. I like that. You know what boys,  I gotta say something. Lightning, the insertion   and removal feels so much better than USB-C. I  know it's a crappy connector. I'm glad we have   USB-C. I've been advocating for USB-C for years,  but it doesn't feel as nice. It's booting. Okay,  

so from the outside, this is an iPhone 8, which  means it has a 4.7 inch Retina HD display. And   that's not the same display found on the iPhone  8. That's actually the same iPhone display found   all the way back to the iPhone 7. And even then it  was just a variation of the iPhone 6S. So it is,  

I mean, bezel extraordinaire. Look at those  monsters. But on the inside, it was like   the iPhone SE before. It had an A13 Bionic chip,  which was the same as the flagship iPhone 11 Pro,   the current generation, most expensive iPhone  you could buy, same chip in this iPhone SE   second generation, which is exceptional. Now, the  camera system, unlike the first generation SE, was   not taken from the flagship phone. This is still a  12 megapixel rear camera, which looks teeny tiny,   and a 7 megapixel front camera, which was the same  exact camera system hardware-wise as the iPhone   8. However, the SoC, the A13 Bionic, did enable a  portrait mode, smart HDR, 4K60 video, and a couple  

of other features that were not present on the  iPhone 8. Even though it was literally the same   camera hardware, it's just that practically it  became much more capable because, well, smartphone   cameras are mostly software anyways. It did  come in a bunch of storage options, 64, 128, and   256 gigabytes. And, oh, I forgot about the home  button. Okay, hold on, let's see. Okay, iPhone 5C,   brand new. Just took it out of the box for 12  years. This should be the most pristine home   button there's ever been. You push it and it feels  okay. It's just, I don't know. It's kind of mushy.   It's a little bit like laterally. It doesn't  engage if you don't push it like dead center.  

now that we've moved away from the headphone from  the home button i'm like yeah it wasn't that good   but this home button feels amazing because the  taptic engine is right down here and so it's   simulating a click this is just a piece of glass  it doesn't actually move actually it's actually a   piece of sapphire it doesn't actually move but it  feels so so nice and it it sounds good it sounds   like a click. Oh, this is also smaller than I  remember, like the iPhone 11, the iPhone 11,   which was in effect an iPhone XR. And I didn't  include the iPhone XR, you might have noticed.   Why didn't I include it? Because the XR wasn't a  budget iPhone. It was $800. Now, that was in an  

era where the flagship phones, the XS and the XS  Max were $1,000 and $1,100, but $800 does not a   budget iPhone make. And so I didn't include the  XR because it wasn't a budget iPhone. And proof   of that was the year later they just turned the  XR into the 11 and they're like okay yeah this is   the nice phone the the base model phone you can  get the pro phones if you want and then you can   get a budget SE if you want so the XR it stopped  don't don't I know people love the XR I don't like   it it was a dumb phone this is so freaking thin  like it is substantially thinner than the iPhone   11 like by a lot now part of that was because the  iPhone 11 had an edge-to-edge display that look at   that you could hardly consider that edge to edge.  It was massive. But that's because it was an LCD,   not an OLED. That didn't come until the iPhone  12. And so because this was a little bit thinner,  

it did take a bit of a hit. And frankly, the  battery life on the iPhone XR and 11 was amazing.   Some of the best battery life there's ever been in  an iPhone until maybe the iPhone 16e. We'll talk   about that later. Dated design besides, this came  at a really good time, April 2020. Do you remember   what happened in March of 2020? Yeah, that whole  mask with face ID feature didn't come until March   of 2022, two whole years after the start of the  pandemic. And so people that bought this probably   loved that they didn't have to do a mass check  when they were out in public to unlock their   iPhone. Now, this was just absolutely panned when  it was launched because it had a data design, it  

was heavily criticized by reviewers. And this was  in an era where even budget Android smartphones   were starting to have edge to edge displays. But  this device sold generally quite well the go-to   for corporate purchasing. And I think it held up  better than expected thanks to its amazing SoC. I   mean, that A13 Bionic was fabulous. This is still  today running the latest version of iOS 18 and is   likely to get another version of iOS later this  year with iOS 19. Not bad for a phone that looks  

the same as frankly one that came out in 2014.  Oh, it also supports gigabit LTE, which is cool so   connectivity is really good yeah the se2 fantastic  device 400 bucks same price really really really   good deal i kind of missed the home button and  now on to the last and least interesting iphone   se the iphone se third generation released in  march of 2022 and man this thing has seen some   of the world. And, ta-da, it is new. Wow, wait,  what color is this? Is this black? Oh yeah,   from this angle, it looks very blue. Probably  just the plastic on the phone. Wow, this is, oh,   interesting. Look at that. They label the Touch ID  sensor, your volume buttons. I have never seen an  

iPhone that does that. I don't think. Check that  out. The box has the tiniest little circle for   the camera cut out. And that camera is still very,  very smooth. Because, well, this is basically the   same form factor yet again. A 4.7 inch design  with a home button. Is this blue? This is   blue. - Looks black over here. - Looks black? In  the light, it looks so blue. Aha. Pull the asset  

tag up here and, ah, midnight. Ha ha! Midnight.  See, I told you it wasn't black. It's midnight,   like the MacBook Air, which is kind of blue, but  not really. Is the aluminum midnight color? Yeah,   I guess so. It's like a sickly grayish green,  kind of like the MacBook Air, but this is a   much deeper, more attractive blue, if you ask me.  I like it. Does it have battery? Ha ha, it does!   See, because this thing is only a couple of years  old. But you wouldn't know it from the outside,   because it's got the same super ancient 4.7-inch  retina display. It's got the same ancient 12  

megapixel rear and 7 megapixel front cameras  from the iPhone 8 and unlike the generation of SE   before it, there were no new software features, so  it really seemed dated. You did get new silicon,   so there was an A15 Bionic in this device which  was the same silicon that was in the iPhone 13   which at the time this launched was the current  generation iPhone and the storage tiers did get   bumped up a little bit. Battery life, still  pretty mediocre. It was slightly better than   the prior generation but that's just from the  silicon being more efficient it was still only   promised 15 hours and really the only other  interesting feature of note on this device   is that it had 5g not millimeter wave 5g just  regular old boring 5g uh but yeah so okay i mean   people bought it it was a phone that was purchased  but it really became a popular phone not amongst   typical consumers because even them by this point  were like we don't really want that. It was very   popular amongst corporate purchasing. So if  you were issued like a company issued device   with a cell number on it, it was oftentimes an  SE that you would receive. And for that purpose,   I guess it's fine. But boy, this thing was on  sale until just a couple of days ago for $430.  

That 5G increased the price by 30 bucks, which  was kind of frankly a bit of a slap in the face   for 2022 through again 2025. So now that brings  us to the big dog, the new guy. Where did it go?   The iPhone 16e. And I'm going to keep this here  because this is a big upgrade visually from the   iPhone SE that we've had for so many years. Okay.  Wow. Okay. That is a beautiful looking phone. I   know this has been said ad nauseum, but look  at that. The aluminum is so much better than my   glossy, like weird looking titanium that's got  fingerprints all over it. This is just smooth.  

The back matte glass looks amazing. The single  camera, I mean, oh, come on. That is a beautiful   design and it is so, so light, significantly  lighter than the Pro, despite this being titanium,   which is lighter in theory than aluminum. It  turns out getting rid of a bunch of cameras and   much of the hardware inside makes the device less  heavy. But hey, check it out. So maybe there are,   maybe there have been these little button markers  on the side and I just don't remember, but you   get a mute switch button for the action button,  volume up, volume down, power. And then there's   even a little logo down here to say, hey, this  is where your charge port is, which is finally   USB-C. Very good to see. Okay. Yeah, compared to  the iPhone SE, that's just a couple of years old,   this is obviously a very big upgrade, but the  price was also upgraded massively. This was $430.  

This is $599. $600 does not a budget phone make.  And while sure, we do get a bunch of nice updates,   like an OLED display, very nice to see, especially  considering that they probably could have and   would not have surprised me if they use the LCD  present on the iPhone 11 and iPhone XR. So we got   OLED on here. It's still 60 Hertz, unsurprising,  but you know, it feels reasonably okay. Yeah, no,   60 Hertz, you feel it. You feel it, you feel it.  But I'm sensitive to that stuff. There's a lot of   people that frankly don't really care. Let's set  this device up as mine. And those bezels, I mean,   geesh. That stuff ain't edge to edge. look at  the iPhone 16 in comparison, 16 Pro. Activation  

error. That was just an error. Okay, cool, great  setup experience, enjoying it so far. I do not   wanna transfer my phone numbers, so we'll skip  that. Although maybe I should, maybe I should.   Should I make this my main phone? Should I do,  I'm gonna do it. Let's go back. Transfer my   phone numbers. Please don't look at them. Blur  this out. Oh, you can only transfer one at a   time. I'll do that later. Signing in. I'll tell  you what, look at this. There's still a wobble,  

but it's a lot less bad than the Pro iPhones. See,  wobble. This can like take flight. Oh, okay. Oh,   here we go. Transfer apps and data from an iCloud  backup, from another iPhone, from your Mac or PC,   from Android, or don't transfer anything. Here's  a pro tip for you. You always want to transfer   from your Mac or PC, even though this is the old  school way and it takes quite a bit of time. It   is the best way to do it because unlike restoring  from iCloud or restoring from device to device,   it passes over a lot of the encrypted stuff that  doesn't make it in those other backups. And so   you don't have to like re-login to a bunch of  your apps. The settings are just better. Okay,  

trust me, I've been doing it for years and every  time I'm like, I'll do a device to device backup,   it's worse. And iCloud is even worse than that  because then you've got to re-login to everything,   which sucks. Most people aren't buying a new  iPhone often as I am. What does this video   become? But you know what I mean, skip. Oh my  gosh, I don't want to set up all my credit cards   now. Later, later, later, later, later, later,  later, later, later, later, later, later, later,   later, later. beta update that will be coming  soon to everybody through the action button. Yeah,  

you know what? It's an iPhone. Let's, uh, let's  see here, because I've got the pro iPhone on the   right with the A17 Pro and then the A17 right  here. And, uh, well, holy smokes, the 16 was   faster, probably because there's nothing on  it and it's not actively running anything,   but still, what other thing could I open? Dialer.  Hey, they're both the same speed. Ready, set,  

go. Okay, so it's like a wash. Similar silicon.  Hey, you know what though? This can run AAA games   in theory. Well, I'll tell you what, not all OLED  displays are made equal because make no mistake,   the 16E looks really nice, especially when  contrasted against the prior generation. Wow,  

that is truly bad. Especially when contrasted  against the prior generation SE's LCD. But you   look at the Pro and you go, oh yeah, now this  has got significantly better brightness, the   display is closer to the glass, the refresh rate  is obviously no comparison. But I feel like this   needs a little bit more time and attention because  there have been two reviews that I've seen. Either   it's too expensive, don't buy it, or it's actually  pretty good and most people would be fine with it   but you still shouldn't buy it because it's only  $100 less expensive than the iPhone 15 which is a   better device. I want to spend some time with  it to really decide. And so I'm going to make  

this my primary phone for the next month and I  will come back and tell you whether or not you   actually need a fancy pants iPhone or you can  get away with the base model. I do think that   the price is still going to be an issue at $599,  but I have a theory and it's not one I want to   share because it makes me sad inside. But I feel  very confident this year that the entire iPhone   lineup is going to see price increases because  otherwise the pricing of this makes absolutely   no sense. We've got tariffs that are incoming and  inflation has happened. And frankly, the iPhone 16   Pro is the same starting price point as the iPhone  10. That was eight years ago. And with inflation,   that device today would be like almost $1,200.  So it's time. I don't want it to happen. But   I think this is the indicator that the rest of  the lineup is going to be pushed up market and   they're going to use that new iPhone 17 slim as  a way to kind of trick us into not realizing it.  

But it's going to happen. And so I guess between  now and then, I should try the latest and not so   greatest iPhone. My dearest iPhone 16, you will  become my one and only. It does feel really good   in the hand. It's so light. Thanks so much  for watching, and as always, stay snazzy.

2025-03-15 22:39

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