[Music] thank you hello and welcome back to this latest edition of need to know I'm Ross Coulter and I've been gallivanting around Australia for my day job for channel 7 TV Australia and earning a decent crust telling stories on the road and my good friend and colleague Bryce is able Bryce I hear you're going on strike in Hollywood is that right it's not a sure thing you're talking about the writer's Guild of America or the WJ of which I've been a member for almost I think 30 years now was even on the board of directors back in the past but yeah we negotiate with the the producers in town for a new pattern of uh payments and every time there's a discussion like this the new technology always comes up I remember the first writer skilled thing I was involved in they were discussing what to do about VHS Dave so you can see that you know things have gone on now today we're talking about streaming and artificial intelligence and things like that so it is always a Brave New World and yet I would still go back to the bottom line Ross which is uh you're never going to get a writer who can write with the same emotion and compelling power as a real-life human being at least I hope so and I I think that's where we stand right now but anyway yeah it doesn't happen until May 1st when the contract runs out and we don't know if there'll be a strike but it's possible it's possible I'm hoping I'm hoping chat GPT doesn't put us out of a job soon but I'll tell you I had a funny incident while I was traveling I wanted to tell you about because picture this I'm I'm in an airport in the middle of um the Gold Coast in Queensland which is a bit like Las Vegas it's a very glitzy um tropical part of Australia and my crew and I as usual the planes late there's two hour delay and I go and buy some drinks at the bar and as you know I've written books on Outlaw motorcycle gangs and I have to be careful because there's a boss of an outlaw motorcycle gang who once threatened to to chainsaw my head off he was slightly angry with me and I turn around and literally I've got these drinks like this and I turn around at the bar and I look up and this is absolutely gigantic guy in my personal space looking straight at me and I'm thinking I'm about to get attacked I'm I'm listening for the were of the Husqvarna and the smell of two-stroke anyway this guy puts out his meaty hand and he says you're Ross calls I had you and I went yeah yeah yeah I am and he went love need to know absolutely loved me to know keep it up mate keep it up and uh boy that's a happy ending that could have gone into a very bad bad and by the way Ross I just have to say this puts you in very elite company because the only other journalist I'm aware of who you know did an early uh look into Outlaw motorcycle gangs and lived to tell if it was Hunter Thompson so that puts you in good I love I love Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in fact Hunter's book was one of my early favorites now let's do some work Bryce because this is an amazing week we've got an auspicious uh event happening in four or five days which is yet another UAP hearing before the Congress the armed services Committee of the Senate uh a subcommittee called the emerging threats subcommittee of the Senate armed services committee on Wednesday the 19th of April at 10 30 we'll call a witness Dr Sean Kirkpatrick the director of Arrow the all domain anomaly resolution office which is the pentagon's UAP office and this is an opportunity for uh Mr Kirkpatrick for the first time to be questioned in public about what he's found out in his tenure as the boss of Arrow are you expecting much Bryce because frankly I'm not well it depends you have to just sort of Define your expectations uh the one thing I will say about this uh you know this hearing that we're having and by the way this show folks is our sort of our pre-hearing show and we'll be doing one immediately after the hearing if there's any big news made but what the one thing I do take some hope in is that this committee chair is Senator Kirsten gillibrand of New York and she in my view is a UAP boss I mean when I see this woman talk about uh the subject and how she holds people's feet to the fire and the question she raises I'm a big fan and so even if Sean Kirkpatrick has been dispatched there to basically say nothing to see here which I don't think exactly is what he's going to do but even if he's not there to make big news it doesn't mean that the questions won't be interesting he can refuse to answer them or he can he can say I can only talk about that in closed session or whatever but I expect the committee chair to set a tone of we need to get some accountability here so in that regard I am looking for some news to be made in in that specificity and by the way because it always comes up and I feel like I'm doing my duty here no one ever seems to know how to what her real name is it's Kirsten k-i-r-s-t-n gillibrand g-i-l-l-i-b-r-a-n-d and if you want to follow her on Twitter because she is the chair of this coming up it's at sen for Senator at sen gillibrand and um I think she's worth following anyway so I'm hopeful that she'll make a little noise well as you and I both know she held the blowtorch against a senior official who clearly hadn't been properly briefed when he first appeared before her committee about a year ago and she has already intimated that she's not going to be frightened of asking questions there's a great quotation from her doing the rounds at the moment where she was asked about crash retrievals and whether she'd have the cajonas to ask about Crash materials crash materials and she said we should never be afraid of what we don't know I know nothing about Crash materials I don't even know if they exist if there are any of course they should be studied if we don't know what it is then it is not an appropriate moment to say well then let's not look at it I mean could there be anything more basic and sensible than what you just said all right if there's a lot of stuff out there you don't know what it is and you probably have and you represent the people of the country then you probably ought to look into it to say oh gosh here's something that's a complete mystery to us let's not talk about it has been tried uh for the last 75 years off and on here in the United States anyway and I think it's time to end that and I believe that there seems to be a growing consensus among at least people on the intelligence and armed services committees that enough is enough and it's time to start asking the people uh who who know more to share their work a little bit more and and I know that Ross you you yourself have got some sources who have been telling you that um that's exactly what's going on look I look I'm very cautiously optimistic but I'm not optimistic that we're going to see a breakthrough in this particular hearing because I'm told that Mr Kirkpatrick in particular is a person who's reluctant to make public admissions about what I frankly know he has been briefed on I am told that Sean Kirkpatrick has been briefed on Crash retrievals and on reverse engineering programs happening inside the US I'm an absolutely no doubt about that I've heard it from multiple sources so whether Mr Kirkpatrick chooses to speak publicly about this is going to be his um his prerogative of course and I suspect what we're going to hear a lot of is I can't discuss that in this forum oh I got a question I need to go away and I have a question for you about about what he can and cannot say um I just found out and I think that you can confirm he's not even going to be under oath when he testifies that's right and yeah and what happens right but we'll we'll Ron Moultrie and Scott Bray weren't under oath last year so but why what's the rationale for for not putting people under oath to I think it's a courtesy thing from the Congress that that essentially you're indicating to the witness that they that you trust them because it's still a breach of congressional rules it would still be a contempt of the Congress to lie to the Congress even if you're not under oath but the crime of perjury under oath is a completely separate crime from misleading the Congress by giving false information to Congress but I think that with friendly or Pursuit what are perceived as friendly government Witnesses government bureaucrats the tradition generally has been not to put them under oath there was a lot of theatrical putting under oath during the church commission investigations into the CIA in the 1970s but more often than not unless they're expecting that a witness is going to be truculent and intransigent they generally give them the benefit of the diet and don't make them swear well okay um that sounds reasonable except that if you look at the history of the last 75 years I think giving anybody testifying from the U.S government about the status of UAP or UFO reality uh I don't think they deserve the benefit of the doubt I think that they should absolutely be under oath and and if if we ever get any of these uh committee chairs um on our show to talk about it that would be my first question and in fact I I I personally I I I I just I just laugh at the whole idea that the US government is going to bring up officials who are going to allow themselves to be questioned and suddenly reveal the truth of what we all know is going on in behind the scenes I just don't think it's going to come that easily I I think we're just going to have to wait for um truth tellers not whistleblowers but truth tellers to come from within the establishment to reveal more and I know that some of those people have come forward I know that they've given evidence particularly to the Senate armed services committee there have been secret hearings of the sasc and the ssci and the various respective house committees for both committees where Witnesses have given evidence and I know for a fact claims have been made that there is a crash retrieval program that the United States is in possession of non-human technology now whether these claims are true of course there's another issue entirely but we do know that the Committees have been given that evidence the big question now is whether we're going to go through the silly theatrics for the next 30 years as the people like Dr Kirkpatrick duck innovate and weave and try and avoid answering the question I I don't see that happening and by the way I think we've just we've had enough acronyms around here we've got arrow and we had aimsog and and of course we went from UFO to UAP well we have a new one which is nhi which is being used more and more and uh for those of you just joining the conversation that would stand for non-human intelligence and Ross is quite correct there are people who as we understand it have testified behind closed doors uh to various committees who claim there is non-human intelligence uh responsible for some of these uh crash retrievals that have gone on so there is a lot laying under the surface there and it and it it's it's interesting to look at how that's going to lay out now the one thing I would say I agree with you Sean Kirkpatrick or anyone else Moultrie and Bray when they came out weren't likely to come out and say okay let me tell you what the crown jewels of the U.S government's secret program about UFOs is that's not going to happen but but what is happening I believe is the beginning of a process and the process is uh to bring in Sean Kirkpatrick who is the new leader of a new organization dedicated to studying UAP and I think he lays down the predicate he basically defines the field he allows people to do a little fencing in public and and talk about it well there will be other Witnesses he's just the first guy out of the box because he gets that honor by running the program but what happens when we start calling in some of those whistleblowers do they only testify behind closed doors or do you think we'll see some of those whistleblowers who have since said some of those fantastic things um in in classified hearings do you think we're going to see some of those people saying some of the same things in public hearings or is that just too much to hope for we're certainly not going to see it in this hearing coming this Wednesday on April the 19th what I do think is there is going to probably be a hearing before one of the house committees probably the oversight committee or maybe the house um Services committee that's still being negotiated that I would be looking at a date around the 13th of June that's what I'm told I'm told it's going to take a few weeks to put this together but the date that's been put into my head by certain sources is the 13th of June um I just think maybe what we should do Bryce before we get into the nitty-gritty of what we think the question should be that are being asked and to give our audience some of the history of the investigations by Congress into the UAP issue I just think we should maybe also bring the audience's attention to some of the more important news that's emerged in the last year absolutely as you know one of the things we try and do in the news is flag what we think are some of the key issues that are as I would say in Australia bobbing up in the custard and there's a story that's come up that I think has kind of missed a lot of people's attention and I think it's important and it sounds crazy it's extraordinary claims made by a guy who calls himself Scott Andrews I know Andrews is not his real name he's a former U.S Senior
U.S soldier decorated intelligence officer who conducted Global counter-terrorism operations over 36 years in the military shortly after coming back from an overseas Mission he began to suffer from rare life-threatening ailments rather than succumbing he he instead began to experience special inexplicable abilities we're told such as remote viewing and his body began to heal now this is not me making these wacky claims these are claims that that are actually backed by people like Lou Elizondo but also by sources that I've been speaking to inside uh sections of the US government and intelligence Community who tell me that this is a real story and apparently Andrews is claiming that he came across a file compiled for him by his late father it contained records from a past he didn't remember documents indicating he'd been removed from school every week every school from school for weeks every year from the first through to 12th grade he'd received believe it or not an honorable discharge from the U.S Air Force presumably as a child and he'd worked in space intelligence Communications as a minor and yet he has no memory of having served in the U.S Air Force I mean this is wacky stuff Bryce what's up with that now I I have to tell you uh over the years as someone who's uh produced some UFO stuff and and been writing about it here in Hollywood I've had various people over the years come to me and and tell me stories like that and go man this is the real deal and you got to listen to me and then they tell me something like that and I'd say yeah I I don't know I don't think we can give that the Ring Of Truth and yet what you just said which sounds so insane this is what Lou Elizondo tweeted about it he said quote I'm aware of all the facts regarding this true story and to call it a bombshell story would be an understatement buckle up I mean my God and I've spoken to other people who know the um person calling himself Scott Andrews and they vouch for him and they say that his story has huge credibility in their View and it's just interesting to me because if you remember I don't know whether you're a fan of the Tom DeLonge fiction Thrillers that Tom Delaware wrote called secret machines and it's really interesting because in one of those books he talks uh there's a character who's a military pilot who became an astronaut who ends up flying in the Thriller the um alien craft from Groom Lake and it turns out there's there's hints in the book that he and another friend who's also a pilot were as children recognized as gifted in some way and that they were taken away and called away into some program run by the U.S Air Force and yet again Tom Delong God bless him he seems to be on the on the right track now I'm not saying that this alleged Scott Andrews guy's story is true but interesting influential people are telling me including Elizondo that that we should take this a lot more seriously than it has been done to date so I just wanted to draw people's attentions to that story because it really does sound like an episode of stranger things it totally does experiment it's such an interesting story though Ross I just want to make sure we doubly uh underline this what's the source of the story currently that is it's a book that's been written by this guy who calls himself Scott Andrews um Simon and Schuster are the Publishers it's not entirely clear to me whether the book's been written yet or whether the puff that was released by Simon and Schuster the publisher is essentially previewing the fact that they've signed up to this guy but I'm told he's one of several people from the intelligence Community who are coming forward and this is where it's all getting very interesting because I do know for a fact because I've spoken to some of them there are people who are coming forward from inside the intelligence Community inside the military who are saying that they have knowledge of an experience of programs related to uaps and some of these people have given evidence to congressional committees Senate committees has committees it's getting very very interesting because we've got this kind of theatrical play even in the UAP hearing that's happening next week there's going to be a a confidential session as well as the public session now frankly I don't think there's any good reason if there is an nhi and non-human intelligence I appreciate that we might need to keep technology sources means methods things like that that are genuinely a matter of National Security confidential we don't want the Russians or the Chinese to have access to technology that a great country like the US can have access to first I'd rather a genuinely Democratic country than an authoritarian dictatorship has control and access of this technology but why can't we know at least a tacit admission by a Sean Kirkpatrick or someone else that yes there is indeed a non-human intelligence if that of course is the case well the first thing I'd want to say to Sean Kirkpatrick if I was uh Senator gillibrand is I just say look this is a public hearing um Sean and what we'd like you to explain to us is what criteria you'll be using as we ask you questions as to whether you will answer them or whether you will refer them to the classified hearing so that our our audience and and the the people can actually evaluate your answers because um if if all he I mean I guess it illustrates the thing that you and I have said many times on this program nobody's gonna come out and say Here's a couple of terabytes of UFO videos and UFO photos and classified documents have added that's not going to happen so again I don't want to look like I'm getting giddy because the government is having hearings because they've talked about and actually done this in the past um I'm simply saying it's part of the scenario that's out there so anything that Sean Kirkpatrick says that leads us into a further investigation of what the reality of this issue is I'm in favor of that and I do think it's kind of interesting with the kind of people that are talking to you and and frankly to me as well over the years there seems to be this whole other story that should be confirmed if there's an nhi non-human intelligence interacting with humanity and has been doing so for years it would be appropriate to at least admit that now and not continue to say that people who believe that are cuckoo so that part I would like to be public now the detail part um you know we're going to have to work out those details but again how is it that we've had those three little clips from the Navy videos over the years but nothing more how is it that we never heard about or saw the videos from those balloons so-called balloons that were shot down in February what's going on here what do we have to do to get our own government to share and confirm this reality if in fact it is a reality what's going to be that process and there has been Bryce intimations from people in the know such as Professor Gary Nolan Gary Nolan did an interview with um the good travel show with Matt Ford this week and asked how he would categorize the extraordinary stories that he says he knows have been shared under whistleblower protection with both arrow and the Congress Dr Nolan replied crash retrieval and contact I'll say that again crash retrieval and contact that's contact presumably with ETS and nhi this is somebody who I know I've spoken to Gary about this privately who I know has spoken to Witnesses who've come from inside with knowledge of the program and Gary has actually said that his perception of what's coming up for this next hearing is actually quite positive he says lawmakers are much more informed what has changed is that they literally saw the body language of the dod officials the generals sitting in front of them stonewalling they got mad and Gary is quoted as saying there's nothing that drives human nature more than being told no when you know the answer should be yes the politicians know they say he says that they were lied to and they've had enough of it and they're basically starting to put the squeeze on it's pretty clear he says the tables have turned so that's an optimistic turn from Professor Gary Nolan well he's spoken optimistically over the years since he's sort of come out if you will so I expect him to continue to talk like that but there's more and more people that are talking that way now so in fact uh it's it seems like we're rapidly getting to the place where this just can't hold because there are a number of people in the Congress now uh Timber Chet by the way seems to be angling for the the congressman of the Year award for UAP because uh this guy is as outspoken as anybody and he's agitating uh and and outright saying it and he's a representative and of course gillibrand as we discussed you know the interesting thing Ross there is so much breaking news there's always it we go away for a couple of weeks and we come back and there's always something you know to to be talking about about this and so just so everybody understands what we're saying um we're recording this uh half a week or more from when that hearing is going to be happening before the Senate subcommittee then as Ross pointed out in June maybe even the 13th we'll see how accurate your source is on that June 13th would be another Committee hearing but that would be a house hearing as I understand it is that correct that uh yes it would be yeah yeah definitely a house hearing yeah and and and obviously a lot of people have been energized by this issue and it is kind of ironic that this thing is gaining its momentum and people are talking about non-human intelligence and crash retrievals and wreckage and reverse engineering the stuff that used to be Fringe that was the French stuff of ufology and now some pretty non-fringy people are talking about it and guess what the calendar tells it we're going to be dealing with that at the same time we're dealing with the 2024 election that's already shaping up to be unprecedented in how it's laying out so God knows what's going to happen it's it's these are interesting times we are living in the other thing I wanted to flag before we get into the nitty-gritty of what might or should be being discussed at this hearing next week is Dr Travis Taylor has made some quite astonishing preview comments about what's coming up on the um next season the fourth season of the Skinwalker Ranch series now a lot of I know a lot of people there's a real tendency I think in the UFO UAP social media commentary just to pour [ __ ] up the whole skin walker Ranch story and to dismiss it as absolute nonsense and I think people are doing themselves a disservice by being so dismissive Dr Taylor is in fact quite a reputable scientist and he has claimed that um there has been gamma rays detected on skin walker Ranch that he believes have come from some kind of matter antimatter Annihilation he he claimed in a recent interview that the phenomena at skin walk around she's using non-human technology to create dangerous spikes in gamma rays quote I think it's some sort of phenomena that's using quantum physics that is running the universe now this is a guy who's working as we both know with Jay Stratton at a place called Radiance Technologies uh in uh or near Huntsville Alabama Two Gentlemen who've been part of a company for quite a while now um that has billions of dollars from taxpayers to investigate what sounds like metamaterials interesting perhaps non-human technology I just want to reflect to people that we shouldn't be quite so dismissive and there is a tendency I think um the the the commentators do themselves as disservice by basically sweeping aside everything that's said about Skinwalker Ranch I'm being told we should take skin walker Ranch a lot more seriously and I I have to say that I do take it seriously I don't dismiss Skinwalker and and it's uh anomalous activity for a moment I think the source of a lot of the pushback on Skinwalker has frankly just been the television series because the series itself while attempting big things has used a lot of the tropes of of a non-fiction television series the sort of um hyped music and the sort of the teases and all that and so it's easy to to put it down uh but Underneath It All there seems to be a reality there of some kind by the way I just uh I realized I was mentioning Timber Chad a few minutes ago just so everyone knows he's a republican he's a congressman I believe he's from Tennessee um and uh he's currently the most outspoken member of Congress I would say on the topic although several others are are edging in that same area the other bit of news that I think we should also flag is um Dr Colin Kelleher who as we both know has worked with the orsap bass and nids programs um he's got quite an extensive knowledge as well of the whole skin walker Ranch story he did an interview with Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp on their weaponized podcast recently and Jeremy asked him does our government have downed UFOs from Unknown Origin that they've been trying and are trying to reverse engineer and exploit those Technologies understand the physics understand that technology do we have that to work with and Colma Keller his answer was quite definitive he said I can't talk about that but the answer is yes obviously Kelleher has gone to the lou Elizondo School of how to answer a UAP question uh because Elizondo does that all the time himself where he lets you know what he thinks but he's either protecting his his NDA or some other thing and Keller seems to be doing that you know before we get into asking the questions that we think they should ask at these hearings could we just do a little bit of History here to sort of set up where we're coming from as I look at uh Congressional hearings on UFOs there have been many attempts over the years but there's been two particular years that I want to focus on and that we can talk about uh one was 1958 and the other was 1966. and for those of you who have access to it I love this book here UFOs and government a historical inquiry because it is jam-packed with great stuff and when I see people like Moultrie and Bray say no I've never heard of that never didn't understand any of that I feel like you know what gentlemen go to your rooms and read this book and then come back and talk to us but in any case in 1958 what was really unusual is that the house select committee on astronautics astronautics and space exploration was chaired by John McCormick who went on to become the speaker of the house and a very powerful person and back in 58 they were going to have the subcommittee on atmospheric phenomena chaired by a William natcher of Kentucky and they were going to have hearings on UFOs because McCormick really believed in UFOs he thought they were a real deal and needed to be looked into and you know we've talked about how fast these hearing things that we're experiencing right now have sort of Hit the calendar back then they informed the secretary of the Air Force they were going to hold hearings on the subject of UFOs with just two or three days of lead time imagine that and then the subcommittee said it would begin on August 7th and the Air Force was expected to be there on August 8th and this is 1958 so I guess their idea was if we catch them by surprise they won't have time to get a big story together and in any case they had various uh attempts to have those meetings and in fact they did have one with the Air Force where the Air Force came in and basically told them well we're looking into it nothing to see here so far etc etc and then and this part is interesting McCormick and his gang said that they were going to now bring in more witnesses they were from outside the government they were going to have people come in like uh Donald Kehoe was who was retired but was that major in the the Air Force rupult Edward ruppelt who wrote uh the report on unidentified flying objects and they're going to have these guys come in and testify without the Air Force being present well guess what happened that potential nightmare for the Air Force never happened why it just went away no one's exactly sure why it went away but I love this quote from the book it says here was an appropriate Congressional committee with powerful Personnel impervious to intimidation initiating a hearings agenda with nearly known noticed through the air force informing the air force that a whole week of Civilian hearings was in the wings yet before the last Echoes had died in the committee room that whole idea was obliterated by higher forces and the Congressional investigation was neutralized so this stuff's been going on by my calendar quite a long time I agree and in fact frankly our the history as you pointed out shows a persistent pattern of the U.S Air Force basically trying to control the UAP narrative goes right
back to 1948 when project sign was kicked off and you know you had project sign project Grudge Project Blue Book all of them were fundamentally at their heart attempts by the U.S Air Force and other agencies to try to control the narrative to constrain what the public was being told about uaps to ridicule I mean the thing that I find is that there was a deliberate policy a deliberate policy to try and dismiss these reports as mass hysteria hallucinations hoax or misinterpretation of known objects and and yet all the while while they were dismissing them and poo-pooing them in the public arena there was actually continued Military Intelligence control over the investigation of all sightings and and frankly they were actively considering the reality of this is perhaps extraterrestrial phenomena so the thing that really worries me is that we're just going to see a continuation of this kind of historical knobbling that what we're going to see is essentially another shutdown particularly by the U.S Air Force and history as you rightly show my friend has not looked good for us because year after year every time there's been a really good effort by the Congress to really get to the truth of this matter it's been snowed well the most recent one I think was 1966 is that right Gerald rewards the only thing I would say about getting having history be the the template for what might happen now is that it was a different time uh in 1958 and and 66 which we'll talk about you know was it just a different time you didn't have the internet you didn't have a cable Universe of 500 channels you didn't have streaming you didn't have any of this way that we talked to ourselves right now uh I remember when I first met Stanton Friedman who became a friend of mine and I optioned one of his books about Roswell so I got to know him very well but when I first met Stanton and this this will just sum it all up is he always carried almost a suitcase full of Xerox copies of various things right so when he wanted to make a point to me he literally had to go and get a stack of of papers that he gave me I mean it was it was almost a foot tall stack of copied papers and he said when you're done with those I'd like those back because I want to give them to somebody else well today you wouldn't do that right you just you put it up on the internet or you you tweet it or you otherwise share it so it's not going to be quite as easy as it was before to put things back in the box but you know the idea that people have been talking about these things uh in in open Forum has been going on a long time and the one quote that I I feel like that you couldn't do a show like this without reading it even though we've read it before is two years after that 1958 attempt Admiral Roscoe hillenkotter who was the first person to run the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States was then retired and he actually wrote a letter that was quoted in the New York Times and this is a quote from the first director of the CIA in 1960 as John Kennedy is running for the presidency but before he gets elected and he says behind the scenes high-ranking Air Force officials are soberly concerned about UFOs but through official secrecy and ridicule many citizens are led to believe that unknown flying objects are nonsense hundreds of authentic reports by veteran pilots and other technically trained observers have been ridiculed or explained away as mistakes delusions or hoaxes the Air Force has assumed the right to decide what the American people should or should not know and here's his conclusion it is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings well hillenkotter was right in 1960 and if he was around today he'd say we were right to be pursuing it again so yeah we are in that in that time period now you brought up 66 I'll let you run with that because that's a good one too no well I mean I think the thing the big lesson from 66 is that you had Gerald Ford um the the man who went on to become president basically pushing very very hard and saying that he held the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the U.S Air Force and he strongly recommended that there be a committee investigation of
the UFO phenomena and and back in March 66 Gerald Ford at the time was the House minority leader who later to become president and um he was concerned because he was getting letters from the American public telling him they were very interested in the UFO issue even more in a way Ross it was even more than letters he was the congressman of the district where Jay Alan heineck went in 1966 out after all these sightings in Michigan and heineck famously tried to speculate about what could possibly be the thing these people were seeing and that's where he uttered the unfortunate two-word swamp gas which became Infamous in ufology and and damn near drove heinek crazy because that wasn't exactly what he meant and certainly in the years to follow he knew differently but Ford took the brunt of this from the people that were in his constituency and I think he realized that a lot of them were serious people and he actually wrote a series of letters three different letters uh as he began to agitate for hearings and again I guess I'm on a run of reading quotes but this is from Ford's first letter are we to assume that everyone who says that he has seen UFOs is an unreliable witness I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible Enlightenment on this subject because I think there may be substance to some of these reports and because I believe the American people are entitled to a more thorough explanation than has been given them by the Air Force to date I am proposing that either the science and astronautics Committee of the armed services Committee of the house schedule hearings on the subject of UFOs and invite testimony from both the executive branch of the government and some of the persons who claim to have seen UFOs so again here is a guy who not only became president but it for people who follow these things Ford was on the Warren Commission that looked into the JFK assassination so this guy was deeply involved in classified stuff and he knew that UFOs were real so what happened in 1966 was that the house armed services committee which of course is the house version of the same committee that's holding the hearings this week in the Senate it did eventually hold brief hearings on UFOs in 1966 but unfortunately it produced yet another U.S Air Force whitewash the secretary I think of the U.S Air Force Harold bran assured the committee that most sightings were easily explained and that there was no evidence that strangers from outer space had been visiting Earth and he did reassure the committee members however that the Air Force would keep an open mind and continue to investigate all UFO reports so it was a complete Snow Job now the historical way to look at this is you did have attempts uh even during the early 50s people were trying to have some kind of hearings but they they took form in 58 where the uh soon to be Speaker of the House John McCormick really went after it and then for reasons we do not understand gave it all up then we had 66 where Ford a very important person in United States government pushed for it couldn't quite get that done either in 68 they had some um people gave uh written testimony uh but that was it um we didn't really have those big UFO hearings that's why we all got excited uh in on May 17th of 2022 when uh the house had a hearing on UFOs it didn't turn out to be much Ross and I have sort of taken that apart we're not big fans of Moultrie and Bray and how they Embrace their obligations to be responsive to the American people but now we have another shot at it and that's what's happening now now the reason why history matters is because what happened as a result of the U.S Air Force's outrageous cover-up in 1966 was there was a huge public pushback um that this is when James McDonald the atmospheric physicist from the University of Arizona's came forward he flatly publicly claimed that the the CIA was behind the Air Force secrecy policies and the cover-up and he was pushing for the release of the full Robertson panel report which was essentially another cover-up earlier and so bowing to public pressure in August 1966 the Air Force announced what what became the Condon inquiry and and this is why history matters because we can't let Congress allow this to happen again because what was done last time what was done over half a century ago in August of 1966 was the Condon inquiry was called and we now know that that was a complete snow job where it would Condon the physicist at Colorado and a former director of a major government Department was essentially appointed and pre-briefed that essentially you know he he was to to come up with a foregone conclusion a blatant whitewash on behalf of the U.S Air Force and the CIA and the report of the content inquiry in April 1969 was the attempt to put the whole issue back in the bottle and it has largely defined the policy and the attitudes to permeate our culture right up to the present day attitudes of ridicule and belittling of the UAP UFO subjects and essentially it's been a very very clever disinformation program so if I'm successful much as an inkling if we see so much as an inkling from the Congress that they're going to Buck pass this and flick it off to the Air Force or the CIA and ask them to come up with an inquiry we shouldn't allow it to happen the only thing that is the alternative to these committees holding these hearings is a full open Church committee style investigation where the Congress uses the full powers that it has in public hearing deposing people under oath and compelling them to give truthful testimony using full powers of subpoena we can't allow this issue to be put back in a box again for another half a Century Two thoughts the Condon uh I mean the the investigation you're referring to was ultimately very successfully it put its report out in 60 April I think you said of 69 and by December of 69 the Air Force had said well we looked into it we even had this uh investigation done for us since there's nothing going on with this we're going to kill Project Blue Book and they did and so from 69 on uh until well whatever uh the official investigation into UFOs uh was not happening so uh they they did succeed and now we are at the precipice of seeing this happen again and I take your point uh the various times where the the genie has been put back in the bottle is when the Air Force was envisioned as the honest broker to look into this so that's like um I don't know that's asking like someone who's under indictment to conduct their own investigation uh yeah obviously others need to do that the one thing I was going to say Ross that I don't know how it's going to work out maybe you've heard different than myself but I what was great about the Senate attempting to look into Watergate back in 1973 when they had those riveting Summer Long hearings is it was the Senate Watergate committee it was the One-Stop shop it's where they were taking a look at this thing same with the church committee that you uh mentioned that was where that was going down I don't know why we're having different committees right I wish Congress could figure out how to focus the Firepower on a singular entity so that they could start bringing people in and focus on that one thing because if we are moving forward incrementally on different committees I fear that's not the most uh positive way to do it well he is hoping that 2023 is a case of Third Time Lucky Bryce because as you and I have just pointed out those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it so let's now move to what we think the Congress the uh armed services Committee of the Senate's emerging threats committee this week coming should be asking and I I think here's an opportunity for Kirsten gillibrand Senator Kirsten gillibrand to really make her name this could be a presidential defining moment for this extremely gutsy and powerful woman she's the chair of this emergency emerging threats committee um okay Sean Kirkpatrick's not going to be under oath but he does know that he can still be held to a cut for misleading the Congress so what if Senator gillibrand was to lean across the table and basically demand to know definitively this question is directed not just at Arrow or nor to the very limited field of knowledge held within Arrow that's the pentagon's UAP office it is directed at the entire body of knowledge held within the Pentagon and the intelligence community and presumably Dr Kirkpatrick you have informed yourself on this before you came before this committee my question sir is are you aware of any data of any kind which suggests that there is a non-human intelligence that has been and or is being detected on this planet okay now if I'm if I'm uh the witness here Sean Kirkpatrick I'm going to say uh well thank you very much senator gillibrand for that comprehensive and kind question I take it to heart I think it's very important get on with it and then I and then at the end Sean says and um I'll have to I'm waiting come on come on and I want some answers into the classified hearing is what he's going to say listen you know what's funny it folks is um Ross and I have a four pages three pages with like 38 possible questions these people could ask and maybe we'll even post that uh up on our site but uh there's no shortage of questions although Ross I got to tell you the first thing I'd want to do is I'd want to say uh Mr Kirkpatrick um you are not currently sworn um as as is sometimes the case here in these hearings do you have any objection to being sworn now yeah yeah I would just I would have him I'd like to see what he would say and I'd like to remind you Dr Kirkpatrick that you are under oath and that any attempts to mislead this committee is an act of perjury and it will be punished extremely severely by that if he takes the oath I hope he takes it um you know the the the there are a couple of lines of um of asking questions here that these senators are well versed although I've rarely heard someone as bold and as gutsy as gillibrand on this topic so um but you know I think uh some of the things that she should do is take him down the road of this crash wreckage uh and retrieval and reverse engineering and whether it's in the purview of the government or whether it's been offshore to private Enterprise Etc and even if he's refusing to answer it I would still ask him these questions because for example um I I can't remember I I on one of these things that Trump was just um uh deposed on I think he took the fifth like you know 400 times or something and please don't send me a bunch of email about that folks I'm just citing it because I heard it on the news the other day but there's a power in asking the question even if the person isn't going to answer it so what I would say to Sean Kirkpatrick is I'd go through these 38 questions we've got and then all of the others and make him refuse to answer them if that's going to be the case because I would at least get people saying well if the guy isn't answering it there must be something to that and I'd like to see us get into that so that's my take not I don't know a lot about the other committee members on the emerging threats committee but one of them is actually a former astronaut former U.S Air Force astronaut Mark Kelly a senator
for Arizona and he's clearly very much a hard skeptic on uaps he recently dismissed a reporters very serious question on the UFO issue by saying quote on the alien subject I can confirm they are really small they have sharp teeth and they live under your bed that's the kind of [ __ ] nonsense I often get from politicians when they're asked hard questions on this issue and let's be very clear about this if Senator gillibrand is not seen and if the other members of the committee are seen to be flippant or dismissive and ignoring the issues that are being asked is serious intent behind these questions we now have multiple very senior former officials of the U.S government on the record suggesting that the US government is in possession of information suggesting that there is a non-human intelligence engaging with this planet and that it is in possession of nhi Technology non-human intelligence technology it's time for that question to be asked and if we just have another one of these delicate dances with sycophantic questions are asked of public officials frankly the public should start stoning the blooming Congress on I'm not saying that literally I mean I'm just appalled that we have that extraordinary situation where time and time again we have these public officials that are allowed to come in and be dismissive and Mock and ridicule and stigmatize the issue you just you have to hold their feet to the fire and the public should be and will be deservedly very very angry if evasive questions evasive answers are given to incredibly direct questions let's go back to Mark Kelly for a second he's the senator just re-elected in Arizona and there's a lot to like about Mark Kelly I mean he's a astronaut and a fairly straight up stand-up guy most of the time but you know Senator Kelly let me just speak to you for a moment this is wrong the way you answer that question is just plain wrong you're dismissing people who have had authentic experiences you're dismissing radar people you're dismissing Pilots you're dismissing government officials you're dismissing police officers and and thousands if not tens and hundreds of thousands of of witnesses and you're turning it all into a joke and you know that that's the inappropriate policy and the reason you know it is you're from uh Arizona and the last time somebody did that in Arizona was back after the Phoenix Lights where Governor Fife Simington after so many of his constituents saw the Phoenix Lights object with their own eyes he instead brought an alien costume staffer out in front of the press conference and he's regretted that the rest of his life and has recanted that in in future years so Senator Kelly I'm asking you to go into that hearing behave as an appropriate public official and understand that your own government is already firmed that there are things out there that we cannot confirm where they come from and try to have a more open and inquisitive mind because that's what we expect from you as a public official now we know that gillibrand has already been very critical about the fact that Arrow hasn't received sufficient funding the pentagon's UAP investigation office had not received sufficient funding or Staffing to allow it to do the job that it had been assigned and I mean for example one of the things that it was asked to do by legislation by the Congress was a historical review of UAP knowledge since World War II that was requested by legislation by Statute by an act of the Congress last year and so one of the things that I really want to see is a holding to account by gillibrand I want to see her and the other Senators demanding to know whether this work has been done and if not why not and and I also think that the defense department more broadly needs to be asked why when Congress made its position very very clear in legislation that it wanted the UAP issue investigated thoroughly by the Pentagon why was Arrow this office left chronically undefunded understaffed to fulfill its stated purpose it was designed to die on the vine and more importantly Kirkpatrick has been dismissed by some critics as somebody who's a bit of a liquid for the people who want to continue the cover-up this is an opportunity for Kirkpatrick to make his name it would only take one truthful answer to one question to break the truth embargo yeah sure I pray for it I pray for it um you know you mentioned the history report they're supposed to write and he may say well we need more time and you know it's very hard to get access to these things so again I'm just going to help him out UFOs in the government a historical inquiry take a look at that or how about this one shoot them down the Flying Saucer air wars of 90 1952 by Frank fascino this is all government stuff and here's another great book by Richard Dolan UFOs in the National Security State if you don't know the history of UFOs and the U.S government and the U.S military sir I say you do a little reading time so anyway that's my soapbox for the day but that's what I think they should be doing can I just drop a big hint before we start the rep let's just roll back a bit let's go back to February let's talk about what happened over Dead Horse Alaska in February yeah now we know that three objects were allegedly shot down we know that they were engaged with Sidewinder missiles by fighter jets from the U.S Air Force now what's so interesting is what I'm hearing about dead horse and this is I think perhaps where questions could be pertinently directed because although the particular Senator that I'm thinking of is a member of the Senate armed services committee they're not a member of the emerging threats committee so let's just flag to the emerging threats committee that we know that there is a senator on the Senate armed services committee who has been approached by a member of the Air Force asking the committee to ask more pointed questions about what happened over Dead Horse Alaska and I'm just going to read out a few questions that I think should be asked why have no Congressional Representatives being given the opportunity to cite the purported shootdown videos shot by fighter jets in February during the multiple incursions over U.S airspace
and as we understand its senators and representatives have been refused the opportunity to even view this Vision even in a secure skiff why the secrecy does the witness does Dr Kirkpatrick have any knowledge about the specific shoot down incident over or near Dead Horse Alaska in February what exactly did the pilot report seeing when he engaged the object with a missile was the object seen to actually crash or descend as a result of that missile being fired why is vision of that particular instant still being kept classified as well as the Pilot's after Action Report even to confidential hearings of the relevant congressional committees is the witness prepared to deny the reports that I'm hearing that the object when hit by the explosion of the Jets Sidewinder missile actually stayed in the air despite that direct explosion something was seen by the pilot to fall from the object that he engaged but I'm told the main object was not in fact shot done by the missile does the witness does Dr Sean Kirkpatrick deny categorically that this is the case correctly if Dr Kirkpatrick is to say to the committee that he doesn't know about this incident that he hasn't briefed himself about this incident and he should be sacked immediately the committee should be asking for his resignation if he doesn't come into the Committee hearing properly briefed about the the three shoot down incidents over U.S in February then he shouldn't be doing the job I agree 100 thousand percent let's let's hope that happens and by the way Ross I know you're a lawyer by training and they always tell lawyers listen you know when you're doing cross-examination examination of a witness don't ask a question you don't know the answer to so I'm just going to ask you do you think you know the answer to those questions or is this one of those truly uh mysterious moments where we need the government to come clean and the they might not I am told that the dead horse incident is not as it has been represented by both the president and his staff I'm told it wasn't a shoot done in the full sense of the word I'll leave it at that wow well folks interesting times ahead I mean Ross this is why I enjoy working with you because I mean people I don't know why but people are compelled to tell you the truth and I like that and um and and obviously we have hopeful expectations for this this meeting of the minds that's going to happen on the 19th and let's hope for the best now before we go let's just briefly mention there's a new Whitley striper book out called them which I think you're interested in maybe getting Whitley on at some stage well I just wanted to give a couple of quick shout outs for some of the things that are out in the cultural UFO Zeitgeist right now one of them is that Whitley strieber has a new book called them with a period at the end um and I think it's his most interesting book in in years now I've read all his books he's written about seven or eight on this topic I believe but this is the one where he's finally getting a little more uh clear about what he actually thinks might be going on and it seems to me that after flirting around with the uh more the more paranormal parts of it he seems to be saying he thinks you got to give a a pretty strong possibility to the Extraterrestrial angle so that's interesting there's also a new documentary that's out by uh filmmaker Ron James called accidental truth I just got a copy of it today to start running and from what I've seen so far if you're one of those people who would like to sort of brush up and make sure you understand how we got here from there this does have some of the usual suspects in it that's fine but they tell the story about where we are right now in 2023 and and frankly focus more from 2017 on so in that regard it's a really good way to look at it and then my final shout out is of course Ross I want everyone to understand our URL is need to know dot today not.com but dot today and with that I'm done foreign we'll see you after the forthcoming Senate armed services what's the word what's this what's the ET committee called emerging threats committee coming up right about a week well listen please by that time hopefully by that time Senator Kirsten gillibrand and other members of the committee will have applied a blowtorch in the right places sometimes I always end with the this phrase and it may seem inappropriate sometimes but it's appropriate today which is we can handle the truth People Get Ready [Music] I'm ready to be told time for secrets [Music] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we must wait unturned you say too much [Music] I'm ready to be told time for secrets [Music] to know [Music] [Applause] [Music] you said it will blow my mind [Music] you say ing things will fall apart no more fears [Music] time for secrets to unfold sometimes [Music] I need to know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we see the future [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now is the plan [Music] we say we need to know [Music] in other news news tonight that this was no swine saucer Sports is next week [Applause] remember folks we can't handle the truth People Get Ready [Music]
2023-04-20 12:30