Advanced Ancient Civilizations DOCUMENTARY Puzzling Archaeology Discoveries

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Oh. Romania. What. Do we know of this country, in. Reality, very, little, however. We've, become aware of a culture, impregnated. With surprising, traditions, and histories. We. Have in mind images, of haunted castles and vampires, but, we are far from the truth. Here, there, are numerous oral, traditions, that allude to ancient civilizations. As well as numerous archaeological. Discoveries, that seek to cover them up to. Better understand, the myths of this country we will go off the beaten track, and meet with often contested, researchers. And experts some. Of whom have dedicated their, entire lives to, bring to light these discoveries and reestablish. Truths long, since hidden. We, will reveal ancient centrioles, mysterious. Treasures and unusual. Archaeological. Objects, that can bring into question our entire, history. Have, there been previous. Civilizations. With a very advanced knowledge. Could. Humans have Co inhabited, the earth with. Giants. Our research. Will take you to out-of-the-way, places. Where. Myth and reality, cross. Paths. There. Is somewhere 1200, meters up that's, 4,000 feet a sanctuary, that attests to the presence, of an ancient civilization that, Dacians, during. The Roman occupation the, Carpathian, people withdrew there to, make their last stand. What, we have discovered there will shake up the, established, truth. Sammy's, such a Tusa known as the Romanian Stonehenge, is listed by UNESCO as, a World Heritage Site. Now. In ruins this sanctuary was once the ancient capital of the Dacians one, of the original peoples of Romania, this, military supply fortress, was comprised of five terraces, that extended, to more than 30,000. Square meters inside. A contained, living accommodation, stables. And storage, facilities all, served by a complex water supply system, the, city temples, did not survive the wars only. Fragments of andesite rock proves, their presence. Archaeological. Excavations, attest, that the inhabitants enjoyed, a high standard of living here. The buildings benefited from modern installations a long, time before the Romans interfered, with the dating culture. But. Sam is eager to sir was much more than a simple city. The. Dacians, took their knowledge from an influential, priest, to say you, initiated. In Egypt to the same degree as fails Pythagoras. And Plato, some. Credit, him with the building of the city during, the 1st century BCE. Samus's. Achutha, was also the site of an astronomical, observatory it, is said that the priests mastered, cosmology, and established, the positions, of the planets their. Science, of the stars govern, decisions, relating, to future wars the cultivation, of the land and voyages. To undertake, a, channel. Fiend own initiative a. Lot rich in Egypt under, permit monsieur de la proxy Carcano, start on a pyramidal, or de Janeiro's, ponen karelian, vatapá - a condo, suited, on stencil. F is eg medicina. Astronomia. Astrology. Ax she. Alta. Lucre, if, the significative. H, Lhasa message Atossa the sim presenter. Property. Dao, numerology. Our might. What a construct. CLA or. Insulator. A. Universally. The. Largest sanctum in the city damage is 30 metres, 98 Nahar feet in diameter and, is composed of three concentric circles, this, astronomical tempo, doubled as a calendar reputed. To have being one of the most precise, in all antiquity, with, a margin of error of one, hour 15. Minutes and 3 seconds per year. Next. To it a circular andesite, flagstone, comprised, of 10 spokes acted. As a solar dial that allowed the Dacians to predict the solstices, and equinoxes. Historians. Know very little about the Dacians and attribute, to them a very limited degree of knowledge many. Affirm that they did not possess the written word this, polemic affirmation, divides many researchers, according. To some it is impossible, for a so called primitive civilization. To have knowledge of stars and science, however.

One, Very controversial, discovery, a test, that they were not as archaic as history, states. Discovered. In 1875. Under the reign of king caliber first the, tablets of sanaya suggests, that the Dacians, did in fact possess, the written word 500. Of these tablets were found at the end of the 19th century during, the construction of the castle of palace or originally. Fashioned in gold they show three different types of writing one. Resembles, a form of ancient Greek but, the other to remain, unknown to, get the gold King, Carroll had copies of the maiden led before, melting down the originals, said. From the great concern Adama dark, alchemist exact on tablet Dooku. On palm scan metal Americana, to disable ax Keaton, wadis motion, is solicited, Osama Ziggy - sir Oprah's. Synchrony. Java present similarity, a crystal Arabic mr.. Yock, yock yock, alien, mode the personage rosa la paz y miño however. Their authenticity is, quickly contested, by historians, it is, inconceivable for them that they could assemble three different stars of writing more, so if we have not discovered similar, writings then, they had simply been invented. Todo. ESO, police element homeopathy Decatur different, neuronal. Arabic Ricardo was at t Bangladesh, relief. Egyptian. Yasha. I am Casey elevated, uh tortilla and norepinephrine. Karate. Top apart on police were low, alcohol Keisha. I'm assimilation. I buy booze mondo law D tablets, the. Verdict is without doubt they, cannot be authentic, for. Historians they, were just a joke. The. Story could have stopped right here but. In the last few years a number, of them have disappeared suddenly. Reigniting. The controversy, surrounding, their true nature. Muchacho. De toro moon dan, Romulo. Ryu. Shit i. Boxes, restored, are hollow GHSA photography, ezio, suited, Oscoda tablets even, a noona. Cuckoos vana can afford a extra dollar OG d bucharest amicus, it, Tracy. Parker. Suited. As well the tablets are desperate, for Umar Farouk achieve a sapota Sofia trois a responder, Alondra que la nación de registro de práctica. Putin caused Eric pan true Institute's Aristotle, in is no existe. Non. Primer and este, varmint. A theological, Chinna baccarat drastic reso confuses, storica, Nagin avoids the fucker suited, as for the plaque would say shirasu. Fiction sifaka change, sheetrock. Infuse a historical, data stash reprocessing is the, disappearance, of these tablets link to their containing, a message a mysterious, inscriptions. Or maybe. They, show that the Dacians, will not say primitive. But, what were they really in Romania. The day seem people speak a lot about it but, according to historians, it is as though they came from nowhere to. Understand, their origins, we, must go back to an era where, the Thracian territory, extended. East to modern-day Germany and south, to the Caspian Sea. Very. Little is known of this civilization only, that it was divided, into hundreds of tribes of which, the most important, was, the Dacians, known, as the jetty by the ancient Greeks in, modern-day Romania, the, Greeks were the first to document the exploits of the Thracians the, philosophical, texts by the likes of Herodotus and Plato are full, of praise for them. Excellent. Horsemen and remarkable. Competence, their, temperament, was a veritable asset, for the Greeks during the siege of Troy. They. Were also founded Alexander, the Great side during, his campaigns, and conquests. Far. From the derogatory cliches, the, skill of the Thracians in gold and silver demonstrates. An undeniable, artistic refinement, and invokes, an accomplished, civilization. Patinkin. Verb in desparate. Raj Corel. Motor and reverse present at a mobile. Physiology, of paparazzi Barbara. Primitive. Discovering. The fart-o cultura exceptional. Care a unanimity, moment a inference at cultura, grokken, mode majora, practic. A Tuscan. Verb in display Orfeo. Dionysus. Apollo. Artemis. Seattle. Vanitas, Sartre, DT greatest, Tremezzo Binyam catch esta was promoted. A degree. Drop, applet seal a stratagem. It. Is said that in three she mythology, Zeus. Was called as a Belize's. Artemis. Is shrouded in the trades Bendis the. Mozilla's became Dionysus. Just. As Apollo originated. His obvious got, a mythology of the art of divination each. Of the Greek and Roman gods traces. Their origins, to the Thracian, divinities, the, Greeks were inspired, by these people in their, lifestyle, and their philosophy. Spoonie, Forte Clara faculty. Meter a la Jets. You, know Dean Rena more late rejection color, turista logits, newcastle, a dial edge, chicas attract convert cemented allayi logits. Comparison. Nests for shit a plot. A poem on toothless in combination. Intertoto parlay, from Chi Minh selects, nests Punahou, mayor Alan. Casavant oh. But. This civilization. With the sin estable resources, was, to be coveted, by a Rome that was being crushed by its debts after many, wars Rome, came to destabilize, the Thracian nation and conquer.

Part Of its territory. The, last tribe to resist the invasion retreated, to the Carpathian, Mountains in Dacia. Tough, an immovable their, emblem was the wolf symbol. Of intelligence, liberty. And insubordination. Associated. With the snake it forms the Dacian Draco that would become renowned, seeing. That they were a minority in, the face of the Romans the, Dacians, made no compromise, they. Saw only two zalmoxis a divine, priest who, persuaded them that to die on the battlefield led. To immortality. A formidable. Belief, which, undermined, the Roman soldiers. It. Is it's a Maseca tutor that, they delivered, their final battle, The Citadel the ultimate resistance to the Roman invasion, sheltered. Disabled as' the, last king and general, of the Dacians. Despite. The competitiveness, of his army they, seeded in face of the power of the Roman Emperor Trajan and chose to die to accede to Zaman's his paradise. Lead, a soap opera buffa, seroma medulla. Papa. Second and era avro resist, EOC, Osmo anova sir Esparza, see, LOX ambled salut c'est, la vamos a despot revolta, yellow opal and revolta, la edad interasante. See Carlos come secular Wyoming Saturday's confetti, quedan. En parte, de la azotea, the. Road with my fellow, rapprochement of a clip own a porta potti APRA, don't lie beneath krishna report, la revolución, de france' on the set on earth mercy, open on dot revolution, / - da moneh Sasebo. Leaky gramophone, it's, like a book would not renew on your veritable, morning. Despite. Being victorious. And protrusion, honored the Dacians in erecting imposing, statues, in rome they. Express force bravery. A startling. Sign of recognition by, Roman, Emperor. See. On validated. Oprah's Express intercept reconnaissance, poetic. Assemble fertile, alluvial a, tremor servo menos linear, medicine, bottle avocadoes, led, by symbolism, me, cotton voir la Ronn printed on jelly dozen frantic City emphysema. Or canoe on hospice Erik Estrada, scalpel she can Prasanna, a cigar, lemare's, deluge no LF chosen for you biologists, ensemble Akito, de montreuil caricature, does Rapinoe here Susan, do after see La Palma. Being. Up to 3 meters 9, foot 10 inches tall, our, attention is drawn to the exceptional, scale of these statues. Larger. Than those erected, in memory of, Roman, warriors, naturally. The most logical explanation is, that the Emperor Trajan admired. The bravery, of this nation, however. A second. Theory has come to haunt the spirit of more, and more enthusiasts. Is, it conceivable that some, of these statues, were in fact life-size. This. Idea that crosses our mind sounds foolhardy yet, we are not the only ones to think it several, discoveries show, that some of the de chien warriors could, indeed have beat, this size. In Bucharest, the Natural History Museum harbors, an exceptional, treasure. Delicate. Gold and silver sculptures, confirm, the mastery, of these materials, that this nation possessed. Certain. Jewelry from some is a KATUSA that, almost 2,000, years later contain. Treasures that have never yet been excavated. Among.

This Decorative jewelry including. Brooches and necklaces, I found, some stunning bracelets, their diameters, vary between nine and thirteen centimeters three, and a half to five inches and weighing anything, from 700, grams to, more than a kilogram that's 24, to, 35 ounces, they're. Made of several loops comprising. Of snakes heads cold. Forged, from gold bars they, demonstrate, a complex, and very, elaborated, technicality. Romanian. Archeology, alleges, that these bracelets, were used for rituals or reserved, for a certain elite of Dacians but, for now it's their, size the concerns, us. Cassette. Ad bahasa dope when in Opa Opa ha estado. Normal. Mango Akemi on par or geometric, we need a trauma or dinner in. Passaic, is it a Petrova, mmmm, no Scott figure :. Since, avian effect is a debate over a la tsukimi, party developed. Reckon upon did you actually women's your head - on DOMA doterra see snip roofs according. To historians, these, bracelets were worn by the highest-ranking. Patient and without, wanting to play with words his. Highest must, have been very tall this, partially, broken helmet, has a diameter of around 30, centimeters, 12 inches almost twice the size of an ordinary head. Specialists. Allege that they were worn on top of other helmets. What. Is to be made of this ceremonial, breastplate, that no ordinary shoulder, would be able to wear and whose, length measures almost 80 centimeters, 31. And a half inches, just, below a ring, with a diameter of 3 centimeters. That's more than an inch. And, it's the same for this gold crown of unequaled finesse which, too has a very large diameter. It. Would have belonged to King suits 2/3 and came, from his tomb in Bulgaria. Bizarrely. The remains of this King have never been found. The. Giants, once, walk these lands. An. Episode, Roman. Territory. Trois motion. Existence, damn berry Dona sweet oil discipline. Maximum, taxa you haven't ID'd episode 8 do Mexico, daughter, in. 190, BCE in modern-day, Bulgaria, Roman. Soldiers met with something strange in front, of them stood, a Thracian shepherd, who, towered over them by, several, head heights this, Colossus, joined, the Roman garrison, where, he rose through the ranks to, become emperor, in, 235.

Ad Many. Think, that this description of Maxim Ennis is exaggerated. And unless, one day we find his skeleton, his, real size will, remain unknown. Set. On poor grandma satalia well. Misery good. Soldier too to see go but that member hissongk Oh Oh a pure sixty, supply put that xpt latte Oh nom the septum juke joint they were to be on, the, Sania tablets. One engraven, could confirm it it puts into evidence the scene where men came face to face with Giants, on their shield a significant. Symbol indicates, that they originated, from the legendary continent, of Hyperborea. An, ancient. Map by Jared Mercato dated, 1595. Locates, the original country of the Hyperborean, in the remote areas, of the North Pole according. To ancient texts, these lands were not at that time, covered in ice around. Laconic ancien this. Could happen a civilization. Case disappear, away, he. Permit this situation, Avada Paulo a super. Paranoia. See. There is it stable Azure or some spot like this and you don't, generally should locate. This on the, employees. Of Sanwa we include, emotions. Their lives I will caucus. Dr., nouvelle capital disappeared, behind a circle as God as a situation, caucus you know Tripathy very debate it was Ian Skelley done is a Chappell. Situation. Only would you go through Mexico, Ricky, don't necessarily, want. Homa, equally, alleged that the new Berea was situated in, Thracia and that the Hyperborea, was situated in the north of Thracia where the Dacians, used to live the, Greek legends state that the descendants, of Berea the Bereans, would join Kings measuring, more than four meters thirteen, feet in height. If. In. Those days men, of gigantic, dimensions existed. We understand, now why they fascinated, the Romans so much and inspired. The Emperor Trajan to, erect these famous statues. Official. History does not mention skeletons, of large dimensions, that would confirm this hypothesis, however, other anecdotal. Evidence does. Draw attention to it it. Is not impossible that, certain archaeological, discoveries, could have willingly been ignored, to, understand, more we have to go off the beaten track to, dig look, for more clues and go against, the tide of perceived, ideas. In. The southwest, of Bucharest, a discovery. Passed almost unnoticed, that, will undermine our, understanding. Of history. As. You play.

You. Hello. Everyone, thank. You so much for watching the first 20 minutes of the other line of the gods I am, Damian the filmmaker of this movie but I'm also known in France as a researcher. In the, alternative. Archaeology. First. Of all I must apologize. For a mistake, we committed, in the movie, it's. About the so called giant plaster ons you can observe, at, 1826. More. Is to be made of this ceremonial, breastplate, the no ordinary shoulder, would be able to wear and, whose length measures, almost 80 centimetres, thirty one and a half inches, indeed. It is in fact a jewelry, Nimbus coming from an old Romania Church this. A Nimbus was supposed, to come on a statue on the religious, icon, the Madeline child. Symbolically. Speaking the, Nimbus represents. Also the sun's and. Adding, it above this modern as a solar. Disk it, makes her as a dating. However. This mistake doesn't detract from other, pieces, and ornaments. Of this museum that many consider, very. Large, to. Have been carried. By human. Beings. Since. This last, five years I've, been traveling everywhere. Around, the world searching. For evidences. Of what I called this, unknown, civilization. She. Has been reported, from all the continents of our planet, whoever. She was and her origin, these, great civilizations left. Us a legacy, she. Left us many messages. Disseminated. Under the sacred geometry in, many, olden, holy construction. As we, have in Egypt in Peru, Mexico, India. Asia and, so on. So. Why do I mention only, one, old civilization. And a command culture it, is, because, there, are many analogies, between those ancient, edification, we. Always observe the same type of constructions. And symbols. Which, illustrate, our grid, was the knowledge of the past civilizations. Nowadays. Even if we would use our technologies. And mesh, it, would be very complicated and. Sometimes, impossible. To, replicate the. Same type of those, marvelous, edification. And. For. Mass, of its we. Still do not know how the ancient, builders were, able to lift and move on, certain, distances. I mean, sometimes a hundred miles away those. Hundred. Tons of rocks. For. Instance, in India there, is this statue which. Is 65. Feet eyes, and 26. Feet large it. Has been curved from a granite, rock estimated, to be Twitter's and 200 tons I've. Been told that this come. From Korea. Located. 186. Miles away so. Imagine basically. The original, rock was blocked and curved on top of this mountain at, an altitude of 800 meters, with sometimes, an inclination of 40 degree and, what. Is amazing is, it that, the ancient, builders did the job five times because. They failed on the, previous, attempt, how. Did they do nowadays. We, should be able, to accomplish, the same task and. It. Is the same thing for the, barabra caves they're, supposed to be the oldest Buddhist caves in India they, have been dated, between the 322. And 185. BCE they. Are located in the northeast, of India a couple hours from Diavik. On here. We have seven, caves curved. In granite, mountains, in. Some of those caves there is a polish mirror finish on which. Confer. Amazing. Acoustic. Properties. We. Still do not know how, they were able to curve the, caves which. Tool they use and what, their, measurement, what. Were the measurement, instrument, and tools to verify, the precision, of the job today. If we want to do the same job we will need diamond in text and tools and the. Ancient, builders of the, barber caves didn't. Have this material. And. What. To think about those amazing, wars. Everybody. Has seen does some name cyclopean. Walls this. Type of force was made to face and under, earthquakes. The. Block was curved in the way to ensure, a perfect. Stability. For the construction. It. Is so perfect, that, between. Some. Of these blocks it. Would be impossible, to, insert, a needle. This. Walls can be seen in, many other continent. On the planet, how. Is it possible, that this that. All of this civilization knew, the particularity of this form of layout especially. One most, of the civilization. Were, not supposed to be in contact each other. The. Researchers, and historians, as. Always. Formulated. The theory that, long time ago mankind. Was mainly. Connected, and human. Beings were able to reproduce, the same type of task in. Other, term, that's. What we caught today the hundreds monkey effect the. Scientific, terms for this, phenomena, is qualified, to be the more for genetic fields this. Theory, is based on an experience led, on a female app and Japan.

Islands In 1952. Scientists. Gave sweet, potatoes, to this female and then, they observed, her washing. This potatoes, in the water so. Probably. Because. The potatoes, got a better taste or certainly. Because. The female, apps worked, it to take out the salt. On. The skin, then. The scientific, as. Observed. The female monkey teaching, district. To the other, Apes, of the tribe and what. Happened next, shortly. After, all the herbs of the group were washing the potatoes, in the water but. Then the story goes very interesting, between, 1952. And 1958. Also. Scientists, on another, Japan, Islands are found the same species of monkey starting. Toward the potatoes, in the. Just. Like the other app apps, did it before them and of, course the. Herbs. From the the, two different islands never came in contact each other. So. Are, we dealing here with a kind, of. Telepathic. Phenomena, between, the same mammals. It's. The same phenomena, for our ancient, builders, it. Looks that even. If they were not supposed to be in contact each other the, human beings from, different cultures, and continents, have, acted, the same way for, building this. Cyclopean. Wars. Do, the scientists, also, think that this more. For genetic field effect, was, also the answer to the fact that many different, tribes all over the world made, in used both. What. Is interesting with the bulb is. That this ancient hunting, object, probably the oldest one in our history was, according. Myths, and legends, a whip installed, to the gods and in. Some other stories, a present, given. By the gods to the human beings, is. It, also a coincidence that. Our ancestors, were. Able to make this weapons, who, required, a specific. Ingenuity. It. Is exactly, the same phenomena, for the ROM the. ROM is a wood, instrument. And it is based on the thermal aerodynamic. Effect it. Was supposed, to be used by an ancient tribe all over the world to communicate with. Their gods the. Oldest ones has, been dated, from, 37,000, years ago this. Instrument, has been found in many continents, on our planet, America. Europe, Asia, and. Australia, and, the. Biggest one was been, discovered. Measures. More than 3 feet, we. Believe that the. Men were used this, one was, probably, very tall, with. Large. And strong body and. Here. Again we, are dealing with a tool made, and used, by civilization, which. Were not in contact, each other I mean, there were not so be supposed. To be in contact so, I can we explain this phenomena. Perhaps. We, should, think, that an ancient command. Culture has, ruled, the planet for thousands of years on every continent, teaching. And offering, their knowledge is to, the human beings. But. Let's, back to this cyclopean. Walls. Perhaps. Some of you guys never ask her to yourself the questions why, did we name this type of world this way. Cyclopean. Has, to be referred to the Greek. Mythology. To, the psycho, plane seek, revenge I ins some. Ancient writings tell us those giants were born with only one a some. Author writings, tell us that in fact they had twists but they were they, always used one because, there were giants warrior. Manipulating. Bows and it. Was this. Were more convenient for them to target. Their enemies. So. Why. The other lands of the gods when. We mean about sacred place it. Is, known in the world. As, such places Egypt, Peru or Mexico. Those. Lands were referred. To be lens, of the God but. There are so many of the countries we did not hear so much which. Have their own stories, about, powerful gods coming, on earth to, raise human, beings and. Romagna. Is one, of those countries so far, that's. The reason I named the film the other land of the God is. It conceivable, that this legendary. Giants. Have worked. On our planet, who. Are they, where, did it come from ancient. Texts related, the existence, for. Instance in the Bible's and in. The Mahabharata, the, sacred, Hindu book. Even. Ancient navigators as also reported, about Giants in Patagonia. For instance and in, many other different places and countries. Many. Researchers, and authors, as evoked, that, in, fact they could have come from the stars they. Could have been those, Anunnaki's. Come to raise human beings and got. Into rock into. After, that, it is also interesting. To consider some, local legends in Romania, who, are talking, about extraterrestrials.

God's, Commoners. And in. The way to human, beings it. Is the story of the Luana goddess, that you can see in the movie the. Founding legend is about. An extraterrestrial. Being called, Luna who. Landed there and who. Taught, the people how, to live. How. To, heal. What. To eat Luana, seems to have been an extraterrestrial. Being, that, draw, kind. Of directive, that did. Not allow her. Species to land on the earth she came and she worked with the people anyway, and then the legend says that her. Own kin, came. To hunt her down and there. Was some kind of a war, the. Overall legend mentions, Chariots of Fire descending. On the region of buzu that would destroy the fortress and lawanda's, artificial, Sun, it. Speaks civil war that opposed, the gods the, repercussions, of which would, still be visible today. History. Institutions. Funded. Our chronology, based. On theories, in fact from all writing, and archaeology discoveries, for thousands of years. Some. Of those theories were, also, based on navigators, logs books, obviously. This. Institution. This. Institutions, agreed, some report, but. Not some other ones they, did accept that America, was not discovered, by Christopher Columbus who, was desperately. Searching. For India. Indeed. In the last moment of his existence, it was still convinced he was on his true path to make it one. He sailed along, the American coast. Anyway. A lot, of evidences. Has been found in the north of America, which confirmed, that the, American, continent, was explored, by the Viking, and long, time before the arrival. Of the Spanish conquistadors, a, lot. Of, their. Writing, script the, runes was. Found, in many, places, what. I'm telling you is documented, you. Can check by yourself, some. Log books who. Mentioned this writing. Findings. Also. Mentioned, strange, encounters. On some islands the. Historian. Accepted, some facts reported. But, they were puzzled when, they read in the same log book few page after that. Members. Of a, crew, faced. Giants, who miss your certain feet I the. Crew had, to run away when the Australian started to judge them and, what. Did the historian. Thought. About this report. This. Was that. It was probably a false information, because. Giants, never existed. This. Is how history decide, what, is true and what is not, Napoleon. Bonaparte, told. Something, really. Revealing. I caught. History. Is a lie, agreed by everyone, so, should. We conclude that history. Has been in some but rewriting, I believe. We should meditate. On this, so. I was, puzzled about, those stories. About Giants peoples and I, was convinced, that beyond, the mists there, were probably some, evidences. Of trust, then. After five years of. Investigation. In Peru India and Russia, I. Found. Out they. Were also in this country, stories. About Giants ha. Mankind, was. Able to create those, common and global fantasies. Anyway. I came. To the conclusions, that, those giants could, be in fact, linked, to the famous hyperborean, peoples described. By the ancient Greek philosopher as. Homer and a peridot. It. Could also explain, why we, found those, analogies, command, to those civilizations, when. I was in Russia I discovered, an ancient culture, that. Has not been listed, in the creatures known today, it's. Name is Cunha. This. Cunha, culture, has been named according, the Montaigne which, came from a lot. Of symbols, related to the Cunha culture, have, been found everywhere, in Siberia some. Of it our solar, symbols, and really. Similar to the iberian, symbols, i was. Learned, by my guide that. Speaking, of this culture, was a sensitive, subject in russia the. Russian researchers. Are not allowed in fact to speak about it, because, the cunha culture, will be secretly under, study.

Other. Fiddler. Himself. Was convinced, that the Hyperborea. Was. The primordial, civilization. That's. Why he organized, an expedition in, the north to find and meet them. According. The myth the, IP Bereans, lived. In the far distant. Of North Islands, and. The. Misses they had to leave their land after a dramatic climate, change meant they. Would have been spread all over the, world and the, funded, difference, new civilization in, in the Atlantic and the, Lemuria, I did. Some researches, about this Kuna. People and, I, found nothing except, one intriguing, culture, its. Name is a Kuna. The, Kuna people live, in Panama in Central, America. Cunha, and Kuna are very similar in the pronunciations, the, story of this Kuna people is really interesting, in, 1929. The Kuna Indians led, the revolutions, against. The Panama authorities, in the way to get their own independence. Many. People died during this, year but, finally, the Kuna Indians were. Able, to get their own independent, society, and the, name it the, independent. Republic of Chile and. Truly. In the. Myth of, Hyperborean. Was, in fact the main capital of this continent, the same, truly the nicest, were looking for it and. I. Have. Been keeping the the best part and to know, when. I was doing some researches, about this culture I was, very, surprised, by, the symbol, of the flag. So. Yes it's, the, swastika these. Symbols can be seen on the clothes and on, many of the cultural object, so. Is it another coincidence. Could. This vast acai be in fact a symbol, of the. Legendary, lost continent, of Iberia. The. Polymer Kuna ancestors, could have been, somewhat been influenced, by the IPAB, Aryans inhabitants. When, they emigrated from the north to the source it, will make sense in fact in, the. Pre and ian's culture, when. The conquistadors. Arrived in Peru they, were amazed. By, the construction, of the Tiwanaku city, shamanic. Who is situated, in Bolivia, a few miles away from the Lake Titicaca. When. The Spanish conquistadors. Asked to the Indian if they have built those constructions, themself, the, Indians and said that, those contractions. Were already there thousand. Years before they arrived here. The, region of Viracocha. Tell, us that very, tall white men with clear days blonde, and copper hair and Bab, came, from the eastern two teaches, two men how to grow crops and how to build. Then. Could. In fact those. Viracocha. People's been the, I / Berean I, believe. It is an interesting track. To follow. The. Local legends tells. About Giants white man's coming, from the oceans they. Promise to the Indians, they will come back someday. So. Would, it will it be possible for Giants. Gods to have lived on our planet i intimately. Convinced, that there, is something beyond. The legends. Romania. Might be one of this, lands of the god of course. If we trust the testimony. Of the witnesses. Who. Have, been involved in excavation. Of giant, skeleton, in this country this past century I know. What you think why. Romania. When. I first heard about Romania, it. Was related, to a story, who sounded for me as a fantasy, tell this. Incredible, story was writen by an anonymous Romanian. Author radio. Cinema, this. Man pretended, that he. Has, been involved in himself in, the discovery, of a secret underground base under the butcher he maintained. This. Book has been translated. In. English and. Bring to an international, public by Peter, moon under the title the Transylvanian.

Sunrise. Reducing. Among the book pretend, that. In 1989. An American, geode is excited, it as detected, an anomaly under, the ground, of them. Thomas. Thinks of a portugee, then. An agreement would, have been signed between the American. And Romanian. Secret Service in, the, way to drill the mundanes until. This secret. Place. The. Military and scientists. Would have bumped into a huge place, made as a dome, protected. By what, they called an. Energetic. Fence. Once. They were able to dis. Activate, this, fence they. Found out giant, stable equipped, with Nala, graphic, technology, they. Would also fund another. Chamber, with the same technology, the. Chamber contained, database, information about, our solar systems, and about humans, being, species, and other. Species, from other planet, it. Was like in fact a storage, room. Information. For. The militaries, and the scientists. It, was obviously. They. Were dealing with an extraterrestrial, species, of giant. We. Do not know if this, story is real, maybe. Some part are real and some, other has been invented, it. Might come, from the. Imagination, of man's who, need to get some attention we. Do not know in fact but. This story pushed. Me to lead my own researches. In Romania tracking. This unknown, civilizations. Of giants, when. I started, to walk on the movie my, objective, was to get as much as I could information. About the stories of giants, but. In fact I ignored. That I stepped, into a bigger universe, I did. Not only discover, the story about giants people but, I also. Became acquainted. Of many. Other, ecology. Discovery. Who. Were actually keeping secret, and hiding from the public. How. Was. It possible that Romania. Are such a Navy Berggren linked to mysterious, discoveries. And we. Barely, heard. About, it. We. Are talking about all parts those. Out of place objects you know the, subject that the Easterns, and researcher, are, not able to insert, on our timeline there. Are many other missing, Romania's related to walls between, the, gods who, came from the stars we are, so talking about ancient, tablets, who could have been ordered would, be older than the, Sumerian tablets, here. Again researcher. As fun indisputable. Evidences. But, their voices never, reached the attention, of the history institutions. The. Question is why. Then. For me it was evident, to, dedicate, a movie, related to all of those discoveries. Romania. Is the country, who. Deserve to be better, known and, as. You will see in the full movie, version some, of those discoveries, good. Question our entire. History. Well. Thank. You guys for watching this video please, support, our project by watching the full documentary available. On vimeo and, enjoy. The movie don't. Forget like, Jiddu. Krishnamurti used. To say what. I'm asking, to you is not to believe but, just open, your mind thank. You. You. You. You.


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