This Makes China Impossible to Invade

This Makes China Impossible to Invade

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It is now or never. China needs to be taken  down, and you are responsible for getting the   job done. This mission will take all of your  cunning, an immense amount of firepower, and   a strategy that will simultaneously cripple the  economy and society of one of the most powerful   countries in the world. However, even though you  control the largest invasion force ever gathered,   there is still a 99.9% chance you will  fail. It is time to gather your troops,   arm your weapons, and launch your aircraft  because China is waiting to crush you. Before you can even begin your invasion, you need  to move forces into striking position. When you  

try to do this, you quickly realize you’ve run  into a Chinese roadblock, both literally and   figuratively. China is quickly becoming one of  the most technologically advanced countries in   the world. Recent reforms and regulations put  on tech companies by the Chinese government   have shifted the sector towards self-reliance and  increased innovation. This plan has allowed the   Chinese tech industry to produce the most powerful  memory chips and fastest databases in the world. So, something you need to take into consideration  before you invade China is that they have the   capability to wage cyberwarfare and hack  into even your most secure databases. The Chinese government also has around 68  military satellites in orbit around the   planet. These satellites give them a bird's eye  view of what’s happening in the world and allows  

them to keep an eye on their borders. A mass  mobilization of troops would quickly be spotted   by either routine military surveillance or by  Chinese assets located around East Asia. The   element of surprise is not an option, as there  is no way your forces could sneak up on China. On top of constant surveillance in the region,  China also controls much of the infrastructure   going into and out of the country. For example,  one of the centerpieces of President Xi’s foreign   policy is the Road and Belt Initiative that  connects China to important trading hubs   around the world. What this means is that  any force spotted along the route or in any   of the ports China uses for trade would  quickly get reported to the government.

China has been spreading its influence  throughout its home region and across the   world through its trade network, tech services,  and manufacturing capabilities. All of these   things have allowed China to gather allies in  unlikely places. These partnerships may not be   with foreign governments but with companies  and influential associates with which China   does business with. What it comes down to  is that even if many governments around   the world do not like China, they rely heavily  on them for many things. This gives the nation  

leverage and means that although they may  not have military bases spread throughout   the world like the U.S. and NATO, they almost  certainly know what’s going on at all times. Since there is no reason to hide your attack,  you decide an invasion concentrated at specific   points along the border is the way to go. If  you can focus your forces on a unified attack,   they can lay waste to whatever  opposition China can muster.

China is massive. Its land border extends  13,670 miles, which is both good and bad for   your invasion plans. The good thing  is there are a lot of entry points;   the bad thing is that you have to choose the most  strategically valid one, and there aren’t really   any good options. China is composed of around  3.7 million square miles of land, and as you’ll  

soon find out, the sheer size of the country is  going to be a problem for your invasion effort. China has almost 20,000 miles of coastline,  which means that your Navy will play a major   role in the invasion effort. However, before  you can coordinate your attack and pinpoint   the exact method of invasion, you need to study  the geography and topography of the country. As   you unfold the map of China, your heart sinks.  The complex environments and climates of the   region are going to make the invasion much more  difficult than you could have possibly imagined.   The scariest part is that you haven’t even thought  about how to deal with the Chinese military.

As you brainstorm with your generals, your  first thought is that a land invasion is   the best course of action since you  can just drive your troops and tanks   right into the heart the country. But as you  look for the best point to cross the border,   something becomes abundantly clear: entering and  traveling through China will be no easy task. An invasion from the south made sense  as it would allow you and your forces   to reach Hong Kong and deal a mighty blow  to the Chinese economic sector. From there,   your army could continue up the coast, seizing  major ports as you went. After Hong Kong,   Shanghai would fall. Then your troops would make  a beeline straight for Beijing, where you would  

capture President Xi and force a surrender. Once  the coast was secured, you could move inland,   encircling any remaining Chinese forces and  bringing the entire country to its knees. Unfortunately, this is not a viable option. The  problem with entering the country from the south   is that your army would need to traverse thick  jungles full of diseases and locations where the   enemy can hide and ambush you. Like the United  States found out in Vietnam, fighting a war in   dense jungles and forests is never easy.  If you were trying to take China quickly,  

your efforts would be hindered as your forces  are bogged down. These areas with rich vegetation   would make it hard to move tanks and other  vehicles across the landscape, while air   support would be pretty much useless as the  canopy would hide enemy troops. On top of that,   Chinese forces could utilize the jungle as the  perfect environment to conduct guerrilla warfare. In this scenario, your men and ground forces  slowly move through the dense vegetation. A   commander gives the signal to stop. All is quiet  except for the sounds of birds singing in the  

trees and the roar of a leopard somewhere  in the distance. The commander is about to   give the signal to move forward when a grenade  lands at his feet. He looks down, eyes wide,   and immediately jumps on top of the explosive  device to save his men. The grenade detonates,   sending body parts everywhere. Chinese  soldiers fire from the trees and pop out   of holes dug into the ground. A nightmare full  of blood and carnage unfolds in the jungles of  

China as your soldiers are torn apart in  the crossfire of several Chinese units. And while your forces are being killed by Chinese  guerilla soldiers and a plethora of diseases,   the bulk of the enemy army launches a  counter-offensive that obliterates your   invasion plans. Clearly, attacking from  the south comes with great risks. So,   you scrap that plan and look for  another entry point for the time being. What if you adjusted slightly and attacked  from the southwest? There is a lot less   jungle in this region, but you would end  up running into a much bigger problem. As your army approaches from India and Nepal,  a massive fortification looms on the horizon.   The Himalayan mountains act like a natural  wall that protects the lands of China. There  

would be no practical way to get an army  over its peaks, and you can forget about   moving vehicles through the area. There are  passes, but it would be incredibly slow going,   and your forces would be decimated  in choke points and kill zones. The Himalayas are so massive that they would  also prevent aircraft like attack helicopters   from passing over them. The weather in  the region can change in an instant,   and wind gusts could blow helicopters and planes  off course and into the side of a mountain.  

Attacking China through the Himalayas is just not  an option. You could theoretically airdrop men   on the other side of the mountain range and  then proceed further into China from there,   but what you would find on the other side is  the extraordinarily large Tibetan Plateau. The problem with dropping troops into this  region of China is that it’s wide open. Your   main force would be composed of infantry due  to the fact that tanks and artillery wouldn’t   be able to make it over the Himalayas, and  airdropping armored vehicles is a tedious   and time-consuming tactic. This would end  up being a problem as Multiple Launch Rocket  

Projector vehicles and Chinese artillery will  be waiting for you on the other side. Your   journey through the country to the administrative  centers of China would be over before it began. The very fact that this part of China is a hilly  series of grasslands means that the enemy will see   your forces coming from miles away. The Chinese  army would already have set up defensive positions   atop the hills with vantage points that allow  them to track your forces and fire with deadly   accuracy once they were in range. Crossing  the Tibetan Plateau by foot would result in  

a massacre, especially with minimal armored  vehicles or tanks for support. Once again,   you decide to scrap the plans for an invasion  from anywhere along the southern China border. What about the west? Could your forces  plow through the border between Kyrgyzstan,   Tajikistan, and Pakistan? Before you  could even consider this as an option,   you would need permission from these countries  to move your army through their lands. This may   be easier said than done, as China has a lot  of influence in the region, and it would not   be wise for any of these nations to get on their  bad side. This is especially true for Pakistan,   which would likely aid China during an invasion  as the two countries are closely allied.

However, let’s suppose you did manage  to send forces into China from the west;   what would they be greeted with after  they crossed the border? Unfortunately,   your army would find itself in  a vast and unforgiving desert. The Tarim Basin, along with parts of the  Gobi Desert, make up much of western China.   The basin itself is 343,000 square miles  of almost completely inhospitable land,   which your forces would have to travel through  before they could even get close to a major   Chinese population center. It would be slow  going as your transports become stuck in the  

sand and your troops run out of supplies. Getting  resources to the region would be possible, it’s   almost guaranteed that your supply lines would be  harassed by Chinese forces as you move forward. All the Chinese would have to do to defeat an  attack from the west would be to disrupt the   supply lines going to the invading force.  The desert would consume your entire army   if it’s not supplied with fuel, food, and other  vital resources. Around 30% of China is desert,   and most of this landscape is concentrated  in the western half of the country. Your   forces would have a long way to go before  they could locate sources of food, water,   and basic necessities within the borders of China.

And the worst part would be that as your army  tried to escape the dry landscape of western   China, they would be bombed by the Chinese  airforce, sieged by artillery, and decimated   by long-range missiles. Even if your forces could  make it through the desert, they would still have   a long way to go before they reached any of the  administrative centers or economic hubs, which all   sit near the east coast. Attacking from the west  would not only be deadly but a huge waste of time. This leaves only one other land route into China:   through the northern border. However,  this, too, isn’t really an option. For one thing, your entire army would need to  pass through Russia in order to reach Mongolia,   both of which have close ties with China.  It would be very unlikely that either of   these nations would allow an invasion force  to pass through their lands without some kind   of confrontation. However, if your forces  could hypothetically enter China through  

their northern border, they would once again be  met with desert. This is after they had already   passed through the frozen hellscape that is  northern Russia. And as history has shown,   any invasion force that tries to cross  Russia is only met with death and loss. Then again, you could always give up your  land-based invasion options knowing that   no matter which way you enter from, your  forces will sustain heavy casualties due   to the landscape and military response of China.  What would happen if you were to attack by sea?

As the coast of China comes within  sight, your naval fleet is met by a   barrage of artillery and missile fire  from the mainland. China deploys huge   numbers of heavy weapons to slow your  approach, and it works. The skies are   filled with Chengdu J-20 fighter jets and  Xian H-6 bombers. Fire rains down on top   of your naval ships as they desperately try  to fend off the onslaught of aerial attacks.

As your fleet launches countermeasures to  stop the bombardment from the air and land,   the Chinese Navy swoops in from behind. Dozens  of destroyers fire their cannons at your ships,   subs launch torpedoes from beneath the Pacific’s  waves, and corvettes run circles around your   damaged vessels, causing even more mayhem. An  invasion of China by sea is not recommended,   as you would be putting all  of your eggs in one basket. The transport ships carrying your tanks  and vehicles sink to the bottom of the   ocean from the damage they sustained.  Your soldiers drown in water that has  

turned red with their blood. Before the  transports can even reach the shore,   they are blown to smithereens by China’s defenses.  The main problem with launching an invasion along   the coastline of China is that it would be slow,  and for every moment your troops spend waiting to   make landfall, more and more of your forces  are annihilated by Chinese countermeasures. When you look at all of the data, there is really  no good option to get your troops into China. You   decide that the only possible way your invasion  stands a chance is if you attack from multiple   sides at once. The most viable option would be  to attack from the south and along the coast.   However, this is still a lot of land and sea  to cover. You would need to have enough men,  

vehicles, and resources to take  on the entire Chinese military,   which is only growing by the day. Unless  you had some serious help from allies,   this would end up being an impossible task. This  is because China has the second most powerful   military in the world after the United States, and  it may even overtake the U.S. in the near future. So, now that you have decided on a plan  of attack, what should you expect from   the Chinese military when your troops cross their  border? Unfortunately for you, the time to invade   China has passed. Over the last two decades,  China has increased its military spending by   740%. This means the country dedicates about 230  billion dollars to its armed forces annually,  

and this number only seems to be increasing.  If you tried to invade China 20 years ago,   you might have been successful, but now there  is very little hope you will be able to traverse   the country’s defensible lanscape, defeat its  military, and subdue the nation’s population. Something that is very important to keep in  mind is that even though China spends about   four times less on its military compared  to the U.S., this does not mean that the  

Chinese military is four times as weak.  China has access to much cheaper labor,   which means they can build more weapons and  vehicles while spending less money. China   also has been very strategic about how they  want their military to operate and what they   consider valuable assets. The government has  very little interest in policing the world and  

therefore has spent less money on foreign military  installations than NATO or the United States. What this means is that over the  last several years, China has been   hyper-focused on building a military  that is very effective at protecting   its own borders. China’s military policy  is mostly defensive at this point in time,   which means they are ready to defend against  any type of invasion. Almost all of China’s   military assets are in the country or nearby.  If you tried to invade China, it would not take   long for the government to mobilize and  deploy military forces to your location. When your troops come out of the jungles  and forests of southern China, they are met   by several battalions equipped with some of the  5,250 tanks China has at their disposal. Most of  

these armored behemoths are Type 99 tanks. China  also has other older and less effective tanks,   but the fact that your army has just been  bogged down in rough terrain means that the   Type 99s are more than capable of  decimating your initial strike teams. As your soldiers break through the treeline,  an iron rain falls from the sky. China has   5,800 artillery cannons, both mobile and  stationary, along with approximately 3,160   Multiple Launch Rocket Projector vehicles such  as the PHL-03. Your men try to find cover,   but it seems no matter where they go, there is  some form of Chinese firepower targeting them.

You call in air support, but your bombers are  blown out of the sky by a contingent of the   1,200 fighters and interceptors the Chinese  Air Force has at their disposal. In return,   a squadron of Z-10 attack helicopters briefly  blocks the sun as they fire missile after   missile into your dwindling ranks. When  you first planned an invasion of China,   you thought it’d be easy. You were  told that their military consisted  

of mostly outdated weapons and rusted tanks.  Unfortunately, this is no longer true. Your coastal incursion isn’t fairing any  better than your land forces. The Chinese   Navy has 41 destroyers, 2 aircraft carriers,  and 80 submarines, all of which were close to   home when your ships entered the South China  Sea. These ships are supported by even more   helicopters and bombers. Things are looking  worse and worse as you realize that you’ve   made a terrible mistake. China wasn’t just  difficult to invade; it was impossible.

You meet with your generals far behind the front  lines to come up with a new plan. Your invasion   force is almost entirely decimated. As you look  at maps of the battlefield, you hang your head in   shame. Suddenly sirens begin to go off. There  is an incoming projectile, but it’s too late.  

The Chinese launched a Dongfeng-17 hypersonic  missile at your command center. The missile   travels five times the speed of sound and at a low  altitude, making it difficult for radar to detect. Before you have time to react, the Chinese  hypersonic missile slams into your bunker   and detonates, putting an end to your  invasion and any future plans you had   for trying to secure the country.  But what if everything went your  

way and you not only put boots on the  ground but defeated the Chinese army? What this would mean is that you somehow dealt  with 2.5 million active and reserve service   members. This is a gigantic army to overcome,  but let's say somehow you managed to pull off   a miracle. The problem is that even if you  have destroyed China’s traditional military,   there are still around 620 million other men  and women who are fit for service. The Chinese   government has an almost endless pool of people  to conscript into fighting your invasion force,   and they wouldn’t have to try too  hard to convince the general populace. Since the Chinese government controls all  information and policies in the country,   all they would need to do is tell their  people to fight and die for their homeland,   and you would have a population of around 1.4  billion, taking up any weapon they could find  

and resisting your invasion. Granted,  many of the 1.4 billion people who live   in China wouldn’t be able to fight  because of age or health conditions,   and some wouldn’t fall for the propaganda,  but even so you would have to fight around   half a billion partisans to gain full control  of the country. And even if your soldiers have   better weapons and training, sheer numbers  in this conflict would eventually win. It’s highly unlikely your invasion  force would be able to defeat the   second-largest military in the world,  a population of over a billion,   and a government that has complete control  over the media its citizens consume. This   last factor means that unifying its people  and ramping up wartime production would   be streamlined and almost instantaneous. We  don’t condone authoritarian rule or dictators,  

but when decisions need to be made, and things  need to get done during a military conflict,   it happens much more efficiently when there are  no checks and balances within the government. This brings us to another reason why China would  be impossible to invade. When taking over a   country, the opponent's military is not the only  thing that needs to be taken into consideration.   The economy and the ability to transition  from manufacturing consumer goods to weapons   and military vehicles is a key factor. China is  set up to make this transition rapidly. In fact,  

if China even had the slightest suspicion  that they were going to be invaded,   every factory and manufacturing center within its  borders would be put on high alert. The government   would make sure businesses had everything they  needed to ramp up wartime production. And with an   enormous workforce, weapons, tanks, aircraft, and  missiles would be produced in staggering numbers. Also, China has an ace up its sleeve,  especially if you plan on invading from   the sea. Its naval might is most certainly  formidable. Any invasion force traveling   across the ocean would have a tough time  reaching the shore. But what makes their  

Navy even more dangerous is that it can be  grown rapidly at a moment's notice. China   has the biggest shipbuilding industry in the  world. It manufactures around 40% of all ships   on the ocean. And although most of the vessels  constructed are cargo ships, it would not be that   difficult for China to shift its shipyard  production towards more military vessels. Again, all it would take is an order from  the government and a promise to deliver   whatever materials are necessary to get the  job done, and the workers would do the rest.   The construction of a destroyer and a cargo  ship is, at least logistically speaking,   very similar. The design is obviously going  to vary greatly, but the actual building  

process will remain relatively the same. And  in times of war, China wouldn’t just require   shipyards to switch gears and focus on military  manufacturing; everything from metal workshops to   electronics factories would start churning  out everything China needs to win a war. Right now, you’re probably thinking:  well, if I can’t beat their military,   perhaps I can cripple China’s economy and force  them into submission. But even this wouldn’t work. One of the reasons that China is so  resistant to an invasion is because,   for the past several years, the country has been  moving more and more towards self-reliance. China   produces a massive amount of energy domestically.  Right now, around 55% of China’s energy production  

comes from burning coal, and although some  of this coal comes from other nations, such   as Indonesia and Russia, China also has several  other energy sources to keep production going. If China was invaded, the government would  be more than willing to shut off power to   residential buildings and rural towns  to allow for continuous energy flow to   factories and military bases. However,  they might not even need to do this.   Current estimates suggest that around 40%  of China’s energy comes from renewable   sources within its borders. On top of that,  China has over 25 billion barrels of oil in   reserve that it could tap into in case of  emergency, like if it were being invaded.

So, even if you were trying to cripple the  manufacturing capacity of China to make it   easier to invade, they could still last a  very long time before production would slow   down. That being said, crippling the economy  of China would be incredibly hard to do, even   for the most powerful nations in the world.  China has positioned itself to be invaluable   to many other countries, including the United  States. Goods from China are shipped worldwide,   and there are more electronics being made within  their borders than anywhere else on the planet.

China’s GDP was around 17.73 trillion dollars in  2021, but it also consumes a lot of products from   the rest of the world. What this means is that  if you were trying to weaken China economically   before invading, you would not make many friends.  Your war with China would likely be over long   before it started, as even countries who do not  necessarily agree with Chinese practices are   still heavily reliant on their goods and economy.  An invasion of China would almost certainly lead  

to a global economic collapse, which means unless  you could get all of NATO and Russia on your side,   they would probably end up fighting  against you to protect the global economy. To put this into perspective, China hosts 136  of the Fortune 500 companies, 351 of the largest   companies in the Fortune Global 2000, and more  than 200 technology startups, each valued at over   $1 billion. There is just no way around it; in the  current global economy, China is a powerhouse, and   if their economy were to collapse, which does not  seem likely, it would throw the world into chaos. And even if you did somehow manage  to blockade all of China’s ports and   keep goods from flowing into and out of the  country, China has pretty much everything it   needs to fight a sustained war within its  borders. Its natural resources are vast,  

it has an enormous labor pool, and it can  feed its population indefinitely. Almost   all arable land in China is being used to grow  crops. It’s the world's number one exporter of   rice and also grows enormous quantities  of wheat, corn, soybeans, potatoes, pork,   and fish. The population would not go hungry,  which means that the main focus of the average   citizen would be to defeat the invaders  who are trying to take over their homeland. At this point in time, China is impossible to  invade. This hypothetical war you just waged  

on China to seize its land was a complete and  utter failure, which is what would happen to   anyone who has dreams of invading the country  in real life. Even though China could repel an   invasion all on its own, it wouldn’t have  to. North Korea and China technically have   a mutual aid and cooperation alliance, and even  though North Korea needs China much more than the   other way around, the Hermit Kingdom would be  able to offer some support. Russia would also   likely step in if it wasn’t too busy waging  an unjust war against one of its neighbors. What it comes down to is that the geography,  economy, and military of China make it impossible   to invade. For years China has been positioning  itself to be indispensable to the rest of the   world while simultaneously spreading its  influence and gaining power. China might  

not have the biggest army in the world, but  it doesn’t need it to fend off an invasion,   as wartime production can be ramped  up at a moment's notice. Plus,   no one would dare invade the country out of  fear of what it might do to the global economy. Then again, if things really went bad, and  China found enemies closing in from all sides,   there is always plan B. China has a strict  defense-only use of nukes policy. So,   the moment someone steps onto their soil  with malicious intent, China has 350 nuclear   warheads that it can use to vaporize the  enemy. At the beginning of your conquest,  

there was a 99.9% chance you would fail. That  .1% didn’t mean you would necessarily win,   but that everyone would lose. Because  once nuclear war starts, it’s game over. Now watch “China's Plan to Take Over the World.”   Or check out “These Countries  Are Impossible to Invade.”

2023-04-10 21:13

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