the country has a new National monument and it's called The ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon they said it couldn't be done sending a drone deep into the grand Canyon's most forbidden zones but one Maverick team defied the warnings determined to uncover whatever Secrets lay buried beneath those iconic Red Rocks little did they know their footage would expose something far more shocking than anyone could have predicted the ancient ruins pictured weren't Native American at all but obviously constructed using Advanced Technologies incompatible with any known culture what could explain the advanced technology and impossible artifacts found were ancient legends of an Egyptian presence in the canyon true join us as we dissect these mystical drone discoveries that are terrifying the whole world the Grand Canyon a Marvel carved by time the Grand Canyon is one of the most breathtakingly beautiful places on Earth but this natural Wonder Isn't just a pretty face it's the result of millions of years of geological forces that have sculpted the geography around 5 million years ago a Natural Dam created a huge Lake in what is now Northern Arizona as the lake drained the mighty Colorado River began carving through the rock slowly etching out the canyon we know today it wasn't just erosion at work though wind water and other elements of nature chipped away layer by layer crafting the complex system of canyons gullies and butes over eons Nature's handiwork resulted in a 277 M long 18 M wide and 1 M deep Chasm of striped Red Rock quite the geological Masterpiece for the native tribes who have called the Grand Canyon region home for centuries this place is far more than just a beautiful National Park to them the canyon is a sacred spiritual Place deeply woven into their creation stories and beliefs the Havasupai people for example see the Grand Canyon as a Gateway the path Souls must travel after death to reach the afterlife be an eternal Paradise or a hellish realm of suffering for the Hopi pyute Navajo and other indigenous groups the Canyon's dramatic terrains and sceneries are ingrained with profound cultural meaning these first inhabitants witnessed the carving of the canyon over unimaginable stretches of time guided solely by the Primal forces of nature or did they new evidence is challenging that long-held notion in 2022 fossilized human Footprints were discovered at White Sands National park in New Mexico sending shock waves through the archaeological world the prints were dated to around 23,000 years old more than 10,000 years earlier than previously believed for humans in the Americas some researchers think this could be the oldest evidence yet of the first migrants from Asia crossing over the bearing land bridge to the new world if true it means humans were roaming North America over 20 millennium ago potentially witnessing the grand Canyon's formation the discovery reopened long simmering debates over when the Americas were first populated while it is not conclusive proof it definitely adds fuel to theories of a much earlier human presence such as those proposed by archaeologist cyprian ellan who claimed that people arrived over 30,000 years ago as one expert put it this is the Holy Grail of archaeology while digging into geological history is mindblowing enough the Grand Canyon May hold an even bigger bombshell remnants of a long lost Advanced ancient civilization in the 1900s Explorer GE concade made an astonishing Discovery while boating along the Colorado River tucked high on the canyon wall were unmistakable man-made steps tunnels and Chambers adorned with Egyptian hieroglyphs yes hieroglyphs in the Grand Canyon conc excitedly pressed on venturing deep into the twisting passage to find an entire underground city he reported rooms over 30 ft wide with vaed ceilings and granaries full of seeds copper tools and artifacts left behind by these mystery inhabitants based on the sprawling well-designed layout cancade deduced this was no ramshackle cave dwelling but the ruins of a highly Advanced ancient Urban civilization understandably stunned cancade named it the Citadel and contacted the Smithsonian which quickly dispatched a team to investigate it seemed the grand Canyon's Origins May predate all previous assumptions about human history in North America while the Grand Canyon is sacred to native tribes Strange New Evidence raises profound questions did the Canyon's ancient Origins actually involve human Witnesses stay tuned as we dive deeper into this mind-blowing discovery ancient Egyptians in the Grand Canyon when news first broke of conca's mindblowing underground city Discovery it sent waves of shock through the archaeological Community the prospect that an advanced ancient civilization had somehow existed within the Grand Canyon was hard to think of as the Smithsonian team arrived and began Excavating The Citadel the evidence became even more mystifying the structures showed incredible architectural sophistication with huge rooms vaulted ceilings and walls over 3 ft thick some of the largest ancient construction ever found in the Americas but it was the artifacts that really set theorists Minds spinning among the caches were hieroglyphic symbols mummies wrapped in cloth and bark and caches of Egyptian style copper artifacts to the Explorer's astonishment all signs pointed to the ancient Egyptians while it seemed far-fetched that the pyramid Builders of the Nile could have crossed an ocean to construct underground cities within the Grand Canyon some evidence cited by proponents gave the idea waight in 1909 the Arizona Gazette published an article theorizing that Egyptian seafarers had traveled to the Grand Canyon area an idea that was quickly buried in the early 1900s huge 8ot human skeletal remains were reportedly found across the Midwest fitting ancient legends of giants remains that mysteriously went missing after being examined it is said that long ago the puebloan people had pale Egyptian likee ancestors who lived in the region with Advanced knowledge could these disconnected strands actually support the idea of ancient Egyptians or other Advanced Maritime peoples making it to the Grand Canyon the evidence from The Citadel diggings seemed the most concrete proof yet that is until the whole operation shut down under very strange circumstances as archaeological teams rushed more resources to the incredible Grand Canyon dig site everything came to an abrupt halt in an unexplainable turn of events the Smithsonian suddenly stopped requesting additional support from the government and academic institutions assisting the excavation not only that lead explorers like cancade and professor sa Jordan mysteriously vanished from the site without a trace according to the institution their field notes samples and crates of artifacts they'd previously sent to the Smithsonian were allegedly nowhere to be found or remembered just like that one of the most groundbreaking archaeological discoveries in modern history was buried alive the government promptly banned any further exploration or mapping of the area despite denying all knowledge of the citadel's existence so what really happened for truth Seekers this blatant reversal and cover up by prestigious institutions only added fuel to the mystery fire it solidified beliefs that the Citadel could have been irrefutable evidence of a primitive Advanced Race's presence in ancient America one that threatened to rewrite the origins of human civilization as we believe some have speculated that certain powers struck a shocking deep coverup to bury what the Citadel Discovery could reveal perhaps these were forces determined to prevent history from being upended and new light shed on Advanced ancient influences in the Americas whatever became of ccad's bombshell Grand Canyon City and the Egyptian seeming relics one thing is for sure the truth was swept under the rug in a way that defies innocent explanation The Disappearing evidence and missing explorers only magnified the aura of conspiracy around the Citadel whether institutionalized obfuscation or something far more nefarious it seems dead set on keeping this archaeological Thrillers ending a mystery The Forbidden search continues despite the known risks and dangers the enticement of exposing the grand Canyon's forbidden archaeological Secrets has proven irresistible to many in the decades since the suspicious shutdown of the Smithsonian Citadel excavation daring explorers and researchers have continued probing the mystery some like Jerry and Cathy Wills in the late 1990s have picked up where ccad's Trail went cold scouring the back country for any any trace of The citadel's elusive entrance for 3 years the couple hiked the remote Canyon terrain combing its crevices and history for Clues their perseverance eventually LED them to what seemed an ancient ventilation tunnel that could provide access but their cave crawling hopes were dashed when they found the tunnel mouth crudely sealed off with cement blocks adding to the conspiratorial Vibes were remnants of climbing gear at the site suggesting someone or some agency had gotten there first others have tapped indigenous tribal sources cross- referencing ancient legends with geographic landmarks across the Four Corners region podcaster John Rucker has shared many of these stories along with evidence of ancient Cliff Dwellings that were very different from normal native architecture small bits and pieces that could possibly connect to the bigger Citadel mystery the common threads seemed to continuously Circle back to the central premise that an advanced prehistoric race utilizing old world Technologies did once make its way to this Uncharted desert lands leaving behind tantalizing traces now buried by the sands of time and the blank faces of the Canyon's red rock walls but without some huge Discovery to back it up most of this is just circumstantial stuff nothing concrete to actually rewrite the history books that doesn't stop the True Believers though a whole underground Community has sprouted up around this conspiracy more and more Indie explorers and documentary crews are heading to the canyon hoping to be the ones who find finally strike gold this Fringe movement even convinced the big dogs at National Geographic to take a shot in the 1980s they funded a massive half million doll Expedition led by archaeologist Frank Barnes called the exploration of the bizaar this was supposed to be the legit scientific team to finally prove or disprove the citadel's existence once and for all barnes's crew came equipped with all the fancy scanners and tools they analyzed soil samples interviewed tribes cross-checked old reports the whole nine yards if it's there we'll find it Barnes boldly told the newspapers but they found zilch no City remains no artifacts no evidence whatsoever after burning through all that money and time Barnes concluded concade probably just got Delirious from being out in the harsh Canyon too long the legend of the Citadel was simply an exaggerated tall tale Case Closed not for the conspiracy crowd to them this was just another cover up by the Big Wigs to keep the lid on a historical truth too mindblowing for mainstream consumption whether you buy that theory or not the shest thing is that the Grand Canyon hasn't given up all its Secrets just yet paranormal and mysterious Legends the Grand Canyon is one Mighty impressive natural wonder those stratified bands of Red Rocks stretching for miles make for some seriously jaw-dropping views but beyond its stunning views this geological gem has even more incredible Secrets unknown to many here are 10 hidden secrets of the Grand Canyon buried deep within its ancient layers first is the alleged ghost sightings and paranormal activities in the Grand Canyon Caverns thousands of feet below the rim of the Majestic Grand Canyon lies a network of eerie Subterranean passages and Chambers known as the Grand Canyon Caverns while the vast underground is undoubtedly breathtaking it's said to Harbor a darker more scary secret the presence of restless spirits that refuse to leave over the past half century at least eight people have met their untimely demise Within These Caverns their Spirits perhaps lingering in the Eternal Darkness employees and guests have reported unexplained paranormal occurrences and Bone chilling sightings one particularly persistent Apparition is that of a man believed to be the ghost of Walter peek spotted multiple times around the Elevator Shaft both at the top and bottom but peek is not the only Spirit rumored to roam these Caverns the son of a former owner is said to to have taken his own life by hanging at the top of the mines his tormented Soul now trapped even a former tour guide met his end right at the entrance perhaps destined to guide visitors through eternity adding to the spooky Ambiance these Caverns were once used as a burial site by Native Americans filled with the bones of the dead today visitors report hearing whispers and murmur echoing through the darkness the disembodied voices of spirits long forgotten some overnight guests have even claimed to witness bodyless Shadows of dancing Native Americans flickering against the rock walls accompanied by faint ancient chants another is the Giants of the canyon it is said that Giants once lived in an underground City Beneath The Towering Cliffs and winding Trails of the Grand Canyon a man named cancade claimed to have discovered an entrance to a Subterranean World while boating through the Canyon's depths in the April 5th 1909 edition of the Arizona Gazette according to the article kincade's Discovery was so unbelievable that even the renowned Smithsonian institution became involved allegedly funding his excavations of this hidden realm what they reportedly uncovered defies belief an entire city accessible only through a single tunnel stretching over 4,000 ft underground but the astonishing Revelations did not end there according to the story The Tunnel entrance is located halfway up the canyon wall a location that is nearly impossible to reach easily overlooked by untrained eyeballs it is claimed that the researchers found hieroglyphic characters engraved on the walls of this supposed lost city that were uncannily similar to ancient Egyptian texts one of the most fascinating discoveries was the mummified bodies of giants wrapped in dark Linens and surrounded by countless artifacts that indicated a long forgotten civilization as no one thought to take photos of this remarkable Discovery and none of the alleged artifacts have been discovered the details remain a mystery it is unclear if this underground city exists and the Smithsonian institution strongly denies any involvement in the Expedition those who oppose the discovery argue that it is nothing more than a scam or a misunderstanding while Believers hope that the secrets of this remarkable Discovery were simply hushed up too profound for the world to comprehend over the decades countless explorers and researchers have been fascinated by the legend of the Giants underground city regardless of its Integrity this mythical Realm has been searched for for centuries and some have dedicated their lives to finding any clues that might lead them to it in other theories Giants were ancient astronauts or beings From Another Dimension their City serving as a gateway to universes beyond our comprehension suggesting that they were ancient astronauts we cannot deny the fact that the Grand Canyon is filled with countless Mysteries that continue to Captivate and confound us whether we believe in it or dismiss it as a fantasy those who are bold and curious might be able to discover the truth about the Giants deep within the passages and caverns next up is the mysterious UFO sightings over the canyon as we know the Grand Canyon has long been a magnet for tourists and adventurers from all over the world however beneath its breathtaking sceneries and ancient rock formations there's a mystery that has captivated the imaginations of countless individuals the mysterious phenomenon of UFO sightings it was witnessed on June 27th 2020 that something truly extraordinary hovered over the southern rim of the Grand Canyon according to professionals this wasn't an isolated incident the Grand Canyon is known for UFO sightings which flood the area every year in large numbers but what set this specific sighting apart was that it was caught on camera offering indisputable proof of the weird phenomena appearing before the stunned Witnesses a strange white disc or sphere was observed in the video drifting mysteriously above the canyon its black core standing out against the blue tones of the sky alien enthusiasts were eager to provide their theories asserting that this strange craft was definitely operated by aliens sent to Earth to study Humanity whatever it could be even if there isn't much hard data to support this notion the fact is that we are unable to pinpoint the exact nature of this occurrence we do know though that on that fateful evening something was actually circling above Arizona's Sky circling over the Grand Canyon as though on a cosmic tour in addition more than a dozen people watched in disbelief as the brilliant bizarre object moved slowly and carefully above the canyon for nearly 30 minutes lending more credibility to the sighting according to several witnesses it abruptly changed course and began to accelerate and decelerate in ways that were impossible for a man-made aircraft to do several theories have been put forward such as secret military experiments and Atmospheric Sensations but for those who witnessed the event firsthand the experience was powerful the folks had witnessed something that contradicted their conception of reality and provided an enticing view of what lay on the other side of perception whether you think alien life exists or not there's no denying the Grand Canyon status as a hotspot for UFO sightings the mystery surrounding the canyon grows with every sighting attracting scientists doubters and the just inquisitive who are all trying to understand the secrets that like the enigmatic objects themselves seem to be just out of grasp historical and archaeological wonders of the Grand Canyon the tcan ruins in the Grand Canyon National Park is another site that has captured interests and attention from around the world considered one of the most significant archaeological Treasures in Arizona these mysterious ruins offer an exciting view into the lives of the ancestral puebloan people who once called this region home the Tusan ruins are the only designated ancient archaeological site inside the Park's boundaries they demonstrate the rich cultural past that has influenced the natural environment over many years as you approach the site the remnants of a once- thriving Community become visible a tiny living space collapsing storage room walls and Scattered stones that formerly served as the foundations for poor buildings according to examinations made on the wood found found here the tan ruins were only occupied for 20 years commencing in 1185 ad this brief time of occupation just adds to the site's mystery prompting Scholars to wonder why it was eventually abandoned the tan ruins were originally excavated in the 1930s and preservation work continued into the 1940s and 1960s in 1974 the site was officially recognized and listed to the National register of historic places assuring its preservation for future Generations despite Decades of exploration and examination the tan ruins continue to keep their secrets close we know very little about the everyday lives of those who originally lived here or about its role in Pueblo and Society how many people reside here were there any more structures except those that remain and perhaps most significantly what conditions prompted its rapid disappearance after just two decades of occupation as you wander among the crumbling walls and weathered foundations it's easy to let your imagination run wild envisioning the bustling community that once thrived in this very spot the tan ruins stand as a stack reminder of the rich web of cultures that have woven their way through the Grand Canyon's history within the layered rock formations of the Grand Canyon another remarkable Discovery was made that has left the jaws of paleontologists and researchers wide open the fossilized Footprints of dinosaurs that roamed the Earth over 313 million years ago these ancient traces of Life were uncovered purely by chance revealed when a cliff unexpectedly collapsed in 2016 it was during a routine hike with his students that Norwegian geology Professor Alan Krill stumbled upon this extraordinary Discovery as they crossed the trail a boulder imprinted with the unmistakable prints of a mysterious dinosaur lay in plain sight a stack reminder of the Canyon's Rich paleontological history after extensive investigations by teams of scientists these tracks were confirmed as some of the oldest evidence of a shelled egg laying reptile like creature ever discovered not only that but they also represented the earliest known instance of such an animal walking the Sandy Dunes that once covered this ancient land unfortunately the exact identity of the dinosaurs that left these prints remains a tempting puzzle while researchers can discern from their gate that they were short reptilian creatures hugging the ground their precise species eludes Us lost to the sands of time as you stand before these fossilized Footprints it's impossible not to feel a sense of Marvel and wonder imagining these ancient beasts lumbering across the dunes leaving their indelible Mark in the shifting Sands is a humbling experience that connects us to the extensive stretch of Earth's history did you know that hidden in the Grand Canyon is one remarkable Community the Havasupai people of the blue green waters a Native American tribe that has called this rugged terrain home for over a thousand years their name aptly translated as people of the blue green waters pays homage to the sparkling stream streams and Creeks that wind their way through the Canyon's depths while the precise origins of the Havasupai remain a mystery by the year 1,000 ad they had firmly established themselves as stewards of the Grand Canyon over the centuries they developed Innovative irrigation techniques allowing them to cultivate the land during the summer months while the harsh Winters were spent hunting along the plateaus that once teamed with wildlife in recent years the Havasupai have been engaged in a fierce battle to protect the grand can from the threat of uranium mining for them this is not merely a fight for their Homeland but a struggle to preserve their very identity which is inseparably intertwined with the health and well-being of Havasu Creek with only around 750 members remaining the Havasupai are a resilient people fiercely proud of their Heritage and determined to safeguard the natural wonders that have sustained them for Generations their creation story is deeply rooted in the sacred red but Mountain a place they consider the birthplace of their tribe another amazing wonder is the billion-year puzzle also known as the great Conformity the great unconformity is one mysterious phenomenon that has confounded scientists for over 150 years this mysterious feature represents a missing piece of the Earth's history a gap in the Rock record that travels an Incredible 1 billion years the mystery was first noticed by the Explorer John Wesley Powell in 1869 as he navigated the winding depths of the canyon he he observed that the layer of Paleozoic tapit Sandstone rested directly upon the much older protozoic Vishnu shist with no apparent connection between the two this proximity of time periods separated by over 1 billion years is not merely a localized phenomenon it has been observed all over the globe suggesting an explosive event of unimaginable proportions that quite literally erased a significant portion of our planet's geological record scientists have proposed various theories to explain this mysterious Gap with one of the most widely accepted being the breakup of the supercontinent rodinia nearly 2 billion years ago this massive event as hypothesized may have been so violent and destructive that it effectively wiped away the evidence of an entire age leaving us with a tempting puzzle to solve alternatively some researchers speculate that the missing layer of rock may be the result of processes so profound and mysterious that our current understanding of geological forces is simply inadequate to explain them now we'll talk about the Mulan monster and stalker of the canyon paths when nightfalls in the Grand Canyon some say a scary creature roams the trails and roads it's called the Mulan monster people have been telling stories about this Beast since 1903 one man IW Stevens said he saw a huge hairy thing with claw-like fingers and green glowing eyes it was holding a club and looked like a caveman Stevens fired his gun to scare it away over the years more people have reported hearing terrifying screams that don't sound human or animal some have even seen the monster's big dark shape moving in the shadows before disappearing in the 1960s and70s many people came to the canyon hoping to spot the creature as recently as 2014 there were still sightings reported near the Grand Canyon at night when it's quiet in the canyon you might start to wonder was that rustling just the wind or could it be the monster's footsteps are those scary screams from hikers or the Roars of an ancient Beast East have you heard of the secret bunker hidden in the canyons well deep inside the Grand Canyon there's a hidden secret not many people know about it's a reminder of a scary time when the world was close to a big nuclear war in 1961 during the Cuban Missile Crisis the US and the Soviet Union were on the edge of fighting a huge War to be safe a plan was made to create a secret shelter for important people they picked the Grand Canyon because it has lots of caves and underground rooms they stocked up enough food and supplies to keep 2,000 people alive for a month it was a small attempt to keep things under control if the worst happened luckily the bombs never came and the crisis ended without a big war but the plan for the shelter left something interesting behind a single motel room hidden deep underground about 220 ft below the Earth's surface today this underground Suite stands as proof of a bygone era of fear and uncertainty the emergency rations remain intact preserved by the dry climate of the caverns their contents as fresh as the day they were stored a television set rendered useless by the lack of signal sits idle an antique of the modern conveniences once taken for granted a small Library offers a glance into the reading materials deemed essential for survival while running water supplied by the natural springs that course through the caves provides a basic amenity often overlooked in our modern world for The Adventurous few who dare to spend a night in this Subterranean Abode the experience is at once surreal and humbling the weight of 65 million years of geological history presses down from above while the silence is punctuated only by the occasional drip of water a reminder of the forces that shaped this hidden Sanctuary wonders shall never end but this is the last one in the amazing video the forbidden zone if you look at a map of the Grand Canyon you might notice some very strange names for the Peaks and rocks places called Osiris Shiva Temple and Horus Temple named names taken from ancient Egypt and India it seems out of place for landmarks in Arizona to have names like that these weird names were given by the famous explorer John Wesley Powell in 1869 when he led the first government Expedition through the Grand Canyon Powell was an important person who helped start the Smithsonian and National Geographic but why did he choose those ancient names some people wonder if Powell found clues that an ancient civilization from Egypt or India had been in the Grand Canyon long ago and he named places after their gods and stories or maybe Powell just really liked those old cultures and histories and wanted to bring that Spirit to the canyon the truth is unknown the real mystery is that many of those places with strange ancient names are inside an area called the forbidden zone in the park where regular people can't go it makes you wonder what Secrets From the Past could be hidden under all those rocks just waiting to be discovered the Grand Canyons blend of things we understand and things that remain m mysterious dares explorers to keep trying to solve its puzzles thanks for watching check out another interesting video by clicking on the link appearing on your screen right now see you on the other side
2024-05-11 07:25