The Utimate Guide to Three Phase Electricity

The Utimate Guide to Three Phase Electricity

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This video is part of a free training package  we've created to help you with your CPD you   can either watch the video here or you can  click the link in the description to access   the video answer some multiple choice questions  and receive a free CPD UK accredited certificate   in this free training package we'll be looking at  the subject of three-phase electrical systems and   we're going to consider the following subjects  what is three-phase electricity why do we use it   and how do we use it what are the relationships  between voltages and currents in a three-phase   system what are the colours used for three-phase  supplies and we're going to illustrate these   points using some of these products from Lewden  Palazzoli so let's get into it what is three-phase   electricity to really understand what three-phase  electricity is we need to understand how it's   generated electricity can be made in one of three  different ways chemical thermal and magnetic to   generate large amounts of electricity we tend to  use the magnetic method it's a fundamental factor   of physics that if you move a conductor through a  magnetic field it will generate electricity inside   the conductor if we take the conductor and wrap it  into a loop and spin this Loop inside a magnetic   field it will generate electricity inside the  conductor which can then be extracted depending   on how we extract this electricity we get either  DC using what's called a commutator or AC by using   slip rings to make a practical generator that will  generate enough electricity to be useful we don't   just have a single Loop of conductor but rather we  wrap the conduct around many times turning it into   a coil this effectively increases the length of  the conductor cutting through the magnetic field   which increases the EMF from the generator now  to generate three-phase electricity we use three   coils of conductor we've gone back to single Loops  here to keep the principle clear and we offset   these Loops of conductor from each other by 120  degrees as these three conductors are spun inside   the magnetic field we get three AC waveforms that  are exactly the same as each other but rising and   falling at different points they are offset by 120  degrees as you can see from this representation   here now if we scale this up to the size of our  power station and try to extract large volumes   of electricity from inside here it very quickly  becomes difficult expensive and impractical to   construct and maintain so in reality we swap  things over instead of spilling the coil of   conductor inside the magnetic field we put the  coils around the outside of the machine and spin   the magnet inside the magnetic field is then spun  around inside the generator and because creating   very large very powerful permanent magnets is  Again difficult expensive and impractical we   use a coil of copper and pass DC current through  it instead this creates a powerful electromagnet   instead which gives us further control over how  strong the magnetic field inside there is now at   this point it may seem a bit strange that we're  using electricity in the electromagnetic coil   to produce electricity out of the machine and  you may be wondering why we don't just use the   electricity in the coil and cut out the middleman  it's a reasonable question but bear in mind the   electricity in the coil is just generating a  magnetic field for us to turn around and drive the   electricity out of the generator it's the turning  power that we apply to the rotating magnetic field   that generates the electricity and if you've ever  tried it by hand you get a really good idea of how   much energy it takes to generate even relatively  small amounts of power this turning power has   until recent times been powered mostly by steam  turbines powered by burning stuff like gas coal   and oil but of course we're now trying to move  away from these to more renewable sources like   wind tidal and hydro but back to our generator  the coils on the outside are again offset by 120   degrees and in reality will come list of several  coils spread around the outside of the generator   to maximise efficiency but again keeping it simple  helps us to understand the principles involved one   end of each coil is connected to the ends of the  other coils in one of two ways to give us either   a star or a delta connection depending on the type  of generator it is and the other end of the coils   are connected to the outside world giving us our  three-phase supply so that's how a three-phase   electricity supplies created which nicely leads  us on to the next question why do we do all that   well first of all let's answer the question why  do we use AC over DC in our distribution system   well for over a century now we've used a model  where we generate large amounts of electricity   at big Power stations a long way away from where  we need it this makes sense after all who'd like   a coal-fired power station on their doorstep so  we need to get the electricity from the Power   Station to the point of use as electricity has to  travel further and further from where it's made to   where it's used the voltage gets lower and lower  and if it gets too low it won't do what we need   it to do one way to get around this is to start  with a massive voltage so it's still at a usable   level when it gets to where it's needed this is  however enormously inefficient a better way is   to generate at a manageable voltage then step it  up to a much higher value for transmitting long   distances and then stepping it down when it gets  to where it's going to be used in the early years   of electricity transmission doing this to DC was  a bit tricky and inefficient but it was found to   be quite straightforward and efficient to do it  to AC using relatively simple bits of Kit called   Transformers so we started using AC because it  was an efficient way to transmit electricity   long distances while giving us usable manageable  voltages where it gets used since then there's   been huge advances with modern electronics that  has made stepping DC up and down easier and more   efficient making transmitting DC long distances  much more efficient we even use DC to connect   countries together like the high voltage DC  connection between the UK and France indeed   with the rise of large-scale solar PV Farms that  generate DC and the increased efficiency in Power   Electronics it could be argued we'd be better  off going to a DC transmission system rather   than converting DC to AC to send long distances  and then often converting back to DC for a lot of   electronic loads after all the other large-scale  load most people use electricity for is Heating   and lighting which can be done just as happily  with DC as AC anyway that's a debate for another   time for now and for the foreseeable future we're  using AC for transmission as that's what we're set   up for but why three-phase AC well it has a couple  of advantages the first is that three-phase can   be used to Drive Motors an induction motor can  be built incredibly simply with very few parts   that wear out and require maintenance they can  also be made relatively compact when compared   to equivalent single phase Motors this makes them  cheap to buy and maintain and to operate reliably   for a long time it was tricky to finally control  their speed which gave the edge to DC motors in   certain applications but the Advent of variable  frequency drives has ensured the three-phase motor   has become the Workhorse of Industry another  benefit of a three-phase system is that if the   generator or Transformer supplying installation  is connected in Star it creates an opportunity   to connect a neutral conductor this in turn allows  for the connection of both three-phase and single   phase loads to the same Supply with two different  voltages we can also connect our loads which in   this example are generally Motors either in star  or in delta this will give the motor different   characteristics of torque and power we can even  start a motor install and then switch to Delta to   limit the current that flows into the motor on  Startup let's dive into the different voltages   and currents that are found in three-phase  circuits and the relationships between them   if we've got a three-phase load we can represent  the three parts of the load using resistors now   at this stage we should point out that if we're  representing a motor we should technically use   coils and resistors in series to represent the  windings but then we're going to start spraying   off into inductive reactants and power factor and  all kinds of things that will only confuse matters   for this subject more on that in future content  so we've got our three resistors representing the   three-phase load there are two ways that we can  connect these together in a three-phase system   we can either connect them in star or delta a star  connection is usually represented like this hence   the name Star as the loads are found out looking  much like a star a Delta connection looks like   this and takes its name from the name of a letter  in the Greek alphabet that looks a bit like a   triangle now it's important to bear in mind that  these diagrams don't show the literal physical   layout of the load going back to our motor  illustration you can swap the motor between a   star and Delta Connection by changing the way the  connections are made but the physical structure of   the motor doesn't change we could just as easily  show a star and Delta connection like this but   it's not quite as clear how the different bits  connect together so what difference do the two   types of connection make well in both types of  connection there's two different currents to be   aware of and two different types of voltage these  are called line voltage and phase voltage and line   current and phase current I like to Define them in  the following ways as it applies equally to both   star and Delta connected loads line voltage is the  voltage between any two of the supply lines phase   voltage is the voltage measured across the load  in a star connected load it's tempting to think   of this as the voltage between line and neutral  which it most definitely is but that definition   won't work for the Delta connected load as there  is no neutral connection continuing line current   is the current in any of the supply lines and  phase current is the current through any one   of the loads having these definitions clearly in  mind will help us to understand the relationships   between the values if we look at the voltages in  the star connection to begin with you probably   know from experience that measuring across  the load effectively measuring between line   and neutral gives us 230 volts in a standard UK  system measuring between any two lines should   give us 400 volts how are these two voltages  related well it turns out it's by a special   number which is the square root of three if  you multiply 230 volts by the square root of   3 or approximately 1.732 you get just over 398  volts which we round to 400 volts because it's   easy to remember and after all what's a couple of  volts between friends looking at the currents in   the star connection you can see that any current  flowing through this load has to flow through the   line that's connected to it it has to pass along  that conductor to pass through the load so that   means in a star connected load the line current  and the phase current are equal however when we   move to the Delta connected load things are a  little different first let's take the voltages   bearing in mind the definition of phase voltage  first of all this is the voltage across the load   and would be measured here however if we remember  that the line voltage is the voltage between any   two lines you can see that electrically there's  absolutely no difference between connecting your   voltmeter up here and here this means that the  line voltage and the phase voltage in a Delta   connected load are equal however when we consider  the line and phase currents in a Delta connection   something interesting happens remember that  the phase current is the current through the   load so the current here is being drawn down this  conductor but also flowing down this conductor is   some of the current being drawn from this load now  we don't simply add these two currents together   because as we saw from our waveform earlier  they're out of phase with each other now it may   not surprise you to learn that the relationship  between these two currents is once again the   square root of three the line current will be the  phase current multiplied by the square root of   three or approximately 1.732 all very interesting  but what are the practical benefits Behind these   relationships well let's do a comparison between  a load supplied by a single phase Supply and a   three-phase supply now we're not suggesting  here that you can simply convert and switch   between single phase and three-phase supplies for  any load we're just going to Compare the numbers   for transmitting a given amount of power so let's  take a fairly beefy installation and say it's a 23   kilowatt load if we do a quick calculation to find  out how big the cable to supply this load will be   we need to first of all find out how much current  it will draw power in a single phase circuit is   calculated with the formula P equals I times V  we could volley on an extra multiplier of cos   Theta on the end there for power factor but again  we'll keep it simple and cover that elsewhere so   to calculate the current drawn by the single phase  load we'd rearrange the formula so that it looks   like this I is equal to P divided by V or current  is equal to power divided by voltage 23 000 Watts   divided by 230 volts is 100 amps how very neat  it's almost like I planned it that way now we're   skipping over the design process a little bit  here there's some other steps that we should   take in between here and here we're just trying to  prove a point about the efficiency of three-phase   electricity here so if we're using an armoured  cable to supply this load BS7671 table 4D4A shows   us that if the cable is mounted on cable tray it  would need to be a 25 millimetre cable as that   can carry 128 amps if we were to supply that same  23 kilowatt load with a three-phase supply what   difference would it make well the relationship  between power voltage and current in a three-phase   system is similar to the one for a single phase  system but with a couple of key differences it   looks like this P equals I times V Times by the  square root of three you may see this root 3 at   the start of the formula but I've put it here is  depending on what calculator you're using that   root symbol can extend over the multipliers which  will give you an incorrect answer the question   that is hopefully springing to your mind now  is which current and voltage do we use well the   answer is the line current and the line voltage  the two biggest values from our three-phase   calculations and this formula is true for both  star and Delta connected loads so rearranging   to find the current our formula turns into this I  is equal to P divided by V times root 3. so line   current equals the power divided by line voltage  times root 3. popping the numbers in we get 23 000  

Watts divided by 400 volts multiplied by root 3  and the line current will be equal to 33.2 amperes   or in other words a third of the current will  flow in each conductor which makes perfect sense   because the power is being transferred between  three line conductors so a third of the current   will flow in each the practical impact of this is  that if we look back to table 4D 4A of BS7671 you   can see we could install a four millimetre cable  instead of a 25 millimetre cable it's a pretty   close thing as the cable can carry 35 amps and  some other rating factors May tweak this up to six   mil but even if it does a four core six mil cable  is going to be so much cheaper to install than a   25 mil 2 or 3 core cable we can debate the merits  of separate CPCs versus integrated CPCs versus   armouring elsewhere and not only does this reduce  the cost of cabling it's going to be lighter and   the conductors are going to be much easier to  bend and manipulate into Terminals and connect   so this may raise the question if three-phase  is so good and efficient why aren't we using it   everywhere especially in domestic properties well  the answer is that we kind of are with increased   electrical loading from EVS heat pumps and other  electric heating some larger domestic properties   are starting to either have three-phase supplies  from new or having their existing single phase   supplies upgraded up until now it's really been  a question of loading the benefits of three-phase   over single phase are much narrower on smaller  loads and until now most domestic properties can   be considered to be pretty light loads compared  with large industrial manufacturing units   but the installation of three-phase to domestic  properties May well become an increasing Trend   over the coming years watch this space moving  on from the science behind three-phase systems   let's dive further into the BS7671 and take a  look at some of the regulations relating to it   we're going to have a look at a section we may  have a tendency to overlook sometimes that's   section 514 which relates to identification and  notices the direction that outlines why we use   the colours we do is found in part in regulation  514.3.1 which reads except where identification is   not required by regulation 514.6 cause of cables  shall be identified by one colour as required by  

regulation 514.4 and or two letters and or numbers  as required by regulation 514.5 now because we're   primarily interested in the colour identifiers  of cables we're going to leap into the regulation   quoted in indent one there which is 514.4 we  can skip past the intervening regulations as   they relate to specific conductors namely neutral  protective and Pen conductors regulation 514.4.4   is really simple it just states that other  conductors shall be identified by colour in   accordance with table 51 so this is where we find  our information on conductor colours including   for three-phase systems under the subheading  AC power circuit we find that for line one of   a three-phase AC circuit the identifying colour  is brown for line two we have black and for line   three grey is the identifying colour if a neutral  is required for a three-phase system then blue is   used the same as it would be in a single phase  circuit now it may be that when you open up an   old consumer unit or a piece of trunking you come  across conductors that are completely different   colours for a three-phase system these are most  likely to be red yellow and blue these conductors   are identified under an older system of colour  coding that was replaced in 2004 under this system   L1 was coloured red L2 is identified by yellow  insulation and L3 was blue with black standing   in for the neutral in a single phase system  and also in a three-phase system if required   now as you you can imagine there might be certain  circumstances where a measure of danger would come   into play with this change the outstanding example  being that when the colour change occurred blue   and black swapped from being a line and neutral  respectively to exactly the opposite under the   new colours this could have led to all sorts of  problems so why was it changed and how were those   potential dangers mitigated well it's important  to bear in mind that the electrical trade is still   in its relative infancy really people have been  constructing buildings using bricks and Timber for   thousands of years we've only been wiring them up  for just over a hundred this means that standards   and methods are still settling into place coupled  with the exponential rate that technology is   developing at and closer connections to The  Wider world all means that change is inevitable   there's a tendency in some areas of the electrical  Community to view the old colours as being the way   it should be done because that's the way it was  always done and how dare bureaucrats from other   countries mess with our wiring systems in the  name of harmonisation well just to temper that a   little it may surprise you to know that if you go  back far enough there were previous iterations of   wiring colours for instance rather than red yellow  and blue for three phase the UK used to use red   white and blue you may come across this in very  old installations predating the 1960s I've seen   it once in an old Supply to an old manufacturing  building in Leicester city centre that was being   renovated but even before this we were using all  kinds of colour combos red white and green red   yellow and green even a blue neutral for a while  back in the 1920s so it was hardly electrical   heresy to change the conductor colours in 2004.  another thing I had no idea about until I started  

researching this subject is that the colour change  was not forced on the UK from Continental Europe   but rather it was kind of the other way round  the UK requested that installation wiring across   Europe be harmonised as a kind of bargaining chip  when they harmonised colours in flexes and not   only did the UK push for harmonisation in fixed  wiring they also suggested the colours that we now   use for three phase as most European countries  were using a mishmash of brown and black that   were often interchangeable with each other simply  using the red yellow and blue that had been used   in the UK for a long time wasn't an option for  harmonisation as Germany and Austria had been   using red for a protective conductor and yellow  was being used for the same purpose in Italy you   can readily Imagine The Dangers for swapping those  colours to line conductors in those countries   initially the UK proposed using brown black and  white but cable manufacturers asked for grey to be   the third colour as it was easier to manufacture  this was all agreed and harmonisation took place   all in all this process took somewhere around 40  years to complete ending in 2004 with the changed   harmonised colours being adopted in the UK hardly  a rushed and Ill thought out process to be fair   and one that was largely prompted and promoted by  the United Kingdom it seems that the so-called new   colours are now so embedded and ubiquitous that  the risk of harm from installations featuring old   colours that are being modified or with mixed  colours has been satisfactorily managed to the   point where we should probably stop calling them  new colours it has been nigh on 20 years since the   changeover to be fair this is evidenced by the  fact that if you turn to regulation 514.14 in   the Second Amendment to the 18th Edition you can  see that there is a regulation there that's been   removed and this is something that kind of passed  me by when the Second Amendment landed so what was   there well if we turn to the 2018 Edition before  any amendments were made you'll find the removed   regulation and it states if wiring additions or  alterations are made to an installation such that   some of the wiring complies with regulation 514.4  but there is also wiring to a previous version   of these regulations a warning notice shall be  affixed at or near the appropriate distribution   board with the following wording caution this  installation has wiring colours to two versions   of BS7671 great care should be taken before for  undertaking extension alteration or repair that   all conductors are correctly identified so that's  a very sensible precaution to take but it's no   longer a requirement under the Second Amendment  in addition to this appendix 7 of the 18th Edition   contained some further information on harmonised  cable colours and some additional precautions you   could take to help you further reduce the risks  presented with mixed versions of cable colours   including in paragraph 2 the suggestion that  wear an addition or an alteration is made to a   two or three phase installation while in the old  core colours with cable to the new core colours   unambiguous identification is required at the  interface cores should be marked as follows   neutral conductors old and new conductors marked  with an N line conductors old and new conductors   marked with L1 L2 L3 as appropriate so a sensible  precaution to remove any doubt as to what purpose   the conductors are serving this is especially  useful to overcome the challenge mentioned   earlier with the blue line conductor becoming  black and vice versa for the neutral however   under the Second Amendment this whole appendix 7  has also been removed so why are these eminently   sensible precautionary methods no longer required  well it's probably to do with what we mentioned   a moment ago it's been nearly 20 years since the  cable colour has changed so we're getting to the   point where a lot of the wiring installed prior  to that year might need replacing that's not to   say that it has to be replaced after a certain  amount of time if installed correctly electrical   wiring is Hardy stuff that can keep on doing its  job for decades also during that period of time   since the change there's been a huge amount of new  installations built and the existing installations   rewired with the new colours on top of that the  electrical industry has had plenty of time to   get used to the idea that they might come across  old colours or a mix of the two on installations   they might be modifying all this means the  risk presented by mixes of the two are getting   gradually reduced over time of course it may  be that you wish to keep following the guidance   from previous versions of the regs and leave the  warning labels Etc however you no longer need to   do so in in order to remain compliant so there we  go we've looked at what three-phase electricity   is why and how we use it what the relationships  between three-phase currents and voltages are   and we've had a brief historical tour of the  three-phase colours to complete this CPD module   and receive your certificate please continue  on to answer the multiple choice questions by   either clicking next if you're on our website  or click the link in the description if you're   watching on YouTube All That Remains in this  video is to say thank you very much for watching

2024-12-23 03:07

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