The Unbelievable Horrors of the Old City Jail

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Holy, shit what, the fuck was that I don't. Think he's gonna be the same after tonight. The. Infamous old city jail. Looks. Horrible warm, welcome for us another. Fun fact we're about to walk past where the gallows was they would hang people on site that's a cheery not. Really also. Not cheery this balcony no, looks. Like an old witch hat let's. Walk through it huh that sounds good. Whoo. I feel. Horrible. This. Week on BuzzFeed unsolved, we investigate, the old city jail in Charleston, South Carolina as, part of our ongoing investigation. Into the question are ghosts. Real. You. Getting prouder with yourself, I tried to inject a little gravitas, this. Old city jail was built on land where a cemetery, once was and on the same block as an asylum if that's not some kind of spooky hat trick I don't know what is old-timey, jails very fun to visit and. That's all I've got to say about that nothing. About the ghouls I mean I'm sure there, will be no ghouls there will be dust there will be noises, that you yeah, you know pee your pants oh we all we have the history we have the cemetery, there's an asylum down the block there's also been a cast of characters that have rotated, through these bars what is this Cheers, I don't know why you're laughing at better. You. Couldn't even get it out of your own mouth has to be characters, rotating, around the bar well let's just get into it how about that yeah the, old city jail has been called the most haunted, building, in South Carolina, a ghostly, shrine, to the city's dark past before. The Civil War free, innocent, african-american. Sailors would be unjustly, locked away if they came through Charleston once, the war ended Confederate, soldiers and sympathizers, were locked up as well, and one scenario we have people who were unjustly, imprisoned, and then in the other scenario the people who were imprisoning, them were now behind, the bars true I got a low dose IDO but the people who were wrongfully imprisoned are, still wrongfully, imprisoned that, is true unless they set him free which I I'm gonna guess probably didn't happen completed. In 1802, the original, building was four stories tall complete. With a two-story, octagonal. Tower due in part to a rash of escape attempts, Robert, Mills the architect, behind the Washington, Monument, reinforced. The old city jail in 1822. But, on August 31st, 1886.

An, Earthquake rocked Charleston. Later estimated as a 6.7. To 6.9, magnitude, as the brick walls fell around them the 64, inmates who were held captive in, the jail begged for freedom finally. They were taken out into the exercise, yard were led by a female convicted, murderer 43, of the prisoners promptly, jumped over one of the high brick walls leaving, only 21 remaining inmates as the dust settled the two-story octagonal, tower along with the entire fourth floor did not survive, the quake leaving, the structure, the three-story, building, it is today I just, like the idea of being out in the prison yard, grounds. Of rumblin yeah. Bricks are falling, some. Lady stands, up and is like hey, let's. Get out of here and your friends like hey I like what she's. Over. The course of the old city jails. 137. Years in operation the, tally on how many men women, and children perished. Within these walls Berry's, wildly. Some. Say as many as 10,000, to 14,000, people died trying, to survive quote, eat dirty filthy place unfit, for human beings to live in and quote, but. Researcher, David C Scott found records of deaths numbering, in the hundreds, not the thousands, the majority, likely dying of wounds or diseases during the Civil War, Scott's, assertion, confirms, what an inmate in 1864. Said that the old city jail was the quote nastiest. Dirtiest, filthiest lousy. Espuelas in. N quote, true, to that statement one of the more active parts, of the jail is a room where they would torture and punish prisoners. Illume that has since been used for, Ouija board sessions, a room, that tour guides believed to, have a portal. Wow. Yikes this. Is definitely a jail. All. Right so right now we're gonna walk to a room that they used to, pretty, much torture and flog, prisoners. That were misbehaving as you can see this place is a, living. Nightmare but, this is the room over here the tour guides who run this place say that there are what. They to believed to be inhuman, entities inside. This building whether, or not that means demon I have no idea so. Feels. Like a good spot for a team sure let's find out. All. Right ghouls oh, oh, damn. They. Call me Shane, he's magic Shane and I'm here to send you back to air oh wow, and for, whatever possible. Inhuman. Entities reside, in this room we're here to communicate, so. Let's rock. If. You're in you. You're. Some kind of demon. Boom Specter, you. Especially we'd love to talk to you we've got experience with a-holes, like you. Got. Ourselves a bridge. Despiteful. Wiki, as we own a bridge a hands topless, cow. What. Turbos, he said true. We, got a beatboxing. Demon. In here. Shit. Another one. My. Name is Ryan and I'm here to say we're the baddest ghost hunters, in the USA. Runnin, demons and cool, to. Like. The old city jail itself, it's spirits, are violent, and vengeful on the, third floor construction. Workers say they saw the apparition, of a jailer holding, his rifle, before vanishing through cellblock bars ghosts. Will supposedly whisper, in your ear as you pass them by, sometimes, even calling out your name others. Have said they felt a sensation of, being choked, or suddenly, losing their breath. Okay. That's it I believe, in ghosts if on the EVP, we, pick up, choo, choo pickle pie so this room you'll, notice has iron, on the all the walls and that's because people. Were breaking out so, they had to fortify this, was referred to as death row they, kept some of the worse inmates in here maybe they kept pirates in here it, actually would I mean. Easier to get out of the wood walls if you've got a big old hook maybe they're like jokes in here oh you, don't like jokes in here well maybe they do whoo.

What. Happened, yeah. What, you got. You. Got a tug yeah we. Got well. We got a tugger here all, my blood is pumping very fast right now yeah I'll, tell you it's really funny right now but, if that happened to me when I was by myself you'd, go crazy I'd. Probably jump out that window and by the way if. You want a little more, one time with with, the Bergmeister here oh he'll be here alone. Soon. Enough. Long. Way to back out you're, gonna keep that speed going the, door behind it's closed. Did. That work out the way you wanted. This. Is a stupid, season also. On the third floor is a wheelchair from the 1820s. That still sits sentry just where it has been for decades some, believe that the person who died in that wheelchair succumbed. To cholera and that their spirit is still connected to the chair to this day and nobody, is allowed to sit in the chair you. Gonna sit in that chair we're not allowed to yeah, we, are the Internet's, paranormal. Bad boys that's right. We're. Planning cheap to chair a baby you ain't gonna style me. I'm. Gonna give that thing a high five with my butt cheeks yeah, not gonna happen I'm not sitting on that oh it's like a death trap I thought, it was like them, throwing down the gauntlet like, saying oh this is a very spooky chair don't sit in it so, if there might happen to you when, in reality you, might get tetanus or something like that tours, have been known to catch cold spots and orbs around the chair itself as well, as witnessing, the chair suddenly, turn and bump an unsuspecting. Visitor in the lake what. If you walked in that room I walked in this room we gave him. What. Was that. Did. You want to talk to us because we're up here. For. Whoever sat in this wheelchair we're. Gonna give you the opportunity. To. Speak with us. Why. Do you remain in this jail. What. Was that again. Whose. Jail is this, whose. House is this this. This. The, Beast. You're, gonna need to speak a little clearer we're.

Just Trying to figure out why you're here last, chance. Why. Are you still in this prison. Okay. All. Right bring. It off. While, going on there how, this happen they're. The. Old morgue, located, in the basement of the jail is said to be the domain of the ghost of a young boy named, Jeremiah. Tragically. Jeremiah. Passed away at a young age presumably. From cholera it's said that he will try to hold the hand of a tour guide and some guests have mentioned feeling cold spots that end only about waist-high about. The height of a nine-year-old Jeremiah. Has also been known to throw pebbles at crowds or even, slip pebbles, into the pockets, of unsuspecting. Visitors allegedly. Sunglasses. Have also been knocked off of someone's face by an unseen, force in the basement, but whether or not Jeremiah. Is responsible. For this is unknown, this, jail also held Union, soldiers, of the 54th, Massachusetts regiment, the. Very same all African, American unit that was depicted, in the 1989, oscar-winning. Movie glory it said, that the soldiers presence, has been picked up here during spirit box sessions, asking. For morphine. So. Up here to the left is the morgue. Said. To be a pretty active place for. You know the normal run-of-the-mill stuff but there's also a child in here by the name of Jeremiah, another group of people that are often picked up in here are people. That were part of the 54th regiment that, was featured in the motion picture glory after reviewing, our footage, we discovered, our motion, alarm was triggered just outside. The morgue. It. Appears, the motion alarm was triggered by this orb of light upon. Testing, objects. As small as bugs will not trigger the alarm, so, is this strange, orb a spirit, that set off the old water my. Name is Ryan I'm Shane. How, are you getting down to his level yeah. We're. Here to communicate with you, Jeremiah, we'd. Love to be your friend reach, out you probably didn't have a lot of friends around here no. Well you got two buddies, you, have two big buddies here we. Have a device that you. Can manipulate I have, in my hand here some. Pebbles oh you, love those pebbles don't you and, I hear you can't resist them. You. Could take these pebbles and launch, them right into his eyes yeah, yeah. Lobbed. Room into my I, don't know I guess if you hit my eye hard, enough it's kind of a soft spot maybe you could go all the way into my brain or you could go straight through the nose you'll be dead in a matter of minutes we'll all be better yeah oh. No. It's a smiley face. Jeremiah. Could you make that smiley, face a frowny face I. Also. Have my EMF detector right here so I could see any disturbance, right now we were at it oh shit there's a huge spike. Jeremiah. If you, would like to communicate with us please. Make. A noise you, could say something you. Can move something in the room you could touch one of us we just want to speak to you. Particularly. I want to know why you're in the morgue, what. You doing down here what's. Your story why are you in a jail if you weren't related, to the family that ran this place who. Also lived on site by the way which is frankly. A little bit odd now. If there are any soldiers, who served in the Civil War in here, particularly. Soldiers. From the 54th, regiment, first. Off. Thank, you for your service you did an amazing thing for our country and now. I'm gonna ask another favor of, you, can. You please talk. To me. Well. That's. Over now remember. The, pebbles are in a smiley face at any point you can move those however, the, most infamous, inmates, said to still haunt these walls is that, of the woman often, called the first female, serial killer in America, Lavinia. Fisher, Lavinia. Fisher along, with her husband John were. Held in the old city jail from 1819. To 1820. While, records of the time tell a different, story, the legend of the Fisher's has been passed down in Charleston for, generations. This gruesome story starts, at the six-mile in a hotel, six miles outside of Charleston that the Fisher's ran the, inn was popular, with travelers going, to and from Charleston, selling goods Lavinia. Was reportedly, extremely. Beautiful at rate which she used to ensnare, her victims, Lavinia, and John would poison their victims by, adding oleander, to their tea and so the story goes a lever allowed for John and Lavinia to drop their victims, from their beds into a chamber below where, John killed. And dismembered. Them we, can say the tea not. That impressive that's. Also just child's play right there house play yeah but trap.

Door Yeah. Pretty good yeah and dismembering. Okay. But. At least in terms of serial, killers. Yeah. They're sort of doing that very success these people are like comic book villains yeah on February, 18th, 1819. The sheriff, arrested the fishers some, stories put their body count between 20, and 30 while others speculate that it could be as high as 120. Men, who fell prey to lavinius. Deceptions, yet, some reports suggest they, never murdered anybody, as no, bodies were ever found that implicated, the fishers the, fishers were taken to old city jail and the Six Mile End and everything. In it was burned to the ground, in January. 1820. The Fisher's were convicted, not of murder but of highway robbery, they, were sentenced to die by hanging right, up until the end, Lavinia did not believe she would be hanged, she thought the governor would not let a woman die, at the gallows as the, legend goes an old, law in South Carolina, said you couldn't hang a married woman so, on the day of her execution. Lavinia, arrived, at the gallows dressed, in her wedding dress only. To see them hang her husband, first. So. Then she's no longer married yes. That's. Attorney among. Lavinius, last words were quote, cease. I will have none of it save your words for others that want them if you have a message you want to send to hell give, it to me I'll carry, it end quote and then. The, video Fisher jumped, from the gallows and hanged, herself. Would. Love to talk to this lady well. Fire up my little spear box and we can get a word in there to not wait we'll, get her on the horn Speer if she gives us a choo-choo pickle, pie that'll be a get what. If you told her hey I have something to tell the devil, to. Pickle, pie and she goes really that's that's what you want to say to the to the devil I'll say you're goddamn, right Lavinia, screams, are reportedly, heard echoing, in the jail visitors. To the jail have said they've sensed lavinius, presence, others, say they had actually, seen her inside through a window, some. Claims she manifests, sometimes as a tingle, along the skin or even a scratch in fact, three, scratches together, are said to be her bark, okay. So, here. We are this, is the cell, of the infamous, Lavinia. Fisher and. Her. Husband John Fisher. Let's. See if she has anything else to say Oh. Imposing. Once. Again my, name is Ryan I'm Shane point two on the millimeter if you would like to communicate with us to clear your name, to. Wipe all of the red off of your ledger in the history books this, is your chance. What. Now. What, about you John maybe. Your wife is tired of people screaming at her maybe you want to clear your guy's name. Alright. Lavinia. I'm. Gonna talk to you again, once. Again the. More silent you are the. Worse that's gonna look for you. I'm. Trying to help you out. Stop. I'm. Not going to that was you we're gonna keep it up. Could. It be me then I could have in ago or no once again one word though I'm gonna need more than one word I. Really. Thought your legend would precede you but. It turns out all. A bunch of hooey. What. Did. You not like that did you not like me saying you weren't as big and bad and scariest. History. Would make you out to be. What. Take, a crack at it yeah. What. If my shirt started, again why boys only. What. See. That that's my belly button, you like that and. If that wasn't hot enough ah, that's. So an innie. It makes a little noise when you had, it better. Turn off the box you'll hear it a little bit better hold on. Get. A load of this Lavinia. You. Want a little do it. Look. At these juicy, little holes. Mm-hmm. Couple. Of moist little man, craters, for ya hmm. You. Could plant your flag on this bad boy I think. We have to go now. Clearly. She's not amused. Well. We gave her everything I mean we really that's the first time we've ever really tried to seduce a ghost and we failed who, could have saw that one coming right after reviewing, the footage we, discovered, on one of our static cams what appears to be a figure, moving right, outside, lavinius. Cell. Is this, the ghost of Lavinia Fisher I, believe. This is the biggest piece of evidence we've ever caught on the show it's no good how do you think that's no good I mean it looks just like maybe a car passing, somewhere or something car passing, someone could also just be someone walking outside and.

That, Couldn't be any of us there's no one down there at that I thought you would ask that so I think I. Synced, up the timelines yeah I know where we are in the building okay I believe, it's a ghost we. Had all the staff accounted, for in front of us me maybe, there was a third staff member that they didn't know about that was walking around I don't, think so maybe a vagrant walked, in i think that's pretty solid evidence of a ghost I think we caused something very very so here it is exciting with, this shocking evidence, in mind we, now move to the final phase of the investigation, for. The first time ever we're, going to explore, the entire prison. Individually. This. Is it it's, a nightmare I don't like it most nervous I've seen you before an individual and quite some time hey well we've, never done something where we shut down the entire building and now it's just possible roaming. Please. I'd. Like some privacy, just. Me the ghouls now all right normally. I'd say this job is pretty fun but it's it's. Nice like these that uh I truly. Hated this job this. Is certainly pretty hellish mm-hmm. Not. Suitable for anybody down here there's any ghouls here. You. Got a great guy to, mess with I'm, happy. To. Be the, subject, to if you're terrorizing. Come. On get after me. This. Is probably one of our more formidable foes and. The, fact that I'm gonna have that entire. Unholy. Hellhole, to myself I can't. Make any promises that I'm gonna stay in there the full 10 minutes. Okay. Moving. On okay. Could. Be going up the stairs here in a moment that would be a lovely opportunity. I'm. Gonna leave that in case Ryan. Trips on it I think that'd be kind of funny I would say normally when I do these I am, furious. By. How. Cavalier. Shane, is inside there but right now. I'm. Gonna just say I'm impressed if he's if, he's having a good time in there right now there's something truly wrong with his brain well, now this is a beautiful. Gorgeous. Room with wonderful. Acoustics, I. Mean look at this shit. Who. Wouldn't their right mind would be stoked to be in there by themselves you know how much of a psychopath, you have to be to enjoy that. God. I would, actually recommend you don't waste your ghost energy on me just, gonna level with you you're. Gonna want to save it for, the, other guy he's gonna come in here right after me and whatever. You do, it's. Gonna be a laugh riot he. Makes very funny faces.

He's. Gonna, not. A guarantee but if you do something depending. On the severity of your actions. He. May poop himself, if. You do it to me I'll probably blame, it on the wind or say. It was an owl dropping, a nut somewhere, oh. I. Hear someone down, there guess, that means we're doing here ghouls. It's. Been a real jolly time with you. How. Was it. I don't. Want to scare you. But. There is something a little weird about this place yeah, no shit I. Think. I heard something what do you mean you think you heard some things nothing it's here tell me what you think you heard, we'll compare, notes afterwards. I, don't. Know if I could do this man oh you got you're, a ghost hunter I know you got to do it that's, what you came here for isn't it, alright. Just. Me by myself, his. Brain seems a special. Kind of putty right now I don't know if I could do this holy fuck okay this. Is horrifying this is truly horrifying. Suddenly. Smells like the ocean how about that. What's. In here with me, when. He asked me where the sounds came from I said upstairs cuz, that feels like a good final boss for him. I'm, sure he'll go in there and hear a ton of things first, floor, look. The pebbles, are still in a smiley face walk. Into the end of the first hallway no I'm not fuck that if. He makes the full 10 minutes I'm gonna be very proud of him what, in the fuck am. I doing. What. Am I doing here. All. Of the hair my arm is standing up. I'm. Standing in the middle of the old city jail by. Myself, I'm the only person in this building what. Kind of idiot, would, do this me. I realized me I'm the fool make, it some nonsense, noises baby. Here. We go. Yeah. An. Hour, or two ago. Now, I'm gonna run into the warden's room. Yeah. This. Fucking. Sucks I hate. It I fucking. Hate this. That. Is quite a reaction I think we're making, some headway you. Think you're crazy. You. Haven't seen crazy, yet on. The third floor, marching. Down the hallway. Where. Are you I'll. Give it to you this, is the scariest, building, I've ever been in in my entire life, I think I cracked my, plane. Is crashed. Keep. In mind an hour ago he was drumming. His belly button I don't, think he's gonna be the same after tonight where, are you. Where. Are you. What. The fuck was that. Who, did that who. Did it again. Holy. Shit. It. Felt like something walked past me twice once, on the rights that I want to the left side. For. Context, this, spot where, I felt something run past me is the exact, spot our, static, camera caught the figure, the. Human mind if it's looking, for something at all it'll find something, and. He's. Going to find something. And. It will destroy him if. I'm gonna be here, what. The fuck I trip. Over that did that move. It's. Gone quiet now and I'm afraid he's dead. Whoo, my heart holy, shit. Chassé, burn. The. Gunman was had a heart attack, where. Were you. The. Thing that walked past me where are you, yeah. Charge. I'm. Gonna see this place in my nightmares, for years so. Thank you for that. Thought. The door went the other way. Fuck. That forever. It sounded like you went through some stuff in there. Let's. Leave. Okay. Did. You hear anything, didn't, hear anything but I felt things that's, good, once I was, standing in the second floor I was standing still, and. I felt a gust of wind past the right side of me I turned around and then. It went past the left side of me the opposite direction I hated it well, I didn't actually hear anything in there I just wanted to really psych you up for it you don't look well, I started. Growling like a dog. We. Heard you did, you yes. Oh I think the whole neighborhood, heard. You oh really oh is it that loud yes I think we have to leave okay, let's. Just go. Whether. Or not you believe that a building, can truly embody, the sins of the past you, must recognize, the old, city jail was, the site of cold-blooded, brutality. However. I dare, say some, light was shed on that subject tonight, with. Bizarre, noises physical. Sensations. Unidentified. Movement, and a possible, apparition. Tonight's. Investigation, moves. Shane and I ever, closer, to completing our ongoing investigation, into. The, question, are ghosts. Real, but. For now and perhaps forever, the, question, remains. Unsolved.


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