The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii

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The, secret, Navy behind, the ballistic, missile attack on Hawaii please, find, the links to the sources, in the video description. Written. By dr., Michael sailor on the 20th, of January. 2018. As. Information. Continues, to emerge confirming. That there was a ballistic missile, attack against. Hawaii that, was intercepted. On the 13th, of January, the investigation. Begins to shift from what happened, to, who was responsible in. This, article, I analyzed various, sources, describing. The attack and identify. The mysterious, naval. Force that was most likely responsible. For launching the ballistic, missile which. Presumably, was nuclear armed in my the 17th. Of January article. I listed. Three alternative. News sites referring. To sources, that all said that a ballistic, missile was. Launched, against, Hawaii bar stealth submarine. The. Alternative. News sources, were radio host dr., Dave John Durr operation. Disclosure, our the, intelligence. Alert and the, public intelligence. Blog the, operation. Disclosure, and public, intelligence. Blog sites point, to an Israeli submarine. As responsible. While, dr., jaundice, said it was a submarine, belonging, to a rogue Chinese, Navy faction. Further. Corroboration. For, the ballistic, missile attack, explanation. Comes from former, Forbes, magazine, writer, Benjamin. Fulford who. Says that according to his insider, sources, there. Was a submarine. Based attack, one. Sign of this extreme, tension came, last week when a missile, from a cabal submarine, was stopped from hitting Hawaii, in the submarine, was sunk Pentagon. Sources, say media. Outlets, around the world have reported, that Hawaiian, residence all received, the following warning, on their mobile phones. Ballistic. Missile, threat, inbound, to Hawaii, seek. Immediate shelter, this. Is not a drill, but. Later this was reported to be a false alarm it was, not it was an attempt, by the Cabal to name the attack on North Korea, and use it as a trigger for their long-desired, World War three CIA. Sources, say both. Fulford, and the public intelligence. Claimed that the ballistic missile, was, intended, to simulate a North Korean, attack suggesting. The responsible. Submarine, was in the vicinity of North, Korea, either, in the Sea of Japan or, off the Japanese coastline.

In, Determining. The type of missile, attack against, Hawaii yet. Another source refers, to a Hawaii, tourist, boats about 100. Miles out at sea that, saw what appeared to be a meteorite, exploding. In the air shortly, before the Hawaii, emergency. Alert went, out Saturday, morning, the, 13th, of January, the additional, source appeared, as an update to the original, public, intelligence. Block site article, about the Hawaii missile, attack, word. Here in Hawaii is that a group of tourists, into a guides were on about 100, miles, offshore Saturday. Morning, around 8 a.m. when they witnessed, what they thought to be a beetle blowing, up over the ocean, it was, reported, on Hawaiian channel, - but then removed, from their website rumor. Is the launch came from an Israel dolphin, - submarine, some. College, basketball games, had a red alert across, the screen from US Pacific Command. Declaring. A missile launch in the Pacific, near Hawaii this additional, Hawaii source is vital, in understanding what. Happened, since it reveals, that the missile was, coming, down from the upper atmosphere following. A ballistic, trajectory similar. To a beetle, this, helps confirm that, a ballistic, missile was. Involved, rather than another type of nuclear, delivery system, such as a cruise missile which, fly much closer to ground and have a far more limited range, of, the, sources cited so far aside. From dr., John der all believed a faction. Of the Israeli, Navy was behind the attack using, a dolphin, class submarine, supplied, by Germany, the, USS. Liberty, attacked during the. 1967. Arab-israeli war. Is often, cited as an example of Israel, launching, a false flag attack, against, the u.s. to embroil, it in wars against, his rails regional. Enemies, in a private, email received. On the 19th, of January, former. CIA covered, operative, and marine intelligence. Officer, Robert. David, Steele says. That the attack was a Zionist submarine, doing a USS, Liberty, on Hawaii in considering. The possibility. Of a rogue Israeli, submarine, being responsible. It's, important. To review the armaments, possessed, by the class of submarines, belonging, to the Israeli, Navy in a news story describing. His rails possession. Of dolphin, class submarines. Purchased, from Germany, it's, our Lamont's are described, as follows the. Dolphin, boats are equipped, with six. 533. Millimeters, standard, torpedo, tubes, and 4, 650. Millimetres jumbo. Tubes, and can carry 16, weapons. The. Smaller tubes, can fire torpedoes. And harpoon, anti-ship missiles. As well as other conventional. Weaponry, but. It's larger, tubes are what makes the dolphin, class so special, from, them frogmen. Remotely. Operated, vehicles. And especially, large, cruise missiles, capable, of carrying nuclear, payloads. Can be deployed, Israel's. Dolphin. Class submarines. Can carry cruise missiles, which are well suited for middle-east, operations. Rather. Than ballistic, missiles, which are better suited for long distance, targets, thousands, of miles away. Ballistic. Missiles, require, much larger, boomer submarines, to launch them rather. Than the smaller dolphin. Class submarines. Possessed, by Israel, the, dolphin, to submarine, is 69. Metres. 225. Feet in length, which, is less than half the size of the ohio-class, boomer, submarines. 170. Meters /. 560. Feet long used, by the US, Navy to, carry Trident, ballistic, nuclear missiles.

C, Launched ballistic missiles. Need. Missile. Tubes as opposed to the more traditional horizontal. Torpedo. Tubes, used, for sea launched, cruise missiles, located at the front of the smaller dolphin. Class submarine. Consequently. It's, unlikely, that a renegade, faction, of the Israeli, Navy launched, the ballistic, missile attacks, since their dolphin, class submarines. Simply, don't have a capacity. Furthermore. It's, hard to imagine how US war against, North Korea and/or China would advance Israel's, national security. Interests. Which, are far more concerned about, threats posed, by major, regional. Rivals, such as Iran dr.. John Durr describes, a rogue faction of the Chinese navy being responsible. And that's after the missile, had been intercepted. And destroyed by, the US, missile. Defense system. The regular. Chinese Navy, destroyed. The submarine, this. Explanation, is, perhaps the scariest to, consider, since the u.s. national security. Apparatus would. Almost certainly, hold, china, responsible. For such an attack despite any genuine, factional. Divisions, within the Chinese, Navy the. Immediate, u.s. response, would have been at the, very least a direct. Retaliatory, nuclear, attack. Against, China's, main regional, ally North Korea, which, would have been scapegoated, for. A Hawaii, attack, after destroying. North, Korea's, military, infrastructure. The, country, would have then been subsequently. Overrun, and occupied, by the US, military and its South Korean, align an analogous way to Afghanistan. After the nine stroke, 11 attack, China's. Strategic. Interests, would have been severely, set back in such a scenario, it's, hard to imagine any, Chinese, military, commander. Rogue, Navy faction. Or not would, risk a nuclear, retaliatory, strike, by the u.s. at would setback, China's, steady emergence. Into a global, superpower, over, the next decade, or so, patience. Is a characteristic. That China's, political leaders, possess, in abundance. Consequently. I find. It online, that a rogue faction of the Chinese, Navy was behind the ballistic, missile attack sir. Who then launched the attack against, Hawaii for. An answer we need to consider legendary, Hawaii Senator. Daniel anyway, who in, 1987. Described, the existence. Of a shadowy, government within, the US with its own separate, military assets. There. Exists, a shadowy, government with its own Air Force its. Own Navy its, own fundraising. Mechanism and, the ability, to pursue its own ideas, of the national interest. Free. From all checks and balances, and free, from the law itself, a. Shadowy. Government with its own Air Force. His. Own navy his. Own fundraising. Mechanism, and the. Ability, to pursue his own ideas, of the national interest. Free. From all checks and balances, and, free. From the law itself in, a way was clearly, convinced, of a very highly classified US. Agency, that had Lee independent. Funding, and wherewithal, to develop, its own Air Force and Navy outside, the regular chain, of military, command, in contrast. To the assets, of the regular US Air Force and Navy this. Covered, fleet of ships and aircraft, would be dark in terms, of its security. Classification. It would therefore be, appropriate. To call at the dark fleet which is what secret, space program, insider, Corey, Goode says it is called by the US, military according. To his confidential. Sources, Skype. Communication. The 18th, of January, he says that it is separate. To another dart fleet which is a secret, space program, that operates in deep space I need, to point out that in, 2017. I, personally. Met some of goods confidential. Earth Alliance sources. They. Provided, many documents, to prove they are deeply, connected to NATO security. Operations. And the European, intelligence, community. They, have continued. To provide good intelligence.

Information Since, they consider, him to be a genuine, ex to a terrestrial, contactee. And asset of a secret, space program. Alliance known to exist by NATO officials. What. US government, agency, would have the ability to raise its own dark fleet outside, the regular chain, of military, command, and presidential. Executive, authority. The only u.s., agency, capable. Of doing so is the Central, Intelligence Agency. CIA. More. Specifically. We, are talking, about the CIA's, Directorate. Of operations. Formerly. Clandestine. Service, which, runs all its global covered operations. Where. A dark fleet would have been developed, to meet operational. Requirements. The. 1949. CIA. Act comprised. Additions. To those sections of the 1947. National. Security. Act that dealt with the creation of CIA, the. 1949. CIA. Act gave a congressional. Stamp of approval to, the creation, of a black budget, it could spend without recourse, to US, law as, the following section, may clear any other, government, agency, is authorized, to transfer, to will receive from the agency, such sums without, regard, to any provisions. Of law limiting. Or prohibiting, transfers. Between, appropriations. Somes, transferred. To the agency, in accordance, with this paragraph, may be expended. For the purposes, and under, the authority, of sections. 403. And to 403. S of this title without regard, to limitations. Of appropriations. From which transferred. 50. USC. 403. F. Essentially. This, gave the CIA the, power to generate large, amounts of money through, covered, means and launder, it however, a wished through the Pentagon and the u.s. bureaucracy. The, funding, was used for an unofficial black bungeed, that by 2001. Was estimated. To be as high as 1.7. Trillion dollars, annually, in addition. To having the financial, means the. CIA, has long been developing. Its own covert Air Force this. Began in the mid nineteen, fifties, when the Sea established. Area 51. As the location, to develop, future fleets, of spy planes with the aid of companies. Such as Lockheed, which, today is the world's largest defense. Contractor. In the 1960s. The CIA began. Training personnel, to develop, skills necessary to, operate its spy, planes on US aircraft, carriers. CIA. Documents. Confirm, that the US Navy was training, the CIA on how to operate, spy planes on their carriers, the. Above document. Went on to discuss, how Kelly Johnson. Director. Of Lockheed, skunkworks, helped. The CIA launch, should see you to spy plane from the USS, Kitty Hawk another. CIA, document. Shows the Navy's, reluctance. To allow the CIA, to use, its aircraft carriers. To carry spy, planes in trouble spots like the Mediterranean. Thereby. Creating. The operational. Necessity. For the CIA, to eventually. Acquire its own aircraft carrier, to carry fleets of spy planes around. The world these. Official, CIA documents. Support, the conclusion. That by the 1970s. The CIA's. Directorate. Of operations. Had its own squadrons. Of spy planes and, would, have acquired its own aircraft carrier. Out of, operational. Necessity. That it could operate anywhere, around the world without any kind of government, oversight, as far. As the CIA having, its own submarines. A Washington. Times article. From the 3rd of January. 1985. Shows that two ballistic, missile, submarines. USS. John. Marshall, and Sam Houston were, handed over to a 2000. Man Special Operations, force, it, can be guaranteed that the CIA's, Directorate. Of operations. Would have similarly, justified. The acquisition. Of ballistic, missile, capable, submarines.

For Its own covert operations. Around the world with. The CIA's, role, in generating, multiple, black, budgets, it could, easily have, diverted, some of these funds to defense, contractors. For building, the list, missile, capable, submarines. For exclusive. Use in clandestine. Operations. It's, worth noting, that Lockheed, Martin, builds, the Trident, III ballistic, missiles, for the ohio-class, submarines. Currently. Possessed, for by US Navy as noted. Earlier the, CIA, and Lockheed, have developed, a long and close relationship, since their joint efforts, to develop area, 51. For spy, planes and other advanced, technologies, in the 1950s. Therefore. It is very possible, that the CIA's, dart fleet possesses. Trident, III ballistic, nuclear missiles. Developed, by Lockheed, Martin. Consequently. Anyways. Claims of a shadowy, government possessing. Its own Air Force and Navy is very feasible given, what we know about the CIA's, history. And official. Documents showing. Its military, assets, training. And close relationship. With defense, contractors. Such as Lockheed, Martin, the, CIA, Hadley independent. Funding, to create squadrons. Of spy planes that could operate from an aircraft carrier, with the necessary, support, craft that altogether, constituted. A CIA, controlled. Aircraft, carrier, battle group, that included, nuclear. Submarines. So. Was the CIA's, dart fleet behind the ballistic, missile, attack on Hawaii I put, this question to Corey, Goode and he responded. Yes. They. Do have an aircraft carrier, and destroyers, and support vessels, a whole, fleet, this, stuff has been a part, of recent, briefings, in the form of informed, speculation as to what occurred in Hawaii Japan all. Are pretty convinced. That rogue CIA sub. Fired missiles, and Mike s SP use. FN are oh dear secret, space program. Took, the missiles, out we, are all waiting, for specifics. And confirmation. That these are read in general, kernel types doing the speculating. Skype. Communication. The 19th, of January, 2018. The. CIA's, Directorate. Of operations, has long been the primary, asset, of what anyway called the, government. But, today is referred, to as the deep state, due.

To President, trumps the 21st. Of December. 2017. Executive. Order. Freezing the financial, assets of all involved, in human rights abuses, and corruption, Trump. Was not only declaring. War against, us global, elites, involved. But, also against, the funding, sources, for the CIA's, covert operations. The, CIA's, black budget, is made possible by human, rights abuses, and corruption around, the planet, that provides, almost unlimited. Funds, for its covert operations. Including. Its dark fleet, consequently. The, CIA's, dark fleet had the means motive. And opportunity to, attack Hawaii, with a ballistic nuclear, missile, that would embroil the Trump administration in. A major regional, war with North Korea, and possibly, China. Significantly. On the 16th. Of January, Japan's. Major, public, broadcaster. Also, warned, the public about an incoming, ballistic missile. Attack once. Again a, false, alarm, was issued shortly after, by government. Authorities, it's. Quite possible, that the same submarine. Responsible. For the hawala attack, launched. Another missile, attack, this, time against, Japan, presumably. Tokyo, it was, also brought down probably. By the same defense, forces, that tracked and destroyed, the Hawaii bound missile, again. The, purpose would have been to simulate a North, Korean, attack thereby. Triggering a major regional war, such. A war, would distract, the Trump administration and. U.s. military, from going after deep state assets, and tie, down the u.s., in a serious, regional, confrontation. Thankfully. The, US Navy and Air Force along. With the user from secret, space program. Were, able to neutralize the, attacks, on Hawaii and Japan the. Multiple, sources and documents. Cited above led to a remarkable. Conclusion, a CIA. Created, secret. Navy launch, stick missile, attacks, against, Hawaii and Japan using, a dart fleet created, in the 1970s. To support, covet operations. Around the world, consequently. Neutralizing. The dart fleet and raining in the CIA's, Directorate. Of operations. Must, become a high priority goal. For the Trump administration and. The Pentagon, a major. Step, in doing so is for the truth to be officially. Released about holistic missile. Attacks, against, Hawaii and, Japan.


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