The ULTIMATE Budget Gaming System 2018

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Good. Day guys Austin, e telling this once a day welcome. To the future. Welcome. To, the future, of gaming. Imagine. A world where we have no limits where, we will not tie to a platform a console, a publisher. A brand or hardware, able, to play every. Game from, the start of interactive. Media known, today as gaming, up, to today's modern, triple-a. Titles. A discrete. Piece of hardware able, to be placed in your front room not just tied to gaming, but also able, to play movies, TV, shows music, and the, Internet, all from, your couch any controller. Of your choice I bring. To you the. Ultimate gaming. System. Able, to play games, from almost any gaming, system, Atari, 2600. NES. Super, Nintendo Sega. Consoles, Nintendo, consoles. Sony, consoles. All computer. Games modern. Consoles, such as the Xbox, Wii U PS, free etc etc. The. Latest, games such as pub, G fortnight. Battlefield. 5 and almost. Everything. In between choose. Whatever game, you want to play from, an interactive. Menu layout or manage, from an operating, system as soon, as the system is booted, and easily. Updated, once, new games arrive, this. Has, been tackled, time and time again on YouTube with, people building pcs, where, you will find time and time again they don't consider all the, games they, don't consider the normal, person, and they, often cost, you into, the thousands. Of dollars to replicate, just, focusing. On modern, gaming, imagine. If I said we. Can play anything. From any console. Or PC. And this, could be done all at the same price of a modern gaming console, around. 300. Of the finest, UK, pounds. I am, not selling these I am. Showing you what can be done with, easy to find parts, and a bit of thinking outside the box I'm not a PC fanboy, I'm not a console, fanboy, I am, a gaming, fanboy, and for over thirty five plus years I, have been gaming and I have been collecting. And plane, all, the consoles. I can get my hands on building. And playing pcs, and making, the most of all the best games the world has ever known I, still. Love and still, think the original consoles, are the best way to play many, of these old tales but, just like my music and my movie collection I want to be able to enjoy them hassle-free on hardware. That is just plug and play, in one location, one. Controller, on a tiny, modern, piece of hardware, sure, we can use things like the mini NES, consoles. Raspberry. PI's, etc. Etc but. These are often just, title one system, or very, low powered meaning, you can only play old games meaning. Again you need multiple, systems. Set up in, order to play them on let's. Build, a small, cheap, system, that does everything let's. Build the. Ultimate gaming, system. As. We. Talked about we want to use this as a console, not as a PC. So we. Need an environment, that allows us to use everything, on the, PC, with, our controller, choose, games choose, media browse, websites etc. Etc using. Our controller. With, an instinctive, GUI there are many options for, this free paid, and available, in many shapes sizes and tastes. I have chosen launchbox, for this setup as for me is the most user-friendly and, easy to setup the most customizable. To. Get to whatever taste, you want, able, to launch almost, any game that has been invented, up to the latest titles, available today including. PC, games emulated. Media, music anything, you wish all set, out in a great, easy to use interface, that, can be used with a controller, with, complete BIOS, metadata. Game, are etc etc, from, almost, every, game that has ever been released in history, and updated. Almost, daily, this, can be done so the system boot straight into the QA transforming, the PC, into, an easy to use control, of, Base console. That could play almost any game from a system. From any time, period, now, I do have to warn you that the version that you're seen on the screen right now is the paid version, it cost 20, bucks full price which. Means that yeah this, is more cost on top but there are other Hughie's, front ends similar. To this which, are completely free and also, launch, box does have a free version I do also have to say that I have zero affiliation. With launch box whatsoever, or in fact any other front ends and there are plenty out there that are free to use however I did get in touch, with large, box and the lead developer, which is Jason, and he. Has been awesome he said that he is gonna offer a discount, or a giveaway, or something. Along those lines for probably, a limited, time period for anybody who watches this video which is absolutely, awesome so, once, that becomes available I'll put information in, the description down below to salt you guys out again I'm not getting any kickbacks, no cut from any of this whatsoever. So again. There is more information on, my, channel, for other front. Ends if you wish to go in a different direction. I'm just trying to give you guys options, also. I have to say it's probably common sense but no games or, anything, like that is included.

With This, front-end it's merely just, a launcher, a GUI like, a menu system, obviously looking, all fancy and simplifying, the process of launching games. Organizing. Them putting them into a nice little front-end, as you can see now I just have to put that out there in case you think that you install this and you get all these games for free or something that's not how this works again, more, information about all this kind of stuff in depth is all over, my channel I've been doing this for years, hey. Guys, Peter are, you alright you know what I feel good I feel like I want a giggle behind my hand that a lot of things and hold but not eat a big ice cream cone so, let's get into the good stuff the benchmarks. Let's see how this puppy is performing. With our games now, focused, on two different types of games one being emulated, games and one being PC, games if you're building something like this you more than likely gonna play everything that you've got at your disposal now. During these tests obviously I can't test everything on. Every system on every emulator, but, what I can do is play the more taxing, games and of course the, more taxing, emulators, I can, also play the most popular, ones and they're the ones that I've tried to show throughout. These tests, so, first off we're gonna focus on the PC games but via word that all the way through this I have tried to keep it well I have kept everything at 1080p. And also. I've tried to keep all graphical. Settings to maximum, wherever. Possible to, maintain at least 60. Frames per second, as long as the game supports that kind of stuff of course with games which are more twittg based, more, reaction, and more competitive I've tried to push the frame rate wherever, possible but. Bear that in mind that we are playing, this on a budget, so. So. Let's. See what this can do first. Off we've got counter-strike. Girl and this, one performed. As expected to. Be honest it is a twittg kind of game so once it maximum frame rate and, we. All know countless, strike can be played pretty much on your dad's laptop this is not exactly a system hog but, I did want high frames per second so I've turned everything on to maximum, and to, be honest whatever fraud at this whatever game type whatever map it always seemed to maintain, at least 100. Frames per second which to be honest but I'm playing this game is what, I would want and it. Perform like a dream as you can see. Next. Up over, to overwatch, now, to be honest this is the first time I've actually played this game I bought this game just so I could test it for you guys I've heard that is popular, and I. Know why, it is popular it, never, suited, my kind of gameplay before but from actually playing it it's, pretty damn good it was a lot better than I expected but, enough for that anyway in terms, of performance wise yeah. 70, to 80 frames, per second, most, of the time if, things got really heated and battle it would drop to around maybe, high 50s. But, most of the time never dropped in below 60, frames per second, this is on high settings, of course if you wanted to get this even more twitchy, then you could drop some settings, to make sure that it was a constant, and I'll 80 frames per second no, problem whatsoever I didn't see any stutters, no glitches, no nothing like that this is a pretty damn stable, game and highly, enjoyable along, with it next, up I wanted to try some driving games to see how this impacted, the machine, and to, be honest it was pretty damn good pretty, damn, good indeed, these, are the settings that I used for rec fest a pretty, new game that has been released not so long back it's, very much physics based and there is a hell of a lot of vehicles on the truck at the same time so I thought this might bring it to his knees and knocked it back to medium, settings I pushed some of the settings up on other parts as you can see but, to be honest I could have wrapped this up even further I was getting pretty, high, frame, rates it was, stood of free the, system, wasn't taxed, too much but, I was obviously maxing, out my G pee-yew I was getting pretty much solid 70.

To 100 frames per second depending on what kind of area the map pose on depending on what's got on the screen at a time but, visually it looks absolutely stunning, and playability. Wise, it was perfect. So. You guys asked me to test out project, cards and here it is I have not played this for some time but it's still looking, absolutely. Beautiful. Now I'm playing this on medium preset. Obviously 1080p, like we talked about I could, have gone for better visuals, and. Probably, impacted, on the frame rate or I could have gone for a better frame rate and impacted, on the visuals the medium preset, seems to be a pretty medium. Middle ground for all this kind of stuff and it performed, like a dream I was getting well over 60 frames per second, often, into the hundreds, it was obviously taxing my GPU, but, of course depending. On what I wanted to knock back on what I wanted to push up I could have pushed this which every direction of one I would say it was very very, playable, there was zero stutters. The, frame rate was now, on perfect, and it was overall, a great experience from, a great game on to, the number one most requested game. For, me to test on this machine for. Night everybody. Plays it it's, not really my tipple but I don't know Eve enough about it to actually, judge it on but this isn't a review this is to see how well this is performing, put, it in the comments down below as well guys if you're willing to show me the ropes on this game because, I do want to get into it it's just front notes games that I'd rather play with friends. Rather than you. Know just going onto a public, server ready, way we digress, in terms, of performance I put everything on too high I didn't need all tweaking, and it. Played like a dream anywhere, between 60. To 100, frames per second, no, glitches, no slowdown. No lag it played perfect. I probably, could have done more tweaking, and again the joy of PC, gaming I could have you ever got better visuals, or I could, have ramped, it down and got, better framerate but to be honest it was a good sweet spot for this one it's, not the most demanding. Of games but, it does get pretty intensive. When, things, start going crazy but. In terms of performance, it blasted. Out the. So, this game I wanted to test because I'm, gonna, be testing, out the PlayStation. 3 version in, just a second, obviously emulating, it so when I gave some kind of pump comparison. To go onto now, this is the dark souls franchise in, particular this is Dark Souls remastered, on Steam. This is. Very. Well for configuring, to be honest it plays pretty damn well 60, frames per second, no problem whatsoever there, are summaries, but it goes into the 50s but I think that's me, recording.

At The same time as me, actually playing the game when, I was playing this normally, I got a solid 60, now, there isn't any settings that I can mess around with from what I can see I'm no pro, when it comes to this game but at the end of the day who is this, is a beast of a game but, I did what I showed some footage, of it working talking, drawing, some comparisons. At a second when we start doing the PlayStation, 3 emulation, so, Dark Soul remastered, no problem, so, now I wanted to test some more and. I know graphically, intensive, games games that would bring this system to its knees now. First, off pub G is probably, the biggest hindrance. Of them all it's mostly down to optimization. From the actual game itself rather, than my system, but, I did want to show it because it is a popular, game and I myself, like, to play this one when, I was playing this on the normal map such as the, no. I can't remember to call the desert map and the normal old map it was fine 60 frames and above no problem, pretty much all the way through but, on the gameplay that you can see now this is worst case scenario. I've got, medium, settings, on this one but I have turned a few things into low just to get the solid 60, on the normal maps but, when I loaded up this once and Hocker thinking is the new map especially. When it's raining it was going sub 60, it was very playable and of course if I'm not this Holloway down to low I probably would see well, into, the 60s and above but, I wanted to show you worst case scenario, and here, it is very. Much playable, as long, as you willing to make the sacrifices, and turn everything on too low another, game which is a bitch to play is doom, this. One is pretty, system. Intensive. I mean this game was released in 2016. I believe but, even to this day it looks beautiful, and if you've got a dated, rig it can well, hold it hostage, visually, the great thing is if you've got a mod GPU, that can take advantage of Vulcan it plays like an absolute dream luckily, our little, build is utilizing, a new Pascal card and it takes full advantage of, that the gameplay you'll, see now is on medium to low settings, but we are seeing a very stable, very, good frame rates if we was to ramp this up a little bit further in terms of visuals then, we could probably see pretty, again, stable, frame rates and see. Even better visuals, in terms, of gameplay there is no stutters whatsoever, it is maxing. Out the graphics card as expected, but. We have got a lot of headroom that we could probably tinker, with this one so, great game great performance, on this rig and yeah, I enjoyed, this one and. Now onto the biggest, beast of the ball this, is the last PC Gamer looking at before we get stuck into the emulation side of things but, by god what a game The Witcher 3 and to be honest it plays a lot better than what I was expecting on this system we've, got the settings down to a medium now, it, still looks absolutely beautiful we've, got 1080p. But. The difference between this game and all the others is this, one love CPU, it's a huge open, world game, massive. Environments, a lot of stuff going on in the screen a lot, of things happening, behind the scenes with, to make it perform, the way that it does which, means that, it not only taxes. Your GPU to the maximum, in most scenarios it, brings your CPU, to, the maximum, also, so, having, this run to this kind of level on these kind of settings I wasn't, expecting, it it's, likely down to the latest patches both, in terms of the drivers, for the GPU and the game itself but.

Considering. The last time I tested, this on a similar, rig it plays, beautifully. The only thing that I've had to turn down is, the her works are off and the textures, are down to minimum. Or should I say low other. Than that everything, else is on medium so, having the, utmost in, graphics, is what, you want from this it's, not a multiplayer, game which means that many, a time you don't need the maximum, per second, but, I was getting in the high 40s, in graphically. Intensive, towns during, combat, and all that kind of stuff but, most of the time our solid 60, sometimes. In, combat, in normal situations, it would go to the mid 50s, I see, no stutters whatsoever, as long as the her works are off and the textures are kept to a minimum it's, just too much for that GPU. If you have got a stronger GPU, especially. If you've got more memory. On there then you will see a better performance. But for us with this setup right now it, plays like a dream and it looks like a dream awesome, game and what. A way to finish the PC section. Pac-man. Just gives me this feeling of giddiness like there's all these tingles, running up and down my nipples, and it's just this wonderful thing, like hey look it's pac-man. Onto. The emulation side, of all this and this is the whole reason probably. Why we put this system together yet, PC games out awesome but, we, want to play pretty much every, game that we can ever play, on this, systems the whole point of us putting it together so being, able to play pretty much every, retro, system, that you could imagine from Atari, pretty. Much every. Nintendo system. From NES Super Nintendo, 3ds. Normal. D s onto. The Wii U playing Zelda breath of the wild of course we're going to see how far we can push this, moving. On to PlayStation, system's. Ps1. Ps2, even. The PlayStation. 3, and of, course pretty much every, other system, in between. Especially, Sega my, love now, as of yet the Nintendo, switch is being. Emulated but, not to the kinda level where we would actually call it playable also. PlayStation, 4 development. Is underway so we, can obviously, emulate. PlayStation, 4 but again nowhere, near to any kind, of standard, where you would actually see. Games being played for, any kind of enjoyment it's more, proof of concept, at this time so, we're gonna go through pretty much all the more intensive. Emulators. One that proved their compatibility. With. This build and we're gonna see how well it performs, we want the zelda we want the persona, fives, we, want every game that we have our catalog. Being able to play on one system it's the whole point of us making this so, let's go through these emulators, let's go through these systems and see what this puppy can do. So. Like I said this system, has been made to play everything, that is retro, if there's an older system and it's compatible in an emulator you, can get this up and running no problem, so I want to start somewhere which would, be demanding. And for, me PlayStation. 2 is quite, demanded, even to this day yet, on moderate. Systems, you can get pretty, much every, game working bootable, and playable, but, to pump it up to some kind of enhancements, where it would be fun to play on a modern, system I wanted. To start with the more troublesome games so I'm talking about Metal, Gear Solid, 2 the opening sequence when you come in with the rain the emotion engine taking its action it does, cripple most people's systems and really pumps down the framerate especially, at 1080p, this. System, lapped it up whoo there's no problem whatsoever it looks beautiful it plays beautiful. And it was a really good experience then, we can move on to games such as Gran, Turismo series, again. Very, demanding title. And it, looks absolutely awesome. When pumped, up to 1080p, with, post-processing. In action, moving. On to shadow of Colossus, again, this one is the biggest hog for, this system an awesome game that and a remake for the PlayStation, 4 but the, old title, still, looks, beautiful. Especially. When given, the treatment that this emulator, can give it's, an awesome game and it plays, like a dream, you can get all the games working no problem, again on normal, systems, but, I wanted, to showcase what, can be done when you've got a system that is Cape full of pushing, this all the way up to 1080p, and still.

Given, A constant framerate, and stable. Playability. Unsubmitted. Attend a week and this, emulator. Dolphin. Not only plays Wii games but it also plays GameCube, games I wanted, to concentrate on the actual, Wii stuff because this is the most demanding, when played through it but, I would, say that not only does this play all the games you can push this easily, to 1080p, on this, kind of rig but also if you wanted to you could push it even further get, 4k out of this if you're into that kind of thing it not only plays them like I said but it completely, transformed. Them into making it look like it's a modern-day game. Nintendo, have never been into cutting-edge, technology. In terms of the hardware and playing. Them through something like this where you can actually enhance. The resolution it. Looks absolutely gobsmacked, in the, wii was, a standard, definition console. And playing. It on the original console, the, games look a bit dated, playing, them through something like this 1080p model, controls, of course if you wanted to you can even use, nunchucks, that's how enhanced, this emulator is it, just completely transforms. The games and makes them look like well, they deserve at the end of the day. Let's. Take a look at the Nintendo. 3ds. Now. In the past this needed, an absolute, beast to run compatibility. Was low and the performance, was tarry but nowadays, in, the last 6 months or so you can, see not just games working but playing on mediocre. Pcs with, this kind of build you'll, see them running not just at 1080p but you can even blow the doors off and take it to 4k, now you. May say why, run, things are stupid resolutions. Well the original console run at 250. P now, that's, alright of course on a little tiny screen but when you play this on a TV, it. Looks a bit pixelated. And a, bit of a mess so, enhancing, these games to be to run on a desktop, and with, all its glory in full, 4k. If, he wanted to specifications. They. Look beautiful and, it does them true justice, now, the compatibility. In the past as we talked about wasn't, the greatest but, the enhancements, that they brought in the development, that they've pumped into it you, will see the majority of the catalog, now playable, now the way that the Citra emulator, deals, with the dual screen configuration is, up to you you, can either split the screen into a large main screen and the small little one and you can equalize, it so they've both got both screens running, in tandem it depends on the game depends, on your preferences, depends, on how you want to play it of course the Nintendo 3ds had. Touchscreen you, can use either your mouse or I believe if you use a ps4, pad with the touchpad controls. You, can use that as the actual touchscreen on the, emulator, it really, does enhance the. Way you play it and still, gets all the, bells and the whistles that, the original, handheld, console, had now, some, of these games look absolutely, beautiful, blown, up into these kind of resolutions. You've got all the features that goes along with this including, online multiplayer for, all your favorite games now. In terms of the games yes you can play pokemon, I'm fed, up saying, you can play pokemon, on this the, only game at the time of we record in this is Pokemon, X&Y, they. Are non compatible, as a crash in there that the working out hopefully soon they'll get that ironed out but, over than that all Pokemon, titles, are playable, all the Zelda titles, are all the Mario, games you're all good to go on this one the catalog for the 3d s is absolutely. Huge and like I said the majority of the games that are on that system, are playable, on this system enhanced. Like, we talked about it's, an absolute, dream of a console, and it plays even better when you play in them on the, big screen. And. Now. We get to the creme de la creme the, absolute. Limit, of emulation, I'm talking. About systems. Which, are only just, breaking through into the emulation, scene, now, these, are, pretty, crippling. Emulators. And normally. You need a very, high-end. Rig to play them we, have as we talked about configured. The build of this system, in order for us to get, the maximum. Out of emulation. And of course PC gaming while still keeping to a budget, we are on the fringe of what the system can do so, emulating. Games, such, as this on systems, such as this we're. Pushing it we really are so, let's, have a look at some of these tests, as you can see we, you is playing, like a dream, it is beautiful. Emulation, any title. That I've been thrown at this is pretty, stable pretty good to go if anything, is more of the emulator, holding, it back rather than the system itself. Now, all, the titles that I've done are getting pretty solid, frame, rates I'm playing all these titles at, 1080p. Now. I could, knock them back and get even more stable, frame rates written at 720p, maybe as the, original console, did in most cases but.

We, Are emulating, this and you know me I like to push things to the limit so, 1080p. Was the minimum, now, Mario Kart Xenoblade, Chronicles X. Donkey. Kong tropical. Freeze all, those titles all run. Perfect. The only time when I ever got to any kind of difficulties, was of course. Zelda. Breath of the wild it is run in it is playable, and if I knock it down to 720, it is pretty stable in its frame rate but at, 1080p, it's, just, not there, unfortunately. It's. Getting in the mid, 20s, to 30 frames per second, of course this is a 30 frame per second, game on the Wii U and, yeah. It is playable, it is completable, of course, the more you play the better it gets but it's, for. Me a masterpiece. Of a game and it does deserve, a good solid, framerate. Don't, worry though we are gonna be up in the specifications. In the next, video but for now zelda, breath, of the wild just isn't, quite, there, it's, playable it's doable, but. Again. It's, just not for me on this one all the rest of the titles, play like a dream like I said so in, terms of the Wii U you will get pretty much every, game that is compatible with the emulator, playing. On this system no issues, whatsoever it's. Just a shame that it just isn't quite there, for, zelda. Breath of the wild but don't worry too much because, again like i said i will be making another build and i will be choosing, a cpu. Which will be more suited, to this emulator, i have, learnt from doing all these tests, and the way that it's reacting, with these emulators is that. It just needs even more, cpu. Grunt it in other words clock speeds or it. Needs more cause now. I have sourced, another chip. Out and i'm waiting for it to arrive and, I will update you guys as to a new. Build it's, in the same price category, so don't worry we're not just adding, more money to this to solve the problem, we're actually tinkering. The system itself to try and find, something that is best suited to our games, and that's, what I wanted to achieve from this I wanted, to have a good start in base for us to work from what, we could develop on learn, from and actually, tinker, to get everything. Working, on, the, minimum, budget possible. So, yeah, we you it is playable, it is there but, that one game the, one, bloody, game is just. Not there so, on to, the next. And. The next one is our, pcs. Three, that's, the emulator and we, are emulating indeed. The PlayStation. 3 oh, what. A good day it is to now, I've got to say before we start getting stuck into this this is very much, a work in progress emulator. It, was released a couple years ago it was more proof of concept at that point but, it has come on leaps and bounds, in the past 12 months I would say up to the state where we're at now were, many.

Of The titles are playable, and completable. And very much enjoyable, there is still a long way to go for compatibility, and optimizations. To get the most out of this emulator to, work on most people's systems this, is a very, powerful. System. In terms of emulation, so. You, will need a beefy, rig to run this now we've done our best on our budget to give us the best possible chance in, order us to get most, of these games working, if it's a very compatible game, with this emulator, nine times out of ten you will get it running on this, system the, issues where you come to go is whether, you get the problematic, games, are the very graphically. Intensive. Games so, from my tests. Unfortunately. Persona. 5 it boots, it goes in games it is fully complete able but, you will get skip frames and low, frame rates it's still, some. Way to go, so, optimisation. Wise it's, not, quite there for this system however, if you've got a more beefier CPU, you, can smash, this and enjoy, the games in all, their full glory I've, also got to say that many of the IPS available, on this system still, aren't playable, so at the time of be recording, this the Last of Us Red, Dead Redemption, Uncharted. Series and, some others they just aren't playable. Yep, they get in game yeah the our proof of concept you, can have a mess around with the but, the just too glitchy, to lower frame rate and crashes. Galore but. Many of the other titles that are on there are, very much playable, as you can see it's, a beautiful, system full, of, wonders. Within his catalog the, problem is like I said that this emulator, is still early days so, even though we've given it our best shot, still, not, quite there but I would say that this emulator, is developing. A li and you breakthroughs. Are coming through daily so, them as the optimizations. Increase, the, system requirements, were lower and. Eventually. We, should see this in full bloom, on this, system but. Like I said when we were taking a look at this mu emulator, it's. Just a case of me doing all this trial and error and seeing, what the best combination, of hardware is to. Get the most out of our budget bang, for book playing, all these games also. I've got to say thanks, to all the emulators. That I've covered, whilst. Doing, this video I did. So, much footage covered, so many emulators, on so many systems, it was just overwhelming but, to keep this even, a reasonable, length which to be honest it's not at this moment in time I had to cut so many out but, if you guys want me to feature more systems, in the future, when, we're doing our next build let.

Me Know I want to know what kind of systems you want to run I want to know what you think are the problematic, games, for, me to test to, put all these systems, through the paces I want, to hear those problematic, games, those problematic, emulators. Those systems, that, you really want to get working and I'll do my utmost to. See if we can tinker, and get, this both hardware, and software, working. In unison, where, we can all gain, together, on our favorite games, of all time, in. One place. So. Onto the main gun for this and that is the hardware, so. For this build I wanted to go for the most powerful parts possible, while still keeping within the budget of around 300. UK, pounds, for, me that's a reasonable price to pay for a console, so we're not pricing, ourselves out of the market the, issue is for, that price we've been looking to get just, CPU, and the motherboard so with that in mind I've opted, to go for the used market do, not worry I have not used any hard-to-find specialists, or under, priced parts to make up this build everything, I have used is easily, found on popular websites world round on most, parts I actually, overpaid, to, keep the price in of parts, of this realistic but. Depending. On your country the used market may, vary, obviously. For 300 pounds even on the used, market we're, not going to get blistering, technology, but I've made this PC. Built, for purpose, to. Be able to play all PC. Games and at, an enjoyable level, also, to be able to emulate as many games as possible including. Even the most modern, emulators. I want, to keep the bill that's low coward silent, and compact as possible to, make this a valid option front, room use not. Just for gaming but for also movies. TV. And music streaming, everything, we would expect from a modern gaming console, as. All the parts using this system are as small as possible you, can go for almost any case you wish meaning, if you want to go for modern stylish, case or most. Low profile, discrete case cheapest, or most expensive, new. Or used the, choice is all yours. Meaning, that even though the parts may be used, it still. Look brand new and completely bespoke to your taste if you do have more money at your disposal obviously. You can upgrade certain parts, to give you even more power to your games or if, you want to save money you, can source larger, more available, parts, for the same specifications. The. Actual, parts, then CPU. At the core of the system I've chosen the Sandy Bridge Intel. I5. 2500. CPU, this, is now a very, old CPU. Releasing, in 2011. It, runs off the 1155. Motherboard, socket which means if you wanted to you could also upgrade, to the Ivy Bridge giving, us room for upgrade, if needed but. For, the purpose of this build on our, budget the i5. 2500. Should do is just fine, in most cases although this, card now is 7 in. Terms, of performance, is still wax a hell of a punch before, cause working, at three point three gigahertz, standard. And, 3.7. Turbo, even, compared to modern, CPUs, this, thing, packs quite the punch, the. Reason I chosen the CPU, is bang, for book at a time I'll be recording this the price for this CPU, has fallen, rapidly. Meaning you can pick what are these puppies up for as little as thirty five pound or as, low as twenty, pound it can shop around they, are not hard to find, memory.

And RAM the. Achilles, heel and the reason. This CPU, drop is likely, due to the memory bus it's, only compatible, with. 1333. DDR, Ram although. By today standard, this is very, low it will not affect you as much as some tech channels may help you think, memory. Bandwidth, is only an issue when you're running high-end GPUs, onboard. Graphics or, ap use like the new rising chips, rising, ap use use the onboard RAM as its graphic from meaning. That this is to compensate for what is normally, ddr5. Ram our. Modern, dedicated. GPU, cards, it has to be blisteringly, for us to keep up with these GPUs, or the graphics or bottleneck leading to tarry bad performance, using, slow ramp for. High end GPU such, as today's Nvidia's, 10 70s, and 10 80s low, ram bail bottleneck, the cpu in turn, not allowing, the GPU. To work to its utmost potential. Meaning. For CPU intensive, games, you end up with only a fraction of usage, from your GPU you're, smurfing your, GPUs, capabilities. Which, is more than likely one, of the most expensive parts, in your build although, this sounds extreme in most cases it's only a 1, to 5% frames. Per second loss but. It's still not ideal if you're buying enthusiast. Grade GPUs. As it's just a waste of money the. Minimum amount of RAM I would use to enable us to play all these games is, 8 gigabytes, and that's what I've gone for ddr3. Running. 33, megahertz can, easily. Found online 30. Books at this grade. The. GPU. That normally, the Breton but of the PC, game inside of it all on. Mid. To low end GPUs, you won't see these kind of bottlenecks, as in most cases the, required memory, bandwidth, is so low so with our 13 33, megahertz ram we have a realistic, option of an nvidia 10:58. 210 60 before, we start to see any of these bottlenecks in most games to, keep the price the size and the power consumption, low in this bill that opted, for the Nvidia 1050. But, again you can upgrade depending, on your budget and what parts, you can find in your price range a new. 1050. Is currently about. 120. UK, pounds at a time of me making this video second, and you can pick these up for ninety pounds the, one I've got is a pallet, GeForce, GTX 1050. Storm x2, gigabyte, edition a well known brand in the UK but, ensure. When purchasing, you did not buy one of the unbranded, Chinese, knockoffs these are not as stated, on their advertisements. And are, often BIOS. Flash lesser power cards, used, to fool your system, we, could have gone for an AMD card, but for compatibility, sake, I would keep, 2 Nvidia, some emulators, do not play well with AMD, mostly. Due to the way it handles OpenGL. As, OpenGL. Is a widely, used API. In emulation I tend, to stay with them video for, compatibility, sake, but again the choice is all yours. I'm. Sort of motherboard then the spine of all this it, doesn't matter what motherboard, you use for this build I wanted, to keep it as small as possible so I opted, for the micro ITX version. As we. Are using a non overclockable, cpu, we, don't need anything to an enthusiast, level keeping, the price very, low the, only requirement, is an 1155, socket motherboard and it asks why have a PCIe, slot. For the GPU, these, are very common and can easily, find for for e-books, or lower, I would however try to find one with USB 3.0. Support for, when you start adding hard, drives media, like canister, I managed. To find that motherboard with 3.0, Bluetooth, 4.0. Wi-Fi. Plus. 8 gigabytes, of Gil 13, 33, megahertz ram and an. I5. 32. 10 480, bucks, this, motherboard is a gigabyte, h77. And Wi-Fi, revision, one if that makes a big difference, and he's perfect for whole media setup also handy, hint tried to get either a CPU, or motherboard, that includes, a stock Intel cooler, or better these, are often included as buying. One used will cost you more in postage, than, what it's actually worth secondhand, hard. Drives and stories then it makes 0 different, for hard drives you use on this as long as they are satin, I would, try to buy a bigger hard drive as possible, to give you as much space for possible, for your games modern. Titles do take up quite a bit of space and once you start emulating you'll, find how much these games take up for, this build I opted with a 1 terabyte standard, hard drive these, can be found as little, as 20. Pounds, online plus, even, come with the years warranty if you buy from, cex, or something similar I'm not sure if this is available in other countries but I'm sure you have the same equivalent, in most regions as a, bonus, in with the price I also opted, for a 250.

Gigabyte SSD. This, is not essential but it kills me to boot a machine that runs its operating, system from our normal, standard, hard drive it's. Just not as responsive with. 250. Gigabytes, you have enough space for the OS a few programs and, even, some for your favorite games for a snappier, experience, of course non-essential, like I said so if you miss out on this you, can still have extra, cash to upgrade your CPU, or GPU if. Wanted, these, can be found for days are about 40, bucks now, I know I know it's, not best practice, to use second-hand, drives due to failure rates but, in all honesty in my 30 years of making, and using pcs, I've only ever had, three. Hard drives failing, me on my, PCs are on literally, for like 24/7. Maybe I'm lucky you, judge but as long as you don't stall your family photos it's extra on there and you buy from a site that offers some kind of warranty, or protection, you should be good to go at least for a year in the worst case. Now. For the boring bit the power supply, again. You don't require anything, special, with the PSU, and they, can be picked up for pennies I would, however go, for known brand EPS use and if possible one, that has at 80 bronze certificate. It may sound silly spending, so, much on a power unit but cheap ones will, often, fail or not be able to the standards, that they actually advertise, I would, however up for, a 550. Watt or over, PSU, as I'll though complete, overkill for this build it will give you Headroom, if you want to upgrade or wish, to use it again in other future, bills I budgeted. 30 bucks for this but if I was you I would spend an extra 10 bucks and buy a brand new one or a well, branded, one for, the sake of mind, onto. The case then the bit that makes it look all flashy this, is all down to your personal taste and budget as almost everything, we use this small form-factor, you can use almost any case, remember. You need to have one that fits the PCI, Express or, the graphics, card and the, power supply you. Have chosen unless. You want something super small, you, should have no worries, I managed, to pick up the thermit 8 core v1, mini for 20 bucks on my local ads and this, was in almost perfect condition these. Are tiny and then the future were going to be gold even smaller for, the same price. Now. Ignored, they all in one cooler, I have in there at the moment this is definitely, not, needed in this setup it, will not affect your build in any way by including it we have non, overclocked, CPU, in there with lots of ventilation so. Something like this is complete overkill, for this specification, of build as I, talked about this is not the end of these build videos, I want to do some experiments, with some over CPUs, in this build in the coming weeks I added the water cooler, in the as I would have had to take apart almost the entire PC, for, me to add the cooler later down the line so, I did the sensible thing it added it now that. Way I can showcase some more options for you in future videos but, for you guys just stick, to the stock cooler, so. In total then so, far we have gone for the i5 2500. That is 35, UK, pounds, eight gigabytes, of 1333. Megahertz. 30 bucks, 1050. NVIDIA GPU, 90, bucks the PSU, was 30 bucks the, hard drive 20, bucks, 1155. Motherboard, compatible, is 40, bucks and the case was 20 bucks meaning, that the totals, priced, for us to get running, bare-bones.

Is, 265. UK. Pounds, however, again you can add the optional, SSD, in there for 40 bucks to give you a much snappier. Experience. Bring the total up to. 305. UK. Pounds, which I believe is around about 390. US dollars but that comes in for quite the bang for book and in just a second I'll show exactly, the performance, that we're gonna get for a modern PC gaming, and some of the most demanding emulators. Are available, today remember. That although this looks quite expensive for, the total u.s. price I know that, much, of those parts can be found for a fraction, of the price over there. Well. What does it want we, want. So. We built the system we put it all together and we've tested more, or less everything that I can throw at this and what have we learned from it yeah, we can more or less play everything, or every. System, that can be played. On a PC, emulated. PC, games this, will play everything, the only time it stumbles, is on, those, modern. Advanced. Emulators, on the, cutting-edge, games, so, yeah, if they are more than playable, but for me it's not the complete gaming, experience, so, we do need to push this even further again. Like I've said over and over in this video I don't want to throw more money at this what I want to do is tailor the actual specifications. To, suit these emulators, in particular, so. Building. More pcs, let's, build another one and see where that goes this time round again, I want to keep the budget in the same bracket but. I've just ordered a new, case this is it it's, basically the same size as a ps4, I'm gonna, get more grunt, and more specs out of this one while still keeping on the same budget, I'm just, waiting for the CPU, to come through and we. Are good to go I cannot wait to get my teeth stuck into this and see, what we can smash, out of this build, I love, mildewed these pcs, I love tested emulators, I love games in general so, doing things like this for me is just bread and butter I could do this all day the. Only thing is I want to hear from you guys is what, systems, would you like me to test obviously, I'm, gonna push those more troublesome games to see if those work on this build but, I want to notice any systems, you want me to showcase in particular Sega, Saturn Dreamcast. Some of the more retro systems, if there's, any features, within those emulators. Or in fat PC, games that, you want me to try and test out on this. Build, of system, this, is just as much your channel. Just as much your series, and just as much your build and all this because the end of day I'm putting, these together to, hopefully. Encourage you to think outside the box and get this kind of setup and way, of thinking in your, gaming, lifestyle. So hopefully. That. Has encouraged, you guys to make. Magic, happen, it's. Been an absolute, pleasure bringing. This here this first episode has, been bumper. I've covered so much information, I had, to cover so much information, for you guys to know exactly, what's going on so you could follow so, you could, actually get, the relevant information to you I do. Make, long videos that's just the way I am I'm afraid. Hopefully. It's all been relevant and pertinent to you guys so, put. In the comments down below again, if you would like me to feature, anything. At all it's, been an absolute pleasure as always bringing this here all the thanks, goes to my patreon, guys those, are the, people who made this possible the. Money that comes in from patreon. I can pump into parts and build systems like this I can test emulators, in different ways I can build systems. And play games, and, test them for you guys so the entire gaming community, knows what, magic, can be done when, you put a bit of grey matter into, it so thanks, again to everybody that supports me on patreon, there's links if you want to help out in the description down below thank.

You To all the emulator, guys and most of all thank you to you for actually watching, this super, bumper, length, episode, hopefully, it's entertaining but as, always please, like please subscribe, ring. That bell or whatever it is that people do nowadays I think you also drink about 5 bells to actually get notified, if I make a video but, as always most, of all most. Of all you. Guys have a good day, laters.


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