My frustration with YouTube is the, the, projects I'm really passionate about and feel like really good about other. Ones don't get watched I don't get promoted they don't get any revenue you and then I'll do something where I'm like this is really stupid I almost feel bad about posting, it and then it'll just go viral yep I have, the exact same issue and that's why we're trying to do one-day projects as well because it's just like why. Do we spend hundreds of hours Engineering something to have it fall flat on its face cuz that's the problem yeah it doesn't matter how much time you put into a project it's, how you present it and how cool it is yeah. Hey. Do you guys remember that time grant Thompson came to visit hack Smith industries of course you don't because that's happening right now this. Video is sponsored by Nordby PN start protecting yourself on the web today using, my coupon code below and save 77%, off a three-year, plan. Grant. Is, good, - welcome to the shop brought you some Tim Hortons stop. By for some Boston cream so. This is the place yeah. This. Is the spy, car in progress this. Is legit, a spy car you'll. See that like that's the that's the test for doing today I haven't, seen any previous. Videos, coming out tomorrow oh really, yeah oh no kitty this is cool like a James, Bond yep, take, this start just start there's gonna be a whole series of video I'm talking rocket, launchers under the headlights a grappling hook launcher in the grill dispensers, retired spikes and oil slicks and for romantic nights out a built-in, projector so, you have a movie theater wherever you want and. What I'm most excited for is jet engines in the trunk. Okay. Doing the ejection seat today. Check. This out the sleeping pod yeah I recognize, that on the way here I also notice the train tracks and the walking of that how. You doing man good, to see it recognize you in gonna. Meet you guys okay is this the one that you actually have to be, worthy. Okay. This. Is awesome, see this is what I love about your workshop is like you're doing all the things that I wanted. To do. No. Time I just. Gotta take a second to just take this all in there there, is so much stuff in here it's insane you. Got like your sleeping pods up here pull, on Iron Man suit wonder, women see which I'm guessing you use for like occasional. Parties on the weekends yeah it's fun, some. Of this stuff I don't even recognize I haven't played video games since a Nintendo 64 so, I don't, and. How many Thor's, Hammer's, have you got cuz I see them out front I see the I think, we own about six right now or making a few more, so yeah check picking up okay, so. Feels. Like lead. Yeah. That's. About 75, pounds whew that's that's, got some weight to it right uh it's, not a one hander for sure you know what you need to do is almost make a set of barbells dumbbells. You. Know go, to the gym and work out with a horse hammer wouldn't that be the coolest thing. Just. Like in the gym just crank it this out that, actually is really heavy what. Else you got okay so I reckon it's funny I've seen a lot of your videos so I recognize a lot of things it's not coming together I feel. Like I'm using the butch shield yet. Yes. I didn't. See you test it though so. We're, still trying to find a gun, range that will let us shoot it through but the neat thing with this besides, have heavier this is my goodness is we got this little dial here. There. We go I, know. That reminds me of the world's brightest, flashlight yeah, so this is this is, getting up there like this is a 16. LEDs. There. Apparently 9,000. Lemons each okay. It's r18 so, that's like 165, thousand, lumens yeah which, is three. Times the brightness of an IMAX projector, okay yeah although an IMAX projector is much more focused and how, long can you run them before um, it's, actually not too bad I think I think we could probably get like half an hour really out of the battery pack or see it you could hack in it yeah. So it gets, pretty warm like if you feel here it's already getting a bit toasty that's what I was wondering like could you hack an LCD screen to make your own like hundred inch projector you could really IMAX, screen for that matter yeah.
Okay. So I have her FD how heavy this is so. We. Actually did take it to an airsoft game. We. Were able to run slightly with it but. Bogdan. Went a bit too crazy with it and he actually trips and fell and like flipped over it because it was so heavy. So. They'll be in the test video as well still, yeah it's, all its deal did you bend it too bent. Up with Thor's hammer did, you really yeah we literally we put on the table clamp it down I took. We. We've met we've literally managed. To use that for, like the past four projects, for some element of the project we've hit a project, with the hammer you know what you need to do is use that as a counterweight for your flying like Iron Man project. This. New one. It's. Really cool yeah I haven't, actually seen the movie yet oh yeah. That's one of the best all right so if you pull that extend. Well. That's got some weight to it you yep. Everything, we make super, heavy. Alright. And then you want to go back you just flip this the other direction and then. Yeah. So, actually over. Here, so. That's our Han Solo blaster, okay, and we're. Planning on blowing up the Death Star with, the blaster. That's. Just a flare gun good for you issues flares yeah, awesome. I would love to talk to you about legalities, in Canada. It's. A bit of a gray area I've, learned a lot about legalities, recently, I actually sat down with the city yesterday. Before I flew up here oh I'm sat down with the entire city chief of police all the fire marshals, the risk assessment, manager the, mayor. Of the city yeah so I learned a lot about what. The city thinks. Is legal what, like. Very interesting, system where like nobody, knows and it's a gray area for everybody, there's, no right way to do anything it's just like do you get caught and do you get prosecuted or not that. Makes a lot of sense actually. Oh. Riley. If you're gonna watch potentially, dangerous stuff, on YouTube you should really be using a VPN yeah. Yes Riley a VPN, in, this day and age everything you do online is being watched by someone or, something and it's super important to keep your privacy, even if you don't think you have anything to hide you really want some company owning your entire browsing history I know I don't luckily, we've teamed up with Nord VPN, and if use my coupon code, below you can save seventy-seven percent on a three-year membership that's only two seventy-five a month plus with up to six devices per account you're protected on your laptop tablet phone, and even your desktop computer and. With over 4,000 servers in 62 countries you can browse the web from anywhere, and, Nord, VPN will never save or share your data and. There we go now you can watch all the dangerous videos on YouTube you want, thanks. Plus, it goes without saying you should never be doing any private, work or banking, on public Wi-Fi without, the use of the VPN. Time. To do some private banking on a public Wi-Fi network Oh.
Free. Wi-Fi is the easiest way for hackers to see their personal information or, money. So. You got a great great setup here you could pretty much do everything yeah, let me let me show you the plasma cutter then so. Yeah this is a new baby and we. Have literally used it for almost every single project since. We got it it. Makes everything so much easier especially. For welding we do this double as a waterjet table also uh no, only yeah. Did. You use this for the console, yep so we got at the Han Solo blaster. We've got. Frostmourne. It's a sort of a building part, of the Captain America shield. Rackets. That explains why it's heavy it's. Like really good. And. The gold is that that, does kind of Iron Man II theme the. Render is complete, little. Ostentatious don't, you think tell. You what throw. A little hotrod red in there yes that should help you keep a low profile, and then everything else is yellow, and red which is very just a comic book okay. Right. Primary cut it always wondered why instantly comical, because you very, much there make it real yeah I'd, say like you probably got to handle on make it real I mean I think so I'm, saying even the Wonder Woman laughs ooh uh-huh. All, you need to do is attach electrodes to, the end that does a lie-detector, test. True. Yeah. Back. Here we have some more of our really nice equipment, this. Is a tormach. P CNC 440, million machine so. It's a small CNC machine, tore, mocks been really great to us they've given. Us all these machines okay. So I got a question for you you have, some pretty impressive pieces, of machinery in here okay is there anything in your workshop that, you don't have the you wish you had so. The plasma table, was like I keep, saying it was the last piece of the puzzle and I truly believe that because we have literally used, like almost every single project since, we got it in here and I've wired one for years because. My very first piece of equipment that I ever bought was a CNC laser cutter which. Can only do plastic and wood but. Because. It could do plastic and wood, it. Opened up so many possibilities for projects, that coupled, with a 3d printer so. I saw, the plasma table as the next evolutionary, step where you can make stuff out of now let's. Check out upstairs. Otto. So. The. Actual ones have started shipping so, I'll be getting my actual. Boring flamethrowers, soon and I'm really excited I'm I'm just curious how, he even, did it can, we expect that as a video on oh yeah. And. Then obviously. A comparison. Yeah. Obvious. This is where we film stuff we've got one camera set up here constantly, just as it's. Easy because we always do the intros and outros here. Did. You build this shot no. So this shop was built back in the 80s actually so, it was actually built by a trucker that's why it's got the huge door he's need to actually pull a transport, truck it looks like it's a pretty good shape yeah. Yeah. So. It was very well bit built, we're. Lucky that it was in decent shape because, before I bought this place, the previous, owners rented it out to some rather sketchy clientele, and, literally, when. We got this place it was like a hoarders, nightmare, my. Guys really there's a piles of garbage everywhere, and we had to clean it all out but. Luckily the, bones of this place were fine and we, painted all the walls to there for the dirty ceiling, still kind of. And. I remember when you're starting out your wall had nothing on it except your were clearing claws yep. Are. These the pens you're talking about yep from pub G yeah so we made a few mini ones to do as a giveaway Oh interesting, what. Would you say the project you're most proud of. Probably. The Captain America shield the new one because. That was a good solid weeks of like. Six weeks of design-build. And. The whole team like I spent the first one. Or two weeks designing it and then, it was almost a month straight of the. Entire team working full-time to build it like each of those shields probably, took. Maybe. Like a hundred hours of labor at least Justin, like and you got holding everything, okay there's a prototype up here on the wolfpack wall oh, wow. Is. This the railgun this. Is the wait, a minute it's the crossbow, style yeah, oh, that's right you shot, a red heart rebar through like a zombie head yeah. Yeah. Right and that stayed monetized no problem I did actually and really yeah, okay. This looks familiar I got one of these I. Actually just started using this the walls blocked has six yep this, is sat in my workshop for a year and collecting dust it's, because I don't know how to do any 3d model on your 3d mock-ups. Yeah I finally got into fusion 360 okay. I still, feel like a beginner but I designed a couple Lego bricks nice and printed them lock and I've.
Almost Addictive, together, so I'm, really interested in picking your brain on the whole 3d modeling for sure cuz I feel like once you once, you get that lock down then it opens up access, to all these to it yeah so, we got more printers into there yeah we have four, of them actually. Are. You working with the manager, are, you negotiating ideas pretty much old. Self-managed. It's a lot of work or what, did you used to do, yeah. So I was a Mickey, I was a proc developer at a company, that made projectors. But III helped. Work on designing, digital, projectors, by. The company that used to make IMAX projectors, okay, so imax actually when, imax went from film to digital, they, had their projectors, made by christy digital which is actually a local Kitchener company which is the world leader in digital projection technologies, maybe they're one of the biggest most, movie theories you go to it's a Christie projector and, then. This is the original laser cutter, how. Often do you use this oh we still use it probably on a daily basis, so it's, it's still super used I was, like your must-haves like which tools would you consider like the staples, yeah if I was to start again I'd. Probably get, a 3d printer plasma, cutter and welding, equipment if, I had enough money plasma table right so, yeah so this is for cutting wood and plastics, yeah. So, even I kind of like little puzzle boxes, yeah, so it's great for doing electrical. Boxes. For like smell little, projects and whatnot and the neat thing with this is this is generated, from a website called maker case comm you, very say I want a box that measures 8 inches by 12 inches by 4 inches and automatically. Makes the plans for you with the cutout you hit print you, can hot glue it together really, so it's just another one of those like super convenient things my. Frustration, with YouTube is the the, projects I'm really passionate about and feel like really good about either, one don't get watched yeah I don't get promoted they don't get any revenue you and then I'll do something where I'm like this is really stupid, I almost feel bad about posting, it and then it'll just go viral yeah I have, the exact same issue and that's why we're trying to do one-day projects, as well because it's just like why. Do we spend hundreds of hours Engineering something to have it fall flat on its face that's, the problem yeah it doesn't matter how much time you put into a project it's, how you present it and how cool it is yeah, I. Want to know about your Captain America suit though that's legit yeah that. Came from the killer body, Chinese.
Company It's, licensed, so, it is it's, a pretty legit costume, and we, we. Weathered it to make it look even better so. When, we walk over there you'll see we uh we, actually tore feelings, and rub it in the dirt and, a bit, of black spray-paint brownish you know I was looking at your pictures from your photo shoot and I was like this yeah, it looks very realistic, yeah so what one of the cool features we added which. We saw in. A screenshot from the movie before the movie came out is, this yeah, so. Some people said it was like vibranium scales, or something it was something that was never even mentioned in the movie but we literally ripped holes and found, this material glued. It in and made, it look like it's, actually inside. The entire suit. That's. Cute so, it's funny you mentioned this so we are looking at industrial properties, now because we want to expand we, don't have enough room like this is actually only half the team right now and it's already getting crowded here. This. Is Evan he's our Video Editor DUP Evan and then. We've. Also got Benjamin who, does, electronics, engineering as well Oh awesome, but. Anyways, we're. Torn between trying, to find a farm to buy because a farm means we'd have lots of outdoor space for big projects, or an industrial property, in an actual industrial district well. I'm totally not planning that I'm gonna be honest man I'm pretty impressed and pretty jealous it's a setup that you got here looks amazing, this, really is and I love how secluded, it is it's. So amazingly, industrial. And yet hidden. Go in the backyard yeah. Good. Stuff well there's your next trick is to make an Iron Man suit it's got muscle definition. Now. That. Would ever, be quite the challenge, can I see your pot yeah. This. Was actually this is the very first example of, being, able to build a really cool project because, of a sponsorship, and we. Were really excited about it so just like I love, wait we can get paid to make something cool that we get to keep afterwards, like literally in my house I'm gonna have one of these just cuz sometimes you just need to get away where, it's quiet it's desert saucer conditions. There. Yeah can, I step up and take a look again yeah if I wanna see what mutters you. Such. A garage door opener. It's. Literally a garage door opener strapped to the bottom really, yep. And. Then all, the tech in it is literally, just consumer, tech that. Has, apps. For Android, or iPhone or whatever and we just have it all controlled by that tablet now this isn't to one day build now, did you conceptualize, it Ian. Actually designed this one I just like that's a lot of something we can talk about like when it's more casual like the companies, are working with ad agencies. Experience. His numbers definitely. Awesome. And. With that what kind a. Secret. Meeting time. All. Right so you guys I'm gonna sign my robot arm, let's. Go. Just. Like a big NR. Well. I hope you guys enjoyed that video grant came up for a few days to learn a bit more about engineering and taught me a bunch about how to run my business better unfortunately. We've got to shoot an outro so let me be the first to say if you're not subscribed to the king of random yet head on over to his channel and do so he's a great guy and his channel produces some awesome content, let's give him over ten million subscribers and, if you guys want to see some more behind-the-scenes content check out our vlog channel we have another video right here featuring both grant Thompson and Evan frickin kale and yes, we might do a collab someday.