Welcome to our Deep dive into the international telecommunication Union itu the organization that's been connecting our world for over 150 years from the early days of the telegraph to The Cutting Edge digital Technologies we rely on today itu has been at the Forefront of every major Communications breakthrough whenever we use a mobile phone or send an email or access the internet or watch television or streaming services or fly on a plane or check the weather or use satellite images for navigation we are benefiting from it use work in this video we will explore itus Rich history groundbreaking achievements and how it's organized today to meet the ever evolving needs of global telecommunications the itu is at the heart of global connectivity and Beyond as the United Nations specialized agency for digital technology the itu is dedicated to leveraging Innovation to connect everyone ensuring a brighter future for all since its Inception in 1865 the international telecommunication Union has been pivotal in advancing Communications evolving from telegraphy to Modern satellites mobile phones and the internet itu story is one of the international cooperation among government governs private companies and other stakeholders the itu has a membership of 194 member states and over thousand companies universities and international and Regional organizations headquartered in Geneva Switzerland with Regional Offices in Brazil Ethiopia Egypt and Thailand itu is the oldest agency in the United Nations family connecting the world since the dawn of the telegraph in 1865 the itu facilitates international connectivity in communication networks it allocates Global radio spectrum and satellite orbits develops technical standards to ensure seamless Network and Technology connections and works to improve digital technology access in undeserved communities worldwide the itu's mission is to bring digital connectivity to everyone providing a trusted multilateral platform to broker International agreements and standards share knowledge build capacity and collaborate with members and part Partners to spread technology access globally let us delve into it use transformative history in Communications starting with Telegraph to telephone radio television space and satellites the Internet and mobile connectivity from Telegraph to telephone have you ever wondered how people sent complex messages over long distances before modern technology for the for thousands of years careers on Horseback were the fastest way to deliver messages but at the end of the 18th century everything started to change clad introduced a network of visual semaphor stations across France Paving the way for the electrical Revolution soon experiments in sending electric signals along wires led to groundbreaking inventions in 1839 London saw the world's first commercial Telegraph service thanks to Charles wistone meanwhile the United States Samuel Moos sent his first Telegraph message using Mo code in 1844 even before that in 1843 Alexander Bane in the United Kingdom had already patented a precursor to the fax machine for transmitting images as Telegraph wires began to connect major towns in many countries the communication Revolution continued by 1850 a submarine telegraph wi was laid between Britain and France leading to a regular service the following year in 1858 the first transatlantic Telegraph cable was laid but that there was a hitge messages had to be translated into different systems when Crossing National borders causing delays to streamline communication representatives from 20 European States met in Paris for an international Telegraph conference they work together to standardize telegraphy equipment set uniform operating instructions and establish common International tariff and account ing rules this collaboration led to the signing of the first International Telegraph convention on 17th May 1865 founding the international Telegraph Union this historic date is now celebrated as World telecommunication and Information Society day just a decade later in 187 76 the next big leap in communication occurred with the invention of the telephone the itu at their conference in Berlin in 1885 began creating international law for telephoning they specified 5 minutes as a unit of char unlimited call lens to 10 minutes if others were waiting the itu set up its own Bureau in Switzerland following a decision at the 1868 International Telegraph conference in Vienna starting with just three staff members the headquarters moved to Geneva in 1948 telephones allowed people to speak directly over long distances not just send more scored but what if a wi couldn't reach someone like on a ship in 1880 David Edward demonstrated Wireless signaling at the Royal Society in London the evolution of radio imagine a time when sending messages across the ocean was nearly impossible due to different radio equipment that's where our Story begins in 1900 fessenden made history with the first experimental transmission of human voice he went on to create the world's first broadcast of voice and music in 19006 around the same time in 19001 Marone achieved a groundbreaking oneway transatlantic radio transmission but international radio connections faced similar issues to early telegraphy in 19002 Prince Henry of preia experienced this firstand when his courtesy message to US president was refused due to incompatible radio equipment this incident spurred the German government to call a preliminary radio conference in Berlin in 19003 to establish international radio Telegraph regulations by 19006 representatives from 29 Nations attended the first international radio Telegraph conference in Berlin they decided that the itus bureau would act as the central administrator for the conference launching the radio Telegraph section on first may 19007 this conference produced the international radio Telegraph convention with regulations that would be expanded and revised over time becoming known as the radio regulations today these regulations cover more than th000 pages on sharing and using the limited radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbits internationally the 19006 conference also established SOS as the international maritime distress call the titonic tragedy in 1912 underscored the need for further improvements later that year in 1912 International radio Telegraph conference in London agreed on a common wavelength for ships distress signals and required ships to maintain radio silence at regular intervals to listen for distress calls throughout the 1920s radio usage searched especially in popular broadcasting the 1927 Washington conference allocated specific frequency B to various radio services including fixed Maritime aeronautical mobile broadcasting am mature and experimental keeping up with progress despite the chaos of World War I itu continued its critical technical work behind the scenes however International meetings were put on hold until 1925 when the international Telegraph Conference was held in Paris this conference was a game changer officially incorporating the International longdistance Telephone consultative committee into itu and creating the international Telegraph consultative committee fast forward 2 years to 1927 the radio Telegraph conference in Washington brought another significant development the international radio consultative committee was established joining forces with ccif and ccit these three committees were now responsible for coordinating technical studies and setting International standards in all telecommunications fields in 1956 a major merger took place combining the ccif and ccit to form the International Telephone and Telegraph consultative committee ccit this was a pivotal m in itus history streamlining efforts and enhancing coordination across various telecommunications disciplines the rise of Television the Journey of Television began with John baade who gave gave the first public demonstration in London in 1925 fast forward a decade a mechanical device was replaced by the electronic television systems developed in the United States these systems used cathod R tubes initially created by Carl around 40 years earlier regular low resolution television broadcast started in the late 1920 with notable improvements in the early 1930s however it was it wasn't until after the World War II the television truly took off as a new medium in 1949 itu released its first technical standards for television over the following decades itu published more than 150 technical standards making it possible to deliver high quality image across the globe today itu standards Encompass all forms of sound and vision broadcasting including modern multimedia and data Transmissions to various devices it significant role in establishing International broadcasting standards was recognized by the US National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences with me Awards in 19 1983 and 2012 additionally itu received Prime Time me Awards in 2018 and 2017 from the academy of television Arts and Sciences for its video coding collaboration with ISO and IEC one of the remarkable outcomes of itu Standards collaboration with ISO and I was the jpeg partnership in 2019 the engineering team responsible for the first edition of the jpeg image compression standard which is itu t.8 series was honored with an engineering me award for its outstanding contribution to image coding space and satellites The Space Age officially kicked off on 4th October 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial satellite Sputnik 1 not long after satellit started revolutionizing telecommunications the passive Echo one was launched by the United States in 1960 and in 1962 the first active direct relay communication satellite tellar one took to the skies this join project between France and the UK and the US made history on 23rd July 1962 by enabling people on both sides of the Atlantic to watch a live television broadcast simultaneously initially tracking these satellites as they moved across the sky was necessary but a more efficient ution came from the imaginative mind of writer Arthur C Clark who in 1945 proposed the idea of geostationary communications Satellites by 1964 after experiments with geosynchronous satellites the first geost stationary satellite syncom 3 was launched much like radio frequency spectrum the geostationary orbit around Earth is a finite natural resource that must be managed to prevent interference in 1963 itu held an extraordinary administrative conference for space Communications allocating frequencies to various Services subsequent conferences continued to refine these regulations ensuring the fair and efficient use of orbital slots satellites have become indispensable for linking broadcasting on wi telephone systems providing navigation services and supporting mobile Communications satellite phones for instance can be Life Savers in emergencies or in areas lacking traditional networks in 1992 itu made its first Spectrum allocations for Go Global mobile personal Communications by satellite itus responsibilities also extend to supporting radio astronomers and space scientists who play Vital roles in weather prediction and monitoring Earth's environment and climate climate change is a key focus of itus efforts alongside emergency communications like satellite based disaster Warning Systems the internet for thousands of years humans have used devices like the abas to help with calculations the journey toward modern computers began in the early 19th century when Charles babage in London designed the Difference Engine in 1822 and later the analytical engine fast forward to the 20th century where Pioneers like Alan touring in the UK and developments in Germany the Us and other places laid the groundwork for modern Computing a significant breakthrough came in the 1940s with the invention of the transister however the real game changer was connecting computers together sparking the internet Revolution it all started in 1969 with arpanet a packet switch network of computers developed by the US defense department this network carried the first email in 1971 then in 1989 British scientist Tim Berner Lee and Belgian Robert at CN near Geneva proposed a distributed hypex system now known as the worldwide web by 1990 the software was developed and made freely available not just within CN but globally the internet which carries the worldwide web relies on various types of equipment and telecommunication infrastructure working seamlessly together the global EXP expansion of the internet Wes much to itus technical standards from the early days of modems to today's Broadband these standards are essential for the critical transport layers and access technologies that make the internet accessible itu continues to address future challenges such as the transition to IP version 6 to meet the growing need for Internet Protocol addresses especially with the rise of the internet of things today the internet is used by more than a third of the global population its immense social and economic impact means that policy discussions are crucial itu has a long history of fostering debates on how to make the internet work for every one the world Summit on the Information Society gave itu the mandate to lead these efforts bringing together all interested parties additionally it work includes cyber security protecting Children online promoting multilingualism on the internet safeguarding consumer rights and privacy International internet connectivity and encourage in investment in the necessary infrastructure mobile connectivity when it comes to connecting people in modern times the mobile phone has arguably made the most significant impact and itu has been at the Forefront of this incredible progress the journey began in 1973 when Martin Cooper of motor in the United States made the first demonstration call with a handheld cell phone by 1979 commercial networks were established in Japan followed by the Nordic countries in 1981 these early systems used unlock technology the evolution continued with the launch of digital second generation mobile services in Finland in 1991 and Third Generation in Japan in 2001 at the world radio communication conference in 1993 itu agreed on radio frequency spectrum allocations for 2G mobile telephoning however as technology advanced a fragmented Market of various mobile phone systems emerged after more than a decade of effort under it leadership a historic decision was made at the 2000 conference the anonymous approval of technical specifications for third generation systems known as IMT 2000 this Milestone enabled full interoperability of mobile systems and laid the foundation for highspeed wireless devices capable of handling voice data and internet Connections in 2012 the itu radio communication assembly agreed on specifications for IMT Advanced creating a global platform for the next generation of interactive mobile services by 2013 itu reported that there were 6.8 billion mobile phone subscriptions nearly matching the world population more people are opting for smartphones and other mobile devices that connect them to the internet revolutionizing how we communicate and access information as globalization surged and telecommunication markets began to open up the itu recognized the need to adapt at the 1989 conference it was clear that itu structure and working methods needed a comprehensive review to address this an additional Conference was held in Geneva in 1992 this conference resulted in streamlining the itu into three main sectors telecommunication standardization itut radio communication it and telecommunication development it this new structure was designed to enhance efficiency and better respond to the rapidly evolving Global telecommunication landscape we have taken a fascinating Journey Through the history and the impact of the international telecommunication Union from the early days of the telegraph to the digital age itu has been instrumental in shaping Global Communications in our next series of videos we will dive deeper into itu's three main sectors telecommunication standardization itut radio communication itur and telecommunication development it we will explore their unique contributions and how they continue to drive Innovation and connectivity in today's rapidly evolving World stay tuned as we uncover the vital work being done in each sector to ensure that everyone everywhere can benefit from the advancements in telecommunications thank you
2025-01-18 17:18