The Incredible Alcatraz Prison Break

The Incredible Alcatraz Prison Break

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This week on BuzzFeed and saw we covered the thrilling escape from the famed Alcatraz, prison the inmates who pulled this off did so by executing, an ingenious, and daring, plan and who doesn't love a good Prison Break right I do, will there be tunnels, uh. You. Could say there was a tunnel I guess, if you were sitting in a Cell for a long time you would be able to come up with pretty, cool things to escape that, being said the, things that they did come up with I was pressed by but I'm easily impressed well I guess tell your story okay yeah. Formerly. A military, base Alcatraz. Island opened. As a federal maximum-security prison. In 1934. The. Prison was nicknamed, The Rock due, to the fact that the prison sits on a 22 acre island, about a mile and a quarter away from, the city of San Francisco, because. Of this the prison gained a reputation as, being, inescapable. With, water surrounding, the prison have ring around 48, degrees Fahrenheit, 254, degrees Fahrenheit. All year. Along, with formidable currents. Pulling, strongly, out to sea, leading up to low tide San. Francisco is very cool it's very cold and I have very delicate Southern, California, skin the coldest, winter. Of my life was a summer in San Francisco. Okay. I thought. You're gonna go into your typical. Midwestern. People no winter. And cold people. Do no I'll tell you oh Jesus okay, no it's fine we don't have to go snow I'm, very happy for you what a feather in all your caps mm-hmm so shall, we move on if. You must great as, time went on the, prison would fall into disrepair, and the budget to fix things was, limited, this, would become an important. Factor, in the inmates escape, so, without further ado let's. Meet the, escaped crew first, up we have the Anglin brothers John. William Angwin and his younger brother Clarence. Anglin both, in their early 30s at the time of the escape the, brothers were serving time for robbing, a bank together I wouldn't, mind being in a jail.

Cell With my bro yeah the thing is like being in prison obviously, not ideal yeah but you got your bro there with you and the only word next door to each other that's very funny that's very fun yeah, that's. A big bonding I wonder if one, of them got the letter like. Ooh where. You going, it's. Going to Alcatraz, he was like me to jump. Up it they. Got accepted to college together next, we have Frank Morris in his mid thirties at the time of the escape who, had been abandoned, as a young child put, in foster care and run away and was, then in and out of Prisons since he was just 13 years old, he, was also serving time for a bank robbery the, final member of the crew is Ellen West aged 33, at the time of the escape West. Began serving time by the age of 14, and bounced, around various, federal prisons, our crew of escapees, established, let's jump into the inception of the escape it. Said that West first approached Morris with a plan to escape in early 1960. West, apparently, knew of a ventilator cover above cellblock, B that, might not be sealed over with concrete, as some of the other vents had been if true, this, could provide them with a way to get onto the roof of the prison from the inside, Wes. Also began working with the cell house maintenance, crew which gave him insight, into the building structure layout, and weaknesses. By, September, 1961. The, Anglin, brothers Morris. And West all had, requested, moves to cells that were close to each other in Cell Block B directly. Under the unsecured, vent cover all, sound, moves were approved, this. Goes back to my thinking that prison may be back then or maybe in this particular, prison. Didn't, seem so bad you, just put in a request and, they're like oh you want to move. I. Mean, the thought is like this, is I should have just asked to leave I think, this is maybe a lesson, in humility for this prison the prison guards and the prison warden you know obviously. This prison has been thought of as this, fortress of security, it's, thought of as unescapable, it's, surrounded by water oh what's, the worst element, of hubris yeah what's. The worst they're gonna do do what you want it doesn't matter because you're never gonna escape here in terms. Of who planned what the details are a bit murky but, one thing is for sure the. Plan that the four men would execute was, undoubtedly, bold, and ingenious, that. Being said. Let's break down the. Plan starting. With phase one, deception. With. Alcatraz, it wasn't just about escaping, the prison walls as it was also about making it back to the mainland, and avoiding, capture in that process in, order, to prevent that the men knew they needed a head start to, accomplish, this the men created painted, dummy heads made, from a plaster like mix of soap, concrete. And other materials, and complete. With, human hair they laid the heads in their beds to fool the guards sure. Enough on June 12 on the morning following the escape when, the 7:00 a.m. bell went off to wake the prisoners, guards, discovered, that the escapees, appeared, to still be asleep in their beds, it wasn't, until one guard reached into Morris's, cell and pushed the head only for it to roll away and strike, the ground that, the guards realized, something. Was wrong to. This day the, dummy head that struck the ground still, has the damage that resulted, from this fall it's. Unknown, who came up with the idea to create dummy, heads, however, Clarence. Worked as a barber, and had access to human hair trimmings either, way phase one deception, was, a success, if I were that guard and I. Reached. Into that bed Oh wake. Up sir. You're. Missing or so you know it's head rolls out yeah yeah first, I'd scream I go, ha I don't know my own strength I just dam, there and go oh. They. Did it very good very good good I would be angry if the craftsmanship, weren't, so, good it's varied as I pick it up and I see the human hair I'm thinking well they really pulled out all the stops here I say out of fool this brings us to phase 2, breakout. After, laying, the dummies in their beds the men went to work on busting, out of their cells all four of the men's cells had five inch by nine and a half inch ventilation. Grates in the back of their cells perhaps. Due to his time on maintenance Wes may have known that the wall surrounding the Great was less than six inches thick making, it possible for each man to expand, the hole in their cell to fit through four, months each of the escapees.

Had Drilled small, closely-spaced. Holes around the cover of the ventilation, grades for. This they, used crude, handmade, tools like, spoons stolen, from the kitchen and a, drill, made from a vacuum cleaner motor, these. Holes made it possible for them to remove the entire small, section, of the wall around the air vents which they then kept covered up with their musical, instruments and with big covers, made of cardboard I'm. Also not that handy so retrofitting, a you know a vacuum. Motor turning it into a drill I don't know if I'd be able to think of that I don't know I don't know so they're essentially just perforating. It yeah, they're just they're priming it by making little holes they're making the the wall a little bit weaker, so that they could just push through this wall and this is out of view of the so. It's not out of view but, the. This, prison allowed, an. Hour called hack I think was called happy hour where the, inmates, wickets margaritas, knowing is margaritas but the the, inmates who played musical. Instruments were allowed to play, their instruments, during this hour what is this prison. Every. Talks oh the, rock you don't want to go to the rock it sounds. Like a happy, hour at the rock. It. Sounds like the prison from Paddington, - don't forget your loot yeah, under, the cover of all this shitty music playing they, were probably able to do some drilling these holes allowed, them to crawl through to a utility, corridor, located. Directly behind their cells that was typically left unguarded, from. There they were able to climb up to a hidden landing, area directly, above their cell block where, they had been working in secret for several, months some. Or all of the escapees, had been given permission at, some point to do maintenance work on this, landing, area in fact, to, this day you, can still see where West actually completed. Part of the painting job apparently. West. Had even convinced, the guards to allow him to hang blankets, that concealed, his work because, it was sending dust cascading, down to the ground level in reality. He, was actually, using blankets, to hide the work that was really, being done up there this. Concealed, landing, area became the escapees, secret. Workshop they. Even built and used a primitive, periscope. To take turns as lookout, in the, workshop, they were able to build the aforementioned, dummies tools, and other items, they'd used to escape it's worth noting that on the night of the escape West, never, made it to this landing, spot due, to the fact that he was unable to break through the last portion of the wall around his ventilation, grease consequently.

West. Was, left behind from. The landing the ceiling was about thirty feet directly overhead and the men were able to climb to the ceiling via the pipes and reach an air vent that they had previously pried off in preparation, for the air escape experts. Believe that sound reportedly, heard around 10:30, p.m. was. The sound of the air vent cover being pushed off on the roof and this, marks the approximate. Time the escapees, would have reached the roof they, then climbed down from the roof via a pipe next to the back of their cellblock climbed, the 15-foot, fence and made, their way to the North Shore of the island which. Brings us to the next phase phase. 3, escaping. The island, in. Their workshop, the inmates had built life preservers, in a six by fourteen foot rubber raft all made, from prison-issue, raincoats. They've, gathered, over 50, raincoats, for the job possibly. Stitching them together using, sewing machines in the clothing or glove shops they, even vulcanized, the rubber raincoats, by holding the seams up to the heat from the steam pipes an idea. They've, gotten from a Popular, Mechanics issue. The, raft was inflated, using, a converted, musical, instrument, a concertina. Ordered, by Morris back in April do you think every day for 50 days they just kept going lost my raincoat, again I mean. There was a forty ninth crime in a row a. Lot, of raincoats, I guess yeah and I guess they weren't keeping inventory of them I'm guessing that they got really not fair amount of poop on them they're like all right throw that in the trash we're, just walking by taking, them slow and what do they store I guess in the workshop you know I find with government, employees they're, always thrilled, to waste the money yeah, yeah they're you know they're spent you know they're like hey yeah, that's, on the government's, dime so if you're a prisoner. And you're like I lost a raincoat they're probably like yeah they, have more I don't care it's not mine. Yeah, that's, coming from Uncle Sam's pop, you're not taking from the guards personal, stash of, raincoats, yeah but, 50 does seem like an inordinate amount to, gather. Organize, them, the. Steamy the steamy pipe a Popular, Mechanics issue, I love it the plan was to sail across San, Francisco, Bay in their raft to Angel Island about, two miles north of Alcatraz, Island from, there they would sail again. This time across Raccoon straight about, a half mile wide which. Would then bring them to the mainland, there, they, would steal a car as well as clothing, according to West who would later inform the FBI about. A good deal of the plan once. The men were discovered missing Alcatraz. Went into lockdown as a search began guards. Quickly found the secret workshop the, hole in the ceiling and footprints, on the roof and at the bottom of the pipe they climbed down the. FBI joined the case as with the Coast Guard and Bureau of prison authorities, in what would be a wide-scale, search, however. The, escapees, as well, as their rat were, never seen again even. Though we know the three men made it off of Alcatraz Island, what. Happened to the three men after, that remains. A mystery, that, being said let's. Get in to the theories of which, there are only two, that, the men escaped and survived or, that. They perished, in the journey over to the mainland, let's, start with the latter the. Bays waters, are known for being frigid, and there is a strong current that could have worked against the escapees, experts. Point out that the trios goal of taking the raft north, to Angel Island would have been extremely difficult at, this time especially. Given that they had paddles, but no rudder, additionally. Results. Of a reenactment, of the escape carried out by Dutch scientists. In a piece for PBS in which, they built a raft, similar, to the one the escapees, used found, that two of the men would have to work to keep the raft inflated, leaving, only one to paddle, the, weather would have been about 47, degrees Fahrenheit, when the men made it outside the prison the, water is said to have been 54, degrees Fahrenheit, if the Roundheads, or the men had gone overboard, into the water they would probably have only lasted, two hours before. Starting to lose consciousness, according, to author Jolene, Babia I'll tell you what you ever looked out into the waters in that Bay, I've, looked out to the water as a night in the ocean it's scary but that Bay in particular, I don't, like the look of it the ocean is scary in the daytime it's scary enough but that Bay scarier. Than the ocean I can't. Say I can't speak to that it's rocky and it's cold the.

Only Time I've ever looked at that Bay has been in a very fun, context, I was watching a group of seals fight each other oh that's fun it was really funny were slapping each other away and them fell off and you but imagine that if you're trying to escape and a seal, hops up on your boat starts laughing I. Don't. Know ideal would be cute but if I come on man goddess gave very, funny meet, you back on the shore we'll do this again sometime on, June 12 bits, of wood resembling, a handmade, paddle, were found in the water near Angel, Island the, pieces were identified, as belonging to the escapees, On June 14th, bags, made from raincoats, were found halfway between Alcatraz. And Angel, Island these, bags contained, irrefutable evidence that, they had belonged to the escapees, photos. Of the England's and their family nine, pieces of paper with a list of people to contact on, the outside, and a, letter written, to Clarence Anglin many. Point to these personal, items as evidence, that the journey was ill-fated. As these, would have not been items easily given, up on June, 15th, a homemade, life vest was found floating near kronkite, beach a second, life vest was discovered on June 22nd. No more than 100, yards from the eastern coast of Alcatraz, Island its. Ties were still knotted, all, three of the men would have set out with very little money so, the fact that the hordes of authorities, on the case never found a shred of evidence of any thefts, or holdups, tied to Morris or the englands for food clothing, or transportation, made. It seem unlikely that, they made it to the mainland, alive the, FBI states that they never found any credible, evidence either in the US or abroad that. The men lived in mid. July 1962. About, six weeks after the escape a Norwegian. Shipping freighter the SS, Norval, spotted, a body in the ocean about 20, miles away from the golden Brij however. They. Did not call in the sighting and did not report it until fall. When, they returned to San Francisco, and the body was, never recovered look. It's a dead guy oh well. I guess, if it's afraid I mean one you should report it but if it's afraid or they can't, imagine they can really stop look I get know so you know time is money yes sure I get not stopping, but. Dead, body, yeah and. Because the body was never recovered we can't tell if it's one of these three men you know so. You. Know shit. Happens in the sea I guess though there, is plenty of credence to our second theory that the escapee survived, morons. And the Anglin brothers had, a raft to help them navigate the waters which many people have successfully, been able to swim before without, the benefit, of a raft or lifejackets.

A Triathlon. Is held each year in which participants, complete, a mile and a half swim in the same waters around the same time of year that the escape occurred. Participants. Do say that the current choppy, waters, and wind, are major, factors to contend, with but, according to Jeff harp a security, analyst, for CBS San, Francisco, who worked with the FBI for over, 20 years and, goes, for swims in the San Francisco Bay, he, doesn't know of any contestants. In the triathlon, who haven't, been able to complete the swim furthermore. Most, of the bodies of those who drown in the bay will float after a few days but, despite extensive, searches, the fugitives, bodies, were never found, US, Marshal Michael Dyke has run a simulation with, help from the Coast Guard that determined, the escapees, could have survived in the water for, two and a half hours at least if the raft plan failed the, same Dutch scientists, who carried out the reenactment, of the escape also, created, a computer, model which. They presented, in 2014. That, could recreate the conditions in the water on the night of the escape the, model found that there was a very narrow window between, 11:30, p.m. and midnight, during. Which the trio would have needed to launch their raft in order to have a chance of, you need to land and since, the inmates may have made it to the roof by 10:30, p.m. this. Window, seems possible though, even, then they, would have had to let the currents carry them to Horseshoe, Bay north, east of the Golden Gate Bridge rather. Than trying to reach Angel Island the. Model also suggested, that items, left at the shoreline near Horseshoe, Bay would, drift back towards Angel Island where, some of the escapees, items were recovered once, the tides reversed, and while, the Dutch scientists, real-life recreation, of the escape did not work as they, were unable to withstand the currents and bring the raft to land they, still got fairly, close to Golden Gate Bridge in a little over an hour aboard, the raft one, of the scientists conceded, he still believes the escapees, might have been able to pull it off given the rush of adrenaline and, need to survive. Also, one, thing I want to point out here I don't. Know how accurate, this, test is if you have scientists. Doing. The paddling, themselves, in the boat what's fucking point that I. Just. Like I mean, I feel like maybe. Have. Some guys, that are a little closer to the dudes who were escaping, yeah I I guess I am generalizing, that scientists, are. Meek. Individuals. But I'm just saying that if these are inmates hardened. Criminals, that, are trying to survive I don't. Know if this is the best people, for the job I guess and I guess scientists, could go to the gym right I suppose well, Chris prep in the in the Jurassic, world film he's not a scientist he's, also a character. But his, name is Owen Grady. Whoa. They're blue oh Jesus. Everybody loves blue a great character, David, Widner the nephew of the Anglin brothers has, said that his uncle Robert one of John and Clarence's older brothers confessed. On his deathbed to his sister's quote that, they didn't have to worry about their brothers that he had been in touch with them and they were okay end quote, when. Are added that his grandmother, who would have been John and Clarence England's, mother would, sometimes receive roses with, her son's signatures, on the card following, the 1962. Escape, multiple. Family members of, John and Clarence Anglin have, claimed over the years at family, funerals, that, have noticed mysterious women, wearing, veils and/or, heavy makeup, which could have been the undercover, England, brothers coming to pay their respects, in 2015. A History, Channel show claimed, that a photo taken of two men in Brazil 13, years, after the escape depicted. Brothers John and Clarence Anglin alive. The. Photograph, came from Fred Brizzy a childhood, friend of the Anglin brothers who, turned it over to the family sometime in the 1990s. Brizzy's. Story is that he was on a trip in Brazil when he happened to run into John, and Clarence at a bar Brizzy. Has since passed away many in the England family have held on to the belief that John and Clarence survived, the escape they also believe the photo shows, John and Clarence an expert. Connected with the History Channel show concluded. That the photo showed, the Anglin brothers the. US Marshal's, Office investigated. The claim their experts, do not believe the photo depicts, John and Clarence, however, they, acknowledge, that a solid determination isn't. Really possible given the age and wear to the photo and the fact that the subjects, are wearing sunglasses, their. Execution, of this plan was so impressive that I know. It's technically, not legal. To do this but just give him a pass also. Even, let's, say they said they survived in the escape yeah the, fact that they didn't get into trouble for the next 50 years means, jail worked for them no work say they received.

A Penance and now they've. Stuck to the plan they had a lot of conviction yeah and you, know what they deserve to be free at that point I mean prison. Truly. Should be about reforming. The, soul, of a man and these folks all they did was drink a premios in Brazil as for the aftermath, of the escape Alan. West the inmate left behind, cooperated. With officials, in the search finishing. Serving his sentence across three different prisons following, Alcatraz, and was, released in 1967. But, he remained free for only one year before. Landing, himself concurrent. Sentences, of five years, one, to three years and live for grand larceny and robbery. He died in 1978. Alcatraz. Shut down in March 1963. Less, than a year after the Anglin Maura's escape the, FBI officially, closed their case on the 1962. Escape from Alcatraz on December, 31st, 1979. Over. 15, years after their investigation, began, however, they, add quote, it's one mystery we'd all like to solve end quote. The case is expected to remain open, with federal marshals, until either the fugitives, are arrested, evidence. Of their deaths is found or the, fugitives, reached 99, years of age in. The end nobody, truly knows if, the enterprising, bunch of Alcatraz, escapees, completed. Their journey or, if, their, midnight, voyage, was ill-fated, for. Now the, case remains, unsolved. I'll. Tell you what on my 99th, birthday I'd be walking, into the US Marshals, office and just being like. Your. Grandson, wheels you in a wheelchair and you're just sunglasses. On just fuck. You coppers it's. Me, I wish drinking could premiums for the last 30 years. Suck it covers and. Then you just died. You.

2018-08-04 22:39

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We're shooting our post mortem episode today at 3:45 PM PST, so make sure you head over and watch this week’s episode and leave your questions down below!

you guys should do jim morrison case

It's strange on how the prison let them all move next to each other. If you were a guard at that prison, would you have think that this request would be suspicious? I would. Also Ryan I am also a believer in the supernatural, cause I have a few stories. Mostly unbodied voices.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network I thought one died, was found in the waters and was identified too!

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network please investigate the mysterious death of Kurt Cobain. PLEASE!!

MH370 plz #shaniac

Post Mortem: Just got an Unsolved T-shirt! I loved the order of things in this video, what with the different stages of the plan being described in great detail. Anyway, how much money was spent on searching for the escaped prisoners altogether?

Not a question, but~ What if the escapees let go of some of their personal belongings because they wanted these objects to be found? To make the escape completely successful, they probably left some stuff as 'evidence' to make police think they didn't survive the escape.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network so ready for a paranormal investigation #boogara

Not a question I guess but if I'm being completely honest -- if I managed to escape "The Rock" I probably would land myself right back in just because I wouldn't be able to shut up about it. I could NEVER keep that kind of accomplishment to myself. That's why I subscribe to the theory that they didn't make it to the mainland ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The anglin brothers are described to have been great swimmers in the escape's wikipedia page, when they were younger they would swim in lake michigan while ice still floated on the surface. Maybe the brothers survived but it was Morris' body that was spotted by the freighter? Since there ARE accounts from the Anglin family of John and Clarence being out and about in the world/making contact, but nothing about Morris. But then again, Frank didn't really have a family to reach out to.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Why didn't you talk about the mythbusters' theory?

Do you think that they probably have similar people to the escapees and not the scientists themselves? Lol I mean it was probably a simulation!

hey ghoul boys... sending love from India.. my question is for Ryan, when you are alone in your dubbing studio reading all these creepy and fascinating incidents do you ever feel creeped out? btw i am a #shagara... shaniac+boogara.. one more thing i think you guys should do an episode on the mysterious disappearance of Subhash Chandra Bose it is one of the most fascinating cases of disappearances in my opinion.. (if you by any chance decide to read this question good luck with the indian name pronounciation)

Post Mortem: Because Allen West only had a few more years left on his sentence, maybe the brothers paid him/promised him future payment to be a sort of patsy. In that, he was to play the part of "man left behind". He "cooperated" with authorities (perhaps hoping to get a reduction on his sentence in the process) but the whole time knew the escapees had something different planned, i.e. heading south, separating the party of three, etc. #Shaniac

Question : Pretty awesome episode. I was just wondering , if they ever did catch the escaped inmates, where would they be jailed after that? They were Alcatraz veterans after all.

It sounds like one of the escapees needed the other two/three to get out but then decided they were liabilities and killed them. You can cut a body so it doesn't inflate and float. And it would be easier to raft over with less body weight. And much easier to blend into a crowd, and leave no trail of an escape into a bordering country alone. I don't believe 'the brothers are alive' evidence, seems too fantastic. Lol.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network I want to see you investigate the Girl Scout murders in Oklahoma

You should do a poll on each episode of who we think did it or in this case if they lived or not

I'm Canadian and I have to ask: Why is Shane dressed like one of our lumberjacks in this episode? (PS: Those guys totally died.)

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network r u guys still gonna do unsolved supernatural Lovies u guys

The real question..What kind of food would ryan and shane be in the hotdaga. Love bfu!! #Shaniac

Yes! You did Alcatraz! I was hoping you guys would do it! Does anyone in the crew know of that movie with Clint Eastwood that was based off of the escape? Of course, EVERYONE knows about Alcatraz through Poptropica’s Escape From Pelican Rock.

I think that the escapees survived, the evidence that they did outweigh the evidence that they didn't. When they discussed that the escapees could've died, there was also the very strong possibility that they have just changed routes due to the currents. Their belonging found around their original escape route could've just floated over because of the choppy waters. That's just my thoughts though.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Have either of you guys researched how many sightings occur during daylight at any of your visited locations? Perhaps that might be the reason you don't get evidence good enough to satisfy Shane. I know that "the living's night is the dead's day" but it's just a suggestion. #shaniacs

For the post mortem : Could it be that they had another plan until West was left behind ?? Imagine a last meeting between the 4 bros near the West's ventilator and West saying," Go on, help yourselves out. And dump some of your important stuff in the waters north of the prison. I'll tell them a fake story and mislead the world. After planting the stuff, take our preplanned route. And don't forget to look after my family." And then there would have been fistbumps. West would have had ample time to make up a fake story to waste cops' time. What a twist in the plot would this be !! #shaniac #boogara #hotdagareally×10sucks

Okay, am I the only one who is kinda pissed about the fact that the Anglin family was kinda ratting out on the brothers, like come on guys, thats your fam... all they wanted was to go to Carnival in Rio and cry at funerals, give them a break.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network What if the lost possession were purposely lost to make them seemed like they died and also that body that was sighting by that ship that was not reported until fall is now another unsolved crime. Also I love you Shane you are my favorite but I still love you too Ryan

I honestly don't think they could be in Brazil. I mean, we are talking about escapees from a prison who escaped without even stealing any money to find a place to stay or in this case they would not have the money to buy a ticket from the US to Brazil.

Can you do a video on Marilyn Monroe , or RFK, Please

What happened to the other guy with the brothers?

For the Post Mortem: I wonder if they planted said photos, the papers with the list and letter to make the police think they did in fact drown then escaped to Brazil (great place to choose by the way) where they partied it up for the rest of their lives. This would prolong the investigation (if the police didn't even believe they drowned they'd still have to investigate the stuff left behind.) and also provoke people/ civilians opinions of the case into thinking they died. This would make it easier to live their lives in peace without being searched for as thoroughly as the police would if they didn't leave behind evidence, I dunno. #BoogaraGuitara

how in the world the guards did not realize that some of the inmates are trying to escape?????? I mean like did they not get suspicious or something??? but however that is a very, very genius plan also im team shane, sorry ryan

You should TOTALLY do the Skinwalker Ranch. It's legitimately freaky!

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network what about the fourth guy? What theories are there about him and what he did after?

what if they were kidnapped by ALIENS!! because they know that they would escape and that they were good at escaping? whay)

hey guys quick question at onne point you say that the paddles found on june 12 were identified as to belong to the escapees. in what way? like was there fingerprints or something like DNA?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network, where is MH370? My government never tell us what happened.

did you guys see the mythbusters episode on this, they tried to recreate the mechanics of the escape, like building the boat ( and then trying to use the boat to escape the island in similar conditions to what it was that night ( . im not going to say whether they bussted a mythnut or if they proved it to be possible but its worth a watch to see whether the guys couldve escape with the technology they had at the time. also just wanna say that i love the show and because of your show im really into true crime and documentaries evil genius was amazing and i totally recommened tickled. so if i fail my HSC exams cause of y'all then i'll make an expose documentary calling you out k thanks #Shaniac love ya

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network how well known were they before the escape? Hitch hiking was a thing back then. They could’ve gotten out of town without causing a stur. Especially if the brothers n the other guy parted ways. Also y’all should do an episode on the missing beaumont children.

I guess people who work on Friday evenings are out of luck. Such a short time period to get questions in. Sigh.

Question for Post Mortem: If you guys were both in Alcatraz what would you guys do to escape? #Shaniac #boogara

I have a theory. JAWS. Case closed.

For Postmortem: I have always been fascinated by this case, and I find it interesting that several people claim the government was/is more interested in squashing the idea they made it out alive then finding the escapees. Did you see the letter from the self-proclaimed escapee saying he was dying of cancer and is the last survivor? If so what did you think of that?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Why don’t you guys make a vid on The Frog boys of Korea from 1991? It’s pretty chilling..

How did they even make those dummy heads? DIY craft time in prison? #Shaniacfornow#boogaraguitara

Shane, has anyone ever told you , you look like Edward norton?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network what happened to the ghost adventures?

Imagine your one of them and you turn 98 and then get caught and have to go back to prison

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network What if the personal items left behind were a part of the plan? They wouldn’t want people to think they survived and then come look for them, so leaving evidence that they didn’t survive would make sense to throw authorities off.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network, I think they made it to the shore and that they had to remove their belongings which could possibly sink them/ make their speed slower. The tied life vest could have been removed from above the head and it's a good disguise so the FBI would think they didn't make it. #BoogaraGuitara #SometimesAShaniac

I honestly think that they got eaten by giant crabs or at least sharks are there sharks in that bay anyways? Also greetings from Jamaica

What's with Shane's lumberjack vibes?

Maybe it was the Paddington bear. The bear does not leave foot prints and is quite nifty. It doesn't weigh much but can be an extra hand to row that boat out of that island.

Visit Alcatraz for the next supernatural season

i really dont think a raincoat raft sounds like it’d work!!

How would you guys escape prison? P.S. Love the HotDaga

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network will you go back to west Virginia and blast country roads? I know I will.

I can just imagine them almost getting to shore, they all yell,”Yes!” Then... an orca jumps from the depths landing on top of the raft, only to be followed by a megalodon coming from below swallowing the orca and raft. Only for the mega shark to return to the depths of the haunted San Francisco Bay.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network will you some day do an ghost investigation into Alcatraz island?

Love this! Alcatraz was a wicked place to visit!

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network this may not make it to postmortem but I’ll try. What if they survived but made it look like they didn’t make it just to fool the FBI? I mean that’s what I’d do if I were in their shoes.

There is evidence that the escapees had help from the inside and supposedly got help by having someone either drive a boat out to the middle of the bay or have boat set up for them. There were reports from several people who saw a boat just sitting there in the water during the night of the escape. In addition, the ferry that shuttled people to and from Alcatraz left the island during the night of the escape, and evidence suggests the escapees possibly got a ride or "tow" from it by tying their raft to it. Anyway, what do you guys think of this?

Has any divers dived in the bay trying to find evidence.

Can you guys get a lawyer and tell what would happen if they show up today?, given their age and all that stuff, will they still go to jail?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network howdy boys! I’d like to know what you would have done in this situation. Do you think you’d even have wanted to escape? It sort of sounded like a sweet gig but I’m sure it wasn’t. I live in the Bay Area and honestly I hope they made it.

PST Is that not what women have?

The life vests are what lead me to believe that they made it. I think they would’ve kept the vest on Incase they fell in. Since they were found with no bodies attached, I think they ditched them after making it to shore.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network is it possible that they hopped the freighter?

what happened to Frank Morris, I know their a lot of information when it comes to the Anglin Brothers surviving but Frank Morris was with him if they did survive shouldn’t their be proof that Frank Morris survived with the Anglin Brothers.

Alcatraz sounds like Azkaban from the Harry Potter series.

FOR POST MORTEM: I’ve always thought that Alcatraz would be the best place to set up a base on during the zombie apocalypse... thoughts???

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network gay porn?

Do you think it’s possible that they made it to shore and then ditched their life vests as a decoy? Without the conclusive discovery of any bodies, I find it difficult to believe that they died on the way back to shore.

Do you guys think that they might off just thrown their belongings into the ocean to make it look like they never made it, even though the things were "hard to get rid off"?

I wish you could have gone to Alcatraz its so beautiful in person, I love you guys.


For postmortem: One of my favorite episodes so far! Good job guys... Like Shane said tho, it was illegal, but damn the effort put in this escape plan. * standing O* I was definitely rooting for them. Love you guys! Greetings from Suriname!

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network how do i get shane to notice me

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Hey Ryan, long time Unsolved fan! I have a dual question for you, why was the funding slowly strangled for the prison seeing as it is max security? Also, why are you so swole? #shaniac #loveyoutooRyan

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Will you ever do a video on the Memphis 3?

Can we get a video full of just the hotdoga?

Heres a question for the ghoul boys... I'm curious if you know which crimes they were all in prison for? Or what education that might have received considering their plan was well thought out and quite ingenious. Maybe they had skills from their time before prison that helped them escape? PS I never miss an episode and I'm really happy you're that doing more true crime. You guys rock!

My last name is Poindexter, so thanks for that shoutout

10 Ryans sized Shane cause no matter how big Ryan is still weak

I couldn’t do anything that bad,

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network SHANE BE MY MOM.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network For postmortem: I think that they could of lived because if they had already thought this far ahead maybe they even thought of faking their deaths and leaving there personal items in the water in hopes they’d be found so that it would throw the cops off their trail P.S. I’m loving this season so far #Shaniac #StillloveyouRyan

also im a #shaniac sorry ryan (would love to see u play the guitar though #guitaraBOOgara)

pretty boring and empty episode... was just a cool and understood story, nothing really unsolved about it apart from their fate, which even then was pretty uninteresting and regular.

FOR POST MORTEM. I suggest you make a true crime video about Jacqueline and Marijoy Chiong from the Philippines. I love you both!

didn't the mythbusters test this escape a while back? i think it was plausible or confirmed, I can't really remember.

Morris definitely survived dude had an iq of like 160 not sure about those other goons tho

it seems to me that ryan watches a lot of Mysteries at the Museum

13 degrees celsius is nothing where I’m from lol

I guess instead of wooing the nurse they wooed the mechanic

What happened to Allen West?

Post mortem: Was there any evidence that Morris survived as well as the two brothers?

PM: Honestly, after so much planning and preparing, I highly doubt they haven't included yet another deception after they are free from the Prison's land. Leaving life jackets and personal stuff could be just a deceiving trick. Or they were overweighing and they had to get rid of something. Personally, I think they survived. What do you guys think?

For post Mortem: If I am told correctly the water surrounding Alcatraz was not only impossible to get through because of the temperature, but also the amount of sharks around Alcatraz. If the three men didn’t get to the mainland, this may be the answer to why the bodies were never found. Because they have been eaten by the sharks! What do you guys think??

i visited alcatraz last summer and saw the dummy heads and broken vents when i went inside one of their cells. it was extremely interesting and i’m glad that i can finally have some real life connection to an unsolved mystery from here :’)

for post mortem: i'd really like to know which true crime unsolved case has been the most interesting for you, ryan, to research, or for you, shane, to hear about?! #BOOgaras

That clip of Anglin brothers masked as old ladies was breath-takingly hilarious

Do unsolved murder of xxxtentaction

amazing. they should make a movie out of this

Can you guys also use the metric system in parentheses while giving lenghts etc. ?

What if they had a friend pick them up in a boat when they escaped?

does Clarence Anglin remind Ryan Reynolds to anyone? No? Just me?

When you put the pictures up I said one of the guys look familiar and then you said his names frank Morris my last name is Morris. WEIRD don’t put this In the postmortem

Michael scofield is quaking

Not only them escaped from alcatraz :)

When they talked about the Anglin brothers celebrating going to Alcatraz together all I could think of is “DIVA” and the jumping up and down from Fresh Prince

You guys should check out the Mythbusters special where they recreated the escape and proved that they could have survived. Also having seen the fake heads they are creepy af...gave me nightmares for weeks after

Why are Clarence Anglin's eyes closed in his mugshot lmao

Hey guys, an interesting case that is still unsolved in Ireland is Sophie Toscan du Plantier. She was murdered in 1996, and it's a case that I have heard about from the news all my life. There is some shady business from the police during the whole thing, and the main suspect has been arrested at least twice and hasn't been convicted. Really interesting and everyone is divided on whether he really did murder her or not :)

Got so excited when I saw this! I'm going on vacation to San Francisco next year and taking a trip to Alcatraz. I wanna bone up on the history before I visit :)

Frank Morris looks like Gotye

But ryan what if it was aliens?

I’d love it if you did an episode on Madeline McCann

It's sad that they probably didn't make it

this was captivating, but guys can yous do less editing between photos, all the added gitching is alot to handle and i just want to read the text and see the the photos, not hate just criticism to consider

Shane, ya gotta cover the Mccan case!

Post mortem: am I the only one that thinks it's really sweet that those brothers still go to funerals of loved ones dressed in drag even though they're escapees? That's kinda adorable. Love you guys and the show btw❤

I was literally thinking of the prison from Paddington 2 lol

well Morris was a genius “Morris reportedly ranked in the top 2% of the general population in intelligence, as measured by IQ testing, displaying an IQ of 133.” Also as of the aftermath, In 2018, the FBI confirmed that the existence of a letter, allegedly written by escapee John Anglin, had forced them to reopen the investigation into the case. The FBI examined the letter for fingerprints and DNA, and the handwriting, which produced inconclusive results. The letter, received by the San Francisco Police Department in 2013, opens with: My name is John Anglin. I escaped from Alcatraz in June 1962 with my brother Clarence and Frank Morris. I'm 83 years old and in bad shape. I have cancer. Yes we all made it that night but barely! The author of the letter goes on to say Frank Morris died in 2008, and Clarence Anglin died three years later in 2011.

Guys, you can't criticise a prison for being giving their prisoners happy hour and ability to change cells and then afterwards claim you believe the aim of prison is reformation XD Your prisons are a horror show over there and for that reason it is much more likely to make hardened criminals out of small timers than it is to reform them.

0:08 Brad Bellick, he's a guy who doesn't like Prison Breaks

lmao i feel smart i went to Alcatraz once and I was told the story... I just didnt remember the part where they made a raft and made it at least off the island lmao

Couldn't it be possible that the valuables and the life jackets were left as a distraction by the escapees, so that they could fool the authorities into thinking that they didn't make it?

Guys please do the disappearance of Tammy Lynn Leppert!

I have been waiting for this!!!!

lmao "prison should be about reforming" it is. in like the entire western world. hahah

Can you do the McCann case?

Wouldn’t they be close to 99 years old anyway?

No mention of the Mythbusters tests? It basically confirmed it was very possible that the escapee's survived!

I think that because West was left behind the inmates would’ve changed the plan to go to Angel Island in case he ratted them out, and they would’ve gone to Horseshoe Bay

For the post mortem I thought i remember hearing a key detail of the case saying that the men hijacked a car off of a woman you might have thought nothing of it but I was thinking it the while video. love the season btw #shaneiac

For PostMortem: Did Shane have Bigfoot as a parent and Ryan had Goatman as one #Genes

Maybe the two brothers survived, but the other man died on the trip for some reason. It could explain the floating body the freighter found.

My guess is they died in the sea, they got swept by the current and eventually drowned and that’s why they never found the raincoats. Perhaps one day in the future a boat will find 50 raincoats just floating on top.

Allen West has to have lied to the fbi about the other guy's destination on which island they goin he basically earned a shorter sentence and the other guys are free

what if shane and ryan made their own company like the try guys?

Incredible but suspecious - This sounds like the true story of Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows from the "Prison Break" TV show :D

Imagine one of the fugitives watching this video, "Ha. They're still solving this one?" (Although they'd be around, more or less, 80 years old this year lol.)

This story needs its own movie.

This is a place you guys really should go to! I’ve visited Alcatraz and the whole prison has a feeling that’s just a little off, and seeing the heads is scary hh it’s so cool!

I watched a documentary that had a police record that showed a car was reported missing on Angel island the day after the prison break and it looked to me like pretty solid evidence. Thoughts?

Tell ur co-host shut up and listen like he used to

When people ask me if I like the beach in the Bay Area, California im gonna direct them to 0:55

could you guys cover some more disappearances, like ambrose bierce

I´m positive that they died trying to sail to shore. The water is cold and agressive. They could not have survived

Alcatraz used to make the prisoners shower with hot water. This would of made it near on impossible for them to swim lf the raft sunk

Did the authorities contact people on the list they found? I mean it is possible that they survived. Because if it was me, I would prepare more than one plan for this prison-break. Co sidering that this event won't have many chances, right? Wdyt? CMIIW

Probably the Anglin Brothers were the only ones to survive the escapade. Morris may have drowned and that was the body found near the Golden Gate Bridge which the ship never reported. In haste for surviving the Anglins could have just dumped all their belongings or perhaps to deceive the officials.

so the fact that they do all that things, means being in prison make you a creative person lol

anyone else like to see an episode on madeleine mccann?

Both theories seem plausible but I side with the theory that they weren’t able to make it to their destination more because I don’t think a raft made out of raincoats carrying three grown men can withstand that travel against harsh waters. Though I have a thought that with how careful they are with the plan (even leaving one behind to minimise the risk of getting caught) they may have also played with the evidences that point out that they failed so they can shake the cops off their tails. Maybe they destroyed the raft and threw life jackets onto the water when they neared their destination and threw away some of their personal belongings to add to the authenticity then let it float back to where they came from. They could’ve been also laying low in the nearest town from the prison so that the cops wouldn’t be able to track them down because they did some burglary right after they escaped. Or maybe, since they’re criminals maybe knew some people, they visited someone in the nearest town for favours.

Maybe they did make it ashore and are maybe hanging out with Mr & Mrs Bigfoot with a couple of pints of beer, holding their yearly "unsolved mystery club" :-)

For postmortem, what if the things left behind were to throw the police in a different direction, and make them think they didn't survive?

fyi, a KIDS GAME remake this entire case into one of their any worlds!? (Guess which one)

Why are some photos completely revealed and some are shaded over?

For post Morten: Hiw does no one see a boat at 10:30 at night like I’m sure some one would have seen somethingI mean if it was coming from the prison I would think hmmmm that’s suspicious not oh a boat with three people on coming from the prison meh I’m sure it’s nothing like what the hell also what if they left that out for people to think they died Guys what do u think happend #shaniacfiflife #ghostdontexist

Bro I go to med school, do you know how many of our students lift? A lot of them. Scientist work out.

they proved the escape was possible on mythbusters though.

For post mortem: I agree that they should be just given a pass cas they really didn't do anything that serious! They just robbed a bank, they didn't kill anyone #Bugara #ghostsarereal #shanesisalrighttoo #bugaraguitara

For the post mortem: aren't you going to do any reenactment this season?

Could you imagine being scared as hell to be sentenced to the infamous inescapable island Alcatraz and when you actually get there there is just music playing, sitting next to you favorite prisonmate and working a bit. #postmortem

you guys might want to investigate the very upsetting case of #ChiongSeven or the #ChiongSistersMurder

You forgot to add the part where a letter was sent to the FBI or something claiming to be one of the escapees, he said he had cancer and would reveal his location if he was treated for it. I'm not 100% sure if it was true, but I remember reading that the handwriting was simular to one of the escapees.

Why do i find the escapees attractive.oh wait, it's only Frank Morris,but still, F*ck i need help

man i remember playing this story on poptropica

You guys gotta continue the series from the prison, even if you guys are sentenced to jailed, If Alctraz did not shut down, that will be a nice setting hahaha

Would they be allowed to go to Brazil though? Since they were criminals. Are they allowed to travel while being criminals?

This is literally Prison Break Island from Poptropica

The silliness has gone overboard. Now it's on that level of queer humor

Now that you guys have looked into the history, you should go explore the prison for an episode of supernatural. It's supposedly very haunted.

I'd believe they threw out their personal stuff as a mislead. I'd like to imagine a moment where they all agreed that they'll have to start a new life and throw their previous one away. Thus personal items that mean too much to them.

I've seen somebody mentioned that West could have lied to both the guards and FBI I think that it's highly possible.. Two birds with one stone right? He would gain some time off his sentence and his plan (since he was the main mastermind) would still be a success. Plus I think that he wouldn't be so keen on helping the FBI revealing his plan and I think that with such an elaborated plan they would also have looked into the currents etc to chose the best route (golden gate).

For postmortem Maybe west just lied ? Maybe they were going to the Golden Gate Bridge maybe they did a Motor ?Maybe the boat was actually a perfectly usable and liable boat also the plan was so well planned couldn’t they just plant the life rafts ?

Can you do the pollock sisters next

Why the hell did I think it was Ewan McGregor in the thumbnail

the men definitely survived. i mean come on, they got so so far to escape from this notorious prison, you don’t think they had enough wits and brains left over to think off all the possibilities of drowning or getting caught? i think they did.

Amazing episode

For Postmortem: Any chance you could add temperature in Celsius for later episodes? It would help us non-americans understand the episode. Thanks and love you guys!

I cried a little because I learned this at school and not here in heaven..

Then there’s me Awww-ing on how the two brothers have flowers to their mother.

#postmortem with sewing skills like that to make an ENTIRE boat that would stay afloat despite the fact they were made out of raincoats could definitely allow the men if they survived new prospects in working in the textiles industry who knows? Maybe the brothers were just cracking a cold one open to reminisce on the good ol’ days on Alcatraz? One thing is for certain though... Night Night Bergara would definitely be sleeping in the cell with the guitar in it #boogaras #bergaraguitara

i thought it said azkaban

I think they did escape, the cause of the bags made up of raincoat washing up the shore is most likely due to the fact the water was very choppy and most likely destroyed most of their letters, pictures, etc. There fore ditching them to save weight

Hehe I'm the 500th comment

can i just say this?? they seem very intelligent. i wouldn’t have thought anything from their escape if i were them

For anyone who loves buzzfeed unsolved: true crime, there's this podcast called casefile true crime; they covered this story in immense detail, plus they've covered many other thrilling tales, and I'd thoroughly recommend listening to it

Claro que se enfiaram no Brasil, Deus do céu. Vivendo de caipirinha e churrasco.

Why isnt there any focus on Morris? the only times ive heard of the case the focus is on the brothers. Is there a reason for this ?

Please do: next!

fun fact : al capone supposedly haunts the place and people hear him playing his banjo in the bathrooms, the guards would let him do that when he was alive. the bird man was also a prisoner there. the prison itself made alot of money from bribes from the many gangsters imprisoned there, big time bootleggers like al

Pure skill, I would never thought of something even near that.


please do one buzfeed unsolved on MH370 please!

I definitely think they survived. The brother's deathbed confession and the roses kind of sealed it for me. These guys were smart. They knew what they were doing and they planned meticulously for it. I just hope that one of them lives to 99 and then outs himself.

You guys should do something about the lost city of Z

I really like this season of unsolved true crime. So many good episodes! Can't wait to watch the supernatural ones. Also, making a separate channel for this show is a great decision

I watched the movie with Clint Eastwood based on this story and they sure didn't make the prison seem so laid back. Made it seem like their only choice.

I definitely think they survived. Think about it, if these men could plan out an ingenious plan in one of the most tightly run prison in the world, than they had to have been smart enough to map out the weather and currents. Plus people do crazy stuff when full of adrenaline.

For Postmortam: What if only the brothers survived? But the other guy didn't? What if he was pushed over board or they left him on angel island? (Also, can you do more UK cases, I'm from the UK)

I love myself some Jurassic Park references

for post mortem : would you guys visit the Alcatraz prison if possible? that would be a great episode !!! love you shane and ryan ❤️


We love DIY Legends . They literally put all dip Chanels and accounts to shame

*wow there Blue*

Err, why does it say True Crime Season *1* ?

Shane be like "Oh you wanna move?" " you wanna move in with your pals?"

Hey buzzfeed, could you guys do the Setagaya murders for your next video, please?

Wtf is Fahrenheit?

do the case of the chiong sisters in the philippines!!!

They're criminals, and I'm not even mad. Lol

This story reminds me of Prison Break with Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell a bit. Fascinating.

Yall should see the movie on this on netflix, its so good

I remember an episode of Unsolved Mysteries waaay back in the mid-80's where they attempted to recreated the escape in the bay.

Can you do an episode on Madeleine McCann?

What if those belongings were decoys to fool the cops, that they were headed to Angel Island and perished, but they originally planned to escape from different location.

Love your videos not going to choose between boogaras or shaniacs lol also with my husband Fishing catching catfish we live in Nebraska. Shane you get the Midwest

They should of called Michael scofield

it's all fun and games until someone sees this and is all like "Why do they have a picture of nana/paupau?"

I think that they dropped their stuff knowing it was valuable to throw them off, also they could have brought extra ores and lifejackets to throw them off as well.

They spent weeks taking ice cold showers b4 escaping, to try & acclimate to the ocean in advance

Was their any evidence of Morris surviving though? All you guys talked about were that the Anglin bros could’ve survived

There is an amazing book by one of the inmates of Alcatraz. I believe it's called Inside Alcatraz: My Time on the Rock by Jim Quillen. Amazing read and it has a list in detail of some of the greatest escape plans, as well as a fully detailed escape plan that he was involved in.


Why?? Y is the prerecorded narration SOOO nasaly? Doesn't sound like erkle when he's talking to the co-host

Why did you guys not mention the letter that John Anglin supposedly sent to the police at the age of 83? It was quite a recent occurrence, as the news came to light at the begining of this year.

Alcatraz in Pelican Rock in Poptropica.

What about the letter the got made public in January from John Anglin, saying that they all survived and he was coming forward as he was dying and wanted to make a deal for medical help?

i love the bg music now

This whole video reminded me of The Escapists lmao

*H A R D R O C K C A F E*

The bay looks amazing at night, my prom was on a yatch from alameda. It looks amazing

Think of all the movies with the subtle references to the dummy head moment with the guard. If I was that guard I would just deny I saw anything. I wonder if the prisoners went dumpster diving for all those jackets. #shaniacs

Another theory is that sharks could have also ate the brothers. Because white sharks and bull sharks along with other sharks are known to swim in that Bay Area

Is it bad that I find this story kind of inspirational? They could make a raft out of raincoats and drill through a wall with a spoon and I still can't put my IKEA cabinet together haha


So we're just... ignoring the tests that the Mythbusters did on this very topic? Or are they Dutch now?


Do MH370 next!! The last report is being published soon after 4 years since the disappearance and the plane hasn't been found or even close to being discovered, it would be amazing to see your input and theories to the disappearance!!

please do an episode about Burns and Rafay

“Ok”... *silence*

Waitttt wasnt there a recent letter to the police that was released around 2013 from one of the brothers confessing that they all escaped that night. The one who wrote it said (and I am paraphrasing) that he was 80 something years old and that his brother and the other guys passed recently. He mentioned being sick (I assume cancer) and wants medical treatment in exchange for his whereabouts at that time. Can you guys please look into this? I heard or read this somewhere. I know im not crazy!!! xD Anyways I love this show so much

Veronika Alcoba I heard about that too

Morris could be alive and in my city. If he’s alive, he’d be in his 80’s. There was a story where he turned himself in to the police a few years ago but they couldn’t find out if he was actually Morris or not, they’re investigating.

For the post mortem: if they could inflate a raft and life jackets with hot steamy pipes, make a drill from a vacuum motor, and secretly stash away human hair for their lifelike dummies, I DOUBT a current in the water would stop them.

Prison reformed them... LOL! Or....taught them to not get caught.... >>>

Why does John Anglin look like Josh Brolin?

Not like Jamie and Adam are better than the Dutch scientists, but the Mythbusters themselves attempted the journey and made it. They say the only reason the couldn't say it was 100% plausible (which plausible was their finding instead of busted) is the fact no one has heard of them since the escape

What if there plan actually failed and actually spotted a seal skinned it therefore withstanding the coldness and also eating it the seal?

where is michael scofield

Dang it Shane should've gone on about the midwest cold lol

This case sounds like a scene from a blockbuster movie

The 2017 summer was hot,so boy what you talking about

19:03 been laughing for 5 min at this lmao

Prison sounding like a nice place lmao

They crash landed at the Golden Gate Bridge and then had to survive a round to upgrade their tomahawks


for postmortem: you asked for a name for people who are both boogaras and shaniacs (which is basically me lol) so here i present to you my suggestion: boogariac... or, booganiac? anyways love the show hope y'all have a good day

When are you guys going hunting !! Again

All this talk about escape made me realize I'd love to watch Shane and Ryan try to get out of an escape room. Anyone else??

Did they....draw on... the Anglin brothers sunglasses??? #boogara

The Mythbusters did it. Its Plausible.

For post mortem: Say these guys had access to the black market or just lucrative sources and got plastic surgery. Wouldn't that change their appearance, making it almost impossible for the FBI to catch them? Also #BOOGARASFORLIFE! (yes I'm thinking along the Sin Rostro plot from Jane the Virgin)

I know this story like the back of my hand, I have watched so many documentaries about it. Such an ingenious plan.

wow is this another way to solve the MOTD easter egg?

Why the inmates lowkey SNACKS

That last bit, I’m sCReaMinG

Do a case on the death of the American owtlaw butch Cassidy! Boy is that story a trip!

I know all too well on how they escaped. Played zombies on this map way too much back in the day

I can't stop thinking about the boiling rock from avatar

Well if their plan was to steal a car after they go to the mainland try to find records of a carbine storm around that time

I need Shane’s Beanie now

Rip west

PLEASE do the murder of Isidor Fink for a later episode! It's a classic locked-door murder mystery with loads of theories as to what happened.

Do a Bigfoot episode

This is weird timing I just vistited the prison a few days ago while on vacation

Why did Allen West not have eyes

my deaf mom says thank you for the captions!!

I think they died

I love so much how Shane dresses

the ending is hilarious

if those dudes are smart enough to make a plan like that i think they would find a way to get food, money, clothing, etc without making a fuss

Drink caipirinhas in Brazil ahahahahaha I love my country #ComeToBrazil


Man Alcatraz was wild

I love Unsolved true crime! It’s so intresting!❤️❤️


Michael Scofield

What I've learned is that any time you call something inescapable, unbreakable, etc. - very soon someone or something will prove you wrong.


Pointdexters #richlux #goonboys

One hell of a plan! I hope they survived because hey why not?! They deserved atleast that much and they weren't murderers so its kinda okay. Felt bad for West tho

They could have trained their body to tolerate the cold waters by soaking in cold showers...water pumped from outside lol.

Morris looks hella hot in his mugshot

With the ways of thinking of these escapee and a theory circulating that the seen body (wearing similar prison outfit) near the golden gate bridge was probably Morris' after being betrayed by the brother, it was also possible that the trio killed somebody (or another fake body) to dress him up with their outfit so it can be assumed that they died while escaping that may lead to close the case. Also, there had been several moments that the brothers contacted or was seen by the relatives unknowingly. They even received letters and gifts that had the handwritings of the brothers. There had also been a letter that was said to be sent by John Anglin that stated that they survived barely (hence the misplaced personal items) and Morris died in 2008 while Clarence was on 2011.

Through this whole thing I just kept thinking of “The Shawshank Redemption “ movie haha Amazing if they really did live

You know that Dutch people ride bicycle everywhere and sport regularly. Also, they are among the tallest people in the world. It is very rare to find a short out of shape dutch person. So I think they are too qualified physically to do the test.

Could it be possible the brothers decided to ditch the other guy and toss him over board? Like maybe they saw him as a threat? I mean since apparently they had seen a body it would be genius to make it appear they had not made it to the city - whilst actually making it and using the other guy as a cover up type thing. They could have seen him as someone who would hurt their cover after the escape

"Scientists are meek individuals." -Ryan Bergara, 2018

I love that Ryan watched Paddington 2

Congrats on 1 Million subscribers!

I just realized I'm 14 and might be taller than Ryan I'm between 5'9 and 6'

You also forget mythbusters did this also

Nobody's never thought about them not going to the mainland they could've just went another direction

They should hire these intelligent men for special missions.

I hope they made it honestly we need people with that level of dedication and commitment. Plus they are really smart and resourceful

Have you guys featured Johnny Gosch on Buzzfeed unsolved????


You should do a video about the little girl who started amber alert

What are the chances that the body that was seen by the freight ship was of Frank Morris and only the brother's survived. They didn't have to rob anyone because they secured contact with their relatives. They're raft did infact sink but not before bringing them close enough to shore to swim allowing them to survive but unable to bring their items and Frank sadly didn't make the swim.

No *Wheeze*

Why am i only thinking about Avatar and The boiling rock?

21:35 "Once a criminal, Always a Criminal"

i would really love to see an episode about Asha Degree, a girl who left her house in the middle of the night, during a storm, and was last seen running into the woods

Trump should just pardon them so I can see if they really got out

Go to as Alcatraz please

This prison was planed to be in gta san andereas

Do the Maria James case

I miss Buzzfeed SUPERNATURAL. =( The episodes where they go to haunted houses are hilarious and way better.

Could you guys do the Curt Cobain one?

I love the fact that Ryan saw Pattington 2

Honestly, if someone escapes from prison and can go *years* without breaking the law and sucessfully rehabilitating themselves into society, just give 'em a pass. I know, that there was this one guy who escaped and like got a job, had a family and stuff and like was a good guy and gave back to the community, but he was eventually caught and the judge was a good guy and only gave him a few months, because I think his reasoning was, that he doesn't want to tear a family appart. So, yeah. There is also this show called 'I almost got away with it' and it's honestly really, really awesome. There was this guy who was on the run for like 30 years or someshit and like he had a business and stuff, but then he got caught.

Shane’s face at 2:21 XD

So Shane has no previous knowledge of the stories before they shoot an episode?

Am I having the Mandela effect because I swear they’ve done this true crime before

Ryan is high.. and me too.

Rule #1 corrections officer job.... ALWAYS COUNT LIVING BREATHING BODIES. + Don't eat the prison spread.

I did a project on this a long time ago


Tours of Alcatraz are really fun. You go and get a personal little headset and audio system to take you around the prison. It would be so hilarious to have these two goobers be the narrators! I really enjoyed this episode and would totally recommend anyone interested to go visit it when you can. Don’t forget pier 39 clam chowder as well

Allen West? Like iris allen west, ha ha ok I’ll go away now

I remember they found 2 of them from JKN.

Shane had to bust out a quote that my father would tell me about San Fran. Thanks for the nice feels papa shane

#people :p greatness

Excellent! Loved it!

1:24 Shane I love ya and I respect ya but come and spend a winter in Alberta and then we can talk.

You guys should do The Skinwalker ranch and its strange mystery, here in utah

hey ryan and shane, that john william anglin guy looks like ryan reynolds

chiong sisters please

did john anglin fart while taking his mugshot and did clarence sneeze

Sometimes at the start of these videos, Shane looks like Ryan just pulled him off the street (without explanation) and told him to sit and listen to his stories. Shane looks like he wants to hear these stories but at the same time he seems to be interested in the "Why" of the matter.

I’d like to believe that they’re just hanging out with D B Cooper, Amelia Earhart and anyone else who vanished mysteriously and was never seen again, probably on an island somewhere laughing at the government

The mystery I'd like to see next is why I don't have a love life. Lmao I'm kidding but not really

Ryan is getting *thicc*

Great episode, Shane and Ryan!

You guys should do a video on the prison escape of Vincent and Leo. A story of friendship and betrayal!

When I was little I went to visit my grandparents out in San Fransisco (I'm in Ohio) and we were out touring and my grandpa pointed out the island off in the distance and said "I remember the time some guys escaped from there once" and I was like "cool" and I never thought much of it until I watched this video

One of them was found because he sent a card to his daugter and got caught

You should make an episode about the death of Kurt Cobain!

Hey Shane and Ryan, would you try some of Japanese cases, there are lots of gruesome and unexplained crimes their

LOVE this channel!

Any plans on doing an episode where you guys go to The Stanley Hotel ot the suicide forest? Great episode also

Such a coincidence! We did research about this a week ago! Edit: By we I mean my school

For postmortem: Squids or octopi? Y’all are the best by he way!

Literally thinking of poptropica the entire time lol

Postmortem: hey guys. Since we’re all on the topic of prison, how do you think you guys would do in solitary confinement? How long would it take you to go crazy and what do you think your crazy would look like? Love the series! Every time I watch an ep I have nightmares and can’t sleep. Love it!

15:00 orrr they had the money from the previous robberies, made it look like they never made is and put that stuff in the water and then got their money and flew to another country.

More ruining history please.

make an epsiode on the chiong sisters

Nothing on the mythbusters reenactment? Cmon!!!

Where’s the ghost videos. Those are hits

I swear you talked about this already

Of course it happens to have happened on my birthday.

50 raincoats between 4 people is only 12.5, essentially that just asking for a new one once a week for less than two months

I'd like to think they escaped alive I mean, after all that preparation, even dummies! I bet they were smart enough to intentionally made it seem like they drowned so to distract the search parties

Shane always has a reusable cup lately. Good on you, Shane. RYAN, on the other hand always has a plastic cup. WHY DO YOU REFUSE TO BE ECO-FRIENDLY, RYAN? THAT'S SOME TRUE CRIME RIGHT THERE, RYAN.

They should have just asked to leave. LMAO.

this is so INTERESTING

Maybe one of them died and 2 of them survived? Hmmmmmmm?

they totally survived

I just wanna date Shane and bring him home to meet the parents.

As someone who did the swim from Alcatraz to shore this morning, and knows quite a bit about swimming in the bay from over two years of open water swimming experience, I can safely say the Escape From Alcatraz triathlon can not be used as evidence these three men could have survived. The people doing that swim are experienced triathlon contestants who are usually wearing wetsuits and have swam in the bay before so they know what to expect. They are told the path to shore and have plenty of kayak/paddleboard support out there to help them. The race is also during the day, not in the middle of the night. Without any prior open water experience these three men could not have escaped if they had to swim to shore.


Maybe an unsolved episode of the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio? There are many who believe the man accused of killing him wasn't actually the murderer.

When I find myself slow clapping for the bad guys at the end of an episode, I know it was a good one.

man i feel bad for West he was left behind and it was probably hard for the crew to leave him since im guessing they all had a bond and were friends and since he didnt tick off the guards you know he had their back

its possible that they left their belongings behind in order to fool the police and make them think they died so they wouldn't look for them after

Didnt see any comments about this, and i know you already shot Post Mortem but anyone else wonder why they didnt mention that the Mythbusters reenacted to escape as well??

okay allen would be me

Oof i live a hour away from alcatraz

i drive by this place all the time when i’m on the bridge and i’m always in AWEEE

That last bit was so funny keep up the good work Lmfao

Lmao, Nanbaka

do the heavens gate mass suicides

investigate john lang case!!

Hilarious ending!!

I actually learned this at school and I fell in love with this story but I wanted to learn more so I found this vid. So yea I do love this one to I kinda skip so don’t get mad at me *sorry*

Frank Lee Morris escaped 13 prisons before this escape and I'm sure he made it to the mainland and anglin brothers too

I think they got away. I bet you they payed or got guys on the freighter to say they saw a body and they purposely left behind things to make it seem like they died. These guys were smart. That's awesome


I don't know but my instinct tells me that they definitely survived. The stuff found floating must've been there to mislead. Anyway, I am so impressed by not only the courage, but also the sheer intelligence and perseverance? I hope they had a good life later. ps: The fourth dude who was left out must be pissed off like hell lmao

So I had an after school teacher that looked EXACTLY like Frank Morris. His name was Mr.Lee and he looked like an older version of Morris, and when I say they looked alike, I mean that they looked like they could be twins. If you put a picture of Mr.Lee and Morris next to eachother you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

"Ooo did they get margaritas?" Lol im dying

You guys should do the case “DC Sniper “

a couple of bits of info that weren't mentioned was the fact that Frank Morris had an exceptionally high IQ of 135, and was considered a professional escape artist.. Also what about the fact that the Mythbusters succeed in re-creating the escape with the same conditions?

I think the belongings were a red herring. Everything else was so perfectly planned that I can imagine them using the belongings as a way of fooling people

I really hope they survived. Imagine how precise and smart you have to be to pull this off? Its incredible

What about the letter that has just surfaced?

U can't even lie, they was smart. I would've never thought of doing any of that but still what kinda prison let's inmates have all that freedom?

I remember they had an episode on Shark Week about this escape and claimed Alcatraz was nicknamed "Sharkatraz" and that the guys probably werent eaten but they couldve been because its shark week and were out of ideas. It was an hour of nonsense, i loved it.

Micheal Scofield lmaooo

Just went to Alcatraz last week, how fitting!!!!


19:41 LOLLL

Do you not think that the plan was so detailed and ingenious, that they simply could have planted the life-jackets and raincoat bags with their personal effects to mislead the FBI?

These are the guys that the government would have recruited for top secret missions lol

idk if u haven't done this one but I would love to hear about the case of Paulette , the Mexican little girl who was murdered and stuffed in her bed

Pls do Amytville Horror Story

i just have one thing to say......... ryan!! shane!! come to brazil

A video suggestion is the 1984 Lafferty case, two men claim to be religious prophets and become murders. Takes place in Orem, Utah. There hasn't really been an episode of true crime with religion as a motive and i think it would be an interesting new way of looking at it. My dad was growing up in that town at this time too :/ Their names are Ron and Dan Lafferty

i seen the movie of this and its insane

There’s a documentary on this. The Anglin family came out to say that they were alive because of a Christmas post card sent to them from the 1970s. They’re supposedly in Argentina in the photograph, but an expert photograph analyzer looked at the picture and did alignments to the Anglin brothers’ mug shots. They matched almost perfectly, this could mean they could have been alive until at least 1970.


The disappearance of Crystal Rodgers and the 4 murders said to be connected to it from Bardstown, KY. All unsolved.

Do the 1987 ghost hunter mental breakdown

I freaking love stories like this, it gets me to intrigued.

I love how ryan is always the one with the facts and shane is always just giving jokes and opinions

If u want to know what a winter is come to Kansas I dare ya!

They DEFINITELY survived and made it to mainland. If you think different, I´ḿ sorry that you are wrong.

In sad mysteries like this, where we don't know what truly happened, where instead we are left with so many versions of the truth and other people's accounts or what happened through their eyes, I just hope that the people escaped. That they made it out alive and had a happy, nice and quiet life. My heart wrenches to think otherwise. Just like with The Romanov's; Anastasia, specifically, and during the Titanic and the Holocaust were so many lives were missing or unaccounted for and the events that occurred were so chaotic it is difficult and takes a long time to piece everything together. I just hope they accomplished what they strived and pined so laboriously for and that the victims, if they didn't escape, at the least were at peace and died knowing that they at least tried to escape and were courageous in their final moments.

Y'all should do the Original Night Stalker!!

The only reason I know what happens in these real-life events like this Alcatraz prison breakout/escape is because of Poptropica. I just KNEW that the name was familiar but I couldn't remember where I'd heard it or seen it. Now I know

Mythbusters had an episode on this and they managed to do it. They didn't go to angel island though they ended up under the golden gate bridge. But I mean maybe the buddy left behind was just helping them out and throwing them in the wrong direction to Angel Island to give them a little extra time. I think they made it.

My theory: they are alive and made it to shore but planted their bags/letters, life jackets, and paddle to the surrounding water to make it seem as if they had died. Just another things to distract the cops while they kept escaping...what do ya think? Also this reminds me of that poptropica escape from pelican island game (I think it was inspired by Alcatraz escape and y’all should play it) #guitaraboogara #shaniacsarecooltoo

Plot twist: this is all just an elaborate opening sequence to a Mission Impossible film.

Do a story about the silent twins!!!!!

Great episode!!! LOVE TRUE CRIMES!! So interesting Thank you guys!

I remember reading somewhere that the same night, a bunch of footprints were found leading from horseshoe bay to a parking lot were discovered, and a truck was reported stolen from that parking lot. Pretty sure they survived.

1:09 i can confirm this lmao it's cold as frUck here in sf

Season 4?!?! or 1!? wtf??

LOL I was LITERALLY thinking the SAME EXACT THING at the SAME EXACT TIME Shane was at the very end about going to the Marshal's office when you turn 99! HaHaHa Great video, as usual guys!


For those who don’t know the movie ‘escape from Alcatraz’ was based on this, so you should give it a watch ;)

Could it be possible that they planned all the life jackets and bags in the water ?

Those heads are still there in the cells, in their original position untouched

This reminds me of Prison Break!

Wouldn’t it make more sense to leave one man behind? I mean think about it men who weighted like what more than 120 pounds we’re going to all hop in to a boat made out of raincoats. That wouldn’t make sense how would it stay afloat, I understand that weight doesn’t matter or does it? I think that West was suppose to stay behind so that the plan will work. Compare west to the two brothers who have yet if they survived gotten into trouble. They are different in a sense of morals which is a reason to believe that West may be just a stepping stone in helping them escape because they didn’t go back for him if they needed him wouldn’t they go back? The thing is how is it possible for them to cross unless they have knowledge on the ocean currents surrounding the prison. These weren’t just regular guys these guys were smart and careful I have a reason to believe they are alive and doing well if they want a chance to catch them they will probably have to keep watch of the moms grave and see if they appear.

Damn They are smart. NOW THATS A 300 IQ MOVE

Yenno, I hope they lived. I’d be sad if they died. I know they weren’t the best people, but the plan was amazing that I’d be quite sad if it didn’t work.

This is like the show prison break

Do the mysterious disappearance of Madeline McCann. If that's how you spell her name...

Why did this remind me of sirius black from harry potter


They 100% died I recently was cruising in that area and often do and the water around angel island until you get close is AWFUL it’s extremely extremely rough water our boat was getting hammered and it’s a 52 ft fiberglass boat. The only way they could make it was if they had an actual sailboat and even then they’d need to know what they were doing. I know some people who capsized in the Bay because of how rough the water and winds are and their boat was ruined it was thousands to fix it. The water near Golden Gate is even worse it’s extremely dangerous if you don’t have a boat made to be on the ocean That author was also wrong about how long it takes to pass out in the bay because of the shock and how cold and how awful the conditions are hypothermia can set in way way faster than that, as fast as 20 minutes, the bay is no joke and as nice as it is to imagine they survived no one who knows and has experienced the bay would ever believe that

could’ve easily changed their identity?

“for now.. the case remains, unsolved” *goosebumps*

Ryan this is one of my favorite episode of BZFD Unsolved but there is one detail you missed. I went to Alcatraz and heard everything about the escape. I know that the brothers came up with the idea the do the fake heads and Frank was the Mastermind of the of the whole plan. But you forgot to mention that there are sharks in San Fransico Bay. That is also popular in the failed theory, that they were eaten by sharks and that why they didn't find the body. For the body found by the boat, I had no idea about that since I just found out about the body. Anyway loved this episode and love you guys!

Could you do the Restrepo Brothers case?? Its from Ecuador!

My grandfather actually knew Frank Morris when he was younger! My grandfather grew up on a farm and they would foster kids from time to time, and Frank was one of them when he was pretty young, like elementary school age. According to my grandfather, Morris would go to school with an apple in hand and come home with an orange. Basically, he was crafty/clever and went against the rules/had the disposition of a criminal even at such a young age. Eventually Frank moved on to a different foster home. Based on the stories my grandfather told me, there's no doubt in my mind that Morris successfully escaped and lived on. Great episode by the way!

That's incredible! I've done huge amounts of research into this case, and Morris's past is of particular interest since his life was so untethered. Next to nobody remains who knew him -- there are so few stories of his life before Alcatraz, aside from what was maintained by officials and kept in his case file. That said, there are multiple instances of him stealing oranges while he was incarcerated so he must have loved them. I'd love to hear more if you're able to tell!

Do Michelle jackson

Do the failed assassination of pope john paul II next ;) one of the most contradicting unsolved mysteries ever ;)


Next time on BuzzFeed Unsolved “we will find out Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar”

I think if they were smart enough to plan this breakout then they probably left the stuff behind to make everyone think they died

According to Wikipedia, the Anglin brothers were skilled swimmers...

In Russia there is a prison called Black Dolfin. Exists till now. You can watch it on YouTube. Only one won the appeal. The rest of them are free only one way, cemetery. It's awesome documenry.

Could’ve been Jimmy’s body.

Haha...”the plan was murky”

can you do the new city village / the devils alley?


Is it... is it bad that when Ryan was describing the prison all I could think about was the episode in Avatar the Last Airbender...?

No alien abduction theory? I'm disappointed :(

You should go to the Bunny Man Bridge in West Virginia do some research on the bunny man it's crazy!

The mannequin in the background again.

What happened to ruining history?!!!

Do you think that any guards would've helped them escape by not doing a inspection on the blankets or didn't inspect the sound of the vent opining? And that those numbers (in the bags) could've been different names but the numbers were the officers (if that makes sense) to say thank you?

maybe they ditched their belongings to through the police off and make it seem like they drowned ? they were pretty smart with the rest of it, that would be a great cover

EveRyBoDY LoVeS bLU3

PLEASE DO A VIDEO ON THE CASE OF SYLVIA LINKENS! It’s such a horrible tragedy and fairly disturbing, but it’d make a great video!

Maybe they jettisoned their belongings and life jackets so the police think they perished in the frosty waters.

If they were smart enough to break out of a prison, who's to say they didn't fake their death to get the cops partially off their back, or at least puzzle them? It could make sense, and its not like they would row into shore with their makeshift raft, it would make sense to dump all the things they made, as well as personal items to make them seem deceased, or to not risk getting caught with those papers on you.

anyone else feel kinda bad for West?? like he was a snitch but still

This is so old yall too late been knowing for years

I did a semester long research project on this and I personally don't see any reason they couldn't have made it. I also swam the Alcatraz race once, and my mom has done this multiple times. While the current is strong, it is not debilitating. Also, I read an article that interviewed former inmates of Alcatraz and they said that people actually wanted to get sent there because they were treated better than in other prisons. There was also a letter allegedly that was written by John Anglin, and was hidden from the family for several years until recently when it was released by the FBI that pretty much said they made it, and he's still alive but in bad shape.

They needed a "head" start. Good one, Ryan.

There would be bodies floating in the water though if they died. I truly believe they had made it.

Ive been there and it was soo cool, I got to see the fake heads and the open wall they escaped from

the guy in the flannel has to CHILL

*me every buzzfeed unsolved episode* theory #1: ahh yes that's for sure what happened theory #2: well crap that's even better than the last. that's what happened theory #3: I give up all the theories make total sense

It was reported that the two brothers married, had kids and lived on a farm although im not sure what happened to the other guy, if they're all still alive or where they are


LMAO the ending

can you guys make a video of the “Sky Trumpets”? please & thank you

I was kinda waiting for some shawshank references tbh

Is it just me, or does Clarence Anglin look a lot similar to Ryan Reynolds?

5:23 that guard must be scared for life after watching a dudes head fall off. ( fake head but that just makes it worse)

OMFG THANK YOU, i asked for this about 2 weeks ago!

Man, was Dwayne Johnson born there? #verylamejoke

I like em both uhm so what do I call myself? *boorganiac??* *shanegara??*

I like that unsolved and the ry guys OPENED there own channels

Since you’re doing San Francisco Bay Area cases, you might as well do the Ghost Blimp! Or the Santeria Decapitation!

Can you pls pls cover the Chiong Sisters case? Even though Paco and 6 other were already convicted we think that it is still unsolved.

Hey Ryan and Shane! I was wondering what year do the men who escaped turn 99 years old? What if they watch this video? Maybe let them know when they can make their glorious comeback! Also, just wanted to say, I really miss the Supernatural stuff, can't wait for next season. #Nuclei (not a shaniac or a boogara, I'm in the middle, so I'm a Nuclei!)

Allen West sounds like some "cw the flash" shipname

they were taken away by pirates

do the vallisca axe murders.

i been waiting for this

They probably threw the bags overboard because they knew A: they needed less weight and B: if they were found with that information on them when they reached the mainland, even if they changed their appearance and name, the FBI would link that evidence to them. Also, they might’ve ditched the paddles because maybe the current took them close enough in the right direction to where they needed to go.

Do Delphine lalaurie!!!

They actually found out what happened to to anglin brothers on a documentary I found on the history channel it turns out that they fled to New Mexico and lived on a farm after the escape for a while I highly recommend watching it

1:09 "The coldest winter of my life...was the summer in San Francisco." That made laugh so much harder than necessary

Obviously, the Alcatraz escape was an inspiration for Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.

The Boiling Rock in ATLA was inspired by this.

I know I'm too late for the postmortem, but as someone who's grown up sailing on the San Francisco Bay...I find it pretty hard to believe that a lifeboat made of rain jackets would survive, or at the very least that they would have known to make that tiny window that would have allowed a chance at survival. Even though the tides follow a pattern, it's hard to know exactly when the tides will be helpful, and the area around Alcatraz is super dangerous for any watercraft because of the rocks just below the water's surface. Additionally, the theories here only present two possible scenarios--isn't it also possible that one man could have died (and his body be found later) while the two brothers survived? As a side note, I've been to Alcatraz in the past year, and they have a really cool "behind-the-scenes" tour that takes you into parts of the prison you wouldn't otherwise see, such as the laundry room, the chapel, the "dungeon" (which served as a prison looong before the rest of the island, and is terrifying in the dark), and even the utility corridor used in this escape. The utility corridor is pretty dang creepy, but it's really cool to see the holes in the wall from the "free" side, and you get a much better understanding of just how tiny those holes were. I highly recommend the tour for anyone interested in learning more about Alcatraz, and also for the ghoul boys, 'cause there are indeed some ghostly tales the rangers tell...

Imagine being the mastermind behind a prison escape and even did a lot of important work. Only to be left behind cos you couldnt break out of your own cell :'(

Oh yeah padditon 2 good movie

I'm Brazilian and the way Ryan said "caipirinha" is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time HAHAHAHAHAHA

Please do a video on elizabeth bathory. She allegedly bathed in virgins blood to keep her youth.

What if they left there personal affects behind to look like they didn't make it

Imagine if the brothers were watching this episode and they just both said in sync “This boys don’t even know” then they look at each other and nod slowly then head out to grab booze from some bar in Cancun.

aww you want to be with your pals xD

I love your guys show it's truly amazing, can you do the DeFeo murders please at 112 Ocean Ave?

Could you do a video on the haunted St. James Hotel in New Mexico???


Unsolved video of the murder of royal family of Nepal aka King Birendra's family

If either of the brothers watch this or read the comments, good job. You deserve your freedom for how carefully thought out your plan was.

I live in the bay and I’ve been to Alcatraz and seen the models that the escape crew made. And today I went to angel island and it seems a lot closer to Alcatraz than they say. I believe that they did live and that they went to angel island and hid out there for a while before they went to shore.

please do the villisca axe murders!! it’s so terrifying, gruesome, and supernatural! it’s in villisca iowa and you can visit the house where the murders took place. nobody knows who did it, or why.

This episode has surprisingly upbeat music

Please do a video about the murder of Danny Casolaro

Brilliant inmates.

Do Bermuda Triangle

Did you guys hear about the danamorra prison

this is missing so much info. watch the documentary on netflix not this garbage.

This reminds me of the escape game (I forgot the name XD)

Will you two ever explore Plague Island?

21:18 the way Ryan pronounced "Caipirinha" haha Foreigners speaking Portuguese are so cute

alcatraz is such a cool place! if you're in San Francisco I recommend checking it out

I didn't know what to comment to get likes. So can I get some. And sadly I do like my own comment.

I dont know if this is unsolved i was talking about phantom killer in 1946 if it is unsolved can u do it

can you guys go and visit Alcatraz?!?!?

for the post-mortem!! : i believe somewhere it states that alcatraz was one of the only prisons to have hot showers, and part of that was so they couldn’t swim to the mainland because they wouldn’t be used to the cold water like they would be if they hadn’t used warm water. what are your thoughts on this and how it could effect this case??

I don't see any reason why the guy left beheind wouldnt lie t OK the fbi about where the group was heading. If the stuff was left nearby the island it would have floated away. But knowing that the current eould take the items to the island. It could have been their cover, to make everyone think they died. Anyone have similar ideas?

Puts a feather in my cap. :P

So, no mention of the recently released letter that’s said to be from one of the fugitives?

Weren't the brothers really good swimmers

love the content but not the commentry in between

Yo is it me, or do the goverment always say "Nope, that claim is not correct!" They always seem to do that in my opinion.

Please do the death of Marilyn Monroe

New black ops zombies characters and dlc?

Shane thinks scientists don't go to the gym? Have you not seen the plethora of hot doctors on instagram??


You guys should go looking for Slenderman in the Slenderman woods. There have been a lot of sightings of him. Like if you agree!

Please do Madeline McCann!!!!!

They could have faked their deaths.

Shane’s right. We midwestern people have a good sense of what really cold weather is like.

The mythbusters proved it possible as well

Please do Natalee Holloway!! ps my dad asked me to request this. He’s a huge fan

they have been lucky all this time why would their luck just stop mid ocean they clearly survived

I have a question and I think it would be amazing if you answered this. I watch your unsolved episodes with my family and we love your videos... My question is "How the heck did the guards not go up to investigate when they heard the hatch open! Do you think they just went nahhhhh it's finnnnnnnnnnne!?"

Why are Allen West's eyes blurred out

Hey guys, do an episode on Amber Hagerman!!!!! She's the name behind "Amber Alerts"


I was literally just in Alcatraz!! Best place ever!!

2:43 is the new ship name for barry and iris

Do the"Black Dahlia"

As a San Franciscan, I too, fear our bay overlord (i mean it also controls most of our weather and i'm 90% sure its home to some sort of sea demon but like, i fear it more than most bays)

How about the DC sniper?

morris lowkey hot

Does Shane know he’s a meme??

Micheal? Schofield?


Allen west is the weasel right or who is weasel he's my favorite in cod and I know he's irl

I love this case!!! the Anglin brothers remind me of the Boondocks Saints

Azkaban am I right

They escaped on my birthday, June 11.

If this was a maximum security prison wouldn’t they have at least one guard watching the prisoners working? That’s kind of weird in my opinion especially if they where using power tools or something. It’s also weird that nobody noticed anything the whole time in their cells. Don’t prisons hold regular cell searches? If they did they couldn’t have missed the fact they where planning some type of escape, that is, if the guards where doing their job properly.

frank morris can have my babies.

The end was cringy!!!

I did the tour yesterday it was cool

I really want an episode over Kitty Genovese and Maura Murray. These are unrelated cases, but I've just been really curious about these two, especially since some of the facts are not consistent throughout articles and such.

One of my fave episodes yet

Ryan sounds like Chills

oh well ... everyone POSSIBLY ends in my country . Hitler, the escapees ... GO BRAZIL

fun fact the mythbusters did an episode on this very topic

I never get to experience cold I live in Yuma it so hot

2:20 a REALLY cold winter in illinois

Maybe their life jackets were dumped after they reached the shore? It'd be pretty suspicious to be carrying around homemade life jackets once people knew about the escape. So they could've left some items there in order to dispose of evidence.

You guys should really do an unsolved on the Valisca Axe Murder

do the indian stoneman

Omg I was there 2 weeks ago

What's with the Top15s impression?

There probs kicking back and watching this laughing how non of this happened

Do the murder of Bernard Oliver

its when jokerand his friend break out

One thing that wasn't mentioned was that, they did use the raft, but halfway through paddling through the bay, they got picked up in getaway boat, which was supposedly been driven by Fred Brizzi (A childhood friend of the Anglin Brothers.). This one does make sense to me, because it explains, why there was life jackets in the bay, it could of been the escapees throwing away the evidence, while getting on the getaway boat. This could be them tricking the FBI and anyone who was on the case, into they did drown in the San Francisco Bay, but really they actually manage to escape onto the getaway boat and hide out in Brazil.


These guys took Poptropica seriously! xD

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a movie about the prison break xD These guys deserve one!

Maybe they didnt escape that night. They could have hid in the building during the lockdown and even a few days later. The police wouldnt expext that anybody else escapes shortly after the escape of the escape crew and they had more time to prepare reaching the shore. Or maybe they escaped useing one of the police boats and dressed as police officers.

LOL... Angel Island

Ayyyyyy I've been to alcatraz before! It was on a school field trip

21:06 They had a lot of conviction and a lot of convictions. ;)

I want an unsolved on the Australian prime minister Harold Holt, who went swimming in the ocean one day and disappeared

They should do the Henry Avery 10 million dollar heist in 1693

Next can you guys cover the case of The West Memphis Three? It’s still to this day unsolved.

I swear there was a previous video you guys made on this subject... I can remember it.

There should be a movie

Fun Fact before it was a Prison, it was a Bordering School for boys

Do more paranormal

this prison escape probably the most famous and interesting

Who else waited for them to make a video on this

I think the people in charge of Alcatraz thought that if people can’t escape they can at least give them what they are allowed to have

Ryan's catchphrase of the year: "That being said..."

Honestly thought it was Jazza from Draw with Jazza in the thumbnail

I find it hard to believe how the three inmates managed to take 50 raincoats right under the guards noses, like, wheres the inventory checks lol

“It sounds like the prison on padington 2” lol that got me

If you can break out of Alcatraz you deserve to be free imo

In Alcatraz if you talk you go to a cater and when you wake up no when they wake you up its by shocking you also you stay in that hole for a year.

AS MUCH PLANNING as they did to escape... did they still REALLY need to take the risk of getting caught and blowing their entire escape just so they could collect human hair? They just couldn't use something similar? (I'm pretty sure they could. I've seen a lot of other prison breaks where they leave a dummy in the bed but used a hair substitute and worked just as well. I'm just saying that, when you need EVERYTHING to go right and NO ROOM for error, why subject yourself to ANY EXTRA task if you don't have to, is all I'm saying)

Michale Dyke

Pls cover the Chong Sisters case here in the Ph

What if they left the evidence of their pictures and phone numbers to make it appear as if they died but they were really just smokescreening

please do the YOG'TZE case!!!! Or Cicada 3301 thumbs up so they can see it, its one of the biggest mysteries unsolved

I was at Alcatraz like a week ago coolest place ever

I wish you guys would also put Kilometres and Celsius so I wouldn’t have to stop the video and figure it out.

My theory is the 2 brothers survived. You have to take into consideration the things they came up with were simply genius, that wouldn't of just stopped as soon as they escaped . They'd of left certain things to cover there tracks, the bag full of belongings, like you said during the video "no one would leave personal belongings" making it out like they've drowned, they probably killed Frank Morris so the marshals can find his body believing the other 2 also died in the water. No way they didn't escape, after a genius plan of getting out they knew about the water and everything around them, I know I have said it too many times already but they were just simply genius.

I would defenetly would not make in threw that hole bro

Great series but when are the Ghoul Boys going demon hunting again?

Why where they in a maximum security prison for robbing a bank? I feel like murderers should be there

Frank looks....... so... delicious

Do kenneka Jenkins

"Just give em a pass" -Shane 2018

Brizzi smuggled drugs that’s why he was in Brazil, and the guy had connections with the mob. Those boys was always around the mob specially when they got locked up

i didn’t get notified

sorry, but anything, 'scary' from a state known for sunshine and great weather year-round is just laughable in my book. Come to New England if you want some real scary content, until then, enjoy your bright beaches while we over in the Northeast have the real history to scare us ya little west coast sun fairies.

I love this story. It’s like a fairytale for rascals

The rock is Dwayne Johnson there

clarence looks high.

48 degrees? Pft that’s practically fall in Ohio.

...thought this was from harry potter..


wait this dude shane is 6'6 +?

What gets committed the crime willingly then try to break's happening up till this day

Still, Nothing can top DB Cooper stealing money off the mid-air plane then jumping off and never being seen again.

They're family.. supposedly

The Salish sea foot mystery

The lead masks case

You guys should do the atlas vampire case !

I’m taking a tour of alkatraz in about 2 1/2 months. Now I’m going to have some awesome trivia to tell my family on the way there.

Do the dc snipers next

I escaped from prison the same way in Poptropica

They survived the scape and survived Brazil. Well done.

You guys should do a video on the Piketon, OH murders. A bunch of people from the same family were murdered in the span of a single night.

The wheel chair thing at the end omfg

Next mystery: Ligma

You should talk about Kenneka Jenkins weird death

I when y their for a field trip so I know a bit of it

We read about alcatraz in my target reading class

Do the murder of Laci Peterson!!! It was major in the area in the 2000’s

The guy on the left looks more Asian than the actual Asian guy

If the water is cold and and has strong currents, how did the prisoners and the guards get there

Legit just Avatar The Last Airbender The Boiling Rock

the prison is sexist because it let the men escape but not any women (classic buzzfeed joke)

in 1962 all they had to do was blend in with the homeless population in SF and lay low for a little while

Please do an episode on the Highway-of Tears!

Wow just got back from San Fran yesterday and Alcatraz was really cool

Californians: You think y’all know hot??? Westerners: Heh, yeah, maybe not. But at least we have a concept of cold. Also, do you understand what “snow” is?

I think they lived. I mean, why would their family members lie about seeing them? What would the point of that be?

When is the new season for buzz fees unsolved supernatural coming out?

The Flash was in Alcatraz? Oh, come on! Don't tell me I'm the only one who thought that. Barry "Allen West".

We do know snow

"In 2018, the FBI confirmed that the existence of a letter, allegedly written by escapee John Anglin, had forced them to reopen the investigation into the case. The FBI examined the letter for fingerprints and DNA, and the handwriting, which produced inconclusive results. The letter, received by the San Francisco Police Department in 2013, opens with: My name is John Anglin. I escaped from Alcatraz in June 1962 with my brother Clarence and Frank Morris. I'm 83 years old and in bad shape. I have cancer. Yes we all made it that night but barely! The author of the letter goes on to say Frank Morris died in 2008, and Clarence Anglin died three years later in 2011" Taken off of the wiki for this case

I think they're raft busted at some point of the journey and they ended up swimming g the rest of the way. If they're smart enough to escape in the way that they did, I think they would be able to disappear into society quite easily.

Altacras is a giant prison

nice video

Just putting it out there that I work in a building full of scientists and the vast majority are in pretty good shape. There are multiple scientists, both male and female, that have ran marathons and run or cycle almost every day.

Love me my Shane.

Alcatraz?? Ah this is pelican rock

1:00 I swam in 45 degree water once, it's not fun

Rowing acrost racoon straghts its kainda heard

Who else saw draw with jazza on the thumbnail

1:13 I'm over here like the coldest winter of my life ( Canada) was -28 degrees Celsius. There was heaps of snow and lots of wind and ice.

People should listen to Criminal: "Episode 77: The Escape" (podcast) by Phoebe Judge. She covered this story brilliantly, interviewing the two brothers' sister and the US Marshal still on the case looking for them. Pretty good stuff.


You guys should do MH 370 because they just ended the search for the plane and there are many plausible theories

These guys were smart. I bet they made it.

Lol I went there yesterday

You should do a video where Shane reads the theories and tries to do Ryan's voice.

Swimming 1 1/4 mile does not seem far to me. But I am a strong swimmer and never had lessons and have been able to swim since four. I am part Native American and that is how white people learned to swim apparently. Also of German descent and my dad was on the college swim team, but it does not seem a great distance to me.

How did they get the materials for the dummy?

I like how Ryan called Shane out about Midwestern Winters go you Ryan. Shame on you Shane but yeh Ryan you might how gained a Midwestern team Ryan. Begarus?


this was good to watch

Now what if Allen West just... like... lied? These guys are genius, so what if he was like “oh them? Yeah. They’re goin to.... uh.... that one island. Yeah, That one over there! Hahahadontlooknearthegoldengatebridge.” Like do they assume he has no loyalty?

Mythbusters did it, they made a very similar raft to the one West described, they had three men in it, and they made it to shore in the raft.

Being distantly related to the Anglin brothers made this really interesting...

When he said "They should've just asked to leave"

Blacks ops 2 zombies fans WHERE U AT


“It sounds like the prison from Paddington Two!” - Ryan, 2018

This prison has always given me a weird vibe. I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous but when I was around 5 or 6 and visited with my family, I distinctly remember telling my father I saw a man speaking on the telephone wearing a hat and smoking a cigar (I described him further). Later on I saw/learned about Al Capone and I realized he was the man I had seen at the prison which completely creeped me out and I still think the whole instance is weird.

Best prison off all time

Good god, the guy on the left is annoying.

I saw a documentary that said a dingy left the island every night to take the guards home after their shift and it’s possible they tied the raft to the back of the boat and were dragged close to the mainland

Prison break on a island lol

I went to Alcatraz yesterday, it was epic!

did they just get their own channel? I am very happy about this.

Clarence looks high af in that picture just saying no offence Clarence.

Wasn’t there a guy that claimed to be John anglin?? He matched up with the age and looks of John so it was completely possible

when i went to san francisco, we took like a tour on a boat/ ship around it while we were being told stories, and I was so interested and fascinated

dont you think its possible that they faked their own deaths? they seemed to be very meticulous with the rest of there planning, it seems possible that they faked drowning so the authorities wont look for them.

Can you smell what The Rock is cooking. .. I'll go kill myself.

Listen to the guy narrating and the tone of his voice when he ends every sentence. Ugh

Imagine if those bags they found were planted by the group to make it seem like they died.

Dammit Richtofen..-_-


You guys should do the mysterious death of Blair Adams

The last one had me crying

Everybody does love blue

This reminds me of Sirius' escape of Azkaban. Thought to be inescapable, out smarted the guards.

My theory is that Morris and a few of the objects found were thrown overboard for weight purposes. The brothers made it to land and either had connections for money or they disguised themselves. The body could be the betrayal of the brother from throwing Morris overboard.

Shane reminds me of Rob from Threadbanger

I bet John and Clarence watching this and laughing their asses off

Allen West it’s the season 5&6 of the flash looks like devoe got him back in prison

This guy sounds like the Burger King foot lettuce guy

Thumbnail looks like a discount dan bull.

You guys should cover the Lady of the Dunes case!

So, I've always wondered, does Shane go into these not having done research on the case?

Not many people know that the guard's families lived on the island too, some I think were even born there, and they sometimes came into limited contact with the prisoners.

Do an episode about the Man in the Iron Mask in France a long time ago!

I had to do an essay on this case last year in my literature class lol

my mom does the alcatraz swim in SF

2:40 Allen West ? True flash lovers understand❤️

Do an episode about Michael Jackson being an alleged pedo

lol I live right next to hat bay and you guys are just saying how evil it is XD

You Guys.Should Do 15 Scariest Things An Stuff Like That

There was a car hyjacking from three men reported on the cost of san francisco near alcatraz on the night of the escape

i used to be obsessed with this escape when i was about 8 wow

a pershonal stash of raincoats

I like to think they survived, because that plan was pretty damn ingenious

West *music intensities* was left behind

bruhh those sunglasses look wayy to over saturated for its time its so clear its been doctored with

Teacher: smile for the yearbook! Me: 1:52

My theory this just popped in my head is that the prisoners did reach the mainland but they left stuff behind so I made it look like they died and so the police or the FBI would end up calling off the case or not pursue them. But honestly both sides of the story have a good case. Idk just my theory

oh that last part. same. imagine if clarence and john anglin are watching this now, at age 90. that would be gold.

I would rather be jailed in azkaban with dementors XD

It would be cool if they kept the rock name then the rock visits and beats the crap out of everyone

Prison inmate: Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?!

You guys should do a video on the Patty Rebholz case! It's been forgotten way too long.

I felt like this was already an episode before, anyone else?

If you can escape that prison then you should be let free cause no jail can hold you

Please sub to me once I get 100 subs I will start posting comics, memes, and tips on how to get more subscribers

Thanks for proving my point. My city is cold year round

8:19 - gottem


Can we just talk about how their names are Shane and Ryan. Almost like Shane and Rylan?!?! And well they technically do conspiracy theories?

What if the inmates wanted everyone to think they escaped on the raft and purposely left behind the one guy to feed the police the wrong plan. and the left those bags for the police to believe they died on the rafts so they would stop looking and they could go on to live some what normal lives.

If you're this smart, you deserve to escape.

I live in Illinois and winter is freezing

their corpses could have been eaten by actual great white sharks depending on the salinity

do the death of eazy e

has there always been a window on the set ? never noticed

Not to mention the waters were loaded with great white sharks!

You guys should cover the unsolved murder of Father Alfred Kunz in Dane, Wisconsin. I believe it happened in 1998. He was found with his throat slit in a pool of blood in the hallway of the parish school. He has a questionable past too, and there are a few interesting theories of what led to his death.

The picture of Clarence exactly captures my personality

I have been to that prison and saw how they escaped


coming from a san franciscan i think the bay is pretty cool

You guys should do the Titanic

Maybe making people believe that they died was parte of their plans as well

Ultimate roblox jail break

You guys should do the Long Island Serial Killer

We love a Paddington 2 reference queennnnnn

i actually hope they got away.

This has to be one of the greatest true crime episodes of all time

I had a project about this

MOTD anybody?

In prison since ages 13 and 14... Feels more like something's wrong with the system than the men themselves.

Congrats on one million!!

When Ryan says, “Unsolved” at the end, does anyone else say it with him? No? Just me? Cool

It’s been uploaded on my birthday yassssss

I’ve been to alcatraz, and it’s surprisingly beautiful.

This brings me back to last summer when i visited many parts of California and i went to Alcatraz,, it was honestly so cool to be in the actual prison and i will admit, a little eerie as well

I think you guys should do the death of lord darnely he was married to mary queen of scots and his house burned down but his official cause of death was suffocation and no one knows for sure who did it

They Survived

As much as I dislike their criminal acts, I was rooting for them to escape. The Anglin brothers weren’t too bad of people, they often robbed banks at night or closed to ensure nobody was harmed and only used one weapon which was a toy gun.

I love Shane and Ryan you guys are awesome and the best detectives I have ever seen in the world and you have a great mind. If you pay a little more attention to what you are saying you will see that on some point you solve the mystery. GOOD JOB KEEP IT UP

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network ITS AINT THAT COLD HERE


I believe that they are/were alive. Maybe they got to the shore by swimming when their boat had flattened or they were simply struck by the current that flipped them at a distance that allowed them to swim safely to the mainland. If I were struck, I'd leave everything to be able to survive and get to the mainland. From the psychological side, they're not doing any illegal activities that harm others after they presumably escaped. It should be safe to say that their lives had turned around. They're good people at the time they were escaping. Thus, holding on to the past is not their worries anymore. In simple terms, they're like "Hey! Don't worry about those things! We're free now and let's be free forever."

“Allen West” the flash

"That being said-"

brian firkus in the thumbnail. am i the only one?

uuuuh *w h e e z e*

this alcatraz escape might be the verdict of the escape plan movie

Hats off to them for a assumed successful escape

This series is the ONLY good thing to come out of Cuckfeed

There is such thing as suicide (for the Golden Gate Bridge body.), it’s not necessarily them.

So glad that True Crime is back. :)

I do think that the bros survived... you cannot underestimate the ties between two brothers, frankly, men on the run would do all kinds of BS to help each other out. ... Hell, my old [prof could have paddled to the shore... he was a triathlete and also a veteran.

This was the least scary unsolved video

The two most unfunny people I’ve ever seen

I know like hell them motherfuckers died that day

Mates, quit and make your own channel

I would have been so pissed if I was Allen

You sound like the Burger King foot Lettuce guy

I feel like prison break was based off this, except with a bunch of details change. The only part that makes me think prison break is "Two brothers in a prison together" and then i think "PRISON BREAK!"

this is the only part of buzzfeed that i actually like

Alcatraz was one of the only prisons to have hot showers because they believed that if anyone attempted to escape, their bodies wouldn't be acclimated to the cold waters of bay

the other guy sniched lol

Guys I’m starting this meme, hi fortnite is my city

the possible body in the ocean could be because one of them fell overboard? also i kinda feel like they could’ve had an insider in the prison staff that helped them keep all there secret places private. it’s hard to get away with this much in a prison, so it’s very possible they had someone helping them from the inside.

Frank Morris was so fine

Nanbaka? Anyone?

They needed that 4 person

This is the only good buzzfeed show

I honestly think they made it. They would have found one of the bodies had they not made it. And let’s be real, after all that work they deserved to be free!!

John William anglin looks like Jazza from draw with Jazza

the boiling rock

shane looks like hotshot gg

Bro the picture of clarence tho

What actually happened with the rain coats was, They had noticed that the men on the other side of the cell block were taking notice of the drilling. This side of the cell block was reserved for African American prisoners, they asked the "leader" of the African Americans to make a deal, They keep quiet and give them their raincoats in exchange for extra visitation credits. This plan worked and they ended up getting the coats.

If only my classmates put this much thought and effort into our group projects

Poor west, I wouldn’t have left him.

who else thought those glasses were drawn on

I kinda wish they did make it out and that they get to watch all these documentaries and also took a tour back at the alcatraz prison how cool would that be

I visited Alcatraz with my chamber choir my Junior year in high school. We were lucky enough to go on a day where a former inmate who had written a book visited. He donated his raincoat to the brothers and said he knew that they were quite familiar with the Florida Everglades and could have easily survived off the radar if they made it there.

"Midwestern people know snow" But Alaskans ARE the snow

You guys now do this story

I always know that the mysteries are unsolved but im always pissed when when Ryan says it

I knew u had to do this one sometime! I asked a former inmate while he signed his autobiography of what might’ve happened. He said he heard them escape the rooftop and made it!

Hello Read more

honestly those men were BRILLIANT, i mean you gotta be really smart AND gifted in terms of wel... crafts... to pull something like that off. making a raft out of coats, analysing the structure of the building, coming up with all those excuses..... makes u think what would happen if instead of going to prison at the age of 14 those guys were given proper care, attention and put through resocialisation process.

0:47 that just reminds a me of the prison in the volcano from the last airbender...anyone else?


I miss Ricky Goldberg and Tinsley :((

I am halfway through and this reminds me alot of s1 of prison break hahah

took this long

Barry Allen Wally West = Allen West

Why does Shane look like a Canadian lumberjack

Db cooper

Please do sid and Nancy!

Mark Twain

I know they were criminals but i hope they lived

Isn't there a pornstar named Owen Gray/Grey? I know someone out there was thinking the same thing.

Anyone else watch this only because Alcatraz is a map from bo2 and the guy in the thumbnail looks like one of the characters since it basically is

Michael dyke lol

I’m from Canada you don’t know snow

But what if they wanted people to think they died..


I did my history day project on this

Very good

Sounds like Burger King foot lettuce ngl

You should do a video about fred and rosemary west

Please do FREDDIE MILLS!!!!!!!!!!

make a video on the weepy voiced killer

Oh I definitely believe they survived. The body the Norwegian boat saw was probably just a suicide victim from the Golden gate. I live in Sf and I've seen bodies from there time to time

West is a snitch

Hey Ryan we midwesterners do know cold we just got through with a super long winter and I feel another one coming cause we get chilly

when u two guys leaving Buzzfeed ?

pleeeeease do a video on the trunk murderess!!! its a really interesting story

Actually, I recently got back from a trip to SF. I went to Alkatraz and the tour said that one of the crew members (Frank Morris) recently sent a letter. He explained that the crew escaped to town, as they ran away as soon as they could from SF. Later, the changed their identity and everything. So, yeah the note said what they did after they escaped. Unfortunately, the people who received the note refuse to share the original copy of the note with us. The reason why he wrote that note with the risk of getting put back in jail again, was because all of the crew members had did (of natural causes), and he only had 13 days to live.

Please please PLEASE, do a video on the danish case, called the double murder on Peter Bangs Road. It’s so weird, and I would really love to see what you can uncover!

they gone be free in 11 and 12 years its all good

I toured Alcatraz and I got to see the cells that the escapees had! I even got to see the real dummy heads! It was so cool

I think you deserve a Netflix Show

the breakout of Azkaban was way cooler/better

the narration sounds like the foot lettuce guy

I'd love to see you guys do an episode of the mystery behind the missing Malaysia plane flight 370, the media was a circus and was clouded by it. I would love to finally hear it stripped down to facts......and of course the ever so entertaining shenanigans! Love the show, you guys are my favorite!!!!!!!

6:00 pewds he's comming for u XD

Bruhhh why does Clarence look like a young Bruce Willis

Are they still live here

F0k u coppers!

As someone who's lived near the San Francisco/Richardson Bay my whole life hearing them describe the bay as so scary and cold is funny but understandable. I wouldn't be surprised if they died, given how crazy dangerous the water can be around there (there's literally whirlpools under the golden gate and areas called Hurricane Gulch and the potato patch nearby) but if they knew what they were doing well enough I could see them making it. If you know your stuff, the Pacific isn't that scary and impossible.

oi can u post more of these i watched all of the old ones


I find it crazy that some people get put to the world's most secure prison for bank robbery and now people can get away with murder.

Allen West Like Barry Allen and Iris West or Joe

What if they survived changed their names and are watching this now

I read that the Anglin brothers used to swim in Lake Michigan when there was still ice in the water when they were younger. They were great swimmers and were use to swimming in waters of below freezing temps, it's very likely that they survived. I also read that Morris had an IQ of 133 and he was the mastermind of the escape which is why it was so ingenious. So with his intelligence and the brother's swimming skills...

Yo guys there’s a game where you can completely reenact this escape it’s called Poptropica and the level is Escape From Pelican Rock

Shane and I are Mid-Western buds. We do get snow.

Imagine if they have seen this. Lol

2:19 *WOW* dude on the right is a ventriloquist!!

Is the series prison break inspired by this Alcatraz break?cause the breaks are quite similar...

I literally just went to Alcatraz cycyvghgh

do Madeline McLain

I just have to say that they are smart

I've only been to San Francisco once and it took me 2 seconds of looking at the island to decide there is no way they survived. Mainly because of its size but also the currents around angel island are far too strong.

Do a 9\11 episode

Finally, nothing scary.

The guy wearing the beanie is super irritating


Why do I feel like Allen West was able to escape but stayed back to help them not get caught by planting the bags and other things

I am from San Francisco and I went on a field trip to Alcatraz and when I went I kept hearing noises and got a feeling that I wasn’t alone especially when I walked into the psych ward. But you guys should totally go explore and see if there’s any ghosts

They have to kill THE WEASEL!!!

They turned into animaji and sneaked past the dementors

they got the jackets from trading food with other inmates in exchange for their jackets

Its not unsolved its solved morris dies the anglen brothers are alive but they live brazil

My theory is that the men made it to shore and when they walked on the beach they covered there foot steps and went into hiding

You should cover the story of Fremantle Prison in Western Australia. It's meant to be haunted and there was a big prisoner outbreak that happened. I went and got a tour of the prison, it was pretty cool

Anyone else from Bay Area?

pretty sure you can ask for cell transfers even today....if OITNB is accurate at all lmao

How old would they be now? Could they still be alive?

Escape from pelican rock!

Prison life on roblox in a nutshell

“Happy hour at The Rock”

Can you make a video on the Erebus disaster?, there's heaps of conspiracies over the government hiding what truly happened

Didn’t MythBusters try building a boat from rain coats at one point?

Everyone thought Azkaban was inescapable and it was surrounded by water but Sirius Black escaped.

Why do you talk so nasally?

I think those guys were too smart not to have survived!

Frank is lowkey a snack

" Nikolai Nikolai Nikolai, Why Do I Keep Hearing That Name? "

Didn't Mythbusters do a thing on this where they were successfully able to escape and raft to shore using the same exact methods?

i know the two brothers and i know what they used the raft for and how they escaped

They sunk and died

y’all should do the casey anthony case

Who is narrating? Their voice is really annoying. Im sorry it just had to be said

It would be funny if one of them was watching this video and laughing at us

i'm brazilian and i just can't put into words the immense satisfaction i feel when ryan says "caipirinhas"

This plan sounds so similar to the show Prison Break. I wonder if it was based off this story. I really hope they survived.

Poptropica has an island called “Escape from Pelican Rock” and it’s basically this. You make a dummy head, use spoons stolen from the kitchen, go through the walls, etc. It’s really fun, i’ve played it about 5 times.

Who else wants them to cover the Kurt Cobain case???

When I was younger I actually went to Alcatraz! We did all the tours that we could and it was so cool! So I already knew about this story :D also I met a prisoner that used to be there, he’s like eighty-something years old and he was rly nice lol

I like this part of buzzfeed not the feminazi part of it

I live in SF

Its funny how people think they died because their bodeis were never discovered, who dafuk will boast around telling they escaped prison, and the goverment just tries to cover the issue by claiming they died

If the prisoners did escaped, they probably memorized the contacts and left it behind as they might need to swim quicker

Malaysian Airlines disappearance

make these into podcasts!!!!!!!!!

I'm with Shane, no one knows winter like Midwesterners. It's frequently colder in Minnesota than Alaska, so yes, I stand by that highly generalized statement.

my theory: that the anglin brothers made it to the shore alive but morris died or went overboard (explaining the unreported body) and that the anglin brothers left their life jackets to make it SEEM like they didn't make it.

Mythbusters succeeded

I hate buzzfeed but love unsolved

At 3:03 u made a mistake

That’s my great uncle he lives in Trenton Florida

OK bay area beaches aren't really that cold, I mean after like 5 minutes in the water you get used to it and it's fine to swim in


could you do a video on Ned Kelly?

i am a mid western and yes winter here is like Canada dont come here to visit if you want to be stuck inside all winter and have to be forced to go to school in 3 feet snow and -10 degrees

ugh i really want to watch these videos but Ryan's voice is seriously so grating rip

Your my boy blue!!!!!!

This reminds me of The Boiling Rock episode of Avatar. A notorious, secluded prison in the middle of the ocean that everyone deemed inescapable—that is, until people did escape them. I’m sure the show’s creators meant to do that too, since Alcatraz was called the “Rock,” just like the Boiling Rock.

The bags may have been bailed due to weight on the boat. The life vests and other remnants on the beach may have been abandoned when landed.

One of the few successful prison breaks in history * applause *

is it me or do the sunglasses looked photoshopped in the picture

Jail worked

Yeah, and the titanic was unsinkable.

Frank Morris

Quote. End quote. Quote. End quote. Quote. End quote.

Im from the midwest. Shane is overexagerating.

Do the Zodiac next

Their voices are so annoying

2 hours? You can easily swim half a mile in under 2 hours.

Allen West? Is he a speedster? No, no? Just me thinking it's Barry Allen West? Ok bye

Chris pratt's characters Owen was a dinosaur behavioral specialists. Which makes him more of a doctor than a scientist


The thing I find good about the prison is that they gave the prisoners hot water showers so if they tried to escaping from the water, they wouldn't of took it cause it was freezing.

The water being cold is bs and it has been proven by investigators to be false

Do you remember the dark days before Shane??

Hey Shane and Ryan huge fan of your show, can you do episode on mysterious disappearance of Netaji Subash Chandra bose

so the plane in black ops 2 is a lie

the plan was so good that it covered their tracks after being successful, why make such a good plan then be sloppy after making it? They had enough time to plan

They used the raft they made to circumnavigate the island and then used a roll of electrical cable to attach themselves to the alcatraz ferry which toed them to the mainland. Check out the fbi report from the time. They noted a roll of electrical wire was missing but the did not consider it relevant.

I heard that Ricky Goldsworth escaped from Alcatraz

Are there any sightings of Morris, though? Or is he a mystery still?

Well the evidence that they might have lived only shows the brothers might have survived, not Morris. So maybe the body that was spotted floating belonged to the Morris and he never made it to the mainland but the two brothers did.

22:12 I feel like if they are found and arrested, they shouldn't be put in jail, that escape happened 56 years ago, I'm sure they have learned their lesson, they should go on tour and talk about the escape.

Quick comment, you’re able to request cell mates and what not in most prisons, even to this day. It avoids fights and what not.

Andrew gosden

This sounds something out of a movie

Shane’s impersonation of Chris Pratt

If these people are smart enough to think of this plan, shouldnt they be smart enough to bring extra life jackets and possessions to lead behind to throw of police and make them belive the 3 died

Idk why but I hope they’re alive

did anyone else for some reason want the men to escape and survive on the journey?

You should do the Beaumont Children!

They probably couldn’t steal the Declaration of Independence.

ok but they could all get it

Now I see where the show "Prison break" Got their inspiration from

Do tupacs death

+Mariea *did

They dis

come to brazil!!1! lmao

Tom Holland looks like a younger version of Frank Morris.

this the boiling rock episode fam

can christopher nolan make a movie about The Incredible Alcatraz Prison Break

Here in Denmark a man made an actual tunnel out of his cell to be with his love of his life. it took him like 11 months and when he was found he was on the verge of dying in the top of a farmhouse because he hadnt eaten the given food because he needed to lose weight in order to fit in the tunnel. He said it wasnt worth it.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network do the case on Cropsey

I have school coming up, I need help ;-;

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network u

Why does it say season1 I thought it was season4 Also I know this is unlikely but what if they survived and made it look like they died but lived under fake identities

Someone give this guy narration lessons

I went to the pier in SF by Alcatraz I was pretty awesome seeing the island even though I never went on it

2018: How people escape prison 2028: how pokèmon escape pokèballs

These guys were clearly geniuses so props to them

This is the full story of what happened : The two brothers and Frank did make it out, barley. One of the brothers wrote a letter to the F.B.I saying that him and his brother and Frank made it out barley but that he has cancer and wants treatment and is willing to do 1 year of prison for it. If you don't believe that then Frank's cousin came out on some shows and said that said that Frank was his cousin and met him face to face and even called him. He also payed some guards to look the other way. So pretty much all 3 of them made it out alive.

the dude w/o the hat sounds like the #15 guy lol

that guy in red is not funny at all he shouldn’t even be in the video

do the madeline mccann kidnapping

do madeline mccann!!!!!!!!

Morris had a big IQ. A smart idea throwing personal stuff in the bay. And the body? They already made dummies in the prison, why couldnt they bring one with them?

Clicked off cause yet again you won't stop rambling and trying to be funny didn't click on the video to watch you two .

Buzzfeed has good content but you ruin it by talking e.g. Going off topic it ruins the story line / suspense . It really isn't insteresting or funny please get on with it

can’t believe they copied off of poptropica smh

We all know they build a plane and crashed into the Golden Gate

There's endless documentaries on this, and one of them actually includes a "secret" FBI file confirming a raft was found on the mainland, but no footprints were found near it

I escaped alcatraz that day i would love to do a interview with you guys

I’m from the Netherlands and I’m on vacation in America. I’m also going to Alcatraz in one week, so this is amazing timing!

Look into "the boys on the tracks", an unsolved case dating back to 1987 in Arkansas.

Clint Eastwood movie was good

Damn how many channels do you guys own

I hate watching these videos cause I always wait for the end to find out what or how it happened, but then I remember the name of the series and I get mad

hmshsshs Prison Break vibes...

Annoying voice, cant watch

The only nystery to me is if morris's families claims are true

Also to point out another fact, the two brothers that escaped were convicted of bank robbery. This means that they have had lots of experience planning and preparing themselves for any given scenario with plain bs if plan a fails. Mentality they could have over come these odds in my opinion therefore I'm somewhat glad they escaped if they managed to do so, since they engineered genius level plans to defeat a so called inescapable prison

I want supernatural back

Wasn’t there an old woman who got carjacked by 3 men like 3 days after they escaped?

*M O B O F T H E D E A D*

This was one of my suggestions

thats why their is a expiration date on crimes that are not murder

"I think I'll drink a caipirinha today" Few people will understand LMAO

I think the brothers got rid of sweet pants morris maybe that floated body was his and Clint Eastwood

How is this by Buzzfeed, I actually enjoyed it!

They should’ve made this when I had a sub and had to read about this

Please do an episode on the Long Island Serial Killer that'd be so dope

Oooooo I’ve been there it’s in San Francisco it’s cool

The West Memphis three case

( W H E E Z E )

I think they were abducted by aliens

They would still be alive!?

His voice is like off-brand Chills

I've been to Alcatraz and I saw the cell they broke out of.

Omg the guy in the thumbnail reminded me of Alex Erns (sorry I don’t how to spell his last name but Alex from the vlogsquad)

They waited 30 minutes in their secret workshop for Allen West. Knowing time was running out, they left a raft, life vest, and a paddle for Allen West, Incase he ever managed to make it out of his cell.

To be honest, they seem like pretty cool dudes. I’d hang out with them. Pop open a cold one, watch the game. Maybe even drink a caipirinha.

I wonder if anybody on driving on the Golden Gate Bridge and saw a small silhouette moving in the water, but thought nothing of it. Possibly.

Legitimately the only good buzzfeed media

Is Prison break(tv show) based on this ?

Even if these kids didn’t make it, I have mad respect for these bois.

It would've been really badass if they made it, but I think they most likely died.


Damnit they patched that way to escape

Do the town that dreaded sundown it is still unsolved and one of the biggest murder cases in history. The Texas rangers most elite detectives even got involved.

0 testosterone BTW.

Ryan please make an ASMR video

God damn. These people are smart and crafty.

Interesting topic, but oh my god... can't get over how annoying the voice over is

Those sunglasses look fake

No mention of mythbusters? come on guys

Why is he even like that? I would know because i run a youtube channel highlighting twitch clips. but srsly why?

great story but buzzfeed is cringe

I bet they survived, they could have made it look like they "didn't" survived by leaving those things behind.

maybe they could’ve survived because they could’ve gotten there half way or 3/4 and then swam the rest

Someone,anyone,make this a movie.

Do something about XXXTENTACION

Yall need to do an episode on the Scranton strangler

I would love you to check out the chiong sisters case. Its still unsolved up til now

late but good u finaly posted it

Is it bad that I was hoping they would make it to the mainland

I'm kinda disappointed in this episode. Recent evidence has found that they didn't try to go to Angel Island on the raft at all, but instead paddled to the other side of Alcatraz to tie the raft to a ferry that carried employees to and from the mainland around the time of the escape. They either got towed to the mainland, or close enough to a boat that was waiting for them. An unidentified boat was reported to be in the bay at the time of the escape that night as well. Also, a better photo of the Anglin brothers in Brazil has surfaced, and is likely a 100% match to them.

That ending scene though lmao

Hold up... Allen West?!

Shane's Midwestern rants are relatable

To me it was the perfect escape. They were smart enough to make false evidence to make it seem as if they didn’t make it. I mean why would they leave any evidence at all?

There is actually a book online about the escape (I know I’m a nerd) *Slow claps*

When I went to Alcatraz so I already know everything that they talked about in the video. And yes, it’s VERY cold.

I died at 2:10 hahaha


Bro I love San Francisco literally the best vacation I’ve ever been and I love Alcatraz.

Let’s be real those motherfuckers drowned

Please can you translate imperial measures into the metric system?

I keep on coming back to this video. This is one of the best episodes yet.


Take buzzfeed off the channel name. That’s how you get more subs

1. Their raft was found on Angel Island so idk what your talking about 2. I've been on the island, gone through their tours multiple times and Allan West was never mentioned 3. The brothers were in cells next to each other however Morris and a man named Charlie Buttz were in cells next to each other who you may have mistaken for West. 4. A recreation of the currents made by the Dutch scientists proved that on the night of the escape, they would have been taken to an area likely below the bridge in the Golden Gate, not out to the ocean 5. There were many inaccuracies with where all their tools were made such as their selfmade tools 6. They would definitely have been sea lions slapping each other not seals.

I've been to Alcatraz and nothing was ever mentioned of an Allan West. I do know that in the Clint Eastwood movie; Escape From Alcatraz, a member was left behind but he was known as Charlie Buttz.

You missed the coolest part, that Allen West apparently mad it to the roof eventually, but after the others had left. So he just stayed up there, smoking his cigarettes until dawn, before heading back to his cell.

You forgot that west work above cell block b painting the ceiling and anglin worked in a barber shop Morris worked in the work shop he put carpets up above cell block b and was building a raft with glue from the book shop and the raft was stitched to be air tight they also made life jackets Morris dropped a paddle on the roof they climbed down the east side of the prison and used a pipe to climb down foot prints were found along the shore they made it to angle island and built a boat to the shore

Whoa! Cool! I’m related to the brothers who escaped! Nice to see you guys doing a video on them!

They were so smart how did they end up in jail

Probably just abandoned the life raft to throw the fbi off them

I still cant find all the keys and these guys escape. Wtf.

New channel?

Y’all talk to dam much

23:04 wtf!!!

9:15 the guard begins his rounds...

They should be awarded with Nobel prize

They drowned RIP.

I kinda hope they made it out alive tbh. They deserve it by that point.

Bongo drums and escape plans. Name a more iconic duo.

I strongly believe that they are still alive

I clicked on this thinking it was going to be cool but then I realized it was BuzzFeed

One of my favourite unsolved stories ! We were taught this story in junior year in high school. So interesting. It's fascinating how we will never know if they survived or not.

"They should've just asked to leave"

did anyone else think of the flash on Allen West??

Scientist here! A lot of us do in fact work out, and endurance sports (like triathlons...I actually know some who have done the Escape Alcatraz race) are common among PhDs.

Maybe they left their stuff behind to make it seem like they died.

*I Just realized that this was BuzzFeed* God WHY?!

Hey so the floating body thing is true, but you didn’t take into account that many bodies become tangled in seaweeds. Happened to a few missing bodies near where I live. Coast guard said they were tangled, which is pretty common apparently

Who only knew what Alcatraz prison was from bo2 zombies?

What I’ll say is that the reason their are some left over bags is as a decoy. You may think that’s valid information and personal stuff but you think he’ll keep spares ? Also as you see in the video this is a piece of evidence as to why they “didn’t survive” which is probably what they obviously want you to think.


you guys should go ghost hunting in japan

Eyy they escaped on my birthday

is it me or did the mysterious woman in veils give me chills

they said that they didnt have money but i mean they were arrested for bank robbery and the money from that could have been used after they escaped

Chris Pratt is daddy

are you happy YouTube?

Sounds like your holding your nose while you talk.

They made it, you know how hard you would be trying to escape??

It occurs to me . . . the guy left behind could have been lying. Maybe he figured that even though he couldn't escape, he could still do his friends a solid and mislead the police. There also may be no way to truly accurately recreate the escape, because of the effect adrenaline could have. Who knows how strong they could have been, or how fast/far the could swim?

The rock Me : " The Rock Dwayne Johnson from wwe ".

I think that the brothers survived and frank Morris died

they actually did escape... There is a full documentary on YouTube on how the family had actual evidence

you guys should do an episode on the staircase

What about the Babutchka lady??

My grandpa was friends with the anglin brothers when they were kids


Applebees were not talking about FLASH

Wrong, the most incredible escpae from Alcatraz was when Sal Deluca, Finn O'leary, Billy Handsome, and Al Arlington or "Weasel" made a makeshift airplane on the roof on New years eve when all the guards were drunk and escaped, but the plane fell and landed on the golden gate bridge.

Zaxlax z dont forget the hored of zombies

If the body was real maybe the brothers ditched the other guy

What if west wall was thicker than the other escapees and he was really the bait so the other 3 could escape

escapees: honestly i'd do anything to get out of this prison ocean: then perish


So, I know this is a horrible thought, but honestly, I hope they survived. I was rooting for them the entire time, especially the Anglin brothers. Like Shane said, prison worked! Just let them have their get out of jail free card and go about their business, they surely deserve it for coming up with such an ingenious plan lol.

Yeah well I played the escapist so I could easily escape the rock.


I live in San Francisco

The Prison Break has finally been solved they all died of the strong current from pulling them under

How do they know the details of the escape if they were never caught?



Please do Madeline McCann’s case!! It fascinates me and there is still hope for her to be found. This is recent and very famous in Europe thanks!

I think they survived and escaped. If the ocean was narrow they wouldve just swam if their craft crashed. I think they had to leave everything behind if they wanted to survive. They seem like smart men to me

I'm a little bit confused. This should be season 4 or 5 right? Not season 1.

Shane got memed

Cover the Osage Murders

was ryan trying to say caipirinha? lmao

Is this where the writers of avatar got the boiling rock from??? Just the idea of a prison island with water of unpleasant temperatures around it makes it look highly inspired


I’ve been to Alcatraz

They planted things in the water to make people think they died in the water

Why does it matter if they reach 99 years old?

this may sound weird, but i have a friend, we’ll call him Joe, who id related to one of the brothers. Joe had done a speach on this subject and notes that neither brothers had children, and that since he was told he was related, this is Joes theory: They made it out alive. The ‘group’ had stoped only breifly on the island in between the island and the main island yet worked hard to go towards the main island. Once there, they felt releived and impowered. so they slept with homeless women, collected money without harm for drinks, stuff similar to that. According to Joe, one woman got pregnant, and started his family... (not sure if i believe it or not)

Lol poptropica made an island abt this

who here plays call of duty? like if you understand

Why is it always brazil? Lol

suddenly I understand where the inspiration for Prison Break came from

Watch give up tomorrow. Please. Make a video about the Frame up.

lol the narrating voice tho

"It sounds like the prison from Paddington 2"

No 1950

6:10 if he were the guard he would be bad because he didn’t do his job right and he’s clapping bc hes going to get fired

Iconic guys.

Visit Alcatraz plz

Michael dyke...


Warning A lot of raincoats was harmed in this escape.

NOT TO BE RASIST THO Shane looks more asian than Ryan ... HERE: 1:13

What about the theory that a UFO abducted them

If the escape plan was that genius, they definitely planted objects and Allen West was also part of it. He probably made up a plan to tell the FBI in order to get out just 4 years later, and the rest planted objects to make his confessions seem legit. After that they probably headed the complete opposite direction.

Could they died in Oakland or Compton or Los Angeles

Do one of Paul MCCartney

The heads are in watch dogs 2

allen West Barry Allen iris West?

They got a cell change easier than I got a class change in high school

Barry Allen West


The Cycle Is Broken

in conclusion, the anglin brothers had some snitches in the family.

One of those men could be your grandpa

Why did you guys cover up Allen West's face

The only good buzzfeed channel

Daz Wrong fr tho

Buzzfeed is BuzzFeed but I am hooked on this!

Just starting the video and I am pretty sure no one has every escaped Alcatraz and surviving. Someone did leave Alcatraz and made a raft of I pillows I think. the raft was found in the middle of the water with no one on it. Thay are pretty sure that thay drowned cuz the raft was in the middle of nowhere

There still alive, somewhere in Brazil. I’ve watched a documentary of Alcatraz and it talked about how there alive and they had a person, a girl, related to one of the guys, probably the brothers I don’t know, and they told that they survived the water and moved to a different place. I don’t know about you guys but I There alive to me, probably 50 years old or 60 rn


Actually the next day a car was reported stolen after the three had escaped

I think that I never date down all the raincoats life-vest that they can Easley of planted them around and they could’ve easily escape because everyone every guard I mean every single guard in Alcatraz Island or the rock is thinking that will never escape if they do they have all this water to try to pass and that they’re not gonna do it so there’s no really big point of trying to stop him them. So what I’m saying is the reason why they escaped is because they didn’t have as good as security as their saying and they could not of made it far and if the guards would stop them.

is this what prison break is based on causeeee

I just want them to come out and say theyr alive since the case is closed and thet wont go to jail

Nothing about al capone?

Did you know that Ryan's unsolved voice would make me lull into deep sleep? I always fell asleep halfway through the video and had to rewatched the whole video the next day

Do the silent twins

i think the brothers lived and the other man was killed ether by the brothers, or not...

the picture in the thumbnail looks like drawing with jazza

There was another documentary which showed some family member (son or whatever) verifying a photo of the brothers standing together in a picture without sunglasses at some detail expert dude and he concluded that there was a 90% chance of them being the angling brothers.

Guys. You should do the case of Michel C Rockefeller, the anthropologist who disappeared in Papua New Guinea .


Imagine Frank or the Anglin brothers watching this and laughing.

Conspiracy :They probably made it but cuz they had prison clothes on they were caught and run off somewhere? But tbh someone probably would of reported it to the prison so never mind lol

there's no doubt in my mind that they survived.

Plot twist: the inmates end up in purgatory

at this point i hoped they escaped and made it, all of their crimes seemed to be out of money needs and they don’t seem to have ever intentionally harmed someone either, they’re not the best people but that was one hell of a plan and i have no doubt the last phase of their plan consisted of getting the police to think they perished during the escape by planting those items, good job boyss

Clint eastwood escape from alcatraz

I think some made it not all but some of em one of the brothers and frank I think

Also June 12 is my birthday...... wow.

Just realized that they used comic sans.... I’m disappointed in the boys

this is so scary

Do you think that they threw all this stuff overboard to mislead the fbi and already planned out and used a fake body to seem like they drowned to mislead the fbi to keep them searching the waters while they are living under witness protection of their own hiding from the fbi using family members or others to get them food or their boat got cut up and capsized into the water and their bodies were held under by the current and the rocks? And maby only one of them floated up

The way he narrates reminds me of number 15

They totally deserved to leave prison because of this genius plan

If they where smart enough to get to that point they could've planted that stuff to trick the FBI and if they already made head sculptures maybe they planted the body thingy. Just a thought tho don't come for me

The guy on the left was annoying

Im changing my name to Frank

Just visited the island very cool

*Where are we going?*

Poor West...

Now that’s what I call upcycling!

What’s the last guy in for?

I have a strong feeling that they made it and those items were left behind on purpose - sort of a way to fool the FBI and let them assume that they didn’t make it to land.

Biggest problem is that the fbi admitted to lying about the escape a car was stolen in the area

I was so happy when they mentioned Paddington 2! I love that film and all the Paddington books :)

maybe the plan was to leave West behind, who had no intention to escape but rather use him to mislead the case causing a deception through association, whilst the anglin and company pulled it off, and lived rest of their life free and legendary, it is plausible, and west got arrested again pretty soon, maybe he was institutionalized in jails

Potentially they never left the prison its self and they just hid and bribed West to lie to the FBI

there are great white sharks in San Francisco Bay because of the cold temperatures

2,000,000 IQ

Is that jazza?

Those guys are legends and I think they still living

This is the only good thing buzzfeed produces

dude . i want a movie about this so bad

Mrank Forris

Woah my parents met in Brazil I’m scared if my did is one of them now lol


bruh Allan West mvp

I have actually been to Alcatraz and got to see all the dummies and saw the spot that hey had escaped from

A proficient long distance swimmer can easily swim that in around 2 hours. Even given the coldness and tide

SF is not cold ever

I live in San Francisco and on 1 day it was so hot that it wasn’t funny it was 97 degrees

Why does the guy at :40 talk like that

I went there a week ago

Anyone watching watch the documentary made by the history channel much more interesting and shows the anglin family as well as a very different ending of how to get off the island how they did it and where they went

Ok y does Ryan know ab the prison from paddington?? w h y i s n o o n e q u e s t i o n i n g t h i s

These people must have the IQ of 1,000 Like wow bro...

These people must have been really strong at arts and crafts time when they were little

i went to san Fransico this summer and it wasn't that cold

I went and visited it

thought that was Bruce Willis

I thought this was already solved Like didn’t they find the bodies of the three men in a forest or something after someone came clean about helping the trio with the escape?

Id like to see this on buzzfeed unsolved....The mysterious disappearance of the Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers.

idk but maybe the raft only worked half the way so they decided to drop everything and swim, throwing away all prison indications (ex. clothes, life jackets?) before stepping into freedom

honey if them scientists were really Dutch they were probably at least 1.90m tall so I think it’s ok for them to try it hahaha

They died to ligma

Whether they died or survived, they escaped.

Why is this literally prison break....

As a Midwesterner, I had to pause this video a minute and a half in so that I could rant about snow. It's no joke.

im kinda :/ you guys didnt go ghost hunting in alcatraz

They're probably watching this in a secret shelter laughing at this or something lmao


wHy cant he talk normal. pls tell me this bothers other people..

I took a really good poop just before watching this video. One of those poops where you feel a few pounds lighter and ready to eat.

45f? Oooh no, what a nightmare

I’ve been in that water, is really cold

Do one on the SILENT TWINS

It’s very dangerous there

Do the Jonestown Massacre on supernatural

There are a couple thanks they missed like the raft and current had to be just right because a guard boat circling the island every 2 hours and I've also heard that Fred brezzi had also helped by picking them up halfway in a boat and there's also a video of Fred talking to the family and has a recording of the brothers and him talking. But I may be wrong about all of this and I should just keep my mouth shut.


What if they dropped the bags and life vests because they were weighing down the boat to much

I think they lived.

These are smart nibs

Bruh most of the lakes where I live are like 37 degrees and the best swimming lake is 67 degrees.

The guy with the red shirt looks like the girl who got her eyes swollen by bees

I think that they survived

He talked like the Burger King foot lettuce guy

They were geniuses

Gta fans where you at

Estonia next please

Is this a podcast

This is great history!

This just show how calculated criminals can be.

WHat if Allen was a murder when The night before the escape Allen could’ve heard a conversation without him to leave him behind in fearing that he would tell the authority and when he heard that they had an argument in the room and Allen lost the argument At maybe around 10:30 when they escaped Allen could’ve sneaked into one of their rooms and When they got through the walls and they were about to place the boat down Allen Killed the three of them and sneaked into the vent and closed and opened it again to make the sound that they heard at 10:30 and quickly ran back to his cell and threw the bodies and the evidence in the water

What if Allen was a Murder I know this might sound crazy I know it does but I still made this

I’ve been to Alcatraz it was so interesting

i am sure they survived, if they are smart enough to break out from prison then they are smart enough to survive

What if they didn't go either way? What if they didnt go to Horeshoe Bay, San Fransico or Angel Island? What if they went the other way 17:39 look at that map. What if they went East? They could have had someone with a boat or something? or they just wanted to play it out smart and go the way people would look?

up to ten minutes it kinda sounded like Prison Break. Hole in the ground secretly working on a hole and stuff

Take a shot every time someone says “escapees” fucken hell

Like, come on, Ryan. These are professional swimmers. These three escapees probably aren't professional, they're criminals. They may not have been able to fight against the currents, even with the adrenaline. They were probably a bit sleep deprived as well from making an escape route. It's kinda unlikely that they could've swam to shore.

So when they turn 99 can they come out of hiding cause that would be amazing

escaping alcatraz isn't hard. all you have to do is collect the parts and fly the plane to the golden gate bridge

Didn’t one of the escapers write a letter to the FBI about cancer treatments?

xxxtentacion death

Black ops 2 zombies ? Anyone

Would you please stop the inappropriate language/signs, or at least give that option in an another seperated video where all of that is cut?

olivia adel

I went there, it’s thrilling and awesome.

Clarence looks like Ryan Reynolds

I just think to myself that anything BuzzFeed says is just incorrect and moronic

Mark Twain quote

Frank Morris is very nice to look at.

Is it possible that they made it look like a boat wreck by leaving that stuff in water and escaped to Canada

If you go to Alcatraz, you can still see marks from the grenades on the floor of one of the cutoffs.

John alglin is it Jazza 12:02 huh obnoxious but consistent

There were actually four, and the names were Al, Sal, Finn and billy.

Recently actually made a documentary unveiling new and controversial evidence that surfaced after 50 years crazy enough. Makes me wonder. Mythbusters even tested this.



I think they survived..

These people are legends.

I live in the east bay (the mainland) and my grandmother said it was a panic when the word spread that Alcatraz prisoners escaped back then. This episode was so cool

0:38 dwayne johnson is jealous

you dont know winter until you've visited canada

If you read this sub to me

I stop watching for 5 weeks and I come back and ryan and shane are like totally best buds!

It may sound really bad for me to say, but I kinda hope they escaped. Not because I want criminals running around but because I think it would be kinda cool for 4 guys to escape an insanely supervised prison and live to tell the tale. Realistically, I don't think they survived, though.

LifeAsMegan there are still Alcatraz prisoners that are alive. And guards too! I met one of the guards the other day.

This is a game on poptropica where you escape and there are raincoats drills raincoats and rafts

I really believe they survived but I just cannot think of what they did after they got to land and how they stayed unknown

This and worth it , carrying buzzfeed

what if they never got far and the current pushed them back to the prison and the prison guards murdered them

Can you imagine if the anglin brothers are watching this and just thinking...hmm the plan worked

i want a movie about this!!

There in Cuba chilling with Tupac

ken is gay

I love the video. But that end-card is the single best thing that I have ever watched.

15:15 if the Escape was 6 weeks earlier the Corpse would habe Been on the Ocean Floor so I DONT Think that the workers said the truth


Is it bad that I wanted them to survive?

I love how most of us were rooting for the Escapees. Its what i like to call, "The Hero Effect." Its where the way the story is told affects about who we rooted for. Lets make two sides, side A and side B. Side A is trying to stop Side B from destroying the planet side A resides in. If the story is told from side A's point of view, Side B would be shown as the "Villians". Side B is trying to destroy a planet of Murderers, Thieves and Heavily Wanted Galactic Criminals. If its told from side B's point of view, Side A would be the Villians. In the Video, its all shown as the 4 men against the Prison Guards, and so in our Subconscious we see the 4 men as the heros. I dont know if this is already a term in writing, but i just found it cool!

Fun fact: the Anglin brothers used a TOY gun to intimidate the bank front of the robbery

Me thinks y'all informative and funnies. Keep up the goodwork!

So I know these men were in prison for a good reason, but when someone works so hard to become free and comes so close, a part of me can't help but root for them. I mean, everyone can sympathize with the desire for freedom, deserved or not.

Oh my god, Shane is right when it comes to midwestern winters… let me tell you what lol

Poor West man

If i was allen west, i wouldve been PISSED

John William looks like Draw With Jazza


I clicked the vid because the guy in the thumbnail looked like Draw With Jazza

i cant even pick where i want to sit in class and they allow that in prison tf

Shane:"F*ckin' Poindexters." Me, a nerd: That's so sad. Alexa, play Despacito.

My dad lived near San Francisco and they said the boat was made from trash bags

Barry Allen and iris west

That being said

-25 here in IL last year lol

Who'd have know some parts of buzzfeed are coll

This reminds me of the game a way out

I was actually just there a few weeks ago and we saw a recreation and they told us all about this

Allan west is such a snitch

If they stole 50 coats, that means that two of them stole 12 coats and another two of them stole 13 coats. That isn’t so much if u look at it from this perspective. But still, 12 coats a lot for one person…

What are you talking about

Why tf were they in prison they were obviously smart

I think they survived and are still alive

Uhhhh after watching this you guys got it WAY wrong Google or record the show Alcatraz the lost evidence and you will see what truly happened to them

I reckon they faked their death

Wait how did they go from San Francisco to spain

They forgot about the letter sent to the Alcatraz warden that before the escape went public that said "ha ha we made it" the problem with the letter is the signatures didn't match the escapees

we gonna act like the dude in the red isn’t baked ?

im sorry but some of this is wrong, like they didn't make a drill!

this is one of the less scary/creep ones and i like it

Do I have to if I want to watch an unsolved thant is clean of inappropriate content ?!!

18:24 those guys have clearly never heard of test subjects... smh

For postmortem: A lot of time and resources seemed fixated on Angel Island, isn't it possible that when they discovered West wasn't going to make it they changed the route due to West possibly telling the original plan? The time spent on Angel Island may have given them freedom to distance themselves from the prison.

I am enjoying reading comment section

I personally think they died while trying to escape

I liked this but I disliked it because it was the 1k dislike so sorry

Y’all I played this on poptropica

I met one of the last inmates that is still alive! Pretty cool

Honestly I feel like since West wasn't able to come it would make sense for them to try to go right to the mainland instead of sticking to the plan of going to Angel Island because I wouldn't trust West not to rat me out

So this got me thinking: Why are people are all like "this guy who killed a heap of people, well he's a free man now." and people freak out. but you gotta take into account that like 10 years in prison that does stuff to you. the whole time you're in there you are saying to yourself "well, i'm not gonna do that again" and you don't. so why do people freak out when a serial killer guy has just got out of prison. he was sent there so that he was a) being kept away from other people and b) so that he had time to reflect on his actions. (i know i have used male pronouns a lot, i can't be bothered to change them)

Obviously Brutus made sure they didn’t escape

What if the Anglin brothers wanted to fake the fact they never made it to the bay? what if they went to treasure island? its slightly longer yet they could have made it there, at least this is my theory.

allen west = west-allen which is iris in the flash’s last name and barry in the flash went to prison for a while so BASICALLY if i’m getting this right iris west-allen is a wanted criminal who escaped from alcatraz

Who else is here from Black ops 2?

Reminds me of prison break

Please do John Wayne Gacy. PLEASE.

There were also sharks sorounding the island

I saw Alcatraz last month

I’m an intellectual because I watch buzzfeed informational videos.

Anyone been to the now museum of the prison?

we do know snow, and it sucks

i totally didn’t hear at the beginning “this week on lesbian unsolved,”, i didn’t! there’s not a chance i could hear that

do the pizza bombing mystery pleaseeee!!

How do you know that they didn’t commit a single crime when they escaped, and were reformed? lol How many unsolved crimes have been committed since 1962? Haha

I was watch a documentary on a cop and he found out that the raft did make it to the shore it and there was a car stolen that day

why does the narrator voice remind me of “number 15 burger king foot lettuce”

I just picture these 3 guys watching this video with there legs on the table laughing

15:10 norway

I believe they made it. Yeah the things they dropped in the water wasn't easy things to give up (family pictures), but they may have given them up to make authorities believe they didn't make it alive. They knew they were going to lose their old lives anyways, so they left their families. For example one of the vests were found only a 100 yards away from land, and no bodies were found underwater.

Shane can be a poet

Utah is known to have hardcore snow so good on ya Shane

Brothers? Jail escape? *flashes back to uncharted 4*

maybe they left there belongings in the water as a way to fake there own death

Sorry for a lot of typo.

Its from watch dogs 2

THEORY: I don't know how close the inmates were, except for the brothers which I would assume have a good relationship, but say the Anglin brothers and Morris actually escaped to the island. What if the brothers murdered Morris because they were afraid that once they parted ways Morris would commit another crime (given his in-and-out prison history), get caught and possibly give out their location and also help the FBI out figure the mystery out. So they threw his body into the bay (which was the body seen floating around by the freighter), along with their own personal belongings to make it seem like all 3 perished during the escape?

Aww I feel for the other guy that couldn't escape his cell lol

This was 1962, I don't think they could've called in the body even if they wanted to.

2:40 what... they deff escaped because they had the flash in their squad.

ok but the way ryan said "caipirinhas" at 21:16??? my brazilian heart BURSTED that was so cute

Do xxxtentacion

Before you watch this video let me remind you This is BuzzFeed

is impel down dude

that was worth watching just for the ending scene hahahahaha

I've always hoped that they made it. It was such an ingenious plan. If they did they've stayed out of trouble for so long that I'd call them reformed.

You can't trust anything the History Channel says.


"This sounds like a prison for Paddington 2" is what I was thinking the entire time. I absolutely loved that movie.


When they were talking about the bay made me laugh so hard. Every state touching the Pacific ocean thinks that's cute

I did a project about this

They actually made Bc if you go on YouTube and search cbs it says that they made it they made the videos January 3 so they actually did make it one of the brothers is currently 84

The fact that there was never any word or indication in the months after the escape that they made it to shore says to me they probably got swept out to sea and drowned. If three guys made it to the mainland, there would definitely be a trail.

I really hope that if they survived and are still alive, they're watching this video and laughing.

they threw there things to get rid of the evidence and made it look like then died

This is literally poptropica escape from pelican rock my childhood is shook

Do the zodiac

Who remembers the book series Al Capone Does My Shirts

If they’re alive, I wonder if they go on YouTube and watch videos about them self.

Did they look in Brazil tho... if they "were really there" why didnt sonebody check there... But nevermind they probably changed identities and are now living a happy life

This story would make a good movie, I guess.

8:18 haha gottteem

Around 8:00 in all I could think about was Elvis and jailhouse rock

Us midwestern people do know the cold! I used to live in Illinois, and I had some pretty epic snowfalls in my childhood.

English fitz or percy

You wanna talk cold!!! In Park Rapids MN with a 7 year old and a 5 month old baby. I woke up to a house that was 50 degrees. There was a transformer burning across the road and we had no power meant no furnace running. The temperature that morning was -64 below zero!!!!! Yes look it up you will see for yourself. So anybody complaining about cold I will laugh at you because you don't know cold until you experienced temps like that!!!

why is allens face black??

I think they made it

Bet they made this cuz of cod

please do the zodiac killer

The background music scared me...

I know I’m not the only one who thinks of Azcaban when I see this

Take a shot every time shane or ryan say sell

If they died in their escape their bodies would of been found so they must of survived

I’m the 500 reply

Their mother receiving roses with letters of Anglin brothers' signatures is enough for me to believe that they made it to land. And them dressing up for funerals is funny but really cool to know.

Jailbreak in real life lol

Haha at the beginning you sounded like the burger king foot lettuce guy

I hope they did it

Aside from the Happy Hour, the prison food in The Rock cafeteria was also pretty good. The reason for all these luxuries is that, well, you have a prison full of some of *the most dangerous criminals in America.* A certain level of comfort kept them in line. If things were *too bad* the security would have a riskier job

Maybe one of the guys didn't make it but the other two did.

Mythbusters did it

Paranormal Alcatraz ? please?

The end of the video tho

The plan was so detailed that they would have probably talked about what would happen if one of them was left behind and what to say/not say so West could have given some misleading information to help cover the other guys' tracks. They would've also planned out what they would do to an extent once they make it from the island and how to stay undercover to not get caught and how to communicate with their families so they dont get caught. Like SURELY they wouldn't have planned the escape so much to then just be like " uhhh lets just go with it when we get off the island"


But the people in the triathlon were wearing wetsuits but the escapees were wearing normal clothes so they would freeze


I hate this

There is a theory that they had someone on the outside pick them up in a boat

If they had life vests they wouldn't had drown, completely possible they dumped their evidence and personal belongings to look like they died, making it so they aren't on radar

Hey the didn’t say let’s talk about that today

Aw the anglin brothers are kind of nice (-:

what if they faked their deaths

frank morris can lowkey get it

I think they are alive but in hiding, I loved the way they planed very smart.

I’m a Koop fan so when you said Block B it made me think of the band block b

morlock1267 that theory is very strong

Diogo Fonseca lol I take it that's a good theory?

morlock1267 there you go dude

This would be a great movie if everyone lived

Sims 4 plz

My Friend did a presentation on this at school because of this video :P


If I had to swim two miles on a raft with a couple friends we’d probably be straight for like a mile. If we had our lives on the line and were in the middle of the most daring prison escape, we probably would be able to paddle and swim the two miles

That ending though


Are those the guys off of call of duty

couldn't dream of any better video coming out on my birthday

what if they ditched their stuff so their raft could keep afloat?? thats why bags of their stuff ended up on angel island, because they had to let go of extra weight?

Ya’know I really hope those legends made it man

Scientific tests have been done replicating this whole affair down to the smallest detail decades ago. The result- the raft fell apart within minutes and the men most likely drowned and were swept out to sea. For those who like to believe these criminals got away you are just fooling yourselves.

When the head rolled out of the bed The guards realised *something* was wrong

I know this is weird but am I the only one that thinks frank Morris is kind of handsome

Franks kinda cute

I actually have a book about on of the inmates from there

Yesssss I requested this!!!!!

Point 19:48 look at the chins that’s them

4 criminals who are friends in jail can all move beside each other wow i cant even move to the front of the class at my school

I kinda want them to be alive just because of how well executed this plan was

Wouldn't have been in a crime in Germany

them right now, "Where we dropping boys"

Wow..... This is so cool! ( I wouldn't do this ) I wonder what would happen if they were alive, and if they see this video. They would be like " Hahahahahaha, they dont know the truth! "

Im just gonna say im suprised no one came up with an alien theory. Like people usually always go to when they cant figure it out.


wait...were the "scientists" that conducted the test across the bay the mythbusters? because i know they did it

How is this from buzzfeed? ITS ACTUALLY GOOD!

I am one of the three men.

he died in the water

They could have seen the body’s on the boat and picked them and taken them to their destination and not told anybody till fall for that reason

Was excited to watch until realizing its from Buzzfeed.

I made the mistake of clicking on this and now feminism is going to flood my recommended

Barry Allen west?

If the Anglin's did indeed survive, there's no reason to believe that just because they didn't get caught again for illegal acts (maybe they just got better at being crooks) that they had been reformed, let alone getting caught under an assumed alias, in a different country. It would be pretty great if they DID get caught in a different country and escaped THAT prison, too, though...

and they did all that without someone getting suspicious??????????? like bish wtf?!

What if the guy they left behind lied and the rest left fake evidence

This is written exactly like danger Dolan. Literaly using the same type of speech he uses

If Allen west never made it to the landing spot through his vent how did he get to the utility room to then be abke to get to the landing spot to work on making the heads and things

20:44 constructive criticism at its best

do elvis presley plzzzzz

woah at the endcards i had no idea they were so tall

Let’s be honest tho if i was escaping prison I’d want to make it look like i died or didn’t make it so that they wont search for me.

When he said ‘tunnel’ I thought of el chapo

legit was just saying that to myself good job !

i'd like to think that they actually got away with it.. then one day they turn themselves in or write a biography or something detailing their accounts

I both think and hope that they survived

Didn’t one of the brothers survive and he confessed after all these years saying how he survived and also the crew but his brother died and I believe his now battling cancer ? Idk I saw it on fb.

If you ever get the chance to watch the Mythbusters episode featuring this case, do. I recommend.

the norweigan ship probably didn't call the body in bc it was near golden gate which is a suicide hotspot? maybe it wasn't then though

In all fairness, each of them only needed to collect 12.5 raincoats, which is significantly less conspicuous.

"Everyone loves blue, blue's a great character" - Shane. "Hell freaking yeah" - Me

they make it and they escape to Israel, I see them in the club in tel Aviv dancing with nice girls

It was a good thing, that allen didn't make it, because if he made it, he would have run into trouble again, proving that they survived

Please touch on the Bodom murders in Finland!

what you guys should do is go back to one of your old videos and re investigate or maybe one that’s since been solved

An impossible plan you dumbasses

Doesn't Ned fancy himself to be a scientist? He definitely​ has the adrenaline to attempt this. I want the Try Guys to recreate this on their new channel.

I swear that the guy in the thumpnail ist Jazza

I had to write a paper in school on this

you THINK you know snow shane but if you lived in canada, then you know snow

*"Welcome to the Rock"*

This is a great episode but what even is the music in the background?? It does not stick with the mood at all

Why do I feel bad for West

they are 4 so they could get 50 jackets if they worked together but itd be sus bc they all friends

I have the book of the Alcatraz

No Shane the coldest winter ur gonna have is summer in Canada. Trust me

Please do include measurments in metric, I hate to pause the video to google what 48-54 Fahrenheit means outside America...


here's my two cents: the anglin brothers and morris were originally going towards angel island, and couldn't keep the raft afloat and headed the right direction because of the current pulling them towards the mainland. they lose control, and morris drowns, and they lose all of their possesions. (i highly doubt they would just throw away pictures of their family, knowing they'd never really be able to be in touch with them ever again, even to throw off authorities. those pictures would be all they have of their family, and there's no way they would just throw them into the water as a distraction.) the brothers are carried by the current to the mainland, and eventually they get to south america. OR they were originally going to the mainland, but west told authorities otherwise to throw them off their trail. (i don't think he would snitch on them. i can see him giving up the details of how they escaped, but i can't see him telling authorities their location.) in this scenario as well, the three men lose control of the raft at some point, morris drowns, they lose their possesions, and they anglin brothers get to south america. even if this case is technically unsolved, i think we all know the anglin brothers survived.

If they actually decided to go to the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge, it would be possible. There is a state park there. Military base at the time, but to the northwest it was definitely a monument at the time.

Not on "steamy pipes", but on steam pipes. The old style of heating was done by using hot water radiators. The systems used steam pipes to relieve pressure in the system. The pipes are actually relatively dry, so "steamy pipes" is a bit of a misnomer.

Longview Wa, 1:20 that conversation was aiming more towards my location lol. Its either burning hot, mildy sweaty hot, freezing cold, or snowy cold.

The seal thing

Natalee Holloway please

Didn’t they get caught by the dementors?

me: hey sis! sis: what do you want? me: i got accepted to alcatraz! sis: fu—

although i detest people who commit crimes, these guys are ingenious and i had to give it to them !

why the hell hasn't this been made into a movie

They will never know who stole the spoons >:D such evil

THEORY # 3: Aliens.

So can you

15:31 Logan Paul in a nutshell

i kinda feel bad for allen west

I think I got cancer from clicking on a buzzfeed video

If i ever went to jail (killing idiots in my school), id be like "oh man, its so boring, i want to take my brother in w me " "man u want to escape"

Nice video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was a special made about this and apparently they went to Brazil. It's a good 2 hour special

Yeah... i think they died...

Right!? Like they haven't done anything wrong since they escaped...just let 'em go.

Midwesterners do know snow

Man, I’m just saying - if the perfect crime existed, we would never know. Case in point: Alcatraz.

Imagine if their are alive and old enough to stay out of prison. Imagine if buzzfeed interviews them and they tell us their point of view. That would be the content I’m looking for.

Izzy TheWierdWolf no he was a babe

what if they got blown to sea and survived somewhere in another country

Lebrons dad

"Midwestern people know winter" amen


so when's the movie coming out??

22:45 supervising producer: Katie Leblanc from bratayley?

Lol I can see Alcatraz from my window

Scientists, please, Mythbusters did it and made it.

They made it. I'm sure someone on the outside helped them once they left shore.

and sirius black also made it

i pray they escaped bruh frl. just bc it was genius and they got so far i really hope they survived

Goddamn. Thots out in force in this comment section.

This seems like poptropica escape from pelican island

Tranquil Edits ikr

These guys are so clever. Obviously they want it to be a mystery

Hey WTF I was already subscribed

Incredible? More like Demonetized.

But it’s true... WE DO KNOW SNOW

honestly, this seems like a good premise for a musical

4:00 they said the same thing abt Pompeii. And Hogwarts. And Voldemort+Deatheaters came into the courtyard(and the castle) Point is; Nothing

Omg! I have a game all about this!

So, this is the muggle Azkaban.

Canadians know cold

The FBI should go and ask all human population and see their id not happening

Shane looks like he's about to give this case a 3/10

if u escape from prison of course u dont want anyone to know that u survived they probably lived and among us we have their grandchildren they might be in the comments laughing

I think they totally made it, West could have lied about where they planned to go, the raincoats could have been planted and the fact that people saw two strange women at funerals matches their style perfectly, we're talking about two men who made dummy heads to escape a prison and covered a cell with curtains because of DUST, those are such naive movie like things to do and they worked precisely because of that, that I think dressing up at funerals is completely plausible.

This Clarence guy looks like Ryan Reynolds

Don’t forget the bird man of Alcatraz

Princess diana

Could you be using Celsius degrees next time? Not everyone watching is American and the USA is the only country in the WORLD using this degree meter. Thank you

I think only one survived and made it to shore

i think they change there name and hid there hole life in a store mabye and died after a long time like if you think the same. 1 like equal 1 alive and found and in prison again

If this was a movie Frank Morris would be played by Michael Fassbender

But at the end this case only talked about the anglin brotgers and allen west but did not care abt frank morris

They could have had connections on the outside so that's why they didnt need to rob anyone for food or money. Then they were able to escape to brazil

I reckon they planted all of their belongings to try and get the police off their case

These two are some of the people who saved buzzfeed

Kiki Gb on godd


why dose John William Anglin and his brother look like Ryan Reynolds and Josh Bolin

Avatar the last air bender.. nope, just me? Okaii

and the other guy died during the escape

what about the brothers were the only ones who survived?

can y’all pls do an unsolved on who shot YG


The ending lmao

There’s so many theories behind the escape

I LOVE the movie the BEST

“Midwestern people know snow” Shane, try living in Canada in -20 degree Celsius winters from November to march

lmao I was at Alcatraz literally yesterday

"Lizzie Borden" mystery!!

I have a theory after watching this, it could very well be possible that the body the Norwegian cargo ship saw but didn't report until much later was the body of Morris. What if Morris passed during the trip and the brothers made it out alive and have been hopping from country to country in an effort to remain under the radar from law enforcement and they only show up in regards to family affairs? I don't think somebody would mistake their sons' signatures and I certainly wouldn't put it past these two to come up with something outlandish in regards to keeping their identities a secret, wearing makeup and veils is ingenious in regards to men who want to keep their identities on the DL.

You guys have a great channel, I enjoy every episode.,you two work great together and are funny as Hell. Would you ever consider doing an episode on the Black Dahlia murder ?.

I mean, if they're that good to pull off this escape then you'd think they would have chucked some stuff into the sea while they were at it to throw them off the trail

isn't sad how the fbi would still arrest them after all these years? explains why the anglins barely had contact with families

When I went in the "hole" whatever its called I felt a hand and i heard someone say stay.

I would enjoy this series more if the two "story teller bros" didn't have to make snarky, lame brained "millennial" type comments every ten seconds. They think they're funny, but they're not.

Shane and Ryan *NEED* to collab with Shane and Ryland for a conspiracy theory video

You should do Malaysia mh370

anyone here from Call of duty Zombies?

I went to alcatraz and it was so scary/cool

I think the 1 drowned and was carried out to sea, but the brothers made it to land. So like a combo of two theories

I kinda wanna see them in sherlock and watson outfits, doing this.

best escape ever the best

This prison reminds me of the Azkaban prison from Harry potter

This is a MoViE

Alcatraz is now a tourist attraction so I went there and one of the guides said that instaid of surviving or perishing they got to another prison island

What if one of them actually wrote a comment here???

I don't think prison is only for reformation of a person, it's also for punishment. You don't get to leave prison in a few years out of your life sentence just because you've learned your lesson. You're paying for what you've done.

He is alive

Where is Shane from in the Midwest?

they never caught us suckers

Shay C I was away all summer. Just got back and it’s super cold today

Lol we've had so many heat waves this summer (Toronto) and I visited both BC and Yukon a few weeks ago and it was pretty warm. People think we're just covered in snow but our summer was worse than India's this year

Lol I’m from Indiana so I know cold!


The scofield brothers???

Research Johnny Gosch

What if they purposely left their stuff when they got on shore to throw them off or at least buy them enough time to get much further

pls tell me im not the only one who thought of the prison episode in avatar the last airbender (was it called the boiling rock? idk) ... and NOT smth from harry potter (as i keep reading in the comments)

As a scientist myself, can I say you do generalize :p lol I mean most of my lab mates are seasoned rock climbers!!

They left the personal items to throw off the investigation and let everyone think they drowned

I hope they survived!

they had to have survived because no bodies were found. duh. they werent just going to disappear when so many people were trying to find them for days after

What if frank morris was the body found near the golden gate bridge and the anglin brothers survived

the mystery of the enfield polltergeist!!!!!

I visited Alcatraz and the tour guide said they gathered raincoats from other inmates. He also told me the FBI lied and they are still alive while showing me a age progression picture with their bounty on it.


no one cares

This story would be a great movie.

Damn Frank Morris could *get it*

that manequin in background is more creepy than ya two dark speaking about each topic....

happy bday morris

Not gonna lie... Frank Morris is kinda hot

I think they should give the men immunity for coming forward! Everyone wants to know what happened, and they’re never gonna come forward if they think they’ll be arrested! It’s been over 50 years. I don’t see why they can’t be given immunity so we can find out.

sam and dean Winchester strike again

okay let me just point out that Ryan saying caipirinhas is the cutest lil thing

I feel bad for West because he didnt make it

i honestly hope they are alive rn watching these videos about them. They are geniuses

They made it.

If you look at the pictures of the ''ladies'' at the funeral and focus in on the noses, in the next shot they are exactly the same as the original photos

Mythbusters tested their escape.

A lot of ppl jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge right? So maybe it was just a jumper

That’s a big bonding moment *Me* *A* *Voltron* *Fan* : BONDING MOMENT?!!

y'all should do the chiong sisters case in the philippines next

what if they paddled elsewhere?

I need this case as a Netflix show!!!!!!

The police involved in this case disliked this.

nah they just built a plane on the roof on round 20 and crashed into a bridge.

Pls do a case on the assassination of Gianni Versace

Does this remind anyone else of the island named escape from pelican rock island on poptropica?!? I think the game made it to resemble this story

"prison worked for them" idk why that made me laugh so hard

Please cover the story over the Charles Manson family crimes!

Shane looks like he belongs in Alcatraz

I think the boat made out of rain coats started to deflate and the one man who might of died couldn't swim so the 2 men swam to the main land and ditched the man and all thier valuables

Wait what if they maybe planted that stuff in the water so they think they didn’t make it and then they search the water instead of looking on land while they get away

They definitely died. So sad. Really wish they would’ve made it

They all died.

Haazra yeah just you

heck wasn't there a poptropica island inspired by this?

you should make a new video where you include the new evidence they found of the case recently .

Have you guys heard about the letter send to Alcatraz the FBI reopened the case

100k likes?? WHAT!!!!!!

Question: why is it escapee, not escaper?

san francisco is freezing all the time i miss summer lol

frank was probably a fuckboi, don't @ me.


Tbh when i saw that west waa left behind for some reason i felt so bad for him omygod:(

I feel like they actually had a stash near the shore

is this what inspired the tv show prison break?

it is a movie

Airiana Smallwood OMG

The names lowkey got me SHOOK

you know if they are smart enough to execute an escape plan they are able to disappear without a trace. As for Allen surely when he did not make it they knew he would've snitched and told most of the plan so didn't go angel island like they planed. As for their belongings they probs left everything to put everyone off. It was genius. They were genius.

I killed the warden In black ops 2

Lol. this video reminds me of the game Poptropica: Escape from Pelican Rock

I was just thinking of Azkaban the whole time... Ravenclaws where you at?!

i'm the allen west in the group though

this is a better movie than suicide squad and escape plan.

Tf if they went to angel island and stole clothes they probably came back to the mainland acting like they were immigrants and took different names

How heavy were the items? Maybe they let it go for weight ? Or maybe their boat sank so they had to swim across instead ?

Does anyone not think that maybe west never making it was for the best? Considering the fact that he was reoffending I mean maybe if he made it with them he wouldve been the reason that they got caught or something he just seems like the only one who is reckless

What happened with west? Did he fail his plan or was he late?

I bet that scientist that did the experiment didn’t factor in how they where criminals since they were born which makes them tougher

why tf is this . poptropica world?

What happened to Morris any idea

We love a swimming shisters

I live in Northern California by SF and very true

Everyone left out that the anglin brothers were notoriously great swimmers as youngsters so they may have had the same skill and Morris may have been the person found floating by the boat

No bodies found makes me wonder, always will.

These guys are seriously smart

*"they should've just asked to leave"*

what can you hope from a bunch of guys who have robbed more than one bank.

This video should have been longer. I wanted to see the more intense stuff. You think the chest was under the white crystal? You can’t go behind the waterfall? What if Fenn dies and no one finds the treasure? Btw my sister and I love watching your show.

The 1900s were really fucked up times

Is this what the boiling rock from Avatar: the last air bender was based of?

I’ve passed by there from San Jose to San Francisco

You don't know winter Canadians do

80% of a prison break is arts & crafts

Alcatraz is the titanic of prisons

I love these bois

Alcatraz is the best zombie map in cod black ops 2

One of the escapesess died

Chiong sisters mystery

Midwestern people? I thought shane was from NY

Idgaf what anyone says, they’re still alive

There was evidence the Anglin brothers might've or did survive, but no evidence Frank Morris was alive. What if the body the ship saw was Morris? Perhaps he didn't survive the journey due to some factor or maybe he was thrown over board for an unknown reason.

Do you think they’re watching this



Ok how did the guards not hear the loud as drill. Plus they would’ve burned their hand on the vacuum I mean just turn on your vacuum for like 2 minutes and it gets hella hot.

My best friend is related to the anglin brothers

It was nicknamed “The Rock” huh? it Dwayne Johnson?

Do BuzzFeed solved, where you reveal the culprit at the end

It's sad thinking they could have been some badass engineers or ceos if they had been given a better hand at life. Or more help when kids.

what about sirius black tho?

Ive always wanted to visit alcatraz. I live in oakland and everytime I got to San Francisco it makes me me think of what really happened

frank Morris lookin like a snacc

Titanic was named unsinkable and it sank. Alcatraz was deemed inescapable and yet 3 escaped. hMMMMM

U guys tickle me...I really enjoy your channel, normally don't like talk shows.

Watch the documentary there is a picture of them in Sweden

get on with the damn video. what a waste of commentary time


I like that Ryan has watched Paddington 2

can someone make these videos without the shots of the dude or their commentary bc i would love that omg they’re so annoying

Yo I thought Alcatraz was for like the insane mass murders and serial killers and whatnot, not like simple bank robbers

All the evidence is a distraction

I feel bad for the guy who put all that effort and planning, but got left behind at the last minute

1:57 the guy on the right looks vaguely similar to Channing Tatum.

I live buzzfeed unsolved

Make a movie of this, its really interesting.

ive always wanted to escape prison dramatically but like... what do you do afterwards? you'll always be a wanted criminal and you can't really live a normal life anymore

Why does Clarence look like Mathias tho ?

Puerto Rican Pirate "Roberto Cofresí". That would be awesome!

Barry... Allen West?

They need the Wim Hof iceman training.

I think Morris died out there and the brothers made it. But it was completely accidental and the brothers had nothing to do with his death.

damn y'all annoying af i just wanted to seec the documentary but yall fucked it up

prison break anyone?

I feel like that body was Morris. We have some sort of evidence of the Anglin brothers but nothing on Morris ? He must of died trying to escape

They say the prisoners drowned because they don’t wanna denied the fact no one has ever escaped from Alcatraz and no will ever will

Who's Charley Butts then

I think they escaped and they dumped the other stuff to throw people off their scent

Okay, so, it's not cool they way you keep interjecting that Alcatraz was somehow a picnic. You think 1 hour a day of playing music is somehow too good for the people inside? How fuckin' inhumane are you guys? Please think about your comments. There were people, humans inside these prisons.

Okay I have a thought. Maybe during the escape the Anglin brothers killed Frank Morris. Their motive for it would obviously be unknown but perhaps it was as simple as not liking him, or he persisted on doing something once they got to the mainland that would get them caught and the brothers thought he would be a problem. They could’ve pushed him out of the raft or found a way to leave him in the water, resulting in that body being found. Then to cover up their tracks, they made it look like they died too by ditching their life jackets and belongings and living the rest of their lives in secrecy.


Like I get he was a Criminal and everything but you gotta feel bad for West... He just got left behind and I feel bad for him

shane is me when california people say it’s cold when it’s 70° lol

My great grandpa was a nurse there and I went there for like that tour thingy and I was 8!!!!! I WAS SO SCRAED AT THE GUN SHOTS AND THE DUMMYS THAT THEY MADE

Y'all talking about this Dutch scientist so much but you're not even going to give the mythbusters a nod I like to think that they made it and still have those family ties that were mentioned because that's just adorable

As an SF native: you guys are wimps. The water's not scary and the temps you listed aren't that cold. I've been in the bay, it's a perfectly reasonable temperature, you guys are just used to SoCal weather.

I'm from Buffalo NY yall dont know cold weather or snow lmao

Watch the 2016 documentary search for the truth. There's also a follow up that aired in the us a mother or two ago called the lost evidence (a letter the fbi received but never told the public)

dude, I have the same exact tape holder thing that is on their desk

"The coldest winter of my life was a summer in san Francisco" for some reason that KILLED me

12:16 I like the background theme

The anglin brothers are so much balder than that pic that shits just a poor excuse.

Can y’all do unsolved about Kanika Jenkins

This is my favorite episode.

No mention of the classic Mythbusters episode where they managed to recreate most of what the escapees did?

Way too many people have some weird misconceptions on what prisoners can and can't do and what is and isn't normal. Cell moves are pretty common practice and you aren't stripped of everything in prison unless you're under disciplinary segregation and whatnot (Adseg, the hole, etc)

I hope you escaped and lived. Probs sounds weird but its not like they did anything terribly disgusting, was only robbery

What if they joined an alien tribe

My step mom works on Alcatraz so I’ve been in all the restricted areas, they’re so cool.. especially the hospital

Was that supposed to be the 1975 photo? Because that aint it... I notice they don't use the real images of people a lot, is it a legal issue?


The fbi recently received a letter from one of the escapees.

Literally the show prison break

so they were easily able to escape but not able to rob a bank haha

I’m literally watching this bc I have an escape room based on this

I was thinking of The Flash when I heard the name Allen West. LOL

This is the perfect channel to watch when you're bored on YT with nothing to watch ..

I, for one, think that the escapees died trying to go to mainland. I mean, how would they survive outside of Alcatraz prison, they don't have money or a place to sleep to nor did they steal clothes for change, if they even tried for a job they would have been discovered and caught be the police before they could go to Brazil (who would leave their name in a job application?)

Whenever they say fbi I just think of dirk gently

aint owen gray a pornstar on pornhub?

How did the guards not Look in the place where they were "painting "

Hey Ryan and I are wearing the same t-shirt, #H&M America to South Africa

Am I the only one that was getting Nanbaka vibes??? LIKE ARE THESE GUYS CELL 13 OR SOMETHING CAUSE MAN!

Anyone remember this Mythbusters episode? Classic

this reminds me of the series Prison break

Damn, these guys awesome lmfao. They had more will to live than me..

Midwesterners deeeefinitely know snow. I know that I hate it.

The brothers escaped the other one drowned

Allen west has left the match

Man...those criminals got eaten by Sharks...thank you Shark community.

If you think San Fransisco is cold please go to Canada in the winter it’s -30 degrees Celsius (-22 degrees Fahrenheit)

I hope they made it. They were thiefs, not murderers, so I'll give them a pass.

The prison from paddington 2 is exactly what I was thinking of

Imagine if their still alive and watching this video sipping hot tea and smoming a pipe

I absolutely love the narrator he gets so few credit

The lady in the Treseeme ad looked like a 4 year old in the last seen

I am wishing for a wheeze

Do the West Mesa prostitution murder in New Mexico.



Poor West!

They were so cautious and had a detailed plan? Don’t you think they were smart enough to actually plan how they will fight the current of the Bay? The plan is so impressive!

These people were geniuses!!!


When they were talking about the "scientists" were they talking about the Mythbusters episode about this escape? Because it sounded really similar to that episode.

Who’s here after the FBI finally announced the letter from John Anglin?

The Anglin brothers threw Frank Morris out of the raft to have less weight. Brothers stick together. That body seen by the freighter is frank morris. I know....

I’m convinced they survived

I did a project on this, and I never found this much information! You guys really take you're time!

If you’re one of the prisoners that escaped and made it out alive now would be a great time to say it

I love near Sanfransisco I live in Oakland like if you live here to

Mythbusters were able to pull it off. I wouldn't doubt at all that they made it.

You guys are so fun

why is it just the scientists, legit my fave ep of mythbusters was when they tried to escape too

There’s a picture that shows the brothers in Brazil. They made it out.

San Francisco Bay really isn't that cold. I should know. I was born in SF. Well, on a good day it's not too cold.

now i am just imagining the term "navy seals" as in seals slapping people around.

Clearly they haven’t visited Canada

the esacpess could always got some help. if the prison was so laid back, they should've been allowed to send letters or something. just an idea, correct me if I'm wrong plz

Is Shane a Skater?

U should do Chalino Sanchez and his son Adan Sanchez

I’m glad they are free!

One Thing N O O N E E S C A P E S A L I V E

Can you smell what the rock is cooking? Yeah I think it’s brown mush like usual

Allen West.. We all know he used his super speed to break out..

That sucks that Allen got left behind but he snitched

Maybe they died while escaping what do you think guys hmmmmm...?

Wow, I’m surprised Alcatraz was the most protected and hard to break out.. just wow

Their escape tactics sound like Boy Scout badges. Sewing, construction, etc. Seems like they remember the skills form childhood.

It’s official name is The Rock, The people’s prison.


You forgot parts. When their childhood friend saw them at a bar, he asked them how they escaped. They told him. And that wasn’t the right picture.

Make Unsolved a Netflix series! Carry on!

Omg this happened on June 12 and that when I was born

Hey guys! Can you say also the temperature in celsius in your videos?? I would help us the people from other parts of the world :)

Awee i know the anglin brothers were criminals but theyre nice,sending roses to their moms and actually showing up at funerals

Anyone else think of poptropica pelican rock island thing? Nope just me? Great.

And they never searched the bay for bodies? Could they even do that in the 60's?

Maybe They died and the body’s floated away


Allen is a snitch

I think a crooked guard helped out

reenactment of this on netflix called escape from alcatraz

Well if I ever get put into Alcatraz I know I can keep myself somewhat occupied playing my violin now *whisper* Wait it's only for an hour? *whisper* Aww......

West was maaad

Thanks I’ve been meaning to get the info on this for a while. I feel better being in the know. Those crooks are badass geniuses! Big clout

There should be a Buzzfeed unsolved for William Tyrrell a Australian boy who disappeared at the age of 3 from Kendall, New South Wales, on 12 September 2014. He had been playing at his foster grandmother's house with his sister and was wearing a Spider-Man suit at the time of his disappearance. Tyrrell is believed to have been abducted.

I feel bad for Allen West, He came out with the plan, just to be left behind.

These hosts are such nobs

Very good video from an intelligent escape! Do the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa one day

Y’all should do one on the 1977 oklahoma summer camp murders


Absolute legends... you gotta respect them for what they managed to achieve.


sounds like Prison Break!

Frank issa snack

damn these men are genius

Weasel broke out and broke the primus cycle

The fact that they could’ve survived actually makes me happy. They robbed a bank, but they didn’t hurt anyone. I don’t think they were a harm to society so if they got out and didn’t commit any crimes for that long after, that’s honestly good for them and I hope they’re living very well and happy if they’re still alive

Okay but I went there and took a tour and those conditions are pretty bad and it smelled like bird poop

Maybe use some real inmates and give them a raft to accurately simulate if it’s possible

West was actually too big to fit through the hole he made. Also, the sound that was heard was a metal bar that one of the escapees dropped.

there is one prisoner who escaped alcatraz that has been free for 50 years now and he recently sent a letter to the FBI

Why in the world would you use swear words in your videos. I’m trying to show an educational video made in a create way to my kids and then you have to go and ruin it with immature language.

Well, I live in Canada so San Francisco is NOT cold...

Mythbusters also did a test of this and made it too:

This video is by no means bad, but it doesn't even come close to 'Breaking The Rock' a book by Jolene Babyak. Her father was a guard on Alcatraz and their family lived there. She was a teenager at the time of the escape but her book is honestly the most in-depth account of what did happen and what may have happened. Totally recommend!

Hey guys! Love your channel. Wish you can feature also death of Tupac and who really killed him? Like what really happened during that night. Thanks!

I don’t wanna brag or anything, but I requested this vid

Living the dream

This is solved there in brazil well... the angles survived there family gave up the location

New conspiracy, they never made it to land, instead the current brought them farther out to sea and then they died by a megladon

23:17 oof

Dang what if the body found but not recovered was Frank Morris and that would prove the theory that the Anglin brothers killed him and they escaped. Now we’ll never know.

Why does Ryan look like a young tiger woods

the mythbusters literally tested the case??? they completed the journey???

the end

i- *P O P T R O P I C A*

Love the content but the convo in between is annoying

So, has anyone else ever been to the tour, I haven't seen anyone comment that they've gone to the Alcatraz tour. It's pretty cool

I swear, If I put a blonde wig on Frank Morris, I'd say he could be Lucius Malfoy.

So ik this is completely random but did anyone notice that the name Allen as in Barry Allen and west as iris west-Allen from the flash on the cw


Am I the only one who is kind of hoping that the criminals survived?

Houdini: I’m the greatest escape artist ever!! These dudes: hold my beer

“Where you going. I’m going to Alcatraz. Me TOOOOOO. Jumps up and down”

5:02 wow just wow...June 12 is ma birthday

Maybe they threw the bags and life vests to lise weight on the boat to stay afloat.

How abt they made a fake death? They just left fake bodies in the water??

1:50 - 2:09

You should do one on Shaw-Shank Redemption

hey so like, you should come to meridian, mississippi (more like murderidian) we are super haunted and have a bunch of super cool folklore so yea hmu i have c o n n e c t i o n s

I'm surprised mythbusters wasn't mentioned in this. As Adam and Jamie made their own raft and made it off the island and to the main land.

10:25 he talks about the government handing out rain jackets to prisoners and how did they steal 50 rain jackets, the actual fact is, Old US army rain jackets remained in Alcatraz from when it was previously a military prison and they had hundreds of the old jackets lying around, and also none of the escapees or west, worked outdoors and they acquired all of the raincoats from other willing inmates who had access to get more rain jackets after they “misplaced” or “lost” their rain jackets


I love unsolved

Were they sent for life

I think that they left the guy behind on purpose.. there is no way they had the secret room and all the stuff ready witch they would enter all the time, and on the 1 night they need it to work like it has all the time prior... hmmm, he could have miss lead and told the fbi fake stuff eg: car, no money stuff like that to throw them off and help his freinds escape.. im just therorising but, very suspicious that they left him behind especially when they could have just waited in till another night

I admit it was undoubtedly intelligent and hardship to get out of that jail, but why all the ladies and guys hoping these bad people to lose out, the world has became a place where bad people got cheered up.

*reads magazine* *repair +3*

I want a movie out of this...

I hope they survived, going through all this just to get out and making thoroughly genius plans to escape and surviving would be such a triumph

The prison was named ROCK?! You mean Dwayne Johnson?!

faked their death

This reminds me so much of prison break why does this remind me of zuko escaping the fire kingdom prison??

I never thought they made it. I think they died at sea

I see Alcatraz every time i drive on the bay bridge but know nothing about it. Learned a lot thru this vid

*_well ain't that swell_*

bruh this guy is talking about Chicago .... Canadians know snow fr !

jeeze i wouldnt even be able to escape with these guyz

Hi also, there are supposedly sharks in the waters so that’s fun and fresh.

Can they PLEASE do an episode on Jeffrey Dahmer?

yeesh these Anglin brothers were serious, i would miss my family and want make physical contact every day

you should look at the death of Adolf Hitler

can you talk about the stanford prison experiment?

Not gonna lie I'm kinda glad they weren't caught.

This would make a really good movie

Do the unsolved case of which the movie fire in the sky is based off of

The true crime ones are my favorite

I live in San Francisco!

I feel so bad for West tho

this is the only type of buzzfeed video i can tolerate

Prisoonnnn brreaakkkk

Frank thought of the dummies

I think the guy that was with the brothers, might've been the floating body

I wanna watch a movie about this

YES! was looking for this comment

Honestly, as long as they aren't murders or rapists, im rooting for them. After all their work, they deserve freedom

I remember playing poptropica as a child, and this is extremely similar to Pelican Rock Prison.

this is an update on the case!

You guys should do an update episode on this case. The FBI released to the public a letter they received in 2013 claiming to be from Clarence Anglin stating that all 3 of them survived the escape that night. In the letter he mentions that Frank passed away in 2005 and is buried in a grave in Alexandria under another name, his brother John passed away in 2011 and that he at the time of writing the letter was 83 years old and in really bad health. He offers to turn himself in and serve 1 year in prison in exchange for cancer treatment. Its unknown whether the letter is confirmed to be from Clarence Anglin but it'd be cool to see you guys dissect this letter and get to the bottom of it.

Also btw the anglin brothers were strong swimmers so if the raft failed they probably could’ve made it.

imagine being one of those reenactors. that would be so fun

Canadians know winter and cold.... and snow!!

They really need to make a video about the jail in Andaman islands in India. It's got rich history and is bound to have some kinda great story. Maybe make a supernatural about it

yeah good point...they had to get rid of him because he was sinking the raft

there is one...from the 70s

Why the scary music and the deep voice

Love your videos

A letter has just been received by the FBI from John, who is alive but battling cancer. Frank passed away in October 2005, and Clarence passed away in 2011. He told the FBI that if he is promised medical attention and a jail sentence of less than a year he will let them know his location

Can i request a Mcdonald’s meal?

they now know that they escaped

This should become a Netflix series

Go to Black Hill Forest and search for the Blair Witch!

let's say that they did survive, they would have probably tried hard to stay out of trouble due to not wanting to go back to prison

I'm sure all if them regret it tbh if they did survive. They had to be on the run away from their loved ones for 50 years and they weren't even serving life sentences

Wasnt there also a note found recently about that saying that the brothers were alive but morris had died from cancer many years after the escape ?

What if they actually didn’t leave on the raft but instead went back and disguised themselves as workers and then they escaped or they got jobs as guards once they had enough money they moved to Brazil

Unsolved on scp foundation

bro if i was west and i found out that my buddies escaped prison without me... i would be LIVID I just saw this link on Facebook​ that after 50 years John Anglin wrote a letter to FBI and the case has been re-opened.

Never mind mid westerners and snow what about new Englanders and snow

Finally, one episode has been solved >>>


my friend when to Alcatraz

I’ve always been fascinated by things like this and I went to San Francisco over summer break and me and my family were going to go to Alcatraz but it was closed so we couldn’t and recently I went to an Alcatraz museum

A car actually was stolen the morning after the escape and it was right near there bay.

Buzzfeed Unsolved Network. This one has been solved as a man claiming to be John Anglin says all three of them escaped and that one died in '05 and '11 and that Anglin is asking for care for Cancer in return to go to jail for a year. So it seems the rumours that they all survived is true.

Right after watching this, I came across a very recent article about how one of the escapees wrote a letter to the FBI stating tag He's alive, 2 of them died and that he has cancer and wants to serve the rest of his time in exchange for cancer treatment


this is so cool whenever i hear things so amazing i just can’t imagine it happening in real life like try to imagine escaping this prison, like going on the roof, being left behind, swimming in the water being on the run like this is so COOOOOOOL

They probably dropped the things cause of weight

Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.

I just wanna know who had the audacity to hit the dislike button what does that do for you

im literally watching this and rooting for the escapees wtf

But what if someone from the inside was helping them escape ... because it does seem odd that some prisoner asking reallocation of the room be granted that easily.... Also Alan West could be lying the whole time...maybe what he told them wasn't the plan at all ....

If they survived that escape, yeah they deserve to be... just let go. Props to these guys they worked for that freedom


They deserve to be free they did a whole gta Mission

My fellow Midwestern.

That end do lol

what if they really made it to the main land? imagine if they made it with a raft way through the half of mile from main land and the prison and swim all they and survived? just another theory

Why not show the actual photo?

I am not sure if this is right but I was reading that they did I make it and there families picked them up and they lived I am not sure tho if you can find out tho thank you Ryan and or Shane ps. I know Ryan would Shane you do you love you guys

poor allen

Caprinas are supposed to be caipirinhas?

Name a better duo than Shane and Ryan!

I've seen a documentary that states that these fellows took a 150 ft electric chord at the base of the water tower and only used their raft to get around to the prison dock and then they tied the cable around the "prison launch".They let go on a turn and drifted to a waiting boat assumed to have been provided by Bumpy Johnson. They wouldn't plan for a year and then try their luck on using a flimsy raft.


smh these fake nibbas like West

This makes me think that Frank died and the Anglin brothers survived.

Theory: I think the Anglin brothers were pumping air to the raft and Frank had a paddle. Frank went off course a little and the raft was caught. Frank might not know how to swim and the Anglin brothers left him behind heading for the horseshoe bay instead.


i believe i went to school with one of the descendants of the anglin brothers. they had a weird family secret, and never talked about their family at all. same last name and everything. weird. i wonder if it was the case, now.

I went to prison before It was horrible You had to do this thing called homework And the most horrible thing in the prison was you had to listen to someone they call a teacher i think yeah thats my experience

Hmm.. Allen West.. West-Allen.

Your videos are interesting but please get rid of the idiot next to you. Hes not funny and extremely annoying. Yea the judge sent them letters to tell the brothers they are going to the same jail and yes Alcatraz was so much fun it was really a vacation there I mean makes you wonder why they even wanted to escape .

The brothers dumped the other dude. Only evidence of the brothers being alive and one life vest found... yep.

There is a movie about this escape on Netflix if anyone is interested? It really seems as if you’re in the moment for each person. I think it’s called Escaping Alcatraz

So this is what the poptropica island is based off of

shane's seal theory is interesting. a playful seal jumps into raft while they are trying to keep the raft afloat and battling the current would be lethal. i think shane has solved this mystery

that was smart to take the motor out of a vacuum and filing the tip of metal shaft flat for a makeshift drill.

hey, i know of a vent that is not covered up with concrete. why would it be covered up with concrete? would that not defeat the purpose of the prison designers? why put the vent there to begin with?

Or the guards just killed them and this is a huge cover up, it happens today. Wouldn't be impossible for it to happen back then? Lol a.w

I know Ted bundy isn’t “unsolved” but it was still be cool if you guys would do a video on his story/crimes!

just remove the commentary of these 2 guys. It's not insightful or entertaining. I just press LL twice to skip forward 20s every time

I agree, us midwesterners know our winters. They're cold here in Minnesota.

I not saying they survived or didn’t, I’m just putting my thoughts out there as I’m still on the fence. They could have easily used those bags of personal belongings (or fake belongings) as a ruse to trick investigators into thinking they never made it, I mean they’re all pretty smart. Plus didn’t they have a spare jacket that was never used because of Allen (the guy that got left behind). They could have thrown that out as another way to trick everyone or because it was taking up too much space. Still, there was a spare life jacket and only one unused one was found. These men were pretty smart so I think it’s possible they planned it out to trick investigators. Unfortunately we may never know...

My theory, I think they escaped to mexico. It's a long boat ride but it's possible.

I mean, if it takes two hours for someone to fall unconscious in the water, then they could’ve swam the entire way, right? Assuming they weren’t fucked by the currents.

*West left behind is truly the Top ten anime Betrayals.*

I think the guards were having a bet. No way that they never knew any of this.

This is so VERY SAD

This mystery is so interesting!

Take a look at some anthropologists in the field and tell me how meek they look, boys. My 65yo archaeology professor could throw Ryan like a shot put.

What happend with frank

Did you guys know that they made a game about this?

I whent to a escape room my room was about this and we were one of the men

I think the Anglin brothers made it and the other guy died.

Whos not ready for Halloween the movie

hey at least they tried tried

love these videos

we all lowkey thirsty for frank morris, don’t lie

"They should have just asked to leave"

Alcatraz, the real life Azkaban

I think that their boat tipped close to land and the brothers survived. Im not sure about the other one, he may have been the body, or may have lived. though it may have been another persons body in the water.

ngl I really hope they survived I mean they're not the best people but they made a plan and stuck w it. plus it's not like they killed anyone they literally robbed that bank with a toy gun, and my theory is they left the life jackets and paddles for Allen just incase

Okay but John and Clarence reminded me of that one episode of Supernatural in season two when Sam and Dean purposely got caught by the police and went to prison to find out what was killing various prisoners. Ah, good times.

3:52 *Chocked on my sandwich and couldn’t stop laughing*

Who else expected alcatraz prisoners to be really dangerous serial killers and psychopaths instead of bank robbers

You should check out Azkaban

maybe leaving some things in the water as proof of evidence was a part of their plan too

the ppl who recording it are the prisoners

See now where I come from they made a plane and crashed into the Golden Gate Bridge your videos facts are wrong

west is the michelle


My dad did the triathlon and I watched and I was terrified

Did he just spoil Paddington 2

I think they survived. If they were more than smart enough to come up with all these other thorough steps to the plan, then I'm pretty sure they could've been capable of making it /seem/ as if they died.

Damn these Americans using Fahrenheit and not celsius

Aliens. Case Closed.

Allen West? You mean the Flash was in Alcatraz?

Do the doggy paddle yall

If there is 4 people they all said they lost them at least 13 times

I believe they are alive and well, I know that some are in Brazil and if you want I suggest you watch the movie escape from Alcatraz which is really good and insightful it is on Netflix starring Clint Eastwood as Frank Morris and at the end it gives more evidence


I wonder if the criminals are watching this video


"We'll do this again sometime"

I legit thought it said The incredible Azcaban prison break XD

Look at the description.It says,"Portrait of fat senior man with full beard."

Why is Allen west’s face blacked out.

What a coincidence..My uncle Was telling me all this the same day when you posted this.. But very interesting lmao

Another theory, they really never left the nsland and caught a ride in a boat

They made it out alive there was a letter send to the fbi send bij the crew they are now in there 80s and one of them died

Its been proven the leader/master mind of the plan Had a very high Iq and escaped from prisions before

Is there a book on this?

is that the ocean’s eleven music?


they probably died. End story. but if they didn't i'm sure they would have left state

Imagine them still alive watching this while smiling

once the weasel gets the keys we move on to step 2.

Wow I wonder how they will incorporate feminism in this one

one of the Anglin brothers sent the FBI a letter saying that they survived and that one of the brothers has cancer. He said that he wants a full pardon and that his brother gets medical attention and in return he will tell them how they escaped.

I’m getting some N a n b a k a V i b e s

shane looks like a goofy redneck

This is a story they tell on the Alcatraz tour, it's so cool because you walk around alzatrqaz and see where the events happened

Come to Singapore! There is this haunted hospital called old changi hospital

The men probably thought "hey they might find out plans so we should go another way but lets make it seem like we died"

I hope they made it

I like to think that these guys are out there somewhere, sipping on some Margaritas and watching this together.

You forgot about the sharks.......

This is the same Map on the doc for black ops zombies bo2

1.20 Yes Midwesterns!

Rip Richtofen

Thirlas :(

anyone else play escape from pelican rock on poptropica? it's based off this lol :)

They escaped by richtofen sacrificing himself :’(

Did anyone else feel like every time Ryan said "Allen" he was saying "Ellen"? Cause I wasn't looking and I heard "Ellen Morris" and was like. Wait wut a woman? Oh... Allen. ..... .... okay.

The Way Ryan said " the ocean is scary in the daytime " he sounded like a 7 year old

Alcatraz? You mean Azkaban? Then, it’s easy. He transformed into his animagus because dementors can’t sense animal’s souls as well, then escaped and transformed back into his human form, just like Sirius Black. Yay, great

Well at least you don’t live in Scotland Shane

I thought they escaped by a riot

I'm here because of Call of duty black ops

But what happened to the 5 people in the secret underground lab?

I’ll send this video to richtofen and the others so they can escape

Anyone here because of MOTD or BOTD?

Where are we going from here

Maybe they left their stuff behind to make it seem like they died. and.. can I reach 50,000 subscribers While working on an animation? Started drawing lately. ❤️

Did i hear a call of duty zombies scream at 17:45

why is everyone in the comments thirsting after frank morris

You know what, I hope they lived their best life. They were even decent enough to send roses and pay their respects to their loved ones. Also, they only found one body. You never mentioned any evidence that Morris was still out there.

*Plot twist* A bunch of zombies suddenly come and they all get eaten but there souls are still left there which gives Richtofen and the rest of the crew time to defeat the warden.

*_frank morris is lowkey hot_*

Ain't that swell... Real zombies fans will get that quote

But...they did not find the boat



They should try north

Smart enough to escape prison but ain’t smart enough to escape the cops clutches.

Richtofin died in the end



Ain't that swell.

Who else is here because of motd/botd

if just that freighter called in the body...

How did they fit through a like 9 x 5 inch hole. Like I know they removed some of the wall around it, but that picture didn’t look anywhere close enough to fit through haha.

Dos no one know this black ops 2 and 4

So... i kinda want them to be alive so that BuzzFeed can just interview them

You missed the most important part where they make a plane and try to fly off the island with 4 people named Sal DeLuca, Finn O’Leary, Al “The Weasel” Arlington, and Billy Handsome. Most important detail missed...

This plan has so many similarities to prison break

Is this what Azkaban prison in Harry Potter is inspired by?

Clarence angling looks like Ryan Reynolds

The two brothers are alive it’s been proven

Shoulda just built a plane smh

Also one of the men wrote a note to the fbi and they have been trying to match it, they have not, therefore unsolved... this might be a thread (pt 2)

How come we can’t see west’s face

West did get out but detoured after noticeing that his friends left without him, also he was late because he couldn’t fit through the grate he made it too small by mistake

It’s really cool or impressing that something like this actually happened,you never know that they could be alive or dead,a mystery like this is something that really interests a person who like Sci-if or mysteries

Mommy I wanna go to the Alcatraz prizon

Their meal schedule is gross

Why does this remind me of The Escapers game

I will be reborn!!

+Sideswipe same!!!!

Infinitieon I literally was scrolling through the comments trying to find a botd/motd reference

Those prisoners were very brave but if that raft plan did fail it would be very slim chance that they would make it to mainland in 2:30hours with water THAT WAS 54 DEGREES HOT but they got off the prison which was very impressive.

That was ze primis crew


How do you get to Pack-a-Punch?

nanbaka prison?...anyone?

When you watch buzzfeed to learn history


That’s a Mark Twain quote ya bonehead!

so.. is this what prison break is based on?

*_my boy tommy, he’s almost 6 now_*

Frank Morris looks like Sam Drake which is SO IRONIC lmao


Not really an unsolved case, but please look into Henri Young. He young he was in alcatraz and tried to escape. And wound up killing the guy he was escaping with

Lol what you think 3 mentality unstable on a boat middle in the nowhere they go crazy af. how they stay on course lol they had 1 % the stay alive on a lil boat


The guy saying what happens voice is so anoying

Simple they got stuck in permanent purgatory

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