The Future of Advanced Robotics feat. NVIDIA, SIEMENS and TERADYNE

The Future of Advanced Robotics feat. NVIDIA, SIEMENS and TERADYNE

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we have some people here who are working very much  with a future forward-looking angle I'm going to   let all of you introduce yourself a little bit  in a moment um deepo would you like to say just   a couple of words about yourself and the job you  do sure uh first of all thank you for having me   on behalf of NVIDIA what a wonderful building  and what a wonderful City uh my name is De uh   and I lead Robotics and Edge Computing at NVIDIA  I've been working at uh NVIDIA had a great Fortune   for the last 11 and a half years or so and uh we  working on the latest and greatest Technologies   using artificial intelligence so looking forward  to chatting with you R yeah also thanks for having   me here um I'm for at Sean responsible for the  automation business and I just want to reflect   to what Kim said you know my passion is really as  market leader for automation to bring automation   to the next level to really fulfill the major  topics we have in society and therefore we need   to bring it technology AI technology but also  a lot of activities around tery around around   robotics into one system and give that to our  customer to Industry at their hand to make it   easy to use and that's my passion um ell Kumar  I'm group president for tadine Robotics and I'm   so excited to have uh great Innovative companies  like you are and me in on our platform uh I I've   been here slightly less than uh J uh started in  July of last year and most of my career has been   with larger companies and I'm hoping to bring in  that unique Insight of how do we take this great   platform we have to solve problems for the large  customers the same way we have sold for small and   medium customers for a long long time thank you we  are going to go deep in a minute but before we do   that and especially for our podcast re automated  which we will use come back to this discussion for   could each of you tell me very shortly one thing  that really excites you about robotics right now   Deo wow um I think there's two simultaneous forces  that are really happening right now that's going   to change the trajectory of AI and Robotics I  mean AI is not that new robotics is not that new   however the Advent of generative AI in the last  12 months coupled with the simulation and digital   twin technology both of those things are really  at a Tipping Point right now and combination   of that I think for the next five years is going  to change the trajectory of Robotics Rina well a   lot of the unsolved automation tasks which can be  solved using AI using automation you need robots   and therefore you know that combination that  fascinated me how we bring those things together   to solve the last remaining task to be automated  um what excites me the most about the space is   uh the collaboration is at the core of how we  solve our customers problem no one company has   all the Technologies needed to solve this problem  and we'll need to work together to uh understand   the problems and solve it at a very fast paase and  we have talked about this building is being built   for collaboration after this we're going to go and  look at some robots I hope all of you will go and   look at some robots you're also going to see some  real collaboration going on with our robots and   our partners appliations and our robots working  together but we also work and collaborate through   real company collaboration and I'd like to think  a bit about what collaboration means to you and   NVIDIA is an interesting one because people don't  naturally think about robotics straight away but I   know it's something that you're really working  on now what does collaboration mean to you in   that space yeah I mean uh NVIDIA we are a platform  Computing companies we you know we in the area of   robotics for example we don't build robots we work  with every company in the world that's building   robots or robot platforms so what we are bringing  to the table is number one you know people think   of NVIDIA as a chip company or making hardware  for all sorts of computers in the data center   and servers and also even uh Edge Computers we  definitely do that and in fact for robotics uh   you know the robot brain we call it uh NVIDIA  Jetson most of the robots today you know use that   but also for the training and simulation  of these uh robots for creating the AI for   simulating this AI in the virtual world digital  twin uh so we provide that infrastructure if you   will but more importantly than that we provide  all the acceleration libraries all the AI Core   AI capability that gets integrated into the  hundreds and thousands of companies who are   building robotic platforms and robots and so our  go to market our complete approach is it's 100%   collaboration because we are a platform company  which is great for terod Robotics and we've also   been collaborating very recently with you a lot  and uh Rana we've also been collaborating with   Seamans so super interested in the way that Seaman  approach is collaboration between companies well   first of all thanks for Universe Roberts being a  very trustful supplier to our factories because we   are we are a customer of universe Rober and I was  very pleased to hand over I think two years ago   the supplier award uh to Universal robots so  we are leveraging that and we want to build   worldclass factories by ourselves and world-class  factories need worldclass robots and that's the   reason why we are very mainly using using Ur  um but not only in the factories but also when   we want to demonstrate where technology moves  we're going to also mainly using URS in our   demonstration kits and so on so that's also good  and we collaborating there we might collaborate   in the US of getting closer showing together the C  customers if you bring Automation and Robotics nii   together what can be done making that tangible  making that real and one topic where where we   believe our role is we also don't build robots  and we always have been asked why you not building   robots everybody else builds robots do automation  robots I think there are so great robot companies   on the on the market why should we also build  robots I want to want to integrate and provide   it a seamless integration of robot in the complete  automation solution and that was the reason uh we   are collaborating with with uh Universal robots  of bringing a standard command robot interface   into the market and why is that great because we  currently have in somebody programming Automation   in in the in the seens world we have 200,000  active user every every week programming and they   are capable to program a automation controller  not everybody is capable to program a robot but   you need to program a robot you need to integrate  the robot into for example line structure which   you have in factories so now we we collaborate  and say can we you know access the robot from the   PLC program seamlessly and we just brought that  together out of the the market I think for that   and I really looking forward of you know making  robotic much more accessible to a broad audience   of all automation users and it's real theme I  think about saying we can't do everything in   fact we're building one type of robot primary  at Universal robots and we're not trying to   build other types of robot and that's where we  go to for partners and udw when you look at the   ecosystems that really generate value to customers  and partners in the companies that you're running   where do you see the ecosystems going and in fact  we have a lot of ecosystem Partners here they'll   be interested what's the future for the ecosystem  no great uh I I think on the ecosystem side there   are two ways in which I see us uh moving from from  where we are today like we have one of the largest   ecosystem in the robotics World by a huge margin  number one is what Rainer just touched upon this   is bringing in um bigger players who can help us  bring in the the um like open up our ecosystem to   new uh customer problems like with this srci which  I understand we have been dragging our feet for   5 years we finally got through that the these are  ways in which now will bring in bigger players   like seens like NVIDIA we have several Consulting  companies which we are Daniel is working hard to   uh collaborate with these are ways in which we  will get into new set of customer problems for   large companies and medium Smalls siiz companies  which we have not had access to and the second   one is for the ecosystem Partners we have we  want to bring in AI as a huge new tool to solve   problems which are of higher mix even unstructured  environment and that is where um we are working   closely with NVIDIA to see how do we make that  whole process more standard like give them a kit   we uh started uh Eric is here um a fund where we  will uh pick some some of these small siiz players   who can also bring in these AI Technologies  quickly into our ecosystem and I think that's   a great bridge because anyone who knows these  companies will be sitting here thinking when will   they get onto the topic of AI so let's do that um  before we get really OV excited about AI I want to   ask you deep is there anything that you hear about  AI on the radio TV that just really frustrates you   well say exactly frustrating um I mean deploying  AI in the operation technology world can be a   little bit challenging and this you have to  be a little patient but you also have to work   on the most important problems and go deep and  that's really what we have here the collaboration   with seens and terod we've been working on this  methodically for several years now so when people   think of robots typically it's been Hardware in  the past and it's about mechatronics in the past   right so they think of the robot computer they  think of all the Mechanicals and the electro   Mechanicals right electricals with AI what's  happening is you want to make sure that AI is   the one that's helping you solve problems that was  not solved before right but to do that you need to   go deep into Problem by problem there isn't one AI  yet maybe someday in the future but not yet today   that generalizes across every particular task so  what we do for example you know in the case of of   U you know Universal robotics of course it's all  about manipulation right so there's many problems   in manipulation but one of the first problems  with manipulation is what's the best optimal way   to plan the trajectory and and you know to plan  you know and what's the best way to move around   obstacles and it sounds simple for us humans  because we know exactly how to move an arm or go   around it right but it's not that easy for uh for  a robot to do all of that so we've been working   with uh you know the uh Ur team how do we Infuse  AI into Universal robotics software technology   which is what's used by every compan is using  Ur right how do we embed into that that's one   example in the case of autonomous mobile robots  that are moving things from point A to point B to   point C it's all about operating in unstructured  environments and navigating autonomously right and   it's and for again for humans uh I mean we have  our eyes and we have our sensus and we somehow   know how to go but it's not that easy for a for  a Rob robot so you have to build these uh you   know AI capability for autonomous navigation and  then with seens you know seens has been you know   automating automation for should I say a century  plus a century no no tens of years at least tens   of years tens of years right okay uh several  decades now right and and and the way seens   does is they have you know amazing hardware and  wonderful tools as well so so how do you infuse   those tools with this AI technology and these  things uh take time and it's not a frustration   it's just you got a patience to to get all of  these integrated so that as you know we have a   platform we deliver it to another platform company  which goes into another platform eventually it   goes into robots so so that's just you got to be  a little patient but but go and solve problems   the most important problems in a deep matter got  it would well what excites you the most about Ai   and Robotics I think it's what you often call  physical AI sure so yeah I I am going to use   this term physical AI as opposed to digital AI  because here you're taking AI to a whole different   Fidelity actually doing something um different in  the physical world there are three ways in which   we see helping our customers uh number one it is  adding new capabilities to our robots number two   it's making our robots smarter and U like smarter  path planning or navigation pallet detection there   are so many uh different ways in which we are  just solving lot more problems in unstructured   environments and number three is it is making  um our collaborative robots which are known for   safety it is taking our safety and reliability to  a whole different level and Sean rer we've been   collaborating on AI based technology which  is super exciting I just want to come back   back to what Deepu was saying about time when you  start thinking about time in this for me as a desk   worker AI started in 20123 and it just shot shot  shot off and that's not the case for you and and   Robotics and for my engineering colleagues here  but where are we in that timeline are we well into   it or are we just getting started well I think  there are two ways of on AI um the one AI which   really starting with the one which is starting to  scale and you have a lot of anecdotes you have a   lot of proof of Concepts and you can show here and  here and here I think what we need to look at how   we scale it and how you make it industrialized so  industrializing AI where you can deploy a model   you can inference the model you can monitor the  model and that in a very very automated way and   we need to do that in order to scale we need to  do it give tools to the hand of our customers   where we don't need to be in a expert in order to  do AI so it need to be very easy maybe without AI   expertise you can operate a system which is based  on AI this is where we need to work on to get   to scale because else is always a niche where  experts are working on something and um that's   the reason for example we we we show also Here  With Ur where we um want to enhance the skill of   automation like you said you know a human knows  how to grasp something and put it somewhere um   and now you can train the the the AI the object  how to grasp it we didn't want to train the object   we want to train the skill because my view is I  want to enhance automation to the next level that   means automating the unpredictable automating a  lot size one because currently what you automate   is mass production if a you have a conveyor belt  and that you automate and produce the same thing   over and over again perfect for automation  automation is not good if you don't know what   to automate and you might need to do that because  markets are so Dynamic you need to produce today   a tomorrow B and you don't have time to reprogram  and you want to automate maybe a lot size one if   it goes into individualized medicine if it maybe  in the future goes into repair if you want to   repair something it's a lot size one because you  cannot pre-think of what is defect so you need to   bring automation Next Level and there you need  AI because the robot on the machine itself need   to detect what to do in order to fulfill a task  and the topic of grasping was a skill we trained   the skill of grasping not the object the skill  and with that you want to enhance automation to   more skill-based automation system in the future  that can use robotic or cannot use robotic but we   want to move it to that level because at the end  I want to have not a rule-based automation I tell   the automation you need to do this this this  if this this problem comes because then I need   to know the problem I want to give a goal based  automation do this how you do it you figure out by   yourself that's the one area where where I'm very  excited to move automation forward now when you AI   came to your desktop this was very much about  generative Ai and uh generative AI is another   very very interesting field which probably is a  catalyst also to Bringing AI um to the OT world   because suddenly you don't need to be an expert  you can change a lot of things by Ai and um we   are very much into that and we just showed on the  on the Anova Fair um that we have a co-pilot V can   program in the future controllers if you now have  the standard robot Library With Ur you basically   don't even need a PLC programmer to program it  a I going to write the program and you only test   and verifying it and that probably will accelerate  uh the usage of AI significantly also then in the   operation technology I think one thing that's  really interesting when we get onto AI is we   really swiftly move into machines and how amazing  machines are our technology which is good it's   what we're here for but actually if you look at  the vision of our company we talk about creating   a world where people work with robots where people  work with robots so ell what does that mean to you   what does AI do to the human interaction with a  robot and with their jobs so um I I see AI helping   in multiple ways with human interaction number  one this collaborative robots took the safety   to a whole different level number two with this  uh now natural language speech recognition now   those uh you'll be interacting with robots very  differently third one is this emotions detection   which is a fast evolving space where now you'll  be using these robots uh inhouse for medical care   they'll be close to you not in this formal work  environment it'll be when you are in pain in   a hospital or you need some some kind of care  or help at home that uh AI will bring in those   emotions detection to take these human machine  interaction to a whole different level super so we   thought about the the future a little bit and the  future's arrived and we know that but let's just   bring it back to the real world and what you see  in your job so which you've been in your job for   how many months in this yeah 10 months 10 months  and you came from factories before so you have a   long history of manufacturing experience when  you go out now and you're traveling and you're   seeing customers and partners what difference are  you seeing our technology making out there like   I'll I'll first start with what rer just uh uh  shared and we had not talked about this but it is   something which large manufacturers we see as the  new reality that lot size of one the fact that we   have so much variability that economies of scale  which I lived with in my whole career from General   Motors to G to Honeywell and you are seeing that  in you had that in seens it's gone this is the   new reality that lot SI of one the fact that U  the problem for for large manufacturers is the   same as what small and medium manufacturers they  have lived with throughout their life which is   so much variability you give me these industrial  robot which can do the same thing in a very high   volume way I don't have those applications  I need to tweak my design continuously shelf   life of those designs are a lot shorter it  it what really excites me when I go into   uh the world and talking to customers the  collaborative robots now combined with AI has the   solution for this pain small and medium customers  lived with and the large customers now it is a new   pain for them and you mention that you're already  using cobots in your factory and we know you have   some fantastic we have great pictures of uh Seaman  factories with lines of Cobalts in them can you   say anything about your experience as a customer  in terms of implementing and bringing in that kind   of Technology into your own factories well the  the last picture I remember with a UR robot was   at the Hova Messa where the German counselor and  the Norwegian president was was on stage and we   used a we said we make it very fancy and we used  um AI speed recognition to move the robot faster   the UR robot faster and it didn't work out at the  beginning um it was a bit embarrassing but it was   because the end you only should have said hello Ai  and then it would have started like you say Alexa   and then it starts and it wasn't activated so it  didn't work but that was the last time we had Ur   and seens on the picture and but yes you're right  we are heavily using a um Mur um in our factories   and I think one showcase or Lighthouse is our  Factory in alangan where we have fully integrated   line where we really basically could switch  off the lights and we're be using drives and   inverters really from from the end to the from the  beginning of of the of the all the assembly to the   the testing the packaging putting it into box so  everything fully integrated um and I think what is   also what we try to do here is I think you are is  always very strong having that individual task to   solve in a small midsize company bringing you are  into a complete line connecting everything putting   a complete safety concept into it simulating  the complete line up front in a virtual world   and then you know deploying it into the line or  further optimizing the line I think that we can   uh very well show in in our facility in in alangan  and on top of that Sean was last year announcing   we're going to invest half a billion in that  site and we want to re the first side of really   having everything and we call it now industrial  metaverse where we really want to have a complete   simulation you have all the data accessible  we already accessing now the data of You Are   of the different robots because at the end you  want to have a digital twin of the entire Factory   which you're not only using for design purposes  to optimize before you want to use that in real   life so you want to get the data out of your  system of everything have it in the virtual world   have it in industrial metaverse and then further  optimizing or changing things or analyzing thing   op and so on so that's the next step and uh we  looking forward to do that also very closely with   NVIDIA and With UR let's have another question  quick fire um key drivers for these Technologies   so putting aside the the robot business part  if you are in a factory today what's your key   driver for automation I think uh there two things  uh generative Ai and digital twin and and I think   you mentioned it 2023 was the year for you but it  changed and that's really because of chat GPT for   the first time ever you don't need programmers  you could just chat with you know text or voice   so that technology is coming into the operation  OT world if you will right and and generative AI   is going to change robotics Automation in two  main ways one is the user interface you don't   need uh robot programmers anymore you can talk to  a robot or you can talk to the automation or you   can command in terms of you know texting it so  that's on the UI side and then the generative AI   is more accurate and it's also turning out to  be more generalizable meaning you don't have   to train on one particular task just like Chad  GPT you can ask it about anything you can ask   about the weather you can ask about your family  you can ask about something right anything it's   generalizable fairly well so generative AI is  one of those you know driving forces and then   secondly I think we talked about you know we're  working with seens very closely and now we're also   working with uh you know um Universal robotics  um simulation is actually a key tool it's not   a new thing you know simulation has existed for  a long time and it's because it's faster cheaper   safer to do in simulation versus the real world  but now with you know this industrial metaverse   as rer said we have this platform at NVIDIA  called Omniverse which allows you to train AI   which allows you to get the right model the right  physics and you the right you know manipulation   and also the right visual Fidelity that you can  try thousands of simulations in parallel roughly   free compared to in the physical world so so that  is also going to transform pretty much all the   automation Ryan a key driver for automation that  you see in factories I just me to reflect to Kim   I mean it it's companies want to produce very  close to the consumption because that's from   a sustainability perspective a a major aspect so  you need to produce where the people sit and that   could be in high cost countries so the problem  now is first of all it's high cost and you want   to produce to a competitive price and secondly we  living in an aging society and you don't find the   people anymore to produce so if you really want to  move forward into sustainable production keeping   industry within um kind of developed countries  it's very very important to get Automation and   in order to get there AI is now really probably  a game Cher where you can solve solve a lot of   the problems you had you didn't have the people  who want to work in the factory you don't have   the people to program the automation um and you  don't have the flexibility to automate what you   could automate in the future having that lot  size one aspect in place and that's basically   what drives our customers uh forward and the  last topic maybe that's also very important   to mention the aspect of sustainability so um  and and then the question is also how AI going   to help in the aspect of sustainability  and I just was mentioning my dream would   be really maybe before I retire we have automatic  repair so we have robots who identify because if   I I take my washing machine and uh you know I  call somebody then maybe somebody's coming said   ah you know you better buy a new one repairing it  doesn't make sense and don't find people to repair   it uh if you think about um what we are working  on really as we speak um car better battery for   for EVS you want to not throw away the entire  battery uh pack you want to probably maybe take   a cell out repair it have a second life um but  you do that you need to have electrician because   this is high voltage so you have a first problem  you get a battery which might be defect what do   you do now you find electrician who discharging  it can you do that automatically then can you   disassemble it can you do that automatically can  you have ai identifying what is a problem in that   battery maybe using digital twin and so going more  into automated repair in the future um that would   be also something a big big lever for um for  sustainability repair before recycling great we   we thought very hard about how to take questions  today whether we were going to have people raising   their hand in the audience uh but what we did  is we turned to our social media followers and   a few days ago we said we got this panel coming  up did they have a pressing question so we've   chosen a couple of those questions to fire at  you today um udwell safety how much Focus will   we see on safety when it comes to coroporation  between humans and robots so the whole field of   collaborative robots was created with safety as  the number one focus and I feel this will be one   of the key differentiator for this new automation  technology as we bring in Ai and other ways to   get more value out of Robotics okay uh and and  I'm going to take one because people need to go   and have water and refreshments but um deepo this  one I'm going to send to you so somebody wrote a   common issue I've seen over the years at various  facilities is poor planning with production   Logistics machine placement shipping will AI be  able to optimize efficiency in all aspects of   production I think the answer is absolutely yes  and this is where the digital twin comes in and   you know you see the industrial met was that  Raina was talking about you can actually plan   the layout in simulation and operate it and if  it doesn't pan out the way you want you change   it in simulation before you decide to put it in  the physical real world so I think that kind of   work is happening as we speak right now I'd  like to thank our panelists for coming and   I'm going to just ask Kim as well um can we get  Kim's microphone on as as well Kim you've been   listening and I can see that you've been taking  some notes at the front is there anything that   strikes you from that conversation yeah I took  some notes because you asked me to take some notes you see how it works here so yeah I um so  thanks for sharing really interesting I think and   I I got a quick summary of what I heard and the  takeaways I heard as well for us and the two Key   summary points is AI combined with digital twin  simulation combined with robotics well over the   next 5 10 years probably change everything  as we know it today it's pretty exciting if   you're especially if you're at the Forefront of  this which we are the second thing is in order   to achieve all that collaboration between  Cutting Edge tech companies is absolutely   necessary like what you heard is that NVIDIA is  not making robots see seans are not making robots   we're making robots but we're not doing what  seens and NVIDIA does so we stick to what we   do best and then we get together and we combine  it into something magic and what we need to do   is to make through scale make robots increasingly  available and accessible to everybody and we need   to innovate to solve problems and unstructured um  environments which is one of the big challenges   in automation today and we need to take all  that learnings back into the actual platforms   that we individually do so anybody can get an  opportunity to use that our partners so forth   so the takeaways I took is the opportunity I  think out there for all of us is nearly endless   we're just starting this whole journey in fact we  hardly started if I'm listening to what we could   actually go do and two is we have the tools  we have the skills we have the talent as well   so I think the last thing we need to do is  all of us collectively we need to step up   we need to work together and then we go  solve these problems head on good great   job with the notes that's good good notes  thank you to our panel thank you very much

2024-05-23 21:51

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