The Essence of Functional Programming

The Essence of Functional Programming

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this is the essence of functional  programming i'm richard feldman   so we're here at functional conf 2022 this is uh from the website and as narash   mentioned there are a lot of different programming  languages represented here um these are some of  the icons that were on the website  there's even more than this but just   in case you're not familiar with all the  logos this is apl closure c plus plus  elixir f sharp o camel haskell elm  prologue scala and java and like   he said there's even more at the conference now you're going to get a different experience   doing functional programming  in each of these languages some  languages have more or different  facilities for functional programming   than others and of course these different experiences are going to lead to different   expectations like for example if  you're used to doing functional  programming in haskell and you try doing  functional programming in c plus plus   that's just going to be a very different  experience they're just very different  languages likewise if you use elixir versus  prolog very different experiences even  programming languages that are sort  of dedicated functional programming   language they're not multi-paradigm at  all they're just functional programming  like closure and elm very different experiences  and these different experiences will lead to   different expectations which sometimes doesn't necessarily   lead to a good experience so let me give  you an example of this um so as naresh  mentioned i've been working on this programming  language called rock for the past couple years um   it is a purely functional programming language but because performance is a big focus of the language   and not just in terms of like  runtime performance but also in  terms of compile time performance we've  been building the compiler for rock in rust  and really the reason for this is that  we want to go fast rust is a systems   level programming language gives you a ton of control over stuff it's not really   known as a functional programming  language per se it's definitely   like imperative at its core but there are a ton of articles about how to do functional   programming and rust like tons  and tons and tons of them lots of  people talking about here's like a you  know a blog post on how to do functional   programming and rust a video on how to  do functional programming rust there's  even a book on how to do functional programming  and rust so there's lots of people talking   about how to do this and sort of uh advocating for it   so um because i was writing this  compiler in russ um this is actually my  first time using rust for a serious project  and uh i was much more familiar with   functional programming i've been doing it for like 10 years   and so i decided i'm going to write  the parser using parser combinators so  that's what i'm familiar with and since i've heard  about all this like functional programming and   rust stuff um i found this blog post uh from bottlesoca who is awesome she wrote   a great post about how to do parser  combinators and rust which i actually  used to make the initial parser  for this programming language   and everything was going okay until i hit a problem um and this commit message uh   actually this is exactly september 1st 2019 was when i ran into this problem and the commit   message says attempt at making a type  annotation parser so at this point  i'd gotten to the form i could parse  like expressions and functions and all   these different things i was like okay  let's get to type annotations because  rock's a type check language  it has type annotations   and i got this weird error from the  rust compiler which said recursion limit  reached basically what it said is you're  doing too much higher order function stuff and  i wasn't built for that so i give up um just stop  doing that uh i have never seen this happen in any  programming language any compiler i've  ever used except for this experience i   had in rus and needless to say i was like well i i thought i could do all   this functional programming in ross  what do you mean recursion limit   so kind of my my first takeaway here was this is this is just not a good experience   clearly rust is not designed for heavy  use of higher order functions like this  i mean when you look at these like rust  and functional programming and rust   posts a lot of them just kind of talk about really basic examples like we're   doing a map over an array or a vector  or something like that um but you never  really get into like what if you have a ton of  higher order functions like parser combinators   that's just built in this giant stack of them um russ technically didn't do that to a point   but there comes a point apparently  where you just reach the compiler's   limit it's like no just don't do this anymore so that was my first take away   my second takeaway was honestly i'm just  not having a great experience trying to do  what to me feels like a normal  functional programming thing in rust  and yet there's all these other people  who have a different experience or are   promoting a different idea of like yeah  you should do functional programming for  us that's a good idea you know rust  heart lambda um all these things and   so this this sort of is an example of us sort of talking past each other like i   have in my head based on my experiences  an idea of what functional programming  is but somebody else who's maybe  talking about functional programming   rust they might have a totally different idea of what functional programming is that maybe doesn't   involve price or combinators or anything like it so this is where these sort of different   experiences that we have from  doing functional programming in   different languages can lead to different expectations and maybe talking past each   other and miscommunications like this i  kind of wish in retrospect that i didn't  have this idea in my head that russ was  a functional programming language or was   the language where it's a good idea to  do functional programming because based  on my idea of functional programming i was  like you know what um i kind of wish that i   hadn't had that idea i'd just embrace the imperative aspect of russ because   i think it's quite nice for using  doing comparative programming and rust  but with my elm background this  this did not set me up for success   so in this talk i want to explore though like what is the common ground between   all these like we're at functional conf  these are lots of different languages  but we're all talking about similar kinds  of ideas and what i want to try and do is   explore this idea of like what's the essence of functional programming what's the minimal sort of   essential like irremovable part that at that point we are doing functional programming no matter what   language we're doing it i'm going to explore this  in sort of three angles first i want to talk about  what are the minimal language features required  to do functional programming second i want to   talk about the relationship between functional programming and math because a common thing   that i hear people talk about  is that functional programming   is about math or has a lot to do with math so what is that relationship and third what is the   functional programming style like regardless  of what language you're doing it in what is  the actual fp style okay so let's start about the  start with the minimal language requirements in  terms of features so a common answer to this  question that i hear in terms of like what is the  actual minimal thing that you need to do  functional programming is lexical closures   now this is uh an example of a first class function as a lexical closure but you might   not be familiar with exactly what that term means  so let me go into sort of an example of what it is  so here we have an inner class in java  this is an example that comes out of a  blog post when they were announcing  lambdas being introduced in java 8.   and in this blog post this is on it says although possible functional programming   in java was by any account obtuse and awkward and what they're talking about is basically   code like this where you're using this inner  class in order to define something that with the  lambda syntax could be defined  like this much more concisely   now worth noting that semantically these two actually do the same thing in java like   the inner class even can do the closure thing  where it captures stuff from the outer scope  basically the difference here  is is largely syntactic sugar   like you could like like the quote says it was possible to do functional programming   in java using this style of like  instantiating a new runnable and   making a method called run inside of it but it wasn't very pleasant um it required   a lot more code than certainly the  uh the lambda syntax sugar ended up  um requiring so fp in java  has always been possible but  it hasn't always been ergonomic and now with  the introduction of the lambda syntax it's more   ergonomic let me give you another example of uh of where fp is possible but not necessarily   ergonomic this time using a sort of  different definition of a lambda a  different style of closure i'm going  to use sort of javascript syntax for   this just for familiarity because i think most people know javascript let's say i say   suffix equals exclamation point and then i write a function called exclaim which takes a string   and all it does is it returns  that string plus that suffix of  exclamation point so in javascript this  this function would work the way you expect   if you call exclaim passing a string it'll return it with an exclamation point on the end   but now let's say that when i was calling that this exclaim function i just happened to also put   suffix like ahead of that in the same scope um let's pretend that we have like a var   or a const or something like that or a  let in front of both of these suffixes  so this is not about global variables  this is let's assume locally scoped   and then i call exclaim in the same way so in a language with uh lexical   scope lexical closures this will return hello   world with a question mark even though in the  second example we said suffix equals question  marks if that had a letter or a construct  bar or something like that in front of it   it would be locally scoped and it would not affect this you know exclaim function   but there's another style of closure where it would not do that where it would actually use   the suffix that's closer to the call site rather  than the one that was close to the definition site  and the difference between these is that  the hello world the exclamation point is   lexical scoping where what matters is what was sort of lexically that is   to say in the source code around it  and then the other style is dynamic  binding which is basically it's it's all  about what was in scope around the call site   so this exclaim function is actually going to evaluate suffix from the   call site or what's near the call site  rather than definition site like we might  expect so both of these work but one of  them is a lot more ergonomic than the   other there's a reason that basically every language does lexical binding these days   but you might be surprised to hear about  a particular programming language that  used to do dynamic binding so this is a  talk by david turner who is the creator  of the miranda programming language which is the  basically the immediate presenter to haskell it's   like one of the earliest languages to do lazy functional programming   um and he talks all sorts of about all  sorts of history it's a really nice talk  i definitely recommend watching the whole thing  um but one of the slides that he focuses on   is he talks about some myths about lists pure lisp never existed it had assignment   and go-to that is to say mutation  and like literally go to like  jumping uh to an arbitrary point in the  source code before it had conditional   expressions and recursion as far as i know lisp was actually this is from   1958 was the original language that  introduced conditional expressions like  if then else that actually evaluates to a value  and the first language to introduce recursion  um he goes on to say lisp was  not based on the lambda calculus  despite using the word lambda to denote  functions it was instead based on first   order recursion equation which is uh from the mathematician claiming   so basically he's saying that you know  although we talk about lambda calculus a  lot we're going to talk about it some more later  on the talk um lisp itself was not actually based   on it and in fact the creator of lisp although he had heard of lambda calculus and knew about   the term lambdas from it he actually had not  really studied it and he did not base lisp on it  um the m language which was part of  lisp was was first order but you could   pass a function as a parameter by quotation i.e is the s expression for its code basically what  

he's saying right here is that list original list did not have higher order functions in the sense   that we typically associate them  with today what you could do if you  wanted was you could basically take the source  code of that function like a string and pass  it in and eval that which you know if you've  ever heard of eval language like javascript   or something like that probably alarm bells are going off like that's not a good idea   that's not a good way to do higher  order functions or to simulate them   but that was what you would have to do in original lisp and then he goes on to say   this gives the wrong binding rules for free  variables dynamic instead of lexicographic   so that's where our example previously of   dynamic binding comes from if you imagine if  you're just basically copy pasting that code   in there and then evaling it yeah it's going to run using whatever's in   scope from wherever you copy pasted it  because it doesn't know about what was  originally in scope all it knows is  the string of the source code that's   where dynamic binding comes from and yeah  the ergonomics are not as nice as lexical  binding he then goes on to sort of give  an example of this and then finally he   notes not until scheme which is in 1975 uh did versions of lists with static   binding aka lexical binding appear and  today all versions of lists are lambda  calculus based so this is really interesting  because we've been talking about this sort   of like you know functional programming being possible but not ergonomic i would   argue that dynamic binding is another  good example of this like yeah we had   lambdas they were even called lambda isn't this but the ergonomics back   in 1958 we're not great they're really  not what we would associate with like  functional programming today with higher  order functions if you said here's a   programming language and the way you do higher order functions is you pass a   string of the source code into it and then  eval that in the middle of the function  i don't know how many people would say yeah  that feels like functional programming to me   now here's the question what's the difference between this unergonomic   way of doing functions in lisp in 1958  and this other unergonomic way of doing  functional programming in java in 1995. i  mean both of them yeah you can write the   same kind of stuff i mean arguably the java one java inner classes did   actually have lexical binding so  in some sense you could even argue  that the java version of this was more  ergonomic for functional programming   despite being more verbose than the lisp version because at least it got the binding right   something to think about okay  this is this is kind of the strangest part  to me is to realize that both java and lisp  got lexical closures 15 plus years after  the initial release of the language  like people give java a lot of hash for  you know having taken so long to finally   get lambdas i mean lisp took that long together with us i mean not not exactly   the same amount of time but like 15 plus  years after the initial release before  they got it before a scheme came out in  lisbon before lambdas landed in java 8.  so school closures are definitely  ergonomic for functional programming   but they're not required you can do functional programming without it you certainly could do   functional programming in original lists i think  a lot of people would agree with that some people   including wikipedia as we'll see later consider lists to maybe be the first   functional programming language ever  but they're not essential they're not  required you can do it without them it's  just the ergonomics are going to be worse   and honestly the same thing is true of first class functions i mean we saw from   the inner class example in java that was  not a function that was an inner class  that had a method inside it was not a  function and yet you could do functional   programming in java before it got lambdas just ergonomics were not   as good and in fact you can go even further  with this you can do functional programming  in c this is an article about and this is  not just somebody who is doing like a toy   project and was like i want to see if i can do functional programming and see no   he was actually talking about i  had a real problem and i used my  experience in functional programming to solve  this problem and help make my code better in c   and you can go even further than that here's a stack   overflow talking about functional code in  assembly like pure functions in assembly  language and that's even more bizarre  because if you think about it assembly   doesn't even have a concept of functions it's just machine instructions so like how   can this possibly be well again i come back to do you actually need literal first class   functions to do a functional programming style  i mean if inner classes are sufficient in java  what's the difference between that and  a raw function pointer i mean the answer   is there's no capture but again lisp  didn't really have capture so do you  necessarily need that i think  the answer is no i think even   if you don't have the most basic thing the word function is the first word in functional   programming but you actually can do that style of trying to write pure quote unquote functions   even if you don't have that as a  primitive if all you've got is a raw  function pointer which is just an address to jump  to in memory it still can help you out in the same  way that the functional programming style can help  you out in java pre-lambdas and in original list  so yeah i would say even functions are  ergonomic functional programming but   still not required they're not essential conceptually yeah conception you have an   idea of functions but are they required  to be in the language for you to do a   functional programming style i think the answer is no okay so what are the minimal   language features required to do fp i think it's none not even functions any programming language   can do functional programming i claim and if that's true then certainly none   of these other programming language  features are required either to do   functional programming like immutability not required pattern matching not required   macros i mean all these things  purity laziness these are all things  that are somewhat associated with  functional programming languages   and you might say that these sort of feel  like functional programming if that's what  you're used to but if you used a programming  language that didn't have any of these  and not even functions i claim you could  still do functional programming at least   from a stylistic perspective and get the same kinds of benefits that the c programmer   got when he applied functional  programming techniques to his c code  how granted they do certainly improve  ergonomics uh when you have access   to nice language features i'm making a pure functional programming language because i think   that that having a language level support for uh  functional programming is a great idea but i have  to acknowledge that even as someone  who's that committed to functional   programming languages who's been using  them exclusively my career for the past  five plus years um they're not required  for functional programming okay  so having said that i would encourage  you to explore the different ergonomics   of different languages like if you've only ever done functional programming in   one or maybe two of these languages try  another one see what it feels like you  might actually find that you like it  more especially if you've never had the   experience of using a language that was designed from the ground up to be a   functional programming language um the  ergonomics are pretty much across the  board going to be better if you're using a  language where this was the idea this was   the plan rather than a language that sort of much later ended up deciding   that oh we should actually add some  functional programming language features  even though that's not what the  language was originally designed to do   okay so that brings me to what is the relationship between functional programming   and mathematics so this is another  thing that people talk about a lot  i ended up learning a lot about this  uh when i was trying to answer the   question what's the original definition  of functional programming i wanted to just  say like okay surely there was a time when no one  used the term functional programming and then at  some point somebody used it for the  first time and then now today it's   sort of part of our shared lexicon so what was that first moment like what's the earliest   documented example i can find of someone using the words functional programming   so i thought it might be alonzo church  who created the laminate calculus back  in the 1930s because a lot of times when  people talk about functional programming   they'll sort of hand-wave you say you know functional programming originated   with the lambda calculus um and  if you look on wikipedia talking  about the lambda character it says it influenced  the design of the list programming language   yeah not really true uh it includes the design   of like later lists not the original list  and functional programming languages in  general which i certainly think is  true but did alonso church in the 1930s  actually use the words functional programming  i cannot find any evidence of this um i  look through some of his early  papers i don't see that in there   i think that came later even if flame to calculus was obviously very influential in   functional programming i don't think  it was the where the term originated  um next place i looked uh  was john mccarthy creator   of lisp in the 1950s so about 20 issue years later  wikipedia says lisp implemented in 1958 was the  first dynamically typed functional programming   language i think that's a reasonable claim i'm not going to try and debate like was it or was it   not the first functional programming language some  people say it is some people will say it isn't um  it is weird i i think if you want to be  consistent though you should say that   functional programming does not require  electrical closures if you think that or  being based on the lambda calculus if  you think lisp is the first functional   programming language but regardless did  john mccarthy use the term functional  programming again i can't find any evidence of  this um i have not seen it in his early like   1950s papers about you know lisp and symbolic execution all that stuff um   can't find it the first example i can find of the words functional programming being used in a paper   was by peter landon who created lexical closures uh in the 1960s he wrote a paper   uh that used this term um he's  a british computer scientist one  of the first to realize that lambda calculus  can be used to model a programming language   um definitely has strongly  influenced by lambda calculus  as we will see um as far as i can tell he was  the first person to write down the the term  functional programming in like an academic  paper um it was this one it was called   the next 700 programming languages and it's from 1966 um we can already see in this paper   like a lot of things that are familiar to us today in terms of functional programming he's   describing a language which  we'll get to in a second  talks about you know it's oriented around  expressions rather than statements does   that sound familiar um a non-procedural aka purely   functional subsystem of this language  so he's actually talking about not just  functional programming but like pure  functional programming with no side   effects as part of this language um this is where he he talks about   functional programming um he uses the  phrase for the first time functional  programming in a sentence in which he's actually  talking about syntax which i thought was kind   of funny has little to do with functional notation um he goes on to talk about uh he   references another paper he talks about  a correspondence between x and church's  lambda notation basically talking about  like the relationship between lambda   calculus and mathematics and similar concepts in uh computer programming   the name for his language that that he's  describing here is called i swim which  is short for i see what i mean which i  also thought was kind of funny because   here i am trying to find the original authoritative definition of functional   programming and all i get is this  sentence which doesn't define it it  just sort of uses it and then it's in the context  of a programming language called yeah let's see   what i mean see what i mean yeah uh and so um unfortunately i i did not   end up finding an authoritative definition  here i just found this this usage of it  where he just kind of casually drops it in there  as if the the reader already knows what it means  so my conclusion is like what's the original  definition of functional programming   maybe there isn't one it just kind of seems like this colloquialism that   people were talking about at the time  that like peter landon knew and at some  point he wrote this paper and used  this term that people were colloquially   using and you know what i bet they all probably had different ideas about exactly what   it meant so maybe it's always been this way maybe functional programming has always been this sort   of vaguely shared understanding  of related ideas between  programmers i think that's the most plausible  answer so to sum up what i ended up sort of  learning in the context in the course of exploring  the the origins of the term functional programming  first of all it definitely referred  to mathematical functions like the   functional and functional programming  like all these papers from around this  time they're all talking about math  lambda calculus mathematical properties   and wanting programming to try and sort of like get some of those benefits from   mathematics or steal some ideas from there  so definitely that's where the function  uh the word function comes  from is mathematical functions   um secondly um i learned you know like lisp is actually not coming from uh a lambda   calculus background but it is coming  from clint's ideas on functional uh  recursion as in mathematical function recursion   um so even more math influence on  the whole like list branch of things  and then i swim and which influence ml  and haskell and all these other languages   um definitely inspired by lambda calculus and then   eventually lambda calculus ended up getting  into the list family through scheme and uh  and on and on it goes so  definitely there is a very very   strong undercurrent of mathematics sort of like that's bound up in the origin story of functional   programming so what about category theory i mean quite often i've heard people say if you want to   get into functional programming you're going to  have to learn some category theory is that true  well um so in python uh you have  a concept of lists like a you know   another language that's called an array but python they're known as lists um and when python   programmers are talking about lists they say lists um haskell also has lists but it's   quite common that you'll hear haskell  programmers talk about the list monad  instead it's the same idea they're both  talking about lists you know a data   structure called list in their respective languages um the difference is that you   know colloquially haskell is referred to  as the list monad now in both languages  like python lists and hassellis are both  monads it's like that's just a true fact   about them it's really just there's a cultural difference about how they're   talked about now part of this granted  is that haskell has monad as part of its  standard library it's really difficult  to use haskell completely without   learning what a monad is it's very easy to learn python without whatever that   is even though both of them have monads  so um is that required well no i mean an  elm for example which is also a pure  functional programming language like haskell   um statically typed type inference a lot of similarities   between element haskell but culturally and  elm we just call it lists um that's totally  fine uh similarly in the rock programming  language that i'm working on so just   called lists um you know monads don't appear in the standard   library there aren't really any category  theory terms it's just a cultural thing   and actually like if you look at the the breadth of functional programming whether   people are doing like the functional programming  style or it's just a functional programming   language that's not haskell or a descendant of haskell you really actually don't find that   much category theory terminology um  there really is just kind of like a  niche of functional programming  that tends to use that terminology   but again like you can find different experiences no matter where you look   um there's some overlap between  mathematicians and programmers and   some overlap between category theory terminology usage and programmers and   mathematicians some people are two of  these three some people are three of  these three but plenty of people are  just one of these three and they're   interested in programming but not math  and not category theory and that's fine  all of those are fine so i would  say based on what i've learned i   don't think that category theory is required for functional programming um but it's something that   you can learn if you want to and in fact it's also  something you can learn if you have no interest in  programming at all um they're  just kind of separate and   culturally you may find that it's more of a thing especially in languages where   category theory terminology appears in  the standard library like in haskell but  there's plenty of other functional  programming languages that don't   have it so if it's not something you're  interested in learning you don't really  have to okay and finally this brings  us to the functional programming style  so what's the common ground stylistically  between all these languages well so far  from what we've explored it doesn't  actually seem that they all have   like some particular set of features that  they all need to have not even functions  that doesn't seem to be a requirement  also although it seems like math is like   an integral part of the origin story of functional programming i really can't   find any evidence that math is sort of  like part of the definition of it so  it's not like you need to have any particular  math background or usage of math in order to do   functional programming in any of these languages so what's the common ground between them like   what are you going to find is sort  of the common thread i expect uh with  like the talks you're going to see at this  conference using more pure functions i think   that's really kind of what it comes down to so pure functions if you're not familiar with the   term um basically have two rules if you give them  the same arguments they have to return the same  return value no matter what and they can't  perform any side effects along the way  i really like my favorite analogy for  pure functions is that pure functions   are basically they're not exactly but basically lookup tables so for example   let's say we have a function called  string length and if i call it passing  the string hi it returns two if i pass  functional it returns 10 if i pass conf  2022 or returns 9. this could be implemented this  function could be implemented internally as a  lookup table like whatever string you  give it it's going to just look up the   answer in the lookup table and return it  that's it no side effects and no matter  what arguments you give it it's always  going to return exactly the same answer   so if you wanted to you could take the body of this function whatever is actually   in there and theoretically you could return  it replace the entire body of that function  with a gigantic lookup table for like all the  possible strings it could possibly accept now okay   that's like assuming unlimited system resources obviously in practice you would not actually be   able to implement it that way but  the idea is that any pure function  should in theory given unlimited  resources be able to replace its   entire body its entire implementation with a gigantic lookup table if you can't do that   you don't have a pure function that's the rule and really if you think about it mathematical   functions work the same way  mathematical functions don't   have side effects and and certainly if you give them the same arguments they're expected to give   the same return value every single time okay so actually i mean true functions are in some   sense like mathematical functions and  certainly based on the history we've   learned it seems like that's what people wanted them to be more like i mean that's   that was sort of the goal is to get more  mathematical properties out of programming um  but there is one important difference between pure  functions and mathematical functions which is they   can crash uh system resources as it turns out are finite so you can get for example a stack overflow   they can also hang like they can run indefinitely  and not terminate that's also a bummer um so  this is a little bit awkward  um and there's this sort of   natural question that arises from this which is like can computers do arbitrary math i mean can   we ever get to pure functions being equal to mathematical functions   unfortunately the answer is no um  and to prove this to you just here's  a thought experiment let's imagine that  you were thinking of the biggest number   you can conceive of just digits and digits and digits for ages huge huge   number now raise that number to the power  of itself over and over and over again  as many times as you can imagine  the resulting number will be so big  that even if you don't do any operations  on it it can be represented in the   universe not just on your computer but like in the entire if you repurposed   every all the matter in the entire  universe and all you were trying to do  with all the matter in the entire universe  was represent this one number you can't   do it it's too big it won't fit in the entire universe   math unfortunately is infinite even just  that one number is not representable let  alone any functions that might involve  that number is like a constant inside of it   so can we ever get to a point where functions running on a computer are as   powerful as mathematical functions in other words can we ever get to a point where there exists   no mathematical functions that  cannot be modeled by computers  unfortunately not i mean computers can  never have true mathematical functions   in the sense that there will always exist a mathematical function that   cannot be represented by a computer  because math is infinite and the  physical universe is finite and  computers live in the physical   universe unfortunately so we can sort of asymptotically approach this at best but   we can never quite get there okay  so one of the things that pure  functions can do is they can crash this  is unfortunate but there's also some other   asterisks in there that we just kind of like hand wave away when   we're talking about pure functions  versus mathematical functions like   technically they affect memory when they run like they allocate memory on the stack or on the heap   um and we don't really consider  that a side effect even though that  is observable within the system i mean if you have  another you know another function running that's   like not a pure function it's going to be able to observe that memory so we kind of like to say   like okay but for our purposes we're  not going to treat that as a side  effect and yes we know they can crash and they can  you know not terminate they can run out of memory   but all of those all of those aside um we're just gonna you know otherwise treat them   under the assumption that those things like won't  happen or that the changing of memory won't matter  um also as we've seen earlier they don't  really even have to be functions i mean   mathematical functions yes or functions  but we can get kind of the same benefits  with much worse ergonomics even if we don't  have access to lexical closures or something   like inner classes in java or even functions themselves   okay so putting all this together i'm going to claim that the functional   programming style basically boils down  to using more pure functions which in  practice means avoiding mutation and avoiding  side effects and you can do both of these  even if you don't actually have access to  functions this i claim is the functional   programming style avoid mutation and avoid side effects and so what's the   common ground between all these different  things that you'll see at the conference  i think it's avoiding mutation and avoiding side  effects so to give an example of this um and  sort of the difference in ergonomics  here let's talk about like functional   programming in javascript it's actually  what i got into first okay it was  coffeescript but i know a lot not a lot of people  know about coffeescript anymore so let's just   pretend it's javascript close enough basically the same language in a lot of ways   um and and comparing that to functional  programming in haskell let me tell you a  quick story um years ago i was working  at a different company and uh we were   basically building a product and the team that we were on was really bought   into functional programming we were  using coffeescript again pretend it's  javascript um but basically the rules  that we tried to follow were like just   pretend it's haskell like don't do any mutation don't do any side effects except   at the very edges of the system um  let's try to follow all the same  rules that we would in haskell  everybody was bought into this idea   i had one co-worker who was used to haskell i was actually used to coffeescript   so i had no prior experience in doing like  functional programming in an actual functional  language and so to me the ergonomics  were like wow i noticed that it's a   lot easier to do my programming um i find that this is less error-prone than what   i'm used to but my co-worker really had  a lot of trouble because he was used to  haskell he was like this is so much harder for me  like he actually ended up leaving the team because  it was just so impossibly difficult for  him to give up the ergonomics that he   was used to from haskell and do functional programming in javascript where it was just   such a much more hostile environment  than he was used to for that style  now in contrast today i work  at a company called no red ink   we make software for english teachers and we use  elm on the front end and haskell not exclusively  but we do use it quite a bit on the back end  and basically uh now i know what my  coworker was talking about in the past  um the ergonomics difference is huge  if you have access to all this stuff   um doing the functional programming style in a language that wasn't designed for   it is very very different ergonomically  and in terms of like what it feels like  day-to-day programming when you  actually have access to a full   language that was designed to be used in that way l and haskell are both pure   functional programming languages but again  lots of other languages at this conference um  are you know like elixir and closure and stuff  like that are dedicated functional programming   languages that are not pure functional there's lots of different ways to go   with this but the point being if you  actually have a language that's built on  this the ergonomics are very very different  by the way if that sounds interesting to   you if you'd like to use pure functional programming language to work we're hiring   um okay so i claim that avoiding mutation and side effects is sort of   the uh the common thread between all these  this is the functional programming style  but the ergonomics definitely may vary depending  on the language and its level of support for that  okay so summarize all the things we talked about   um building this programming language  called rock it's a purely functional  language compiler is written in rust um i had  this expectation based on all these things  i'd seen about functional programming  and rust that oh this is going to match   with my idea of functional programming  it's going to feel just like elm but  really it turns out that we were to some  extent talking past each other i mean   all these articles that we're talking  about functional programming and rust  they have a different mental model of  functional programming and especially   the corresponding ergonomics around  that that i did and i ended up kind of  getting burned by that and having an  unpleasant experience when i tried to   apply functional programming techniques  like parser combinators that i was used  to in rust um so these different experiences  you know can lead to different expectations  and you're going to find a lot of different uh  expectations and experiences at the different   talks that you hear in the conference and so you should be aware of that you know what when   the speaker is talking about their  experience of functional programming   it's probably going to be different than your experience and probably different than   the other speakers experiences you should keep  that in mind as you're listening to every talk  we talked about so sort of these looking  at this from these three different   angles so what are the minimal features  required to do functional programming as  it turns out none not even  functions it's possible to do a   functional programming style even in assembly language with terrible ergonomics what's the   relationship between functional programming  and math definitely there is a very strong  historical influence this seems to me to  be where the term functional programming   came from was people looking into the relationships between mathematics   and programming and pure functions  themselves are definitely based on  mathematical functions the function  in functional programming comes from   mathematical functions as far as i can tell and finally what is the functional   programming style it's avoiding  mutation and avoiding side effects  of course the ergonomics may vary depending on  which language you're you're doing that styling  so what is at the end of the day the  essence of functional programming   i think it's avoiding mutation and avoiding side effects thanks very much

2023-04-10 16:46

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