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[Music] what's going on everybody and welcome back  to another episode of Next Big Thing HQ with one   of our most exciting interviews to date by popular  demand we welcome on the CEO of doxy chain Ian   low uh we very excited to have him on uh somebody  we've wanted to have on for a while and something   that has been the talk of equity crowdfunding  for a while now as well uh they are the world's   first Global Equity crowdfunding ecosystem uh  they're connecting numerous numerous crowdfunding   platforms into a United Global Network powered by  blockchain technology um so with that being said   Ian thank you for taking the time and welcome on  Next Big Thing HQ oh it's great to be here I've   been looking forward to to talking with you guys  so I guess with uh that being said uh let's hand   it off to Connor Connor want to start to ask  in the first question well first off thank you   for coming on we really appreciate it and with  that being said doxy chain can you talk about   what the current problems it's trying to solve  with the equity crowdfunding industry within the   equity crowdfunding industry yeah I'd be I'd  be glad to so when we first started looking   at uh the different innovation opport unities  that blockchain presents uh Equity crowdfunding   presented itself as a really interesting candidate  and that that was based on um an analysis where we   started to understand some of the constraints  or limitations for Equity crowdfunding so if   we think about Equity crowdfunding today there's  been a huge amount of excitement around what it's   capable of delivering and in particular it's it's  it's seat at the table around you know the funding   of the Innovation economy generally so there's  this idea of unlocking uh Capital at scale to fund   Innovation and fund growth and then on the other  side of that equation there's this democratization   of Investments and access to early stage companies  that um Pride a crowdfunding are almost impossible   for everyday investors to to get access to so we  understand uh all of those uh basic benefits and   none of that opportunity uh has changed but as  we sit here today Equity crowdfunding represents   less than 1% of that Innovation economy or the  funding that goes into Innovation based and high   growth companies and it's dominated of course by  by Venture Capital as it as it has been in the   past now now whilst Equity crowdfunding is growing  um it really comes from a very uh a very modest   position in terms of its current contribution  so we had a look at this and we we started to   really ask ourselves why is this why hasn't Equity  crowdfunding evolved to become five or 10 or 15 or   more percent of the capital that Finds Its way  into these these growth companies and the more   we un unpacked this the more it became clear to  us that this was really a function of a couple of   things and and first and foremost among those is  is scale the absence of genuine scale so different   platforms will tell you they've got 10 or 20 or  50 or 100 or 200,000 investors in their crowd   but of course each business that presents itself  as an investment opportunity is really going to   resonate strongly with a very small subset of that  crowd either based on their understanding of that   business or based on some personal experience that  would give them an understanding or an insight   into that particular sector or business model or  or whatever it might be so so this idea of sort   of individual platforms all of them operating in  silos all of them fighting hard to appeal to an   issuer to say we are the place you need to come  to get access to the growth Capital you need and   at the same time fighting hard to build their cow  s all of those platforms operating independently   of each other we looked at this and we said  this is this is an industry that is screaming   out for some kind of network-based solution uh an  industry where the idea of an a platform working   for an issuer to access Capital but being able to  do that not just within their own crowd but across   multiple other crowds on multiple other platforms  forms that all exist within a single decentralized   network uh we felt that this was a really  compelling idea um and at the same time we realize   that blockchain has potentially a very important  role to play particularly as that Network starts   to grow and the deal flow starts to to grow  with it blockchain has a really interesting and   valuable role to play uh in a couple of different  ways one is as a a a a funds um uh moving of funds   around around the globe so if you imagine you're  in 50 markets with 30 currencies you've got 30   times 30 in terms of all the currency pairs in  being able to move investment from one market   into the market and therefore the currency of the  issuer so how do you do that how do you do that   at scale so blockchain really uh blockchain rails  uh in being able to move investment funds quickly   and cheaply uh provide some really com compelling  Solutions but then also over time moving towards   tokenization of the equity itself opening up  liquidity uh future liquidity events Beyond just   future investment transactions whereby secondary  markets can offer the everyday investor access to   um you know an open market of buying and selling  of of that otherwise privately held Equity so so   blockchain we think is a really interesting  and overtime very important Dimension to this   solving this problem and then the third thing that  we've identified you're getting a very long-winded   answer to your question Connor that's fine keep  going the third the third issue we identified   is that in in a great number of cases probably if  not certainly the majority of crowdfunding really   relies heavily if not entirely on the community  that the issuer bring brings to the platform   as opposed to the community that already exists  on the platform so this is just another example   of the constraints in equity crowdfunding as it  relates to a lack of scale so if we've got 50,000   investors on a platform and we're still relying on  the community associated with the issuer to meet   their funding Target it just means that 50,000  is not enough it means it needs to be 10 times   100 times we need to think globally and a network  based solution is is the very obvious way to solve   this problem so we've said about building that  that capability it's taken us a number of years   quite a bit of investment to really unpack  the Nuance of the problem because whilst   crowdfunding in principle is the same concept in  every Market it is nuanced based on regulations   um you know best practice is slightly different in  certain areas across markets so factoring all of   that into uh a framework that allows an API based  framework that allows platforms to work with each   other across currencies across languages across  different regulatory Frameworks that's really been   our our core focus and as we sit here today we've  launched that technology we have some Foundation   partners that we're working closely with to push  through a a first deal and immediately thereafter   we'll be we'll be uh casting the net much wider  and looking at talking with a whole host of   of you know really well established licensed  crowdfunding platforms around the world so you   mentioned quite a few interesting points that  I want to try and tie together and I think the   first point is that you said that these platforms  they're growing their followings but it's kind of   for the individual platforms instead of for the  the overall industry and then kind of the third   point you touched on was that a lot of times  these startups end up bringing the following   it's not that there's already a following there  on the platform and that made me realize a lot   of these Equity crowdfunding platforms they're  trying to compete against each other instead of   working together to grow the overall industry and  by competing against each other it's almost like   they're cannibalizing the entire industry because  they're trying to get uh investors from this   platform to transfer over to use their platform  and I think what's amazing with doxy chain is doxy   chain is trying to unify all those platforms and  grow the overall industry the equity crowdfunding   industry and get more investors in there and with  more investors that means more money is going to   flow in which means more startups are going to  want to you know raise Equity crowdfunding rounds   because there's uh more there's more flow of deals  happening and so I think that's a very interesting   point that I really didn't tie together until you  just said that how I guess what's the the time   frame you have in place right now for doxy chain  you know what does yeah look so so let me let me   talk about the the time frame that's that's really  really important to us just some of the things you   touched on there so uh platforms will naturally  compete to the extent that they are trying to   attract issuers and so any smart issuer will be  talking to multiple platforms to understand which   is the right platform for them so that will never  change and that's a healthy Dynamic um and and   that's a good thing um the second thing is that  under under our model some really important things   don't change so I just want to make the point  dexi chain right from the beginning we identified   that we are a non-disruptive proposition okay  disruption is a punchline that VCS love to use   in mature markets markets um that are well down  that the path of you know the industry becoming   what it is today Equity crowdfunding is not  that Equity crowdfunding is still in its very   early stages um and it's extremely immature so  this is about a non-disruptive proposition that   allows platform providers to accelerate the  growth in their own business by making that   proposition more attractive and having access to  more capital and so there's a there's a there's   a virtuous cycle here where if you've got a crowd  of 100,000 investors and through a network based   solution that now becomes 5 million investors  the quality of your conversation with an issuer   is now very different uh you have access to more  Capital you have access to faster Capital um all   of these things are really positive as it relates  to to what's possible for the issuer and therefore   what's possible for the the equity crowdfunding  platform so our role is really to be completely   aligned with the objectives of the issuer and  their platform of choice and simply provide each   of those platforms with a network infrastructure  that says first of all they always own their own   crowd that will never change that cannot change  um that's really important those platforms will   always compete to win the hearts and minds of the  issuer and that's healthy and normal and we don't   disrupt that in any way but really what we're  saying is if you are part of this network you   have access to a much larger pool of investors  that's attractive to an issuer it's good for your   business as a platform provider and our model  is that we only take a share of the success fee   where that capital is raised through the network  so if one of our partners shares a deal with the   network and to make it simple let's say 50% of  that that investment is secured through their   own crowd and the other 50% is secured through  the crowds available through the network then   our share on the success fee is only on the 50%  that is entirely incremental and they would never   have otherwise had access to anyway so this  is an important part of the way that that the   model works but in terms of time frame we've set  ourselves some really clear objectives over the   next 12 months that really revolve primarily  around closing the first deal U being able   to therefore clearly validate the technology the  business model all the key components within the   technology itself and then growing the network  over the next 12 months and Beyond so we've got   some clear objectives around how we want to grow  that Network we've got a long list of things that   we want to build into the technology we every  you know literally every week when we sit down   and and and go through our our product reviews  we see new areas where we can bring additional   value to the table for both the the issuer and  their chosen platform and ultimately also the   the crowd the investors themselves so over that  over that critical 12 month period of growing the   network we've got some exciting uh new features  that we want to bring into the tech as well so I   want to kind of go to the Bare Bones and talk  about the three different types of people that   this really affects which is the investor the  existing platform the existing crowdfunding   platform and then the issuer of the Securities  the company right so you have those three people   let's start with the investor what is the platform  like what is the process of using docy chain and   how would you how would I become an investor  on the docy Chain Network yep great question   so the first thing is that for all intents and  purposes we are probably 100% invisible to the   investor so as a decentralized network this is  not this is not we're not creating a   destination that competes with our constituent  Partners the whole API framework is saying we   take deals that Partners want to share across  the network and we make those available to be   to be displayed inside the catalog of each of  the constituent Partners so what's important to   realize here is we're not asking investors to  come to a different place to access more deals   they go to the same platform that they would have  otherwise gone to already and they will just see a   broader catalog of investment opportunities okay  that's fascinating so for the investor and this   is why we say we're a non-disruptive proposition  if if we follow the model what happens   15 minutes down the track is we are competing  with our partners right which is exactly what   you see in those aggregation models today they  compete that is not that is not a long-term viable   sustainable model as a decentralized network we  ingest all of the deals into our infrastructure   that Partners wish to share with the network and  then we make those deals available through our   apis to be displayed into the existing platforms  of those Partners so the investor is going to the   same platform they're following exactly the  same process they literally see no difference   it's just a much richer catalog and therefore  a much more attractive catalog of investment opportunities okay that answered my question  extremely well um so that also kind of answers   my question I guess for the uh for the platform  itself the platform from what I can assume would   sign up to be a part of the docy chain framework  you already talked about the fact that they would   get a a fee they would pay you a fee for  the amount that um your network is you know   responsible for raising that makes sense to me  uh and then the company they really wouldn't see   anything different because they are do they have  any say in being a part of the network or is that   really just up to the crowdfunding platform  they choose to use initially well that really   is a discussion between the crowdfund platform and  the issuer um I I can't really imagine a situation   where an issuer says well look you can expose me  to many many more investors um and have access   to a lot more capital and it's not going to cost  me any more than the fee I've already agreed to   but gosh look I'm just not really interested  um you know I I can't imagine that happening   very when when yeah it's a win-win that there's  there's no way someone would turn that down that   makes total sense and I now I understand the whole  non-disruptive solution you're not really changing   anything that these platforms are doing other than  making their product better really is what it's   coming down to their product is becoming richer  with with more deals exactly so the idea is a   richer catalog in theory should make it easier to  attract a bigger crowd or investors a bigger crowd   crowd through a a a decentralized network should  also make it more attractive for issuers so this   gets back to sort of something I mentioned earlier  we think our role is to make Equity crowdfunding   as an industry spectacularly successful um because  that's how we benefit we don't charge signup fees   or monthly fees it's purely success based and the  other point is that um for all of the capital that   comes through the rest of the network as opposed  to a platform's own crowd they would still take   50% of the fee associated with that Capital  because they've earned the right in our view   to participate because they own they own the deal  they have the contractual position with the issuer   the remaining 50% is split between the platform  that is actually capturing the investment and   a and a very small percentage for daxi chain so  what it means is we're not just saying incremental   Capital it's a free hit to the extent that you  the issue is not paying anymore and they're only   paying it on Capital they otherwise would never  have had had access to what we're also saying is   that if if this richer catalog that you provide  on your platform by virtue of your participation   in the network if one of your crowd invests in  one of those deals you will also make revenue   on that that you never otherwise would have  made okay gotcha so it's a new Revenue stream   as well as access to incremental capital and  therefore incremental fees for every platform   that participates and just one other point that I  want to make the way this works we looked at this   very carefully and we saw situations where a  deal that might be shared across the network   by one of the partners might be considered to  be you know competitive or or for some reason   just you know not appropriate for for a certain  platform every deal that is shared each partner   has the opportunity to review that deal and  accept it or reject it okay okay so it's not   like once you once you once you connect you  just get what you get you're still absolutely   in control of the user experience for your crowd  and that's that's a really important element in   all of this um so they have the ability to  accept or reject deals and that's the same   for every partner that participates got it got it  um my next question centers around uh regulation   as it relates to crowdfunding um when I initially  you know stumbled upon doxy chain I thought this   is an incredible way to um navigate regulatory  Frameworks across borders um now understanding   it a little bit better uh I understand that it's  way more than that but how will doxy chain be able   to navigate these regulatory Frameworks yeah it's  a it's a good question so the first thing that we   started to understand is that we don't need to be  a crowdfunding platform we are an infrastructure   provider M okay so we're not we don't ever see  or touch the investor we don't touch any of the   investment funds ourselves it's all managed by  the partners between the partners uh and so on   that basis we don't need to become a licensed  Equity crowdfunding platform we've just got   to make sure that we're providing the tools to  our partners to to ensure that they can use our   technology and remain compliant themselves okay  so that's the that's the first thing that we we we   quickly established 80% of regulatory Frameworks  in what I would sort of describe as sort of tier   one markets around the world are essentially all  about the same things they're about things like   how are you validating and verifying the people  that are actually participating the investors   themselves so this is everything from you  know kyc through to verification processes   and identification all of the the platforms have  their local market regulations and whether they   use daxi chain or whether they don't they can't  contract out of those obligations so that just   simply doesn't change we don't even touch that  part of it um then you get to some things like   um the the different classifications of equity  crowdfunding are slightly different in different   markets so if I go to the US there's a couple of  different flavors of equity crowdfunding if I go   into other markets um UK Australia Europe it's  broadly sort of you know it's ice cream that   comes in one flavor um there are different caps  and limits okay in different markets but the idea   of a cap or a limit is is a universal construct so  as we look at this there are certain things that   are clearly very similar or be it with slightly  different benchmarks as it relates to regulations   across many markets and there are other things  that are quite nuanced so really what we focused   on initially is being a platform that allows all  of the participating Partners to communicate with   each other about what they have or haven't done  as it relates to their local regulations so a   classic example might be the due diligence process  right so each platform has to go through a DDD a   DD process with the isser now the things that  they have to check off are slightly different   in different markets so what we're saying is as  part of the deal submission process we capture   all of the DD items that have been undertaken  we make that clearly available to all of the   other partners in the network and then if they  have additional DD items that they either want   or or need to have done they can request those  from the platform that owns that deal okay or   just more information on the DD that has been  done so so there are simple things that we can   do and over time we'll build on that framework  to start to automate a great deal of that but   to begin with it's just this idea of saying well  first of all there are certain regulations that   that no no platform partner can ever contract out  of we understand what they are things like basic   limits on what can be raised we need to impose  those limits I'll give you a great example so   let's imagine there's a $5 million limit in a  certain Market they go out and raise 4 million   from their crowd and then another 4 million comes  in from all of the other partners on the network   okay so at that point you're over the cap so all  of that needs to be very clearly understood by   all of the partners so that they can calibrate and  manage the process as they need to including for   example saying okay we've reached our cap and so  we can't we can't take any more money um and being   able to do that across currencies in real time  so the technology is really about managing those   types of nuances as well now can you tell us a bit  more about the importance of the doxy coin and why   that is important going forward with doxy chain  yeah certainly so so when we looked at this we   started to when when we look at this business at  scale and the number of currency Pairs and and the   just the sheer volume as we move towards operating  at scale of investment funds that need to be moved   around the world the idea of doing this through  banking rails was just we actually decided the   business cannot work if we rely on banking lils  it's slow and it's super expensive um whereas   blockchain in terms of being able to um move  value uh around geographical borders is really   purpose-built to solve that problem so uh as we  started to dig into this we realized that what we   really need is a purpose-built cryptocurrency and  blockchain to manage this process seamlessly and   instantly uh so we went away and we designed that  that that cryptocurrency and that blockchain um   the blockchain is still in development um and we  hope to be able to launch that very soon but we're   still in a position where on even this very first  deal we will be using daxi coin to move investment   from one market to another so it is it is a  transaction currency if you like a a transaction   cryptocurrency and you know it's not dissimilar  in some ways to other cryptocurrencies designed   to do similar things ours is very specific to the  detail and Nuance of Equity crowdfunding but the   basic principle is that it allows us to move  Capital that's invested on one platform in one   currency almost instantly and almost for free to  another platform in another currency because the   issuer needs the capital in their currency that  makes so much sense because if you're an issuer   there's three different currencies that's going  to be tough but that's probably doable but now   when there's 50 or 60 different currencies going  across it's it's an absolute nightmare so that   makes so much sense and the functionality too  you can actually see the purpose and why it's   important going forward as Equity crowdfunding  continues to grow and get bigger and bigger   and more and more countries start using Equity  crowdfunding now how do we buy hold sell the doxy   coins so dexi coin we listed it a little while  ago um you know we we wanted to release the coin   prior to the launch of the of the technology and  signing Foundation Partners so we we've done that   it's listed on um a number of exchanges so it's  it's it's readily available and tradable um and   of course until we we grow the business the dexi  coin will always sort of be susceptible to Market   speculation that's that's normal we understand  and accept that um but you know we've also put   a cap on the amount of daxi coin that will ever  exist based on the amount of investment Capital   we think we're going to need to move in a 12-month  period as the business grows and we expect that   over time that will be in the billions uh so but  there are but there are technical elements to the   way that daxi coin has been designed and built  and and the blockchain um at the moment it's an   erc20 token but it will become a um a daxi chin  a daxi chain blockchain specific cryptocurrency   as well um and that'll happen in in sometime in  2024 we think so yeah there's lots there's a lot   of moving parts and what we've really tried to to  do and be conscious of and i' I've sort of built   businesses over over a number of years is to strip  it back to its core proposition and and build on   that proposition both in terms of capability and  and Associated value a as we go rather than trying   to sort of you know build the perfect spaceship  from day one one this needs to be something that   does what it's designed to do very clearly and  very reliably and then we build on that as we   go so before I transition into the next thing  I wanted to talk about I thought of an analogy   of what docy chain is and I want you to tell me  if I'm right or wrong because I like to think in   analogy sometimes it makes things clearer to me  for some reason um what doxy chain is is almost   like a stock exchange where these crowdfunding  platforms are the brokers and the companies are   being offered on the Brokers and then docu chain  is offering that sort of exchange to be exchanged   between Brokers is that kind of a some somewhat of  a correct analogy or am I a little off well well   the the difference there is that a stock exchange  is a centralized model there is a stock exchange   that controls processes uh inputs and outputs  and and and they are the they are the point at   where where that's done the difference here is  as a a decentralized network we're purely the   pipes we are just the infrastructure that allows  different platforms to communicate with each other   sharing deals pushing investment that's extracted  from from from different crowds um some controls   around what they do or don't do in that process um  some transparency on on regulatory elements but in   the end we don't control that Network we just  provide the bones the network is actually the   participants on the network so and we will never  become a separate destination that competes with   those Partners our job is to get more more  investors registering on the platform of our   partners that that that's our job and through  the scaling of of the crowd have more Capital   flow to Great companies gotcha that thank you for  clarifying that that makes sense um so I wanted   to transition into a little bit about your career  uh and your background um what would you say are   maybe the top moments in your mind that prepared  you to start uh doxy chain or lead Dy chain look   I've I've worked for a number of years in um in  digital media um building you know global global   platforms um that you know had a couple of sort  of characteristics one was sort of as a global   Marketplace and I've done that in a couple of  businesses over over a number of years um and   the other is around sort of managing transaction  and transaction workflow so I feel like and and   sort of Big Data as well so I feel like there  are elements of all those experiences that have   really helped in what we're doing here but I  think this overall understanding of networks   um how to um how to create a network effect  um things of this nature I think are really   um really important and have been really really  valuable for me um in the process of building the   business what do you love about being a CEO not  everything I can tell you that um look it's like   anything else you have good days and bad days  um what what you realize uh and it took me a   while I'm a slow learner so it took me a while to  work this out um is that you don't actually have   to have the answers to all the questions but you  absolutely we have to understand what the right   questions are um and so that's that's one of the  things and the other thing is realizing that as   a CEO the most valuable thing that you can be  really good at well it's really two things one   is galvanizing a team helping them see the world  through the prism of a singular Vision that the   business is working towards um and the second  is just solving problems you know everything   is about being able to solve problems they might  be people people problems they might be business   problems they might be business model problems  they might be Tech problems they might be client   problems but really A CEO's primary role in  a in a business like ours where you're you're   building the business it's very different in a  large mature company is is to be able to solve   problem so as long as I can sort of get that  right four out of five days I I feel like you   know um we're moving forward so you mentioned  galvanizing the team with a singular Vision so   what is doxy Chang Vision what is the vision for  doxy chain well well our mission is to build the   world's first Equity uh crowdfunding Global Equity  crowdfunding Network so that's our mission but   our our overarching vision is to give Equity  crowdfunding a significant market share of of   the Innovation economy in terms of the funding of  that so venture capital in 2022 invested you know   nearly 300 bill billion in growth growth companies  uh Equity crowdfunding was less than 2 billion so   it it seat at the table right now is is nowhere  near we see these constraints and we think that   technology can remove those constraints so Brendan  and I actually were just talking about an article   that said for crowdfunding they did a study and  there was they there was a hundred there was $1   million raise and from that $1 million Raise  It produced $21 million in economic output and   so that led us to understand the importance of  crowdfunding you know if you are able to take   $1 and turn it into $21 within the economy just  from it being invested into these startups that   grow and get bigger and then help solve bigger  problems this is a huge solution for startups that   need Capital but it's also a very big solution for  continuing to grow the economy and continuing to   make the economy Thrive well there's no question  I mean we talk about the circular economy right   so um the raising of capital for early stage or  growth businesses has has all sorts of flow on   effects and benefits I think we understand that  right through to governments I mean governments   are Keen to fund Innovation because they benefit  in all sorts of ways so this is you know in large   part good for everybody um and I think one of  the things that really drives our vision is   is this democratization of investing this idea  that you know we can put opportunity back in the   hands of the everyday investor it absolutely  must be subject to All the Right protections   um and disclosures that's that's really really  important particularly at that less sophisticated   end of the market but the idea that you know  the big companies of Tomorrow are accessible   to Everyday investors today I I actually think  that's really important it's not just about   growing the pie and having Equity crowdfunding  contribute to that growth in a really significant   way it's about who participates um so we think  that's we think that's enormously important as well so you talked about when I asked you about  what you love being about a CEO you don't need   to know all the right answers but you do need  to know the right questions I'm G bet but that   a little bit but uh I guess my question is what  are the questions that Dr chain needs to answer in   the next year or two well the first thing that's  that's just fundamentally important for us is we   have to be able to to show a certain amount of  growth in the network you know Network effect   business works because you've got uh you know  in the early stages of building a network it's   a push you've got to go out and you say this is  what we're doing this is why we think it's good   for you we'd like you to participate but you get  to to a certain point in in in the growth of that   Network where it becomes a pool okay where in our  case Equity crowdfunding platforms would look at   this and say look can we afford not to participate  can we put ourselves at a strategic disadvantage   by saying no we've just got our own crowd and it's  almost always going to be purely local rather than   Global and it's just who it is you know um look  I'm sure there'll be some platforms that will   will take that path we don't we don't expect and  we don't need to sign all platforms this business   is spectacularly successful without signing all  platforms but we will get to a certain point in   our growth where the push becomes a pull we think  that will happen potentially quite quickly so to   answer your question next year next calendar year  is important for us in terms of demonstrating the   growth of that Network and look just quietly we  we're very confident about that you know I've   had early stage discuss discussions and we've been  approached by different companies around the world   and we think what we've landed on here really  Stacks up um we think the model the commercial   model we've wrapped around it um is is the right  model and we've had that validated by you know   countless countless um platforms that we we're  we're working with or or we're talking to so   our our confidence about being able to build  the network is is high uh we we think it's a   compelling proposition but we 2024 we simply  have to deliver on that Network growth and we   expect to so that's that's really the number one  Focus for us in the short term over that period   in parallel there's a lot of value ad that we can  bring into the technology as well so for example   creating a universal preference regime where  platforms might take uh a series of preference   or a classifications of different investment  preferences profile their crowds and then we can   immediately identify deals from around the world  across the network that match certain preferences   for certain uh certain investors so this gets  back to the idea that you know we must create   the network we must create the scale but we also  want to provide tools that allow each of those   participating platforms to be very um uh surgical  about how they promote and profile certain deals   to certain investors because the reality is that  the significant majority of the crowd do not   invest in every deal it's it's only it's only a a  small number small percentage so growing the size   of that pool is is one way to think about that  improving the quality of the conversation between   the platform and the investors that are using  that platform is another way to think about that   so we're we're focused on on both of those both of  those parts we're getting towards the end of our   uh time so I wanted to leave you with uh one last  question and uh my question is what is the scale   of your ambition and what is the scale of this  company's ambition well uh I I'll quite simply we   think we can change the world as it relates to uh  the amount of capital that's available to growth   companies um and how quickly they can access that  Capital we think we can change that fundamentally   and if you think about Equity crowdfunding at  scale with 2030 40 50% market share we're not   stealing that off EC's that's all new capital okay  um we also see a really interesting intersection   emerging between sources of capital such as  VC and Equity crowdfunding we think uh and   we're already starting to see Venture Capital  looking to Equity crowdfunding as really a deal   Source provider uh where they can validate early  stage companies and start to get things on their   radar that otherwise may not have been but to to  answer your question very simply we think we can   change the world as it relates to access to growth  capital for early stage companies I love to hear   that Ian thank you so much for taking the time to  talk to us I definitely walked in and nervous and   feel like I at least have a Gras and understand  what you guys are doing at a deeper level and I'm   super excited to see where you guys take it and  definitely rooting for you and your guys vision   and purpose yeah thanks we really appreciate  it it's great to great to have the chance to   to talk with you guys so thank you thank you Ian  for coming on and uh no it's been it's I mean I   was excited to when Vicki sort of said that um  you guys had mentioned us and I went and look   I thought oh this is this is great to sort of sit  down and just just a fire side chat on something   like this so it's it's really great for us and  and you know hopefully it's interesting for some   of your viewers and you know as we sort of go if  you guys want to do check-ins at different times   we'd be really happy to sort of you know fill  we would love to tracking yeah yeah we'll take   you up on that for sure and uh you know I think  with anything Equity crowdfunding is in Industry   that is only going to succeed if you continue to  bring normal people and regular people into it I   think it's important when there's something as uh  that can transform the industry as much as this to   make you know to bring it down to the basics and  help those type of people understand what what you   guys are doing to help change the industry so  we were excited uh to have me on terrific well   thanks thanks that's great yeah thank you Ian  so with that being said for all listeners out   there thank you for listening and we will see you  next time on next week thing HQ so long bye-bye

2023-10-31 04:38

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