The Best of CEDIA Expo 2023

The Best of CEDIA Expo 2023

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[Music] happy listening from our sponsor SVS  acclaimed for punching well above their class   experience thrilling and immersive sound from  SVS speakers subwoofers and cables join the sound   Revolution today visit SV now on with  the [Music] show Welcome this is Brian Mitchell   your host and founder of today we'll  be selecting the best of CEDIA Expo 2023 which was   held last week September 7th through the 9th in  Denver Colorado CEDIA Expo is an annual industry   trade show covering home technology for the custom  installation Market which includes home theater   speaker systems Electronics TVs projectors and  more if you're upgrading your home entertainment   experience you've come to the right place and  we were there in person our editor at large   Chris Boylan was there at Denver how you doing  Chris hey how's it going Brian and our senior   correspondent Robert silver was also roaming the  halls at CEDIA Expo how you doing Robert oh hello   I'm doing fine finally recovered I think we both  got ShowVid that's that mysterious illness that   you get when you go to a trade show and you sit  next to a bunch of people coughing and sneezing   without any masks on so yeah um not the same as  Covid totally different thing but starting to feel   a little better couple days in so yeah ready  to recap our visit all right well let's kick   things off with yes most Innovative video display  at CEDIA Expo Chris you want to start us off sure   um I was actually kind of surprised to see that a  company called Jupiter was there showing 21 by 9   direct view monitors um I saw this in the theory  audio room and I barely even noticed it because   the speaker sounded so damn good but then when I  realized what I was looking at I just assumed it   was like a really high quality projector it's  not it's a it's a direct view LED LCD panel   um they size them up to this one which is 105  in diagonally and then they go all the way up   to 281 inches with microed technology so what I  like about it is it's native um 21 by 9 which is   basically right between 2:35 to 1 and 2:37 to 1  I guess that makes it 2:36 to 1 but it makes it   the ideal shape for like the Blockbuster movies  that we're seeing in in theaters and even a lot   of the episodic TV shows we're seeing like the  Mandalorian and a lot of the Disney and Star Wars   shows which use that full wide screen can also  be used for video conferencing stuff like that   but I'm I'm happy to see somebody back in this  business because I think it was Phillips and Vizio   that used to make 21 by 9 TVs and they got out of  the business entirely so it's kind of cool to see   it happening again all right and I think Robert  you had a pick for most Innovative video display   Yes mine uh instead of going big on my Innovative  display I went small and this is the 27 in 1080P   display from LG that comes in a suitcase sells for  $9.99 and it weighs about 30 pounds it uh it it   runs on internal batteries but also can be plugged  into AC and you can use it you can use it either   in landscape mode or in portrait mode and what's  really great is it's all kind I think that this   is one of the most practical uh video displays  I've ever seen in the sense that even though   it's it's 30 pounds so it's not like portable  portable fast but the thing is you can at home   you can move it from room to room uh you can use  it let's say in a school environment you can use   it in a business presentation environment you can  use it for tailgating which was like that's like   the first thing that when I was there people  people would come up to it and go tailgating   and and and so RV camping uh it has a variety of  uses and with the suitcase and everything you're   protected from the you know transporting uh in the  you know as far as the weather goes and all that   and I was just really really impressed seeing this  and getting some hands on with the touchscreen   and also moving it around you know moving the dis  from landscape to Portrait and I just think it's a   really Innovative concept it's one of those things  like gez why didn't I think of that yeah one of   the cool things I thought about it sorry was that  it's it's battery powered for up to three hours so   if you happen to leave the car or you take it out  the back porch or something else you can actually   enjoy it for a while without having to plug it in  um of course you can plug it in your car standard   uh 120 volt um adapter um but yeah three hours  on its own it's it's a hell of a lot bigger than   an iPad yep you can watch it yeah good enough  for watching a Blockbuster movie yep all right   from small TVs we're going to go to some larger  TVs so our pick for best overall TV at CEDIA I   think Chris let me turn this over to you yeah so  um it's not my first time seeing it but it's my   my uh most recent time seeing it and it didn't  disappoint it's the the new Sony QD OLED which   uses a Samsung QD OLED panel but then Sony's  proprietary video processing it's the um A95L   comes in three sizes through 55 up to 77 inches is  55 65 77 and the 77 inch isn't ridiculously priced   it's about $5,000 they had it on the wall there  I mean incredible blacks incredible resolution   great motion handling built-in Google TV there's  really almost nothing it it doesn't do and with   the new um enhancements to the QD OLED panel it's  like something like 200% brighter than last year's   models which was already great so um yeah seeing  it there at the show um I was as impressed as last   time I've seen it and I think in my opinion it  it had pretty much the better the best picture   quality of anything that I saw at the show and and  I think this was a joint pick you and Robert both   picked this one as your favorite TV yes I uh for  the yes the same reasons as Chris but the other   thing is that uh even though it's using a Samsung  panel Sony doesn't get enough credit by a lot of   people that their video processing really excels  and they really do a good job so even though   they're using the same panel as the Samsungs  uh their their Clarity their res you know the   the fine-tuning on the upscaling and everything  they really Excel uh and uh and so uh that that   would be my my the reason I would pick it as well  and the thing I like about it over the Samsung is   that it does have Dolby Vision um which we see a  lot of content being delivered by the streaming   services and on HD uh Ultra HD Blu-ray encoded  with Dolby Vision Dynamic HDR the Samsung does   not decode that it chose to go with uh HDR 10 plus  instead um but there's really more more content   out in Dolby vision and I I like knowing that the  TV can handle that can handle the tone mapping   that's built into the dynamic HDR of Dolby Viision  and and I think this TV goes up to 77 inches but   right there were also but there were also some  extra large TVs at CEDIA and I think some of   those caught your attention so we have a category  for best extra large TV and what do we have there   so the TVs did go extra extra large up to like  200 inches wide you know kind of ridiculously   large but in terms of um kind of reasonably large  and all comprised of one single panel my favorite   there was was LG's 97 inch Wireless OLED um it  uses the new um panel from LG that has the ALR   uh lens treatment that allows it to focus light  again I think they're saying about twice as bright   as the previous models from previous years uh  certainly look plain bright on the showroom floor   um 97 inch OLED cool thing about it is there's  nothing to connect to except the power cable uh   in the past LG had something called a one connect  box that still needed like a dongle to connect the   box to the TV now they have a zero connect box  which means the Box can go off somewhere else   in the room um it communicates all the video and  audio signals to the TV and that means you can put   it like an equipment rack somewhere else in the  room and then the only thing you need to have out   in in public is this power cable uh it includes  weissa connectivity so those little um speakers   that look kind of pretty those little pyramid  kind of speakers are they're they're wireless   speakers that LG also makes that are connected to  the TV wirelessly so in terms of quality um it's   kind of a cost-no-object thing because I think it  does sell for is it 30,000 $30,000 um there's a   non-wireless yeah there's a non-wireless version  in the I think it's the G3 series that uh sells   for about 5,000 less but but if you want something  that's going to be out in front of the room and   people are going to see it both sides it's going  to be kind of you know statement piece um I think   it's a it's a great choice for that all right and  I think Robert had his pick for best TV yeah uh my   little Counterpoint here is that the only thing  that didn't uh uh make me decide on the LG as my   favorite big TV was the fact that the one connect  box or zero connect box I'm sorry it has to be   zero connect box has to be position line of sight  to the TV has a range of 30 feet but you you can't   put the Box in hide the Box inside of a cabinet  so it that you know if you're bugged by having a   a you know box sitting out there then that would  be what not a big problem but customers do need to   be aware that it's a line of sight communication  so for my pick I decided to go with the 100 in ux   uled TV from high sense and one reason was is I  was going more for a value proposition at $10,000   for a 100 in TV it's the third of the price of the  LG now it's not OLED so it doesn't have the you   know quite the Black Level capabilities and some  of the benefits of OLED but it's mini LED with   1,500 dimming zones and uh 1,600 um nits of light  out output so uh it's pretty much I would say if   you're looking more for well $10,000 is still a  lot of money but you can still get a really good   value I think with this TV and 100 inches there's  I don't think there's any other 100 inch TV out   there at this price level offering this type of  performance and so now we have some picks for best   projector at CEDIA Expo Chris you want to start  us off yeah I um I hadn't heard about this model   before but I certainly did at the show because uh  this was in more than one of my favorite booths   and home theater demos uh at the show including  storm audio and the trend of audio demo that we're   gonna get into some detail about um it is a Barco  residential projector it uses three TI DLP chips   so it's DL DLT DLP projector has 9,000 anti-  Lumin and brightness which means it can light   up even the largest screen um in fact the screens  we saw down were like 200 in wide um both of them   and it didn't seem to have any trouble putting  up a light enough light output for those um it   uh is unique in that it optimizes its output for  a cinemascope display so 2.37 to1 um it uses the  

0.9 in TL uh TI DLP chips and pixel shifting to  create a 5k image so it's more than 4K because   it's got that extra width um it can also handle uh  16 by9 and 1.3 to 3:1 2:1 all the different aspect   ratios but it's been kind of built from the ground  up optimized for cinemascope and I love that I'm a   huge movie guy I love the fact that a lot of the  directors are using 2:35 2:37 to 1 for episodic   TV shows the Star Wars shows the Disney shows  um I myself have a lens memory projector that   Zooms in to fill the uh the space but with this  solution you're getting the full 5K resolution on   the screen in 2:37 to1 and and it shows amazing  detail great color saturation it was paired with   the Seymour screen in both cases and it just  looked it looked awesome so um the only caveat   of course is that it's $164,000 um so you know  you might want to think about that before before   getting too attached to it I would say and Robert  did you have any thoughts on this projector did   you see it quite a bit yes the the the one thing I  really liked about this projector is that uh video   projectors have a difficult time uh displaying HDR  because they are not as bright as TV as uh the a   high-end TV that can display lots of light output  for HDR and at 9,000 lumens output there's there's   enough light output to really do a good job on HDR  and I think that really really bolsters the image   quality in addition to resolution video proc the  other video processing that's in in the projector   and everything that the HDR you have a projector  that can do HDR properly all right that was the   projector category and now we're going to move  on to something near and dear to me and that's   the sound categories ah and there wasn't a lot of  two channel sound at cdia but think you guys did   come across something that was quite unique so I  have not actually heard focal's Grand Utopia uh   speaker um ever before and this was their grand  Utopia em Evo everyone's using Evo these days   storm audio's got an ISO ISP Evo processor LG's  got their Evo panel Evo is the the buzz word I   think of CEDIA 2023 so it's a um it's a four-way  speaker as you can see it's beautiful uh to look   at and beautiful to hear um what you see in the  middle is actually uh if if those of you are not   listening to the audio only version of this there  is a picture of the amplifier used to drive these   speakers and that's the name statement which is a  preamp processor and amplifier also gorgeous you   know perfectly at home just sitting in in the  middle of your living room um and it should be   I mean it's 300 grand for the name statement and  280,000 for the speakers so we're talking $580,000   for a stereo system um and uh I was surprised  that they put it out in the middle of the floor   didn't build it into a booth because it was a  lot of sound to compete with but compete they   did and honestly even when the FL floor was  crowded you could hear these speakers coming   through deep extended base excellent articulation  Imaging Rock Solid um sounded even better later in   the show and kind of a lot of the people filtered  out so we could really kind of lean in and listen   to what they were doing um and you know um if  times turn tough then you can always uh trade   the system for a house there you go right kind  your he yes say yes I did in fact I I was W uh   actually wandering from another booth and I  just wandered over and I I saw the speakers   and then I heard them and I go you know how are  these so clear it was to to me now I'm going to   be exaggerating a little bit here but it was like  these speakers were so good that everything else   in the hall seemed like no just noise you know in  terms of other speakers that were on the floor uh   these speakers just I think the fal people are  gonna quote you on that yeah everything else was   just noise Robert [Laughter] [Music] Sila no there  I was just really impressed I mean I've heard fcal   speakers before obviously but I haven't heard  yeah something unique about just fantastic yeah   yeah French being French is not is not what makes  them unique but they started as a speaker driver   manufacturer so they make all their own drivers um  most even a lot of high-end speaker companies buy   their drivers from third party manufacturers um  Focal does not. They build all the drivers purpose  

built for for the models that they deliver and  and it shows. So over $500,000   for the Focal system as displayed in the photo  $580,000. Yep and that doesn't include the streamer   which is probably another five grand all right  yeah chump change all right and we're gonna stick   to the cost-no-object category and this was best  sounding overall room at CEDIA Expo um this one's   hard to believe honestly this one was very special  um Trinnov Audio is well known in the CI Market   home theater market for building um processors um  like uh um the the one that some of you will see   on screen if you have the visual version of this  um but it is um what what they're doing this year   is something brand new it's called wave forming  and what they're doing is they're basically   analyzing the base frequencies in a room um and  identifying um how all of the speakers interact   with each other and with the room itself so they  can shape the wave of the base to provide really   uniform base response everywhere in the room and  people have promised this before I haven't really   heard it I've heard this and they totally live up  to that promise um they basically have an array   of uh subwoofers in the front that transmit sound  an array of subwoofers in the back of the room that   absorb the Sound by you know canceling it out and  this prevents the bass waves from bouncing back   and forth and creating a very um uh it's very  um unbalanced bass response and to demonstrate   what they did was they played us a a very low  bass sweep it went from 20 Hz to 100 Hz they   played it without without the processing and it's  like okay there's 20 Hz it's pretty loud and then   dips at 30 and then it comes back up at 40 and 50  and then it dips at 60 basically it's it you know   it's a very uneven response with exaggerated loud  bass in some frequencies and a complete lack of   Bass in others they turned on Wave forming and it  was literally ruler flat from 20 Hz to 100 Hz the   most uniform bass response I've ever heard wasn't  just the bass uh the speaker company ascendo   makes these point source drivers that they use for  the for the whole 43 Channel system so was 43   including 24 subwoofers and they created  just a wonderful sense of image specificity a very   seamless kind of soundstage all over the room  above you know behind sides Etc um but they also   proved Trinnov proved you don't need 24 subwoofers  to do that although that's ideal that's optimum   you could do it with 5 (correction: 3) in the front 3 (correction: 2) in  the back and they demonstrated that in one of the   clips from John Wick four and it was amazing just  this hit your gut solid bass really precise really   loud really deep um and they could do that with  just just five subwoofers I know just five subwoofers   probably still beyond the reach of most people but  um it's an expandable system that only gets better   and deeper the more subwoofers you thrill at  it Robert what you what did you think you   heard the demo too that yes I would came would  come to the same conclusion I mean I would be   more than happy with just five subwoofers other  words exactly yeah in other words I I mean no   I mean obviously running the entire system was I  what 43 channels in total it was just oh yeah it   was 125,000 watts of power over 125,000  watts which is nuts you probably wouldn't have   enough electricity to run it in a home yeah  yeah but yes uh using 24 subwoofers I mean absolutely uh not only pristine deep bass but  layered bass and texture and everything but   even when they reduced it down to five subwoofers  I was still more than satisfied with what I heard   I mean it was like oh this is oh boy because  I'm always kind of bugged with the unevenness   in subwoofer response with standing wave issues  and things like that yeah I as a reviewer   it's so hard to to set set up a subwoofer you  know yeah yeah I mean anytime I start to add   two three subs into the mix it's just a very  time consuming process to try to get even bass   response but without with a single subwoofer  it's really it's almost impossible to get good   bass everywhere in the room I mean you get it in  the sweet spot right and that's what you optimize   for and the rest of the room be damned fortunately  I always get in The Sweet Spot because I was get   into the room before everybody else does to watch  the movie hope my wife wife isn't watching this   she's gonna steal my seat next time um but anyway  yeah so very impressive um definitely delivered   on the promise that every seat is the best seat  in the house yes absolutely so do you guys have   any idea when they paired it down to the five  subwoofers like what that would what that system   would cost I don't have the individual yeah so  I don't think anyone did the math on how system   cost all they were willing to say was well into  seven figures so I means yeah it's over a million   dollars I mean the projector alone they were using  that Barco projector it's $164,000 but when you   add in all the amplifiers 43 amps 43 speakers  these massive subwoofers the Seymour excellent   screen um yeah it was it was a it was really a  statement kind of cost-no-object system if you   pair it down to five subwoofers obviously yeah um  you know eventually this is going to trickle down   I think right now if you want to get this in your  house you're probably going to be out of luck the   hardware is all production but the software  they're still doing final testing on so what   they want to do Trinnov is they want to  be a part of any project moving forward to make   sure they can use this as a learning experience  and a training experience for the dealers on   how to set up a system like this um and because  it's all software based and the hardware exports   it they can make improvements to this expand it  out to more speakers expand it out to more room   sizes expand it out to more configurations over  time it's going to take them a while to train   all the people and really get some real world  experience with how this interacts in normal   yes you know listening runs this this this room  was built in Italy um stuck in crates and then   reassembled on the show floor in like three days  um so they did all the measurements in calibration   in Italy because it was quiet there they couldn't  really do that on the showroom floor um you don't   really have that luxury in someone's house but in  someone's house you don't have you know 27,000 or   60,000 people milling about you know checking  out all the demos all around you right so I   think they have to do it that way just because it  was only way to get a really quiet background to   do all the tests they needed to do they use like  20 or 21 different points in the room to do the   measurements to create the 3D bass wave map that  they need to to process it so very impressive you   know I think they've been working on it for six  or seven years um I know the CEO um was there and   he was he was very proud of what they had achieved  and yeah for good reason all right we are going to   move along here is it's not going to seem quite  budget but we're gonna call this best budget home   theater sound as our perspective yeah so um there's  a speaker designer named Paul L. Hales

technically he goes by Paul he's worked for a  number of different companies over the years   designing amazing speakers um sometimes in the  cost-no-object sometimes more of budget and what they   showed uh the Theory Audio technology Booth  um I think that's the name of the company Right   Theory Audio Design  Theory Audio Design thank you so Theory I'll just   call him Theory for short um he was like this is  not going to be your average demo um I'm gonna   play music right and of course we're gonna blow  stuff up at the end but I definitely want you guys   to hear music through these speakers because it's  gonna give you a sense of what they really sound   like you know what a piano sounds like you want a  good guitar and a bass and a drum sounds like let   me play how these sound on these speakers so what  he was showing us and they're just um to the left   in the picture of his head for those who uh can  see you know can follow along in the video um it's   a 9-in speaker that goes in the ceiling or in the  wall it's the ic6 it's actually a six or six and a   half inch coaxial driver so the center compression  driver in the middle and a and a woer around it um   so kind of considered a point source driver um and  they played these in sealing speakers just a pair   of them in the wall in front of us and I turned  to uh Carlo from Secrets of Home Theater and High   Fidelity who was next to me at the demo and we  just looked at each other like can you believe   what we're hearing because it was just two little  speakers in the wall sell for 675 bucks each okay   this is why it's a budget solution that was you  know keeping up with the the bigger speakers   that we saw all over the show it didn't go below  about 60 hertz and but that's still pretty solid   that's like okay it's not the lowest octave and  a half of what you can hear but it's a lot lower   than a lot of these tiny little satellites go um  and the cool thing the beauty about this is that   this little 9in speaker in the in the wall in the  ceiling can also go into a pendant attachment for   like an extra 70 bucks and then they hang down  from above is like art architectural speakers   or they can go into a cabinet for all one um you  know on wall placement they played every version   of that same speaker in every case sounded the  same no matter where they put it of course the   The soundstage was a little different depending  on where the sound was projecting from right but   it was like an amazingly balanced sound and then  when they brought in the subwoofer um which is a   little thin in-wall speak in-wall subwoofer that  they used in walls um they mounted that on the   Rafters up in the ceiling and then that brought  brought the frequency response down to like 24 Hz  and then it was like it would compete with a  pair of a pair of like audiophile mini monitors so   for basically 1350 a pair plus the amplification  plus the sub there was a killer sounding speaker   gotta say yeah Robert what do you think you went  you went to the demo a little after I did yeah I   I think it's brilliant that they were they're  able to design a driver that you know all that   can accommodate all these different form factors  you know in terms of like you say the pendant the   in-wall what you know on-wall whatever and that it  just uh it's just like uh when they're saying is   that you know not only do they save a lot on the  fact that they they just have to make what this   one model of speaker instead of dozens models to  to accommodate different or thousands or thousands   of models like comp you want yeah you yeah you  want to do a pendant yeah we'll stick this thing   in a pendant. I could imagine that when somebody  like for the installers as far as like hey I need   a dozen of these impendence oh no problem we'll  happen to you in a blah blah blah time frame or   whatever deliver too yeah in other words it's like  you could almost you could almost do Almost Do It   On s you know it's like crazy yeah and adding  the pendant only adds like what 70 bucks to the   cost of the speaker 80 bucks whatever it's not  very much um and these pendants look nice they   look like anything you'd see in a you know in a  a stylish kind of living room or media media room   um and what I was a little bit surprised about  was that even though they were hanging from the   ceiling in the pendants The Soundstage was right  in front of us it actually projected the sound   down so we didn't feel like we'd have to look up  imagine where the singer was or the instruments   they were still down here kind of pretty close to  ear level didn't sound like the sound was coming   from above and I guess the sound is just kind of  projected down using this point source driver in a   way that you know a lot of pen speakers probably  couldn't do as effectively so yeah kudos to uh   to uh Paul Hales and and his ability to do that  with such a small and fairly inexpensive speaker   but I I do think with Theory system you have to  buy everything through them the you have to buy   the amplification it's not just the speaker yeah  they're they're passive speakers they required   their own amplifier controllers the ALCS amplifier  oh um ALC is what it stands for it's basically a   a it's an amplifier with digital controller and  digital processing built in um and yeah the four   Channel version of that uh the cheapest point  you can get is about two grand um but a four   channel amp of course can drive four speakers if  you want four independent channels but can drive   up to 16 of the theory speakers because the 16  the the speakers are so efficient um that even   if you put them in series you can they still get  to very high listening levels and the amps have   a whole lot of um extra Headroom so they said  that with a four-channel amp if you're putting   in like a right you know a restaurant system or  a system that's to fill a very very large room   you could drive each channel can actually drive  four speakers so you can have those throughout   your ceiling and provide a really cool uniform  sound throughout you know even the largest home   with you know fairly nominal investment so  right yeah you can't just mix and match them   with other other companies amplification you  do have to you have to keep it all together   right well well everything we've talked about so  far is pretty custom installation oriented but   there are some new wireless Technologies on the  horizon and we do have a category for that best   wireless multi-channel audio the uh the concept  is is to eliminate uh all the speaker wire so you   don't have speaker wire running all over the place  except you do have the compromise you do have to   plug the speakers into AC power but yeah of course  um the idea is being able to do home theater using   let's say have a central Hub or a transmitter it  transmits the audio wirelessly to all the speakers   in the room and the the the there's the WEA has  been the main system but now DTS and we all are   familiar with DTS from DTS surround sound in n  in 2021 they introduced a five channnel wireless   system but this year at CEDIA they debuted or they  uh show displayed a 12 channel system so now the   things are getting a little bit more competitive  uh because WiSA has had a long track record in   developing this type of Technology but DTS is a  name and they're they've leap frogged in technology   to come up with their 12 channel systems so  basically you have uh two possibly competing   type systems that are both could both be very  effective but it just depends on implementation   and I'll let Chris talk a little bit about the  implementation on DTS play-fi yeah yeah so I I   think you're right they're they're similar in  many respects um I think WiSA has the edge in   sound quality because they support 24/96 and bit  Precision so literally highres audio wirelessly   to um to six channels oh eight channels I'm sorry  Chan they yeah they do support Dolby Atmos 5.1.2   so five surround channels one sub for two high  that's probably good enough for most people right   so like you said with this leap frogging DTS just  announced they can do 12 which technically would   be 7.1.4 but they do support a second subwoofer  output so they're calling it a 7.2.4 system and   and what I think was impressed about with DTS is  that they showed us on a TV that's about to come   to production in Europe a Phillips TV um yes the  user interface is already there it's in the TV   instead of selecting TV speakers you select yes  Philips Fidelio well technically it says uh you   know DTS play-fi theater and then in there you say  I have one speaker in the front one on the left   one on the right uh two in the back and it does  all the calibration all the setup right there in   the TV for you that is key right now on the WiSA  side because they don't have any TV manufacturers   that are public yet about their multi-channel  implementation to get WiSA to work you do need   a separate dongle it's like a little HDMI dongle  but size of a hockey puck that then takes the HDMI   ARC output from the TV and then transmits it to  all of the speakers wirelessly so they're still   doing sound wirelessly WiSA likes to highlight  the fact that they have really low latency which   is important to synchronize the audio and the  video on the screen synchronize the the the   audio multiple rooms DTS latency isn't quite as  as low it's not quite as fast but it seems it's   good enough from what we saw in the demos to be  able to provide a a TV like home theater solution   yeah um and you know they they just seem a little  bit further along in the Partnerships the Fidel   the Fidelio speakers from Phillips that were  used in the demo are available now on Amazon   on Best Buy you can buy them they work with the  new play-fi um immersive home theater is what   they call it DTS play-fi immersive home theater  so that's the only reason that I would give the   edge to DTS right now because it does seem like  they're announcing Partners were build it into   the TV of course you can't get in us yet on the TV  side it's only a European model but I'm expecting   we're going to see some pretty big announcements  from them at CES hopefully for some new TV brands   that will build it in because for it to be easy I  think it really does have to be built into the TV   the user interface is in there like you can see  the WiSA interface in the LG and Bol and TVs but   it's not the multi channel one right now they're  still just using the two channel WiSA solution so   what WiSA needs to do and they know it is get  their chips and their software into the TVs um   they've got a fair number of speaker Partners  so far right now really only a few can do the   multi-channel but I think once the TVs have them  and then speaker companies know they can sell a   comp a compatible product that's going to make  wireless home theater like really easy to set   up and really cool then I think you're gonna get  more of the speaker companies on board as well   but it's kind of a wait and see game you know to  see who gets the big Partnerships first and yes   and I think my opinion is that uh I don't see  DTS play-fi as a threat to WiSA or vice versa   I I see them both as that now that you have two  big players in the environment I think it's just   going to broaden the access and you're going  to get more consumers becoming aware of it and   and more manufacturers going well you know this  wireless home theater stuff might be really even   for a high-end manufacturer might say you know  this might be a good solution after all well I   don't want to be a spoiler but we are gonna see  know yeah the bang Olson is already doing weissa   in the two channel mode they've got some TVs L's  got some TVs they're doing two channel weissa um   but again what Philips I mean sorry what DTS  play F has going for him is that do have I   think they're a little further along in that multi  Channel um and like I said a lot of the speakers   can be bought today um the Soundbars the front  and rear speakers that have the upfiring drivers   um it's just a question now of seeing us made not  us made but TVs in the US market include DTS play   5 and the good thing is for speaker makers right  they don't necessarily it's not an it doesn't have   to be an either or right if let's say TCL and  sound sense or somebody comes up with um with   uh with DTS and then maybe LG expands to WiSA with  multi Channel all speculation at this point but if   the two different vendors are in different models  speaker makers could include both it could I don't   think there's any kind of exclusive relationship  they need to make with one of the other you know   you see receivers and speakers that have apple  um AirPlay built in airpl too but they also have   chromecast direct they also have you they decode  all the individual surround s modes so you could   have a speaker system 7.2.4 that has the badge for  DTS play-fi and WiSA no reason that they couldn't   and uh yeah they'd have to have the technology  built in and there's a licensing fee involved with   that but from what I understand the license costs  are not that high you know these TV makers just   have to you know acknowledge the fact that it's a  big Market that they're better off using somebody   else's technology rather than trying to do their  own and they can create this kind of universal   standard where you know homeowners consumers TV  buyers apartment dwellers whoever can do wireless   immersive surround sound without complicated setup  or any speaker wires so I'm pretty exced excited   but still it's like it's always right on the cusp  so let's see what happens to CES see if we have   some big announcements there right yeah moving on  we're g to talk about some honorable mentions some   sights and sounds of CEDIA that really caught our  attention and um this is the Storm Audio Gramani   Systems StormAudio Yeah it's a cool name um so  I don't know if I call them H honorable mentions   they they in in and of themselves were outstanding  in sound quality and and visual quality um and uh   but I mean it's it's hard to pick a best I mean  I just think Trinnov demo was so different that   it just stood out among you know among what  was out there um as being very different right   what's different about the Gramani System and  storm audio is um they've changed basically the   whole way the dealer sound to the home theater  how you in how you route the sound within the   home theater installation so instead of using  analog cables which every everybody else uses   between the pre processor and the amplifier um  what the storm audio ISO Evo processor does is   it's 100% digital 100% digital domain takes a  digital audio signal coming from in this case   the Kaleidescape server that's showing 4K you know  Dolby Atmos content um right and processes that   into like in this case it was a 23 Channel output  I think they can support up to 32 in some of the   processors 48 and some of the other processors  um and it basically the only connection between   that preamp uh or the only output the only audio  output from the preamp is a single cat 6 ethernet   cable that's cool because it simplifies the  rack it eliminates a lot of the errors that   people make when connecting all these different  channels like uh oh I just did the test tone and   my left channel is really the right Channel and  my height channel is really the surround Channel   and then you have to go back and figure out which  amp is wrong as you is as those who see the video   version of this will see there's basically um the  output of the processor uh goes into a network   switch this is an off-the-shelf $2 $300 network  switch that then feeds each individual amplifier   with the signal that it needs to reproduce that  particular channel so they're active loudspeakers   these um Gramani System speakers but the amps are  all still located in the main equipment rack so   simple installation everything is done digitally  in a network no need for analog cables the only   thing you're running into the room at that point  is Speaker cables and that's easy installers know   how to wire thin speaker cables through the wall  they don't have to worry about networking you know   networking cable power cables to the individual  speakers um and the nice thing about this is   because it's all IP it's all internet based the  installer the custom integrator can debug a lot   of things just by plugging into the system and and  logging into their app to see what's happening oh   I see that the front left uh speaker amp has blown  and needs to be replaced okay we'll send send one   of those to you instead of having to go onsite  identify what cut screwed up what cut unplugged   you know that's expensive um the the time involved  in in providing service calls is is a pretty you   know significant expense and you know maybe a  year down the road they can charge the customer   for that but when they're first doing the install  and the follow-up visits usually they don't they   kind of roll that all into one price right so the  ability here for them to set up the system a lot   faster with networking instead of analog cables  and more reliably and then do that remote you   know debugging and and configuration um is money  because it saves time and and that's the whole big   expense in the custom installer is how much time  and how much man hours you have to put in to you   know to get the system up and running and to get  it um you know to maintain it over time so that   that was that's pretty cool and this is the first  CI Channel product that's come to Market with this   aes67 multi Channel audio over IP Robert anything  to add about this not really I I was gonna say is   that the the proof is in the pudding I mean the  uh the uh the result the listening result result   was great uh I really appreciated that the way  the the subwoofer obviously not not the same   as the Troff but the the subwoofers uh provided  a good uh texture as well as a lot of power and   of course that's uh you know the other components  in the system besides the networking but I thought   that they they they did have a compelling demo and  the network solution seems to be really viable do   you guys remember the cost on this system nope  I didn't um I don't think we got an estimate of   that um again it used the $164,000 projector so  if it's using the the Barco projector then it's   it's probably in the if you have to ask category  um right but because the installer and integrator   are able to do the installation a little bit  faster they could potentially pass some of that   savings on to the customer in the installation  cost which is a big a big part of the cost you   know the equipment costs one thing but the  installation is is usually a larger or a very   significant Port of part portion of the expense  right and some other things we saw at CDA is not   just stuff for inside your home but outside your  home Robert what can you tell us about the Samsung tariff well outdoor TV is becoming more or of a  of a a part of the CI space you know the custom   installation space and Samsung uh they're two  two fairly new I mean outdoor TVs have been out   for a while and there's Brands like sunbrite and  several others have been doing it for a while but   uh Samsung and has entered the market a couple  years ago and I'll be talking about another new   entry too as well but the idea is skyworth  yes skyworth and Samsung were both on hand   uh trying to uh Samsung's trying to get into  the market and of course with their brand name   they've apparently have been s successful so far  skyworth is a brand new entry in the in in the   outdoor TV space although they've been making TVs  for a while but but they've been having skyworth   has been having trouble in the US market so they  decided to try to do go through the CI Channel and   their TV is kind of the Samsung TV has every all  the features of any other Samsung qled TV you know   the smart features video processing the whole bit  uh but it obviously uh a little bit more durable   frame in casing and things for more weather for  weatherproofing so you can use it outside and   also for to accommodate for sunlight uh as well  and you see the little sound oh there also is a   s they're making a line of of Soundbars that can  be used Outdoors as well to complement skyworth   is doing a a direction on theirs uh theirs is ex  their TV is extremely bright it has a 3,000 uh   nits of light output which is very bright even for  an outdoor TV so they're making an impact there   but they also but it's not as bright as the sun  the sun is like millions of nits so 3,000 is good   yes right once we have like sun quality TVs then  then we know we're talking yeah yes no kidding   3,000 is pretty impressive that's true any TV much  more important [Music] out well sure and they also   incorporate the Google TV operating system so you  have like things like Google chromecast built in   all the apps and they also uh accommodate Google  assistant so you can voice control the TV as well   so very important uh although you don't really  need to ask what's the weather right now that   at CS because you're already outside you don't  have to ask it about the weather that's all I   ever use Alexa for like Alexa what's the weather  and she's like have you tried looking outside um   yeah she's getting sick of me asking her that all  the time while sticking to our outdoor theme uh   one of the busiest booths at CEDIA Expo 2023 was  Origin Acoustics although they're not although   their name isn't in this Frame right now um Origin  Acoustics had one of the busiest um demonstrations   at CEDIA Robert was there what did you learn from  origin Acoustics a couple things well obviously   their focus is that they uh they partner with a  lot of different companies to bring things into   the CI space through their their distribution  and dealer Network and for example uh the the   slide yeah amazonic systems makes uh outdoor and  Landscape speakers and so they're partnering with   uh uh with the uh uh Origin Acoustics to bring  their products through their dealer Network and   that way uh Origin Acoustics can also in  have input into design and Manufacturing   as well also another surprise was that whim  uh those of you that are into streaming and   everything whim is a very popular inexpensive  streaming platform they have products from 99   to like $199 to excellent streamers with things  like features like Rune built-in and stuff like   that and uh their origin Acoustics has is is  taking their uh platform and incorporating it   into the CI space with rack mounts rack mount  streamer Solutions and compliment amplifiers   to go with the whim streamers in that new in  their new form factor to go into the CI space   which broadens whims reach quite a bit but also  adds some value to Origin Acoustics offerings as   well because they can say hey we offer streaming  solution right and I think a lot of us streamers   these highend providers that that that just do a  two channel solution you know that's a high-end   excellent quality deck um right but but it doesn't  really integrate as well into the CI environment I   guess so I guess what Origins trying to do is take  this vendor that's known well for their affordable   highquality streaming PL platforms and then say  hey provide that user interface people love in   in the CI market and bring streaming all all you  know everywhere through your home so I think it's   a good partnership there um y yeah yeah and one  of the another coolest things we saw at CEDIA was   this massive subwoofer Tower by McIntosh yeah and  the keyword was C right we only got to see it um   it did look impressive there four 13inch drivers  it weighs 458 pounds um uh as the side they did   tell me that if I could carry it out I could keep  it um and I tried but no it wasn't gonna happen um   it's 2,000 Watts um it's it's enormous and you can  tell it's McIntosh because it's got that trademark   you know Vu meter blue screen at the bottom which  you can turn off by the way you know if you don't   really want to see these bouncing Vu meters at  the bottom of your subwoofers while watching   a movie you can just disable them um but it's a  it's a $5,000 subwoofer and you probably want to   have two you know one for each side to balance  out the room um and a nice rug you know tie it   all together um but um yeah but it's impressive  looking we they didn't have it on active display   they think they're focusing on their um what's  called SciFi cifi uh which is Sonus faber's um   big push into the uh the in wall speaker market um  to try to um really you know get get a foothold in   in the CI market so you know at at a cdia type  show it's important for sonus Faber who's part   of the same company as Macintosh Macintosh group  um for them to show that they have great solutions   for you know for custom stallers um the demo  that they were doing sonas Faber was kind of   unbelievably loud considering there were just  a couple of inwall speakers being played with   some subers in the middle um so I think they'll  probably have good luck in that in that category   but it would have been to hear this guy on  display too it's just you know it's limited   space limited time or maybe it's not ready yet  maybe this is more of a hero prototype sample   that's about to enter production it certainly  looked production to me and all the connectors   at you know thit and finish you'd expect from  a fin a finished production product uh but we   haven't been able to hear it yet you know what I  bet it goes really deep and really loud I'm gonna   make it I'm gonna make a prediction here it's  gonna go really deep and really loud okay next   right yeah all right from Big to small yeah very  very small this was a standout yes product well   it depends on how you define big and small uh uh  small in terms of size big in terms of price but   this is the um Bang & Olufsen Beolab 8 and it's a  bookshelf uh speaker or stand Mount speaker I mean   you can do both either one and the main thing is  their design like uh when a lot of speaker makers   are trying to hide their speakers in the High  space you know that well you know put them in   the wall and stuff like that Bang & Olufsen really  designs their speakers and products to stand out   to be like right you know the Fe the feature of  the room you know right and they want to be seen   very well designed I mean they look great right  right and uh un yeah and the uh the um the bail   lab these guys might be small but they're what  what $5,500 a pair for the for the uh bookshelf   and if you want to do stand Mount there's like  $7,000 a pair uh and uh and then Chris might   have a comment where else now where where else  can you actually find products that look like   this and the answer is really nowhere bang Olson's  you know trademark is is their their look and also   great sound yes but we're not you're not really  just paying for the sound you're paying for the   present you're paying for products that are unique  flat out you know where else do you see a soundar   that looks like it's made from you know a bamboo  Grill where else do you see yeah um there's one of   their TVs is remote control that comes out from  the wall so when you're in a hotel you can view   it um right this is another example of where Bay  olon was partnering with other manufacturers you   know we talked about weissa earlier LG TVs do have  the wireless weissa Channel standard built into   some of their models and this was their 118 inch  micro LED TV which was set up to play wirelessly   to the new baab 50s I think right $52,000 a pair  but it's all right because the TV is like 237k so   it's like it's an option it's like chump change  like of course you're gonna get the speakers   you're GNA drop 237 on the TV um what was unique  about this TV and it actually almost made my you   know best extra-large TV is that most of these  microad TVs are comprised of multiple modules   like lots of different modules so you've got like  a 32inch panel and you put 16 of them into a TV   to get 180 inch TV uh or no 140 inch TV something  like that um in this case there there are still   multiple panels but there are only two there's two  panels one on the left one on the right and the   thing that I don't love about microed TVs is that  once you see a scene it's kind of hard to unsee it   in this particular case the scene was almost  invisible and since there's only one there's   much less to distract you from what you're trying  to do which is you know enjoy the movie or enjoy   the TV show so you know kudos to to LG for making  a TV this big LED that only takes two panels it   also simplifies the installation and allows the  installers to get set up a lot quicker I think   this was in a 4K configuration um this is for  the guy who like doesn't like the projector being   too dim or having to wait for it to warm up it's  for someone who's got money who wants their home   theater to be as responsive as quick as bright  as saturated as beautiful as their TV in their   living room and because it's microed it's got  the same advantages of OLED instant off instant   on pixels pixel level you know black levels um so  it's gorgeous looking set 237 is a lot to spend   on a TV for my money drop the size down a little  bit go with the 97 inch and uh do the OLED that's   my my opinion but I know 97's not not big enough  for everyone um and to further enhance the the   idea of bang Olson's you know design Forward  Thinking um they're using LG's panel it's an   noed TV it's called the bision Harmony and um it  really is trying to be as discreet as possible in   your living room so when you're watching it it's  it's standing up and taking notice and it's got   a nice sound bar at the bottom that reproduces  the sound when you um want to put it away for   the evening uh you can hit a button and what you  can see that's actually when it's open and you're   watching TV but then the previous version shows  that when you when you hit a button the speakers   uh rotate up in front of the television and the  TV goes down so if it was blocking the view it's   not blocking anymore doesn't go all the way into  the floor it goes right next to the floor FL and   what this does is it it it makes it less the  focus of attention in the room and it brings   the tweeters and the drivers of the speaker up  to a little bit higher room height so you can   use it as as like a Bluetooth speaker and play  music on it when the TV is not in use um again   Wi-Fi connection to the um the baab 90s I think  of Bang & Olufsen since Flagship this was another   one of those systems that just really stood out  even though it was wide open on the show floor   lots of background noise lots of people behind  these things can kick out the jams as they say   so it was a great looking system great sounding  system prices up in the stratosphere as you're   used to from Bang & Olufsen but you can't get  this from anyone else nobody else is doing this   level of design in the in the market period if  someone is that's true you know leave comments   on the podcast or on the video and tell me tell  me how I got that wrong tell me who else is   bringing this level of attention to detail and  design into the into the CI Market I dare you   all right I'm gonna be in trouble now because  I'm I'm getting a lot of comments on that one   I'm sure well I think I think we've wrapped up  our best of CEDIA Expo 2023 what already we're   even under an hour any closing comments final  thoughts things you want to add you forgot I'll   add in my two cents it's been a few years since  I've been to cidia sure um you know after a 2021   uh show that didn't really happen even though  that it happened um 2022 I heard great things   about they really made comeback 2023 if it's any  indication I'd say the market for these products   and U Services is extremely strong you know it  was very upbeat crowd again I think there were   tens of thousands of people um don't quote me on  the actual number I heard it was around 60,000   the floors were always busy always packed the  vendors were always busy there was always good   conversations to be had I think Robert overheard  a conversation between a turntable maker and WiSA   about a potential partnership there can't can't  go on the record about who it was but you know   the conversations are happening the Partnerships  are being made the products are coming out um I   think you know people are still excited about what  home entertainment products can can bring to their   homes in terms of enjoying all that content we  love so much movies TV shows music [Music] Etc

2023-09-24 23:51

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