THD 82 GRAS EQ 40PM Miniature Production Line Microphone 1st Mic Using EQset technology.

THD 82 GRAS EQ 40PM Miniature Production Line Microphone 1st Mic Using EQset technology.

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foreign [Music] everybody Dave Lindberg in Hong  Kong with another another episode of the THD   podcast thanks for tuning in uh today we have  a company from uh Copenhagen called gross and   they do uh test microphones and they're owned by  a larger company that does all kinds of things in   test and measurement so we're going to be talking  to them about a new product they have but first   let's not forget our sponsor the Alti Association  and they'll be hosting the Alti Expo in Orlando   Florida on June 11th the 13th so we encourage  anybody that happens to be close or willing to   travel please go check that out uh it will be  a great event to learn all about the different   ulti members and their products and such so  without delay let's get into the discussion   here so Simon joining us from Japan how are you  this afternoon Simon pretty good mate thanks a lot   and Remy guastavino the director of product  management from grass how are you this morning   in Copenhagen I'm good thank you all right  so yeah I think all of our viewers know the   importance of having consistent and quality  mics in their production test environment and   uh I think Ross does mics for all kinds of  testing but I think today we're gonna we're   gonna talk about perhaps the the greater  but maybe focused on this new product so   um maybe introduce yourself and then we'll get  into the discussion on the grass and the product that's my my name is Remy gustavino um I've  been working for class four for two years now   uh pre-order that I've been working for board on  care which was also a microphone manufacturers   for 12 years both in a research and development  but also in product management and I've been   working on small sensor okay thanks for joining  us and maybe just to help spoon feed our customers   we can jump directly into presentation  and kind of walk them through the topic   yeah let me do that yeah so we'll spoke about this  new class AQ 40 p.m microphone that we've been   working on for the past two years a bit about me but I've done it already so I could  I could jump over this one so why is it so hard   to perform acoustic measurement I've been working  with acoustic for the past 20 years and I if I do   to give a number which is that 70 to 80 percent of  the measurement that people are performing are not   valid and not do well so I will try to to help  them measuring better that was my way of doing   it and then I've been trying to focus on on the  user Centric approach and there's two place to   start you could start on on the user always  is doing what we see choosing his microphone   or you could look at the measurement chain the  user is maybe something more for for University   to teach on a company it's not we're not  providing measurement lecture we can help   them measuring but but it's not what we  do so we work on the measurement chain if you look at a classical measurement  chain you've got the microphone   then you've got the node Geo analyzer and  then you've got some kind of pcnn software   and maybe some some cables but if you  change your PC if you change your software   if you look at measurement and certainly it  doesn't mean almost anything because you get   some small different if you're using different  algorithm but usually it's it's pretty stable if you look at the sound card audio  analyzer if you have something that is   of good qualities and it doesn't mean any  things are extremely stable extremely linear   so that's not why we should work but if you  look at microphone all microphone measurement   microphone or production and microphone never  sensitivity that is within plus minus 2 DB   another frequency range that can differ up to  3 DB plus minus 3db so this is this is where we   could make a different this is this is a place  where you could optimize a measurement chain   and then we had two that's two two kind of  microphone production line microphone where   cost is a key decision Factor where often the  people using this microphone are not specially   training acoustic so rely on an acoustic  engineer and usually that's it it's not   so often as they are playing correction such as  text microphone edites sometime if if they are   good enough oils that takes the time to  do it if it's important for them they can   set the sensitivity or read tests if they've  got a dead sea enable uh user interface   but they almost never correct for for  frequency response only a few company do that and then you've got measurement  microphone that I use in the lab   where the quality is a key decision Factor  where the user is usually highly trained   and they are playing correction manually or with  the help of a software so so we've that's why we   decided to focus on production line microphone  that's where we could make the biggest difference   uh and typically you've got some some  really short measurement chain and you're   testing some simple device like a speaker  a smart speaker a mobile phone some headset   and like I said it's a key decision Factor when  you're choosing a microphone on the production   line is a cost so people have been using  line microphone because they are an order   of magnitude cheaper than a classical  microphone measurement microphone and   this is I've extracted 100 frequency response  from database from production line microphone   if you look at it if you look at the sensitivity  so that's a that's something that would measure   at 250 Hertz that's yeah you've got a  spread that is within plus minus maybe 2 DB sorry I mean this is the microphone from the  factory measured yeah exactly so that's what we   get from the factory okay and and if you look at  the frequency response you've got some microphones   that have a big peak under high frequencies  a microphone that are more flat some have a   big belly there so if you don't apply correction  you've got a measurement uncertainty that is huge   especially in the high frequency range so  that's that's really difficult and that's   what we've been trying to address how can we help  people on position like making better measurement like I said they need a better sensor  but cost is really uh a decision Factor   and and we've got some constraint  we need it to keep the analog output   because they want something that is Backward  Compatible they don't want to change all the   measurement setup they just  want a better microphone   we also need to to keep the form factor many  many people on a production and are using this uh   this kind of array microphone that are 34  millimeter long and seven millimeter diameter   so they don't want something bigger  or smaller they want the same size but it's a good thing for us is there's a  lot of new technologies that are available   that are affordable and that they're so small  that we could put them into this microphone   so if you look at it this microphone  is unchanged on the outside   it's got also an analog output it's got  the same stick the same size as the same   microphone but we were able to incorporate a  small microprocessor inside the preamplifier   so we've got a an analog input it's a condenser  microphone and then inside the microphone we   apply some kind of of digitalization then we  can equalize so microphone to make it flat   and then we can also set the gain so  all microphone have the same sensitivity so which means that you've got a flat microphone  with a constant gain out of the box and that's   really important because it helps the customer  credit cards cost because you could it's you've   got a really fast setup if something breaks you  can just exchange your microphone put a new one you reduce measurement and strategies your  measure your reduced measurement complexity   and you can use the exact same  interface that you've been using before um usually if we come back to this  100 production line microphone   you got them out of the box it looks like this and  then you should individually adjust sensitivity   so one way of doing it if you've got a text enable  user interface analyzer but then it's really   expensive and it takes time to to read all this  chip inside the microphone to get the sensitivity   and if you don't have a date enable analyzer  then then you should manually type in sensitivity   and then you always there's a risk of making a  mistake but the worst boss is doing Equalization   because you've got 100  different Equalization curve   and you should have a software that support  equalizing a microphone so that's really difficult this is a population of 100 of this new AQ  40 PM microphone using AQ set out of the box   so no individually sensitivity  adjustment no Equalization needed   so if you look at your measurement uncertainties  they are going much much smaller that does big   plus hmm and that's really important especially  on a production line because you limit the failed   failure so if you got a good product that is  for example underestimating high frequency   that a good product could be classified as bad and  and you should have to to trash it or to to revoke   it but the worst is if you get a bad product  but because you're not measuring a new right   way it pass and then you're sending a bad unit to  a customer and that's not something you wanted to yeah especially if it's a driver Factory and  they respond they're sending that that driver on   to final assembly and then it's it gets rejected  at final assembly or even worse it goes into the   assembly and then the final user might reject  it and then it the costs amplify as it gets   further down the supply chain I agree yeah so so  it's really a a huge help to have a consistent   measurement with small uncertainties yeah that's  that's some kind of problem curve I took from this   one on microphone if this if you're measuring  this one as a big uh bump on the high frequency   and the black one is going down so you've got more  than two DBS difference between the microphone   that's that's not something you want when  you're measuring you want small incentives   so Spain customer paying survey that you don't  get different results using different microphone   because your uncertainties are so  small because the microphone is flat um this microphone is an order of magnitude more  stable than classical production like microphone   we've been working really hard on  this new sensor element and and   it's it's it's really stable which means that  you don't have to compensate for for top yet or   humidity or static pressure on a production line  because of the stability of this cleansing element   you don't have a long setup so you have  much shorter setup time and replacement   time and time is money on a production line  so you want to be able to do sing quickly at your doesn't have an impact on your  measurement uncertainties that's it's   much better and then we were able to  because we don't have to spend we spend   a lot of time normally to tune the microphone  response but this one we can tune it and then   compensate for for all imperfection  so it's a much faster uh Manufacturing I'm curious about one thing  if you don't mind um uh the   uh curve shape for the microphone yeah we  pick up a few slides um is that the underlying   characteristic of the microphone or is that a  a characteristic of the way that it's measured   this is a microphone okay and so then uh when  you're equalizing the microphones you know in   advance the ideal uh microphone characteristic  the microphone shape that you uh equal into yeah   yeah is it like a uh taking as a kind of a mean  of production or is it developed in another way   yeah so so we're we're working on on making it  flat but but if you boost it or cut it too much   and you you've got some repercussion on noise  floor on THD so so so it's it's the mix-up of   the thing we can do we want to equalize it so  so it's it's extremely fat between 20 and 10   kilowatts yeah and then and then we cannot boost  it too much because any will have an impact on   thdn and we don't want that sure and um then uh  there's there's a little bump around 10K right   at the top of the range and um is there uh you  don't want to equalize that to perfectly flat   versus is there a constraint around doing that oh  it it's a it's a small bun but but if you look at   the scale it's almost extremely small scale so  this this microphone is within plus minus 0.5 DB   from 20 years to 10 kilowatts well I see okay  yeah it's plus 2 minus 3 usually when you see   a frequency response is the plus 10 minus 10  or so it's an extremely zoomed range I I use   Now understand that understand that um I just  curious partly from the point of view of saying   that uh if uh the users have already got a system  without expecting this uh uh exact microphone   characteristic you wouldn't actually attempt to uh  equalize say around the 10K Point down by a point   something of a DB because that would make it a  different microphone is it yeah we can we can   do that but again it's a it's a production line  microphone so it optimized on on cost like the   equivalent if you take a grass 40pk or burning  care 4958 so which was the older generation of   measurement microphones that are plus minus three  DB and a plus minus two between 50 and and 10K   um so so we we've been crushing this this and  then this from plus minus two let's say if I'm   plus minus two plus minus 0.5 yeah and then if  you need something better after 10 kilohertz then   maybe you should use a measurement microphone  because this microphone is a an order of menu   to cheaper than a measurement microphone so  so you you cannot you cannot get it online   you can't have everything yeah okay and then so  another part of the design that you mentioned is   um is uh trying to make the microphone stable  um and uh that includes meaning stable over a   long period of time it does we've been we've got  some some things that we've been working on for   more than two years and it's it's uh they didn't  change since sensitivity or frequency response   if you're looking at older generation production  line microphone only if you look at that the   humidity they could move more than plus minus  one One DB insensitivity because it's your   middle because it's warm and then because I've got  this is still races so they don't come back to the   same level yeah and it takes time so you've  got this time constant it's it's a it's it's   it's very difficult this microphone is if you  ask me it's it's a much much better microphone   and do you think a lot of your customers uh do  a regular uh calibration check or many actually   don't bother I think it's depending if you're  talking about high-end uh audio devices then maybe   they're looking at doing more calibration but I  can also see that the quality of audio devices of   headphones and headset and mobile phone is rapidly  increasing and and the price is also not moving so   much it's increasing but not yet so I think that  won't really need a better production microphone   because you've got some match I mean if you're  buying a really expensive headset that goes to 700   then you expect it to sound good and then they've  got some ANC microphone that they should match   and then you need to have a reference microphone  that is stable and a good sensitivity so you could   adjust your microphone so I really think  this is needed and I should see the first   reaction from our customer is is exactly happy  about it and then everybody has kids they   could test it and have you been sending  some some so many samples that we don't   we have to polish more now okay that's good  yeah that's really good yeah so so what did   the island or what did we learn we learned that  um the measurement one on political name is is   very conservative so if something is is working  you shouldn't change it and that's why we had   to do this constraint about save and about uh  plug and and way of pulling your microphone   we can also see that in 2023 most used acoustic  sensors are still analog nobody is using digital   sensor yeah at the beginning I was really  preaching for for kind of USB sensor or a   Wi-Fi sensor but people are not ready to do that  yet and that's why we decided to to incorporate   all this technology and and inside the problem  with fire but still you'll see analog output   but then we also show that we  could make a real difference   to for the user by buying component this  new digital technology in an analog sensor and and it's the first step on uh on the  acoustic sensor technology measurement microphone   I've been pretty much like the development  of the measurement microphone has been so   exciting for like 20 years let's say so  so this one is the first step and then   we've got a lot of new ideas that  we will apply to to microphone and   like if you should remember something that  we've been working on this microphone too   is the the use the user to to reduce measurement  uncertainties so that people can focus on their   measurement of working on the singer doing and  and forget about microphone techniques um okay good stuff one more one more quick question we've  talked to uh it's mostly what you've talked about   is focused on uh the uh consistency of the  microphone um can you comment a little bit   on some of the other characteristics dynamic  range uh noise floor and things like that   so some uh some quick fact about it it's a it's  a 20 kilowatts uh pressure field microphone   it's extremely price competitive  compared to to a measurement microphone   it's a CCP or ICP or ccld per  word so so it's worked for for any   microphone sound card but it's also designed  so you can use it directly on a 48 volt phantom   power sound gun and that's really interesting  because you don't have to set sensitivity   because it is a like and you don't have to  correct for frequency range so you could have a   a measurement chain constituting of 200 audio  song counter cable and then your microphone so   you could have a measurement change with extremely  low uncertainties for the fraction of a price you   will pay for classical measurement change so  it's specif it's 34 millimeter long it's seven   millimeter wide it's a 20 at 20 kilohertz the  pressure response is within plus minus 0.5 DB   20 hours to 10 kilohertz and then 10 hours to  20 kilohertz plus minus 2 DB the sensitivity   is 25 millivolt per Pascal plus minus 0.2 DB so  that's also usually it's plus minus maybe 2 or 3D  

so we go all the way to 0.2 because we can correct  for getting so noise flow is lower than 30 DBA   the acoustic overload point is higher than  120 DBS Bell with less than three percent DHT   and the environmental stability is better  than 0.3 DB and what I mean by that is   if on a on a normal production line you can assume  that the temperature will be between 15 degrees   Celsius and maybe 40 degrees Celsius and the the  parametric pressure won't change more than plus   minus 30 ectopascal and it won't be raining inside  so if you put all this parameter together the   sensibility won't change more than 0.2 DB that's  what we but that's where we are okay fantastic it's a it's a really nice and I'm  so proud of this microphone we   we managed to achieve extremely good specs can I  ask also just uh um the uh the front housing uh   and the previous microphone you showed it has the  metal Grille with a lot of slots I don't call that   this one slightly different designers there's  something to that is that a yeah it's because   you're using this microphone really often to to  measure um maybe an iPad speaker or the music to   measure a men's microphone on a on a mobile  phone and then if you're measuring a small   a small microphone or a small speaker you don't  want to measure it with a with a huge uh sensor   so so as a world of rule of thumb you should you  always use a sensor that is in the same Dimension   or smaller than the thing you're measuring so so  we we have this new uh optimize uh sound ports   here that that is really well suited to measuring  small stuff very close by okay so you kind of   hinted that you've been sampling that already is  it and uh so is it in mass production yet or is   it that coming soon what's the timeline for people  to start ordering this for their factories yeah so   so we are mass polishing it now okay uh we had a  pre-production series but all the same bowler have   been sent to to companies that want to evaluate it  but we've we I think we will be delivering in in a   week we will have some a new batch coming  and then it will be much much prediction   okay all right very good and uh Simon did you  have any more questions I think I got everything   I wanted here cut everything in already all right  um yeah let me think uh so yeah ready to ship   um yeah I'm not sure is there anything else that  you'd like to add Remy before we uh wrap this up   no I think we've got a lot  of good information and uh yeah the plastic those messages that we  we made a price competitive microphone   is that can can we set like we don't if  you can tell numbers great if not can you   talk like you know percentage less than uh than  like the your predecessor microphone of similar   yeah so so it's on the same price range at the  classical uh production 9 microphone so the price   is almost unchanged and it will be a register  around the third of a price of a measurement   microphone right with almost the same kind of  specs right the the dynamic range is a bit smaller   but you can measure anywhere up to 120 so it's not  it's enough for Consumer products exactly okay so   if if you don't have to go super high frequency  or super low noise floor or super highest build   it's a perfect microphone okay all right well  we'll put some links to the product in the   description below and we encourage people to check  that out and uh of course like everybody like   subscribe uh whether you're Spotify YouTube rumble  or apple podcast wherever you're listening to this   or watching it please give us a like we appreciate  that and Remy thank you so much for joining us   today and uh thank you and always I'm always with  his uh curveball questions there that's always fun   hope you enjoyed that and uh so yeah thanks again  and we'll see you next time everybody thank you

2023-04-03 01:47

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