System Administrator L1, L2, L3 roles And responsibility | Remote Desk Top Support Roles

System Administrator L1, L2, L3 roles And responsibility | Remote Desk Top Support Roles

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all right so window server this was October month so who are attended last session in this forum Today class 01 I hope few people are attended this last demonstration right if you not attended uh yeah today I'll take it for that is again for you know a repeated uh talking about so basically you know this course is made for this Windows Server administrator role who are already working on textop support or who are working on uh Windows Server administrator active dator support and who are uh looking for the job as a as a you know fresher uh yeah this this course help them to you know getting a job right to understand that is how the actual infrastructure uh design for the it how the technical person technical support we need to going to start working on that I would say this training will help you to not only learning and this learing will make you experience okay so what do you mean by that most of the uh students and most of the candidates are lacking their you know explaining during the interview they have a skill but they would not be able to understand or they would not be able to explain the when they ask a question right interview so that is going to be fill the Gap this training so basically you would uh you know clearly understand the concept first most important so many of are they doesn't know that is in the concept clearly just they reading and they're going through that is in uh you know interview preparation interview questions answer some YouTube I know topics and all but if you understood that is in a thoroughly each topic you would be able to you know answer the questions confidently and you can able to perform uh in a well manner right so now begin with this this training would be helping to the L1 L2 and L3 job role who are really looking the job right and I will help you to how to prepare the interview why I'm telling you here most of the candidate when I was in interview panel last week right from our office so maximum cases candidates are uh lacking to explaining their roles and responsibilities the two questions the first question would be tell your yourself know about yourself they were telling to that is in you know combination of first name last name their education and they are coming to the experience they will not tell anything about so they started with I work there I worked here like this right but begin with your name begin with your you know uh education and you know start with your when you when your career started and what is your job roles and responsibilities second question would ask you that is in what is sorry someone have question in this I'm just getting EO hope everyone can hear me clearly yes okay thank you so who are not speaking please go and mute I'm just getting Echo and if you have any question please you can unmute yourself and speak all right so what I was saying that is I had a two questions I had asked just a minute can I ask you one question yeah go ahead uh what is different of L1 L2 L3 can you explain for we we'll talk about we'll talk about okay so right what what we is not trying to that when I that is in roles and responsibilities or what is your day-to-day activity or day-to-day job role so maximum people are lacking you know they're explaining in the right manner with a confident so you would be able to getting a concept clearly and you should well prepared well prepared for what you wanted to tell during interview and that make you to difference because you need to because they know they don't know anything about your background you should know that is in what you are some weakness you don't showcase them right and you should just ask I know just say that what they're asking that's it right coming to that isine when you talk about the job L1 and L2 L3 so who are fresher just join that isine they would ask you first to years we would ask you that they should be you know begin their journey and uh having a we call as a L1 support team right so even though who are uh working on desktop support and two three years of experience and they are moving to the server then we can call them that L1 that L1 job roles and responsibilities activity would be so whatever we have a document prepared that is called as sop or you know blueprint or unbook document they just follow the document and the steps whatever we given and that steps has to be followed if that doesn't work they should move to the L2 support team so L2 support team the experience would be three four four years to 7 years within those team or maybe they will be considered L3 so more than five years you will be the senior person right more than five years of experience overall in your it considerable as a your senior person and the L2 responsibilities would be whatever the escalated task or incident from the L1 you would be taken care and uh it will be not documented any steps to be followed but little analysis requirement a little you know uh issues whatever issues you're getting and error error analysis error log analysis would be required and experience will be matter here you need to you know search in the Google and find that is in right solution before implementing that is in you need to make sure that is this is a you know right steps we are taking care any changes need to be implemented and all change ticket and scheduling uh a meeting with the customer something would be needed for the L2 support and still the L2 support within the scope of work you would not be able to help or you would not be able to resolve the ticket you can able to transfer ticket to the L3 L3 would be working on always escalation tickets and he's a little more senior person more than seven or eight years of experience we can consider as a uhme subject matter expert we can consider as a uh uh you know lead you can consider as a architect we can consider L4 right but L3 we would consider SM lead position and uh all whatever the P1 ticket P2 ticket you know and uh uh escalation ticket providing the RCA root cause analysis of the each P1 and P2 and talking to the vendor and talking to the Microsoft and you know scheduling the change all the responsibilities would be L3 this is how you need to follow that no matter which experience you are but ultimately you should know the design concept clear whatever we are going to talk about and uh maybe you would be uh handled that is an L3 ticket also after this class you know after this session so this entire session this entire training would be covering for all the L1 L2 L3 job Ro right we will be begin with that very basic level and then we'll end it up with your architecture level right so we would be starting with the design and infrastructure infrastructure and design which weal talk about in last session demo so as I said that is in you would be need to understand that is an entire infrastructure right how it would be infrastructure in a in any of the company all right any of uh when we are supporting to the it infrastructure like if you talk about IBM infosis what they're going to do this weo right Accenture these are all a big big MNC country right uh what's Happening Here these companies are service provider right what is that it service provider what do you mean by it service provider means we call a service based company right what do you mean by service based company there are many companies are there but you would know that is in how Journey would start it in a it in a system administrator role these service provider getting a project right saying that is in we will support entire infrastructure it infra what do you mean by it infra here there would be a customer right so getting project means what there would be a customer customer means client means what say any product based company like you know Michelin right and you say that is in uh uh mrf right and uh you say uh any banking uh names you can say this right these people would would give the you give the contract to these people okay whatever my entire I know infrastructure and uh we have around know 200 300 servers and we have around 500 or 600 or thousand employees so whatever the related it infrastructure we are giving to the contract to you for the twoyear uh twoyear agreement right and uh whatever any issues are coming you should be able to handle it so now what this people will do that this will be once that is in Project you know uh own that you know to that handle that they will be they will be analyz their infrastructure these people this customer when they come to know theion how many window servers are there right first they will be validated how many critical applications are there right and how many database are there how many Linux operator systems are there how many servers are in Cloud right this is in terms of infrastructure right in terms of infrastructure support maybe uh I'm talking about only for the you know server point of you so you would be going to again for the network related right Network related they would be checking for how many branches they have how many locations they have and what kind of Technology they would be using network related but when we talk about server point of you from any of the companies owned this project or they own this project then when you come to the supporting point of view we wanted to analyze their infrastructure first what is their number of employee right number of employee and uh overall they would be getting the clarity on the Des how we are supporting now they will think about okay say for example in this Windows Server there are 800 servers right example and there are some critical application there are 20 to 30 applications are there which is business related if the one of the applications is down that business might impact it so those kind of 30 applications for the business and there are uh 100 database are there right so these database are part of the Microsoft servers only and uh these Linux operative systems are around you know 200 uh operative system and there are few computers few servers are part of in Cloud think about in this infrastructure so overall company number of employee example is 5,000 or 50,000 now this infrastructure providing a service support by one of the company what's happening here these company are wanton this project to support now they would be looking into that is in this 800 server 24 bar 7 support right 24x7 support how many resource we would need how many resource we would need these are all capacity management would be and Resource Management would be you might have seen the is this time we will not be involved anything this time it would be involving from the is uh you know project management team would be right a service Delivery Man manager would be on their company top level leadership would be involving to talking to the customer talking to the uh top in this company top leadership would be discussing and then they agreed with okay go ahead and start you know supporting from your end then the project management team would be Handover that is called uh you know uh Consulting team right consulting or you can say project Consulting team right the project Consulting team will be going going to there for the KT knowledge transfer and they will have any document runbook document anything and they will connect with this infrastructure who already you know supporting these people will provide the document what is the server count and how they're managing what is the support module all these things they will be prepare the document then the 24 by 7 operations point of view right which is we call as a baau which is business this is how the actual start in a it support business as usual support then when you say ba means operations right Windows servers operation support So during this time so they will think about we need a think about in server we need to support we need around 10 resource we would be required so 10 resource would be required means how many resource are needed for L1 support how many are L1 needed how many are L2 needed how many are L3 needed right and we need to plan for the design 24 bar7 support including weekend so such this 10 resource we need to plan it right L1 we need required for the three L2 we need for the the two L3 for you know two people it would L3 people would not be a shift night shift or would not be supporting during weekend and these people has to be support right 3 + 2 5 + 7 and they'll be increasing for plus one and plus one right and here L3 might be needed for the three for the each shift I'm talking about maybe you can consider true 4 + 37 + 29 right you can say five people you can for the L1 team three people are L2 team right and two people are for L3 team so this 10 members team members would be supporting 247 this my entire 800 server right so how do we plan it this L1 team should be whatever the document is been provided by the project Consulting team technical Consulting team so they will tell you that these are the issue would come and then you should be able to just follow the steps and and uh see there some of the this L1 team we also called as a help du team we also called as a uh you know support team or you can say monitor team just they will look into the Monitor and follow the two three steps and if not resolved they would be going to pass the ticket ticket to L2 team so this all every company has it support module and we would be when we have a knowledge right we would be based on the experience and how we are going to perform so what knowledge we should be so when they decided we need a 10 resource for this project service support right and uh the skill would be required in this not only Windows Server we have the design in the server infrastructure active directory is there DNS is there dscp is there right and application is there DFS is there file server is there right what is our roles and responsibilities become it is not just for only you know installing the server and doing the role actual support you would need to do here but you should thoroughly practically understood the concept then only you would be able to perform well because it's a production environment I'm talking about completely production which is going to be impact business where you have the 800 server and these people cow together making a business this is all you know M Michin and is a tire Manufacturing Company every second their machine automation machine going to run if some cases few minutes machine is stopped if the machine is stopped think about manufacturing uh product if it is stopped every minute it will be lost for the company some you know vehicle Manufacturing Company also you can see this mercedesbenz toyoto right and and other manufacturing right so those manufacturing product would be it's a timing most m is the most important timing is most it's is going to matter for every every second if any of cases during that I know production is stopped it would be huge loss for them so if we missed supporting SLA if you not resolve the issues within the timeline that we call as a SLA service level agreement right so that would be agreement every P1 ticket every P2 ticket every P3 ticket there will be the timeline support uh duration within the timeline support duration we have to you know there would be a every ticket response you need to First Response within the timeline right and resolve the issues resolve the incident or issues within the timeline again if both are missed okay within the timeline if both are missed it would be a consider as a breached right maybe some people are you already working this scenario if not working concentrate here it is the same process you are going to be handled further right if it is a breached then the penalty would be paying to customer that would be agreement right this will be backend project management be discussed right that's what every time we we talk about this ticket is bridged and we need to provide the RCA what is RCA here root CA analysis why why there there was five why right why it is why it is bre this ticket due to what reason so both response if you are not accept the ticket if not assign the ticket Within the timeline consider is is also based after accepted after assign the ticket if you not resolve the incident within the timeline and that is also be considered that would be a separate team would be there Quality Service team right Quality Service team where they always monitoring for the all the ticket they will come to know right we would be using for the many you know remedy Force ticket there are ticketing tool or snow nowadays everyone using the snow ticket right depends on the uh you know Product Company using the ticketing tool right so these are all involved Quality Service team should have the reporting and they would be going to have a every uh alternate day alternate days weekly call or alternate days call with all the team right with high level management and they will this ticket would come in that call right why it is been we need to answer technical team who are the leading the team right who are the managing this team those people has to answer with the proper analysis why it is uh bridged due to what reason and if is acceptable and considerable can be you know can be resolved or can be then customer has to accept it okay if they agreed that's fine otherwise again we have to provide that and this all know management would be going to talk discussion and and resolve it so this is overview of how that actual it support engineer going to support he must have this knowledge very much important so once it is into the part of operations what skill we needed we would be needed right Windows operating Windows Server operating system which you are going to learn this course is for made Windows Server administrator role should be having a knowledge on know active directory right right in this active territory it is a complete ocean and you have to have a you know major technical skill set under the group policy right you should know the is organizational unit you should know the how the replication is happening right which is called active dator replications and you should know that is in how that is business started or how the business or how the uh clients are located in across location which is sites active territory sites right these are all come Center for what is design and implementation it means you need to know that is in Forest you need to know the domain you need to know that is in sites and you need to know the domain controller so the first question would be asking I will be asking for the most of the time what is your it infrastructure it means if I ask you what is your ad infra if this question would ask and most of the people they resume they mentioned that is a six years of experience working on server administrator active territory uh experience on DNS okay the first question what is your ad infra they stuck in answering ad infra okay we are using they they are I have seen that many time they have saying that I have using for 200 domain controller so many people are not aware about what is the difference between Forest domain and this terminology you should be aware about how my it infra designed how my it how that my project supporting which you know how much big my support my project is supporting when you see this is in RV supporting multi Forest environment first you need to know that is what is a forest right forest and there would be a designed like this Forest domain sites and doain main controller right and considerable considerable across your it infrastructure it might be a multi Forest it might be a multi-domain it might be a multi sites it might be a multi-domain controller and overall you should aware about you should get the you should gather the information what is my acate infrastructure does we are using the single Forest multiple domain multiple domain and multiple [Music] site and overall how many domain controls are there as just said this is 800 server right 800 server in this how many domain controls are there how many file servers are there how many application servers are there how many database servers are there how many member servers are there everything without asking anyone you should get the information that is you have to do right so scenario is you can get all the information no need to ask anyone so that is you need to get the complete information you should know that you should have one Excel seet which is have some for our reference we would be having example right we would be having the all all informations so example that let me just stop recording and show you one document is maximum people have a confusion that okay I'm learning many things but what would be the my primary skill what would be the my secondary skill how do I start my journey how do I give a confidently answered during the interview how do I perform well how do be a become a key resource and this training make you more confident this training make you to change a career right and not only career you will be going to have a right path to earning a more money make sense anyone has any questions so far what we discussed everyone agreed whatever I have discussed so far now please speak yes we agree father I need one question for this what is we we done for the Windows Server OS active directory which category will come for the wsus we'll talk about WS is for the you know patching activity Windows software update services so when you are going to have maintenance activity where you are server administrator every monthly you have a Microsoft going to release uh every month second Tuesday they going to release their patches for respective applications respective operative system right you have the all automated system it would become all the downloaded patches H fixes are coming and if you wanted to have manual deployment that is all you know patch management is comes in WS right so I we know that asking for the which C and AC Directory Group Poli which category this will not be come to any active directory this will be come comes under for category for Server maintenance servers you know patching activity plus you need to have a two group policy has to be know two group policy has to be implemented which is every client every client should detected patch where you are going to deploy the patches of centralized and that patch has to reach to the all the client right to do that you have to implement a group group polies we will talk about more on technically how you going to implement a WS we will be creating for the how you need to design the wus how those number of clients should be detected in the wus how that is in downloaded all the patches in wus and from there you need to deploy the patches number of uh based on the operative system like I have Windows 10 Windows 11 Windows 2016 server 2019 server and those are all we need to tested which is which is Phase by face you cannot be deploy the patches directly production the patches would be planning for test environment make sure making sure that is should not be any impacted and then we would be planning for the development then we would be planning for production right these are all has to be follow the proper process yes yes right all right anyone has any question no right so this overview give you that is in directly I would start technical discussion I make you to understand what what are we going to do this what would be the my job role and how do I review or how do I know that my entire infrastructure to work my as a server administrator this is not for the only fure everyone this skill needed not only you know two three years of experience not only desktop support not only in know architecture designing everyone this information would need it all right so this is our clarity now let's begin with this start with our technical discussion so we would need first most important lab part okay need to do the all the lab we need for the seven servers minimum seven server for seven windows servers including one client two clients okay to client Opera system so the all the labs are going to do in a Google Cloud platform which is one of the uh Cloud platform right for the learner I would suggest you should use it to using this Google Cloud what is going to happening here you need to register for this it's like many of you know that is an Azure sub subscription aw subscription right same things is a gcp subscription so you would need for the isine uh credit card right and Gmail account so once you register this you would be getting uh 3 month subscription which is over 90 days you will get it free of cost okay and uh for initial they will be deducting for the two rupees only okay the two rupees get deducted from the credit card right and you can build a seven machine with the configuration of each server we can give a configuration of two CPU and 4 GB of memory RAM and 50 GB of hard disk and we need for the multiply by seven Machin seven servers think about what is the total configuration of this it is 14 CPU 28 GB Ram and 350gb hard disk if you want to to make your own physical lab it would be LX together expensive this kind of configurations you would need to purchase it but for the learner I would recommend with the free of cost and you can do all the labs every Labs you can do and you can feel you have a really experience with you and this is make you to career change trust me and you can utilize this 3 month subscription for your practical you are spending money here for this training spending a time for this training but if you're not utilizing a practice of this lab because the challenge is lab right if you're not doing the lab then you will not be able to manage it you will it is very difficult the main goal is to do for the practice for the practice is we need a server we do not have any hardware uh we don't need to purchase and we don't need to spend a lot of money for the hardware but you will have all facility provided by Google Cloud right so this is I would recommend everyone tomorrow whoever any today who are not registered or who are already registered please get registered for this to registration you need to go to this Google Cloud Google Cloud console I have already registered multiple credit card and I already using for the pay as you go whatever I am using for in this it would be a pay as you go and it's every uh Services it I'm paying the money right last month I have paid for the 5,600 rupes for the my lab and this lab will help you to image that you know some of the some of the areas you have not worked no problem if the questions asked interview are anything you wanted Implement in production but you can do it in this complete lab and you can image this lab you have done with your own right if you see this and this is I have created my own you know Google Cloud platform if I go to the building part here always you need to click on the billing part what would be the my billing and by default you would be able to see around 22 uh 22,000 INR promo value get it once you have get registered you would be getting for the 22k uh you know promo value and you have a 3 month subscription and every resource you would be going to use for the with the free of cost and these are the resource you are going to use it with a free of cost this configuration you can do it so you would be able to see your account is a free subscription three month free subscription and uh you will be getting some promo value and you would need for the One credit card for registration and Gmail account so everyone should get ready tomorrow before we start the class right and once you registered as I said you would need for the bilding see this it's already spend know previous I have spent for the uh 5,000 but current uh amount you know it's a current Bild for I have deleted all the resources and now it is STO in 1,500 rupees when I click on the my building for you it would be a free subscription there would not be any chargeable right and you see this you can analyis for the how many resource I have utilized and why they have charged it all these things right see this this is a first most important to take a action on this everyone has to get ready with this uh Google Cloud registration hope everyone clear any question on this this is the first step we need to understand how we wanted to plan for our lab right hello yeah go ahead

2024-10-30 13:25

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