Sting Ray Cleaver Q&A

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How's. It going everyone I just, want to make a little video for you guys usually. After I post a video a knife video I give, it about a. Week, or so and see. What kind of comments may come up or questions, and I'd like to answer those in a video for, you guys so. This. Is the latest video, that I uploaded, it's. A cleaver, and. It's made from. 1075. High carbon steel and it. Has paper. Micarta. Bolster. And, a. Brown. Maple, burl I, think. They're brown me yea brown maple burl handles. Which. Are from Beck, circle, blades I buy those on Instagram. And this. One I bought from knife kits calm, the. Handles. Are secured. With decorative, pins they're 7/32. Inch and. I. Used West, Systems glue to, secure them. Also. It. Comes with. Black. Black. And red. G10. Spacers. So. It's, a pretty big cleaver if you want to do some heavy chopping, and go all, the way back you want to do some light shopping, and. I. Think it's balanced. Right. There. Alright alright comes with a sheath. Which. Has this kind of like leather. Pattern, it's whole sticks, and. I got it from my knife kids calm, you, could go there and find, out a me, type. Of, Kydex. Or whole sticks any pattern that you want the. One of the questions that comes up is will this rust yes, this. Is high carbon so the rust, if. It's non-title. The, question is how do you keep it from rusting I usually. Give my clients. 2000. Grit sandpaper so, if the rust develops, you know you could just sand. It off if, it's if the, knife. Is going to be used for. For. Not food purposes then, I usually, put some oil on it now. Jim Skelton, hates anybody. Who puts oil on it and he, recommends, using this one edci. Formula. So. Just google it you'll find out and. He says just spray, it on rub, it off with with, a clean cloth and you're good to go for, a mom mr. Barnhardt cleaver, video, I got, a lot upset, people because, I didn't, use pins. And, I, use. Screws, instead, of pans so hopefully, oh and. Also for. Some people did the taste of the wood that I used it, didn't, match their taste so. Hopefully. This this handle. Matches, your taste there, was a comment saying I thought, you said you're gonna post the expendables. Legion your knife instead. You post a cleaver video I want to see the legendaries. Knife well. Here's. What happened I had, about 15, knives that I worked on and, they're all CPM, 154. So. I have I had to ship. Him out for heat treat and, because. I can't do that at home it's, a complex process for, me and, it, took about. 15. Days or so no, maybe less for. The whole process so meanwhile, I decided, to, make. A cleaver video so hopefully, you. Guys didn't get bummed out because I am post a. This knife video out, of those knives on keeping, one of them for myself and. That knife is gonna replace my, old cheap, Walmart. Brand that, gives dolls so fast and, the. Other one was scared ashy I finished, it and I got shipped out to customer. There. Was a comment on this cleaver video, loved. Your. Video. Everything was excellent there. Was something missing alright, it's a it's a music. How. Come you don't put. Music on your videos anymore, well. I'm, a member with audio blocks calm, and. I've. Been using it for over two years and over, those two years I had nothing, but headache and. I'll. Explain. Why so. When. You become a member you pay $99. A year and now went up to. $150. A year or one hundred forty nine hundred, fifty bucks even and. When. When you buy the membership, you get access to if any music you want on that website. So. I would, go pick sit. For hours picking. Out what music I want to download it right so then you edit the video you put, the music in a video you. Go to post it on YouTube a couple. Of, seconds later or a minute or a day later two, days later you. Get a copyright notice. Saying. That yeah you use somebody, else's music it's not your music, so. Then you got a go to audio, blocks calm you got to submit. The. Link to your video saying. Hey can you remove the copyright, notice I'm. A member with you guys so they say okay it'll take 48 to 72, hours, meanwhile. You're not getting paid because. The. Video that you submitted, that you work really really hard and, you work. Really hard on the knife that you made and you published. It you're, not getting paid because you, use somebody else's music in your video now, they're getting paid, you. See how that works so while it's getting resolved, it takes time so I guess yes, you get reimbursed.

Of All, the profits, that miss but. Then. Time goes by again and. I. Usually upload, two. To three part videos so, time goes by and. Another. Composer. That you use their music they, put a copyright notice. On your video saying that a you, use my music. In your video it, doesn't belong to you. So. Then you got a go to audio blocks again, and submit, it and it gets to a point that you've submitted so, many times for that video, yeah audio, block says hey. You need to deal. With that. With we, deal with that issue with YouTube, so now you gotta go to youtube submit, the copyright, request. And. It's a process and you gotta explain that I'm a member with them I pay this much in my membership. The, music, was used with, proper. Authorization. Can, you remove the copyright, issue, if, you need the receipts. Of the my membership, I have them thank, you very much so time goes by they. Remove, it a couple, of days goes by another video, gets hit and. I'm, gonna put a little video. For you to show you in my email, how many copyright, notices. I get and I've deleted a lot of him and then it just got to a point where I said hey if. If, somebody, mentions, in my video that why, why I don't use the music in my videos I'll. Save this just to show you guys that the. Headache that I go through with. The copyright, issues, now, I'll. Probably look into I just don't have time right now but I'll try to find maybe. Another website that provides, music. Worth, I will, not have this kind of headache issue with, the music, copyright issues, but as, of, right now I'm just gonna post. Videos, without music, and it's, just peace. Of mind, mr.. Barnhardt cleaver I didn't expect it it's already well I think. It's 1.8. Million views, and imagine, if I used music on that video, and, how. Many copyright, notices, I would get. I'm glad I didn't, but here's a bright side. We. All have different tastes in music so. When. You get home turn. On your favorite music in the background, turn, on my video and enjoy, the video I think. It's a win-win situation, there. Was a question what knife do I use to, cut out. Stencil. This. Is Kershaw. And, the. Model, is. 1600. As you. Can see I'm still, battling. With. The grinding. Of the bevels, well, on this. Particular, cleaver. And I, get. A question a lot of times I get a question. What. Is the angle, that you set up your bevel. Jig, and I know the file jig -. To. Grind a bevel what is the perfect angle and there.

Is No perfect angle it will depend on your thickness. Of the steel that you use and it, will depend on the. Width. Of your, bevel. So. Right here you could see the bevel is short. Right. Here it's a little bit longer the. Angle will change from here to here so. If. You could see it. You. Have a short bevel I think, and it grows, and, then, it gets smaller and it grows again. So. When you look at it this side. Your. Angle, is gonna. Go. From this. When. You get to this part your. Angle, of the file is gonna go like this, when. You get to this part, it's. Gonna go from this it's gonna go back to this and then. Here it's gonna go, different. Angle so there. Is no perfect angle, to file, what. I usually do, is. Let's. Take this this, knife for example, I. Leave. The edge about. One. Millimeter. You. Know scribe, two lines. One, millimeter. Apart. That's your Center, you. Don't want to go past that. Then. You have a bevel line the top line, now. Whatever that angle, is you, got to match this line. To. This line all. The way across so. There. Is no, specific. Angle, that you grind there is a question, why do I put holes in my Tang, well. These. Two are going to be for decorative pins. Well. These. Two are going to be for decorative pins these. Three are going to be Corby bolts. The. Rest just to, make the handle. Lighter and, it. Gives glue more. Room to attach. Its itself, to each other so, that's. It pretty, much it it, gives a lighter handle, because once you add, wood. Material, or whatever material. Here this part is gonna become heavy so. You kind of want to balance it out why, don't I make my own leather sheath why. Use cheap, plastic. Well. I don't. Have in your room to. Make. Leather you, know you need some workspace, and I don't. Have any workspace, right now plus it's it's kind of I want. To have a clean environment where. I work with leather and I don't have any. Of that so. Once. I have a bigger place I would. Love to get into leather making question. Was how. Come I don't, chop. Stuff at the end of the video, well. Once. I'm done, it's. In the prestige. Finish. Or a nice, finish, and. If. You start chopping and everything then you put scratches, on it and. I, I. Like to finish my knives and. Send. Them out to the customer, so I did. That with the. Tanto. Kukri after. I finished, it I went outside and start chopping, everything and. I have. To go back and hand sand it and clean. It up yeah, I. Don't. Want to do that I. Get. Questions all, the time what is this where do you get it so. These are diamond, wheels, not. This one. But. I. Get. This one from Harbor, Freight and this is based. In u.s., USA. These. I got a Amazon. So. Why, do I use them because. I don't have a. Belt. Grinder, that will have, an attachment, to, fit, less. Than two inch this is a two inch diameter. This. Is less so I I I don't. Have anything to grind with a belt grinder, I want to save time so, what I do is. I'll. Use a file. Right. To shape it and. Once. I'm done. I'm. Not really good at filing so, sometimes. It'll be like this sometimes like this right the angle it's, not gonna be perfectly, look I'll get a really close but. It's time not, gonna be perfect, 90, degree, to. The the. Hand, handle. Part so, what I do I usually. Put. This on and, just. Grind it until. I get a perfect 90 degree. From. This part to this part and. That's, basically, why I use them if, I had a belt, grinder with a one-inch attachment, belt. Then. I would you know with one-inch diameter, then. I would I would, stop using them right now, I only, have a two-inch that. I use the most and for.

This One I'll use the I think it's a four. Inch wheel. On the bottom of my grinder, all I'll use it for this part right here and. I'll use a two inch, maybe. I'll use a four inch and four inch and a 2-inch. Basically. When you guys design, your knives. Design. To the tools that you have this. Way it'll make your job easier, I mean. Once I have a real. Professional, grinder, you, know I'll I might, redesign, this model. You know make, it a little bit different but as of right now I'm. Just gonna stick with what I have so I could get. These out as fast as I can okay. There. Was a question how, do you use your drill press where, when. You drill, the. Drill. Bits, don't catch and make a helicopter, spin. Basically. The first thing you gotta have. Sharp. Drill bits and, don't, just jam, the. Drill into the steel he'll catch I've got mine too, so just go easy you know you'll feel it just light. Pressure let. It drill itself and you'll be fine now if, it's a bigger drill, then. I'll I'll put like a stop, pin or somewhere, it could the the, knife can rest you. Know and, not not spin. But. Other. Than that, just. Just go easy. I. Want. To sleep, come. Work at nights all. This, week so. I. Gotta. Go get I gotta go get him. Stencils. There. Was a question how. Do I get my stencils, what's, the process. This. Is base, in the United States I had. My brother draw well, basically I gave my brother a sketch of what I wanted, my stencil, to look like and, he. Draw it up on Adobe. Illustrator, and, he exported, it in a PNG, file. Then. I shipped, out the PNG, file in an email to tuss, technologies. Or, technology, and. I. Told. Them the dimensions, of the stencils, I want to, be after. That, they send you a. Little. Email. With attachment. And then, you print it out and basically, you'll see the size of your stencil how. It will look and, if you don't like it use right, back to a can, you make a little smaller or bigger or whatever, once. You approve it they'll. Print. Them out I don't know how they do but. They'll print them out and. Ship. Them to you and. These. Three stencils, I got I got one of the pieces up already, but. You'll have. Whatever. Your it'll, come in one two three four five. So. For this stuff right here I paid, one. Hundred and seven dollars. And. These you could use like thousand. Times or more so. They're reusable, just just keep keep. Them clean don't. Fold, them once. Once, you fold it and put a crack in it that. Becomes an open space, where the. Edge and it will eat out so keep them nice and flat and straight when you want wipe them you know to clean and. You'll be fine and then I just keep them in, separate. Baggies, of. Different. Sizes different, logos because. Let's. Say. This. Is 3/16. Thick. But. This one is only. 0.20. See. The difference in thickness. No. If you can on the video but this one is smaller than this one so you can't use the, stencil that goes on this one for this one because, they won't fit this one will you know it'll. Go past its, boundaries. So, you gotta use a smaller, stencil. For some thinner because, it won't look good and. If, you use a, small. Stencil, on the big thick, steel. It, won't look good either so I tried. To keep him separated, and, that's. How I do it I. Want. To talk about hand, sanding, and, heat. Treating, a little. Bit I just, want to show you guys or talk about a process, that I do, the. Question, was why, do you hand, sand before heat treat, before. He treat your steel. Is an unyielding, where. It's soft and you, could shape it do whatever you want with files hand, sanding, is much much easier at that. Stage then. After. The heat treat after, the heat treat, it's. Pretty much you're, left to a belt, grinder, so, if you're good at belt grinding, then. You'll. Be fine but if not then you got to make it almost, perfect, prior, to heat treat so, what I do, once, I shape everything, on, a. Knife how I want it all the bevels I'll hand sand it and if. You want to watch a good video on hand sanding Nick wheeler, I think.

It's Sanding, 101 it, shows you the proper steps to the hand sand so, I'll hand sanded, to, twenty. Three twenty four hundred. Six. Hundred grit. Everywhere. Right. Except, the handle because I'll use the belt grinder to to shave my handle so I'll mess up the the. Finish. But. On the, handle part I'll go only to 20, I won't. Go 600. Or anything because I want, to leave this part as rough as possible, flat. But, rough as possible, so, the glue sticks to it. Here. I'll, go to 600, grit. Like. This one is CPM. On 54 I ship, it out to, the heat-treating company, this. Is what it came back. This. Is the finish. Nice. And clean all I gotta do is hit it with 60, grit I mean I 600. Grit and go up with with the grits but, it's it's a finished product. So. If. I'm doing a, high. Carbon steel same, thing I'll go up to 600 grit I'll heat treat it now. Depending. On on steel you use you'll have scales so. I'll use the LV, reuse, old. Sandpaper. That I, used to hand. Sanded, prior to heat treat to, remove the scales, then, I'll go with new. New fresh. Grits. You know new sandpaper, and I'll go to 23, 24, hundred six hundred, then. I'll. I'll shape. My handles. You. Know drill them everything. To. The to the knife. Take. Them off, you. Know do, all the prepping, because. Once this, part is glued in the front, I'm. Sure yeah too, much to take off once. Once, this part is glued in the front you can't hand sand or buff this cuz you're gonna put, scratches on, the. Knife itself. So I'll, prep, my handles. Then. I'll, go, eight depending, on on ha how high over the hand. Sanding grits I want to go up but. Let's. Say for the cleaver. Once. I shape my handle, got, this this part of the. Focus. Once. I got the front part of the handle buffed out and everything then. I went. 800. Grid. 1200. 1500. I, want. 2000, on on the bevel I. Put. My logo. Buffed. It out and when I h my logos I like, to use the etching. And not marking, mark it all it does is put a mark on it, the. Black mark when, you edge you. Dig, inside the steel and yiu. I why. I like to use the etching part versus, the marking part is because. If. Let's, say after you glue the handles, and, a, little. Bit of glue gotta on somewhere, or you missed it somehow and you have to go back and hand. Sand it, once. You hit that though if, you mark your logo, you. When, your hand sand you you'll wipe it out you'll stand. It out whereas. If, you edge it it goes into the steel and, you could just hand Santa buff and your mark is still there that's. That's the, biggest reason, why I use, mark. Aa edging, instead. Of marking but. Yeah so. I'll. Go to a 1500. Grit I'll, mark it I'll buff, out that because when you mark. I mean when you itch it it. Leaves. Whatever. That. Steeled. I got at edge, tau so. I I'll buff it out to clean it out then I'll hand sand it again once. It's ready, I'll. Glue. The handles, and. I'll I'll have it sitting like this so the glue drips down not, onto the blade and, I like to tape. Everything up I mean, put, a lot of newspapers, or some tape. It, from. Here up and then, I'll leave about this much. Open. Then I'll put a second, layer of tape. So. Once it's glued I'll, start, wiping it with. Cotton. Knobs, or whatever they're called and then. I'll take this part of tape off where. It leaves this portion, still closed or, taped, up and up, so. That's my. Mice. These, are my steps of. Course after you know it's all glued up 24-48. Hours later I'll, have this all covered up again completely. And. I'll start shaping. The handle, and I'll, hand sand. After. The file I'll go with 220, or 320. 400. 600, 800. 1200. On the handles, and on. The pins I'll go. So. 1200 then, I'll go. Mm. So I could buff them and they'll look nice, and. That's. Pretty much it that's that's. My step how. Are all the steps that I go through when. I make a knife. There. Is a question. How. Much did, I sell this cleaver for. If. You guys want me to make a video separately. How. Much each knife got sold for or, what I got for it starting. From very very beginning, and which, knives I kept just just. Right. Maybe a couple of comments below so if, I see that a lot of people would like to see that video I'll, make a separate video all. Right. There. Was a comment. I'm. Currently trying to make a knife but people said it's weird that. I want, to make one. What's. So weird about it okay. When. I forbade, homesick, when I made my first knife a. Lot. Of people are making fun of me oh you're. A knife maker huh well. If anybody, needs a knife go, talk to Slovak, uh why.

Don't You make a knife for me well. Why don't you do this oh. They'll. Find a piece of steel. Laying around or, piece of aluminum, I'll, give this to Slovak, yeah he'll make a knife. You. Can't make knives out of lumina but anyway I. Started. I can't. You know people are some people are making fun of me for making videos. They're. Saying a lot of that's they you need to quit making, knives and start making, adult videos, instead of knives you'll get more money out of it you. Know what, as. Time went by and my skills got better. Some. Of those people want my knives now, and. Hopefully. You. Know what just. Go make your knives don't. Talk to those people just do your thing and. Your. Skills will grow but you know you'll get better and, eventually. They'll. See that all this making fun of you got. Them nowhere but, you you succeeded. So. Right. Now. I'm. Looked upon, or. As before I was making made fun of you know so just. Don't, let it don't let that stuff get you down all right there. Are comments, on my YouTube channel where people place. Their emails. They're. Like they contact, me I want a knife from you here's my email guys. Don't, do that or girls don't do that unless. You want to get spammed. Basically. You're opening, up your email to everybody just. Watching, my video so if, you want to contact me, direct. Message me on the Instagram, and, I'll. Do my best to reply back to you now. I stopped. Replying, on Google+. I do not reply, on Twitter I. Don't. Have facebook the. Only place I reply to people is Instagram, and it's, mostly, do be - because I don't, have enough time in my day to. Upload. And, reply. On all different social media. Platforms. Hopefully. That, oh and, I also, replying, on YouTube, but, if you want like. Direct. Questions, or the cost or a I want to get a knife from you or some then. Instagram. That's. The best place to get an answer for me there. Was a comment. A cleaver. Ass fine deserves, a clever name and it. Was by Joshua, pol Thank. You Joshua, for the comment. Yes, I would, like to thank Don. Allen, for, coming up with a name for this cleaver cuz this. Is one of my hardest, parts. Of knife making his given names to all my knives or cleavers, and when. He said it looks like stingray, I mean.

Yes. It does, Thank, You Don appreciate, it you saved me a lot of headache. In. The last comment it was written by Dillon Wow, absolutely beautiful. And inspires. Me to make my work even better keep up the great work, Dillon. That's. Exactly, what I do I I, follow, people on Instagram that. Are the. Knife makers, that are just, way way better, than I. When. I look at their work it. Too inspires, me to. Increase. My level of skill and. To, do better so. Hopefully, I answered. All of your questions that. Came up on. This. Cleaver video. Take. Care guys and I. Will, try to do my best. To. Get, this knife video, out next so. I, got. A few challenges with it. But. Hopefully, everything, will be resolved, and I'll post this video hopefully hopefully next. Video. Take. Care. And. Go make some knives. And. Don't let anybody get you down. Bye.


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