Standards for a Connected World: The Work of ITU-T | Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU

Standards for a Connected World: The Work of ITU-T | Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU

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hello everyone welcome to Deep dive into the telecommunication standardization sector of international telecommunication Union itu which has been driving Global Communications in this video we discover how itut has structured its efforts to produce International recommendations to meet the constantly evolving communication needs pushing technological advancements and connecting the world seamlessly at every stage of progress have you ever wondered how we are able to make international calls and get connected to so seamlessly thanks to itu's e.164 recommendation also known as the international public telecommunication numbering plan this plan provides the structure and functionality for numbers used in International Communication the itut ensures that international calling is reliable and straightforward by establishing consistent guidelines the Telecom networks worldwide ad to the standardization work makes it possible for us to connect with anyone anywhere on the planet without any major headaches have you ever wondered how our telecommunications networks transitioned from analog to digital to provide voice data and video Services over a single Network thanks to the itu's standardization efforts especially the development of the itut recommendation i120 better known as the integrated Services digital Network or ISDN are you enjoying a reliable fast and secure internet connection for seamless online experiences you can thank the itut standards that have been instrumental in shaping the internet as we know it today starting with v series for computer modems the itu provided many of us with our first online experiences then there's the digital subscriber line DSL Technologies which revolutionized Broadband access moreover it 's standards for image and video coding public infrastructure and voice over IP play poal roles in our daily digital lives are you enjoying enjoying high definition video conferencing IP TV seamless voice over IP communication and Rapid internet access thanks to it standards for Next Generation networks ngn we have transitioned from circuit switched to packet based networks bringing a multitude of benefits this shift significantly reduces cost for service providers while enabling them to offer a richer variety of services in 2004 after intense industry debate itut took the lead in developing ngn standards by creating a focus group this group went on to produce Global standards that ensure the smooth and efficient deployment of Next Generation networks worldwide are you concerned about fishing identity theft or spam cyber security threats are everywhere but thanks to it UT's extensive standardization efforts we have robust defenses in place standardization effectively coordinates resources to boost cyber security with over 70 itut recommendations focused on cyber security such as x. 805 telecommunication Network operators and Enterprises can adopt an endtoend architecture description from a security perspective this approach ensures that constantly evolving cyber threats are addressed while users remain [Music] protected it standards have formed the backbone of the world's communication systems at each stage of technological advance from organizing phone numbers and calls and transitioning from analog to digital to enhancing internet and Broadband advancing Next Generation networks and strengthening cyber security itut standards have been pivotal in driving technological progress globally from its insception in 1865 itut has driven a contribution Leed and consensus based approach to standards development this means every country and Company big or small has an equal voice in creating itut recommendation these recommendations are standards that ensure telecommunication networks can operate and connect seamlessly on a global scale while they are not legally binding they are widely followed because they guarantee high quality interconnectivity and services worldwide there are over 4,000 itut recommendations on topics ranging from dialup modems to gigabits per second Optical transmission systems Next Generation networks future networks web services cloud computing ubiquit sensor networks ealth climate change and IP related issues when it comes to framework World telecommunication standardization assembly sets the direction for itut by defining its policies and structure every 4 years it establishes study groups and approves their work for the next four years telecommunication standardization Advisory Group provides itut with flexibility between W telecommunication standardization assemblies by reviewing priorities programs operations financial matters and strategies for the sector at the core of it 's work are the study groups to streamline their tasks study groups are divided into working parties each coordinated related study questions you ever wondered who is beh the scenes setting telecommunication standards itut has 10 study groups for the study period from 2025 to 2028 each focusing on key areas study group two on operational aspects study group three economic and policy issues study group five environment EMF climate action and circular economy study group 11 protocols testing and combating counterfeiting study group 12 performance quality of service and quality of experience study group 13 future networks study group 15 transport access and home study group 17 on security study group 20 Internet of Things digital Twins and smart cities study group 21 on multimedia content delivery and cable TV itut study group 2 focuses on the operational aspects of telecommunications and ICT services this includes the procedures actions and processes necessary to manage these services and networks the following are the questions under study application of numbering naming addressing and identification plans for fixed and mobile telecommunication Services routing on interworking plan for current and future networks service and operational aspects of telecommunications including service definition requirements priorities and planning for telecommunication management and operation Administration and maintenance recommendations architecture security and evaluation of networks for operations management and maintenance interface specifications and specification methodology study group to's work ensures that telecommunication networks operate smoothly and efficiently meeting the needs of users worldwide study group three is dedicated to addressing the economic and policy issues related to International telecommunication and ICT Services through its inclusive and collaborative approach study group 3 brings together diverse stakeholders to ensure Fair cost structures and promote Global access to Digital Services the following are the questions and study development of charging and accounting settlement mechanisms for current and future International telecommunication ICT services and networks study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication services International internet fiber cables and satellite internet connectivity including relevant aspects of Internet Protocol pairing Regional traffic exchange points fiber cables optimization cost of provision of services and impact of Internet Protocol version six deployment International Mobile roaming issues including charging accounting and settlement mechanisms and roing at border areas economic aspects of alternative calling procedures in the context of international telecommunication ICT services and networks economic and policy aspects of the internet convergence services or infrastructure and OTS in the context of international telecommunication ICT services and networks competition policy and relevant Market definitions related to the economic aspects of international telecommunication services and networks economic and policy aspects of big data and digital identity in international telecommunication services and networks economic and policy issues pertaining to International telecommunication ICT services and networks that enable mobile Financial Services by studying the impact of emerging Technologies like artificial intelligence mobile payments and V applications study group 3 helps shape policies that support Innovation and ensure everyone benefits from digital technology advancements study group five focuses on environmental issues electromagnetic fields climate action and the circular economy while the specific responsibilities and study questions for the study period are still being finalized study group five is expected to continue addressing critical areas related to sustainable development and positive role of icts in protecting the environment study group 11 is responsible for creating International standards for signaling protocols essential for handling telecommunication services like telephone calls messaging and more a significant achievement of study group 11 is the development of the signaling system number 7 as a 7 stat during the mid 1980s which has since evolved into the sectron stack for IP networks and the widely used diameter for 4G 5G and future networks in response to the growing issue of fraudulent Communications scam calls spoofing robocalls study group 11 focuses on enhancing the security of signaling protocols addressing challenges like digital certificate integration and combating caller ID spoofing and robocalls study group 11 also develops signaling requirements and protocols for various Network types including voice over LTE video over LTA interconnection future networks cloud computing networks virtual networks Next Generation networks satellite terrestrial networks and emerging Technologies like a AI based algorithms in signaling exchange the following are the questions under study signaling and protocol architectures for telecommunication networks and guidelines for implementations with emerging Technologies signaling requirements and protocols for services and applications in telecommunication environments signaling requirements and protocols for emergency telecommunications protocols for control management and orchestration of network resources signaling requirements and protocols for Border Network gateways in the context of network virtualization and intelligentization protocols supporting control and management Technologies for international mobile Telecommunications networks signaling requirements and protocols for Network attachment and Edge Computing for future networks IMT 2020 networks and Beyond protocols supporting distributed content networking information Centric Network Technologies for future networks IMT 2020 networks and Beyond testing of Internet of Things its applications and identif ification systems monitoring and measuring parameters for protocols used in emerging networks including Cloud Edge Computing and software defined networking Network function virtualization study group 12 develops International standards on performance quality of service and quality of experience for for a wide range of telecommunication services from fixer networks to mobile and package based networks as networks transition from circuit switched to packet based study group 12 addresses the resulting challenges in maintaining high quality of service and quality of experience levels the following are the questions under the study operational aspects of of telecommunication network service quality and end to endend Performance considerations objective methods for speech and audio evaluation in vehicles perceptual based objective methods and corresponding evaluation guidelines for voice and audio quality measurements in telecommunication Services study group 12 work program and quality of service quality of experience coordination in itut quality of experience and quality of service and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimedia applications development of models and tools for multimedia quality assessment of packet based video Services tonometric methodologies for handset and headset terminals param metric and e- model based planning prediction and monitoring of conversational speech and audio visual quality performance of packet based networks and other networking Technologies definitions guides and Frameworks related to quality of service quality of experience analysis methods for speech and audio using complex measurement signal objective and subjective methods for evaluating perceptual audio visual quality in multimedia and Television services perceptual and field assessment principles for quality of service and quality of experience of digital Financial Services methodologies tools and test plans for the subjective assessment of speech audio and and audio visual quality interactions conferencing and teley meeting assessment study group 12 also leads standardization work on Services based on speech technology voice aspects of car Communications and hands-free Communications in vehicles working towards minimizing technology related driver distraction study group 13 focuses on developing standards for the requirements architectures capabilities apis softwarization orchestration and use of AI including machine learning for future networks it also develops standards related to information Centric networking and the non radio part of international mobile telecommunications systems including IMT 2030 the following are the questions and study Innovative convergence service including service model scenarios technical aspects in future networks Next Generation Network evolution by adoption of emerging Network Technologies applying future networks and innovation in developing countries International mobile telecommunications networks and Quantum Communications quality of service mechanisms Network awareness and network intelligence including Big Data driven networking and humanik networking future networks trustworthy and Quantum enhanced networking and services requirements and capabilities for computing in including cloud computing and data handling functional architecture for computing including cloud computing and data handling endtoend management governance and security for computing including cloud computing and data handling International mobile telecommunications networks and artificial intelligence machine learning requirements and architecture Network softwarization enhanced information Centric networking and emerging Network Technologies fixed mobile and satellite convergence study group 13's work comprehensively addresses the future of telecommunication networks and Computing ensuring Innovative secure and efficient Solutions study group 15 sets detailed technical specifications shaping Global Communication infrastructure the group standards Define Technologies and architectures for optical transport networks enabling L haul Global Information exchange fiber or copper based access networks for subscriber connections and home networks for connecting in premises devices and interfacing with the outside world the following are the questions and the study Optical systems for fiber access networks Technologies for in premises networking and related access applications Broadband access over metallic conductors characteristics and test methods of optical fibers and cables and installation guidance characteristics of optical components subsystems and systems for optical transport networks connectivity operation and maintenance of optical physical infrastructures characteristics of optical fiber submarine Cable Systems interfaces interworking oam protection and Equipment specifications for packet based transport networks signal structures interfaces equipment functions protection and inter working for optical transport networks transport network architectures network synchronization and time distribution Performance Management and control of Transport Systems and Equipment study group 15 ensures the high capacity highspeed evolution of Global Communication networks fostering advancements for future services and applications study Group 17 coordinates security related work across all itut study groups and collaborates with other standards development organizations and ICT industry consortia study group 17 focuses on cyber security Security Management architectures Frameworks countering spam identity management data protection open identity trust Frameworks Quantum based security and child online protection study group 17's scope includes securing applications and services for The Internet of Things smart grids smartphones software defined networking web services big data analytics social networks cloud computing mobile Financial systems ipv distribut comp lecture technology intelligent Transport Systems tele Biometrics combating counter feating and mobile device theft IMT 2020 ealth and radio frequency identification the following are the questions and study security standardization strategy incubation and coordination security architecture and network security telecommunication information Security Management and Security Services cyber security and countering spam security for Tel commmunication Services Internet of Things digital twin and metaverse secure application Services cloud computing and Big Data infrastructure security identity management and tele Biometrics architecture and mechanisms generic Technologies to support secure applications intelligent transport system and connected autonomous vehicle security distributed Ledger technology security Quantum based security study group 17 plays a crucial role in setting standards to secure telecommunication networks and services ensuring protection against emerging cyber threats and fostering trust in digital Technologies study group 20 is dedicated to developing Innovative standards guidelines reports methodologies and best practices for The Internet of Things digital Twins and smart sustainable cities and communities their work aims to accelerate digital transformation in urban and rural areas fostering the growth of connected sustainable environments the following are the questions and the study interworking between Smart City platforms including digital twins requirements capabilities and Architectural Frameworks of Internet of things and smart sustainable cities and communities across verticals architectures functionalities and protocols in applications of verticals and infrastructures of inter internet of things and smart sustainable cities and communities data analytics sharing processing and management including Big Data aspects of Internet of things and smart sustainable cities and communities terminology and definitions study and research of emerging digital Technologies security privacy trustworthiness and identification of of things and smart sustainable cities and communities evaluation and assessment of smart sustainable cities and communities and Digital Services human Centric Digital Services enabled by internet of things and smart sustainable cities and communities related to digital Health accessibility and inclusion decentralized distributed Internet of Things study group 20's work ensures that Innovative secure and efficient standards are established to support the growing demands of Internet of things and smart cities contributing to a smarter more sustainable future study group 21 focuses on multimedia Technologies systems applications and services for existing and future networks including IP based and cable based networks their work encompasses a wide range of topics as we see on the right hand side of the slide to enhance multimedia experiences and ensure accessibility for all study group 21 ensures that multimedia Technologies continue to evolve providing high quality accessible services for users around the world yes we have explored itut has significantly shaped the landscape of global telecommunications through its groundbreaking standards and continued Innovation from organizing phone numbers to pioneering digital transformations and securing our Communications it 's efforts are vital in ensuring we stay connected and safe in the digital age in our next video we will dive into the world of it the radio communication sector of international telecommunication Union to uncover how it manages the radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbits and supports the seamless operation of radio communication systems worldwide stay tuned as we continue to explore the fascinating world of Global Communication thank you

2025-01-27 01:44

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