South Korea's CRAZY Tech Malls: $1000 Gaming PC

South Korea's CRAZY Tech Malls: $1000 Gaming PC

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I'm currently in Seoul standing in front of the  Yongsang electronics Market which according to   the internet is in a bit of a state of decay  but I don't know from the outside this place   looks pretty wild so let's go in there and  see what kind of gaming PCs and just general   Tech you can buy here we also check out another  Electronics Market on the other end of the city   which genuinely blew my mind and bought $1,000  gaming system but before then today's video is   sponsored by be quiet's new light Wings LX BS  a more budget focused version of The Amazing   be quiet light wings that still got it where  it counts like its performance and dazzling   lighting W my favorite thing about them is that  they use a standard three pin Daisy chainable RGB   connector so you don't need to buy a hub to use  them furthering their wallet friendly nature so   if this sounds good to you click on the link down  below to get some be quiet lightwing LX fan action [Music] look at that we've already got a pile of graphics  cards glued together I'm assuming those are empty   boxes but I don't know now we haven't even  gone inside yet and I already don't know what   the internet's on about there's amazing stuff  going on here you can get a wraith cooler for I   think that's $2 and then underneath the $2 wraith  coolers there is a 4 490 box so I think I think   we're going to get some good stuff here once  inside there are two hallways of tech Madness   seemingly stretching infinitely now just first  thing in through the front door there's already   a whole list of of pre-build systems available now  I'll have the exchange rate kind of pop up on the   screen now but it ranges from about $400 to like  $11,000 for a system with an RTX 360 in it all the   way up to like a $5,000 system with a49 in it look  at that that's a Linus system over here although   this shelf is in front of a shop that looks very  closed so I don't know if we're going to be able   to get any of those and then right on the other  side of that there's kind of a laptop shop with   some some good-looking deals on gaming laptops  and look at those systems now it's only taken us   about 5 minutes to find a majestic waifu system  it looks awesome uh with a custom Loop although   it doesn't have Ram in it for some reason oh  never mind it's just got a single stick in it   what that is outrageous that's clearly what The  Internet's been going on about the first couple of   shops focused on some interestingly put together  showcase systems and systems for specific games   which is an interesting idea next to which was  a shop clearly owned by a man with a deep erotic   love for fans I have never seen such fan density  before it was honestly borderline emasculated by   it I have never seen that many fans in one place  just a wall of heavy heavy duty server fans look   at all of that and after wanding past some more  shops with a whole bunch of graphics cards and   custom keyboards in it I started to notice a  trend there seemingly a huge market for used   old alien Wares look at that bad boy awesome  old Alienware gaming laptop that you can buy   and there's even new ones on an Asus box hell  yeah more old Alienware systems this is the third   shop we've seen with a bunch of them but this  shop had more to offer than just old Alienware   yo this place has the sickest systems look at that  like figurine in it and then above that is like   an open Hardline system look at all these piecs  the I think that's a one piece figurine one is   also either like an x299 or an x99 paste system oh  look at this I just noticed that's definitely some   dual CPU action in there because we went early  on a Monday morning a bunch of the shops were   closed but it was like losing a couple of drops of  rain in a thunderstorm and the thunderstorm soon   revealed what would quickly become my favorite  shop this keyboard store had a bewildering   array of custom keyboards in every shape size  color and switch they've got uh keyboards with   a whole bunch of different switches on so you can  test the switches to uh to decide which one works   for you ooh this one's really nice it also had  the friendliest shopkeeper he was just excited   to see other people excited about his Wares I  loved this place but soon we had to return to   our journey through the infinite Madness that  is the yongsang electronics market now next   to the Logitech shop which is already pretty  exciting there is a dedicated noock TOA shop   that is madness that's so that's like dream stuff  right there whole selection of noct fans even the   little tiny ones it's so cute what's interesting  is they've also got a bunch of tiny like chipset   fans and stuff which I didn't know noctua also  made you can buy them individually here [Music] here's a version of the RX 580 I've never  seen before this place has a whole bunch   of 3D printers as well that's really  cool we then discovered an umbilical   cord connecting to another building  full of Tech Stop if anything this   building was even more jam-packed with stuff  literally stacked floor to ceiling [Music] so we've spent a while walking around this Tech  market and it is very similar to the shenzen   tech Market which is amazing I love these kinds  of places and what's cool about this stuff here   is that it's not just all current gen stuff  there's a whole bunch of like older laptops   and graphics cards so you can buy at pretty much  any price point and another thing is you don't   really see customers walking around most most of  the activity is just people carting stuff around   so I think that all of these shops do most of  their selling online which is kind of similar   to how it works in the shenz and Tech markets  and stuff now uh so that kind of makes sense uh   but it's a shame because it's such a cool place  to wander around shopping for stuff you can even   get a bunch of cerons and stuff here under the the  pile of ram got a bunch of gaming systems going as   well with various component configurations  so with a bunch of these motherboards you   actually have CPU combos as well so it's like  CPU motherboard and then a wraith cooler all   kind of prepackaged like that for you which is a  really nice touch it makes shopping here really   really easy at that bad boy such a variety of  hardware and then here again is this Hardware   configuration which seems very common for systems  here and below that is a used alternative with   some more GPU power and while you're at it you  can buy a $3 power supply for your hobby as an   amateur arsonist again a whole range we've got  from a GTX 200 series that's amazing I really   like that you can get all those stuff like that  above that is your motherboard combos 2700x with   motherboard and cooler for about $150 Canadian  and then up here is some newer graphics cards   with like a 3060 TI uh or even like a 2060 going  for about $180 Canadian dollar so a lot of these   shops have amazing uh showcase systems look at  this one it's beautiful so this shop looks like   they've got two systems of parts that they need  to build so whenever somebody's coming back that's   going to happen and soon after admiring the shop  that makes every connector known to man we made a   shocking realization okay it starting to dawn on  me that this place is potentially massive cuz we   just spent the last I think hour exploring one  floor and there's at least four of them there's   like a whole bunch up here as well initially the  additional floor seemed like more of the same a   bunch of shops with graphics cards and mechanical  keyboards but after just a bit of walking the   people started to thin out and were replaced  by boxes lots and lots of boxes just so many boxes like how is there this much of it oh  this shop just has the most baller looking   servers and then just more infinite stuff down  there that's a great Shar conveniently if you   get tired of your box Safari there  are some boots to sleep in [Music]   and after hours of wandering around this wild Maze  We remembered that there was another Electronics   Market in a different part of the city that we  still wanted to see so we made a quick pit stop   at the best shop in the world to buy some sexy  mechanical keyboards at great prices and then   embarked on our 40-minute journey to another  Electronics Market in the Kung Nom District next we decided to head over the river to the K  Tech mall and what's really exciting about this   one is that it's got a dedicated console area  so can't wait to see that however initially CJ   was real disappointed the escalators may have  been fancy but once you got into the floors it   just looked like an office building with some  washing machines in it trying my best to hide   my disappointment we powered ahead until until  we hit the fourth floor where everything changed   this may be the single largest collection of  highi I have ever seen every speaker ampen   Source you can imagine spanning decades I was  this giddy as a teenager that just discovered   incognito mode massive Wilson look at that what's  so wild about this place is you wander around what   looks like an open pan office and then there's  just a shop with a bunch of massive other on   guard horn speakers in it which sells for a spleen  shattering $170,000 and then right next to that is   another shop with just Madness it's everywhere I  have never seen this much Hi-Fi in one place ever   before this place is crazy but unfortunately we're  not here for oil Baron high five so soon I had to   peel myself away and go in search of some gaming  Hardware although interestingly on the fifth floor   there were a couple of pretty sad sad looking used  cell phone [Music] stores and then when you get   to the sixth floor I mean this is still exciting  it's not quite as exciting as the fourth floor but   there's also a lot of these PC stalls everywhere  now as with Yong son the flashier stores with all   the piles of graphics cards live immediately  around the escalator but once you move deeper   into the floor it just descends into madness and  because every floor of cuch J is this massive   semiopen plan office esque space it somehow  manages to feel both emptier and much Fuller   than yongsan and there's just so much random  stuff everywhere so in between all of these   shops selling various combinations of PC it's  just a random organ shop it's one of the things   that's so Random about the space it feels like  you're walking around an office complex hey look   at that it's one of those HP servers that we did  a video on like 4 years ago it's nice to see one   of those standing around but then we found some  something that thematically fits in with the whole   looted middle management office Vibe and we've  also noticed a whole bunch of printers with the   ink mounted externally like this and we can't  really figure out why that is our best guess is   that it's because it's a lot more ink than you  can fit inside the printer and it's easier to   change out but it is pretty ratchet you can also  get a glad wrapped photocopier another thing that   stood out to me in both the markets was that for  a country that manufactures most of the world's   high-end displays most of the mon monitors you  could buy looked like they were fished out of   a dumpster behind a failing accounting firm but  after quite some time wandering around the couple   of PC floors having a great time some PC mudes  poking out under the bit of tarp oh there's even   like a like a galley up there in case you need  to protect your gal there is a katana hanging   out underneath it we decided to stop at a stall  and buy our $1,000 gaming system which meant   discussing specs with another lovely shopkeeper  so we just negotiated for $1,000 build with the   nicest man ever there are so many super friendly  vendors here it's cool uh so yeah I'm curious to   see how it turns out and the best part about  it is we didn't have to get a $4,000 year-long   membership like with Best Buy to get the  system built so we left our new friend to   the very reasonably priced assembly of our  new gaming system and headed to the console floor as you get closer to the ninth floor things  get more figurin and this is console gaming   Paradise look at all of stuff and this is one of  like dozens of stores you can just see down there   and again this place has just several generations  of console stuff and once we moved past the   initial escalator line of shops we were drowned  in an ocean of figurines and as we all know where   there is a swarm of anime figurines there's always  also a swarm of anime figurines oh oh my this is   clearly the hentti shop oh my God it's everywhere  I don't know Anna seems really excited by what's   going on here yeah look at her although apparently  the anime figurines were just a small corner of a   massive ecosystem again these places feel infinite  you just walk in this you just keep walking and   it just keeps being more of this stuff and this  floor with its increasingly massive figurines was   by far the most popular of any of the areas we've  been in so far across from that is some full siiz   Dragon Ball Z action oh I that needs to I need  to just not don't look at that yeah and I just   made a really good point this is like akiabara  without the super annoying music everywhere   blaring at you and with that realization soon we  found some more consoles oh this CRT is out of   life and here you can try out the brand new Xbox  360 now unfortunately the coolest shop on this   console floor didn't want us filming in it but  I can still tell you about it they have just a   huge selection of older consoles standing around  with an insane collection of games for each of   the generations so if you want some older console  action the Small's a really good place to go but   all of the naked anime figurines have gotten us  really hungry so I think with that we're going   to go get lunch and then we'll pick up our gaming  system but before we see what kind of gaming PC   we got for $1,000 there's one more aspect of the  South Korean PC gaming Market we saw evidence of everywhere now the PC is not done yet but it gives  us a bit of time to talk about some something we   discovered while researching this trip in South  Korea if you don't own a gaming PC you can go   to a PC land Center and rent some time onone and  these centers are called PC Banks and you see them   everywhere walking around the city just PC logos  and blazoned everywhere and we were lucky enough   to have the owner of the first one we wandered  into just show us around a bit so let's check   it out when you first wander into your premium PC  Bang You're greeted by a large space dripping with   gamer energy and then if you have a membership  you're paying about a do for 40 minutes but you   can go up to a 2day Sprint that's pretty badass uh  and then over here is without membership so then   it costs a little bit more and you can't get it  for as long uh but obviously we don't live here   so that's what we're going to do and next to that  screen are all the snacks and smoking room you   could want and there's even a kitchen where you  can order meals from your PC without ever having   to get up and once you've paid for your time you  can decide between a setup with either a larger   $200 40 HZ display or smaller super high refresh  rate displays depending on what kind of games   you're playing in terms of peripherals you get a  nice mechanical keyboard and you get a selection   of two mice so you can actually decide which one  you want to use which is pretty cool up there is   your headset and it is a headset so it comes  with a mic so that you can shout at strangers   on the internet in your PC bang it's awesome and  once you first log into your system of choice it   takes quite a while to fire up but once it fires  up you immediately see why the system immediately   bombards you with ads and every bit of preloaded  software imaginable now in terms of specs all of   these systems have an i52 400 16 gigs of RAM and  an RTX 360 in it now luckily they do come with a   huge amount of games pre-installed most of which  I don't recognize but that doesn't matter and you   can also log into your own Steam account if you  want to play online using that oh and in your   rental they also include access to Netflix  Amazon Prime and a whole bunch of streaming   services which I think is a nice touch and there  even couples's seats ooo you can also order and   pay for a huge variety of food straight from your  seat so you legitimately never have to leave in   terms of gaming I would definitely recommend the  setup with the higher refresh rate Asus displays   cuz the ones that I was using wasn't particularly  good but the system ran the games well and the   seats were very comfortable although despite  the fact that they clean the setup after every   use the peripherals did feel a little bit like a  grab handle in a heavily used Metro they really   are a keeped in gamer oh and the second your time  runs out the windows instance just closes deleting   all of your game data so you need to be real  careful that you're not mid round of doto when   that happens but yeah the PC bang was awesome the  owner was super accommodating and I get why these   are so popular but with that let's go pick up  our ,000 gaming system and see how that turned [Music] out so we finally have our $1,000  gaming system that we bought from the the   nicest man ever so I'm really excited to  see what kind of job he did putting it together now in terms of accessories we've gotten  some SATA cables screws and a little a little wipy   down cloth now interestingly for the system we did  have to buy a full retail copy of Windows which is   outrageous and that makes up like 10% of the cost  of the system so if we didn't have to do that we   may have been able to get some better components  but this thing's still going to be pretty powerful   now in terms of the case we've got some Zolman  case with a whole bunch of ventilation on the   front the top and the back which is good  and we even get four RGB fans in the box   now in terms of I/O it's perfectly fine it's  computery we have a power supply that doesn't   immediately look terrible so that's good  uh but let's get the side panel off and   then we can talk about the specs in the  system I mean from here it looks like   he did a really good job in terms of cable  management and stuff and what's interesting   about this yeah it was like $ 30 Canadian do for  him to build the system which interestingly is   less than you would pay pay a month for the Best  Buy subscription and that didn't even include any   labor cost it's a reasonable side panel mechanism  cuz you've at least got little knobbies that hold   it in place so that's very good uh and then  on the inside of the system wow now the first   thing that you'll notice is unfortunately we do  have a stock Intel cooler ooh now this cooler   isn't completely terrible especially for a 12400 f  it should do a reasonable job but we'll test out a   little bit later I couldn't fit a better cooler  into the budget and the person that helped us   spec the system didn't seem particularly concerned  about it 32 gigs of ddr5 it is very generic sticks   so we don't have any heat sinks or whatever  but again that should get the job done it's   dual channel it's a lot of capacity so that's nice  the motherboard is some b760 gigabyte variant and   then in terms of storage we've got a 512 gig nvme  drive we almost got a 1 tbte Samsung 980 which is   like a pretty fancy nvme drive but instead we  got a I think this is a wd SN 850 oh never mind   it's not four we've got six fans there's two more  in the top now our biggest Splurge was definitely   the graphics card this is an RTX 4060 it's a  three fan variant we did almost get an RTX 30   50 but it was the 6 gig version of it and there  was no way I was going to buy another one of those   pieces of crap but generally in terms of cable  management he did an excellent job look at all the   cable ties under here it's like it's such a neat  run and back at the apartment I took the back off   to reveal a human centipede of Molex connectors  for the fans but in all fairness it has been   beautifully cable managed and I've never heard of  the power supply before but it's got a cybernetics   bronze rating so it likely isn't a complete  dumpster fire so I guess now all it's left to   do is we got to take it back to the apartment and  see how it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] runs whoa It's So Heavy because the shell   is aluminum the whole reason a  keyboard like this is exciting is oh I think this was $90 although even before firing up this system I  noticed a problem this motherboard doesn't have   a Wi-Fi card in it and there's no ethernet in this  random room that I'm in at the moment although uh   apparently you can use your iPhone as a modem so  we we'll see if we can do that but first let's   power it on ooh so much of light he there we  go but my a was shortlived because despite the   at making it look real easy I just couldn't  get my iPhone to work as a [Music] modem so   I've spent the last hour trying to get my phone to  connect to the PC as a modem now this is something   which according to the entire internet is super  straightforward you just plug it in allow personal   hotspot and it works the problem is it it doesn't  work like that because you need itunes drivers   apparently so I downloaded iTunes on a device  that does have Wi-Fi and and I've installed it   on here but it still doesn't work now when  I install iTunes on the on the laptop with   internet connected to it then it works because  clearly iTunes needs to download the drivers so   as far as I understand it you need internet on  the device that you're trying to get internet   on in order to get your phone to get internet on  the device that doesn't have internet on it which   is just the most Apple thing ever but anyway I've  decided that I'm just going to go buy a Wi-Fi card   okay so I'm back from the tech mold this was the  option I could find it's not ideal but it'll give   us internet so that's fine and when it comes to  the system's gaming performance it was good yay   we finally have gaming happening after a whole  morning of struggling but this is cyberpunk at   1080p ultra settings and our 4060 based system is  handling it well o CPU wise the the temperatures   are it kind of hovers between acceptable and hairy  occasionally while we were loading into the game   it would hit high 80s which isn't ideal and it's a  little bit whiny but aside from that the system is   running very well we've got a huge amount of RAM  and at 1080p it it's just is good but I'm curious   to see where the temperatures top out so let's  let's drive around a bit and and see where this goes it's been a while with me driving  around and oh it's it's getting toast   y uh it occasionally jumps up to very high 80°  C and it's pretty noisy uh but to be fair for a   stock Intel cooler this is actually kind of wild  performance the fact that it's not running 2,000   de C is is impressive but generally we got a  lot of performance out of our $1,000 system   at 1080p the system will run the crap out of  most games and it's only when you push the CPU   really hard the temperatures get a bit hairy  and the fact that the assembly was so cheap   means nobody needs to use a pre-build here  and with that South Korean Tech markets are   awesome and if you ever have an opportunity  to go check them out I'd highly recommend it   everybody's also very friendly and accommodating  so it's just generally a really nice experience   if you enjoyed the video subscribe to  the channel maybe watch another video   suggestion will pop up in a second and until  the next video thank you for watching bye-bye [Music] m [Music]

2024-11-04 02:01

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