SAP TechEd in 2024 Keynote - Where ideas get real

SAP TechEd in 2024 Keynote - Where ideas get real

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>> The human brain. Millions of electrical impulses following a labyrinth of possibilities. Connections form in a line. Guiding the way. Visions ignite the journey. Inspiration lights the path. In these exact moment,

ideas are born alongside a presence that amplifies each step. Not just a tool, but an extension of thought. Adapting, pushing boundaries further, a partner in problem solving ready to explore the unknown. What was once a thought becomes a solution. What began as a vision

transforms into reality. This is the journey of creation. This is where ideas get real. >> Hello everyone and welcome to Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP TechEd. It's exciting to be here with such a dynamic community of innovators, developers and business leaders. Today we're

going to explore some of our latest game changing innovations and how Senior AI Scientist, SAP is driving the future of business software. With the power of AI, cloud and customer centric solutions for all of that, we have one clear goal in mind making the lives of our customers easier. But what does that really mean for you? How is this technology embedded in our software to deliver real value? SAP has built a cloud driven portfolio that meets the diverse and evolving needs of businesses today. This brings us to two key challenges. First, our software must be highly configurable and extensible to meet your unique needs. Second, we want to deliver a seamless suite like experience across the entire solution portfolio at SAP, we continuously work to simplify the lives of our customers, driving efficiency and enhancing business processes with the right AI technology and meaningful use cases. Throughout

this keynote, our chief Product Officers will take you on a journey across our whole solution portfolio, including BTP, S/4HANA Cloud, HCM, Intelligent Spend and Business Network and Customer Experience. You will see how to seamlessly extend your businesses into new markets, effortlessly activate AI features or develop your own and build and integrate your own applications into SAP's environment and maintain control with powerful analytics. But that's not all. We want to show

you how simple it can be to use AI in your business, and how to provide a unified experience across our solution portfolio. Michael. I'll hand it over to you to guide us through our first journey on how SAP build and Vice President, SAP BTP Adoption Enablement, SAP BTP will help our customers to innovate.

>> Thank you Mohammad, and also for me, a very warm welcome to TechEd 2024 and thank you to every single one of you joining us from all around the globe since last year's TechEd, we have seen a major shift in how technology is driving and empowering our world. Generative AI in large language models are pushing the boundaries of what's possible, from images to text to developing software. These are exciting times for developers, and today is an exciting day for me. In my 18th year at SAP, I'm still a coder at heart, and TechEd is one of my favorite events in the year. As Chief Product Officer for SAP Business Technology Platform, I talk a lot to our customers about the challenges the opportunities and how technology can help address their needs. Our customers in

the business they drive on a global scale are very diverse, but in the end, they all have the same questions. How can I innovate and adapt to ever changing markets? How can I make informed decisions faster? And how can I flexibly scale my business? And of course, how can I lower the cost without compromising quality, security and reliability? SAP Business Technology Platform, or short BTP can help to address these challenges. This is why we keep seeing a huge demand for BTP and we are proud to be your best choice in an SAP context. In the area of application development, automation, integration, data analytics and business AI all on our unified platform. Together with you, I will look at each area in detail, but let me share some general highlights. First, thank you to more than 27,000 live customers and a shout out to more than 2800 partners using BTP, our partner ecosystem is essential for SAP BTP adoption and consumption. Since last

TechEd, we have delivered again more than 1000 road map items for you year to date. Overall availability is also again above 99.99%. BTP adoption rate has again grown over 60% year over year, and we are expanding our BTP coverage and harmonizing our service portfolio across all locations because we know that you must be able to run your business globally. Earlier this

year, we have announced 11 new BTP regions running on infrastructure from our partners AWS, Microsoft and Google. Now, I'm delighted to announce that we will bring BTP to SAP Managed Data Centers over the next year. It will be eight across the globe. With this expansion, we

bring BTP closer to your running landscapes. Giving you a broader regional coverage is important, but not enough. You also need great development tools and industry specific content. Our SAP Business Accelerator Hub is the central place to discover and consume such content. More

than 25,000 assets are availabl. Integration flows, adapters, validated partner use cases and a lot more. And we continue to add content to SAP Analytics cloud and SAP build content to be more productive. Adapters in

SAP Integration suite to connect to non-SAP systems industry specific content for initiatives like Catena-x and process and architecture content for SAP Signavio and SAP to support your process and transformation journey to make it easier for you to use BTP, we provide the SAP BTP guidance framework. Here you can find decision guides, methodologies, reference architectures and recommendations to build and run enterprise grade solutions on BTP. If you are looking for use case specific guidance such as developing extensions, SAP Discovery Center is the right place for you. Now. Several Discovery Center missions provide to you a quick account setup with a single click. You get all services provisioned and deployed, advanced users can easily access the underlying Terraform configuration for those missions. And if you want to dive deeper into our AI features, check out the AI feature catalog in our Discovery Center. It clearly states the

cost, the value, and roadmap for each AI features, expanding our BTP reach and providing you great tools and content as a solid foundation. But many of you need more than that to run your business smoothly. For example, coverage of disaster scenarios. That's why we just

published the reference architecture for multi-region high Availability and Disaster Recovery on the SAP Discovery Center, Apple and many more of our customers are already adopting this architecture pattern. So let's recap our main highlights for BTP in general. First, we are expanding BTP coverage even further. In the next years, it will be available via eight SAP managed data centers on top of the ones provided by our partners.

Second, Senior AI Scientist, SAP Business Accelerator Hub is the central place for developing tools and industry specific content. And third, SAP Discovery Center provides guidance for your business use cases. Now let's look at application development and automation businesses and technologies are evolving fast. It's crucial to have an agile ERP system that is adaptable and up to date. This requires keeping the core clean. Clean

core is a strategy and framework to build extensions in a way that they are technically decoupled. It does not discourage you building custom code, but it ensures that your system stays consistent, maintainable and upgradable. You can extend Senior AI Scientist, SAP S/4HANA in an effective and cloud compliant manner in two ways either Unstack. This allows

you to build tightly coupled custom extensions directly within the system or side by side. This enables you to build and run extensions outside the system. On BTP. Both ways allow you to keep the core clean. Now let's look at Vice President, SAP BTP Adoption Enablement, SAP build and how it makes building extensions simpler for you. Two years ago we introduced our unified low code environment Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP built. Last year we went one

step further with SAP Build Cod, an AI powered Pro-code application development solution for Java and JavaScript. 16,000 customers are already using SAP build. But what about Abap? Today I'm happy to share that we are including Abap cloud in our latest release of SAP, built for both on stack and side by side development, the central starting point for all your extension projects is the SAP build lobby. From here, you can access and work with all components for low code and pro-code development. With that SAP build becomes z extension solution for all your needs. SAP built further simplifies extension development for SAP S/4HANA private cloud. So new

remote function call connectivity can use Bapis from S/4HANA and for S/4HANA cloud public Edition. I'm excited to introduce the SAP Build Extensibility Wizard. The extensibility Wizard helps key users and developers create both on stack and side, by side extensions in S/4HANA in an embedded experience. By integrating Abap into SAP build, you can use a graphical modeler to generate Abap CDs models and was dual integrated in SAP build. Developers can create extensions more easily. They can

follow SAP programing models and best practices across Java, JavaScript, Abap and low code tools. We continue to add new capabilities in Joule such as code explanation, search results from SAP documentation and enhancements to develop SAP Fiori and mobile applications. The SAP specific large language models in Joule allow you to have SAP knowledge right at your fingertips. Now let's see some of these capabilities in action. And for that I'm happy to welcome Cecilia Huergo CC. The stage is yours.

>> Thanks, Michael I'm very happy to share exactly how our GenAI capabilities can accelerate your development projects. Let's imagine you want to add a custom field to an SAP S/4HANA Cloud application. Here's a sneak peek of how Joule can support. In this video, we're going to extend the managed customer Returns app in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition. To start, we'll launch the Extensibility Wizard, which is the new starting point to build extensions whether they are on stack or side by side. In our example, we want to create a custom field. So we'd select

that option by launching the wizard from the specific business app. It knows the business context and can provide it pre-filtered to the user. From here, we can launch Joule to create the custom field. In

this case, we asked to create a new field called Tracking number for customer returns. Thanks to Jules Abap developer capabilities, we can use natural language and it will understand the business context behind our request. While Joule is thinking, let me just mention that the Abap developer capabilities will go GA next year. In Q1 2025. So consider this a preview of what's to come. Joule identifies the

related business context and asks us to confirm we want the first option sales documents. Joule will take this new information into account and provide the relevant properties. It even added a character length of 30 without having this information in our prompt, because it knows that this is the most common length for tracking numbers. We also ask to enable this custom field so it can be used in the customer returns OData API without any extra details. Joule will find and recommend the applicable API and that's it. By accepting Jules recommendations, you can quickly and easily create a custom field. Now let's turn to

another example of how you can apply Joule capabilities to increase productivity. Let's say we want to fill the tracking number field we created before with real data. We'd use SAP Build Code and the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model to develop a service that retrieves a tracking number from a third party. For example, DHL, a logistics company. To do so, we'd need to create business logic that connects to this external service. The great thing is, you can now also do that with Joule. Let me show you

how. From the Vice President, SAP BTP Adoption Enablement, SAP build lobby, I can open my SAP Build Code project from here. I've already created the data model and the service model, and I've added the tracking number.

And I've also added the external service to the project. So now let's add the app logic together. We can click here Add logic here I can just leave the default values and I am going to add my description. Perfect. I'm

going to configure the event handler before and create and then I can launch the code editor. And as we can see here, Joule already has the description that I added as the initial prompt. So I can just click here. And while Joule is syncing, let me also mention that you can now also edit the data and service models with Joule as well. So as you can see, we are continuously adding to Joule capabilities to support our developer community. All right. So let's see what Joule

came back with. The code looks good. So I can just accept and continue building my extension. And SAP build. This is another great example of how GenAI can accelerate custom development projects. Now let's switch back

to the Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP build lobby where I can access all my development projects for all our Abap developers out there, we're excited to share that you can now create and manage your above cloud projects from the Vice President, SAP BTP Adoption Enablement, SAP build lobby. When you click create and choose to build an application, you'll see the new Abap cloud option, and when you select that, you'll be able to select the system that has already been pre-configured by your admin. You can connect to any Abap environment, whether that's the SAP S/4HANA Cloud Abap environment or the Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP BTP Abap environment, and either create a new package or choose an existing one, which is what I will do. We have one for customer returns and then just next and here you choose a project name and description and click create. And this automatically launches the Abap development tools in Eclipse where you can see the package.

And then from here you can continue your development as you normally would. So that's everything that I wanted to show you today. I know it was a lot. So before I go, let me try to summarize the key highlights. Thanks to SAP build Lobby, we have a unified developer experience that enables fusion development and fosters collaboration. And our business savvy GenAI capabilities support a variety of different use cases and personas from key users to pro-code developers, from on stack extensions to side by side. With that, back to you, Michael.

>> Thanks a lot. Sassy innovating while keeping the core clean has never been so easy. Over time, we will add even more capabilities, so stay tuned! And there are so many more ways to make your lives easier with generative AI. Let me name a few examples. Jewels Abap Developer Capabilities inside of Abap in Eclipse we trained our own Abap Large language model with more than 250 million lines of code from S/4HANA cloud. You can also use GenAI when creating workflows and automations. Use natural

language descriptions to edit and summarize processes, decisions, forms, and other artifacts. Benefit from the intelligent approval recommendation capability in SAP Task Center to make faster and better decisions. Use document information extraction capabilities with advanced natural language processing to avoid costly template creation and maintenance. Create engaging and personalized business sites with Joule integrated to SAP Build Work Zone. Let me summarize the key takeaways for application development and automation. Senior AI Scientist, SAP build becomes z extension solution for all your needs. We

are including Abap cloud in our latest release of SAP build for both on stack and side by side development. We are introducing the SAP built Extensibility Wizard to help you create side by side extensions in S/4HANA, with Joule integrated in SAP build. Developers can be more productive and with new capabilities. In Joule you have SAP knowledge right at your fingertips. Now let's turn to AI. We are integrating AI into your everyday work through the AI foundation of BTP. It helps

you to make the most of your SAP data and processes. You also get a broader selection of foundational models from top providers, all in one place to make it as seamless as possible. You benefit from one unified legal and commercial framework through the generative AI hub, and we also infuse AI into our applications, including Joule. Now we are making Joule even more flexible and useful to you with Joule Studio and VP, UX Engineering, SAP built Joule studio allows partners and customers to create and deploy custom Joule skills. And now you

also goes Agentic. This means using AI agents, they can help you to solve complex business problems through planning, self-reflection, logical reasoning and collaboration. In this example, we tell Joule to help us resolve a customer dispute. This was triggered by an overdue invoice notice. Joule explores a range of possible scenarios by calling AI agents.

These are specialized in analysis of contracts, invoice records and payment histories. They collaborate and propose a solution to resolve the customer dispute. This only takes half a minute without agent. You easily need 15 minutes and this is just one example of how Joule is going Agentic. Now let me quickly summarize the shown innovations in AI through the AI foundation of BTP, we are integrating AI into your everyday work to become more productive. Use foundational

models from top providers all in one place without worrying about the legal and commercial framework. With Joule Studio in VP, UX Engineering, SAP built, you can create and deploy custom Joule skills. Joule now also goes agentic specialized AI agents work autonomously together to solve complex problems and stay tuned for Spotlight on Business AI later in this keynote. >> Let's look at data and analytics. >> Now we continue to innovate in the space across SAP Hana Cloud, SAP Analytics Cloud, and SAP Datasphere. This helps with your intelligent data, apps planning and analytics, as well as Business data fabric use cases. Let's focus on

intelligent data apps first. Intelligent data apps utilize generative AI are context aware and connect your business data. Many of our customers and partners have built productive GenAI applications on BTP using our reference architectures. One of our biggest announcements at TechEd last year was certainly our SAP Hana Cloud Vector Engine. The Hana Cloud Vector Engine allows you to infuse relevant business context into GenAI scenarios using Retrieval-augmented generation pattern with Rag. Large language models can provide precise and context aware responses to your prompts. While keeping a high

degree of data privacy and confidentiality. And we made the Hana Cloud vector Engine a thousand times faster. But that's not all. We are adding a native In-database vectorization with its own SAP specific text embedding model. This simplifies the creation of vector embeddings significantly. And

there's more. We are extremely happy to announce our SAP Hana Cloud Knowledge Graph engine. By combining the Knowledge Graph engine with the Vector Engine, you can harness the power of structured and unstructured data. This is enabled through a triple store implementation graph data processing and analytical capabilities via spark SQL. As such, the

Knowledge Graph engine can also enhance Rex scenarios and make them even more precise and relevant. Both the Vector Engine, as well as the Knowledge Graph engine, are fully integrated with other existing SAP Hana Cloud multi-model data processing capabilities. Hana Cloud has been providing built in database AI processing features for many years now. We are making it easier for everyone to create intelligent data applications. We are adding

the generative AI toolkit for SAP Hana Cloud to SAP build. Let's see it in action now. And for that, let me hand over to Sabrina Pfeiffer. Sabrina, over to you. >> Thank you. Michael. Let's

enter our SAP Hana Cloud Application project via SAP Build Code. Building on the previous demonstration, we are now looking into the prediction of refunds based on our historical business data of product returns, enabling us to make better business decisions. To generate a forecast and predict the volume of sales refunds, we are using a dataset containing historical order refunds. As a developer, I want

to create an intelligent data application based on our data set using some of the advanced capabilities of SAP Hana Cloud. In particular, I'm interested in applying the powerful native In-database machine learning capabilities to my application via the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model. I can now make use of the AI toolkit for SAP Hana Cloud that is available via Joule and SAP Build Code, without requiring a deeper understanding of how to create and fit prediction models, I can simply select a proposed natural language prompt, asking Joule to create a time series forecast model on the sales refunds table and include the model statistics. As you can see, Joule is immediately starting to create a time series forecast model based on the desired data without us needing to write a single line of code in the background. SAP HANA Cloud AI toolkit triggers a task chain of operations to generate an AutoML prediction model for time series data. The model provides the requested output on the prediction of future sales refunds. Through this forecast.

We have the possibility to understand the impact of sales refunds and derive potential periods of risk when comparing predictions with historical numbers, we might be able to spot trends for product or service issues, which may lead to customer dissatisfaction. Eventually, higher refunds, and higher costs. The model now was successfully created and fitted by the AI toolkit using SAP HANA Cloud In-database AI engine. The

model statistics provided give you insights into the model accuracy as an example, the mean absolute percentage error of less than 10% generally indicates a high prediction accuracy, and in our case, roughly 8% really looks quite promising. Now I'm curious to understand what has happened in the background, and would like to see how I could achieve something similar via code. Once the prediction model was generated, Joule already provided the code necessary to achieve the same via Python, and that is very helpful as Joule is not only my companion to run advanced machine learning, but also helps me to integrate complex operations into my applications natively via coding, guidance and code generation. Let us now apply the newly generated prediction model to forecast the expected sales refunds, and once the prediction was performed, I want Joule to show the results as a line plot. Again, Joule is using the provided tools from the AI toolkit to forecast the expected refunds using In-database machine learning, SAP Hana Cloud is running the predictions based on the same copy of data of my sales application, without requiring any data movement, replication or duplication. At

first glance, the pink prediction line looks absolutely great. This helps us to steer our product and service quality and ultimately influence the return volume. Adding significant business value. And finally, as my main goal is to integrate the prediction model into an application on SAP Business Technology Platform, I want to ask for Jewel's help just once more. This time Joule helps me to generate the required CAP artifacts that are relevant for the integration into my application. And again,

the AI toolkit for SAP Hana Cloud is equipped with the right capabilities to easily generate the CAP artifacts needed. Here we go. My CAP artifacts are ready and Joule has successfully generated the CAP entities reflecting the prediction results as well as the procedures to call the prediction. Now I can just go ahead and bring my newly created predictions of sales, refunds back to the business and the business users of my application can use the prediction to work towards reducing sales refunds.

This demonstration showed how you, as a BTP developer, can easily incorporate SAP Hana Cloud Machine Learning to create impactful, intelligent data applications thanks to natural language assistants such as these reducing coding time and potential errors, you have more bandwidth to solve your critical business challenges and dedicate your time to strategic topics instead. Cool, right? Thanks for watching. And with that, back to you, Michael. >> Thank you Sabrina. And we are

also making the integration of analytics simpler for you. Embedding advanced analytics into your transactional applications on BTP is now becoming reality. You can use the SAP Hana, Cloud Application Programming Model or CAP to do that based on existing models. Additional annotations in the core Data Services files or CDs expose dimensions and measures for analytical use. This makes it very easy for you to integrate enterprise analytics where you need it. You can run both scenarios, transactional and analytical, on the same data and authorization model, avoiding redundancy and complexity. Now let's look at

our most recent highlights in our planning and analytics portfolio. I'm happy to announce SAP Analytics Cloud Compass. It enables you to model complex risk scenarios through the Monte Carlo simulation method. Thanks to a business user friendly interface. Non-technical users can perform real time risk analysis without prior setup or knowledge. Another big highlight

this year we brought SAP Analytics Cloud to Apple Vision Pro. Let's roll a short video. >> Welcome to the future of Stadium operations. In the fast paced world of modern entertainment venues, operators need a solution that can keep up with the dynamic nature of their responsibilities. To make this possible, SAP Analytics Cloud for Apple Vision Pro visualizes data insights in a spatial environment. It features personalized dashboards on an infinite canvas where stadium operators can easily drag and drop graphs and KPIs to their needs. By leveraging the power of Apple Vision Pro and SAP, we empower operators to do their job the right way. The ultimate

goal the perfect fan experience. >> And we continue to deliver innovations around SAP Datasphere for all your business data fabric needs. As well. Customers such as Hershey's, Bosch and Hugo Boss choose SAP Datasphere for data cataloging and integration. Business semantics or self-service data access. It helps them deliver meaningful data to every data consumer with business context and logic intact. Let's hear from Hershey's directly at Hershey.

>> Our mission is to be the leading snacking powerhouse when we decided to pivot to a digital backbone, we did some data cleanup to make sure that we don't have multiple copies of the same data. We saw this as a way to help our business teams really focus on business action. And then as we did that, we then journeyed more into BTP. We saw

that it was a great opportunity to do SAP analytics Cloud, to do data visualizations. After that, with Datasphere help provide a self-serve platform so that the business could then use that take certified data, trusted data, and use that for then to do their analysis on what's going on with our business. With this next journey that we're going on with the data sphere, with SAC and the innovations that we get with our S4 platform, we really will be unlocking our data more holistically for our users. >> And there's more. Today we are announcing new embedded data lake capabilities for SAP Datasphere. They allow organizations of all sizes to implement a business data fabric in a simple, cost efficient and scalable way. Powered by SAP

Hana Cloud, this unlocks three new capabilities under the consistent user experience. First, an integrated object store for storing large amounts of data. Second, spark compute for efficient data processing. And third, SQL on files for live access to data in the integrated Object Store without the need to copy it. So let's quickly recap the main highlights for data and analytics. Our new SAP Hana Cloud Knowledge Graph engine complements the Hana Cloud vector Engine. It helps you to

make context based decisions. SAP built now includes a generative AI toolkit for SAP Hana Cloud. It allows you to perform common data analysis steps and handle complex machine learning operations. SAP

analytics Cloud Compass supports you in modeling complex risk scenarios, and we are bringing new embedded data lake capabilities for SAP Data Sphere to help you implement Business data fabric with ease. >> Now let's look at integration. >> We offer a modern integration suite to support real time end to end business processes. SAP Integration Suite offers hundreds of connectors, thousands of pre-built integrations, and embedded AI to support all your integration scenarios. Thousands of customers worldwide run their integration scenarios across SAP and third party applications.

They rely on SAP Integration Suite at scale. A 2024 Forrester T study confirms the significant business impact for our customers. The return on investment over a three year period is 345%, with a 30% increase in developer efficiency. And we don't stop

here with AI generated recommendations. You can now optimize your custom scripts. Let's see it in action. An integration admin built a flow to consolidate the financial data across subsidiaries using third party systems. Using the inspect feature, we can easily identify the integration flow, which is consuming high memory. After opening the script editor, you can generate optimization proposals with GenAI based on design guidelines and best practices. You can choose to

apply one of the proposals or accept the entire optimized script. Let us now accept the entire script without writing a single line of code. As a last step, we deploy the integration flow with the optimized script. After some time, we can verify the improved memory consumption. This feature will be available as part of SAP Integration Suite Premium Edition. We support our customers with pre-built content for many third party applications and already 75% of our customers use SAP Integration Suite to integrate with Non-sap systems. And we are

introducing new integration adapters for Anaplan Cooper, HubSpot, NetSuite, ERP, snowflake, and more. Let's hear how our customer Dahmani uses SAP Integration Suite Dahmani is an online marketplace in the world of sports, music, and entertainment. >> B2B and B2C. Customers purchase hospitality and VIP tickets to live events around the whole globe through our platform, providing our customers a seamless, end to end experience means that our platform must connect to all types of systems, such as e-commerce, payment, accommodation, travel, restaurants and more. Our business ran on SAP applications and SAP BTP and the flexible connectivity options of SAP Integration Suite brings all our systems together, which enables us to also deliver mega events successfully, such as the UEFA Euro 2024 and the Olympic Games.

Paris 2024. Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP integration suite supports us with agility, reliability and scalability. We need to make this happen thanks to our for sharing this inspiring story with us. >> Of course, we continue to support mid-sized customers like Dahmani, and we are introducing a new license for SAP Successfactors and SAP Go customers. The SAP Integration Suite starter Edition. It allows

you to use all prepackaged SAP integrations and a fixed number of customizable integrations. We want to show you how your solutions are integrated in the context of enterprise architectures. Which brings me to SAP Leanix in Leanix, you can automatically discover your current application landscape.

But of course, when managing the application landscape, it's also important to know how your business processes run across this landscape. Here's where SAP Signavio comes into play. SAP Signavio already allows you to discover your as is business processes and to design your to be processes. And we just released the new OData API, which allows you to report your process mining findings to SAP analytics Cloud. But we also

want you to adopt processes easily at scale. This is where the acquisition of Walkme comes into play. With Walkme, we support you in adopting business processes and the respective SAP applications in real time. For example, you can use Walkme guidance for employee onboarding, performance management, and job change processes in SAP Success Factor. Together, SAP Signavio, SAP, Linex, and Walkme make up our newest solution area at SAP, which is business transformation Management. With that, we want to help you continuously transform your business across processes, applications, data and people. Let's summarize our

key highlights for integration with SAP Integration Suite. We offer you a solution that meets all your integration needs for SAP and non-SAP systems. We are now bringing AI generated recommendations to SAP Integration Suite with a starter Edition. We are introducing a new license for SAP Successfactors and SAP Go customers, and our new solution area business Transformation Management helps you continuously transform your business. >> I hope you're all as excited as I am about the incredible opportunities we have in tech these days. >> With all the highlights presented so far, here are three things to take away. First, we

help you to get faster, better and automated Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP BTP serves all your needs to innovate, integrate and extend your systems. Second, we are enhancing your developer experience with our latest release of SAP build. And third, we are raising the bar for business AI for a whole new level of productivity. As a huge fan of TechEd, simply do what I always did. Connect with others who share your love for tech, expand your skills and learn new things, and make sure your calendars are packed. We have

great content for all of you. But now let's see how our technology comes to life across our end to end solution portfolio. And with that, back to you, Mohammad. >> Thanks a lot, Michael. As you've seen, SAP's commitment to technology and innovation is stronger than ever. We are

empowering our developer community with new capabilities in SAP build and SAP. BTP plays such a major role in our customers transition to the cloud. But innovation is only as powerful as the product experience it delivers. It's one thing to have cutting edge tools at your disposal, but it's another to integrate these technologies into the product you rely on every day to solve real world business challenges. This is where the strength of SAP truly comes to life. Our

innovations don't exist in isolation. They're deeply embedded within our product portfolio. In the next part of our journey, we'll show you how exactly SAP's product engineering team brings this vision to life. From extending business applications globally to leveraging AI in ways that feel effortless and providing tools that integrate smoothly into the SAP ecosystem, we're making sure that technology isn't just advanced, but it's accessible and impactful. Now, let's dive deeper into how our solutions can bring out your best Florian over to you.

>> Let me take you on a customer journey. I'm sure some parts of it will sound familiar to most of you. Let's jointly imagine a customer called techy Technologies, a mid-sized software implementation company from San Francisco with regional offices in New York, Chicago and Austin. It is a rapidly growing company specializing in the implementation of educational technology software for educational institutions, corporate training departments, and government agencies. They

are already an SAP customer equipped with SAP cloud ERP. With the flourishing and growing business, Teacher Technologies also faces various challenges and needs to figure out if software can help to overcome these. One of these challenges is with project management. They

need to ensure seamless execution of multiple complex projects simultaneously. The company needs to manage timelines, resources and client expectations efficiently to maintain their reputation for delivering high quality solutions on time. To achieve this, teacher technologies is looking for a software solution. And of course they are thinking of leveraging AI. By the end of the year, we will offer a central dashboard to decide on AI features to leverage for your business out of SAP. For me, AI features can be discovered by product instantly activated to unleash their potential in seconds. The number of AI

features we show will grow over time and soon cover all sap business AI scenarios. During the course of 2025. But what if Teacher Technologies needs to individualize this feature according to their needs? They are reaching out with the following ask learning from the success stories of previous projects and leveraging these success criteria in new projects is crucial, but not yet possible. Therefore, we want our project managers to track the business value delivered as well as the success criteria. Each

time they have concluded a project. Other project managers should then leverage these insights for upcoming projects or incoming RFPs. To do so, they need an overview application with contextual filtering capabilities to comprehensively show these insights. Jan, can

you help me with that? >> Sure. Florian I have the perfect solution for you. But first let me give you some background. We offer our customers and partners various extensibility techniques that allow them to extend their cloud ERP to meet their specific needs and empower them to accommodate every business process. Keeping

the core clean. A clean core is essential for ensuring smooth upgrades, enabling customers to tap into innovations as they become available, and these techniques include in-app extensibility as well as side by side extensibility. Both are lifecycle compliant, which means they are built to last and require no adaptations during the innovation cycles. For

in-app extensibility, we offer key user tools which come out of the box. Business experts or key users within the company can use these tools to build low code or no code extensions. For example, to simply add fields to existing applications to adjust screen layouts, or to build custom forms and templates. Developer extensibility and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Abap environment takes it a step further. Developers use this to build tightly coupled and more complex extensions and apps. Custom Abap code is developed directly on the VP, UX Engineering, SAP S/4HANA cloud stack, and we have made significant efforts with our Abap AI SDK. Islm and the GenAI

hub to allow developers to efficiently write Pro-code extensions leveraging AI code generation. And keep in mind, SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition comes with a three system landscape as we added a developer landscape to make extensibility possibilities even more powerful. And this is not only limited to customers, we also ask our partners to use this new offering to build partner extensions and add ons that are clean core compliant. Both key user extensibility and developer extensibility are available in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, as well as the Private Edition. And then we

have side by side extensibility, which is enabled by Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP BTP. Our business technology platform. With SAP build, we complement our Lob solutions with regards to low code and Pro-code Development process automation and mobile use. These extensions are decoupled from the core. By the way, with our latest SAP S/4HANA Cloud edition released 24 eight, we have increased the number of available APIs to 800. Let's go

back to the customer request. Teacher technologies is looking for a way to track certain success criteria of delivered projects, and then leverage these resulting insights for upcoming projects. We can support the customer here using in-app extensibility and side by side extensibility. And in this context, I would like to show you how to simplify the collaboration between developers and key users using the new AI assisted generator of SAP Fiori tools to convert a low fidelity mock up into a running SAP Fiori Elements application. Johnson manages a team of project managers in target technologies.

He regularly works with the planned customer project app and wonders how they can track the business value delivered in the form of success stories after concluding the project. He's also thinking about an overview application so that other project managers can then benefit from these insights and utilize them for upcoming projects. As a key user, Johnson has access to the key user extensibility features offered in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition. Among other things, this means he can add custom fields to the plan Customer Projects app. First, he adds an additional group as a container to hold the data for the success story information. Then, he adds essential custom fields to the group. He can either add

existing fields or create new ones, as there are no suitable fields here to hold the success story information. He quickly creates them. He starts by adding a field for overall rating that contains a custom code list with values from excellent to very poor. He does the same with the other custom fields. He wants to add, and to save us some time in this demo, let's move forward to the point where Johnson has completed all the required fields, and also added another group called success story details. Now all Johnson has to do is to activate the UI adaptation and publish the new version to make it accessible for all project managers. Now the new fields are

ready for use and Johnson can add the information for the success story straight away. For example, here for the project Country Field, Johnson reused a standard Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP code list. Agai, let's move forward a little bit and look at the success story information. Johnson has entered so that's part one. Done. Johnson has extended the app to track project success stories.

Now all way for other colleagues to leverage these insights for upcoming projects or incoming RFPs. He already has an idea what this should look like and has prepared a simple sketch on paper. He hands this paper over to Carla, his developer. And please note that what we show you now is a preview of planned functionality. Carla then uses the AI assistant generator of SAP Fiori tools. She simply needs to upload a photo of the sketch she received from Johnson. The application starts

to generate the Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP cloud application programing model on VP, UX Engineering, SAP. BTP, using a large language model that is integrated through Vice President, SAP BTP Adoption Enablement, SAP AI core. This includes generating mock data, generating applications, and installing Node.js application dependencies. By clicking on the annotations of the applications, color can see what has been generated from data fields to individual UI elements to groups of UI elements that form screens with no manual coding involved.

After Carla looked at what has been generated, she wants to see what the preview on her local test server looks like. By launching the preview mode of the application, she sees the initial page of an SAP Fiori Elements based list report page, including a smart filter bar and a result table displaying the fields she received from Johnson. As the preview looks good, she confirms the code generation and finally has all Development artifacts from database application layer and SAP Fiori Elements user interface. In her development environment. Now she opens the File Explorer of the generated SAP Fiori Elements app and looks at the application information.

She sees all relevant information, including the SAP Ui5 version based on which the generation took place. She also notices that a list report for selection, as well as an object page for the details, has been generated. The only thing left for Carla to do is to connect to the API of the planned customer projects application, with the push of a button. The public API delivered by SAP is extended with the custom fields created by Johnson earlier. Carla

retrieves all the data of the success stories and projects that have been maintained in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition. Once done, Johnson can use the newly deployed application and sees at a glance all projects that currently have success story data maintained so far, it's of course, only the one that he just maintained. But as soon as his colleagues have also entered the success stories for their projects, he will see them here as well. And as simple as that, Johnson and Carla have extended standard SAP scenarios using AI capabilities to make their processes more efficient.

So Florian is that everything your customer needs? >> This is super helpful for teaching technologies. Thank you. Jan. Guess what? Like any growing business, teacher technologies now wants to expand internationally. Starting with India. But with that comes some major new challenges. A new subsidiary in India and tool support for sales within India.

And it needs to be super fast. I was a consultant 15 years ago. I think I tried this on my own thanks to SAP Central Business Configuration. Changing your business processes has never been easier before. What you see in the background is a lab preview. We will deliver this new fully customer centric experience step by step over the next months. You are invited to

witness this fundamental transformation together with us. First, let me create a new business transformation plan easily in natural language using Joule. And as you can see, CPC has based this on our existing facilities in the US. This saves time ultimately, and thanks to EFA and the localization team, we automatically consider all India related necessities. Now let's open this transformation plan and adapt the Indian subsidiary to our needs. As you

can see, the organizational structure is already predefined and our new entity has been added. Also, all business processes and capabilities have been selected according to the source location. We're going to add more in a second. But first let's check on the notifications. Thanks to Data insights, we can consider what features have been used to what extent. This helps to tailor further rollouts exactly to your needs. Let's decide on this

later as I want to show you how easily additional processes can be scoped as we want to sell to and excite net new customers for teacher technologies in India. We need best of breed opportunity management and account management. So first we're going to select the Lead-to-Cash business process which we will filter the business capabilities for us. And then we'll activate what we need. And of course select AI capabilities that will help to boost sales even more. As you

can see on the right hand side, by choosing the business capabilities needed, we have identified the right solutions for teacher technologies, and in the next step, we create a new implementation wave to do the actual configuration. However, thanks to the template concept that allows us to easily reuse existing configuration, we only left with a delta configuration to be done manually. And as you can see in this case, instead of 123 activities, teacher technologies must do only 21. Do you want me to show you the 21 configuration steps? So let's start with just joking. We need

more time for the other speakers, but I promise we'll limit this activity to the bare minimum. And in such little time, we rolled out a new subsidiary in India. Some of what you have seen is lab only. But this is how we envision business configuration. Easy and AI assisted. The first parts are already there, like the central entry point for AI features, which I have shown before.

First, Joule capabilities that will make configuration much more intuitive as well as data insights, which is also close to my heart, will be part of the CBC experience early 2025. Stay tuned. For now, we have scoped what we need, including Sales Cloud. This will clearly help boost sales for teacher technologies in India. Okay, so

we have the new subsidiary setup. But India is different than the US and it comes with unique regulations. At this point I need to ask my dear colleague EFA, can you help me with the localization piece? Certainly. >> Florian Senior Technology Consultant, Cybersecurity& Compliance, SAP localization has you covered. But first let me share some background with an increased global presence comes increased regulation and compliance. An increasing number

of tax authorities are exploring advantages of digitalized invoicing and reporting system. Seven of the top ten GDP countries have introduced or are planning to introduce mandatory e-invoices. Vice President, SAP BTP Adoption Enablement, SAP helps enterprises navigate these challenges by offering localized software solutions. VP, UX

Engineering, SAP believes software localization enables customers to get value from their core business applications across geographies. How do we achieve this? VP, UX Engineering, SAP enables our customers to scale with confidence through the delivery of more than 1000 local versions across the Vice President, SAP BTP Adoption Enablement, SAP product portfolio. Local versions comprise a set of localizations which we deliver standard that enable you to do business. Compliantly in a specific country. Regulations continuously evolve. Compliance is not optional, and compliance achieved once is not compliance achieved forever. To regulatory

relief as a service, VP, UX Engineering, SAP enables our customers to adhere to new and evolving regulations affecting business processes in 2023. We delivered more than 1200 legal changes across our portfolio because of new and changing regulations in over 55 countries. Finally, we are transforming localized business processes by infusing business AI into localization use cases.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. Every year, about 1.1 billion electronic documents are being exchanged with tax authorities and VP, UX Engineering, SAP document and reporting compliance. Now, with just 2% of those documents, get errors from tax authorities, that would leave us 22 million documents with errors. Handling these errors can be tough, especially when they are difficult to understand. Let's meet John. John is a tax

accountant responsible for E-document processing at DG technologies and has to deal with a lot of errors being returned from tax authorities. Today he is working on one invoice with an error recipient. Goods and services tax payer identification number. State code does not match with the state code passed in the recipient. Details. John does not understand this error and is wondering what GST identification number state code is being used right now. Since

the error message is not detailed enough to answer the question. John decides to check the invoice XML for additional details. Unfortunately, the XML is a bit too technical for an accountant like John. He does

find 29, which is the recipient state code and can also see the GST ein number, which is very long. He cannot find the GST in state code mentioned in the error message, and John still cannot identify the problem. This is what John is struggling with today. Tomorrow Joule is

going to help John, offering easy to understand explanations would cause insights and guidance. Still the same e-invoice and the same error message. Except this time John can ask Joule to explain the error message in this E-invoice Joule first explains the tax authority rule. Turns out GST ein is a 15 digit code and state code is simply the first two digit Joule. Then pinpoints the real issue, which is that the buyer's GST starts with 33, but the buyer state code is given as 29. Joule indicates this is a business partner. Master data

error and asks John to contact the business partner. Specialist to check on this issue. Joule offers an option to know more.

When John clicks on it, Joule shows John how to maintain the GST ein number, which is what John was curious about. Joule also provides relevant Vice President, SAP BTP Adoption Enablement, SAP help links, and John feels much more confident about how this error should be handled. The benefits are tangible. Up to 90% reduction in

time spent on understanding the error details and identifying the root cause to resolve the error. >> Thank you IFA. That was really impressive. Now our customer has a new subsidiary in India, is compliant with Indian regulations and has a sales tool in scope. Ritu, can you show teacher technologies the various possibilities that come with sales Cloud? >> Yes of course. Let me walk

you through the new SAP Sales Cloud, one of the most modern sales solutions in the market today that embodies the core themes of a connected, insightful and adaptive solution. The team has had a lot of fun and pride in building this product, and it shows at Sapphire. This year we announced the inclusion in Grow Premium Bundle, integrated out of the box with S/4HANA Cloud for an unparalleled sweet experience. I'll be a sales rep who has recently been assigned to a new territory. As a land on my home screen, I'm presented with key metrics my schedule, and action lists. These features have been

developed with an AI first mindset and presented in a clean, modern UI. Based on my AI assessment of my opportunity pipeline, it looks like a few of my deals are at risk of closing. I'm going to dive right in and see what I can do in my guided selling workspace. I see the at

risk deals presented in a Kanban board. I can easily understand where each of the deal is in the sales cycle. I see that the skills transformation with Atlantic Coast University is a high value deal, and we have shared a quote with them already when I opened the deal. Details, I see a few key insights reflecting the deal health. There's a decline in the overall engagement, which could be a key reason for the low confidence score shown by the AI driven Opportunity Insights. The

downward score trend indicates that I need to act quickly. Fortunately, my guided selling workspace presents me with recommendations for my next step based on dynamic playbooks and intelligent signals, I review the AI driven summary of the last meeting, and it appears that the decision on the court we sent is pending, and there are some concerns around the price. I decide to act on the next step recommendation and set up a meeting to discuss the court. We presented. To prepare for my meeting, I used the embedded AI tools to quickly get an account summary. The CX AI toolkit gives me access to contextual AI tools that make me more effective and efficient in the account summary, I see the Atlantic Coast University is a long time customer, but is facing some challenges with some of our recent offerings. I need to make sure that the meeting addresses their concerns. In

addition to discussing this deal to help address the pricing concerns, I need to be well prepared on the value proposition of a product skills professional. I use the intelligent Q&A in my AI tools to check for any content available in shared drives or email. I see a quick summary of the value proposition and a presentation listed as a source that I can use for my meeting with Atlantic Coast University for a rep who has taken this deal recently, SSD Sales Cloud has enabled ramp up quickly and drive the deal forward to win.

To sum up, intelligent Selling with SAP Sales Cloud enables sales reps to be at their best and spend more time selling by helping them focus on the right deals. Gain 360 contextual insights for effective engagements and perform their day to day tasks efficiently. Assisted by AI tools. >> Wow. >> The UI and the AI features look so cool. Teacher

technologies also has another neat. In addition to the standard Lead-to-Cash process Sales Cloud offers, it also needs a lean project order to satisfy order specific data capture and tracking. Teach it wants to work with a smaller object that can be integrated into the project. This will give sales reps a simple way to get visibility into their projects. Is that possible? >> Of course. To demonstrate, I'll wear the hat of the customers. Administrator to

address tickets requirement. I have already created a side by side extension with VP, UX Engineering, SAP BTP low code, no code using tools SAP Sales Cloud has a new custom service feature to integrate external extensions seamlessly for the end user. This simplifies the usage of extensions with easy administrative tools and enables a unified end user experience. I have already defined the structure and metadata of the project order function in a JSON file. I'll import the metadata definition of the external project order extension to a new custom service. This

automatically populates the API and entity definition for this service and activates it. Next, I select the UIs that need to be generated. This could be a list view or a detail view or a create screen. I'll set the list view as the default. When users navigate to Project orders, I can control the access by assigning this project order service to specific business roles. The project order service

is now integrated into the SAP Sales Cloud application. My sales reps can easily access the project order independently by accessing the list and details. They can search, adapt and report on the project orders from within SAP Sales Cloud.

They can also view the project information in the context of an opportunity. Speaking of reporting and analytics, I can bring data from the custom service into the dashboards and the new watch list. A watch list is a new capability that allows business

2024-10-11 13:08

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