SAMSUNG AU8000 vs AU9000: Smart TVs 4K HDR Dynamic Crystal Color

SAMSUNG AU8000 vs AU9000: Smart TVs 4K HDR Dynamic Crystal Color

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Hi, I hope you are doing great In this video I am bringing to you the side by side comparison between the 4K Smart TVs by Samsung, the AU8000 of 60" at the left, and the AU9000 of 65" at the right First thing you must know is that both TVs in all their sizes available have VA panels Both TVs support the Dynamic Crystal Color technology by Samsung Both TVs have the Same UHD Dimming technology by Samsung Both TVs have the Air Slim design making them very thin compared to other TVs of the same range from other brands I consider the AU8000 as the mid-range model of the low-range models And the AU9000 as the high-end model of the low-range models of this year 2021 In terms of prices, at least here in Colombia, the AU8000 of 60" is about $680 USD, and the AU9000 of 65" is about $930 USD Their prices have been going up and down, at least here in my country Colombia, according to every store Here you can corroborate these are the AU8000 of 60" at the left, and the AU9000 of 65" at the right And this is the latest software available so far for both TVs, the 1506 Before I continue I invite you to subscribe to my channel, also click the like button if you enjoy this video. Get a membership of my channel and enjoy benefits Also turn on notifications. With all this you help me grow my channel, thank you This is an special thank to a friend´s store where you can find TVs with good prices, here in my city: Cali, Colombia These are their Remotes. The main difference is that the Remote of the AU9000 at the right has this button to acces directly to the Multi View functionality The AU8000 does Not support this function, hence its Remote does Not have this button The design in terms of size is the same, very ergonomic. Both Remotes have microphone, both Remotes use disposable batteries. And the Remotes with solar panel by Samsung will work with these TVs

Their OS is Tizen by Samsung, this is the design of their Main Menus The smoothness is good and is practically the same on both TVs However, the time to open Apps and the App´s Store is usually slightly faster on the AU9000 at the right The Storage on both TVs is 3,85 GB, which is more than enough for almost every user And both support the same Apps, some of the most popular such as HBO Max, Netflix, Youtube, Amazon Prime, Disney+, among many others The Apps may vary according to every country and region The Screen Mirroring functionality is possible on both TVs by using Android and Apple devices (AIrPlay is supported on both TVs) However, the AU9000 supports also the Multi View (The AU8000 does Not support this function) With this function you for example can watch a video by using the Youtube App of the TV or something connected to some Input, and in the other screen your smartphone Or instead of your Smartphone, you can use a Web Cam by connecting it to some USB port of the TV. Only some Logitech models are supported so far Talking about their Web Browsers, I must say that the navigation experience is the same on both TVs. Is Not bad The searching by voice commands is possible on both TVs On both you can play multimedia content by using some websites (anime, adult films, regular films, etc.) Simply keep in mind that probably some websites won´t allow to play the content, hence in that case you will have to look for another website Talking now about their picture quality starting first with the Gray Uniformity It is important to mention that both TVs have the Dirty Screen Effect, but this effect is Not so notorious or Not so annoying compared to other low-range TVs It is slightly more notorious on the AU8000. But on both TVs, this effect is only very perceptible by watching this gray background ... ... because when you watch normal content like this with a huge variety of vivid colors, the Dirty Screen Effect is almost imperceptible for the human eye In terms of colors, even if both TVs have the same Dynamic Crystal Color technology, the AU9000 shows slightly more intense or saturated colors But the difference is Not huge between these 2 TVs The SDR Peak of brightness for the AU8000 is 302 nits, and for the AU9000 310 nits And the HDR Peak of brightness for the AU8000 is 304 nits, and for the AU9000 318 nits The Contrast Ratio of the AU8000 is 3811:1 and for the AU9000 is 3456:1 The Backlight technology of both TVs is Edge. Neither of these TVs support Full-Arrua nor Local Dimming And in terms of HDR technologies, both TVs support HDR10, HLG and HDR10+. None of the current Samsung TVs support Dolby Vision

You must keep in mind that the HDR function only can be enabled automatically when the content supports HDR. There is Not a manual way to enable the HDR Talking about their Black Uniformity, remember that, remember that both TVs in all their sizes available have VA panels Also remember that their backlight technology is Edge. They don't support Full-Array nor Local Dimming Both TVs show some Clouding, but the intensity of this "normal" effect is slightly more notorious most of the time on the AU9000 at the right Probably because the AU9000 has a slightly higher amount of brightness, and is slightly more notorious when the content has HDR as these video clips I am showing you The Clouding effect and also the Backlight Bleeding is notorious on both TVS mostly when the content has HDR, but is slightly more notorious on the AU9000 at the right You will see in this video the results also with video games Both TVs are very decent choices to enjoy in dark rooms by watching content with dark scenes You must keep in mind that current TVs with No Full-Array and No Local Dimming will show more intensity of the Clouding, Blooming and Backlight Bleeding Just keep in mind that these "problems" are "normal", and they will be much more notorious on TVs with ADS or IPS panels. Remember that these 2 TVs have VA panels With this static image you can see better the differences in terms of colors with every picture mode on ​both TV Remember that both TVs have the Dynamic Crystal Color technology And the main difference as I mentioned before, is that the AU9000 shows slightly more intense or saturated colors The Motion Handling on both TVs is very good keeping in mind both TVs are low-range models (yes, they are low-range and Not high-end models) In every picture mode both TVs has this parameter known as Picture Clarity settings Usually the movie and filmmaker mode have this parameter set "off" or "personal" You must to "play" by modifying these parameters manually if you want until you see motion improvements according to the content you watch avoding judder and stutter Watching content by using streaming Apps or by connecting something to some input, you will see very good improvements in terms of motion The main Con of almost every TV with VA panel including these, is that their viewing angles are Not good as you can see Colors will look whitish when you watch their screen off-angle Hence, these are TVs recommended if you always are going to be facing their screens, or at least Not by watching them from a very wide angle Remember that these TVs has less Clouding and Backlight Bleeding problems but their viewing angles as you can see are Not very good The Reflections Handling is Not so bad if we keep in mind these are TVs with VA panels. Usually TVS with ADS and IPS panels have better performance in this area These are TVs more recommended for dark rooms, but they will be very decent choices for bright rooms Talking about the Image Upscaling, as far as I have researched, both TVs have the same processor known as Crystal 4K With 720p (HD) content the pixelated areas are Not so annoying on both TVs, are very tolerable But if you reproduce 480p or lower resolution, the pixelated areas on both TVs will be very notorious and kind of annoying on both TVs With 1080p (full HD) content, the image upscaling on both TVs is very good. In fact, the results look like if the content had more resolution, but it won´t be shown in 4K

If the content has 1440p of resolution, the results will look very similar to a 4K resolution And of course both TVs can reproduce 4K content in SDR and HDR without any problems Simply remember what I always tell you: if you plan to watch 4K content by using streaming Apps (Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, Youtube, etc.), you need to have a very good download speed Otherwise, these Apps will automatically lower the resolution of the content in order to improve the smoothness Talking about their gaming performance starting first with their input lag times The AU8000 has 11,1 ms for video games in 4K at 60Hz SDR and 10,9 ms in HDR. I guess the AU9000 must have very similar input lag times In practice, their input lag times are very good or at least decently good for demanding gamers, keeping in mind these are relatively big screens In terms of Gaming Technologies the main difference is that the AU9000 support VRR FreeSync (not G-Sync), and the AU8000 does Not support any VRR The AU9000 supports native 120Hz of refresh rate but only up to 1080p. The AU8000 does it too but is not native. Both TVs in 4K have a maximum refresh rate of 60Hz

The Response Time of the AU8000 is 15,3 ms according to I guess the AU9000 must have a very similar Response Time. Maybe 15 ms or even 14 ms The lower the Response Time is the better for pixels to change faster to another color. This will improve motion and smoothness This is the video game Destiny which supports 4K and HDR. Here I am showing you the results of Clouding and backlight Bleeding on both TVs

Here is important to mention that their Game Modes is like if they do a better job with the dimming, becuase the Clouding and backlight bleeding are less notorious when compared to their other pictures modes Same thing is notorious with this video game REsident Evil 7 which also supports 4K and HDR It is true that in some parts of the screen the backlight bleeding is notorious on both TVs, but especially on the AU9000 Their results are very tolerable. I think both TVs are very decent choices to enjoy with this type of video games, keeping in mind these are low-range TVs As many of you guys know, Samsung tend to show intense or saturated colors, and this happens on TVs or low-range, mid-range and also high-end models Samsung TVs tend to show more saturated colors when compared to other color technologies, this is a matter of personal likes and dislikes. Let me know what you guys think At the end of this video you will be able to hear and watch the performance of their Sound Systems. Their power is 20W for both TVs

Both TVs support ARC, eARC, Dolby Atmos and Dolby digital by connecting a device compatible with these technologies to the HDMI port with support for eARC} The performance (fidelity, bass, disstortion, etc.) of their sound systems is very similar and is Not the best. For example, the TU8000 (2020 model) has better performance compared to the AU8000 Everything indicates that the decrease of their sound performance is due to their very slim design The heating on screen of both TVs is normal except at the bottom of their screens, where they reach temperatures from 40 °C (104 °F) to 42 °C (107.6 °F) It is Not something super terrible, and let´s say is kind of normal (TVs generates heat) I will like to now what you guys think, at the comments section down below If you enjoyed this video click like, subscribe to my channel, get a membership to enjoy benefits. Turn notifications Please judge by yourselves the performance of their sound systems. Until next time

2021-09-11 16:13

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