How green energy will change our future - Docu

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Rather. Than making is just a nobility a question, of a of a, moral. Commitment. Or a feeling of guilt or a political. Priority if it's, simply, a better design, it's. Gonna win. All. Over the world coal, plants, are being replaced, by wind turbines, and solar panels, with. Prices, dropping the, proportion, of our energy, generated, by Sun and wind is expected to grow quickly in the coming decades. There. Are growing ambitions, of bidding fossil fuels farewell, and not, just in the Netherlands, by. About thirty years from now it is predicted, that two-thirds, of our global electricity. Will come from sustainable sources. What. Will this world running, largely, on renewable, energy look. Like yeah, it's good it's. Good question explained I you're. Testing my imagination, Martine. Exactly. There's. So much more that we have to think about what. Effects, will the energy transition, have on the economy, politics. On how we live and move around. Surprisingly. Little thought has been given to this but, luckily there are people who have an idea of what might be to come you, can't see that much, they. Can to some extent envisage. What will change when we start using a lot less coal, oil and, gas. The. No toxins, coming out of the chimney we. Could actually turn the roof of this power plant into the, first alpine, ski slope of Denmark other, opportunities. Will present themselves, but. Who will be prepared, for them Chinese, people really think about things in much much longer terms, we think about things in like 50 60 a hundred years 10, 20 years I worry the United States could lose its pole position, and that's. Our last advantage we. Lose that advantage we. Will be in structural, and irreversible, decline. China. Is. Just like this. Works we're. Going for it right the. Entire country, boom, this. Is backlight, welcome. To a sustainable, future. In, recent years we. Have become used to houses, with solar panels on the roof and electric. Cars are no exception, anymore people. Everywhere, are realizing. That we are moving towards a radically, different looking. World. The. Business stops from, labor. Believe. An offset, the. Name offsets from Allah or perhaps a needle in me impossible. Blood. Blazer open. Buzina multitude, yeah the, Bosnian. He too comes and hospitals, all. The things that after they make undershirt lasts. The book on the upper half of a dunker for reveille CDs. In. The, coming decades, the proportion. Of our energy, generated. Renewably, will continue, to grow. We. Will move closer to the end of coal oil and gas. But. This shift from fossil fuels, to renewable energy. Sources will, lead to radical, changes, outside of, the energy sector as well. I. Think. By mid-century 2050. We'll see two-thirds. Of the world's electricity, generated. By renewable sources my. Hope is that we will accomplish, a majority, of the world's electricity from just two renewable sources wind. And solar electricity. Varun. Sivaram. Is a researcher. At the US Council, on Foreign Relations. He's. Seen huge, developments. In renewable, energy from up close. I've. Been in the solar industry for over a decade now if you told me a decade ago in 2008, that solar, electricity, would. Have fallen in price by over a factor of 10 over. 90% I would have told you you're crazy, there's no way that it's gonna happen right and here we are solar, electricity has in fact gotten so cheap you know around the world you're seeing bids, for solar electricity that are less than three cents or two cents, per, kilowatt hour it's the basic unit of electricity generation. That. Was unheard of just five years ago ten years ago but. Here we are right I. Think. A lot of us focus, primarily, on, the coming changes to the energy sector we stopped our analysis, there but. There are so many other knock-on, effects to the rest of the economy because, the, energy is the foundation, of how the global economy runs, so. In addition to, you. Know the the energy sector becoming less carbon intensive more. Digital, possibly. More decentralized. The. Rest of the global economy could. Change the way it functions as well. If energy. Is the cornerstone, of global, society and if, its sources, change, what. Else will change. Danish. Architect beocca, Engels, has spent a lot of time thinking about this. He. Sees the outward appearances, of cities, and buildings changing. Vastly, in a world powered mainly, by renewable, energy. Maybe. We are somewhat, living in a constructively. Optimistic, time lately. This, kind of 60s belief in the, future has, maybe come back and. I. Think the. Next the next many decades will see an explosive, development.

In. The physical and the built environment, I. Think maybe people have started, daring. Imagining. That we can actually make meaningful change, again. Technological. Change climate change no. Matter where the change is coming from that change. Means, that the, framework we created, for our lives, and our society, suddenly. Doesn't fit anymore because people doing things differently now and if, we as architects, can look and listen. And learn from this change we. Have an amazing, opportunity, to. Accommodate. What. Is changing. To. Solve these new problems explore, these new possibilities and actually give form, to, the future, to. Give form to the future that we would like to live in. The. Swedish city of Malmo is a testing. Ground for sustainable. Living, the. City boasts many projects. And districts, that prioritize. Sustainability. Like. The greenhouse flats where, sustainable, living is encouraged. That's. A really cool Chili's here before so, had a big really really. Hot chilli plant with, just call the Jolokia chocolate and we, thought it was, one. Of the hundreds but we didn't know that so we. Thought it's chocolates you know the name didn't, sound actually look at the the, scale. Luckily. When we pick the first one they decide it's just taking a little bit and, then we realized, Akshat - when, I tasted it to the so hot I said, I have to go online and see what this is all about. Then. We realized is one of the hottest where to give give, away because it was too much it was really big. Plant. What's. The difference between living in a problem. Building like this and a regular, apartment, building, difference. Well. You have to sign that green contract, that's. One difference. What's. A green contract. It. Stipulates, that you're going to try. To have as much green, or. Plants, growing for, as the, majority of the year as possible. And. You. Have to recycle, I. Don't. Know what happens if you break the green contract, actually, but. Yes. You need to take part in the communal, growing. Areas as well and did you both have stuff, like an interest for gardening. Also before you came here. Well. In. Theory yes. The. Idea of it and the, actual work involved is also that's. That's. The other science that we. Have quite a lot of food, growing like tomatoes, and sugar. Snacks and, squashes, question. A lot, of things so. That we sometimes, can take I mean here tomatoes. Grow till, November, here in this in, this area llosir. It did, we. Had a lot of tomatoes, we, have a few, tomato plants, last, years every year we're learning and learning, and we've changed what, we're doing, kale. We had a lot of kale. So. We're being a little bit more diverse this, year trying trying a different approach. The. Things that are in the building make you think about your. Behavior as an individual, and then make you reassess. What you're doing for, example the taps when you push on the taps, the. Hot water if you want to get really hot water you have to press a button to actually a dagger to the heart or, to get the high pressure so, you're consciously, making that decision otherwise, you have to question what do I really really need hot water for this washing. Or whatever it is I'm doing and, then.

The The plugs. Away. And home button, that you press when, you're leaving that switches off everything. So. You're conserving, electricity and, that's in that way but, you it, makes it easy for you to, in, this way you, become more conscious and aware definitely. With, time it becomes, a bit more automatically. In, the beginning. Raven not it's. Not just individual. Buildings, like this that are sustainable in, malmo, entire. Districts. Are being designed to run on renewable. Energy, like. The Western, Harbor sustainable, district, designed. Ten years ago. 20. Years ago there. Was nothing, here more than shipyard, industry, that has gone. Broke, then the city of malmö, fighting. For survival more, or less and has gone from once. Being, this huge, shipyard. In industry, with 10,000. Employees here. To rather. Living. City with, more, than 250. Different companies, and plus. 12,000. Workplaces. So. What kind of place is this where did you take us here you can't see that much but this. Is like the. One. Of the two hearts, of the energy, solution, here in the Western harbour beneath. Us 100. Meters we. Have a limestone, aquifer. So storage, of water we. Used that for the, purposes, of heating, and cooling just. Like a thermos, we, cool down the. Aquifer, wintertime. To be used summertime. And we. Use. Heating. From summertime, to, be brought up wintertime. It. Works, quite. Well. The. Discussion, about sustainability, was dominated. By a kind of gloomy worldview. Like Al, Gore's, Inconvenient, Truth and, the whole story was about how much of our existing, quality of life are we willing to sacrifice in. Order, to afford being, sustainable, and, we thought that's not a very attractive. Standpoint. Or viewpoint. So. Rather than making sustainability. A question, of a moral commitment, or a feeling of guilt or a political. Priority if it's, simply, a better design, it's, gonna win, do. You think that the inhabitants are they aware that this is climate, neutral, area on, a daily, basis no I think one key component. Of really. Being. Successful. With that is that it should be easy, it. Should be automated. It should be seamless. Be. Erica Ingels would like to take things one step further, he. Shows how energy, efficient, designs can make buildings, more varied, and attractive, than they are now I think, when you look at the. Developments, in architecture, that brought us here, or that contributed, to bringing. Us to the situation is that, when. Modernism. Arrived. And the international, style of modernism, it. Was called the International style, because buildings started, looking the same everywhere. And of course the climate, is very different in the north of Finland than it is from the north of Africa so. At. The same time as the, advent of modern architecture was. The advent of modern building, services, and building. Services were new technologies, that, came with new freedoms, we. Had suddenly electric, lights so. We could make really deep flow plates with abundance of light we weren't dependent on daylight for for, being able to see so buildings, got deeper and deeper, we, had mechanical ventilation, so. We didn't have to be able to open. The window so so. We could like just pump. Fresh. Air through, the building and. We had suddenly air-conditioning, and central heating so. We weren't dependent on the thickness of the walls or the orientation of the windows so. All of these free, meant, that the architecture. Of the building did. Less and less it. Became just a container of space, and. Then what, made the building inhabitable, was. This, gas guzzling machinery, that. Was pumping, electricity. And air and temperature, through, the building so, we had big boring boxes, the architecture, didn't do anything it became more and more generic, and we, had a basement, full of gas casting machinery that, that sort of kept the. Patient alive. And, you, can say building. Services, is a, mechanical. Compensation. For the fact that the building is bad at what, it's designed for namely. Human. Occupants. So. I think part of part of what we are thinking, about now because we work in a lot of different countries and. A lot of different climates is to. Return. To this idea where the building, responds. To, its environment. A. Building. We're just finishing now in China in, Shenzhen. Is. For, the main energy. Company of Chan Chan it's, in a humid, subtropical climate. So. If, you're making a big office building, in the tropical climate. You. Want to of course maximise, views and daylight, but, you also want to minimize glare. And, thermal. Exposure. You. Know using air conditioning so. We, designed the facade. If, you imagine like a son of a zigzaggy. Facade. So the. Sides that are facing against, the prevailing Sun direction to, the south for instance are, always closed and the other side is always entirely, open so, that means that when you're standing inside, and.

You Look away, from the Sun it's all glass but when you turn around and, look in the direction of the Sun its bamboo, walls, washed, in daylight it. Has like a very feminine, elegant, appearance but. It also reduces, energy consumption, with 30% a, greater. Proportion, of sustainable, energy being, used will, also not just the appearance of buildings, but of entire cities, power. Plants, will no longer need to be hidden away in the outskirts of the city when. We look over there, this. Is our the. Brick building over there is, our energy. Central, so is this like a power, plant yeah, it's like a power plant with. The two rather big heat pumps, but, normally, you wouldn't place a power plant in the middle of a neighborhood I suppose no, but when, it's chimney. Free and, completely. Silent, it's. Not a problem, it's. Kind of interesting it the fact that you can introduce. Energy. Infrastructure, in, the middle of a city rather than you, know somewhere, where the. Smokestacks don't cause. Too much trouble no exactly like you can say the traditional zoning. Of the, city has to do with certain, certain, things are simply so noisy or so, nasty, that we have to put them very far away and. In, that sense but, then we can also see that you know once the power plant shuts down it's, an amazing building so, with, clean, technology. You, don't have to wait until the power plant shuts down we. Can reinvent it. We're. Just finishing this power. Plant here in Copenhagen that, turns waste into energy. So. A bag. Of like three kilos of household, waste turns into four hours of electricity. And five hours of district heating. But, it's also the cleanest, waste-to-energy, power plant in the world so that no toxins, coming out of the chimney so. Not only is it a better technology it's, completely, different you don't have to be far away from a sort, of a polluting power plant we, could actually turn the roof of this power plant into the first alpine, ski slope of Denmark. It's, gonna open in October. Children. That are born in. Copenhagen. This year they, will not know of a world where. You can't ski on the, roof of the power plant so. Imagine, if that's your baseline, how. Much higher, these. These children can imagine like how much further they're, gonna be able to imagine. Things because they, just start on a completely different level than what we did. It's. Not only our direct, environment. That will change in a future sustainable. World. The. Increase, in the use of solar and wind energy, will. Really shake up international, relations. Energy. Is one of the top if not the top issues. In geopolitics you can explain a whole lot of international, relations, by, looking at global. Flows of energy and the, distribution, of energy, resources and to, date energy. Geopolitics, has been dominated, by the geopolitics of fossil, fuels going. Forward though we may enter a world where. Clean energy becomes. A, dominant. Or at, least larger. Share. Of the. World's energy system, and so, we ought to stop looking just at the geopolitics of fossil fuels and more at the geopolitics of clean energy. The, White House has a long history with solar panels on the roof in 1979. They, first went on the roof Jimmy Carter put him on and. In the 80s Republican. President Ronald Reagan, took the solar panels off the roof of the White House Barack. Obama in 2010, put panels back on now. We have President Trump now, who knows President, Trump you. Know may very well keep him on but. He hasn't been great to solar recently, there's a whole range of things that President Trump is doing to rollback President, Obama's environmental, policies, I bet. You solar. Panels, may. Very well not stay on that roof I. Don't. Think you could see him the only thing you can see from here the snipers. You. May have been blessed as a country to have had fossil fuel deposits in the past and that, largely determined, whether you were going to be an energy exporter or an energy importer, no, longer most, countries, have some endowment, of Sun, and wind. Or, hydroelectric. Resources, or geothermal resources, and so, suddenly many. Countries can. Become energy. Producers, maybe even energy exporters. It. All depends, on how. Enthusiastic, a country is going to be to exploit its clean. Energy endowment. Be, surprised, you. Wouldn't believe how, fast China is going, green. Is. Going. Green and Giga scale and Giga picks. One. Country, is particularly, enthusiastic. About, a future greener, world, China. It's. The world's biggest investor. In wind turbines, and solar panels and.

There's, A clear plan behind it, you. Have to realize that China doesn't, really want to be dependent on other countries, it, knows that if, its factories, go down right, then it won't produce products, and then GDP, won't go up and so, to produce products, guess what you need you need energy right. So if you if you, can have renewable energy which is you. Know pretty much free right, and then you become independent. Then, you, have energy security, which, is economic security, which, is national, security in some sense right so I think that, the very beginning, of our drive for renewable, energy actually started from, that point of view in. 2007. Peggy, and you founded. Uture, an, organization. That aims to make China more sustainable. Her. Ideas, on the role of sustainability. In China are regularly. Adopted, by Chinese, leader Xi Jinping in. Particular. Her, vision of the China dream. The. China dream you, know to me is really about everybody. Has some moderate, form of prosperity, together. And that, china together. We, thrive right, this this collective. Consciousness is very important to China so. Helping. Fill, the gap between urban and rural rich and poor, to. To. Make sure that all of us are going, on, this really, really really fast journey, together right we're leaping, right at. Giga scale at Giga pace but we want to leave together. The. China, dream, a collective. Push for greater prosperity, has. Increasingly, turned into a green dream. Like. In this coal region, to the north of hefei where. The sustain of future is being built literally. Over the remains, of the damaging, past. Send. Our men. Today. Attend, our Sangha, apologies, event today attend and emails and ah you, gotta know to. Take action. Jessie. J. Jenna. Wanted us we live with sahaja yoga, hi Gemma, hi. Angela. Canidius. Mika, tibia. Yeah duty tada, Mucha me one, second. MA, Sega's Kahala. Hanukkah. No, mention to pancha, graha. She, kageyoshi. Panache. Rajaraja. Chola, CBS. At our channel hang, on she Janet, ingenue yang-gon was a lazy bear, kogai-sama. Just. Said oh yeah, Jujubee. Alumina, let. Satoko. Toda. Yeah not, so much I am to sleep in your son Solomon. A. Total. Today usme. Tankette a quad on total divas yoga, Timmy, and I shot, a knocko, Cincinnati. Andre Agassi my otaku mode agafia auntie, Cosima un, testigo miss hande, hoche he0, Samia. Samia negotiate, Reyes, accountant. For children. Hobie. Artigue want, a yahoo, tiga see me enjoy, a sentry. Salalah Oman Concord, rotator, summation, EEOC Safari. And Sigma so, vienna yahushua. Yada. Yada, yada kasi mention. Moment. A virgin fertility, nurse educator, for Taniya, evaluate. Our nigga Jenna yeah. You. Got the kingdom, feel you a woman so that the agenda, to focus your finger. You could see the you co young with Hollywood.

Him Back. Chingy. Scintillant van thio dr., Joseph, a confrontation. Artificial. Efficienty, Harlingen. Savannah muchas de towhead shigekuni. 'no happened, Ania. Community. Media Zambia or magenta Tutsi author you are warranted, for figure PG, art and social potential, Vienna too volatile, to assume. Was. Maha, de cinéma. Para. Jana. Wooden, a piano. Taken. A nominal, senti. Was. A hello. China. Has huge, ambitions. For. Solar energy, in particular, but. Varun sivaram, believes, that simply building even more solar, panels won't, be enough. In. Our current, system with, our current technologies. We're. Headed for a wall. It. Seems just so, compelling we ought to buy this solar panel and generate, this very cheap electricity the problem is all those electrons, get produced at the wrong time and if. You produce them all at the wrong time right in the middle of the day when nobody wants them anymore we've already met all of our demands we've met all the air conditioners, and what we really need is dinner, time power when, people come home from work and turn on their lights but there's no Sun at that point it's set the. Next solar panel will do nothing for you so, the idea is from. A peer economics, point of view it. May not make sense to build new solar and wind farms. Just because, their cost has fallen because, if their value Falls even faster, the value may be below the cost. Solar. And wind it's going to hit, a wall if we don't find ways to flexibly. Use it lithium-ion, batteries are too expensive they'll continue to be too expensive and they, frankly are only good for storing energy for a few hours at a time not, the days or even weeks or months or seasons, that these intermittent, renewable energy sources, we're. Gonna need new battery designs we, even need new battery designs for electric vehicles in order for them to really compete against. Fossil fuel petroleum, fueled vehicles and unless. We invest right, now in those technologies, they're, going to come from China China, as it is wrapping, up its investment, and it's, Chinese authors. That are being increasingly published. In top-tier. Scientific. Journals in solar innovation, and wind innovation, and battery innovation, so. I think. The signal is loud and clear we are focusing, on the wrong things. The. Attitudes, of Chinese people the, policies. That the Chinese government have laid down the amount, of infrastructure. That. We've put in place over the last decade, is tremendous, I mean you you really can't recognize. It between, 2007. And 2008. Een. So. All, of these colorful, bikes are basically, free. For anybody to rent for, almost. Nothing and. These. Are the closest bikes to, me right. So I can find the closest bike but of course I've got a bike right in front of me and I'm, gonna unlock, it, simply. By scanning the. QR code right there. And. It. Just unlocked, did you hear that right. So. This basically solves the last mile problem I, have three subway lines right, here underneath. My feet underneath my. Twenty ninth floor apartment, and I, can go to line to line twelve like thirteen and then I can unlock a bike I can go to the. Bar or the grocery. Store that I want to go to and, I just lock it right there, and I'm. Done there's, no. Need for cars, whatsoever. In a transit, centered life. One, of the things that I've realized is that it's, not enough to just have really, cool with Z technology, right, to just, invest, in technology, and this is something a little bit of a blasphemy from somebody, who graduated from MIT as, an, electrical, engineer and. So. This is very complex it's not there's no one single, bullet, like solar, or nuclear. Or wind, or anything that's, going to save the day. China. Is looking, beyond wind, and solar energy. Dutchman, Yost when the hook has lived and worked in Shanghai, for years an urban. Planner he, develops, new towns and, neighborhoods all. Over China. Urban. Design plays a major role in a sustainable, future. But. In Shanghai, America, sees dr. Emerson, Motorola on a new stadium or or Navy, accolades in over crackles, electricity, at salt or skin on Saddam been annexed. Even buzina from Homer. Of scooter for Beckham and Phil Alliance tank then. Call that heavy, stuff you know. Denk. Tateshina, stated, organ hadith tight and in an anti-fog, excellent, open bar for system. That. The the do some height of volunteer, that see the energy, consumed see african. And him all. But pair to the jehovah, nissi autos, and auto kilometres, north health. At. Element air of skill to snail on Tichina is the, male on phone octopus, alien housemate damn and machine around Alec doctor, percent, in an apartment. About and host part mental about in. A by head from Virginia, and where and Agnes it's an enormous initiative. The Duke she needed am NOT an apartment. Mean that and she knows haste on the forum and coolly said that. My. Oak on the hill is two billion repairs, is a clerk is, the hall to stand there in their.

Lawn Thought we're having doers Armas emulating Seco state about goodness but is it house let it down. Optional. Fact, she, bounced up started out or destined bedrock supernovae, found the energy tone city and. Then kicked out the chief a district, been, installed Shanghai Tyrell annoyed for bills finish a brief. 2008, elope from the black happy via metro stations trivial. In the liner and not, held in worm and. Stop. Raven. Auto kill emerged not have whom. Tacoma. Revealed. The, values of a operative of a low hum of the vehicle tequila matrix s. Will not kill you made made our language or. Decisions. That. We are click itís become as well as futuristic. F unique, staring. Off a clock, have, even indicated replicate just opened by a foolish, need merely dr. Alfred at abduct not, active backbone is the basis on Florida, for the turns, from at since understands thought my Magnum Oakley. For. New Scottsdale. At. All opposite and zcorum Hiller's offered him the number boards before would cost, 18 - revolver, from petryís 15 fear - Wow, and the. Be taken and. Of the answer - an autotroph, or holy or Numa board that coyote show markup when we hear, Naidu, none allotted a new. Word engine, amount how does some students really are for the human key, didn't. Ya. Years even is foreign scientists, ejaculated. Same from the BLA attacks the commercial. Acknowledges, on the stock control of owner for Gina, malls. Contour tours. Experience. Entertainments, not mere controller this year, she. React a lot, of open bar vu can be taken over this table even had an aesthetic dynamic. But. Also and for odors of years in of set, David up laments, of the own Club they, ride the year relationship, and hotels. What's, really interesting about China's is that, the. Thinking, of China is moving much faster than, the infrastructure, development of China what's. Very dangerous, for people is to judge. China at any, one point in time what China looks like with its infrastructure, or air quality, today. Right, because China is moving so, quickly what you need to do is understand, the motivations, of, the. Chinese government and the Chinese people and the, policies. That are driving the, next five years of the future and then. Just. Realizing. That things that they say will happen will happen very quickly China. Is. Just like this. Works we're. Going for it right the. Entire country, boom. China. Really does act in a very I think much more efficient, way when it comes to large-scale. Change, is because. It it says, this is the change that we want right. It might be healthy. China 2030, right. It could be a, climate, change plan the, first one that came out in 2007. This is what we're going to accomplish it could be carbon. Emissions it could be really, anything. It could be 500, billion dollars into. High-speed. Rail over the next few years and. Then. It and then it makes it happen because all, all of the people underneath it know that their job is on the line if they don't reach it. You. Think about every, single sustainability. Solution. China's. Got somebody who's thinking about, how to scale it China's, got a city or 25, cities piloting, it and, one. Of those models one, of those darts is going to hit the, bull's eye right, and as long as we can figure out that one model that works boom it'll scale and when it scales its kills it in like one, two three years across. The country of a billion. 1.3. Billion people right so that that's the magic of China. It's. Not just about the technology it's, about the.

People Who are thinking in systems in a connected, way. Out. You're. Pushing it to the ground right, one. More time yes. Perfect, that's the Qi going, through your body so, what you want to do is when. She gets good enough she'll be able to actually project, the, Chi through. Different. Parts of your body don't go so close do you see how she's like oh hey. You guys. You. Have to step back and think about the way that Chinese think. About history in the future we think about things in like 5060. Hundred, years right, and so you know if you're only thinking, about let's. Say the next three months quarterly. Reports, or you're thinking about the next four years your election, term then you might not be concerned, about things, like climate change but, in China, I think it was Mazda dome who first thought, up this aqueduct, that would bring water from one part, of China all the way to the other end of China is now just being built right and so Chinese. People really think about things in much much longer terms. China's. Long term mindset. Influences. Not only its plans for its own clean energy, but, also its, plans to become a global leader of, the growing sustainable. Technology. Market. China. Is. Basically. Saying hey let's work, with all these countries, from Kazakhstan. To Spain. Right. Down, to Pakistan, to, Kenya and let's. Economically. Shake hands right and. Build. This, cross-border, logistics, network and from. There you can have cultural. Connections. And communication, and soft, power you. Can have, increased. Economy. I think. That as the belton, road becomes. Built. Along, you, know China to Russia to Spain, and down, through maritime routes to Africa, what, you'll see is is that hopefully, these. Types of sustainable, solutions. Will then go into the infrastructure, that's built in, the, cross-border logistics. All along. This, belton Road that will reach 3/4, of humanity. I. Think. By 2030. That there's, a good chance that China, will. Not, only be able to meet the Paris agreements, but it will be, able to showcase to the world, what. Kind of solutions. Can, be exported. Outside of China to reduce. Emissions at scale. If. China, views, sustainable. Technology. Is the ideal, motor for, the economy, while, the US is slamming, on the brakes what. Does this mean for America's. Future. 10. Or 20 years we will no longer be the largest funder of energy innovation, we. Will no longer be the source of many of the exciting, new, technologies. Both. In you know the production, generation, of electricity as well as the digital use, of electricity you. Know digital innovations, are where we shine we. Have been developing the Smart Grid technologies of, the future the, smart thermostats, of the future the. Autonomous, vehicles, of the future, China. Is going to overtake us in all of these technologies. If we do not keep a laser focus on innovation, so 10, 20 years I worried the United States could lose its pole position, and that's. Our last advantage we. Lose that advantage we. Will be in structural, and irreversible, decline. In. About, 30 years from now two-thirds, of our global electricity, will, be from sustainable. Sources this. Will have huge effect on other parts of the economy but. Architect, Erica, Ingels, is confident. About the future I think. Maybe people have started, daring. Imagining. That we can actually make meaningful change, again and I, think from the point of view of the architect, the last 20 years. Innovation. And resources, has been so, obsessed. With. The. Immaterial of the virtual the digital. Also. Because of the. Scalability. Of things you can scale things in the virtual environment or, in the digital environment almost. At no cost. I think, lately that ingenuity, has. Come back to the real world, electric. Cars driverless, cars. Robotic. Manufacturing. The. Internet of Things, suddenly. All. The all the technological innovation, there was like somehow happening. In its own little bubble has. Actually started spreading into the into, the physical environment. I. Do. Believe, that the rise of cheap renewable. Energy is going, to reduce the, cost and the price of electricity I believe. For example we're already seeing signs of these cheap electrons, being. Generated, for example in Abu. Dhabi Chile. Mexico, Saudi. Arabia India, all. Of these are signs that these technologies, are going to bring down the cost of electricity. Very.

Cheap Electricity could. Turn out to have as much of a transformative, impact on the world as the. Internet did it because. It allows the economy to use electricity in ways that never thought it would use it before that's. A powerful concept, so when we think about the, future of renewables we should stop just thinking about will, renewables, displace, fossil fuels for this use instead. We should think about what new uses can renewables, open up. Let. Me give you a few examples, desalination. Could be a new way of generating, fresh water rather. Than relying on increasingly, scarce fresh water as climate change takes its toll, vertical. Farming can harness LED. Lighting that, uses virtually, free electricity in order, to produce agricultural products. That we didn't, think that we could produce at scale, and sustainably, using. Conventional processes. I. Think. We can get there and I am optimistic we can get there and if we do get there all kinds of good things will happen just, as we've been talking about it'll transform not just the energy sector but also adjacent, sectors the whole global economy will, shift to take advantage, of this, new abundant, energy source. Alright, I definitely, read a lot of science fiction science. Fiction is a story, where. The narrative has, been triggered. By some, form of innovation so. You, see a world that is like the world you know it but. There's one new invention, and that invention. Can be a social invention a political, invention a cultural invention or often, it's a technological, invention, so. The whole story it becomes a narrative exploration. Of the, potential, consequences of, this. One invention, but. By changing this one thing it. Has, these sort of cascading consequences, and, the. Design becomes, a design exploration. Of the, potential consequences, good. And bad problems. We need to solve and the possibilities, we can explore of making. That one change so. Suddenly rather than you, as the designer having, to come up with all kinds of things. All. You have to do is. Follow. The consequences. Of this one change, and. And and, you'll discover a whole world that you didn't even know existed. We. Need folks at every you, know, every. Level policy, business academia. Science, thinking. About this extraordinarily.

Important. Challenge, unfortunately. We do not have enough folks doing that and I, my, plea is. For more people to think about how we, might enter a world that runs. Off of a, majority, of solar power by. The end of the century. Thank. You for watching, for. More on this subject take a look at the playlist you, can also watch this recommended, video don't. Forget to subscribe to our Channel and we'll keep you updated on, our documentaries.


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