Take Back Your Power 2017 Official - smart meter documentary

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If mr. Friedman has a concern, about the. Safety of smart meters he does not have to happen is it PU C's decision. That. By allowing, an opt-out it can duck, an obligation. To consider the, health or the trespass issues. Your. Honor all. Of these issues were before the Commission in, the earlier proceedings, the, Commission had, had a proceeding, on this and but, it didn't decide, any, of those issues, no. No your honor yeah the Commission. Did not the. Commission in fact declined. To, do the analysis, to make the decisions, about health and safety. The. Remedy for, all of the concerns in, those proceedings was, to, offer an opt-out. How about the members of the public that are not opting out. Here, the Commission's responsibility to, look out for their health and safety and. To make a judgment as to whether they are being unreasonably, exposed to RF. Your. Honor nothing, in the world can be made absolutely. Safe. So. Are, you admitting that they're not safe, is. It the PUC. Position. That these are safe, enough. Your. Honor that the public, is is. Free to. To. Have. Whatever. Concerns, it would, have. What. The Commission is doing as. You, present it is saying it, has declined, to. Do the health and safety analysis. You're, on your own. The. Commission instructed, the utility, to, in, his communication plan to provide information to all of its customers, about. Smart meters and, so. It's to the science that is out there but. Misma Coleman there's. Still all those people that haven't and. For, those people you're saying that, the. State of affairs can be that the commission can take no position on their safety. And leave it up to the utility. About. A year ago a good friend of mine got ill and there. Was no apparent reason why, then. She realized that her. Electric utility, had installed a new digital smart meter a wireless, electric, meter. At. The same time as she got ill as. I looked into it thousands. Of people have had the same experiences. So. I wanted to figure out is this really happening are people truly getting sick because of radiation coming from electric, meters I. Grabbed. A camera and interviewed, as many people, as I could from all around the world to find out what's been their experience and. What do they know I. Had. No idea the level of startling information, that we would discover along the way. I. Was. Hearing this banging, on the.

Basement Door which is the door that leads into the Hydra, meters that are in here, and so I leave, my bed and I come down here, and. I sit right here on on this step and I'm like okay I'm gonna film this. I'll. Show you the door I, had. Heard her banging but I didn't know that she actually kicked the door in until, she left cuz when when she left I came here and I found this on the ground I was like wow, she actually kicked. The door in, we, since repaired the door, we. Put these. Do. Not install. A smart meter sign, on her door. And. Apparently, this wasn't the only case of a utility Breaking, and Entering. The, morning the guy came into changed meters this. Had been shattered he had taken a dead bolt cutter and cut off our chain and basically cried. Their door open and walk around in here and when he left the, chain was laying on the ground it was broken the lock was broken also, vandalized. The property, and, forces, went to my property without buzzing, any of the building buzzers. So. With billions, of dollars being spent all around the world with zero, public input and with, all of these concerns, coming, to the fore I realized. That there had to be some, serious commitment. Behind the scenes to, push this grid through a smart. Meter is. Part. Of a much bigger picture, in a much bigger design, smart. Meter is really, just the attachment. That goes on an outside of a of a home or a business a. Two-way. Transmission, device that ties into the, larger Smart Grid plans that are being built out across the world. In. My research into this I found that utilities, around the world we're stating that the smart grid will deliver enhanced, energy security, reduced, greenhouse gases, improved. Urban air quality, and increased, grid asset utilization to me this sounded great on paper. Unfortunately. There. Are problems, with how the systems, work the, smart grid systems, are very buggy, there. Seems to be a critical, systemic. Issue with these Mis named smart meters they're, actually causing, fires in many cases after they're installed, after. Hundreds, of blazes, with very few admissions, of fault the, insurance adjusters, are catching on and. He says jump in the car we just got a call your house is on fire it was true, Michael Kapinos upper make field home was going, up burning. From a fire and his newly installed electric, meter well, tonight there's a major development, from Pico after, at least two dozen fires, and more than a dozen incidents, of overheating. The, energy, giant is halting, its controversial, smart, meter installation program, and, they're. Being installed, by people who are not very well trained for the most part. BC. Hydro says it's removing, 1,000. Smart Meters from homes across the province the, company says the move is just routine. How many smart meter fires have there been weeds, installed, approximately. Nine million smart meters and we have no reports. Not. One single report. And. So, the fire department basically. Said that the meters started, the blaze one. Look at the one look at the wreckage and said smart meters have walked away. Well. Brittany you were saying earlier that there was no, smart. Meter fires and this lady, right here has, pictures, of her smart, meter that exploded, on our house. Taxpayer. Money has now gone to some of the largest corporations, on the planet General. Electric for instance, is, the largest manufacturer, of smart. Grids they're, being manufactured, in China, as. Part of the 2009, u.s. bailout, 3.4. Billion was funneled into a national, smart grid stimulus, later, increased to 11 billion, this. Created a scenario where utilities, were given a massive financial, incentive, to go along with the program and, because, they went after the stimulus, money they needed to have a certain, amount of their meters. Deployed. Before, they could recoup. The, cost in addition. To that they started, billing, customers, for. These smart. Meters prior. Months. Prior to any, actual. Deployment. Of these meters to the people's homes so the consumers. Have been paying for these smart meters all, along, even if they didn't have one according. To Time magazine President. Obama originally, suggested pouring, 100, billion into a smart grid at a time of economic crisis. Immediately, following the 2008, election. Wikipedia. Reports that the US government's, primary reason, for this unprecedented. An allocation, of public funds is the eventual reduction, in electricity usage, by more than four percent, However. Real-world, evidence shows that installations. Of smart meters are not even producing, any energy, savings whatsoever. According. To a senior assistant, attorney for. Illinois Public Utilities quote, it's. Devastating to their plan the report shows zero statistically. Different results, they're being found in, pilot, programs now smart grids are to, really save no energy whatsoever, and. These expensive, smart meters lasts only a quarter or a fifth as long as traditional, analog, meters, these.

Devices, Are. Now, computers. And so, they have to be maintained. They, don't have the life of an existing, meter which is 20, to 30 years, these, devices, have, a life of between, five to seven, years. So. Who, benefits I got. A bill in December for, 1107. Dollars there's got to be a mistake no mistake, says PG&E, after, reviewing their accounts, the company, says their meters were working, correctly just. Like those of the 1,500. Other Californians. Who complained. Consumer. Advocate, mindy spats says that still doesn't explain something. Else customers. With the smart meters claim. That their energy, usage, has inexplicably. Risen, since the meters were put in so in other words it makes it look like there all of a sudden they're using twice as much energy as they used to use exactly, an experiment, by some students at Stanford is raising new questions tonight, about the accuracy, of PG&E, s controversial, new smart meters people, all over the state have been complaining, about inflated. Bills 7 on your side's Michael Finney is here now to tell us more about the students experiment, like so many others, these students PG&E, bill went through the roof at just about the same time their new smart meter was installed, we. Start the week with an explosive, investigation. Into the massive, mistakes being made with power bills serious. Flaws affecting, every electricity, user with a smart meter have, been uncovered, and when this whistleblower told, his power company what he'd found they. Offered to pay him off this, exclusive, investigation by, James Thomas has sparked calls for, a national, inquiry, why. Is it that in Ontario California. Texas. Australia. All these other jurisdictions. The rates have been doubling, and tripling and, this is a fact and we are told that the bills are going to stay the same it's actually gonna bring the bells down it's gonna be more efficient, and all these things then when the bills go up all, these denials start to come in well actually you are just using more energy the. Best one that I like to hear is actually the meters more accurate, these. Cost increases from widespread systemic, inaccuracies. Of smart meters are separate. From the additional, cost increases, which will be based on time of use. It's. All about money we're, gonna be charged, for, time-of-use, one, day it's coming, but. Hang, on a minute isn't, the whole point to lower electricity, bills for everyone I. Mean. What we're seeing so far with increased bills has to be just a bump in the road doesn't. It. You. Know. Under. My plan, of. A cap-and-trade system. Electricity. Rates would. Necessarily skyrocket. The, promise of the smart grid has been co-opted, by, the.

Smart Meter and I call it a canard of, misrepresentation. Basically. It's a French word for duck, and it means decoy, the, smart meters are a symptom, of a dysfunction, in. The system. The. Whole process has been captured, by industrial. Interests. What. I call the electricity, industrial, complex. Ran. Into a friend, of mine who's a senior official in the department of energy. Research. And development and we. Were having a coffee break at the conference and he said to me I saw, your paper I just. Sent it out a week before and I, said well how'd you think I, figured. I'd get a lot of pushback from all these guys at. This conference and. He sort of gave. Me a, sheepish. Grin and he shrugged, his shoulders and, said well. You know we had a a huge, amount of money that had to be spent on on. Smart. Grid and. We. Didn't have anything off-the-shelf. That would we could call smart green except these meters that were designed to twenty, years ago, so. That's. What we spent 2 billion of the, 4 billion for smart grid that's where it went. For. Matching, funds for utilities, to put in smart meters. But. He knew they, didn't do what was supposed to be done. The. Next thing I started to hear about was how this worldwide smart grid program, was making the entire power grid vulnerable, to cyber attack. What. They're doing now they're constructing, what they call a smart grid and. They're. Going to make it easier for you. And me to call, our, homes on our cell phone and turn down our air conditioning on a hot afternoon before, not they're great but, that may well mean that a hacker in Shanghai, with, his cell phone can, do the same thing or, worse and, a. So-called, smart grid that. Is as vulnerable as, what we've got is not smart at all it's a really really stupid grid the, vulnerabilities. Of the Internet are now being transferred. To the importance, of the, power grid without. 100%. Assurance that. The internet, or that connectivity, is safe, we, are bringing the potential, to, take down the, power that. Runs this nation. There. Is a smart grid initiative. In. Almost every industrialized, nation. Happening. At. The same time. And what. That provides, is. The. Potential, for. Disaster. To, happen, on a catastrophic. Scale. Even. The US government, is admitting, that the spark read now opens the door to cyber terrorism, on a large scale. The.

Washington Post reported, on the Inspector General's findings, that utilities, and government didn't seem to care about the new hacking vulnerabilities. Energy. Officials knew of these weaknesses but approved plans for the projects anyway. My. Journey of investigating, deeper into this worldwide program began. In British Columbia they. Knew about smart, meters years, ago they could have been talking about it but they kept it quite secret, they thought perhaps they could introduce it simply, do it and no, one would respond, we'd all forget and they, designed. Legislation. That would make this possible, the installation. Of the smart meters because, without the legislation. Obviously, it, would be going to the Utilities, Commission, they'd be looking at it they'd be assessing, it they'd be studying, and they'd be addressing, all the concerns we're, talking about now that's their role and, that's, been cut out of the process it, was a terrible idea without, the ability for the public to get honest, transparent answers. From the government and from BC Hydro they, were left to their own devices which for many BC, Hydro customers, meant turning to the Internet and, a quick Google search of smart meters will give you thousands, of pages of bad, news we, have a large, number of British Columbians, over a hundred thousand, that have not yet received meters and it's because they don't want them it has nothing to do with, a lack of technology, has nothing to do with the labor shortage its, customers, that are saying no this is a mandate, this is being pushed down your throat by, a company. That is not responsive by, a government, that is not responsible, and it's being done in a collusion, that's, designed to undermine the individual, rights of individual. People in communities, across the country and around so. Our provincial, government, has rewritten, laws is, ignoring. A democratic, vote by all mayors and councilors, and is. Also ignoring. Resolutions, for more than 50 local, municipalities. Who, have passed additional, independent, moratoriums. On installation, of these meters in their own cities. Despite. Numerous calls over several weeks BC. Hydro declined, a request for, an interview, corks. Utilities, accompany. Installing, the meters and didn't, even want to return their calls. Do. They have the right to refuse the new meter. The. Meters are a necessary upgrade. To the electricity grid okay but it this is non-negotiable, you. Must have the new meter they, are a necessary upgrade. To the electricity grid okay I'll try this one more time legally, are you allowed to refuse. The new meter. You're. Uncomfortable with, this question. I'm. Just trying to figure, out how best to answer that. What. Does it say about our political system, have we completely, gone the way of corporations. Is there any representation. Left. I'm. Comfortable, with. There. Is a worldwide. Privatization. Scheme. It's, really I suppose a new form of corporatism, where. Governments, are no longer masters, of their own fate, and it starts to become clear that the same undemocratic. Process to. Covertly, implement. Smart meters in my province of British Columbia was, also the case in California. Throughout, North America. And, around the world. So, how could it possibly be the case that, these corporations, who are pushing for a global smart, grid would, continue, with their plans despite, an enormous, list of potentially, disastrous, downsides. A massive. Part, of the. Smart meter, agenda. Is to. Literally, track. Every. Single, movement, within. A. House, so, every time somebody switches, on a light every, time somebody. Switches, on an appliance, each of these appliance, has a unique code which, is then effectively. Transmitted. Through the smart meter down, the grid so anybody that is minded. To do so can, hone in on an individual, residence, and actually, track what is going on in that household, so they can figure out when is your refrigerator been use when is your TV on what are you what, are you doing with your energy and they're going to start having a profile, of you. As an individual, a. Congressional. Research report, all but concluded, that Smart Meters in the United States are a violation, of the Fourth Amendment, in. No uncertain terms, the, court has asserted that at the very core the Fourth Amendment extends the right of a man to retreat, into his home and there be free from unreasonable government.

Intrusion. With. Smart meters police, will have access to data that might be used to track residents, daily lives and routines while in their homes including. Their eating sleeping, and showering, habits what. Appliances, they use and when and whether, they prefer the television, to the treadmill among a host of other details and, while. Some utilities, are still saying that all of the in-home, private, data they collect on you will be kept safely, tucked away another. Picture seems to be emerging. Here. In California utilities. Are already, selling our private electricity. Usage data to, third-party corporations. For a process rather. Than discourage this practice, the California, Public Utilities, Commission has actually encouraged, it. In. A 2011, press, release titled California. Commission adopts, rules to protect the privacy and security of customer, electricity, usage data comes. The following. CPUC. President Michael PV our. Action, today will protect the privacy and security of customer, electricity, usage data while enabling authorized. Third parties, to use the information. Commissioner, Timothy Alan Simon added I support. Today's decision, because it expands, consumer, and third-party, access to, electricity usage, information, I hope, this decision, stimulates, market, interest. In. The summer of 2013, these, newfound intentions, became evident, the, San Francisco, Chronicle revealed. That California's. Electric, utilities, last year disclosed, the energy, use records, and other personal, information of thousands, of customers to agencies, within the US government. Six. Years ago smart, meters were pretty rare today 60, million consumers, have access to detailed, information, about how much energy we use. How. We use it. When. We use it. The. Most exciting, thing for me is that. We, have an entire, organization. That's, gotten behind data, as an asset for, the first time in our company's history and. We. Get. A lot of data we do 221. Million meter reads a day which. Creates about a terabyte. Of data every, day we, can mine that data center. Point energy, actually, works with a variety of government, entities. In terms, of ensuring, that we. Are well-positioned. In. Early 2015, a high-level utility, commissioner admitted, that the residential, surveillance, data gathered, by smart leaders will be worth a lot more than the electricity, itself which. Is a two point two trillion, dollar market. As. General, Petraeus has said, make. No mistake about it we have the ability, to spy, on your households, through, your, appliances, and. If we have that ability we, probably will use it I mean, this is, control-freak. Eree it is, the wet dream. Of the, technocrats. People. Who live locked. In, a left. Brain construct. That, has no, room for. Anything. Spiritual. In their lives. Let's. Look for example at the SIS Peugeot that's. The Cyber Intelligence, Sharing. And. Protection Act. Which. Was intended to legalize, transferring. All your data from. Mega corporations, to the government. Recognizing. The push back to sista the Obama administration. Has created, a covert. Agreement, with the Justice Department to grant immunity to, all these communication, companies, and Internet companies that, were already sharing the data and. Now. As of, June. 12 2013, a, new, aspect of that goes, to effect which expands. This. Whole authorization. To, cover all critical. Infrastructure, sectors and, that includes, energy. Health. And finance. What. You're seeing is the establishment, of a. Sort of surveillance society you're seeing, establishment, of a surveillance network, it raises, the specter of, kind. Of the rise of soft tyranny, it raises the specter of your. Automatic suspicious. Until we prove that you're not, it. Raises the specter of a universal, I call, it a universal wiretap. A, persistent. Universal wiretap, on every, single person. Or. If if not they can create one because. And what happens if they don't like you what happens you speak ill will against the government what happens if you say something, they, consider disloyal, I mean, that's not the country that, that I took an oath to defend four, times in my government career. What's. The mindset of these mammoth, corporations. Who are now apparently, in partnership, with government. Eric. Schmidt is Google's, CEO people. Are treating Google like their most trusted friend should, they be if, you have something that you don't want anyone to know maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. Google. Has already been caught and fined for, systematically. Hacking, and harvesting. Passwords, from millions of private Wi-Fi, networks, with its mapping cars and.

Illegally, Siphoning private. Data from iPhone users, we. Don't need you to type at all, because. We know where you are, with. Your permission. We. Know where you've been with, your permission we can more or less guess what you're thinking about, so. It's simply views the invasion of privacy as a way to allow the Internet giant to gain more information about you and then that data will let the search engine help, you in, your everyday life don't, you get it Google. Is trying to amass a huge amount of personal information about, you, to help. You. There's. What I call the creepy line and the, Google, policy about a lot of these things is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it I would, argue that implanting, things in your brain is a is beyond the creepy line yes. Yes at. Least for the moment until, the technology gets better, let's, talk a little bit about information. And sorry wait a minute what was that I. Would. Argue that implanting, things in your brain is a is beyond the creepy line at. Least for the moment until, the technology gets better. Is. He saying that Google's creepy line is defined only by the current level of technology. What. Does a higher level of technology have to do with morals or ethics. But. What I learned in Silicon Valley was there is no moral, component. To technology, unless humans. Insist, that it be there. What. More do you need to know but. Most, people seem, to want to just close, their mind to and just say oh the government wouldn't do that and you. Know that can't be true it, is true and. Once. You know it's true you, get this question. In your mind of how did they think they could get away with it and what, in the world are they trying to do with all this data why do they need to get into. Our lives this, deeply. My. Research has led me to believe that the. Controlling. Elite are. Trying, to create a global cashless. Currency. And one, of the ways that they intend to do this is to base it on carbon, credits, basically. What that means is they're, going to dole out your, use of energy dependent. On your. Behavior and they, want to be able to control, it themselves so these, things, that they're installing, the meters and the appliances, with both sending, and receiving transmitters. Would, allow them to not only monitor but. To control, every. Appliance in your house what. Is it that makes the government think that they can usher us into a totalitarian. State at all, much, less without us even noticing. We. Are on Zone we. Help energy utilities, globally, to build better relationships, with their customers serve, them more efficiently, and start them in a more effective way how do we do this we, take energy consumption. Data from smart meters and sensors we, analyze, it using our patented algorithms. And build a highly personalized. Profile, for each and every, utility, customer, we then tag this profile, with the key behavioral, attitudinal. And lifestyle, characteristics. That we are identifying we, even tag the appliances, that we see being used in the home we, then use this characterized, profile, to give the utility, three things one. Customer, engagement, apps that educate, the end customer filled levels of trust and ultimately reduce. Customer churn to. A detailed, description of each end customer, that helps the utility, to provide more appropriate, services, and highly targeted sales, campaigns, 3, the ability, to monitor their customer data by providing a direct link to appropriate, third-party, organizations. Based on the customers, identified, character, so, from, a very thin stream of energy consumption, data onso, deliver significant. Business value prove little as the price of a cup of coffee. It. Seemed to me that whether it's a terrorism, threat or an apparent energy, crisis, or an obsession, to modernize, technology. Without purpose, what's. Being consistently, implied is that we must now willingly, give up our basic human rights I had. To wonder what, if we are being systematically, fed a false paradigm. Scarcity. Is the, nightmare that's lurking in everyone's mind. It's, what's. Driving a lot of our emotional, reactions, to everything that we face it's that lurking fear, that, things are gonna run out so.

It's Not a bad thing that we do have these fears but. They've overcome, our ability to look at the reality, which, is that we don't live in a condition of scarcity, there. Is no shortage, of energy on this planet the. Sun is the source of all and the, Sun produces. Quadrillions. Of times the, amount of energy we need. Solar. Panels, are just as efficient, in small scale as they are in large scale there's no benefit in putting them in large farms, let. The customers, generate the electricity the. Utility, just manages, the wires and poles that's, the new business model, but. That's tough for a hundred thirty old industry, that's based on return, on big capital, and sell. Of kilowatt hours, has. Been a huge utility. Pushback on solar photovoltaics. And, net. Metering in particularly in California Arizona Colorado, and, other, states there, and driven. By Alec again the, American Legislative, Exchange Council trying. To push. Back on renewable. Energy the. Utility, industry is waking up to the death spiral in their, business model and they, want to fend it off at, least until some of the top executives can retire I. Personally. Have the privilege, of visiting numerous. Laboratories. Where. Inventors. Are. Successfully. Creating, technologies. Which access, off-grid, energy in whole, new ways and, it's, really, exciting, to see. Sadly. Most of these have been raided and shut down, and the. Federation. Of American scientists, have, actually acknowledged, publicly on their website that over. 5,000. Of these technologies. Have. Been suppressed have, been confiscated. In, the process, of applying, for patents. This. Whole smart. Meter Fiasco. Could go away very quickly, if these, alternative, energy technologies, were simply allowed to flourish, now. That's not going to be in the agenda of the controlling, elite that's. Going to be up to us I looked. Into it and it turns out the US government, has actually created a law for, the suppression of inventions, the.

Patent Laws allow any interested, agency, including, the Atomic, Energy Commission to. Shut down any patents, if they consider them to be detrimental to, the national security. With. Six of the world's seven largest companies in the oil and gas industry, could, it be possible there's, a vested, interest in, preventing decentralized. Clean energy pulling, strings at this level of depth and. Incredibly. In July, of 2013. Spain, actually, taxed, the Sun setting. A fine of 30 million euros for, violators, who collect sunlight for their own use. While. Billions and billions of taxpayer, dollars continue. To be spent for a centralized, control grid are. We still expected, to believe that this has anything, to do with going. Green. Whenever. Human beings are invested, historically, in a particular, technology, then. Power structures, build up around that that, fight for their own interest. Just. At a time when a change is about to take place - a better way of doing things they. Fight for their existence, like a creature fights for its existence, they are the, dinosaur, that is just. About to become extinct, which, is the need for overly, centralized, power producers. And that. This is a bid, to. Have a device, in the home which, gives him both control, and future. Capabilities, of broadcasting. And, receiving. Through the home it's, all part of agenda. To. Try and stop the change that is coming and you. Know this truth that's come that everybody's gonna see so the. Fact that it's going worldwide. Should. Tell you something that there's something up here and that, there is something. Going on and there's. A reason for this and they're getting around all the legislation's, income in countries, so it's coming from a very high level on the, planet. Whatever. Is happening to Americans, with this technology, is going global. Every. One of these energy. Companies in the United States is embedded, in an, international, period of energy, delivery, and they're, working to control every, household across, the world using. This kind of technology. Wait. A minute this isn't not what I asked you to do all, I asked you to do is deliver electricity to my house not. Monitor, my house not. Broadcast. Throughout my house when, I was in Silicon Valley in 1980 this was being discussed it, was who was going to take over the home the energy companies was, it the phone companies, was it the energy companies whose, line, of access to the home was going to allow a single, point of access to the home but. It didn't escape everyone, that whatever, they delete everything to you made, you totally, dependent, gave, complete, access, and could. Be a two-way street, but. What no one knew at that time was. That a method of technology. Would be used whose. By-product. Was, essentially. Radiation. Miss. Lawson. Our. Power was a was, cut. Off on February. 11th. 2013. And we, have not have power in seven. Weeks and because. They installed, that radio frequency meter, on our property, my, sister's had fevers, of, over.

Excuse. Me over. A hundred and two Fahrenheit, and they, kept on going up this. Is not normal. This. Should not be tolerated, okay. I want, a high level person. From, DWP. To. Connect. With, this family, find. Out exactly. What's, going on and, let's. Fix it immediately. Unfortunately. When, I complained, about, the. Smart meter put on a property, I was told there, was no smart meter on a property it's a radiofrequency meter, when. I began to express, the LDP the. Health concerns that came out of nowhere they. Told me that I was making it up it didn't make any sense my, husband and I had numerous, people come, to our house and explain to us that. It must be something else in your home so. I began writing with the general manager mr., Nichols, he. Ignored my emails, so. For months and months and months I have begged DWP, to please take this off of our property and we have had no power for seven weeks in one day Easter. Fart, Children was, horrible okay thank you we'll get to the bottom of that today I want is. I. Want somebody, on the phone right, now. Tom's. On the phone right now and mr.. Boosts guy you know I'm on this so I will one. Way or the other find, out what's going on with the Lawson. Family will I'll, find, out two day. So. The very next day after the, City Council meeting our power was turned on EWP came to the house so. We've had power since April first, 2013. Right. I'm. You know how, does it feel to to, take a stand and then to to. Ultimately. For. The situation be corrected. Well. It, feels great to actually go out there it's, a fight for what you believe in and not, just on this island and say oh well, this is happening there doesn't I can do about it but. Just actually know that you can do something about it and, you. Can't give up just always fight for what you believe in. In. May of 2011, the World Health Organization. Classified. Radiofrequency radiation. As. A class to be potential.

Cancer-causing. Carcinogen. The. Utility, companies will tell us that the meters are only on for 45, or 60 seconds, a day and that they're safe. So. The next stop on my journey to verify the facts, was with dr. David carpenter a Harvard trained researcher, at the University, of Albany New York under, court order Pacific, Gas and Electric admitted. That. Their smart meters generate. 14,000. Spikes. Of communication. Per day, the. Utilities, have often, held that smart meters are not a problem because. They communicate, with the utility, rather, infrequently. Maybe. A couple of times an hour. That. Doesn't matter how frequently, they communicate, to the utility, what, matters is, how frequently do they generate radio frequency, fields and, clearly. The utilities, have been hiding, the fact that. These smart meters generate, these radio frequency, fields almost, continuous, their. Pulses, but. They're very very frequent. So. According to PG&E, escort, documentation. The, average smart meter is on for 45 or 60 seconds a day but. They've conveniently withheld. From us that, these. 45, or 60 seconds, are split up into 10,000. Or more pulses. Each. At, about 4 and 1/2 milliseconds. In duration emitting. All the time every, few seconds, 24/7. And some. Meters are up to 190,000. Pulses per day so. This is a smart, meter Bank it's inside a Northwest, DC condominium. Building and there's 32, different, smart, meters inside, this building so, what I did was I brought. In a meter. That measures the, levels of radiofrequency radiation and. What I'm finding is, that these, smart meters are emitting, radiation, every. Few seconds, but, Pepco says smart meter communications. Take place every 4 to 6 hours so, I brought these findings, to Petco spokesman, Marcus, Biel who said I can't account for for a test that we you, know there are a lot of variables involved that, you know we can't account for, with the test that we're not at present at but. You. Know we're, confident in the specs. Of our meters and and the stateís. Of the meters at this point, so I asked pepco if we could go out with their experts, to do their own test they told me they would look into it and just to be clear we're, not saying, whether or not this radiation, is dangerous that's up to the scientists, and it is currently the subject of a very heated debate the, definition, of a smart grid is, a wireless. System that. Will, fundamentally. Turn, every, single appliance, in your home into. The equivalent of a, transmitting. Cell phone that's every, every. Computer every television every furnace every air conditioner every coffee machine, every, printer every single, appliance that you have in your house will, eventually.

In A smart grid have an antenna that's embedded into, it that will transmit your usage data to a smart, meter on the outside, of your home that, will then transmit, your usage data to another. Tower, receiving. A usage, signal that will then go to the utility company for. Supposedly, billing, purposes, not. All signals, will just be about your individual, use there will be aggregated. Will. Bounce signal, from house to house to house within a neighborhood that. Will then accumulate. All of the usage data that will transmit, that to the utility, company now, what that will do is that the end metering, system, that is transmitting, all of that data will be firing an RF signal at, many many times a second, which, will increase, the, average homeowners. Radio. Frequency, radiation exposure. Exponentially. This. Picture shows some aphids, on, the leaf of an orange tree shortly. After, radar equipment, was installed at a nearby airport, a number, of years ago I noticed. That every few seconds, all, the aphids were tense up in unison, and do, sort of a little dance as you see in the picture, upon. Further investigation I. Found. That the interval, of time between the, activity, of each dance, coincided. Exactly, with the rotation, of the radar, rotor device, at, the airport, which. Was a distance, of approximately 14. Miles, and. We now have vast. Amounts, of published, science, on microwave, radiation. And health, affects the. Data we're going to look at are all published, science testing, results or public, standards at. The bottom end of the radiation scale of what's called power density, or signal, strength is the, minimum level at which cellphones will work which, was found to be point to billions, of a micro watt per centimeter squared. Pine. Needles were found to age prematurely at. Point, zero zero zero zero to seven. At. Short-term exposures. Of point zero five children. Aged 8 to 17 experienced. Headache irritation. Concentration. Difficulties and behavioral, problems. Point. One is the BAU biology, or building, biology, guideline, for extreme concern. One. Point zero produced, sperm DNA fragmentation, and a decrease in sperm viability, in vitro. Also. At one point zero the science shows the following bodily, effects can occur headaches. Dizziness, fatigue. Insomnia. Chest. Pain difficulty, breathing and in digestion. 2.5. Saw altered, calcium, metabolism and, heart muscle cells, 4.0. Changes. In the hippocampus, affecting, brain memory and learning and at, 6.0, DNA, damage in cells, so. Where, are smart meters on this list.

Electrical. Power Institute in December, 2010, measured, a single I Tron smart meter with pulses up to seven point nine three microwatts. Per centimeter, squared our. Own testing, indicated approximately, eight point zero with, one meter these. Tests are at a close distance approximately, one, foot away from the meter but an infant's crib can be just as close on the other side of the wall where the meter or bank of meters are installed. Even. Though there are all these known health effects at levels far lower Switzerland. Liechtenstein and, Luxembourg, see fit to set the standard at nine point five and, China. Poland, and Russia 10.0. This. Is the same level at which behavior, has been altered producing. Reflexes, of avoidance, following, 30-minute, exposures. A room, of 12 smart meters a very common, and even a conservative, number in an apartment, building tested, at 19.8. Microwatts. Per centimeter, squared this. Is hundreds, of times higher than levels which clearly, indicate, harmful, effects. So. How can you Tillet ease and governments get away with forcing, these devices, on everyone, this. Is how in, Canada. In the US and several other civilized, countries, the safety limit is set at 600 to 1000, microwatts, per centimeter, squared, this. So-called safety limit is literally tens of thousands, of times higher than levels which are known to damage health according, to peer-reviewed, published, science. There. Was an organization, called the, Committee on man and radiation. Essentially. The, Committee on man in radiation, intellectually. Framed this as a. Controversy. That there, was no such thing as a non thermal effect, that. Thermal effects were the only good, science, and they had good science on their side and anyone who said otherwise was. Either a crank or needed. To be dismissed, from from, from the area, altogether our. Concern, is that smart. Meters add to, this. Multiple. Source exposure. To radiofrequency radiation. Radiofrequency. Radiation, that, we know causes. A variety. Of biological, effects and where. We have very strong evidence that, it, causes disease specifically. Brain cancer, and other, diseases. There. Have now been more than 6,000. Published scientific studies on the health effects of microwave, radiation since, the 1930s, and, with the vast majority, showing. That there is some biological, damage being done the, jury is no longer out on whether this is harmful even. By 1972. We have the US Navy producing, an unclassified, report of. Health effects on the human body observed. From microwave radiation. Summarized. More than 2,300. Studies, 5. Pages, of observed human health effects in this report include, headaches. And insomnia. Painful. How. Many times does that happen every, time I walked by it which was a bunch of times. Vadoma. Medic or a regular, action, of the hearts they. Were installed in my house and shortly after, that I've. Started, experiencing. Pretty, significant, heart palpitations. Anxiety I. Was. Nervous a lot and I couldn't sleep chest. Pains I, started. Getting this intense, chest pain and changes. In the operation, of implanted, cardiac, pacemakers. Well. My heart would speed up to do about 170. Beats a minute and I. Could. Normally control, any, arrhythmia. That I would have before, just by meditation, and relaxing, and. This. Amount meter I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't, bring, it down and you found that when you were in that electromagnetic. Field your. Heart was going. To high rates of arrhythmia, yes, in a way wouldn't happen all, the time but a heaven of the, first time were supposed eight months after the meter was installed, and then, the second time it occurred was six months after that and then, it went four months after that and then, went two months after that was became, more and more sensitive, more it's more sensitive as the time went by and you found that when you were able to remove the meter that, you did recover correct, yes. Another.

Serious Health complaint, about these devices is what's known as dirty electricity, caused, by the converter, between DC and AC current. It, appears that utilities, do not wish this aspect, of the health issue to become widely known I. Can't. Tell how many people have called me who, became dreadfully, he'll the. Minute, one of those got put on their house, dirty. Electricity, is. The. Best synonym, is electrical pollution, we. Understand air pollution, those clean air is polluted air does, clean electricity, does, pollute electricity. Dirty, electricity is the major pollutant. That, comes into your house on your wires riding. Piggyback on, the 60 cycle so. We're going to test this. All, right. And, Nana, we're going to measure, electricity. Running, through the smart meter all right right, now the switch is enthroned as you can see there's nothing happening, so, we're going to turn this on. Whoa. So. We've got quite look at this torsion, yeah I'm going on all. Right. And. That tick let's this might listen to I. Wow. This. We're gonna try to catch it when it the track yes yeah. That, couldn't look like that wow. You just had the analog boy so. Cut enough of that that was a lot of transmissions, to it just a small amount of time and we're seeing this with the new the new, smart meters yeah they're, more active much, more ah yeah it's not just the 900 megahertz that's, transferred those that's, the microwave, that's the microwave, effect but this effect, is much, greater so this is not like your baby monitor this, isn't like your cell phone this, is like no other device, you're, exposed, to because, it's, using all the wiring that travels through this panel as an antenna so it's an energized, antenna, because it's connected to correct its the largest antenna, and you're exposed to this. 24/7. If you're in the house 24/7. This, doesn't stay in the wiring right, it actually radiates, six. To eight feet from, the wire many people, involved. In the smart meter issue are focused on the 900. Megahertz. Frequency. That. Which is the microwave, transmission. But, none. Of us knew that there were these other frequencies, sort. Of hidden, in. In, that and are, being transmitted, as well so, in. My opinion this. Is why people are getting damaged, why people, who previously could handle all their wireless gadgetry, their Wi-Fi, on their cell phone and then, when they get the smart meter on their house. All. The sudden their world falls apart. I made. A call to a government, agency I started. To talk about the problems with the meters and he. Was getting agitated. And he said it's. Just they're just like cell phones there's there's nothing wrong with these meters they're just like cell phones and I said no. It's not true there's a problem with these meters in the switch mode power supply, and he said to me how do you know about switch mode power supply, and I, said to him, what.

Is Your name and, he hung up on me and then. About 10 minutes later he called me back on a different phone and, he told me there is a problem with the switch mode power supply, he. Knows about this but he can't talk and. I, think, that a lot of people are scared to talk and a lot of people know what's going on here, electricians. Know people. At con Edison, know but. I don't think they know what to do I would. Say that it's better to do the right thing because when, people are silent a. Lot. Of people can die. Did. You hear about people coming to you as far as as. Far as having complaints about illness. We, were made aware of health complaints, following, installation of smart meters and we wanted to verify this, using. Our fieldwork so I measured. The field of about 30 different people. While they stood one, foot in front of the smart meter and in every single case the. Human. Energy field was obliterated as they stood in front of the smart meter we. Wanted to then. Verify. This at the physical level using, dark field microscopy and, then we also did a control, group to find out if the old analog meters, had the same effect on the blood as the. Smart, meter so. In our first slides, what we see is normal. Cells and the, structure of the cells is intact. And sound this. Is what we would expect from a normal sample. With. The subject, standing, one foot in front of the analog, meter there were no significant, changes, to these blood samples in any of the three that we tested. In, our second, set of tests, we're using the smart meter before the exposure we, see the same thing as we saw in the first samples, normal. Cell walls fairly, separated. And looking healthy so. After two minutes of exposure in front of the smart meter at about one foot away we. See a totally different story, sample. One you can see a lot of degradation in, the cells the cell walls have been broken and you, see changes. In the cells which are called mycoplasma, it, shows a mutation, to the cell in, the second sample we, seems a different type of degradation, to the cell, membranes, you can see a corrugation.

Here This is called bottle, cap formation, and it's. Known that this occurs due to oxidation. Or, exposure. To free radicals, so. This third subject when. We did her sample, she, had, to be pulled away from the meter after 45, seconds, because she complained about a increasingly. Severe, headache and here. You see a phenomenon, called reuleaux where the red blood cells are stacking, up which, makes it very difficult for, the blood, to deliver oxygen to the tissues as. They would, be their normal function every, single one of these is a degradation every. Single one of these shows of trauma to the blood cells and that. Came from something and the only variable, was the smart meter the, good news in all this is the, patient's, and the blood can return to normal, once they have been removed from the influences, of these stressors. So. This. Thing about. Electrosensitive. 3 or 5 percent of people are, affected and everyone else's ok I mean what would you have to say about that there, are changes. Whether they feel them or not maybe. They're not out there complaining, about it or trying to make other people aware of, what, it's doing to them yet, they're still being affected by, a considerable. Amount of research shows that developing. Brains and bodies of children are much more affected, than adults and there. Are clear indications of a link between increased. Electromagnetic. Fields and autism. Spectrum disorders. We. Took ten artistic, children and went. Back to the sleeping location, where the mother was when. She was pregnant with, their child, and. Compared, it with, the. Sleeping location, of a mother that, gave birth to healthy children we. Have 10 mothers in that group 10 mothers in this group and in, the group of the, autistic children, we found that. The the measurements. Have we got for the microwave. Exposure. Was. Elevated, compared. To the group of children that were normal the. Fetus is affected, the. Exposure, to, man-made electromagnetic. Fields has become, the first factor, that could be isolated, ever in autism, that could predict autism. The. Radiofrequency, radiation, work. That we did was, supported, by Motorola. The. Relationship. Was really very cordial. And very. Stress-free. But. Only. Up, until we started to gender hitting data these. Folks were very very, upset and began to talk about how are they going to handle this, what, sort of spin can we put on this what can we expect from this and from. That point on the relationship, changed, what. We saw was that Motorola began, to exert more and more control, over the work telling. Us what to do. Telling. Us how to write abstracts, what to say in the abstracts, what to say in the papers. How. To do the work no. Don't, do this yes do it this way, this. Was unacceptable, I. Had. Completed, our, study of DNA damage and, I. Submitted the final report, to Motorola. They, simply, weren't, willing to accept, my. Interpretation. Of my study, my. Evaluation. Of my study. My. Knowledge of science, at that, point and. Tried. To urge me not to publish the study, when. I filed my initial, complaint. Central, Maine power responded. With a 250. Page basically. Rebuttal. On why smart meters are so safe and they hired. Exponent. Which is a science, and consulting, firm that has represented, the tobacco industry, they've represented the asbestos industry, so. This is a firm, that industry, hires to, prove, that. Dangerous, products, are safe what's, going on here this is a wireless device which. Is unproven. Scientifically. Which all the evidence so. Far proves. Is dangerous. Or questionable, which, should therefore be studied, intensely before, it's released to the public, clever.

People Called the technology, smart to, make it seem intimidating. So no one would question it some, smart. Admin, came up with that in god paid three hundred thousand, dollars to call, it a smart, meter so you would feel less. Knowledgeable. Which they know we feel and then, you wouldn't question the smart people, putting it in your house so. I called him not smart meters dangerous. Meters. Despite. Industry's, attempts, to hide the truth the science, is done, there. Are very likely more, studies that show a biological. Effect from, electromagnetic frequencies. Or EMF, than, any other single area, of focus in all of science. The. Site EMF, portal org, as of late 2016, catalogues. A whopping twenty, three thousand, eight hundred studies. Power. Watch UK lists. 1659. Studies, on EMF, of those. 1032. Found affects a further. Three hundred and seventy had other important, insights, her findings, and only. Two hundred fifty seven did not find effects I. Began. To reluctantly see the insanity. Exhibited. By the actors, within our captured, government, prepared, to risk everything even. Their own children's. Futures. Globalist. Profiteers are fast-tracking, agendas. Like smart meters and now. 5g. So. They can reap billions in the, process, of normalizing. Unlawful. Surveillance. I started. Wondering power our future generations, being affected, by this unprecedented, increase, in electromagnetic. Radiation, I. Had. A son that was going, to school at San Diego State University and he called me and. He said mom I've got the worst headache he says I'm projectile. Vomiting, all over my apartment and I said get to the hospital, and. The. Emergency room, doctor at, sharps, Memorial, Hospital, in San Diego called, me and he. Said your son has bleeding in the brain and, I, said we'll be there immediately, and. My. Son had surgery, that evening when. He got out dr., Tanner why I told, us that my son had brain cancer and it was either the, very worst or, the second worst type. Of brain cancer you could have it. Was nothing but chaos for seven months we moved him back home and had.

To Pack everything that he owned in California. And brought, him home and he only survived just shy of seven months and he died, October. 11th of 2008. All. The 7th, of, 2009. I. Typed. In cancer, clusters, and. I saw SDSU. San Diego State University brain, cancer, cluster, and I. Read this I read, this article over, and over and I just I think, I just did put me in shock and I ended up on the floor for the rest of the day but. Um sorry. I realized. They were talking about my son, so. I immediately. Started, contacting. SDSU. The. Administration. And. I, taught myself just, being bounced, around, nobody, wanted to deal with me, so. I got. My car and I. Drove out to San Diego, for the whole month of October, of 2009. And. When I went over onto the campus, in. These articles they talked about it cell tower and I went over there and there's this huge. Cell. Tower that's outside, of this building, which, towers, above NASA tear hall in. Room. 131, were all these kids and. People. Have come down with, brain. Cancer. My, son rich barber died October, 11th of 2008. And he was, in NASA tear haul room. 131, Professor. Charles cutter died June 19th. 2008. NASA, tear haul room 131, Lutrell. Diagnosed. With primary, lymphoma. Brain cancer, in 2008. He, was in the room right next to room 131. Dwight. Anderson, died. In 2008. NASA tear call miss. Laura Lam tower died. August 29th, of 2010. Richard. Funston, died, and he, was also located. In NASA tear Hall room 131, I. Just. Think that this wireless stuff we, just need to get a handle on it and warn. The public that, I just want parents to know and I want kids to know that these are very dangerous and. These are on many many college campuses. Reporter. From the San Diego Tribune, that I had contacted, actually called me at home and he said this story will never get out in San Diego and I. Said why and he said because of money. After. Having interviewed, more than 70, people from four countries witnessing. The profound, emotion, from those whose lives have been ruined I felt, myself wondering, if I could ever really make a difference against, corporations that are so powerful and so willing to put money before life itself. So. Here's. You PA installers. Crossing. Over locked fences, and. Against. Consent. On. January. 23rd. With. Premeditated. Malice. And forethought. Our city. Manager, in collusion. With our city's, administrative. Police, chief. Ordered. An all-out assault, on. Many. Of the citizens, personal, property. By. Cutting, locks. Illegally. Trespassing. Threatening. Taxpaying. Citizens. Mostly. Women, and, elderly. And, actually. Arrested. Two, of our, stay-at-home. Moms on, trumped-up. Charges. For. Refusing. Installation. Of smart, meters. When. The full force of the city's, police, department, is turned. On its own people it's. Time, for a radical, and. Immediate. Change. Now. I just spoke with Naperville, city manager, a, few, minutes ago who says the city is within its legal rights to enter, private property, and install those smart meters the meters they say are their, property, he also says, that the meters are safe he, also says the women deserve to be arrested. If they violated, the law but exactly what those misdemeanor. Charges, are we. Still don't exactly, know. I'm. One of the homeowners who had his property, rights violated. Even. Though by certified. Mail I, notified. The city, manager. I would not participate, in, this, federally. Sponsored. Voluntary. Program. And, would. Not accept, the extortionary. Alternatives. Provided. As, a. Result. I'm asking, for City Council. To. Fire, the, city manager. The. Acting, police chief, the. Police officers. Who participated. In, this. Travesty. And. Any. City, employee, who, advised. Them, that they had the right to do so as far. As I know we. Still live, in the United, States of America. And not, Communist, China, thank. You. There. Will be a five-minute recess until. You. Settle down and obey, the rules or we won't continue. We. Have a five-minute, recess. This. Is thankfully, a contrast, to the behavior of most City Council's, who are made aware of the facts, one.

Of The first u.s. states where these devices were deployed was California where. Dozens, of local governments, have issued moratoriums, against the rollout a. Vigorous. Ly support, de session today I'll be voting in the affirmative both, on the moratorium. And on supervisor, Kinsey's proposal, to send letters to the governor this, action, that we're taking today and one that I support. Is a political. Action and. Don't. Be deceived, that political, actions, don't work think, about the American, Revolution, miss. Wolf I miss, fire mr., Levine you know mr., Cobb oh ho, that's great hi we. Represent, people and they can get pushed so, far and, then. They say that we've had enough and I think that that's what's going to happen. Many. Have now criminalized, installation. And are, finding the utility, for every device they attempt to install. As. A result, of a grassroots, movement to spread awareness the. Vast majority of US states and Canadian provinces, have, active, groups who are fighting back and worldwide. The, trend continues. Many. Are asserting, their rights for the first time in their lives, but. Utilities, still are not yielding and in. Many areas they're, attempting to impose fees for, those who do not want their so-called upgrades, if, you get rid of your meter somebody's, got one next door already you got to get rid of the whole network and. And, this happened in Canada I mean there were some activists. I was working with up there they said well you, know we went. Over victory we got the local the public you know the Commission to allow us opt out and I said boy that's, divided, and conquered they just got rid of the the. People that were raising hell so. You, know that's not a that's not the answer we need to opt-out everybody, an opt-out, is an agreement to pay to not be hard an opt-out. Is volunteering, in to extortion an opt-out, says that if I don't pay you you, have the right to, harm me so, that that doesn't work. They. Are barking, on a monstrous. Act, of deception they, are saying one thing, but. You're getting something else and. I, see that as a, form, of extortion, you, either take our, energy. The way we want to give it to you or we're gonna cut it off that's, extortion, that's, a criminal offense as a, front. Cop. I just. I'm, just wondering, when the world's gonna wake up. You. Put a story out there it's, wrong but, what the heck we're. Gonna go with it we're gonna look at it straight in the eye and we're gonna lie to you, what. Are you gonna do about it. What. Would you recommend from, your experience, that people may not understand, or that you've gone through what.

They Should do or what they should know they. Should know that they can change that meter and they should do that that is the most important, part of it is to change that meter over these. Companies are betting on you. Saying nothing. They're. Betting on you. Quietly. Complying, with, their. Wishes to install, these smart meters on your property, you, have the right to, refuse a smart meter on. Whatever grounds, you deem appropriate what. About if thousands, and tens of thousands and millions of people all did this oh it would collapse in a day you, can't you, can't have, radiation. Emitting surveillance, devices on everyone's, home if. People. Want to assert. Their rights so. We're in a very strange, time in history where, your power company that's supposed to be this innocent, provider, of electrical, service has. Become your assailant, and you. Are required, in order to protect, yourself, you were required to. Fight. Back you work wired, to stand up and say no this. Is wrong and, I'm not gonna permit it. Millions. Of people are, starting to wake. Up to what's occurring the game is on the ball is very much in our court you, know we have a tremendous, opportunity but. We have to engage in, that game. When. We release the initial version of this film I knew, that I had uncovered, something that was far too important, to walk away and move on to the next project. So. After searching for how we could actually resolve the core problem, a Council. Of game-changers. Has come together with. Whom we have created a powerful. Proven. Unprecedented. Three-step solution, and, now. We have that solution, in place. During. The closing credits of the film I will be your guide into an open source crowdfunded. Movement, called, empower, built. Around these three action steps. Sending. An instant, effective, email to your utility and government reps. With. Free access to our new empower, video series, learning. How to hold accountable, and liable, those, who have been putting these harmful devices, on our homes and. Joining. Thousands, of others in the world's first mass, action, of liability. Do. This whether you have a so-called smart meter and want to get it removed or. To, protect your analog meter and, as. We, step into our authority. Power. Structures, were necessarily, to realign, their businesses, and. Values. To. Be a benefit, to our world. Doing. This together we, will take back our power. For, our rights our children. And the. Planet. The. Truth will you'll know it inside. Your heart there's a there's a there's a core level that that. Supersedes. All that illusion, and once. You know it there. Is no going back you, it's like The Wizard of Oz once you once you pull back the curtain. That. Illusion, of the the, big head up on the screen no. Longer exists you can still see it but you know that that the guy behind the screen is manipulating. That that's you pass. That truth you cannot go back to the illusion so. Once once, you know the truth like that, it's. It's, kind of like that you you. Just know it I can, see when you do that that thing does that then you are making that that thing's not real right it's it's that simple. Lawyers. Are not what you think of as warriors. The. Warrior is not someone. Who fights. Because. No one has the right to take another life. The. Warrior, for us is one who sacrifices, himself, for, the grid of others.

Their. Task gets take care of the elderly, the. Defenseless. Those. Who cannot provide for themselves and. Above, all the children. The. Future, of humanity. The. Nazi Germany the reason what what happened happened. Is because. There's. A chain of command that everyone says I'm just following, orders, he told me to do it. I'm. Josh del Sol and welcome to the empower movement, where, we are waging a revolution, of love and action the. Problems, we're facing are huge any. Adversary, monumental. But, we believe we have found something as a solution, that's going to change the game we. Put together a unique strategy, with an effective solution to hold liable, and accountable, those who have been causing widespread harm, in a way that's never been done before well, now what we're doing is we're saying no you, took your getting paid a very good salary and, you took an oath of office and holding, you accountable. What. If the power to right any wrong in our world was. In our hands. But. This talk is about and, the action, we're doing is, basically all, the


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