Planned Obsolescence : Why Your Tech Won’t Last?

Planned Obsolescence : Why Your Tech Won’t Last?

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there are so many things we can do today operate  by Heart by long distance clone sheep even the   entire Human Genome has been decoded thanks  to the web we seem less stupid as we combine   all of our knowledge from the four corners  of the world you can hold Global meetings   remotely while following the live tweets that  recount the overthrow of Gaddafi are your Shan   in just three clicks one can see the village  of Obama's grandmother right there it may not   be that interesting but it can be done nowadays  you can also take a nap at 300 km an hour and   it should be added that our life expectancy  keeps growing by an average of 3 months every   year and yet there is at least one thing in  our lives that is not improving that doesn't work it's something you're probably  experiencing right now it's about to   leave you you're both depressed and angry you're   haunted by the wastefulness of it  a breakup as unexpected as it is premature This Is The Moment of Truth so be  honest oh television why do you want to leave   me have you been programmed for this you want  to stop me watching the investigation don't you when a device is built so that it lasts only a few  years forcing you to buy another that's known as   planned obsolescence in theory the question is  simple does your washing machine your microwave   your refrigerator your vacuum cleaner coffee  machine or mobile phone have a part that's broken in 10 years Time Harmony will rain  everywhere Maybe do our devices contain   one or more fragile components deliberately  inserted by the designers to shorten their   lives the simple fact the question is  asked is enough to trigger the wroth of   the manufacturers it's a myth they scream yet  another conspiracy theory to add to all the others so we wanted to know if this planned  obsolescence really exists or not or whether   it was made up by militant environmentalists  angered by rabid consumerism [Music] I think   it is a trend in the way that the equipment is  built that it is not built to be repaired should   it fail it's built to be replaced and to do so  it's necessary to create what's called programmed obsolesence in other words to play up the  quality of the object in order to sell it   and then make it appear obsolete or  close to it once it's been solved main preoccupation of any commercial  salesman is to sell a maximum of his   Goods at maximum profit so we find ourselves  oversaturated with objects of all kind it's   therefore unclear how if these objects had  been built to last how this whole system could work let's stop throwing stuff out  the manufacturer can produce better   objects that can last for  longer even if the price is higher impossible so you would think it  a good idea to investigate all sorts of   electronic appliances we chose just a few  and even so we were soon loaded down but   our little tour of the industrial world has  shown that planned obsolescence is often a   little more complex than a simple broken part  damn one thing is certain manufacturers who   do it use our passion for shopping  and our in aable need to keep buying things take for example the old cathod Ray  tubes your old TV like millions of others   for the transition to digital terrestrial  broadcasting you put it in the trash it was   too old too fat instead in your living room  you've installed a brand new flat screen yes   the picture is better so's the sound and the  design is trendier in the meantime our desire   for better and smarter objects has led to the  doubling of sales of flat screen TVs since they   were introduced in the mid 2000s but basically  your old TV worked very well and would last far longer according to this recent study by the  60 million consumers Association compared with   cathod Ray TV sets the passage of time  is cruel to LCD and plasma sets I flat screens they age faster in terms of brightness  40% less in Just 2 years and also in terms   of colors how can an object that's full of  Technology be less durable than the big old TV [Music] set in the small shop in Paris  such as few exist anymore there all kinds   of stuff in these drawers small multi  Parts electronic components resistors   dodes capacitors the vital organs  of our flat [Music] screens that's   a bad sign with the soldering iron are two  electronic experts Alex alal rimbo and Fran Bishi how can I help you this lady is  here to have her TV's electronic card repaired what BR TV is that samung Samsung right  now usual problem it's the capacitors it's like   a car tire once it's punctured it's too [Music]  late a few minutes later another e card lands on   the counter what is this it's a TV card what kind  of TV it's a plasma or LCD W it's a Samsung same   problem the Samsung TV again Alex seems Blas  about it what is going on with Samsung well   there was a power surge and a few months later it  broke down so it's the capacitor apparently ah the   capacitors this is one of the culprits the swollen  and cracked cylinder what French technicians call   a cauliflower a capacitor with a puncture and the  TV won't come on does this happen often or I'd say   anywhere between 5 and 10 times a day given the  high demand for this product we stock it by the thousands Paris would seem to be in the  grip of an epidemic of broken capacitors   another customer has the same problem his TV  is just 3 years old did you bring it back to   where you bought it oh yes but it was €200  just to take it in for repair for a quote   and on the Forum they say they deliberately  use capacitors that will break down quickly   anyway I bought another one in the meantime  you bought another what oh yeah well that's   programmed obsolescence to limit its lifespan  by fiddling with a voltage it'll Fade Away   much quicker ahuh so it's done on purpose but  how well all manufacturers are right on the   edge on the edge of what well why put in a much  larger component that will cost a lot more when   it's fine for two years that's enough that's  being on the edge the minimum everyone's got   their opinions don't they fris Samsung is the most  popular because it's the cheapest and they're the   cheapest because the manufacturers use cheap  components we decide to leave a chart in the   store where customers can write the brand  how old the TV is and why it broke [Music] [Music] down 2 weeks later we return to  the shop and wait in line like everyone   else before interviewing Alex alal  Rambo who's as much in demand as ever Alex we left you a chart here it is not every  customer filled out the form but there are 18 who   did you can see it's the same fault capacitors  that swell up and need changing it's always   the same Brands yes well out of 18 there is  one LG and the rest are all Samsung Samsung   among the flat screens which are those that break  down the most often well very often it's Samsung   there's LG and Tosha sometimes well it can be  any brand really but mostly it's Samsung there   are a lot of returns and a lot of maintenance  for this brand so looking at our chart again it   would seem that the average age of a television  that has broken down is three and a half years   old that's not very old is is it well actually in  this day and age three and a half years is not bad   actually you think it's good yes anyway evolv  very quickly the new technology makes you want   smaller flatter and inevitably it makes it  overheat and the hotter it gets the hotter the capacitors you said there are a lot of  customers who buy capacitors you sell   20 a day what do you think people who  don't come to see you do with their old   TV sets well unfortunately they end up being  recycled thrown out because to get the power   replaced at the store or by Samsung costs €280  for this yes for the card what do you charge €21   so they just throw out their TVs or they're forced  to buy another because most dealers say it's not   worth the cost of repairing throw away and buy  a again all because of those damn capacitors in   Samsung's case they would appear to have a short  lifespan at this point it's impossible to know   whether Samsung is deliberately programming it  this way after after all it is the market leader   so perhaps it's to be expected that there will  be more cases of failure but one thing is certain   what happens in Paris is true for all of France  well this is a workshop that specializes in flat   screens in the adesh region of Southeast France  Francis deaa runs a flat screen repair service   he's the head of a network of 600 independent  Specialists based all over France he's gathered   together all the defective components from  across the country and has mapped each complaint   now you asked your network throughout the country  to track recurrent problems and what they've sent   you are mainly issues with capacitors most of  them involving LG and Samsung that's it yes and   it's not just one model wherever it is in France  in the north the south east or west it's exactly   the same fault these are recurring failures at  a national level with information collected from   his Network Francis deaf sums up four regions  in France no capacitor failure reported for   some major brands of TVs on the other hand the  majority of fault with LG and Samsung are due   to capacitors for Samsung it's between 50 and  85% of failures which is a lot when the TV is   on it heats up the lifespan of the capacitors  depends on the heat here for example a list of   four more or less reliable capacitors at 85°  Centigrade model 1 will last 2,000 hours the   second at 105° Centigrade 1,000 hours so it's a  fragile model the third model 2,000 hours and a   tougher one 5,000 hours still at 105° Centigrade  the hotter it gets inside a television the less   resistant the capacitor what it means in a  product in this case a flat screen is that   if it's unfortunately enclosed or the temperature  in both the room and inside the unit is high or   if there's no interior fan well that will shorten  its life and at that point the set will just stop working especially if the screen  has been aesthetically placed in   a wall or near radiator as it will heat up even more but it does depend on the manufacturer  and where they've situated the capacitors   inside the flat screen because the interior  is a maze packed with components it overheats   sometimes right behind the screen at  compen near p we meet up with Nicola patan the job of this lecture and researcher  is coaxing the condensers to prevent them from   aging too quickly inside the TVs because in  the field of electronics the capacitor is not   known for its stamina so this is a power supply  board from a Samsung flat screen it's marked on   top right there you see it takes the experts  trained eye to spot a problems straight away   you see here the capacitors have been placed  near a radiator so the components close to it   heat up that means that they will wear down more  quickly than if they' been placed a little further away the radiator is this large gray  metal piece its role is to take the   heat from the dodes that have been  attached on top and dissipate it the   hot air escapes through the sides of the  radiator and also through the other side   exactly where the capacitors are which is true but  heat remember is their weak point so the moral of   the story is capacitors on certain models of flat  screen Samsungs like this one are too close to the radiator of course all manufacturers will tell  you you can't just put a capacitor any old place   on an electronic circuit board they need to be  not too far from the components nor too near the   radiators but why then do Samson's capacitors fail  so often were they made to break down so quickly   are they [Music] programmed you'd probably want to  ask Samson that question wouldn't you but calling   the director of group Communications in France all  we get is a voicemail box yes hello Florence catel   this is Alise LC from France 2 television I'm  ringing because we'd really like to interview a   senior executive such as the marketing manager or  the vice president of Samsung France for example   while we wait for the communication office to  get back in touch our investigation continues   on the table are some of the now useless Samsung  capacitors from workshops we've visited they cost   only 16 a piece it's the cheapest on the market  couldn't Samsung install capacitors that are   a little more expensive but would last longer  these are all the capacitors we found n patan   the electromechanical researcher wants to show  us that there are far more resistant capacitors   with the same technical characteristics this range  still works at up to 150° with an operational time   of 272,000 hourss at 105° Centigrade 275,000  hours five times longer than the capacitor   samung is using and here is a slightly larger  component its diameter is 16 mm and it's 3 cm long so the equivalent would be a little larger  than than this brand a little larger by a few   millimeters and also more expensive at around €4  a piece4 and sell 16 cents for a lifespan that's   five times longer so the price of durability is  quite high but maybe it's not that high not that   high indeed if they make their components larger  it may cost a little more but it's really about   selling less of their products but the aim of a  manufacturer is not to sell a TV every 20 or 30 years the electronic equipment inside is  generally designed to have a reasonable   lifespan for the consumer and also to satisfy  the manufacturer so if 10 more or less fragile   capacitors in a TV set were replaced by  bigger and tougher versions you could   estimate that we'd get a TV that works  five times as long and cost just 50 more my dear lady wouldn't you want to have a TV  that lasts five times longer for just an extra 50   oh I certainly would precisely because when we  buy our nice flight screen Samsung for $400 we   don't suspect that it will give up the ghost  quite so quickly for investigates but on the   other side of the Atlantic in the United States  in 2012 the news shows were filled with report   like these does your TV take a lot of time to  power up if you own a Samsung you're not alone   tonight Samsung is admitting that millions of  its flat screen televisions may have problems   that cause them to just shut down millions of  Samsungs that fail to work and the same scenes   as in Europe dozens of TV sets and repair shops  all with the same capacitor problem so people need   to know that this can be fixed absolutely they  don't have to throw out the TV absolutely happen   it's exactly the same thing as in France and  elsewhere in Europe the same brand with the same characteristics except that in the US consumers  ganged together and brought a class action suit   against the Global TV brand leader Samsung failed  to notify its customers problems are so massive   class action lawsuits have been filed in three  states late today we uncovered documents showing   more than 7 and a half million people could  have defective TVs 7 and2 million Americans   found themselves with broken down TV sets  the brand offers an amicable settlement   and says it will pay repairs to the tune  of $300 per set us courts have approved   the agreement in a statement Samsung said  that these problems affected only 1% of   its total sales in the United States  but the figure is very difficult to verify on both sides of the Atlantic we all  have the same question did Sam Executives   deliberately decide to limmit the lifetime of  some of their flat screens did they use poor   quality capacitors and did they place them near  the radiator so they'd heat up faster is that why   they shut down or on the contrary did Samsung  just want to keep costs down and has no hidden [Music] agenda in his workshop on the street  corner Alex has his own thoughts about   that Samsung originally chose to make  an electronic board card with cheap   capacitors right agreed but the problem  is that they also need to compete in the   market to get the best value for money  you need to reduce the purchase price of capacitors well the impression I have is  that Samsung has a real interest in using   capacitors that will quickly overheat  and explode just to sell more flat screens it's true we've seen a lot of samsons  come in with problems but is that a design error I mean anyone can make mistakes I do or  is it deliberate that's the big question mark   do you agree though that there are other  manufacturers that well they have to be   careful if they want in a way to see a lot of  return Goods wouldn't that also prove negative   for [Music] them I mean I have friends who say  no I won't buy a Samsung now so they shouldn't   head off too far in that direction so they  they're taking risks oh yes they're taking   risks but in the new range and we're seeing  the cards also starting to come back in they've   changed their policy oh really how well they've  moved the capacitors further away from the heat   dissipators so they say cooler and and this  time they've made sure people like me can't   fix this problem because what they've done is  designed a new capacitor that can't be bought   anywhere on the market so that means even if  you're a repair expert you're excluded you can   no longer repair the circuit boards we will no  longer be able to repair the circuit board of   the next generation of ultra slim screens so then  for once we really will need to buy a new TV a   so the old capacitors don't last long but they  can be changed the new ones would be more robust   they have an unusual shape more elongated but  now they're impossible to replace that's a lot   of unfortunate coincidences don't you think our  first requests for an interview with Samson have   come to nothing so we start again all I'm some  comp right now do message after the T thank you hello Florence C it's Elise lus again from  France 2 television I really would like you   to call us back even if it's just to tell  us that you don't want to do an interview   if that's the case and apparently it is the  case as Samson's head of communications is   only on her voicemail Florence catel is not  available please leave your message after   the tone yes hello Florence catel it's l fing  you up again do you know if Florence catel is   in Paris or in France you well she should  be here as far as I know I can pass on the   message and I'm sure they'll return your  call goodbye we ended up being seriously worried where is Samson's head of communications  Florence catel is she lost in the rainforest   has she been kidnapped where is she  hiding in the desert the North Pole   the only message we've received from her was  this text hello sorry for not getting back to   you sooner but unfortunately we'll not be able  to respond to your request for an interview on   Innovation as hard as it is to believe there  exists in France no completed independent study   on the evolution of the lifespan of major  household items the only known survey was   conducted by the jaam group according to the study  published in 2011 the durability of our products   has barely fallen in 30 years refrigerator  washing machines in 2010 as in 1979 last for   an average of 10 years you can be the judge of  just how independent jfam really is jfam is a   trade Association that promotes the interests  of Bosch Brandt candy and Seamans we have a   better cleaning program oh yes and LG and Samsung  too in facts all of the major brands large and small hello Mr plank how is it that after 30 years   manufacturers have still not managed to  make longer-lasting fridges or washing machines we ask for clarification from Bernard  plank the managing director of [Music] gam in   this day and age there's remote surgery we  talk to anyone from anywhere all the time we   can send emails around the world but we haven't  managed to make something as simple as a fridge   lasts longer well you'd think we could increase  the lifespan of appliances like that but this   study shows us a second possibility that in  fact the use of such appliances has increased dramatically no but that's to be expected  and frankly when you see the new technology   that's around today look 25% of households  use their washing machines almost every day yes but it's not that obvious because  people reported using it 8% more not that   much refrigerators 11% more that's not much  either your argument that they us more doesn't   really stand up does it because ultimately the  appliance's lifespan is not longer yes these   are statements from people who say 8% do you  mind can I uh oh please they are your papers   it's a matter of people's perceptions  a lot now let me just check the numbers   uh let me have a look through it oh go go ahead  it's yours there we go a fridge is used far more   frequently now than 15 years ago let's look  at the whole document in fact the households   that say they've used stuff more often aren't that  many it's 8% here 11% there 8% here again it's not much well you know when you say it doesn't  last longer because they use more frequently   well it's not really the case is it well  it is a factor but listen I can't tell   you because your theory is that new technology  should mean the appliances should last longer   well thanks to new technology well thanks  to new technology well yeah but the survey   we did showed that nearly 75% of consumers  are satisfied with the duration of their equipment 75% of people are satisfied the only  trouble is there's no such figure in the study and   decides there's another problem the TNS software's  polling Institute which carried out the study   based it on the findings of a survey from 1977  which was made public in 1979 and commissioned   even then by Chan this old study serves as the  point of comparison with the 2010 results which   is how Gan can conclude that the lifespan of our  equipment has not diminished worryingly however   there is no trace of the old survey all that  survives is a very small small paragraph in an   old gfam publication so how credible in fact is  the current survey which was in the Press last   year praising the reliability of products which is  based on a now vanished and therefore unverifiable   study even TNS software carries a health warning  under the results table having only a part of the   results of the study conducted in 1979 it says  we cannot determine whether the difference is   significant or not when you make a comparison it's  obviously important to have the point of reference   so we looked for the 1977 survey yes  I know but unfortunately I don't have   that study it was 30 years ago  so you made a comparison with a   study that you don't have well we  have the results which sofs have validated no I'm sorry but all of this is based  in just three small lines here which is All That   Remains of the 1977 study nothing more look  the study we conducted is an analysis of the   time value vales of the appliances in 2012 but  you made a comparative study Between 1979 and   2012 it's here I can show you no wait I'm sorry  I I'm I'm a bit like Columbo the detective am   a i with all my papers but at the same time I'm  not an expert as you are on these documents now   we agree don't we that you have the amount  of time they were used in 1979 and in 2010   so you need to have a reference here but we do  have the reference it's the study as I told you   but it doesn't exist anymore you told  us yourself you don't have it we have   the results we conducted the study I no longer  have the documents the actual questionnaires   because that was 32 years ago I'm sorry I wasn't  there at the time you can't blame me for that surely no no not at all it's just the starting  point for the study doesn't really exist anymore   what I can tell you is that this study is  real it exists and we wouldn't invent one   study just to publish another okay well let's  just move on then listen I'm not happy at all   because this isn't how you said this interview  would be we're just trying to get some answers   no no no it's not how you presented it and if I  knew it would be like this I would not have come   I'm very unhappy I'm going no Mr plank wait please  uh we're investigating the lifespan of appliances   it's natural that I asked them to give me all  the questions before but we never do that well   you never do well all right fine we don't do that  well we don't do that for anyone whether it's the   president of the Republic it's nothing against  you it's always the same no I'm sorry I've had enough we really want to allow you to speak  and that's how to shorten the lifespan of   an interview in the meantime if jfam Finds  Its 1979 study we would know whether or not   its 2011 study on the lifespan of products is  reliable or Not Fragile components that break   down too quickly An Inconvenient leak about  the limited lifetime of a computer a lack of   reliable stat statistical data obsolescence  more or less subtly programmed comes in many   forms in recent years a new trend is emerging  making repairs of a product impossible or very   difficult the goal of a major brand is to ensure  that there is no more competition in other words   to create a captive market so how do you create  a captive Market first by making this product   incompatible with those of the competition now  Apple has done that and secondly by preventing   repairability which more or less forces  the consumer to move on to the object's   Next Generation so that's one way Major Brands  capture value but only the big Brands can do   that since you need to be able to dominate the  market a little lesson in modern economy even   if it means making something irreparable so  long as everyone buys it an object the public   cannot do without something that's become an  essential part of life look no further than   the end of your arm a mobile [Music] phone  the key to its obsolescence its [Music] battery Apple the world's coolest company  initiated the fashion for the built-in battery   before making it standard and its mythical iPhone  Apple learned this with the iPod the MP3 player   it released in 2001 that's [Applause] iPod but  a New York artist KZ neistat discovers after   18 months of use the battery in his iPod is dead  and it can't be changed he shoots a video seen by   thousands on the [Music] internet welcome to the  Apple Care Service and support line Casey takes   his Revenge by doring the walls of Manhattan  with this slogan the non-replaceable battery   in the iPod only lasts 18 months what follows  is a class action complained filed by a group   of American consumers tonight in the show's Biz  iPod battery backlash over 12,000 people filed a   class action lawsuit against the company because  they said the battery just wasn't up to Snuff the   complaint the battery had Too Short a life and was  too expensive to replace apple pays $15 million in   purchase vouchers and changes the batteries of  more than a million plaintiffs everyone is happy then here we go again this time for the iPhone  launched in 2007 admit Mass hysteria a phone   and an internet Communicator this is one  device and we are calling it iPhone but   nobody is perfect the battery can still  not be replaced Apple strikes a [Music] game this lawyer is the first  to attack the company's racket   Harvey Rosenfield stirs up a hornet's nest and  sends Steve's jobs an offensive [Applause] letter   we urge you to prominently disclose  the actual battery replacement cost   and replacement process in order to ensure  that no consumers are misled I'm always you   know as a consumer Advocate I'm always amazed at  what consumers will tolerate Harvey Rosenfield   will never receive a response from Apple  nor will the journalists who ask the same   question question why doesn't the iPhone have  a removable battery we obtain these internal   Apple emails which take a wicked pleasure  using a smiley emoticon to respond with a no comment in response two lawyers file  a suit against Apple again and again   the company avoids going to trial and  offers to negotiate with the plaintiffs did Apple and AT&T pay money to the plaintiffs  apple and AT&T settled the case that's all I   could tell you because it's confidential but  most of the time the settlements it's like   they pay money that is correct a conventional  transaction the company avoids a trial by paying   off the plaintiffs this method doesn't always work  however especially with MJ a former employee of   Apple MJ trained the assistants in Apple Stores  the brands boutiques today she is highly critical   of her former employer methods so you was not  happy there I was almost the entire time um   until I started asking questions like that and I  started being a little more persistent uh but then   I would ask some of our managers and um some of  the people that were in like in store leadership   and uh it didn't take long for me to realize that  I wasn't actually going to get any answers it was   just a cyclical conversation where I would say I  think it's silly that we can't replace the battery   and they'd say yeah well and then repeat the  same things they've always been repeating so it   was like talking to a brick wall eventually MJ now  works for a smaller company which she prefers it's   called I fix it a merry band of troublemakers  who repair things the engineers at iix it had   their own Manifesto how to fix everything on self  included and their emblem is the Fist and wrench   on their website they provide free repair manuals  and they sell tools or parts which is how they   earn their [Music] living to see what's wrong they  open up the devices and take pictures from every angle Shi either you trying to put it back uh  trying to take this one apart this one they   guide tells you how to change the battery of the  first iPhone it's something they make clear is   very difficult completely ridiculous design  demonstration by MJ and Kyle WS her boss it   just makes me I never thought I'd say this but  miss when I was carrying a Blackberry because it   was so easy to get in and take the battery out you  could carry like three extra batteries with you if   you wanted I finally I got this little piece of  it off okay so that's where the antenna's are um   now you'd think that it would be straightforward  like they' even got some screws here but no you   have to pop metal tabs on the sides and  that's going to take me another half hour   fil yep so this is the battery and this is  the solder connections here so if you want   to replace it you have to learn the solder get  the soldering equipment in the next iPhone model   the battery will no longer be welded but glued  pass to the bottom of the hull a nightmare to change easy and in the latest model the 4S  the battery is screwed into the machine but   still no lid so you still can't change it for  Kyle the role of the Irreplaceable battery is   obvious that premature death clock that they're  building into it by building in a consumable is   designed to increase number of iPhones Apple  sells by making them last less long and that   is how a bunch of kids in flip-flops barely  30 years of age are standing up against the   global giant of Information Technology on one  side electric drills and screwdrivers and on   the other the most massive profits in the  history of electronics with each new iPhone   Apple changes the technical specs to ensure  the battery is well- enclosed and every time   I fix it manages to undo their work hi I'm MJ  with iix it and today I'm talking about Apple's   Insidious plan to sabotage our iPhones at the  beginning of last year MJ caused a stir on the   iFixit site with on either side of the dock  people bringing their iPhone 4 into the Apple   Store for repair have found their Philip screws  have been unceremoniously swapped with the Apple   five-pointed screws in an effort to keep people  out of their iPhones bloggers and commenters alike   are referring to these special five-pointed screws  as security torque screws and it's making me crazy   Apple has quietly totally changed the screws on  its iPhone 4 this one on the right has slightly   more rounded ones than the one on the left so  now it's impossible to open the iPhone 4 will   iFix admit defeat not a bit of it including a new  product that I'm very excited about our iPhone 4   Liberation kit a freedom kit for the iPhone  available for € with a pentalobe screwdriver   two standard screws to replace the nasty ones  Modified by apple and a conventional screwdriver   that comes with it to open it up again later  the cheapest way we could find to remove the   tamper resistance screws an apple certified repair  technician to take out a couple MJ is proud of her   secret weapon but when the video was released  her former colleagues at Apple weren't overly   impressed people they call me a traitor as if  I'm being disloyal to my country or something   it was kind of funny um and and they just kept  repeating all the same things that they have   been saying well the screws are there to keep  people out because we don't want people hurting   themselves and it's like you can't really believe  that attacking apple is blasphemy an act of treason except and you may have noticed everyone  here works on Mac or has Apple products a bit   contradictory no I love Apple we use all Apple  products I think it's great Apple has made a   lot of repairable products and we we uh really  encourage that when we see it but what we've seen   in the marketplace is that uh the harder that you  make a device to repair the fewer things get fixed   and the less Long something lasts on average and  so we're trying to do everything we can to reverse   that cycle reverse the trend to pollute less  it's always the same story as we said at the   beginning it's to reduce the tons of waste this  is one of the true motivations of MJ Kyle and the Gang computers monitors hard drives of All Brands   all obsolete Kyle went to  Ghana himself to shoot this video today apparently there's not much to  say apple keeps its customers informed the   happy owners of an iPhone know exactly what  they're buying except on the Apple website   you need to look hard to find the information  indicated at in a small inset on the right we   see the optimal service life of the battery  is 400 Cycles or 400 recharges and to replace   it another three clicks away it costs €75  in France $79 in the United States quite a   hefty price if you're not aware that iFix it  sells new batteries for20 each and you don't   have the patience to dismantle your smartphone  yourself chances are you'd go directly to the   Apple Store and this is what you'd be told by the  Apple assistant something we filmed with a hidden camera you got an iPhone 4 on a contract two-year  contract with AT&T $99 to replace the battery   here $79 so $20 more you get iPhone for what do  you advise me so if I were you I would do the I   would get a four for $20 more if your battery is  dead change your phone 10 years ago you would have   screamed and and now you think it's completely  normal for example look at this happy customer   who's just forked out $500 for the new Apple  iPad show me your iPad too he had the previous   model but he broke it after just 5 months didn't  you try to replace the the screen or to fix it   because uh fixing it is cost 250 so 250 yeah to  replace the screen yes so it's good get a new one   this one the price of repairing an object compared  to buying a new one has come under the microscope   of France's environmental and energy conservation  agency what they found is the consumer is willing   to pay for repairs if it costs less than a third  of a new device below this threshold repair is   systematic between 33 and 50% of the price of a  new object then 10% of people are still prepared   to have their device fixed over 50% of the cost  is extremely rare figures that will probably not   have escaped Apple's attention especially since  according to another survey by an association of   American consumers battery failure is one of  the main reasons we change phones that damned   battery crystallizes Apple's planned obsolescence  in fact people change their mobile phones every 2   years in the United States every 22 months in  fact and in France it's every 2 and 1/2 years   a cycle of a little over 30 months it's  worth making a call to Apple France but   the Press officer shatters any illusion  about getting in have you heard anything   back from Apple no the answer is no which  doesn't surprise me did they say why they   never allow filming on our premises okay never  no you never give interviews to the media no being a press officer at apple  looks easy all you do is say [Music] no we decideed to try our luck at  Apple headquarters near San Francisco at   cero a small town in Silicon Valley you might  think we're totally obsessed with apple but   we just want some answers and we're not the  only ones look these are the Raging Granny's   a group of international actors [Music] they've  demonstrated against nuclear power against the   war in Iraq and now they want to take a big  bite out of the Apple how much is the cost of [Music] obsolesence and support your products your profits don't  help the world one more time apple apple You   Can't Hide we have seen your [Music] greedy  their plan is always focused on profits if we   plan in obsolescence we will make more money down  the road that's that's what they want the Raging   Granny's show up every month at the Apple Store  close to the company's headquarters money we pay   we have time to kick back a little for 3 months  now all our calls and interview requests have   all been turned down the company seems to  be everywhere in our lives our computers our   phones the news the stock market but as soon  as we want to ask some real questions there's   no one available so we focused on the famous  infinite Loop apples headquarters an attempt   to approach employees in the parking lot you know  why the battery is not removable on the iPhone I   don't have any idea you work here I'm actually  not allowed to speak to any things like that   unfortunately oh H do you work here in apple uh  I do work in apple yeah yeah do you know why the   battery is not removable on the iPhone I have no  idea you don't work about uh on iPhones I can't   answer the question either as soon as we arrive at  the main entrance we're immediately stopped She is   the press secretary and the muscle man behind her  is from security don't allow uh filming on campus   this oh so you'll have to shut down the camera  but um just wanted to know what you guys are   kind of looking for yeah yeah nice to meet you my  name is Anna salburg and um have to shut off the   camera we would like to ask some questions about  the iPhone and especially why the battery is not   removable you know the best bet would be to reach  I can give you some um email information as for   European PR folks um and they can best direct your  request um unfortunately we aren't able to offer   an an interview today and as you know we don't do  a ton of interviews I'm sure you yeah yeah why you   didn't reply to my email why you didn't want to  answer my question I don't know we're such a you   I have no idea you don't have an appointment then  unfort you can try to call someone please try I   I give you my call no we do have to go through  the pro you know the proper routes I try to to   to make it through the proper way doesn't really  serve anyone any good the thing is I what I don't   understand is that the battery is is we're clear  we get that got it we got that you have to repeat   that we got that got it okay so what we're letting  you know is what our action plan is uh excuse me   excuse me do you work here yes oh I'm sorry we  don't do it I would like to know why the battery   is not removable we are try we are trying on  so we're going to have to ask we don't you   know you can't interview our employees they're  not spokes people here that's not appropriate   and this is our campus yeah but how how should  I do you're going to you know I'm going to I I   I told you Al going help you out we're going to  have to ask you to leave now that's not great at all it's all to no avail our questions slide off  the press officer like a touchscreen and we're   kindly requested to vacate the premises Siri  is an application if you don't have it you're   completely out of touched finished a hasbe you  Siri and you'll be a winner beautiful handsome   with muscles you'll have a big family a real job  you'll finally be happy reply Siri gives you a   sense of power you can use your voice to tell your  phone what to do should I take an umbrella with   me today two out of three ads for the latest 4S  promote this feature the iPhone is the only one   to have it and it's the principal selling point  shame Siri doesn't work on your old phone [Music]   which is surely why sales of the iPhone 4S  have smashed all records when it came out 4   million were sold in just 3 days more than twice  the sales of the previous iPhone barely a year   earlier Madness except that some took it as a  challenge in Canada for example Ryan is a hacker   well known in the pirate fraternity he managed to  install Siri on his iPad how many calories in a bagel this might answer your question and  also on his old iPhone the iPhone 4 call home calling home home according to Apple Siri is  supposed to work only on the iPhone 4S but Siri   existed before on the iPhone 3 Gs and 4 but one  day Apple sends out a message I'm being replaced   the new Siri is even smarter and better looking  than me and waiting for you on the iPhone 4S   except that the phone doesn't have much to  do with whether Siri works or not all the   recognition is occurring on a server somewhere  not on the device so the device is just getting   the data from the mic bundling it up and then  uploading it all of the hard work happen somewhere else that's a MacBook Air 20 [Music]   first iPad iPad 2 first iPhone we can safely  say that Sebastian page loves Apple products   the Frenchman who settled in California set  up a Blog dedicated to the brand and its iPhones I clean them every time he's even built a shrine for them we  ask Sebastian page to test the difference   in response times of Siri on the left left  the Hacked iPhone 4 and on the right the 4S here'sa to through this Monday send a message  to my wife this is a test [Music] test here's your   message to Tin here's your Mage to Tina  ready to it to it yes yes okay I'll send   your message okay I'll send message only  one or two seconds difference Siri works   in much the same way on both models proof  that Apple could do it as well I find it   a little mean as a sales technique but  apple is a company that must answer to   its shareholders every year and it has to  generate revenue and profit so any means is good in a large house not far from Chicago Siri  has a sense of humor as well here's a guy that   loves to play with Siri Siri tell me a joke  nothing unusual with that is dag KLOS is the   application's inventor I don't really know any  good jokes none in fact come on Siri tell me a joke two Iphones walk into a bar I forget the  rest Sira and D Klass millions of dollars the   day Apple bought his app what are you  wearing why do people keep asking me   this the Apple not only bought Siri but also  the entire company and its employees that was   in 2010 dag stayed with Apple for 18 more months  until he recently resigned will dag answer all my questions I can tell you about traffic or Maps  yeah Way Off the Mark there Siri the interview   with this former Apple employee might prove  touchy as we want to know why Siri is not on   all iPhones ask cap what they why they made  the decision no but you were there you know   of course but I can't talk about decisions  that were made when I was working at Apple   why because we have confidentiality sir is  working on all the devices like iPhone 4   and 3GS and even on iPad it's working  very well it's not working that well   it's not working as well as it works come  on one second the difference what is it what's next we ask him again and this time  hopefully he'll answer the [Music] question   but the fact is that it forced people to buy a  new phone yeah it's true and is it voluntarily   done to to do that to push people to buy a new  one I think lots of companies like to have new   features on new products that's normal I think  we've covered [Music] this Siri answers a lot of   questions but not necessarily the most important  ones can one imagine a world where obsolescence   is not the rule but the exception and here's  the stupid question couldn't manufacturers   write the life expectancy of their appliances on  a label could they extend the lifespan a little   or at least allow us to fix it without spending  a fortune it's a matter of reducing pollution as well as for us will we ever  be less Spellbound by every   technological innovation a little  less dependent on our frantic urge   to shop and is anyone trying to develop an  application to answer all these questions [Music] are your Shan [Music] for for

2024-12-21 11:20

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