Patti Dobrowolski - 2019 DigiPen Institute of Technology Commencement Speaker

Patti Dobrowolski - 2019 DigiPen Institute of Technology Commencement Speaker

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Hello. Oh. I. Can't, believe it thank you so much for that introduction, I just, want to say that what's not included in that introduction, was when. I started, out in high school I wanted. To be a song, girl you, know a song girl is somebody that has this like really long, poufy, hair and, they, wear these cute, little skirts. And they have white gloves and then they do something called a nose clap, and circles. And they show, up at all the games and I. Thought this would be my way to fit in you know cuz clearly I didn't, and so. I auditioned, for, it you know I rehearse for, it and I go out there and everybody's, watching and I do it and I, do it perfectly, but they, don't choose me and I, think oh my god. Now what you know I thought that was my way in and so. This friend of mine came up to me and said Patti you know what what. You should do is become. The pet commissioner. And, I'm like pet, commissioner, what's, a pep commissioner, I mean really right, and they, said well pep commissioners, are on student council so, you get out every Friday you don't have to go to class and then on Thursdays, you make posters, for all of the school events, and so. I spent. My high school senior, year creating. Thousands. Of posters. And, showing. Up to get everybody, pepped up just, like you. So. I stand before you today a, highly. Paid poster. Girl and pep. Commissioner, and so. I'm here, as your pep. Commissioner, all of you graduates, and you, all of you out there in the audience you're my pep squad are you ready. When. I say. 2019. You say yes ready, 2019. 2019. 2019. Awesome. Alright, congratulations. Let's, give a big shout out to all the friends, family, everybody's. That here that supported. You and gave you money and, food. Let's. Just give them a round of applause thank, you. Can. You guys believe it, you. Actually took, your obsession. And you. Turned it into a lucrative, career. You. Slayed I, mean. Really what's. True though is that some of you have no feeling, left in your thumbs. No. Authenticating. Prints for you that's. Gonna make it really hard for you to get a you. Know a Global Entry card, so. You can't go anywhere but, who cares, I mean you just lay back in, your beanbag chair, put on your VR goggles. There you are Paris. Italy. Bottom. Of the ocean, top of Everest, call. In uber eats. But. Seriously, like. You have, have. Really earned this. Hard-won. Degree. The. DigiPen diploma, I mean. This is your, golden, ticket really. To a life. Where. Your passion, and your, creative, genius, hook. Up, that. Is sexy.

Now. I know that some of you out there you, graduates, are looking at me like which, but that lady just say creative, genius, I mean I mean, I'm smart but, creative, genius, so. Let's roll back to, the definition, of creative, genius so. We can revamp, it, so. Back in the 40s, I'm, talking the 1940s. That's, like when your great-great-great. Grandmother, was alive, right. In the, 1940s. When. They said creative, genius, they were talking about a person, like, Einstein, or Edison, or Madame. Curie, right, that's the woman that she. Developed radiation. Then died from it and. Then. In the 1990s, we're, still calling people, creative, genius you know we roll back there and there's Steve Jobs right, creative, genius. But. In this, day and age we've. Redefined, creative. Genius. Creative. Genius, is anyone. Who. Has this high. Security. Access, to. The to, the innate, capability. That we all share our. Imagination. Imagination. Is. The, language of, creative. Genius right. All. Right so. Back to you. Academic. Acolytes. Let's. Paint, the picture, of your awesomeness, shall, we. 2019. Okay. All. Right, the. Truth is that you've. Been tapping your creative, genius since you got here, it's. Your superpower. It's. A direct link between you, and your. Budding brilliance. Right, and, creative. Genius has, allowed all of you to, take your passion and live. Life from. Inside of it and that, is so, fricking fun isn't. It, now. You're looking at me like what you made that sound so easy what's she talking about like you put your hand in a glove or, I put my foot in a sock and, that's me living, life within my passion. But. Seriously, right. You, have done this amazing, thing and. Just. Like any kind of awesome, game, you. Enter, DigiPen, at level, one didn't, you and. Then. You. Know you, every. Project, late into the night you tested, and tweaked you developed, you failed, you, fixed, and every. Challenge you ramped. Up your skills. So. Today, I just. Want to say I confess. That, I watched some of your 2018. Projects. Online. So. Clearly, we start off, at. Very foundational. Level here. This. Is like you. Build pac-man, over, and over and over again but. Fast-forward, through, these multiple levels, of intricate. Design, and beautiful, sound, score, and then, here, you are you, walk into this room and. You. Definitely, wouldn't. You say, you. Have leveled. Up. 2019. That's. Right. So. Welcome to the next level. Life. After, DigiPen. I know. Now for some of you you like scary, wood, and. The others of you are like bring. It right. Am i right. Okay. But, it's not like you didn't have life skills before, you, seriously. Did but now you. Got this fancy, portfolio. Projects. Now. You've. Got this technical, terminology and. Acumen. Now. I understand. You can actually collaborate. In teams and, act very nicely. Well. Most of the time anyway, right. Okay. So. Let's talk about this, next level, landscape, because, in this next level what, you've done is you've constructed, this, virtual, and actual, life, toolkit, to, use but. What's that landscape, look like, so. Here it is an, innovation. Ninja. Rita jay king she's. From science, house this is what she said, she. Said soon. We'll be leaving behind, the technology age and, entering.

Into An, era, called. The imagination. Age. The. Imagination. Age, the one thing that carries, you through there, is. Creativity. That's, one an. Active. Daydreaming. That. Means that you, are. Gonna make so much money. You. Really are and the way you're going to do that is by, just acts. Seeing that creative, genius, conjuring. Up all of this advanced. V are creating. These intricate. Sound, scores, that people can experience, and also. For. Tonight's sequels. All. By, daydreaming and. So. Good on you let's do an inner fortnight dance right now shall, we. All. Right. Okay. So what skills you're going to be required of you in this next level landscape. Of life. Well. Like. With any good storyline. There's gonna be some hills and valleys, but. What you want to know is how do I get to the turn in the plot more quickly, how. Do I get to the top of the peak without. Having to hike all those switchbacks. So. The character, you. Get. To live that total, work happiness. Meet. The phenomenal. Love of your life right. And you, get to just have money, rain down from, these poofy, white clouds, and, a bright blue sky, and, a sunny day, are, we really in Seattle, might, have to rewrite that part grey sky. But. Here's how you get there here's. How and. This. Is my creative, genius, tip for you. Know. That. Anytime any, idea, or thought. Catches. Your attention. Your. Imagination. Snaps, a picture of it and then. You. Expand. That picture, with, how you feel about it your, emotion, and, then. Your brain jumps, in and it, starts, to create these what-if, scenarios. What. If I what, if I did that I moved, to San Francisco what, if this picture, happens, I meet somebody on the light rail we, decide to work from a yurt up in the metal valley. Imagination. Helps you try these things, on with those what I've pictured meanwhile. Your brain takes, those pictures. Seems them together into stories, and. Those. Stories become. Your life. But. Here's the tricky part. Every. Picture in your mind, is like a seed and you. Plant, and water, and fertilize. That seed, by, repeated. Focus, and attention and, the. More focus, and attention you put on that picture the. Faster, that seed germinates. This. Can, be positive. Or negative. So. You either move forward towards. The things you want or backwards. Towards. What you fear. But. It all starts, in how you view that, picture, am i right. Head. Nodding is appropriate. All. Right so let's run this in a movie score, okay, so. In the plot of this movie. Your. Avatars, name is max, max. Is a young, creative. Mind seeker. Decked. Out in. Acronym. Max. Has this wild, awesome. Hair. Max, dials, into a zoom call for. An interview, with an amazing. Startup, for a job that's perfect. For max. Now. Max is nervous, but. Confident, I mean max already, sent his. Interactive. Design, resume. And. So. Max. Dials, in and the. Interview. Is going, amazingly. Unbelievably. You, know max has the attention of everybody, in the room he's been dollied them and so, nobody's ime or swiping, or anything, and, suddenly. Belinda, from HR acts max, this question, that. Max. Didn't expect, so he's like what, suddenly. Max's, brain is on high alert it's, if ting through these sequence. Of images pulling, this picture know that picture mixing, and matching mixing, and matching trying to come up with an amazing answer oh my. God. Max is Max's. Amygdalas, gotten, involved suddenly, it's sending the chemical, cortisol, into Max's, system, fight, or flight fight, or flight, max's. Palms are dripping in virtual, sweat. Fries. How. Do we help max what. Can we do think, think. I know. We, got to come up with a secret code to help max at this next, level interview, all right, max. Calm, down max. Put, them on pause, mute, them. Remember. That lady at your graduation, ceremony a month ago and she. Talked about those pictures, right. Right, I'm, supposed to draw a picture so I can keep my brain focused on the future right.

Okay. All right I get, a pen piece, of paper, now. I'm gonna draw my future, self okay, an. Apartment. In Seattle, that doesn't, cost fifty five hundred dollars a month, great. Crazy. Creative, work where I get to use my skills every day awesome. Good. Cool, people, who want to hang out with me and make. Eye contact. But. Not all the time. Excellent. Max, scans over these pictures, and then, max, speed. Daydreams, this reality. Max. Max, are you still there it's Belinda. Max. Takes them off mute and the rest, flows. Exactly, as. Max saw it up here, in Max's. Imagination. And, what. It max right at the top of that picture. My. Big. Life, and. The. Rest is history. Now. If. That, can happen for max. Why. Not you. Fact. When, you draw a picture of your future self. You. Look at it and fill. It with feeling. It. Increases. Your odds of, success, by. 42. Percent, even. If you can't draw a, stick. Figure 42. Percent all. Right, so. Let's break it up here at this graduation shall. Meet 2019. Underneath. The graduates, chair, you'll, find a post card and a pencil because. Let's, change, those odds for, you right, now get your card. Find. It those of you in the audience you'll, have to use your program, and a pencil nub you found in the bottom of your purse. Hold. Up that pencil, in that card so I see you got it, okay. Turn. It sideways horizontally. And at, the top right. My, big life put. Your name and the, date one. Year from today April, 28. 2020. Do. That now. This. Is where the Jeopardy, song stings and that guy keeps winning millions. Of dollars. Okay. Now. Here's. What I want you to do. Imagine. It's. A year, from today April. 28. 2020. In the, best case scenario the, best future, you could possibly. Imagine and on, that card I want you to write two to three words that. Represent, your life a year from today without your critic getting involved, so, overblown. With joy, madly. In love. Fantastically. Successful, doing. Work that I love right, that whatever. Is true for you in that future. Whatever. It is that you desire put, it on that card and then like. Max draw one to two pictures of it even if you can't draw do that now she's giving me a look down here do it you can I know you can't. That's. Right, we're gonna give you one minute to do this. Well. Maybe not a whole minute. Best-case, scenario. Future. You want to live inside. Two. To three words. No. Fancy shading. Allowed. Okay. Times. Up was. That a minute probably not but you can finish this later but, here's what I'd say. Need. Another minute raise your hand, a, few. People need another minute hold on audience, can you stand it talk, amongst yourselves. Tell. Your dreams of the future the person sitting next to you you. Can do it. Okay. Graduates, here we go. Now. Put. That picture, somewhere. You can see it every, day. Dashboard. Of your car. Bathroom. Mirror. Best. Friends forehead, and. Then. Every time you see that picture daydream. It fantasize. About it. Double-click. On it some, piece of it and dream, it as if it's happening right now and. Then. Get. Up every day and do one thing to go get that dream, go. Out make, that phone call one phone call to someone in the business you want to be in meet. That neighbor down the road that's got that awesome connection. And, every. Time you get out of a chair meaning. These chairs, today, walk. Has your future, self. Today. Do. This. 2019. Yeah, and. Every. Time you come up against some wall in your dark souls experience. Because, you know you will that's, part of this game life, that, we're in right when. You come up from that challenge and to, that doorway of the challenge, to that archway and that portal, see. It as a portal, for opportunity. See. It as something's, gonna help you level up and then. Sit. Through your pictures so you know where you're going.

Sip, Through those pictures so, you know where you're going. Open. Up that life toolkit, you built flex. Those digital. Muscles, walk, through the portal, and. Dominate. 20. 19. 20. 1920. 19. Thank. You.

2019-05-21 03:13

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