Oversubscribe Data Center Racks

Oversubscribe Data Center Racks

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Graphical Networks: Everybody we're going to get started here in just a minute. Graphical Networks: Thanks, for attending. Graphical Networks: Alright um I think we'll get started, so let me share my screen here got a little PowerPoint. Graphical Networks: PowerPoint slide here to talk about. Graphical Networks: Let me get my PowerPoint going here.

Graphical Networks: And let me share that out second tier. Graphical Networks: Share screen I think it's this one here share there we go alright. Graphical Networks: So this This is called increase rack density up to 60% like wow that's that's impressive who wouldn't want to attend that right. Graphical Networks: now talk about those numbers here in a minute kind of what we bring to the table, if you are looking to increase rack density, you know what's the point of all that i'm sure you already know that anyway.

Graphical Networks: But anyway, so and i'm going to get into our product mentoring here in just a minute more of a live DEMO so. Graphical Networks: i'm i'm this person down here customer support person says director i'm. Graphical Networks: Just you know i'm here to help with customer support pre sales post sales etc so. Graphical Networks: But anyway, moving on so we're gonna see networking and actions, the second we got a few polling Questions No throw out there, so this was kind of related to the problem right, so we got. Graphical Networks: says racks are expensive. Graphical Networks: So, which those of you on the call would probably know better than I, about how expensive the Rack is not just the physical rack itself but, of course, when we talk about expensive racks it's usually has to do with.

Graphical Networks: Having to put equipment in the Rack getting more racks in place if you need them. Graphical Networks: Using what you have efficiently etc right so, then this is kind of the math behind that whole 60% number, it says, you know typically allocating a certain amount of power on. Graphical Networks: So maybe for kilowatts or something, and this special you can comfortably install let's say 10 servers if you're looking at let's say manufacturer spec or 400 Watts, on a server. Graphical Networks: That I give you 4000 Watts so to use in size you got 40 you rack you're basically leaving half the Rack empty from a power perspective right from a rationalization perspective. Graphical Networks: you're pretty much in good shape, be at a whole half a rack left and anybody that walks by that rack is going to look at it and go hey.

Graphical Networks: We have all kinds of room to grow don't we Well, no, you don't because unless you're putting in you know just a patch panels inside of it there's not much you can do right. Graphical Networks: And that's what kind of this is talking about here, so if you can monitor let's say real time, maybe not even real time just be able to grab data periodically and. Graphical Networks: track that information and certainly power temperature as well, possibly. Graphical Networks: You can set up maybe some power policies for the racks.

Graphical Networks: So you can oversubscribed the Rack right without additional equipment and doing some phases of a brain and more power, which is very expensive to do, and so on, so. Graphical Networks: So, instead of just basing on nameplate where they say you know you're going to use for Watts of power what's the real power usage right. Graphical Networks: So if you're doing in this example turn 50 Watts instead of 400 you kept the powered 4k and then you could add basically more servers so maybe 16 more servers so now not only. Graphical Networks: Increasing 60% rack density, not just from a power standpoint but also rationalization standpoint to right now i'm actually using up all my rack units, which is, which is nice so anyway let's jump over some polling questions me find my zoom here again here.

Graphical Networks: let's see poll. Graphical Networks: me launch this so it says you're currently using the method for documenting data Center. Graphical Networks: Multiple choice are using vizio spreadsheets coworkers DC I am home grown database right. Graphical Networks: So you know what's out there, what are you using so it looks like these items, the big were here.

Graphical Networks: spreadsheets followed by spreadsheet to come on fast very nice to see good stuff um so yeah I mean that's usually what we see maybe not so much somebody has a DCM solution already, but they they might. Graphical Networks: But certainly vizio spreadsheets is always a big one or vizio in spreadsheet kind of thing so well thanks for that. Graphical Networks: have another one for you biggest headache you'd like to solve, is it capacity planning, reducing preventing downtime untangling cabling. Graphical Networks: Which this isn't really a cabling webinar but.

Graphical Networks: might be good to just know about reduce injury Charles sorry I need to launch this so you can actually see what i'm saying. Graphical Networks: produce energy costs and knowing where your assets are so asset management which you may have a tool for that, but um. Graphical Networks: I certainly like our tool for some buys from the standpoint of asset management, you know, knowing where things are physically located capacity planning is a good good thing to so you know if you're how full your cabinets or, so to speak.

Graphical Networks: I certainly a big part of what I discussed talk to customers, I think. Graphical Networks: preventing or reducing downtime is a big thing to reducing it from the standpoint and knowing how things are physically connected it's easier to troubleshoot an issue. Graphical Networks: If you really know your network environment, I mean if you have a holistic view of hey This is my network, this is how it's connected.

Graphical Networks: when something goes out at least you can go some documentation and go Okay, well, we know physically how things are connected. Graphical Networks: You know what's in the path that might have gone out and so on, so, so the big winner here was capacity planning. Graphical Networks: followed by pretty much everything else I think everybody had a little bit of mix of everything assets was the second sort of thing there but do one more if you don't, mind you, currently have a decent solution, I think you guys a couple of you already said, you did so very good. Graphical Networks: You know we're we're sort of inside playing outside plant DC I am outside plan and also sort of em stuff so. Graphical Networks: Yes, looking migraine no i'm good. Graphical Networks: So thanks for that appreciate the time there was, like most you guys have some sort of solution now this I am somebody you're looking to migrate, I know there's a couple of few big tools out there DCM tools have been sort of end of life.

Graphical Networks: So sort of unfortunate for you know the folks that have those tools, but. Graphical Networks: Anyway, and then no don't have anything so again thanks for that alright so let's get into. Graphical Networks: My. Graphical Networks: Stop share, so I think I was just sharing the slides, I think, so let me go over to mentoring so. Graphical Networks: we're talking about rack so i'm going to go straight into show and kind of a rack and stack do you this is a.

Graphical Networks: sort of a view that we would have in our tool in the net terrain product so and that's rain is a software product its cloud based or you can host it yourself, you can do on Prem. Graphical Networks: Either flavor we kind of whatever you want to do we really pretty much support or try to you know. Graphical Networks: So, this would be kind of an example of you know, having a bunch of servers where you know 18 or so, and if they're all you know thousand or 500 Watts of power and you technically that's a lot of power that's being consumed, and it would be nice to.

Graphical Networks: be able to sort of understand you know if that's if that's really manufacturer spec power, how can we really load this cabinet up and take advantage of perhaps instead of manufacturer spec actually the real power reading those types of things and so there's a few ways to do that. Graphical Networks: When you look at when you when you do talk about you know capacity, increasing capacity it's not oftentimes it can be related to power of course rationalizations the other big one right, so if we look at a cabinet, for instance. Graphical Networks: go over here to my racks me just grab some wreck. Graphical Networks: This is how our racks to be looked it's like you're looking down over top and if I Double Click on this guy yeah I have two containers so front and back. Graphical Networks: We have racks of course they're just single containers or or dual if that's what you're looking for, but. Graphical Networks: You know if I grab a device and I drag it in this case is a ups right I rack mount it and you can do front or back doesn't matter but.

Graphical Networks: The point is, you know when you look at this device it's got a certain power associated with it, oh 6000 Watts power it's going to consume right or in this case, another 5800 Watts of power well from a. Graphical Networks: Powers perspective, he might be already hitting sort of your CAP as far as, whatever your power numbers so, for instance, this is the cabinet. Graphical Networks: On the left hand side, it says power 10,000 Watts and the actual consumption is 11,800 Watts.

Graphical Networks: Right i'm going off of a manufacturer spec right now i'm talking about real sort of power, monitoring and second you'd also do wait, but if I look at this from the perspective of. Graphical Networks: I want to see this rack by rack instead of rock utilization by power utilization this rack turns red and there's a reason for it because, in our opinion, right now, we're basically over utilized for like hey we're exceeding the threshold that we've set. Graphical Networks: So.

Graphical Networks: Well, what do you do well, instead of using manufacturers back or, if you want to change the numbers, I could come in here and. Graphical Networks: manually say i'm going to change this, but of course power is one of those things that constantly can be changed on device you had another cards can be consumed more power. Graphical Networks: Or if it's just not a heavy workload machine probably not going to be consumed as much power as it could possibly if you're you know running at. Graphical Networks: full capacity of that particular device right, so the point of all this is, you know how do we, how do we help ourselves. Graphical Networks: From the standpoint of utilization tracking capacities and those types of things well documentation is really kind of the best way to go. Graphical Networks: in some way now documentation might be able to use an excel spreadsheet which, in your case it might be perfectly fine that's great.

Graphical Networks: But when you do start to get down to the point where hey. Graphical Networks: I need to not only just know manufacturer spec or hey where something is located right, because we can certainly show visually where a particular devices rack mounted. Graphical Networks: And i've been dropped navigating down through my hierarchy here, by the way to kind of show it exactly where it is physically located but.

Graphical Networks: You know if I look at these devices sorry about that I get my mouse a few. Graphical Networks: Too many times, if I select one of these devices on the left hand side you'll see it's got that you know sort of peak power or whatever. Graphical Networks: But I also have a power number down here and that's 291 so that's more of a real time real value that i'm getting where i'm actually tracking.

Graphical Networks: At the device level and i'm saying hey give me a data value, give me the power read from this thing on a regular basis, so more real time power right so maybe every five minutes, give me a read every. Graphical Networks: I think you go down to 30 seconds, if you wanted to but. Graphical Networks: You know, give me some of them that's closer to reality versus what it might Max out to be or what the Max is. Graphical Networks: The manufacturer power is right so that's and that's what this is kind of all about so you know managing racks and capacity certain from a power perspective, how do we do that in our best way, I mean. Graphical Networks: When you're talking about a rationalization it's pretty straightforward, I mean you put things in position into the Cabinet right.

Graphical Networks: You know where it is you know when they have how many racking it's you have left you run reports, you know how many rack unit, you have. Graphical Networks: But you really need to start comparing that to power because yeah great this rack i've got tons of room left, but if I don't have power room, so to speak. Graphical Networks: And what's the point I can't put anything in here as far as i'm concerned this is all dead space right so when the boss is asking hey why can't we put something in here. Graphical Networks: You can go well, because we don't have enough power for it, but maybe you do have enough power for it, because if you're doing more real time power monitoring. Graphical Networks: devices, then I can get into actually doing that So how do we do that, and what are some of the tools that you can take advantage of well. Graphical Networks: First and foremost, we have a tool, called the collector where if I wanted to describe a value periodically and say hey give me the last power read from this oh ID value for power, etc.

Graphical Networks: Let me see that or maybe it's temperature or some other value pretty straightforward to do and set up you install this collector and it goes out and does that discovery there's another more advanced kind of way of doing this as well, and show you that. Graphical Networks: But on the left hand side you can do other things too when you do start to take advantage of kind of getting these data reads on a regular basis, so, for instance on the left hand side, out of power. Graphical Networks: I could put in something like a cost right and then what happens is it starts to do a calculate so now i'm getting a cost per hour for this thing. Graphical Networks: You know how much is that they actually run this device per hour right now, I know I know. Graphical Networks: You know it's three cents or 10 cents remember being maybe I roll that up, so I can see the total rat cost per hour and I got only two bucks an hour and run yeah well.

Graphical Networks: When it's a day and you're talking about you know 24 hours now it starts to charge 250 dollars a day now that's real money every day you're spending on power right. Graphical Networks: So now, I can start to formulate hey, not only do I know what my true power readings are, if I can add more power, but what is it really costing me to run these devices in this rack as well. Graphical Networks: It gives you want it gives you you start to think in terms of hey. Graphical Networks: You know not only can I track these but maybe get that rack density backup. Graphical Networks: But also, maybe it gives me incentive to go out and find these devices that aren't really being used anymore and making sure they get turned off and. Graphical Networks: So i'm not really wasting money on those things, but so anyway, how do I get the data feed so again, we have our collector tool.

Graphical Networks: That you can take advantage of and get data on a regular basis, but we also have another tool to stop my share here for a second Sir and i'm going to switch over to the em. Graphical Networks: So. Graphical Networks: Now this the em is nice because this this is going to let you go out and do a discovery, so I can go to my devices and. Graphical Networks: discovery at a discovery task come in here and choose a version of discovery protocol I PM is an MP Sarah s amp P, most people are familiar with right that's been around forever that allows me to grab data from a device, you know, focusing on ID and.

Graphical Networks: Bring that value or data back there's also IP mine that's more around typically server so I drag I load. Graphical Networks: Those types of things that's IP protocol so you can interact with that that controller, and it can that's really powerful too because allows you to actually control power. Graphical Networks: I can set thresholds and other things, I can say you know this device I don't want it to exceed 300 Watts of power again going back to sort of density, if I can sort of bottle CAP. Graphical Networks: My servers and say hey they shouldn't exceed this now of course in some case you can't do that because you have you know workloads and stuff where it might have to pick up and do other things and there's some other tools kind of around that too, but.

Graphical Networks: But if you can CAP it or if you just have to cap it right, because in some cases, you out of power at some place and you're like hey I have to. Graphical Networks: You know bottle CAP this stuff and not exceed it so there's other sort of protocols, you can take advantage of as well. Graphical Networks: Right so anyway, this is just going out and done some discoveries, but what does that ultimately get to what does that lead to well if it's something like a server it can lead to me getting information from the server itself some detailed information right. Graphical Networks: Not just the IP and just sort of the basics, but other things too like seeing temperatures various temperatures, because a lot of servers have a lot of temperature sensors sort of built on to the server into the server motherboard and things like that. Graphical Networks: That you can read data from. Graphical Networks: Errors other things like health statuses battery fan checks and things like that, but getting to the.

Graphical Networks: To the heart of the matter, as far as what we've been talking about it was power, you can see that here down, where it says power and temperature in that little area down here right, so I can. Graphical Networks: come down here and start to look at oh here's power over time, this is actually for the last hour right. Graphical Networks: So I can I can put my mouse on any of these and actually see the values, so I can hover and see you know what the numbers were. Graphical Networks: For those sort of reads right so highest power consumption it equipment power, and then the lowest power consumption. Graphical Networks: Right, so if I want to I can change this and say what's this look like for a week or a month or three months or a year right well I haven't had it on that long. Graphical Networks: But you can see, this you're starting to have a higher consumption rate for that particular server so maybe something changed on it higher load whatever it happens to be right.

Graphical Networks: So and and here you actually see that, over time, so in the other tool, the net terrain to on show me kind of the last data read. Graphical Networks: But here i'm going to show you the data reads every time which is nice, but now I can start to get more real time values right so Now I know which ones are really consuming at what power level right, I can mix it in temperature too, so I want to see. Graphical Networks: temperature for inlets and outlets and so on, I can take advantage of that as well, because that that sort of leads into the conversation to because obviously.

Graphical Networks: You have to cool where all these rocks are and turbos are, if you start to use too much power because, even if, even if you do have the ability to start using more power reads the heat, of course, you have to cool cool. Graphical Networks: Then you're probably not going to be run these things harder or with more power output. Graphical Networks: This tool is nice because you can also do roll back where I can click on the Rack and actually see the Rack power consumption as a whole and that data can be fed down to the Rack level details well if I want or need it to that tree so. Graphical Networks: So here, so now, this is where we kind of get into you know the.

Graphical Networks: The real time power over time, monitoring of the the data Center wiring closet whatever it happens to be and getting a lot of details, I can also get into. Graphical Networks: Looking at low utilization servers you know what's the percent utilization of the server and then, if I need to. Graphical Networks: I can go and actually look at that server and realize, you know what i'm consuming a lot of power for basically when it's for something that is not really doing any work right. Graphical Networks: So it's one of those things that again, you can really take advantage of and start to weed out servers and equipment that are no longer being used right or or don't need to be used. Graphical Networks: So that, in turn, is going to save you money because you're again you're back to sort of that whole power paradigm, which is good Now you can set of alarms and thresholds, and again I mentioned, you could set up.

Graphical Networks: You know bottle CAP your top level hey don't consume more power than X for this device or even for the Rack as a whole, you can do that as well just kind of Nice so. Graphical Networks: Let me go back to this view, so you can you start to get a feed data into this level this view get real time more power readings. Graphical Networks: And then be able to do more with your cabinets right better utilization better understanding of kind of where you are with respect to your devices and your radicalization passing hopefully start to even save money from a standpoint of hey let's get rid of things we don't need. Graphical Networks: let's not worry about having to add power goes that expense and so so hey.

Graphical Networks: I hope that was helpful run out of time well got a little bit of time left there's any questions, please go ahead and throw them up there in the Q amp a. Graphical Networks: This. Graphical Networks: Oh i'll bring up some other things too, so when you are, as I mentioned, you know, for us, this is sort of the Rack. Graphical Networks: more like a data Center view here right you've got multiple cabinets, these are different colors because, again I go back to. Graphical Networks: i'm looking at this by rationalization but if I wanted to look at it by power, I could click on that, and then it will change the appearance of a lot of cabinets are pretty much overlimit on. Graphical Networks: You know, red or just kind of you know lesser than I got my Green, I have a sort of a values up here as far as percent utilization over here.

Graphical Networks: But again, it gives you an idea of of what you can do and just some thoughts I mean around how you might better manage those those racks and take. Graphical Networks: know, hopefully, increase the Rack density in some way from power rack realization maybe could be helpful from our standpoint so anyway. Graphical Networks: I don't see any questions up there, I don't have anything else to talk about I think that covered, what we really wanted to kind of hit on if you guys have questions when try things out I guess reach out to us, I should reshare my PowerPoint for a second sorry, just so you guys can see. Graphical Networks: Here we go, so I would reach out to Fred.

Graphical Networks: Fred young down here at the bottom Fred young grappling networks COM, if you have questions you want to see a full DEMO you have very specific questions we're trying to terrain just let us know happy to help out. Graphical Networks: And you know answer any questions see if we might be the right fit for what it is you're looking for so thanks everybody really appreciate your time have a great rest of your day.

2022-04-13 12:11

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