Outlook Copilot Tutorial

Outlook Copilot Tutorial

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[Music] welcome to learn it training the exercise files for today's course are located in the video description below don't forget to like And subscribe hello everyone and welcome my name is Joe and I'm going to be facilitating this course for you today today we're talking about co-pilot with Outlook now Outlook is everything to me every single day I have to go through and look at my communications it's my main source of communicating to my team and also my main source of communicating with outside vendors for my team so what co-pilot's going to do for us is it's going to allow us to summarize our emails so that we don't have to read all the way through them it also does a lot of coaching so that our emails sound very professional and we can even draft emails with co-pilot we're going to learn about all this today in this course I hope you enjoy it looking to support our Channel and get a great deal become a member today to unlock adree videos that's right your favorite courses without a single ad interested in a specific video purchase one of our adree courses individually looking for even more gain access to exams certificates and exclusive content at learnit anytime.com more information can be found in the video description below now I do want to note that before we can even get into our co-pilot for Outlook we need to understand what co-pilot is but even before that you'll see here that I'm using the new outlook now most of you might be using still the classic version of Outlook and you do have an option to either turn that on or off you'll notice that I do have my toggle point right here at the top and I can turn that off and even though copilot does exist in the classic version it actually only offers for coaching and summarizing it doesn't allow for you to draft actual emails you can only do that in the new outlook now I have seen the draft with co-pilot in the classic but they removed it recently so I don't know if that's just something on my end or maybe a certain version so if you do see it that's great then you do have drafting with co-pilot but for this training I am using the new outlook and as of right now that's the only one that has draft with co-pilot but with that said let's actually get into what exactly is co-pilot pilot is a powerful add-in tool for Microsoft Excel that allows users to automate repetitive tasks improve efficiency and also save time now it utilizes machine learning and AI technology to analyze your workflow and then suggest code Snippets based on your specific needs and with co-pilot you can automate data manipulation formatting calculations and so much more without actually needing extensive programming knowledge now a couple things with co-pilot is the way that it comes out with outputs an input is when you ask it a question and then the output will be the result or the answer to that question and the way that it randomizes this is known as stochastic process now stochastic process in AI models can lead to different results each time the model is run so even though we put in the same input right I can say hey how much does this equal out to my total sales it might not be word for word the same exact output and this is aome what is desired right we often want Randomness so that none of us have the same answers so just know that if you're following along with this video that you will never get the same answer as me unless it's something really straightforward like give me the total sales that I've made it will give you the total sales that's not random but if you ask it to give you insights it might give you something totally different than the insights it gives me another thing is a couple of the pros and cons of using co-pilot so we're going to start off with the pros productivity boost right it aims to enhance productivity by automating various tasks such as writing emails or creating presentations or even taking meeting notes which is great we can also integrate it with Microsoft Suite which is what we're doing today we are going to be looking at excel's version of co-pilot we also have to understand that is a natural language process which means we're able to just put in inputs naturally and then we get results and the best part about co-pilot is learning and adaptation it's always designed to learn from our user interactions so the more questions we ask over time it starts to understand how we think about our data now some of the cons of using co-pilot are first off potential bias and inaccuracies right of course this is a new technology so sometimes it might generate inaccurate information based on the data it was trained on and you'll notice that throughout the course that sometimes I might not get the exact answer I want and I need to teach it what I want you also see here that there's an adop in learning curve as with any new technology you're going to have to get used to using the interface or even certain input commands that you're going to ask it or certain prompts that you want to look at so that's why this video is going to be super helpful for you because it's going to allow for you to understand those learning curves and last but not least ethical concerns of course you know it's an AI assistant so we want to make sure that we're not just using it to generate misinformation or plagiarized content now the last quick note before we actually dive into this is that Microsoft co-pilot is still in development and its final capabilities the pricing availability is yet to be determined so as with anything else that is AI powered it's crucial to approach it with a critical mindset right we want to be sure that we're maintaining our privacy and security we're going to comply with any of our company's rules right and this AI is definitely not a replacement for human expertise or decision making so we are actually using it as a tool not a replacement in Outlook you'll find the co-pilot pane up in the top right hand corner if you go to the top right hand corner you'll see actual co-pilot symbol and you'll give that a click once you click on that it's going to open up the pane where it'll give you a couple of different prompts that you can use like understand tell me more about a topic within my emails or find a file that a person shared with me last week or maybe find a conversation I had also stay on top of summarize some recent emails you can try using one of those prompts or you can just use any type of prompt maybe I want to understand more about pitchbook news because they sent me a lot of emails so what it's going to do is gather the resources from my inbox and let's take a look at what it comes up with so now it's combining all those documents and emails that they found that's going to be relevant to this and look how cool this is so it says pitchbook news is a newsletter that provides information on venture capital okay well I didn't really know that I usually just skip through pitchbook because I don't know exactly what it is so you'll see here now I'm getting some information so it looks like it's just a newsletter that I'm signed up for you'll see here that it does have references so I can quickly reference those emails and click right to it which is pretty cool and then it open up the online version and look at this so now I'm looking I got this today the 15th I'm going through awesome and then you can just exit out and go back to your desktop version so that's a really awesome thing that we can do here with co-pilot is understand why we're getting certain emails from certain companies another thing that's really awesome is being able to find something if you can't find a certain email like maybe I want to say find something or find the email that mention six types of working Geniuses remember I got that email but I can't find it so once again it's going to go through all the resources go through all my emails let's see if we can find it so for this one it couldn't find it you'll see that sometimes this doesn't work I do see it right here the six types of working genius um so let's try that again you might have to do the prompt multiple times always remember that this is a very young version of co-pilot it's brand new so it's not going to always work the best but that doesn't mean that you can't try the prompt again or maybe change the wording of the prompt and always remember you're going to get a different output than anyone else it's randomized so I'm going to run this prompt again see what happens and once again it might not work and there we go so I'm sorry but I couldn't find any emails that mention the six types of working Geniuses um and well if I click here it's right here so no worries if it doesn't find it and you can always just play around with these different prompts whether you want to find something or stay on top of something or understand something and see what you can do in your email let's say that I'm working on an email here that I want to read through but I know this there's a lot to read through so let's actually find one that has a lot of information in it okay here we go this is an email with a lot of information I'm going to close out my co-pilot and you'll notice that when you do have co-pilot inside of your outlook here it will always have above the email summarized by co-pilot so I'm looking through and there's just a lot to read through I don't want to read through all this so instead I'm going to click summarize by C pilot or summary by co-pilot it's going to scan this entire email look for some of those key points and then it's going to go through pull me a nice little summary and I don't have to read this entire email I could get a little more out of the summary and save some time so right here it says the email thread is a newsletter from pitchbook news discussing various topics in BC PE and Ma Industries and then gives me a little bit more of information and this is perfect this could take me about 1 minute maybe a minute and a half to read and understand instead of reading through all of this information that probably has a lot of filler in it so summary by co-pilot is going to save you so much time let's do one more let's say that I'm looking at this one H that's not really too much going to find one with a lot of information okay here we go I don't want to really read through all this so let's see what the summary looks like so it's going to go through doesn't even take that long that's the best part about this and look at that boom so this one's talking about Microsoft build session it's being offered and extended until April 12th it's offering 300 off pretty good and then the event will take place in Seattle May 21st 23rd pretty amazing and it also includes featured sessions breakouts and Labs that's amazing information all in one quick summary so this is going to be something that will truly save you time inside of communication in your outbox another favorite thing with co-pilot and Outlook is draft with co-pilot the reason I love it so much is because it helps me to write amazing emails let's say that I want to create a new email so I'm going to go up to new mail so I'm going to send a new email but I don't know exactly what I want to write for instance maybe I want to talk about the new AI co-pilot but I don't know exactly what to write about co-pilot because there's so many great things to say about it you'll notice that when you do have co-pilot right right here is where you can draft with co-pilot and you can click here and you'll get this little prompt where you can say what do you want to say in this email you can access draft with co-pilot here or if you go to your Ribbon you should have a co-pilot section now give that a click and you'll see you'll have draft a co-pilot or coaching by co-pilot now once again if you do have the classic version of Outlook you may only have coaching by co-pilot I am in the new version of out look which you should be able to toggle on or off if you don't see draft with co-pilot that's the reason if you are in the classic and you see it well then that's a great thing I know when I was in classic I did see it but then it disappeared so I don't know if they're only switching to having users that have the new outlook can have access to it or not so we're going to use draft co-pilot and I'm going to say that in this email I want to talk about the benefits of using Microsoft co-pilot and I'm going to generate an entire email now about this so it's doing its thing creating a draft and look how amazing ready I hope this email finds you well I want to share with you some benefits of using Microsoft co-pilot it is an AI power coding assistant that can help you write code faster with fewer errors it can also provide context aware suggestions and help you learn new programming languages and Frameworks it's a great tool that can save you time and improve your coding skills pretty amazing now you can choose to change some stuff so if I'm like you know I don't really care about the whole coding thing here I can select it and say anything you like to change and then I can choose it but one of my favorite things is edit prompt you can make it longer you can make it shorter make it sound more formal or more direct you can make it sound like a c more casual or even make it into a poem pretty awesome I'm going to choose to make it sound more well first off I want to make it a little longer so let's do that and then I'm going to make it sound a little more casual because I'm trying to talk to my friend and look at this I hope this email finds you well and you're having a great day I'm writing to you gives me a little longer information but now what I'm going to do is make it sound more casual and there we go it's create the draft awesome now when you do get the make it more casual right you get different options by the way so you'll see here this is option three of three that it's showcasing us so you can read through this say hey hope you're doing well and having a nice day hope this email finds you well you're having a great day I hope this email and it's a lot shorter so you'll see all the different prompts that you've been going through and you can now see okay this is the first thing I started with now I made it longer that's the second thing and I made it some more casual and you have choices you can then choose to keep whichever one I'm going to keep this one and there it is we have now created an AI p powered AI generated email now we just saw how we can graft with co-pilot which is an amazing tool but some people don't like that AI can just write something for you and they'd rather write an email themselves let's say that I'm writing an email I decide I don't want to use co-pilot I just simply want write my own email and my own words so I'll say hello I hope you are good I wanted to tell you a little about the new co-pilot it's really cool you should try all righty I am going to Showcase a quick demo so this isn't really like a great email that I would write there's nothing really to the point about it but what I can do at this point is go to co-pilot and use coaching by co-pilot it's going to analyze the email that we have review the tone the clarity gather some of those insights and it's then going to generate the suggestion of what could I done better to write this email so let's see so it's saying you know this email is friendly and casual but it can also be a little more professional and appropriate so it's telling me that my tone isn't that good I shouldn't be saying things like should cool Al righty and it's given me those suggestions for example start your email with deer or and it with sincerely so it's pretty great uh yeah pretty great suggestion that email was definitely not a good tone then it says engage your reader more the email shows enthusiasm and interest for the new co-pilot but it could also Engage The Reader by making them more Curious and excited about the tool tell them more about co-pilot use descriptive and specific language to highlight some of the advantages of co-pilot so it really is coaching me on what to do better it's not telling me hey switch this out or you have to write this it's just simply suggesting using those suggestions for us so clarity as well it's saying this email is too brief and concise but it should also be more organized and structured so the email is a demo of the new co-pilot which is complex you might need more explanation and demonstrations I really do love the coach by co-pilot I use it a lot because I don't always want co-pilot to just write my emails for me even though that's a really awesome feature with co-pilot sometimes you just want to express yourself in your own way so getting this coaching by co-pilot helps me to figure out okay which tone should I use make sure I engage my reader make sure that the message is clear one of my favorite things about co-pilot is how much they have to offer in terms of prompting so when you ask it to do something whether it's to summarize an email or if you go over to the Paine and you ask it to find something these prompts are amazing but there's always prompts being made and you can find these other prompts in what's known as co-pilot lab now you do have to sign into your 365 account and go to your co-pilot section there and then once you're there you'll see all the different prompts in the co-pilot lab so open up your web browsers go to office.com sign into your 365 and then you should see on the left hand side your co-pilot once you're there you'll then be able to access co-pilot lab now that we're in copilot lab this is where we can explore the impr products so where co-pilot exists for example 365 word teams Outlook PowerPoint Excel even in OneNote or Windows Loop whiteboard or forms you'll see all the prompts to try and remember that co-pilot lab is here to teach us what sort of prompts exist now in the prompts to try we can save prompts by clicking the little ribbon icon and we can quickly save a prompt so if I want to save this one just click it and now I have all my saved PRS here so that's a nice little flag system right next to it you'll see we can filter for whatever app we're using this for whether we want only Excel or word or even Outlook promps and then what sort of category do you want what prompt do you want to create something or edit it or understand it ask questions about it or even just catch up and get summaries you'll notice that when we're looking at the prompts it'll explain what the prompt is a nice little category what's new and then you can see an example of what you would write for the prompt you'll see in the bottom left hand corner what the prompt is coming from so which application in this case this would be Microsoft 365 this one's a one note prompt this one's an Outlook prompt a loop prompt you can go through and find Powerpoints and this is also what's really cool about this system is that you're learning right so if you're like how do I add an image to a slide it'll showcase add an image of and then you can say for example a puppy dog to the slide so if you don't remember that you can always just save this and then use them later on in your applications once you're there and there's so many different ones like shape that's a pretty cool one Microsoft pre-created a bunch of these for us we can click on show more show more and there's just so many different ones now once you go through the different prompts and you choose which ones you want to save and use inside of co-pilot in those applications you can then go back to the app and start using them you'll see down here we do have a couple of articles for quick tips for better prompts so summarize this email and two bullet points you'll see that you're giving more detail and you're specifying that you want two bullet points that's something that we're going to learn about for co-pilot is that we need to really be specific on what we're asking it because well it's still a computer right we're still talking to computer language underneath it we have FAQs what is co-pilot prompts or what can I get done with co-pilot how can I get the best responses or results you'll see a bunch of different articles here now going back to the top you can go into the get started and there's so many different ones they have for home users Business Leaders or for ads let's say that I'm a business leader and I click into that if you notice the servic is unavailable right now so these are services that are starting to come out slowly there are slow rollouts so just you know be patient with it you'll see this one's still unavailable and I believe admins is unavailable too oh no they finally got the admins up so just wait for the Business Leaders that should be coming out soon and then we'll see here Microsoft copilot 365 documentation get ready for co-pilot with 365 get started with manage it get trained on they have so many different resources for you to take a look at and utilize another thing that's really important with co-pilot that I always say is the plugins this is going to plug into different apps and Integrations not only with just Microsoft with other Technologies as well so take a look at some of the things that are coming up and once again any user co-pilot resource co-pilot lab is one of those resources this lab is where you meet co-pilot you understand what it can do you can see it in everyday apps and those are once again those prompts and you can click the little save prompt so this is more like that main page here this is the landing page for copilot lab but it's pretty much the same if you go to prompts to try it'll just bring us back to where we were what's new that's always something that's important I'm always reading up on the latest updates for Microsoft co-pilot so you'll see here prompts of the month what were the most important ones or what were things that weren't working that they've now updated transform a doc into a presentation that's a really cool one and you can upload document files we'll actually talk about this one of our other classes when we get into using co-pilot with word and also using it with PowerPoint but as you can see here improvements based on our feedback before we talked about how you can submit feedback it is important remember this technology is Young still so we need to really Express what's working or not working for us to make sure that co-pilot can evolve into the tool that we need it to be you can take a look at some of the previous updates as well our February updates January December just click on the little carrot icon you'll see all of them and I just love the way that they display like all of the icons you know that this is specifically for word it tells you you know what it's for we're actually going to be talking about word for the web so transform your text into a table this looks like it's only available for word for the web so not for the desktop app that's another thing that's really important with using co-pilot there's going to be different things that work in the online version versus the desktop version and there we go so always remember that this is still co-pilot lab we can have all the same tabs up top we can switch between prompts to try getting started remember for business leader is one that's not available right now but it will be rolled out sooner than later and there you go the online version of Outlook is identical to the new outlook with a couple of new tools up top as well it's the same way that you would use Outlook in the desktop or the online version you can access the pain you can click on an email and summarize it or you can even go to new and create new mail and either use draft or co-pilot or coaching so there's no difference between the online version of Outlook with Co pilot or the desktop version if you're using the classic version of Outlook then of course the online version is going to look a lot different so if you do want to use the online version of Outlook you should have access to both Drafting and coaching so for those of you that have the desktop version in classic mode and you don't see draft with co-pilot always remember that you can go in to the online version and you should be able to find it here as you can see co-pilot is so amazing and there's so much you can do with it I hope you all enjoyed this course and I'll see you all next time thanks thanks for watching to earn certificates and watch our courses without ads check out learnit anytime.com [Music]

2024-07-20 20:53

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