Opening a Staggering Amount of Retro Tech Mail!

Opening a Staggering Amount of Retro Tech Mail!

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[trumpet-driven jazz music] [computer beeping, buzzing] - Greetings, and welcome to an LGR "unboxing of donations" thing! And I just got back from picking up my mail. Wow! Y'all what have you done? [mail-induced chuckle] I know it's been four months since I last recorded one of these, but goodness, this is... a lot. Massive thank yous to everyone that sent things in, although I have seriously run out of space to put things at the moment. So maybe hold off before sending anything else for a while.

Yeah, let's get right to the unboxing 'cause this is gonna be a long one. Okay, I got one here from Alan in Canada. [bag crackles] Interesting. Alright, this is his old 5x86 CPU, he's kept since the '90s. Heck yeah dude, essentially one of the fastest released 486 class CPUs, often overclocked to 160 megahertz.

Oh, also wanted to thank me for adding subtitles to the videos. He's hard of hearing, it's a massive help. You're very welcome. It is my pleasure. A good like, 25% of people that watch LGR use subtitles.

So yeah, happy to provide them. I don't know what these are. We've got some little chips here.

Elite MT somethings. Yeah, I would have to go and research those. [chips rattling] Oh yeah, never gonna look at that, AMD-X5-133ADW.

There are multiple variants of this, from when I recall. I don't remember what the differences are right now, but that will be for future me to figure out whenever I do a video about this. Cuz I do want to do a video about this and compare it to my Overdrives and some other various similar CPUs from AMD and Intel and Cyrix and whatnot. Thank you very much for sending these in. All right, got one here from Tom in the UK. We've got a Sound Blaster 16.

It used to live in his family PC in the mid '90s an Ambra Sprinter with a 386. An interesting-sounding machine I've never heard of. Thank you, Tom.

Hopefully it does work. We will see. Hey, look at that. Oh, delightful.

It is a nice sound card. Always useful. Can seriously always put one of these to use, especially a slightly earlier one like this, a CT2290. It's got a version 413 chip there. I don't know if that's the one with the hanging note bug, off the top of my head but yeah, real OPL chip.

Either way man, these are awesome. Yeah, got a Creative/Panasonic one and also IDE, so this is the IDE interface version. Thank you very much. Highly useful. Okay, I got this one from Altair Audio Engineering.

Wow, quite the unique, old looking postcard there. If anybody knows what any of that says, let me know. It appears Soviet.

Yeah, awesome. Oh yes, Skoddie. Includes this edition 1 of 20 Echoes and Stonewalls by Autumn Altair.

It says special LGR edition, which includes version of canyon, LGR canyon.mid, that's really neat. What? LGR animation will play on a Sound Canvas, a compatible one. Dude, that's nuts.

There may be a content match on one of the tracks and wanted to thank me for being a large inspiration for the album. Was always intrigued by the Sound Canvases as a kid, but my videos on that and the MIDI Mountain are what drove him to order one and ultimately write an album using it. That is so cool.

Got some download codes. Y'all go get 'em. That's some awesome vinyl stickers here. Sweet. And yeah, look at that. That's just cool.

I love any album or any kind of musical release experimental or otherwise, on floppies. That's so cool, I may have to do a Blerb on this, honestly. 'Cause if it like, seriously, does cool things on a Sound Canvas... And of course, always appreciate.

a nice three and a half inch jewel case. Alright, this one does not have a person name on there. Okay, this one is from Aaron. Happy to contribute, hope this helps. Me too, thank you.

Oh my word. Yes, I dunno if "help" is the right word, but this is phenomenal. I've actually been looking for this thing for years.

And there's multiple devices like it, but this one in particular is so silly. It's a joystick for the numpad. How stupidly awesome is that? "As seen on TV." And apparently there's one here for the NES as well, which I was not familiar with. [plasticky chuckle] So yeah, they're amazing to have, and I really do want to do with like a little quick Blerb or something about them. I just wanna try it out.

There's a surprising number of these. "A winning team." "More speed, more points, more fun." Oh, okay. Thank you. Yeah, got one here from Joel. [bag slicing] Oh, look at all these 3D things.

I think there's another package that goes along with this. You know, these are all like different size 3D printed housings for... I wanna say the BlueSCSI.

Let me see if I can find the other package. Yeah, here we go. No notes in here, a bunch of stickers. See the little Raspberry Pi, Mac things.

All right, so all these are for the BlueSCSI project, which is a Mac hard disk replacement thing. I do have one of those. These are all just brackets to stick them in various machines, I suppose.

Which that's awesome. But yeah, these here, I had seen Action Retro do a video about the RaSCSI. And yeah, it's like a Raspberry Pi-based SCSI hard disk replacement solution. And PotatoFi, Joel, he makes these fantastic 3D printed cases that really fit the design language of the Macs that's meant to work with. I mean, those look wonderful, good grief.

Look at the texture in there. Can you see the texture? It's great. So, I haven't actually been able to get the RaSCSIs.

They've been sold out, since I've seen that video and haven't actually seen them come back yet. Maybe they have, I don't know. Haven't noticed.

Anyway, hopefully I can get those at some point cuz these cases would be great to use with that. Check out Action Retro's video on that if you're curious about it. It's a fantastic-looking device for old Macs, SCSI machines. So is the BlueSCSI. Anyway, thank you Joel. Okay, got one here from I don't know.

[bag tearing] [chuckles] I do remember being told about this though, got a Quantex mouse pad. It goes along with my Quantex 486 I picked up over the summer. How cool is that? It's their later logo. Yeah, that's awesome. All right, so it is from Allen. Hello Allen.

Inside the envelope is the enclosed Quantex mouse pad you acquired while working at Quantex tech support call center in the 1990s. It will prevent the PC from feeling lonely. Apparently, also enclosed is the Damn Interesting Challenge Coin.

Perhaps you'll think it's silly because of this silly. Note that however, it is also shiny. Well, apparently he's the founder.

Okay well, what is this? Limited edition challenge coin. Assembly instructions, pull firmly on coin to remove it. Use coin. [laughs] I didn't know this was a thing, but I feel like it's special. I'm seeing all kinds of suggested uses there. I don't actually see POG slammer listed.

That's the first thing that comes to mind. Something this heavy in that size. Silly indeed. Thank you very much, sir.

And I appreciate the tech support mousepad. I've got this slightly squished one, hope it's okay. From Andrew in the UK. [wrap crackles] Oh, this is so cool. All right, as promised here is the weeCee.

[chuckles] That's a great name. Anyway, it's based around an x86, that's intended for industrial use, but it turns out to be awesome for DOS gaming. SD card slot emulates a hard drive, you can install any OS, from DOS all the way up to Windows XP. Micro USB power supply, PS/2 keyboard, and such, VGA, sound card, okay.

It's a Sound Blaster Pro compatible. I mean, cool. Also has a Dream Blaster S2 installed.

This thing is decked out. Look at those specs. This thing is...

Oh man. So I've been excited to try this out after seeing his videos. So yeah he goes by therasteri on YouTube. Here's an SD card with Windows 98 SE, very handy.

A little PS/2 splitter here, to get the keyboard and mouse, and [chuckles] this is the machine itself. It's a full-on DOS computer, man. Look at them ports. Micro SD, 15-pin game port, and got PS/2 there, ethernet, USB, micro USB for power, VGA, sound output. Apparently there's a Dream Blaster in here. Dude, this is nuts.

It's such-- It's so-- augh! Ah man, I really wanna do a video on this at some point. Ohh. [sigh] Add it to ever-growing list of very small interesting products, or projects, that I wanna cover.

If you don't see my video anytime soon, just check out there's gonna be a link in the video description, of a video showing one of these in action. Thanks again, Andy. I'm very much looking forward to trying this. Got one here from Greg. Oh wow. All right.

So yeah, I remember this now. Being told about this. World of Xeen, Might and Magic. Something or other. Actually, I think it's a collection of a couple of them put together into one big beefy package.

Oh man. Yeah, this is something that has always intrigued me. Never played it. I don't really know what it's all about at all, but artwork looks great, this box looks great. And yeah, Greg has been telling me about it on the LGR Patreon and he's a patron there. And also met him at Vintage Computer Festival Midwest.

Wow, look at all these awesome maps and stuff. Yeah. But like I said, I don't really know anything about them.

I just think... I believe it's the one that connects or combines a couple of them. Like, I have this, Clouds of Xeen. And then there was another one that comes with an orange box.

As far as I know this one connects, or really combines the two into one, just like massive adventure RPG, I don't know. It's always intrigued me, mostly the art to be honest. But yeah, the huge boxes as well. So thank you, Greg. Well this is filled with lead apparently, judging by the weight.

It's from Adam. Oh my, that's a lot of stuff. And quite the note. [chuckles] Taken him a year to get this together, but here's a jam packed box of stuff.

But yeah, there's a Toshiba laptop. I think that was the thing. Thank you Adam. All right, straight away we've got some IBM vinyl decals. Those are nice. Stick those and all kinds of stuff.

And yeah, tons of hard drives. [chuckles] So yeah, Toshiba 305CDS. Got a little power supply and little ethernet connection thingy. Original hard drive, nice. And look at that.

A Toshiba Satellite Dynabook. Yeah, that is pretty cool. And it's Japanese. Japanese Windows 95 laptop. Very compact, little floppy drive, and CD-ROM there, yeah. Hopefully it's in, I don't know a decent working order.

Can restore that. And some jewel cased, just like, loose random software in here. So a lot of Microsoft Home type of stuff, more things here from oh, Corel.

And a couple of processors here. We got an Intel, Celeron, an AMD Duron, CPU, just kinda hanging out, a D-Link ISA ethernet card, couple of little 32 megabyte video cards here. We got Nvidia one and ATI.

Yeah, TNT2 Mach64 and the ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra. Also we got another Rage 128 card from ATI, a different one. I don't know, 1998. Interesting though, this is a "sample only, not for qualification." So that's a thing. And this one, yeah is...

I really hope this works. This is an ATI Graphics Ultra 16-bit ISA card. A bunch of older hard disks, I don't think these have been tested. Some of 'em don't even know the capacities.

I've got a couple of a Fujitsu hard disks here, just IDE, maybe six gigs, maybe 20 gigs. [ambiguous chuckle] And a couple of IDE Western Digitals here, we got a 20 gig and a 40 gig. Some more Fujitsus, these are SCSI. So that's fun.

Don't know the capacity on them, they're from 2003. And then lastly, we have an IBM Desk Star, a 13 and a half gig IDE drive, which I thought this was pretty good. We got the "IBM Death Star," as they were sometimes colloquially known. Thanks for sending in all of the extras. This is great. All right, this next one.

I recognize that logo. It's from Neil on RMC. What has he bestowed upon us this time? [laughs] "Dork." [chuckling] Man, it's all fancy now. Actual like, stationery.

Thank you notes ready to go here. What a dork. Oh yeah. [laughs] So once again, blessed with UK SimCity love. Specifically, this is the Amstrad version of SimCity.

So yeah, I feel like I'm taking away from The Cave, the museum, by having this. But hey, he offered to send it. So here it is. SimCity Amstrad CPC version on the funky floppy disk? Yes. Weird three-inch floppies that it uses.

I don't even have the drive to use this yet. I do have a CPC. This is for like the 6128, or the 464? Okay, so 464/664/6128. That's just neat. I've never actually seen one of these funky disks in person.

I really like it, now look at that. Look at that. [chuckles] That's a mechanism. Thank you very much, Neil.

Savor the note. And I really do hope that I can get over there at some point, when travel internationally makes sense again. Would love to just see The Cave/museum, hang out. Holy crap.

Awesome. Okay, got one here from Jeffrey. And apparently this is from nine years ago. I gotta say that's probably a typo, 2012.

[time-questioning chuckle] All right. So CompUSA things. He's been amused by seeing them. Yeah, I don't know why I enjoy collecting CompUSA schwag. He apparently worked there from August 1995 to 2006, has great memories of coworkers from that time. It was also in a way the zenith of his tech career.

"Weird as it was also one of the most unappreciated, lowest paying jobs I've ever had." I have similar feelings about my time in retail. It is always interesting to think back on, man. So what's in here? A three-year service pin, a US Robotics pin, and AMD bronze level retail professional pin. Neat. No corporate guideline for placement of service pins, but most people wore them on the right lapel, TNG style.

This is so cool. I love these kind of little things that are mostly forgotten, but I don't wanna forget 'em. Whoa. Oh man, look at those. That's neat.

AMD retail professional, US Robotics, yeah, three years CompUSA service. Beautiful. Look at this. Looks like a CPU with a die on it. Anyway, Intel Pentium 4.

Lovely, little key chain. Dude, IBM Aptiva pen, a Vizio pen, an Apple pen, dude. These keep getting better.

Yeah, the Sierra On-Line pen. Wow, that's a Senator. And last, but definitely not least, Windows Millennium Edition. That is so cool. Microsoft retail sales desk and number there. Oh, a lanyard.

'Cause you know, you don't wanna have this like, get lost. Just put it around your neck at all times. All right, Jeffrey, a fantastic bunch of collectibles.

I love this kinda stuff. [chuckling] As an a side here, recording after the fact, that I ended up using that combined with some of my other CompUSA stuff for a spooky Halloween costume: Windows Me certified product specialist from CompUSA. Yeah [laughs] this comes together oddly well. Thank you once again for adding to my CompUSA cosplay. All right.

Got one here from DialUpDave. [bag ripping] [laughs] What is this? Oh, this looks like a meme in the making. Okay, got a note here.

Dear LGR, your channel has inspired me to peruse a life as an old computer nerd. Even though I'm only 13, and the computer I'm writing this on is twice as old as I am, I find a love for these old things with their weird oddities such as WordArt. Yes.

And I appreciate that myself. And he hopes he can expand his collection to be as nearly as big as mine. I started with some random, horrible Acer Aspire one and now look where I am, I've got an IBM x3850 m2 with four processors. That's pretty impressive. And shameless plug to Dial Up Dave. Yes, good luck with your channel man.

And hope you continue to enjoy the retro hobby. Ah, yes. Got one here from Steve at Geekenspiel. Let's see here. Greetings. As an LGR fan, it's an honor and a thrill to see my stickers used on your builds.

Yeah, I've used them a number of times. He makes great stuff. Sells them on eBay and whatnot, has enclosed a few, hopefully you'll find useful in future projects. No doubt. Oh wow. [bag crackles] All kinds of stuff.

I think he just gave me his whole eBay store. Dang Steve, you went above and beyond. I have seriously bought so many of his stickers. [chuckles] So there's a lot of... Wow! Whole bag of Sound Blaster stickers, 8088 PC-XT, all these. Oh yeah, dude like the Y2K ones, retro inside, those are just fun to put on things.

AMD domes, they all look really legit too. Like I said, I've used them on a bunch of builds for good reason. Yeah, look at all those. AMD K6s and K6-2, K6-III, a bunch of Cyrix stickers.

Love the Cyrix Instead one [chuckles] These are phenomenal, dude. I'm gonna lay all of these out here just so y'all can see them. Look at all these. There are so many period accurate-looking stickers for video cards, sound card, graphics cards, processors, software, operating systems, 3Dfx cards, DOS and Windows, Roland and Sound Blaster, Intel, Cyrix, I mean, holy crap. So anyway, big fan of like, all of his stuff that he's sold on his store for a long time.

Cuz he does a great job making these. And I feel kinda bad because now I'm not gonna buy any for a very long time. [laughing] Like a blessing and a curse. I seriously like supporting the dude's work. Anyway, I guess I'll still shout him out whenever I use any of these stickers. Thank you, Steve.

Okay, got one here from Joseph. All right. Joe, let's see. Hope I find this a fun little gadget.

Yeah, Radio Shack multimeter he messaged me about on Patreon. Belonged to his uncle Steve in Ohio who passed away last year. My condolences. He was an EE and a big ham radio enthusiast.

Sounds like a stand-up dude to me. Fresh nine volt batteries included, it's got some quirks being pretty old. Main interesting thing is the RS-232 serial port. It would enable some crude automated data collection, which I think is pretty cool for its time. I had never heard of this, so yeah, I agree.

It could make an amazing random number generator, if nothing else. Thank you very much, Joe. Look at that beefy packaging.

Radio Shack. Dude, [chuckles] like maybe this is more common than I think or something, but like it's a multimeter with serial and software for DOS. How cool is that? Like, I'm just really curious what in the world that even looks like, using this on a PC. Got a nice little stand there. Look at that.

And he did include a battery. The screen looks fine, that's just my filter. Here it is without my circular polarizer.

So here's the serial connector, well you know, the connector goes to the side of the actual multimeter, it goes right here. And then that goes to a nine-pin serial connection right there, plugs into your PC and then he got some software here. That's lovely, all right. So I had to look at the manual here.

Let's see. Two programs are included to log and display data collected with the meter. All right. The DOS program called RS and is the "graphic" sub-directory.

The Windows program. Windows program's called Scope View. No screenshots.

So I guess I just gotta try it out some time. Okay, this one comes from Ferry in the Netherlands. Oh man, now this is special.

I mean, all this stuff is special but y'know, this is extra special to me. Look at that. European version of The Need For Speed for DOS. Beautiful. A release that I've never had looks like it came from Dixon's.

That's super cool. Yeah, you know it's just one of my all time favorite games. So I love collecting the different releases for them, and revisiting it seriously, like all the time. So, oh yeah. Definitely gonna make an excuse to whip this out for some future video.

That's awesome. Two CDs in here, Police Quest Open Season randomly tossed in there as well. Sure.

But yeah, main event right here. Looks like a reprinted cover perhaps. Yeah. Ooh, ooh, ooh. We got patches and cheat codes.

That's awesome. I love seeing old printouts like that. Yeah, look at that CD.

Totally different looking than one we got here in the US. Like seriously, these kinds of little, little thingies, little extras from the previous owner, they add all kinds of character and context. Didn't see a note in there, but thank you so much for thinking of me with this box and sending it over from overseas.

That's just so cool. All right, got one here from Katharina in Germany. Oh dear, last time I sent you a package I didn't put a note in and you called me Gustav, after my street.

Oh dear. Oh, I'm so sorry! [laughs] Wow, you know. Sometimes looking at international addresses or however the post office like, scatters things around.

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about that. Alright, so apparently there is some shareware, a small part to make the Megaluminum Monster even more aluminiyummy, and a lovely little ancient word processor that's widely unknown, has a bit of a peculiar name. Hope I don't get demonetized.

Yeah, still hoping one day I break out the keyboard that's also a musical keyboard and play some Doom on it. Yeah like, I keep getting more of those type of things and every time I get something that's similar to that, I feel like I have to group them together and cover them all at once in a video. So yeah, let's see what we got in here this time. Oh, okay. That's really cool. Look at that.

It's gonna fit with the Megaluminum Monster quite well, I think. Man, it might. It's for Cooler Masters, but it looks like it's got the right aesthetic. Nice and brushed aluminum. So this is a replacement five and a quarter inch drive bezel for the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM or whatever you have on there. [unwrapping] Oh, what is this? Got some Haribo which have unfortunately melted, but that's how it goes. The thought is appreciated though.

Whoa, what is this? Best-of-Class Shareware. What a unique package, look at that. You say it's nothing special, but I think it's pretty great. Wow, that's a really cool collection.

Like I don't care if the software is all trash or not. Like that's, just the box alone is awesome. And lastly, we got this word processor, Bonnie Blue. Yeah, that is an interesting title. I must admit, I don't know the significance of that or what that is a reference to.

Looks like it's made in the UK, kinda afraid to look it up now. Anyway, wow. Awesome stuff honestly. Thank you very much. All right, got one here from Zed. Okay, we've got a bunch of things.

So sorry, it took a few weeks to get it shipped. No problem at all. Took me much longer than that to open it. Hope I find something interesting in the stack of CDs, also included some Magneto Optical disks found in the closet of a medical customer. Mmh, never actually had an MO disc like this. 230 megabytes.

Now there's a format I would like to cover just 'cause it reminds me of Metal Gear Solid. And yeah, whole bunch of demo disks here from pcgames.exe, a publication I never have read.

Yeah, I'm just not familiar with this magazine at all. All these, these are just like random other demo discs. From all kinds of different magazines, lotta Next Gen magazine ones.

PC Entertainment. [laughing] Neat. And these, I've never seen them in a package like this form factor before. Looks very AOL inspired or at least, yeah kind of. I mean, reminds me of like some of the AOL demo discs, came in packaging like these, but that user interface as well, it looks like the AOL Channels list.

That's awesome. Yeah, looking forward to diving into some of these some time and thank you for the MO disc as well. Okay, got one here from Jeffrey. Oh yeah [laughing] the Twin Sound. The five and a quarter inch drive bay speaker set. These things...

There are so many things like this. This is stereo speakers inside of a five recordings drive bay. That is so funny. Yeah, four-pin power, molex connection. [laughing] That three and a half mil audio jacks there. Wow, just a pass through, with a PCI bracket going around back.

I could seriously make an entire like, Hi-Fi tower at this point with the number of various related things. Like stereo speakers, subwoofer one, also some a bunch of like VU meters, and other amplifier things. Thank you for this. Got one here from Angel.

Oh man, awesome boxes. Shot glass. It's a Colorado shot glass. And it's a pretty cool design. "Before developing video games, Nintendo owned love hotels, private short-stay rooms that were used for sexual encounters."

I didn't know that. "Clint, I hope these bits entertain you for a few hours at least, have fun." Thank you. Well, yeah. Tracon. Trah-con. Air traffic control simulator.

I've got a few of these types of programs, I find them delightful. I don't know why. Yeah, 1988 that's super cool. And this, there's multiple reasons that I find this awesome.

For one thing, just look at that art. Or you know, th-this... Somebody went through some serious trouble to take that turntable platter and then just fill up the record on top with all of these components. Anyways, this is the Graph Master Plus EGA adapter board with Software Etc sticker.

Another reason I was like, "Yes, please send that." [nostalgic chuckling] But yeah, it's a EGA graphics card I guess. It has wider traces to carry the signal, that means no radio frequency interference.

Noise can cause data error. It seems like a really cool card. 800x600 maximum. And again, I just absolutely love the artwork. So, thank you very much.

All right I got one here, looks to be maybe a record it's that style of package. From John. We got ourselves an LP. Oh man, I remember it is now okay, this is really cool.

Pretty unique. We hope you enjoy our chilled tribute to King's quest. Had a whole lot of fun making it, we're all big fans, enjoy your channel. Thank you. Yeah, John Paul Sapsford, Brandon Blume, JBH, Space Quest Historian, hey. And the weirdos on the SQH Discord.

King's Chill Volume 2 will begin crowdfunding in the near future. This is rad. Look at this. King's Chill Volume One, "Vibin' Makes the Soul Go Higher." It better have "Girl in the Tower."

It totally does. So chill version of "Girl in the Tower." [goofy laugh] "Isle of the Chill," "Sailing on the Vaporwaves," "Witch's Groove," "a Vala-nice-Kiss," oh dude. Ah, that's awesome. Yeah, it's definitely a vibe just looking at the actual sleeve here. Oh man, these are nice colorful vinyl too look at this, two-sided.

So look at that. Fantastic. So there's side B we were looking at earlier. Ahh, Two Guys Records. Two Guys From Andromeda.

And here's here's side A. "Gwydion's Gambit," "Oracle," "Dwarf Chill," "Meeting With Alhazred," "Crisp n' Chill" and "Greensleeves." I'm glad it has "Greensleeves" on there. Gotta go all the way back to the OG, Kings Quest, PC Junior. I haven't actually listened to this yet 'cause I wanted to get the first experience on vinyl. Thank you so much for sending this in.

See we got one here. Oh hey, it's from Colin! This Does Not Compute. Stickers, Game Boy cartridge-style, wonderful. Ah, yes.

The fine folks over Free Geek Twin Cities dug this out and brought it to my attention. There's absolutely screams Oddware figured it'd be up my alley. The idea of pulling off multiplayer gaming over a wireless parallel port seems endlessly silly. Yes it does. Obviously, it's a 900 megahertz band so I wonder what could happen if you would say, fire up a cordless phone in the middle of a print job. Could produce some interesting results.

Or a Cybiko because those are also run in the same wireless band. And potential here, for sure. So look at this nonsense. Aviator Wireless Networking for home or office.

Share your printers and files, play network games, great for notebooks, simultaneously share your internet connection, grandpa and the kids, out on the lawn. I really don't know what to expect here, but this is absolutely Oddware if it works. Oh my goodness. I mean it was before Wi-Fi! And it does it over the parallel port. Thank you so much, Colin. And the folks at Free Geek Twin Cities.

Again, I really got to get up there someday and pay a visit. All right, got some beauty products. Actually probably not. This is from Brent.

[box slicing, bag rustling] It's gotta be like the stiffest paper bag I've ever felt. Alright. Ohh, balls yeah. Got a little crushed in that stiff cardboard, whatever man. This is amazing.

Connectix Virtual Game Station, Windows 95 and 98 version. Also Mac maybe? But ah, I've wanted to cover this for a very long time. Look at this.

We've got the software and a bundled PlayStation game, that's so ballsy. Like you could just go into a store and get a PlayStation emulator [laughs] for your PC. I mean right alongside Bleem, which I have covered, but I don't know. Like I feel like I should re-cover it at some point or maybe make videos comparing the two, just because this is such a weird point in time.

I mean, this is how I played PlayStation games back in the day. Like, I would go to Blockbuster and rent them, I never had a PlayStation. I mostly used Bleem. I remember getting this or some version of it, I think it was just like a demo or something. I don't know. But I know I ended up using Bleem more.

So there are the system requirements for the PC version. Very reasonable for year 2000. Also has the Mac system requirements just slapped on there as a sticker. So I guess this is a hybrid disc. Wonderful, thank you so much for sending this in.

Okay, got one here from not Madewell, this is from Andrew. Key Form! Designer Plus for DOS. I ran across a Mac version of this while thrifting some time ago. Didn't pick it up cuz I wasn't really super interested in the Mac version, but here's the PC one, which I am interested in. So uh. All right. Greetings from St. Louis!

So hope you don't mind... [babbling] what? Okay, so there's IBM micro drives in here too. They were found at a Goodwill outlet bin, wow. Installed in a very old, very fancy looking DSLR. Thank you very much for thinking of me on both accounts here.

Got some tiny little micro drives with PCMCIA adapters. These are such cool little drives. Really do have my doubts of them working. But yeah, it's a teeny little hard disk. Look at that. It would be really cool if they worked.

So I got a one gig, and a 340 megabyte one. And of course got the Key Form Designer Plus. Which I don't know anything about. I just thought the art was cool and y'know it's for DOS. So DOS is fun, and that makes things good. So three and a half inch stuff, five and a quarter inch stuff, that's a lot of disks.

They're all 360K? Yep. It's probably extremely boring. I mean, this is a form designing program. [gruff voice] Oh yeah, that's super boring.

Like no joke at all. I think that's wonderful. What a tidy little package. Thank you for the thingies! Okay, got one here from Randy.

Oh wow. Whole batch of CPUs in here, apparently. AMD things, Athlons, Athlon Thunderbird, Athlon XPs, Durons, fun. ATI All-in-One Pro PCI graphics card. Haven't seen one of these in a while.

I've never really used the All-in-Ones. It's pretty cool though. Despite being a little beat up here and there, but yeah, aren't we all? So we got an ASUS card here, a V7700TI 64 megabytes, AGP, look at all of that. Got a VR out port there. And we've got a Diamond Viper V770 ATX AGP 32 megabyte card.

And lastly, certainly not leastly. We've got a GeForce 4 MX440. Yep, it's been a long time since I used one. I remember enjoying it or I remember not enjoying it. I remember it, let's put it that way.

And we got a note. Here are the retro computer parts emailed about. All these items should be in working condition, but wasn't able to test them due to limitations of the motherboards. That's fine.

Testing is half the fun. He purchased all of them new back in the day and he used them in various PCs. They spent many hours supporting his love of gaming and programming. Thank you for the pile of goods.

This is pretty delightful stuff from a period in PC gaming and such I'm really fond of. This one is really heavy for its size. Got these nifty LGR logos on every corner. Nice touch, Jeremy. Oh, I see Cool Crab already. All right.

We originally spoke about the CD drive included in the laptop here. But I figured this entire setup would go to better use on the channel than continuing to collect dust. And better safe than sorry, included some pretty rad software that should render my collection impervious to the certain impending doom. Cheers, and thank you. I assume that's what this is.

I don't have one of these exactly, I have another couple of these BIOS upgrade chip thingies. But not this one from Evergreen Technologies, Year 2000 upgrade. Right. "Fix Y2K." For 286, 386, 486, Pentium and later model PCs. So it's pretty much just a ROM and a real-time clock on an ISA card, and a yeah, it's supposed to make your computer Y2K compatible on a hardware level. So yeah, I've never actually tried one of these. Like I said, I've got a couple of 'em.

And also in their box we've got a standard power cord, cloverleaf end piece. And a Compaq-branded modular floppy disk drive, three and a half inch. These plugged into a number of Armadas and LTE something or others, I believe. Oh yeah.

Kinda like this! This right here is a Compaq Armada 7730MT. Mm. Look at that. That's beautiful. And I do have another one or two similar machines, you've probably seen on LGR Blerbs or whatever, I like these things a lot. Just creamy machines, you know, the color that -- anyway, it's awesome.

Just needs a little bit of cleaning, tidying up, PCMCIA, all kinds of ports! So many ports. Built-in power supply adding to the heft. So it just takes, you know, your standard cable like that, which is great. Don't have to worry about a brick. And then you do have the modular drive bay over here, which... there we go.

So there's a CD-ROM from 1997. And... there we go. Now we got a floppy drive! [modular chuckling] That's so cool. Blades Air Conditioning, huh? I guess they were the previous owner and it appears it was maybe sold by, or at least serviced by Comdisco. Warranty expired September 3rd, 2000.

So *just* out of warranty. But whatever, man. Thank you so much for sending in this beautiful device. Okay, got one here from Scott. That right there is a big disk.

Eight inch floppy, Control Data Corporation. Jeez dude. Salutations. After a correspondence regarding the CP/M package he's uncovered a couple of more '80s and '90s computer goodies. And has also watched a dozen more of my videos, and I wish they might have a home, museum for them.

So includes them here in for you to dispatch. "Sco#", a clever way of spelling that there. Thank you so much, Scott. Yeah, what is this? Okay, so CP/M 86. This is what that second disk goes to here. But look at that! That is so cool.

Version 1.1 of it. A program that I have been wanting to cover, but, the one that I have is on five and a quarter inch floppies. This one, that is gorgeous. [sighs] That is just... Big old floppy drive protector. Stick that in there.

I wonder if this has a Gary Kildall note. A lot of these CP/M distributions do actually have like a written letter from Gary Kildall in there, rest in peace. So yeah, this is a CP/M 86 on the IBM Display Writer, 1982. Yeah, definitely don't have a Display Writer yet, but it'd be awesome to show this.

If I do a video on the CP/M 86. That's so cool, just to see all these original Digital Research paperworks. Yeah we've got a brochure here of some of their stuff.

That's great. Yeah, the different programming languages. Look at them people. Oh hey, here we go.

This is not quite the same thing I've seen in some of my other DR Products, but you got the Gary Kildall signature printed on the end user license agreement. So what have we got here with this little Sharp, like organizer, calculator? That's a calculator. So it's an EL-5500 III. It's a very chocolate bar design. Oh, now that... is a gorgeous little piece of kit. Look at that.

Ooh! We've got power. And it's got BASIC on here? Yeah look at these BASIC language terms. Scientific Computer.

That's more involved than I thought. I wonder what you can run on here? That form factor too. I mean, this could be like a straight up like, premium smartphone.

Well, this is exciting. I don't even know what this is, like the pack-in stuff that came with the Mac Plus? Okay. Whoa, I got all sorts of things in here. Got some RAM, nice. Got a fancy, fancy disk protector. Dang, that's so much more substantial than the paper ones. All kinds of documentation.

Don't see any actual disks, but the Multifinder user's guide, Mactilities user's guide, and hard disk setup, font mover, TeachText. Find file, hard disk backup, disk first aid, file exchange... and this right here. That is pretty cool. I've never seen this. I don't have any manuals for any of my Macs, but yeah, Mac Plus owner's guide.

Still just a gorgeous machine. Yeah this is premium, 227 pages of excellence. Oh, look at that! Dude, I want that desk, I want that lamp! The heck is that thing? It's great! Got the Sony Walkman down there, this punk is living the life.

Again with these [laughing] meticulously planned and laid out, gorgeous scenes. Look at that phone. That phone! Like everything on this is, this is all a work of art.

Here's another one, I'm just gonna skip to these man, because otherwise it's a lot of text, which is interesting too. But I mean, come on look at these. That clock, pen holder. This is so good.

Look at the dude there cleaning his mouse ball, those things do get pretty dirty. Again with the unfairly awesome lamp. There we go. I think this is the final one, but [sigh] yep. This is great.

[laughing] Wow, thank you so much for these exquisite items. Now I have to find a Mac Plus. Alright I got one here from Shelby. Hey, Tech Tangents. Oh yeah, dude I remember, I remember now. Look at this.

Three and a half inch floppy disk holder. [cover slides] Heh-haaaaah. I don't even know what this mechanism is called, but I always liked desks that had this like a hutch you'd cover up. But yeah, the one I had years back it like, snapped in the middle, something fell on it.

It was really sad, 'cause it just is so woodgrain. We've got the little separators in there for disks. But got something cool here. Floppy switch board, huh? So you can add different lines to your config.sys file, and have it switch between different things with a physical switch. It seems like that'd be super handy on like a test bench, man, all kinds of things.

Quite the letter. I like most of it's a postscript. So as for this, it's a prototype floppy drive switchboard he's been working on. So you can connect the board into a card edge connector on a floppy cable or the IDC connector for a three and a half inch drive, if you can add them he's low on the pins, it just goes right there in the middle. And then you can connect an extra floppy drive to your computer using the two outputs on the board. Board can be plugged in before or after the twist on a cable.

Interesting. So you can manually select the drive in the same way the floppy controller does with the twisted cable. So you can have 1.44 meg, 1.2 meg and 360K drives all connected to almost any computer without a weird floppy controller. That's honestly fantastic. Dude, what a cool idea.

He's not sure if he's gonna sell them yet. I mean, I'd say you should. But at least the design's going to be open-sourced.

Well, thank you very much, sir. And yeah, congratulations on all of the changes you've been making happen, man. Like, with your channel lately. He's-- If you haven't seen, he's like got an office now, it's friggin awesome.

And I'm really quite envious of that. It's like a really cool space and he's got a set coming together for filming and everything and it looks great. I don't know, looks like he's having a great time. It's been a pleasure to watch his excitement.

Anyway, thank you Shelby. All right, got this one here in from Ireland, from Albertus. Oh my word. Well, you don't see one of these every day. Or really ever, if you know your Voodoo cards. So that is a Voodoo 5 6000 AGP.

Still sealed! Uh and it's not real. [laughs] But it looks great, doesn't it? This is a reproduction box for a graphic card that never came out. Proof of purchase.

Yeah, "not for resale," indeed. Voodoo 5 6000 Quad SLI, 128 megabyte AGP card. This was going to be a released Voodoo card. I guess there's stuff in here too.

I mean, it's got a little bit of heft to it. Package contains Voodoo 5 6000 AGP. Right. Thank you card, limited edition mousepad, handcrafted inner box with supporting foam layers.

Yeah, before 3Dfx's untimely demise it would have been one hell of a card. Of course the Voodoo 5 5500 did come out. Got one of those. But yeah, here's what this looks like beside that box, which is a real box. They did a great job of capturing that whole aesthetic. And I mean, it just looks right up next to it.

Ah man, the things that could have been. I love that they uh. They chose Halo and Serious Sam there.

Is that Serious Sam part two? So thank you very much for sending this in, what a really cool display piece. I am tempted to unseal it, just to see what is inside there. I mean, it's just a prop, so I'm happy to leave it as-is. Thanks so much. Got one here from David. Got a note here.

Whelp, looks like I am a proud new addition to the what the gosh darn heck happened to this guy club? Alright. Enclosed, you'll find a pretty cool piece of retro tech to add to your Roland collection. From examining this CMU-800.

I'm fairly certain that it's never been used. Found it in the junk pile, these things weren't cheap and there were two of them. Smells fantastic.

[chuckling] Good to know. Oh-ho yes! Oh, I remember him telling me about this. Goodness, it does smell amazing.

[laughs] The aroma is pungent! And I don't necessarily mean "amazing" in a good way? It's just like a very strong [snifss] leaky capacitor mixed with a degrading plastic smell. So maybe it'll work. Anyway, yeah look at that. Roland DG software package. The CMU-800 for the Apple II. Yeah.

So this is one of Roland's CompuMusic devices that you can hook up to older computers in the '80s. Apple II specifically, in this case. What is this? Does it go into an expansion slot? That's awesome. So that little card goes into slot five on the Apple II. Got a floppy disk right here. Yeah, this all looks to be still sealed.

I don't wanna open it yet. Here's where the interface is gonna plug in. Look at this thing. The CompuMusic.

What does it do? I don't exactly know, but it's Roland stuff and old computers mixed together, and that was enough for me to want to like, dive into it deeper. This is just hitting on all my hobbyist cylinders right there. Wow. Look at this thing. Oh those are some satisfying knobs. Classic Roland quality right there.

Like, that feels really good. When it's got that right, amount of resistance? [groans in pleasure] All of this stuff. I mean, look at all these CV outs, all these gate outs. There's 8 channels for gate and CV out. And it got that audio out for mix, rhythm, chord, bass, and melody all separately as well as a clock in and out. Three and a half mil connections, it's so cool.

Thank you so much. Wow, I can't believe this was found in the junk pile. All right, we've got this one here from Chase. Lotta disks. With one of them being a Zip disk.

Yeah, I remember him telling me about this now. It's a bunch of stuff from QQP. Whoever's disks these were, they were into their war games. Hmm-hm-hm-hmm.

Always exciting, to get a box like this because I just don't even know, QQP. This has gotta be like a shareware vendor, right? Wrong! Future LGR here, chiming in while editing and yeah Quantum Quality Productions are most known for A Perfect General and a bunch of other war games. And yeah, they were a legit company. Sold stuff at retail. Before getting bought out by American Laser Games in 1994. And had a ton of releases, many of which I have seen in these random assortment of disks here.

So disregard my ignorance. This is actually a lot cooler than I realized while unboxing. But yeah, back to the unboxing. Thank you very much for sending all these in.

I am like I said, always really excited to get a big ol' collection of random disks like this because you never know what's in here, and what needs to be preserved, or just who knows? I wanna say he also sent another one, might be in here, we'll see. Okay, got this one here from Antony in Switzerland. Yeah, I remember his email about this. This is the Personal Jukebox 100, "the most powerful MP3/audio CD player on Earth." Doesn't play CDs, this is an MP3 player, but this is pretty special and pretty hard to find as well. Definitely a really early personal digital audio player type of thing.

Yeah, six gig hard drive. I think that maybe was the deal, is that it was the first MP3 player to use a hard drive. 20 whole gigabytes worth. There's a bunch of personal information on this paperwork, but you can see the company it was purchased from and shipped to someone in Zurich. A whole bunch of technical information there.

Yeah, I have been meaning to check out some really early MP3 players on LGR. I've got a few now that are really noteworthy. None of them are from Apple. I've actually never owned an iPod. Nothing against it or anything, I just never did.

So I always had these weird other ones. So yeah, man. I'm intrigued by these, always have been.

Wow, this is looking great. Holy crap. Look at all this! So there is our, ooh-hoo. Man, graphic design is their passion. JukeBox Manager software. Like a traveling case, audio cables, lanyard. Oh man, just a bunch of things.

Okay, HanGo Electronics Limited. It's a Korean-made device. Got the batteries go in there. Look at this ridiculous thing. It looks like a knockoff something, I'm not even sure what. Almost like electronic bridge, or electronic chess or something like that.

But nah there's a 20 gig hard drive in there, it's got some heft. Look at that. This is just fascinating.

I really hope this works. Thank you so much for sending this in. Right, I got one here from P.V and J.A. "Free range Turkey at Stew Leonard's." That's some Northeastern weirdness. Aw man.

All right, so I don't see a note, but there is a PAX East 2015 booklet/guide thing. Wow. I went to PAX Prime or PAX West or whatever it was called in 2015, in Seattle.

That was a fun show. So yeah, in terms of the stuff got a rather unfortunate box for Captain Comic 2: Fractured Reality. That's a shame it got so crushed up. Maybe it was before it was sent, I dunno.

But it's a game I've been wanting for a while in the box. I can get that looking a little better though. And of course got a whole bunch of PSP games right here.

One of my favorite little consoles, man, I used to have a PSP back in, I dunno 2006 or something, loved it. I sold it because I ran out of money. I needed money and my job was awful. Anyway, Dynasty Warriors, GTA Liberty City Stories, and Vice City Stories, nice. I.Q. Mania,

Initial D: Street Stage, Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite, never played that. Ooh, Outrun 2006: Coast to Coast, and Worms 2: Open Warfare. That's, oh man. I have missed this console. The little UMDs? Yeah, seriously.

I had like one of those special batteries or whatever you had back then to like mod it and just I put PS1 games on there. Put tons of emulators. I had so much fun with that system. And I always regretted selling it. [chuckle of regret] So when they offered this, I was happy to accept. We have a red Japanese PSP, slim and light.

PSP-J20000, deep red. That's fantastically cool. Mine was just the regular silver one, the PSP-2000.

Don't actually know if this has been used or if it's just extremely good condition here, but... it doesn't really look used or opened. I don't think it is, man. So, maybe I'll do an unboxing for this at some point.

It was obviously an unsealed box, but like all the stuff inside, still seems to be either unused or looks extremely well repackaged. Either way, I'm very excited to try one of these Japanese systems, see what that's about. And yeah, play some PSP again for the first time in... gosh like, 13, 14 years. Yeah, I wanna hear from an unknown sender. I don't know who it is, but they're from Tennessee. Hey, look at this.

Nah no notes, at least we can take notes. This is the Apple Newton MessagePad 110. Your personal assistant with all the right connections, new and improved. One that I've been wanting to dive a little more into. I've used it just tad here and there, but never had one in-box. Oh, yay.

Does feel a tad rubbery, kinda sticky. We got our stylus up here. Always thought this looks like a bomb or something.

Yeah. I have to see if I can get some power in there. Oh yeah. [chuckles] That's what it's all about. Getting the full experience. Man even got the unused Apple and Newton stickers.

Augh, I love the old Apple logo. New software titles. Look at all these things. So many guides, handbooks. I guess there's no software? Unless it's in here for something else I would expect some Mac and Windows stuff, but can pretty easily download that.

Even got a VHS tape, "Welcome to Newton." They covered up the reels. Of course Apple did, and look, the reels are black. Apple, why you gotta think different? Alright, well thank you, mysterious donator.

Which I totally have your name, I just gotta go and check my email and see who sent this. Thank you for the in-box Newton MessagePad 110 Got one here from Jason. Oh man, iGlasses. Heck yeah, glasses. And look at this.

We have one packing peanut. At least it's in a bag. And ISA PCI AGP card display stands, 3D printed. Yeah, so he picked this up at an estate sale.

And yeah, I offered to send him another item, like as a trade. I still haven't found that thing, so my apologies. As soon as I find it, I will send you an email. I've been looking, looking, and looking I know it's in my storage, but it's like deep storage right now. So yeah, if I don't find that item that you wanted as a trade for this, then I'll just be in touch and I'd happily pay you for this straight-up. I hope I can find it though.

I'm still looking. Virtual iGlasses VPC, the ultimate gaming peripheral. VR, VR, VR, VR. Yeeeaah.

I don't know what style of VR this might be because there were so many different devices like this. Headsets, and eye pieces, and things, heads up displays, and just stuff that you strapped to your head back in the '90s. And they were all trying their own version of it. And I have an-- Whoops. I have a number of random kinda VR things and just 3D shutter glasses in general. Which that's kinda what these look like.

These look more like 3D shutter glasses, but they also... I mean, you know, it's got like a whole headset thing with headphones. And this is very hard to find, as are so many of these. Just not a whole ton of people bought them and they were expensive and all kinds of stuff. Bunch of different options.

Connect it to a VCR, connect it to a to a computer, connect it to your PlayStation. Yeah, which leads me to believe this is more just like shutter glasses, right? It gives you a personal big screen for watching your favorite flicks. I don't know though. I don't really know exactly. So I'm intrigued to find out.

We've got some PC software here. Some games. Whole ton of cables, and adapters, and the headset. Some assembly required.

How very reflective. And got some lenses there. Neat little adjustable headphones. It's pretty forward-thinking. Oh, that is a horrendously sticky... Wow, that's gross. So this is gonna need a lot of cleaning.

There's a lot of grossness down in this box. This is gonna be a real experience at some point. Thank you very much.

Yeah, there's banker's box here from Matt, delightfully labeled "dumb computer mouse." One can hope. Oh man! No this is actually a pretty cool computer mouse. Say hello to the No Hands mouse.

The mouse made for your feet. Yeah, bit of an accessibility solution here. They redesigned the mouse from the ground up. So if you don't want to use your hands for a mouse, or you can't, or it's just more comfortable or whatever, you can use your feet. So you have these two little pedals. I actually used to have an incomplete, not quite fully working, it was just a janky set of this.

I think it was an earlier version perhaps, but yeah, this right here-- Oh, apparently it works as of 2003. Cool. Anyway, just plugs into a PS/2 port and that's it. It's a mouse.

You click with one hand-- er, foot [chuckles] and move it around with the other. It's not the least intuitive thing I've ever used honestly, it's just a... I don't know, like swivels around. And here we go. Hey, this one's got the software. But yeah here's the cursor part and it just sort of moves on this base just a little bit here.

It's interesting. It's a cool device for the time, y'know, trying to solve a problem or come up with a solution where there may indeed be a problem or whatever. It was just another option. I think it's pretty cool, actually. Oh, this is a serial port version.

Yeah, the one I had was PS/2. So. Anyway! Thank you. Oh, here we go. This is another one from Chase.

It's gonna be a lot more disks. Yep, just a lot more disks. These all appear to be just copies though. One or two of these actually have labels, user-written disks. These look more uniform. Ah yeah, we've got some more of the QQP ones.

But just also a lot of written random ones from whoever owned these before. Some Amiga stuff. Hm! The Perfect General source? Interesting. But I certainly am intrigued here. I mean, yeah that's why I accepted the packages.

Cuz he's like, this looks like it could be interesting and I'm like, you know what? I agree. We'll see if they're readable. There's a lot of stuff in here. Ooh, "Adultsy?" [laughs] Well anyway, a whole ton of backups.

Just tons, and tons, and tons... of backups. Well. Thanks once again, Chase for sending these in. Hopefully I can go through them at some point. If not, I'm definitely gonna send them to some folks I know, so they can go through them. Got this one here from Nick. Not Kohl's. His name is Nick, he's from New Jersey.

And my videos have got him through some rough times in his life. Recently found the vids right before getting broken up with. While the latter sucked, your videos always gave me so much enjoyment and laughs, it really helped when I needed it. Very glad to hear that, Nick. That's about the best I can hope for, for these videos, honestly. And also got into the retro computer scene because of LGR.

Awesome. Picked up and restored up a bunch of greatness. it looks like. And yeah as for the box, I found this Sound Blaster and a sealed version of the same model together while thrifting. Yeah, I remember him telling me about this now. It was in a back corner, really out of place with the DVD players and they obviously had no idea what they were, got 'em dirt cheap.

Thank you very much, Nick, for thinking of me here. This is precisely my kinda thing. Check it out. Definitely gonna be using this in, I don't know, an upgrade video or a build or something in the future because it's so cool! Look at this! Sound Blaster 16 Discovery Kit.

Sorry, not 16. [laughs] I just automatically said that. AWE 64, 24 speed discovery kit. I covered the Sound Blaster 16 discovery kit already, did a video featuring that, like the upgrade experience there. Well, this is later one. These kits are great. And as far as he could tell everything was in there.

He did find one that was like totally sealed up, I think he kept that one. And I was like, you know, it's fine. If it's all in there, I don't need it to be like, brand new and sealed. Comes with Captain Claw, Twinsen's Odyssey, Moto Racer, Triple Play 97, Madden "Niffle" 97. Grolier Encyclopedia of course. My First Amazing World Explorer, Sesame street, Get Set to Learn, Real Audio Player 10. Very 1997,

which is one of my favorite eras to explore. Yeah, model MK4144. Ooh. Yeah. It's all in there. Just kinda jumbled up, it looks like it's missing some of the packing materials, but that's about it. Somebody just, I guess, went through it and was like "oh, yep there's stuff in here."

And then put it all back in the box, hastily. Speakers, sound card, CD-ROM, and CD-ROMs, the games and media. Power supply even. Wow, this one actually comes with a power supply for the speakers.

Hey look at that. Fresh AWE 64, CT4500 model. So this is different than the one that I use in my Megaluminum Monster. That one is an AWE 64 Gold.

I just never have experienced the original AWE 64. So I don't know if it's any good. Thank you very much though! What a cool package. I hope the videos continue to be a positive thing for you.

And the last one is heavy one. [sighs] Whole bunch of toilet paper. [laughs] Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I would take it. This is from Woody. And well, here we go. This is a fascinating computer system.

I didn't see a note in there, but. Yeah, it's a Sharp! [tape being removed] Look at this boom box design. [laughs] It's a Sharp personal computer, PC 7000.

Very much a luggable form factor type of thing. I mean, it's not even really sewing machine. It's so much shorter than that. And a lot of these you, you'll see called like "sewing machine style." This is a lot smaller and very intriguing. I wasn't, I am not very familiar with this at all.

Look at that! Ah man. [keyboard clacking] Not the most satisfying of keyboards, it feels incredibly cheap and lightweight. But whatever man! Look at the overall look! That's so neat. You got the keyboard cable, tidally tucked away in its little tray there. Contrast and tint? Tilt rather.

[exclaims excitedly] Oh my word. [clicking display] I'm in love. Those lines right there? Kinda checkerboard design reminds me of like a mid-1980s Nissan gauge cluster. [laughs] Dude! This thing is wonderful looking. Sure do you hope something about it works, I don't even know. Oh yeah, it's got floppy disks, or disk drives, dual, over here on the side.

I gotta feel this. That seems like it's gonna be an awesome mechanism. Just some random disks here. Oh! Augh! That locks it. [random Clint sounds of elation]

So yeah, just a fascinating-looking device. Really looking forward to diving in a little bit. Looks like it would take a color CRT or like probably a CGA output here if it was that kind of model.

It's not. Also a modem section, line and phone. Crazy. Still got the cover on the serial port, parallel right there. And you know. It kinda looks like a word processor display. We'll see.

Do I dare? [ponderous sigh] Okay, magic smoke? [fan whirs, computer beep] Whoa. Dude! It is definitely working. It's even got a backlight.

It can't possibly have a hard disk, no. It's trying to load from floppy A there. Okay.

That's incredible. Yeah, okay. So definitely gonna pop it open at some point, make sure there's nothing weird looking in there, but if not. And power supply and stuff looks okay

then definitely, definitely gonna get some DOS going on here and see if I can maybe find a Sharp specific version for this. I'm assuming that's what it runs, but I don't know? And that's exciting! Thank you, hugely for sending in this beautiful machine. Really can't wait to learn more about it! And that's it for yet another LGR donations unboxing video, which I believe this is the largest one so far. Unbelievable. Thank y'all so much for all your continued generosity and thoughtfulness, both to everyone who sent things in and to the many more who reached out and offered, but I had to decline.

It's extremely cool of you, but seriously, you can stop now. [laughs] I truly appreciate all the consideration, but I really gotta cut things off for a while while I work on making videos about all this fantastic stuff. I've got more than enough. On that note, it's back to editing the next LGR episode for me. As always, thank you for watching!

2021-11-08 18:49

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