Nathalie McFadden - Interview - The AVB Podcast

Nathalie McFadden - Interview - The AVB Podcast

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My. Guest today Miss Natalie McFadden, I wandered. Into you I don't even know what we were shooting but we went into milestone studios and you were there and you. And I started, to have a bit of a conversation and I just found everything you had to say fascinating. So but, outside, of that conversation I know nothing. About you whatsoever so, the way we normally start these things let's, let's get it right from the beginning where, were you born raised all of that kind of stuff okay I. Waste born and raised in Montreal. Okay, and. For. The, first 13 years of my life okay and then we. Move out west to, BC, live, in Abbotsford BC, for just, over a little over nine years mm-hmm. So I spent, my teenage years in, the early adulthood. Fairly. And, then I worked for the same cup company, is my dad's and. That. Plants got, shut down and was, transferred, to son yep okay, and. Met. My husband there. While. Working and. Move. To shadow. We're. Just kind of bumping. Around I've been around tell me about lunch well growing up in Montreal what's that what was that like for you. I'm. French. All. My family is in Quebec right. In. The subway with my Jill and I. Just. Live in a small suburb of it yeah. Good. Yeah, I I miss, the, life. Of Montreal. Downtown, Montreal. Every. Once in a while I just love. The. Fresh culture, that, there's, just the. Whole life did you how, long did it take you to adjust, for link was that something that you appreciate, it even as a kid like when you left. When. I left absolutely, talk. To me but that's, a process for being away from a family but to take on, a new, wheelman. Life yeah, because. Living. There I, mean going through. My. Hearing. Issues. Mm-hmm. I said. It was difficult as a child, to. Break. Down the barriers of. What. I was. Faced with in. Society. In general do you think that was specific to Montreal though or do you think that yeah well. No. I don't think it specific, to Montreal, at all nothing to do with that but. Just because that's where it was while all of that was going on it was nice to you yeah it was school, not my parents not my family and nothing to do with that at all my parents are so supportive, in and breaking. Those barriers down right but, it's just, it's. Cool environment. Cuz you you weren't born deaf right yes how long oh you were below sorry I miss under the. Conversation, we have so it's late so explain that part of it to me since we're on it already what, you you were born with with hearing, the found here in LA okay I'm not.

Hear Anything at, all okay so I'm the only one a family that has a hearing loss, nobody. Else in the film no no one else knit family. And. My. Parents was strong. Mikdash. Saw that I couldn't. Speak okay. I wasn't, speaking, from. The time, when. I psyched whereas like it's, 2 3 my. Mom especially saw. That there was a any sort and. So. Both my parents would try to. Find. Help and the. Girl what they could do. Help. Me and. They. They talk to many many specialists. And doctors, and. At the time there were everyone. Would tell them you know she needs to go to the school for the death and. Sent. Away because. That was sort of cuz like what if you don't mind me asking, what, what year like what era was this. In. The six that's when I was going okay so. 60 70s, as you're going through this kind of thing yes and that was sort of me and that was the way, that was looked at right like send, them away to they sent him away especially, with the type of hearing loss I had it. Was it was disordered we're go. To the special, needs that, the school for the death where, the. Needs are met right, there. My, parents didn't. Want to send me away it, wasn't it thing to do it's just not all. It took was for one doctor, to. Tell them she can do this it means. To him in a school and. That was enough that's. That was all it took for my parents and so they. They. Found they were cliff they stopped if you get me a hearing aid that I need and, to. Get me through speech therapy, and. I went, to speech therapy all the way through went down I was. 11, the boy stopped. And. We. Know, but that can become. Yeah. So. Well. Let me ask you this because what, I think what I'm most fascinated by, and and it may be an unfair question so, if you have no way of answering this is fun but. Like when, I think back on my childhood I have. Like these flashes, of visuals, or whatever but, a lot of it is like. Sounds. That I hear in my head right, like stuff that I remember, from like being a kid like the sounds of the house that sort of thing I'm. Assuming, your experience, is gonna be a bit different than that right. So. When you look back on those early, days like. What. Are what. Memories, do you have from, like, the earliest, part of like trying, figure out the, world like, that or. Figuring, out that that was a thing that was an issue even, maybe. It's. A visual, thing I guess everything, was more, visual. I, I. Really, haven't had to think about it put it this way I'm the kind of person that I don't, dwell okay. In the past alright and if I did enjoy them and move on okay. So for, me to think, about looking back to see what really triggered that yeah, I. Especially. Well and. Maybe. Because of that area of being young, going to school I mean kids, can be real cool oh yeah, that's, what I remember and I don't want to think about it gotcha, I'm trying to remember the good things that's yeah that's the good thing is it spending time with the family being, out in nature and, having activities, that would do as a, laughing.

And Sharing. Picnic. Kim especially. Nature, we were further outdoorsy, people hmm. Going. Canoeing with my dad and, just, enjoying, the quietness, and just. Appreciating. Nature for, what it was no it was a big big part. Of their Sam. Back. It's called the winters of Cora you got involved in winter activities, done - no allotment snowshoeing scheme, and, and that kind of stuff um. That's. That kind of yeah I guess that's what I was saying I. Wonder. And I don't even know if you'll have a perspective, on this but like it sounds, to me like you had a very like active, family like your family was very sort of involved, yes by myself how. Much do you think. Your. Disability. Had to play in that like. Do you think that they they, went the extra step. To make sure that. You had the kind of life that they, would want from you because of the disability, so they like because. I'm right I would say it's more like this. Ice bath right, you're gonna make him I said, you know I'm on ice normally, she's can be like any etiquette but that's my question, did you because it's. And it's a positive spin, is where I'm going on this like, have you had, any perspective, on it like if you didn't have the issue with your hearing and, you. Were just, straight, like every other kid do, you think your parents would have put the effort into, parenting, that. They did because, they wanted so much for me do you think that, kind of yeah totally. What yeah they. Would have they're the kind of people that would say to you I don't, care if, you think it's, something that can't be you can right there were that kind of people I am. To. Say this fight or to say that there, was disability. There they did not want to say the word disability right or. Be. A good thing if they they broke down whatever, barrier was there and, one of the school one of the things that really stands, out of my mind that my mom always said to me was that she. Always had to go to school and like. The. Society, then back then we say she's. The one that had the problem. Well. They. Didn't want to take the steps to. Help. Me not like it is today sure, so they would go to my parents to say well she's not healing anything and my, place will get my mom especially we could say did, you check to see if you're here and I was on and. Found. Out that I would turn them off because it was too loud okay so, I wouldn't miss out on things, that were going on there's this win away but what's really young not really knowing I I, will don't recall any of this oh my. Mom talking about so my, mom was always a very strong advocate to, make sure that the society, would accept me as I am, but given the normal care she, also took a lot of classes to, try and understand.

Sign. Language -, and. Back. Then there, were classes where, it's, so. He'll make the phrase that different I'm trying to figure out how to recant you can say that but so. She would. Join the group of parents that had similar with kids with similar problems right with the hearing support, rules yes. And so they would like, block, the healing, and then, try to mingle. With other people, to see what it's like they're not having hearing at all so that that kind of stuff that's really, interesting so my mom would immerse herself right. Into 20 understand, what it was like for me and. When. I was going, for speech, they appear to have long, sheet, of all these words with, now and I have to recite them out loud to my mom right when I came home so. After. Seeing this person we still Pacific at home and and recite them and to correct me on how I say the words properly, so that's why I did this day I could speak Oh. Coherent. Oh yeah I guess that's. What, was. That a frustrating, process for using I know yeah, yeah. Life's. Abstract, you're gonna do this I want you to do this and and, sometimes, again I will, don't ever recall being in class but if I had any down, time she. Made sure that to. Turn that situation around, and, and, tell. Me don't, let that push to get you down that's not I, guess. It bit back and. I'm. Trying. To work again. I don't thank you both no but that yeah no that's and actually to me that, part is really fascinating, to me as well because, like. Obviously experiences. Are different in stuff but I like I'd well, so much on the past that the idea of like just blocking it out completely is, like fascinating, to me I can't I can't imagine how, that even works like in your day to day but, it's I wonder. If because, like it's. Funny because like you don't the, way we're talking about it it seems like you don't have any specific memories, you just have a general sort, of leg from. That I'm glad that's over one. Verse bitter memory. Die stood out in my mind okay but, many many years I didn't even tell my parents about this was. When. I went from she, in in Quebec the the, school system is, um. JK to great sex well you don't have great seven go, to high school and you have secondary one Saturday, second doing two and so on right so, it's not this whole great one, two great 13 Road what about so, when. You. A. Particular. Class avoid sex the last day of school we all sat in the group together with the teacher and. Because. Then they're following you you go to high school and. Every. Kid. In that class will get the tutor would say something about them, and what's the strength and how well they're going to do and what what, she expected them how to would cause. She thought this, he. Would do going. On to high school and, when, it came to me I, already. Hate this person by the way and you haven't even told the story. And. It's, just that's the speak of. What. The, society. Was, like back then yeah and. When it came to me it was like you're. Always going to struggle, for the rest of your life you're never gonna make it you're. Not going to make it but. That's what really what I remember, and it's probably one of the reason why I block, that.

Part Of my life buddy if, they come up periodically, throughout, my whole life. And. So. Every time there was a strong, okay. And being. The little kid that kind, of like my, mom was just like no you can do this you can do this aside. Okay. And. Kind. Of move, on and baby we don't dwell on it and every once in a while it comes up in my life yeah. Thinking, back and. I'm. Gonna say in the last two, to three years it's, a question, today about four years ago I spoke, to. A counselor about this and. That says it's, not a counselor it's more like a business, coach and I own my own business so sure I was speaking to her about what, I wanted to do it move forward and, she said, you got, an issue because. I kept using my hearing loss I see next choose for not doing certain things okay, and, I. Blocked. That out, I brought that incident, up and she she, said to me I want, you to write a letter to that teacher and. I, really should put everything who wants to say in that little, and so. I don't, have ten minutes to write that little so. In. That. Ten minutes I. Gave. My thoughts to dissipate, em, I, thought at that time what I wrote out was. Thank. You for telling me that I couldn't make it it's. Because of you that I strive, above and beyond and. I could speak two languages I make, every, effort possible to. Make sure have every technology to my disposition that, I, can hear as well as I do and I could speak with anyone and I have children, to her we're, gonna have a beautiful family, everything, I want as. Big deal, that's, awesome, I you. Know what's funny is because I can hear I can hear as you're talking about this, they. It. It's, both for, you you. Know what I mean that it was both a benefit, and like that the thank you is really like the positive spin on it but I can hear the struggle, to get to that point because it wasn't always thank you was it. Maybe. A different use. Because. It that yeah, I have to prove a point.

That's. It's. Funny because you you say that that idea popped, up to you over and over again in your life well act, it's. Just to give you an idea I ended, up playing the classical, guitar and. Why, didn't we know this why don't you go get my guitar I. Spent. My time as a teenager okay, and I, spent, about several, years, playing and I haven't had time to practice, it and I'm a perfectionist so, I like really except I'm worried abut I spent, all of my. Personal. Time at home and and, it's just played at a time how, did you end up with a guitar it, was that like. I'm really, interested in the connection between music and and and hearing loss like super, interested because that's, one of the stories that I always love but it's usually talking about the bass lines and stuff they're not often, you hear the somebody. Would hearing loss picking up a classical guitar because there's a lot of heightens you know it, was my name when we move our family move out west I was. Looking, for something. Now. Flap right really. Put. My whole. Expression. You too sure and I, asked. My premise I want to have it guitar when it's just try it and so, is it kind of stumped. It and what I loved about it is having, an instrument, close to my body and I could feel it, music oh. My. Chin on the top it. Time just, just feel it it's a field of I boy sing and the music that came out of it and I. My. Parents sent, me guitar. Lessons and then, I I, did so well that this teacher said, I can't do so anymore and, she's, the private teacher that's, and. At. That time after playing. For, three years so, I was 13, when I turned, 15. 16, I applied to, need a Yamaha, festival, competition. So. Over, a thousand, students, across the country, I would, submit the piece, of music and. Prieur. It like this stuff you wrote um. Worse. These, that you recorded, picture playing, gotcha, and I. Thought, played my music got it recorded and, sent it and though. Only 50, out of about a student, was selected, to go to Ottawa and spent, a week at Carleton, University to. Learn more. About the music wrote that. The. One, and. I, was selected as simply. As. I, was one of the ones, who. Have. Played the least amount of time and instrument, to. Make it there so most of them have played five six, seven years more and I had played maybe to you how old are you, about. 15 years old what was that experience like for you mama. Yeah it's just opened up at that time it was really, my. Parents are really like, I said they were very strong ethicist, and I said you can overcome anything you want to put your mind to it and, to. Be able to play an instrument it's five million, and to. Perform, him be selected, to go, and. Five I forgot, about this. So. I spent a week at this Yamaha. Music Festival. With, 50. Other students, from across the country and. Playing, different instruments not, just a guitar I played the piano on the play before the other instrument. I. Ended. Up at the end of a week they, would hand out awards. To. Students. In the different category, and I wonder, a ward and my own cat oh that's always the most promising, students, that. Must've been that's, pretty always really a big, highlight and it kind of like reinforced. The thought that when do you you just gotta keep at it so. Perspective. Question for you. Because. Because you've, dealt with this issue your entire life right, and obviously, going through school like you said you had a hard time so I'm I'm, guessing, completely. That, that experience, put you in a position where you were like centered. Out quite often that. Is, that accurate, like, did you feel centered out because of because. Of your disability at all or am I just making, up when I when, I was an element to school in Montreal.

Yes Yeah, when. I move out west it was more about learning. A new language, okay. Because I didn't speak English oh yeah. Sorry that took me a minute to process but yeah I guess that would be a thing too right so the focus was more on oh. Look. We have a French girl. Okay. All, right it was no longer about my hearing being, in a suit it was about being the cool kid who speak wince all right so. Yeah and that's, how I set out okay. Well. In a good way but, that's actually that's kind of where I was going with the question, because like especially doing the guitar thing and and that kind of thing. My. Question is about being centered over because. I know like, a lot of times when, we're when we're young and as we're growing up what we get centered out for is the things that we hate about ourselves the most mm-hm. And for. A lot of people that puts them in a position where they don't want to be centered out ever again they, don't want to have a spotlight put on them they don't want to you know be in a position where they have, to perform in front of a crowd that sort of thing did, you struggle, with any of that like. Any etiquette yeah, I wouldn't say I can't, say that I. Subscribe. To sleep, my, hearing, made me stand out right I just felt, like, any. Etiquette right, that. Again. I block, these oh and I don't make a focus I really, don't think I, thought. Of my hearing being an issue until I got into my, adulthood. Okay. I really. Stood. Out to me because it's almost like they did connector in my brain is now oh because. Of, this I'm having. Issues with that okay. While you're growing up please just be you, just want to be a, friend. To anybody, you just want to be, special. In your own way and. The world is strange and weird no matter what anybody. You. Know and, what, I see today with my kids, is. That. The. Sole. Confidence. In themselves and. Electical. I'd. Like to think that I as, a parent to help them see their the. Positive, things. Of life I sure, don't know how to say that I don't know I, think you said it just perfectly yeah I know, not. To focus in and I I guess, I. Kind. Of get the stalkers the kids go through so kind of we. Freeze things so that I said in a positive, spin so don't look at it this way why don't you look at it that way and it kind of switched to thinking a little bit that's all your parents that's, all your parents, right every, time you face the some, sort of adversity, was like more you can from the button that's great you and you had great parents, man you eight great parents. So. One of the things that I found so fascinating when, we started talking is that you, you, specifically, went through and had the cochlear implant though right yes now, I know and, then this is one of the conversations, we had, that brought this on is that, culturally. In the deaf community, stuff. Like the cochlear. Implant and any, of the technology, that that is to improve hearing or whatever has, sort, of there's. Not necessarily, always a positive outlook, on it right you want to talk about that a little bit for me like just maybe maybe, for, my audience that wouldn't know about some of this stuff maybe kind of walk them through what, that culture is and what why there, might be a look, at it that, way, well. The. Deaf community, have. Their own. Language. It's. A sign language, and. They're really. And. Having. A technology, like a cochlear. Implant. Doesn't. Necessarily. Solve. The. Issues for them because. There's a whole wheel. Of learning, how, to speak, learning, to decipher, what the sounds, are and, making that connection so that they can, be. Part of a society, where. As you have that Deaf, culture. That. They've created eyes and ears and usually, used to cultivate and, be, accepting, in that, community so yes there is two, separate, like. The hearing world where we think. It's. The norm to be able to hear and there's, this deaf culture, that, they. Created, our culture, so that it's an accepting, and and welcoming, community, and you, see sign language at their own language. That. Cochlear implant, technology. Is, trying, to bridge that right. Um I. Really. Can't say too much more about that except, that I'm a hard of hearing person I'm, not deaf, right, and I'm not falling here I'm height of healing and, that's, where like well. When. I first live. On my own and move from this youth to Sonia, and then live on my own and, join. The Canadian hearing society and. Talk. To people in that in that society. There. Was a thing, like no. We, don't want cochlear implant because the technology, wasn't very well developed there were issues with it and it's. Always improving, and at what speed I mean things are always getting, better and better and better every, year and, I never thought that I would be able to have the, cochlear implants because there's.

A Bit of a threshold where. You. Have to have such, fear and loss before, you can be, approved to get the surgery mm-hmm, and it took one person, at the hearing a. Canadian. Hero Society to tell me you. Could be a candidate. Am. I my job I. Thought. Wow. Well, you never thought about your size camera, I would be accepting, that's it candidate, so. I'm. Probably going off on my own story here as opposed to the horse I know. Of. Course no no that's what we do here. It's. Always exposed to a, counselor in London yeah okay, state the sorceries, in London. Toronto, and Ottawa here, in Ontario, and I, went, to see her. And went through all the hearing tests and, went. There not to sound to see what the bone, structure, is and, I. Was a candidate and. It's. Just like dumped, out then again it was just one of those things that the the, piece fell into place it was. Meant to happen right, and I. Am voiced it's called Ohio. My, kiss so. Let's say I've had my cochlear implant for thirteen years now so, my talk. About exactly, what a cochlear implant is, because we've said it a couple of times and there may be some people that have no idea what we're talking about so right, so a cochlear, implant is actually a. Device. That. Is implanted in. To. The. Into, the ear hmm. And. On, the nfe implant. Is a electrode. That. Is well inside, the cochlea okay. So. When. You wear these the hearing aid or the the. He owned a that makes up the cochlear implant there's a manual piece, that, attached to your head and. Send. The signal, to the implant, through. The electrode, and the sound signal, is picked up by your body so. Is the electrode, that's outside, of your ear what's actually picking up the sound, the. Electrode, is inside, oh sorry the the piece that's outside, us yeah, yeah so they, did. It by the hearing, aid you accept the sound and senses. They send a signal through, the electrode, into, the cochlea, right and then the Queen knows except, this thing but it's not just a speaker it's like an electronic, signal that said directly into your eye that's. So cool. Tell. Me about your experience, with it what, was what was it like getting it. So. I, had this surgery and, it's. By the way is just to, the, three hours so there's a week right you. Have, a. Stay in the hospital and. Then. You spend a month of having. No sound whatsoever. Because. It's not activated, okay, so you just allow, the. Wildest. They. Cut you open to. Get the implant in so there's 23, staples, to. Close, it, up so. That has to takes a week they take this the doctor takes the staples, out and then it takes time to heal Rosie's. Got all that swelling firm, the, cut and everything and once, the swelling comes down a month later you, go, back to see the audiologist, and they start activating, yourself. So. You get, all those signals coming in so this and you've seen these videos online, Robert whether turning their. Jerkers. Like that yeah. And. The sounds are like like it sounds like a Donald, Duck Connor, oh yeah, it's, it's, what is different. But. Your brain starts. To recognize what it is and decide for you so I would sit down with my husband and go, okay. Um. Tell. Me something the war is and I would turn off a kid Oh also, just I'm trying to remember everything. He's. Doing for, the most part I wouldn't. Use my hearing. Aid on the other side my idea that's, rely. Solely on it cochlear implant mm-hmm, it's to allow your brain to focus. On, the specific, on the new sound underneath them exactly. It's. Hard yeah. But. It's a lot, of time I was just put, my hearing aid on because I'll have to talk on the phone right, on like working, that so but, I don't know you to come home and try to decipher. The sounds, and. You're. Going to walk into another room and I could hear. That's. The switch. The. Biggest one the biggest one, who. Is hearing, the songbirds, yeah. Because. I had to surgery in August and. So, by the time I, really. Got to. Get. The healing process, and everything so we're going through the winter months and you know it's quiet either, you. Hear the crows I could hear the clothes I could always hear the clothes really she's dogs and that kind of like deep, loud. Sound that. Bothers me. I work. At Point Pelee national, park okay, I said this on earth and. They. Of course like this time of year they have the festival of us right, so I went, on a hiking, on. The boat. 18 and. It's. Just over, well what. The song but yeah and all I could do was turn, on and my, cochlear, implant going I was turning off me I don't, hear a thing I turn, it back on go.

My. Tears, coming, down my sister. What, is those. Videos, that you see those people that I wanna. Hear all this sound, heard. Or their voices. They've never heard before it's true like you really get so overwhelmed with, the emotions. And it's. Funny cuz Mike Mike is complaining about the song. It's. Funny because of the way you described us actually this kind of gives us an. Opportunity. Mysha, mysha. Right. Nisha come come sit down with us we. May have to pull, one of these cameras or whatever. This. Is Nisha. What's your last name, Dunkley. Nisha. Dunkley, how's it going. Perfect. So what. Is your specific title, who are you what are you okay. And what does that mean. Generally. Yeah we, take care of hearing and balance disorders. Okay so, um I, have a bunch of questions but specifically. With. What you brought up with the the cochlear implant and, gets me on this whole other path of some stuff that I've been thinking about that maybe both, of you can give a little perspective on as a musician, and, a terrible, one, one. Of the big things for, me was, always like I can hear a song but I don't hear the different instruments now, over, the last three years or whatever I've started playing more and more I had just naturally. Noticed that. As I, hear music whether it's on the radio or when we're playing or whatever I can specifically. Pick out pieces, now that, before. I never could. And. It it. Just, sort of got me thinking on a process, that this is like that's, what hearing, is right. Do. You want to give me a perspective, on this like maybe walk through, that concept. I think broadly, um. The. Thing with hearing is it's not just your ears it's really brain learning okay, so your, brain can learn forever. Right. So if you expose the more you expose yourself to something like music a specific, kind of music your, brain will learn to pick that out it's the same thing with speech right, um, so Natalie. Exposed. Herself to a lot of speech your mom exposed, you to a lot of speech and so, her brain made, those pathways right, um, to. Be, able to distinguish, sounds, and thing like that and so it's really. It's. Just teaching your brain what, to listen for and it learns that over, time and it's so funny though because like when you when you have the experience and I wonder if this was the same for you. I'm. Amazed that we can even talk on this level if we can but. When. You're in the spot where you don't have that information, where you don't know how to hear those things. You're. In a spot where you, kind of feel like I I, don't. Even know what I'm listening for like, let alone like how they determine, one thing from another I don't I don't know how to sort any of that stuff out and it it's.

Amazing That you can like think, your way into hearing, like. But, that's really what it's what it's kind of about is a learning, process though, right like it's a conscious, decision that. I want to try to do this mmm, and, it is it is, a time factor it does take time so even with. People. Who lose their hearing perhaps, as they get older it's. Something that happens gradually and, so you may not even notice that coming on but for. Natalie it was sounds, she heard with. The cochlear implant and said oh that's that's, a songbird for some of us those, sounds go away and you may not notice it right away move, and, so. When. You get something like a hearing aid or something like that your. Brain has to relearn, how to hear those sounds and it can do it but you have to put the effort and time into deciding, this is what I'm going to do hmm and it can, be very frustrating at, times um it doesn't, always sound exactly the way you'd like it to but. It it, is sort, of that plasticity, of the brain and, the ability, of it to. Relearn. Talk. To me because. Like, how long have you been in your field. 20. Years so 6 or 7 years we got there so. You started when you were five I get it. So. I'm, guessing, through, your, your, path you've, had a variety, of clients, let's say yes tell. Me and. You can't use Natalie because I'm sure she's your best one I get it. Okay. Outside, of Natalie, tell. Me one of the like give me one of the the most inspiring, stories that you kind of remember through your path oh. Gosh. Well my. My, very first job I. Was, actually a cochlear, implant fellow so I worked, with cochlear implants and my. Very first cochlear, implant that I, hooked, up by myself was. A little two-year-old who got her cochlear, implant and I remember, turning and I was you know it, was my first one so I'm feel like and. We. Turned everything on and her mom said her name and and she just started to the child. Started to bawl because, she had never heard that before and it, was just she didn't know it was her name she didn't necessarily know, where the sound was but she. Heard. The sound that her mother made and her, mom had never had that experience either of her child, hearing that sound so, that was kind of super cool yeah yeah that, was together. Of. Course. That's. The real question oh, well. You know it's. Sometimes. With what I do it's the small things yeah, maybe not the big things and I mean I I watched those videos too and I'm like ah. You. Know but sometimes it is the little things like maybe, my older patients who said well I I went. To a family gathering and, I could have conversations with people again people, who have found themselves isolated. But rejoin. Yeah, um what's happening around them and and can go, to its importance, with their friends doesn't always work out I mean hearing aids are not perfect, that technology, is imperfect we, do what we can but sometimes, it's it's the small victories that, are can, be very edifying tell. Me about the. Other side of it give, me your most, frustrating. Obviously, you know you don't want to like, talk, about specifics, but like give, me one of the more frustrating things, that you have to deal with I. Think. One of the frustrating, things is we are limited, physiologically. Okay, I. Kind. Of what what, we're left with so we are limited. By what your brain can do what, the, nerve endings can do and, sometimes. Physiologically. There's not enough there for us to do as much as we would like to be able to do for people and, to have to say to someone you know there's. Not enough nerve endings to stimulate, this we'll do what we can. That's, hard because you do. When. For. Audiologists, we just want people to have, their best lives and and for us communication. Is what. Kind of makes life, worth. Living right, having, friends. And talking to them and being able to communicate with people and having, a group where. You can do that is really important, and so. That. Can be difficult when we can't do for people what we would like to see, how, did you get involved in this field any um. I. Actually thought I wanted to be a speech-language pathologist. And so, I went to Wayne State University, and started, in a post Bachelor year and I did we, had to do 30 hours of speech. Just. As part of that coursework, and I really didn't like it but. I loved the diagnostic. Side of audiology, and the testing, and how I could do something and say here's, the problem, I can, fix it or I can try to fix that room and so I really liked that sort of problem-solving, part, of it give me what was the so, I guess my question to you and I like I think I already know the answer I just want to hear you said. What. Was what was the difference between it like in the. Speech. Part of it what was it about it they even like. This. Is terrible and I'm sorry to my speech pathologist, friends cuz I you all dearly it's, it was a lot of doing.

The Same work over and over which is not it was just it's just not for me yeah and there are people who do that and they are very gifted at it and we're very grateful for that but, it wasn't for me no I totally get that and and like you said the people that do that stuff I'm fascinated, by, because, I couldn't imagine because, to me it seems like and I have no experience in this so I'm really just talking out of my ass but, it seems to me like just from, what you were describing, that. Kind of like the speech stuff as important, as it is it's, basically just gonna say it again, then I'll say it again no. Say it again. You. Know and they, have their good, days and frustration sure to you know a. Partnership. But with yours it it almost seems like you can well like you said like it's you can walk in and go like oh well that's done now. One, thing I could say speak, to that, I do recall from, doing a speech therapy, I was so. Set in my mind that I was saying something right. Yeah the right way and my speech therapist, with say to me no. Natalie, this. Is how you say it I just. Said it I said it this way so she had to record, me yeah and I have to listen to how was saying to make me go, oh, so. First therapist. Says that's the struggle to and it did convince the, patient that, this, is how you say it and I'm sure there are tools today that it's. It's funny man the first, thing I thought about when you brought that up was a conversation, I had when you know I was I was young, and I got a Supervisor position at, doing, security, and one. Of the guys that worked, under me was this older Italian guy and we had a conversation about, this and and, he was the first person to sort of explain to me like look stupid I don't hear, an accent I know, I have one but. I don't hear, it at all. And it, was like oh yeah. People hear things differently, it's. It's it's a bit of a perspective. That's. Funny, so I guess, what's. Since. You get to play with all because that was one of the exciting oh go ahead. Yeah. Do, you need a break I need, to replace the battery of my folks wheel not a problem what. We're. Gonna we're gonna just take a quick actually again just pause the kids just keep the audio roll in or whatever you how do you keep the cameras rolling. So. We took the quick break because the battery in your in your implant, when it right yes so little, but it gave us an opportunity to kind of actually see what we're talking about here so maybe show, us and Nick if you want to come in with the camera here okay. So this. Oh, my. God okay I guess I think so. Here's. A cochlear, implant so. I have your man you put that. Goes on the head okay that, where, the signals are sent across. The. Cranium, okay, go into the processor. Here's. A bad we put a braid, now I have. A rechargeable. Battery let's. Just take it off and I, have to switch. It to a new one so they actually have three of them and. My. One just died so I just replaced it. But. In case of any which so if my batteries, mm-hmm I do have, spare. Batteries that I can put in so have to, switch. Some, of the components. Just open, that up I have, to take this off and then. This is just sort of like an adapter, mm-hm. Take. This off and then I put this in here. And. Then it put two batteries, in here close. It up and off I go oh it's awesome so, now I have two batteries that's changed every two days but. This is new I just got it last year, and. Which. Is now accommodating. It, was chargeable battery before. It had to be sociable with battery, I used to have three, battery, wish. I had to change every three days. So those batteries, lasted. Three days and had to change they I'm gonna have a constant. Box. Anyway. I go the, bottom of my push so anyway, I've just mouthed to battle me really. So. So, the rechargeable, ones got to make you happy now then yes, they last, anywhere from 10, to. 11. Hours right, depending, on the, surrounding noises, because, the, sound is process. The. Noise, you of my environment. The Moya twins the battle that's. Really interesting that someone now it's. Just like it's, it's. A sending electrical signal every time then why do you think about it it's like a small computer okay, the more things you, ask your computer to do the faster the battery runs down right so it's doing the same thing when there's a lot of background noise it's working harder to hold a speech out of there right and. So, it's working. Straining. The battery what's the, either.

One Of you the, computer processing, that's involved in this like the the processor, that's in that I mean. You hear all the stupid equality really went to the moon or less, than what's in a cellphone but what, what are we looking at like wouldn't we computer, check yeah that's a computer chip and so the, work has always been to make that chip smaller mhm so we were actually just talking that, when Natalie first got a cochlear implant it would have been a box about, this big that was the processor, okay, um that she would have worn usually. She didn't. Get to wear the big boss I know you had it I had, this option pretty, much from 13 years ago yeah before that before that bit was suppose you know and so are if it, was a small child that had it we like put a harness on her back sure oh the Box in there so this is actually, super slick, um, that, that, they. Can do that now that's. A lot of research, and development and, absolutely. I know, do. We have any questions from the peanut gallery justice, what's going on so. I know that I. Roommates, and I know, that there are different things that could cause blindness, I'm assuming. That it's similar for hard-of-hearing like there are different things that can cause hearing, loss so. For, your specific, hearing lots Natalie how does, the cochlear, implant if you know bypass. Whatever, the issue was to, communicate the sound. So. I. Have. A really good age, always. Help other. Things too like, if. I understand, your question so what are the things that I can use to, make. It easier for me to communicate with no. No I think she's asking like, your, specific. Hearing issue, what. Is it that the implant is doing to bypass, whatever that issue is yeah, thank. You. My. Enquire help. Decipher, the. Sound, frequencies, battle, oh then, my hearing aid does okay like I said before even. Today, despite. How good the hearing aid in incredibly. High. Technology, that it is with. The help of Nisha when. I go out and, listen. To songbirds, I stop, can't pick up the sound booth because. If a type of hearing loss I have so. The, higher, frequencies. Which you would. Be aware songbirds, are in. The higher frequencies. I have, a deep hearing, loss in, there and the.

Cochlear, Implant and, I, want me to hear that to. This day when I turn it off or take the magnet off I I don't hear anything you know put it back on I'm able to pick that out when, I communicate with, someone having said that when, it communicates, with someone especially female. They, have a higher pitched sound yeah and this. Both. Bowels. Like. Different lateral is that over the words that. Are harder, to hear for me so. Having. The cochlear implant is able to pick that up better. That's. Not what. Is the difference, between like, your ear, and mine, so as I don't, have hearing loss but you do do you know what the physical differences, are, the. Physical, so, what I have is. A. Malformed. Vegetable. Or aqueduct, Center, so, it's in the inner ear where, there's a malformation, of the hole if, anything, it's, like a small, bony canal, almost. Yeah, so basically, it's. Not carrying, the sound through and. It's sort of like distorted like. You it, has a slightly, different but they have the same, sort. Of mouth for MIDI and. You carry the sound differently, to the brain and it's not able to pick it up so each ear, hears, differently, okay so, when. You had, this this might not even be than anyway. If you're. Going through your day without. Any, like. Without a hearing aid at all do you have you have you, hear anything whatsoever. Very. Little but. Do you hear like like. Does the room sort of seem off balance to you does, that make sense cuz. They give you hearing one way wait. Now where, my cochlear implant today today's, technology, with the cochlear implant they. They, are able to salvage, to, keep the hearing, whatever. Hearing is left but, when I had a surgery all. Hearing. Was to it, from. That year because. When. You think about it the healing. The. Signals, are. That, the blame except, this because of a hair cell inside, a corpus that the hair cells are the nerve endings and the nerve endings send. The signal to the brain so you there's the. Nerve endings there's a thousands. Of them yeah and they, are stimulated, and that's, the. Stimulation. That is stimulating, than the hearing veneering, nerve itself through so, originally. With the cochlear implant when that electrode. Array was inserted, into, the cochlea it would destroy, the. Existing, rape hair cells so we it, would be we would call it obliterating. The earring in that, year so we wanted everyone to be very sure that that was what they wanted to do Oh, because. There's no going back once you put that in oh okay. Go back to using hearing aid because there's no. Cuz you shape there's no utley there's no hair cells to stimulate, at that point in fact when they had to make a decision on whisk you to put the implant in they didn't know the. Surgeon had to make, a decision because they're tired which one has hearing. Loss yes, my, left side I could say no I want to keep this one because I still want to use my phone on that's the one that I was. Dependent. On more, so than the other one right this is a bit, of a difference, and, so they made the decision to go with the right that explains my initial who were the question that I didn't. Avoid it but I had it and then just kind of let it pass was why don't you have it in both yours I. Could. Be a candidate, for it okay I was told recently that I could, be a candidate, boy I chose not to okay, what, is it what's change, completely. Change the quality of it Sam oh come. So reliant, on this because, it is still defi duck a little bit a little read learning process, yes yes, and Natalie's. Busy. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah you. Got like life and everybody. I mean how the other people might make a different decision yes. It's a it's. You have to make the best decisions you're only making the decisions you need to make to be able to do that you want to do it's nothing it's not the only thing happening in you like and. Turns. Out your person doing. Absolutely. Yes, I know really, well look what I have and I mean it we're in an ideal situation right, now where I can pick it up and you, know the. Other, technologies. That help me that I've wanted to bring down like this it's because of. Working. With me so that I was able to get. This technology is called a logic pen hang on one sec. Okay. We're good I thought. So. This, faucet pan it's a really, I've seen pens like that you do a bunch of drugs with them right. So. I have, to do is, turn, it on okay. So. You'll see that there's a little green light that comes on and, it, streams, the sound directly. Into both the. Out of here really, yes, really. Yeah I looked, actually if you.

Were To give that pen to, justice, yeah I can, hear her, I know she's, right beside me into my ears. Okay. Well. Do it so sorry so when I go into a crowded restaurant. You. Better wait is this on I'll, have it around my neck but, if I'm with my husband he'll wear around his neck I have a little cord that it can be. That. Hangs up just a little man, was, around the neck right and it's just been the pen and I'm carrying the conversation, with him as though I'm by myself with, him that, is the coolest, thing ever the other thing I can do with this pen is, that. It, is. Connected. Wirelessly, through, bluetooth. On my phone so. When I get a phone call all I have to do is answer the call and I, just dreams. Right to her ears district back to so. She uses that you, use, that to shock you that around the caucus demands its, am sorry, put that away on my neck get. A suspended, you. I'm. Een I feel like a jerk face cuz I'm sitting there going to come on. Like. The sole because it's so is it is it streaming to the implant, did you said it's go bulkier so I edit it because the, hearing aid and the cochlea has bluetooth capabilities. Right it's just picks it up I. Didn't send music, from my phone to your head. You. Have to pay right. So. She has. Audio. Shoes, which, are receivers, okay that's signal alright, so it. Um, we. Replaced, her battery door with an audio shoe which also functions as a battery door and that's what sending, the signal to the hearing aids so it is trans it started translating that Bluetooth signal, to, a signal the cochlear implant this is the reason we can do all the stupid we do with our phones right like is it is it funding, for stuff like this that sort of helped advance a lot of this no. Or is it a sort of them stuff oh I. Just, mean the technology itself bit like a lot of the stuff that you do with cell phones down with bluetooth and all of that yeah it's really subtly I don't know which came first it's. Probably, collaborative. A lot of ways this FM technology has been around for years and that's what our children. With hearing impairments, and schools will use so when you see the teachers with the microphone, okay I'm they're using an FM system to have the teachers voice come directly to their ears this, is super cool because, for. Natalie. Because. Of how busy her life is and. Demands on what, because, of what she does, she's. Able to use this for meetings, and things like that and it's. Streaming. Right to her ears she's, not missing anything that's incredible, yeah that's. Wonderful. It used to be that I had. A different, system where. I'd have to have so many wires on, it put, it around my neck and, plug. It into my computer or, my iPad or my phone and like I'd be lucky if something, new ways working, or or if it wasn't what cane I'd hear on one side but not the other side and it was so frustrating I just give up that day well like I try, to be tenacious about, it and just okay this is what I've got I'm gonna use it because I want to hear yeah, well I don't I have, what's, called so mul fear. Of missing out so. I. Don't want to myself I just want to make. Use of it so that's just been so. She. Goes where. Is it. I. Said that's it and it was exciting, oh my god you can connect, to your phone your. IPad your, computer, and computer, it's. Great and it's that that's. Awesome it's the little thing that is so cool, Natalie. Nisha thank you for hanging out with us as.

We're Recording this it, is May it's, hearing Awareness Month I'm not sure when this is gonna get out but at the latest we're missing it by a week or two it doesn't matter if it's the official month or not yeah we, are talking, to musicians and. We. Did it last night we, do it every time we record in here we do it whenever we recorded band practice, guys, and girls that are doing this stuff for a living protect your, hearing it's. Really. Really important, and, they. Can do they will do noise like musicians, plugs, nice, I had. A set that I used for concerts and they're fantastic I love them there you go so this this, is an opinion it's the only hearing you get yeah and you know have to come see me see an audio somebody, to see somebody, get a bass especially, for your musician, I get, a baseline hearing, test because. You know it's. What you have yeah, and. I. Mean I don't, even go so fancies to get special earplugs go to the drugstore put stuff in your ears to make you not go deaf that's, you you wanted to protect your hair thank. You guys for hanging out with us thank, you for telling your story it's an incredible story and I can't wait to I know I got, so many other things that I want to talk to me but all right thanks for hanging up thank you.

2018-06-14 04:04

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very touching and interesting!

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