Napo Cornejo (Geokapti): CX in the World of Quantum Computing | #89

Napo Cornejo (Geokapti): CX in the World of Quantum Computing | #89

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there's a famous quote that says I'm not scared  about AI I'm scared of space travel no no creme   brulee thank you for coming all the way from the  Netherlands a lot of things first of all to meet   you some studies says the human brain is actually  shrinking I'm adding to the study it's definitely   backing up the theory yeah hey everyone welcome  back to the CX Insider podcast today we talk to   napo founder and director of geocapty a tech  company who innovates software Solutions using   satellites we'll learn about current and future  technological advancements that will change   customer experience like Quantum Computing and  AI enjoy the conversation and if you do why not   subscribe to our YouTube channel for CX Insider's  best content by the way this podcast is brought   to you by ACF Technologies global leaders  in customer experience Management Solutions   all right thank you very much for coming on the  podcast Snappers pleasure to meet you and have you   on here thank you to get started would you like  to tell us a little bit about yourself who you are   and what you do yes uh well first of all thank you  for having me here pleasure to meet you my name   is Napoleon Cornejo rather unusual name but I come  from El Salvador and now living in the Netherlands   I'm uh originally a software engineer now the head  of a company called geocapti in the Netherlands   where I've been living the past 15 years or so  we work doing mostly scientific software research   software engineering software dealing with AI  Quantum Computing Aerospace and other high-tech   Industries yeah and that has brought me here  today cool okay so what that's obviously quite   a lot of different areas that you're involved  with there what are some of the most exciting   projects that you're working on right now or  it may be something you could share yeah so we   are working currently for example in a project  that processes large volumes of satellite data   to detect soil moisture in Europe so we take data  from Radars that are in satellites these orbit the   earth periodically and we take the signals from  this radar to say something about the moisture of   the soil in this case in Europe because the soil  absorbs these signals in different way when it's   dry and when it's wet and this information  helps agricultural policies conservation   Etc and the other project that maybe I can mention  is one that has to do with Quantum Computing here   we are writing the software to control the  smallest components of the quantum computer   called qubits so we help a research institute in  the Netherlands to achieve that sort of control   and then besides that we have other projects  related to artificial intelligence machine   learning some of which we are working with ACS  I used to think quantum computers were just this   kind of sci-fi dream you know something in the  future and uh Computing obviously has come such a   long way from its Inception could you share what a  quantum computer actually is what that means what   it's capable of yeah so indeed there's a lot of  of a lot going on around quantum computers as a   but the idea actually comes back to the end of the  70s early 80s we didn't have the technology there   but that's when the theory really got started a  prominent physicist who talked about this idea was   Richard Feynman he won the Nobel Prize in physics  he posts some of the first principles of quantum   Computing how you could make computations with  quantum mechanics and now what we're trying to   do is actually bring that into reality so these  quantum computers are composed at the very end   of what are called qubits which are the analogous  of classical bits which can store ones in zeros   but these qubits can store a myriad of other  possibilities and it's in that Myriad of other   possibilities that you can get the large amounts  of computation of course there are challenges   making stable qubits in that don't fade away with  noise is extremely difficult and probably that's   the biggest challenge at the moment that's where  the software that we're writing right now comes   in in trying to control these qubits to keep  them stable as long as possible so they can   actually do something useful what are some of the  possibilities that it could bring to life in terms   of achieving different computations yes I think  I I should start by saying that there's a bit   of misconceptions in terms of quantum Computing  some people think that this will actually replace   the computers we use today that's not true it  will be a complement to classical computers so   it will not substitute them but they will be  dedicating to solving very particular problems   especially problems where you need to try hundreds  or millions of possibilities quickly yeah this is   where Quantum Computing really excels because as I  said before a lot of possibilities can be encoded   in a single qubit at the same time so the values  that it can store at the same time are infinite   in theory and therefore you can search and compute  which much more values in less time so for example   optimization problems where you need to search a  lot of possibilities what's more optimal what's   not based on hundreds or even thousands of  variables then Quantum compute then can be   here to actually compute all these possibilities  rather quickly which a classical computer could   take years to compute yeah machine learning where  you need to explore data create models taking   into account thousands of variables or hundreds  of thousands of variables or Millions Quantum   Computing can help there as well these can further  be applied in Industries like Finance Logistics   mathematical modeling scientific research etc etc  this is a you say it's a more of a complement to   Everyday Computing do you think it could be  quite a practical thing in the near future   that although it won't replace normal computers  it will be quite common or widespread not at the   moment right now it's quite experimental and very  new and again there are a lot of challenges to   make it practical at the moment the only quantum  computers that exist are in Labs with extremely   well controlled temperatures that almost reach  absolute zero these need to be controlled and   manipulated with lasers or microwave is so it's  all these big refrigerators just to store a tiny   little chip but it's it takes a big refrigerator  control with liquid nitrogen and so on and so   forth to make it work so at the moment it's just  experimental they live in laboratoriums it's not   practical yet but as all of Technology right  it begins this way sure just like the current   computers began this way yeah exactly as very big  building size computers which then became smaller   and smaller until you have a cell phone yeah in  the palm of your hand so technology starts this   way Quantum Computing is just at the beginning  so it's rather expected that it is like this as   years go on and time goes on I think there'll be  good progress made I cannot make predictions of   when it will actually become that was going to be  my household a household item but maybe practical   uses are not that far away five ten years perhaps  still carried out in in Labs but solving already   important problems yeah it's maybe not a household  item but maybe businesses could start using using   it for improving their customer experience so  for example cloud services they could have their   quantum computers in their own installations right  and just hire it over the cloud to solve specific   problems that's how I think it'll start it won't  be a quantum computer in your house perhaps yeah   maybe one day that's uh that's really fascinating  surely there's also quite a few risks that come   with that post Quantum encryption yeah could  you explore that idea and what it means and   are there any potential risks yes so as with  every technology of course you could use it   for either good purposes or bad purposes I mean  you could say that of fire even yeah so Quantum   Computing is not the exception one of the areas  that's being explored is indeed encryption because   current methods of encryptions are based on the  fact that finding the solution to the encryption   problem takes millions of years for a classical  computer there are just so many possibilities   like with passwords yes with passwords but this  one even even more difficult because they are   mathematic complicated using numbers that are  hundreds of thousands digits long multiplied   with several operations and Cycles so you need  to find the right combination of these numbers   to actually being able to decrypt the key it's  it's extremely difficult and takes a classical   computer millions of years to solve but as I said  before with quantum computers is qubits are able   to encode a myriad of possibilities at the same  time in the same qubit so it's calculating all   these possibilities at the same time or at least  in theory is able to do that which means that   guessing all these combinations of numbers and  operations to unencrypt your key basically in a   Brute Force way could be done realistically within  a time that is actually threatening to your yeah   Bank new security concerns yeah exactly that's why  part of the research that's been done in Quantum   Computing is what are the ways encryption can  be enhanced to avoid this so that's what we call   called post Quantum encryption so encryption  schemes that will be able to withstand the   computations done by a quantum computer that's a  very real risk isn't it for us and one that has to   be sold because like you mentioned there banking  people's money sits on top of technology that   utilizes what we what you're referring to there  is like the sort of the current encryption whereas   Quantum Computing would be able to solve that  within yeah shorter time exponentially quicker   time frames let's say certainly or Communications  your WhatsApp your signal messenger these are all   based on the principles of encryption if these  are broken then well your communication is exposed   what do you think are the first uses of quantum  Computing that we will see one of the the first   applications that's already going on is quantum  communication where you can really entangle two   particles and actually make them communicate  qubits entangle qubits this communication is   ultra secure right because it's based on the  principles of quantum mechanics that means that   an eavesdropper will disturb the state taking an  impossible for the community application to go   on further so they are already testing the first  quantum network to make this type of communication   and they're already deploying the first prototype  of this and the other application that's already   going on is modeling molecules for example when  you want to create a specific type of medicine   at the very molecular level these are based on  shape how proteins fold and how they match with   each other and so forth it is extremely difficult  it is a rather difficult problem to solve with a   classical computer quantum computers which already  work with Quantum principles that are the ones   that play on the molecular level they can solve  these problems much more academics so and there's   already papers and literature on how this could  be solved at least in theory once these qubits   are there and find out new molecules for therapies  this will come into play for finance for example   calculating risks on real time using worldwide  data and at every moment calculating your risk   and knowing your risk position extremely valuable  Logistics problems on a worldwide level shipping   Commerce these are all applications that are  already being thought of space travel uh space   Communications Communications okay travel maybe  not yet oh yeah but space Communications I mean   the Chinese already have a satellite that uses  Quantum communication a lot of applications coming   in yeah yeah watch this space there is obviously  quite a lot to explore with Quantum Computing   having given an overview of its applications and  challenges now let's link back to a more familiar   development artificial intelligence is also a huge  piece of tech that's already changing the way we   work personal assistants like Siri and Alexa have  been around for a while but services like chat GPT   and dial e are pushing the boundaries further  as both Ai and Quantum Computing grow how might   the two intertwine can they be combined for even  greater power and potential so there are several   ways in which this interaction can happen so how  can Quantum Computing AIDS AI is indeed because of   the possibilities of computing with large amounts  of data in the qubit being able to encode such a   myriad amount of states in compute with them at  the same time so whereas a classical computer has   to go through each state one at a time and compute  the variables optimize neural Nets adjust neural   Nets or whatever the qubits or quantum computer  could be doing these possibilities at the same   time several several of them at the moment I  guess we're impressed with what we can see from   GPT and technologies that use AI like this and I  guess what you're sort of saying there is that if   you combine Quantum Computing with AI technology  we could see something exponentially even more   powerful than what we already are very impressive  yeah impressible yes take charge GPT for example   and you've seen the results it produces text that  is very human-like I mean it's something like a   human being could write but at the very end  Chad GPT works on calculating probabilities   based on a neural network that's been properly  tuned with a lot text and examples and human   generated content and after being trained this  massive neural network which is about 175 billion   parameters it produces what you can see take into  account the amount of resources to make all this   computation to do the training data the time it  takes if you can already see that combination with   other Technologies it's just going to get more and  more impressive chat GPT is just a neural network   that's guessing the best next race or the best  next word now that brings a bit of a philosophical   question right because okay if that's the only  thing that it's doing but produces human-like   text is that really like the way the human brain  actually works then do we actually work a bit   that way that we think about something and then  try to guess what's the next likely follow up   to what we're saying so it brings up all sorts of  interesting questions beyond computer science yeah   because it tells you doesn't it like I'm just an  AI I don't really I don't have opinions but these   are kind of the facts or this is what I can kind  of stream from the data and then you just have to   kind of run with it and I suppose that's why that  human layer of interpretation will always be there   as a that layer on top I suppose with Quantum  Computing coming into the conversation as well   I feel like it's quite hard to actually imagine  what the uses will be and how we will be using   these Technologies in the future 10 20 years ago  you wouldn't have guessed you know what's going   on now precisely it is great discussing the future  of technology and how it will reshape the business   world but the question of Ethics Looms in the  background like some shapeless Shadow because   there are surely many benefits but it's also easy  to grow anxious about the inevitable drawbacks   of rapidly implementing this kind of tech so will  Humanity adapt in time or will we get left behind   I think that human beings will adapt AI can be  a very powerful tool that could make our work   more efficient if we learn how to use it properly  it can automate a lot of things to give us more   time to actually do the creative stuff could  substitute I guess some jobs others it will   make it more efficient and humans will have to  adapt to that you don't see people working in   telegraphs or in switchboards yeah Generations  have to adapt yeah there are new jobs where   technology helps you become more productive um you  saw this letter put out by several companies or   CEOs and scientists on having a moratorium on AI  because now with chat GPT people are starting to   get scared could be damaging for Humanity but it's  not realistic someone somewhere will continue to   develop AI a government an organization a single  individual in the research institute if you make   a moratorium on AI what you're basically saying is  okay we'll pause so that you can get an advantage   yeah yeah what do you feel about artificial  intelligence making decisions in more critical   situations like like in healthcare for example  there's a lot of research on AI that interprets   X-ray and actually in some cases it comes to make  a better diagnosis than actual Specialists but   it also does make mistakes and the problem is can  you hold the machine responsible for the life of a   human being can you can you take it to court where  is the liability so AI is a tool to help us become   better and in this particular case like healthcare  it should always be vetted by a human specialist   a doctor or a council with the AI as an input but  not as the final decision maker yeah actually is   the morally best place for it to stay for now  right indeed but take for example cases where   there's no chance to do a review automatic driving  for example in a car whether you're in a situation   where the car has to go somewhere and there's a  person in front but if you move it somewhere else   there's two persons on the other side so yeah  yeah it's is that what should you choose right   um stop the car I suppose yeah if if that's not  possible if you're in the highway or so forth   but even in the normal situation if for some  reason there's a mistake there's a flop in the   computer or whatever and you run over someone  can you hold the machine responsible who's the   responsible party there is it the maker of the  car is it the software developer of the AI who   is or is it the driver or is it the driver so this  is a bit more tricky yeah if there's a driver but   if the car is fully autonomous it's even more  difficult a question I'm always asking myself   which is why don't we have technology where you  can speak to me in Spanish and I can hear it in   English and I can speak to you in English and you  hear it in Spanish in real time how far away from   that technology actually that's not far away I've  seen some prototypes of that YouTube has automatic   translation and there's already software that can  synthesize voices out of text putting all those   parts together there are prototypes okay I don't  know of any commercial company that's maybe there   is I just haven't noticed but I know there are  prototypes of that we're so used to it yeah we   don't see a miracle in it anymore it's an everyday  thing but it actually took a lot of effort and a   lot of research to get this translation software  to get working and I'm sure the same thing will   happen to this voice synthesizers plus translation  on real time in a way do you think that's maybe   like encouraging or letting people learn languages  less like you know because if you're trying to   speak to someone you have that technology that  can just give you that instant access to that   information do that it takes away like the whole  education and learning aspect of learning a whole   language because obviously a language and things  like that are so beneficial to the brain right   from like a wider AI perspective as well do  you think like integrating all these automated   Technologies into society will have negative  impacts there are studies being done that says   that the human brain the size of the human brain  has actually shrunk human beings from ten thousand   twenty thousand years ago who had to memorize  where was the tree for apples where was the way to   to hunt as they I mean they knew their environment  very well all of these sorts of skills that they   had to learn and be quick about them which we  don't need anymore yeah we don't need anymore so   when you say about languages indeed I do think  that because a lot of people learn languages   out of necessity they actually needed to speak  another language these technologies will take out   that need yeah out of the equation so there's no  real push or or need to learn it it's only if you   if you want it but not really because you need it  and the same happens with other Technologies take   maps for example yeah before Google Maps to take  that paper and actually know how to read it right   and look for the actual Street and yeah even  oriented the right way to find your way around   cooking starting a fire whatever it all required  skills and brain power and that's why when you say   is it having an impact on the brain some studies  says that yes human brain is actually shrinking it's a bomb shelter yeah what time frame was it done it's tens  of thousands of years no it's not   hundreds of years no no it's it's  tens of thousands of years indeed   but I think I think it's right yeah I'm adding  to the study definitely backing up the theory   yeah I think there is that danger though isn't  there like if we don't use our brains because   everything is done for us then what's going to  happen precisely indeed and I think that that's   one of the drivers of this this phenomenon that  we don't need to use all the skills that previous   humans had to use so will the Sci-Fi films are  wrong these aliens don't have massive effects no that's right and let's bring the conversation home how will  Quantum Computing and artificial intelligence   alter the customer experience how will these  things specifically impact the business world and   why should companies even care nappos shares his  thoughts on the new age of customer Journeys yeah   you can easily imagine how chat GPT will impact  the chatbot technology where you can train it with   your own material with your own marketing material  your own documents your own history and then   produce a chatbot that actually has the knowledge  to respond properly to questions made by customers   imagine how many customers you can now answer  questions to which before you needed a customer   agent to be responding each of these questions  right yeah yeah so that's already one big thing   the other is optimizing the customer Journey For  example estimating the proper attention times or   who should handle his case assigning the proper  resources having models that predict the demand   of customer service as well so all of these go  straight into the applications of AI could have   a big impact in this industry everything I said  about Quantum Computing that will actually make   it even more powerful than you can imagine already  how this will change and it's good to talk about   the fact that you work with a ACF Technologies  today with us on you know our own artificial   intelligence technology and how we're planning to  help our customers and future customers transform   customer experience using that technology do you  see AI playing a role not just yet in the customer   facing side but also in the back office side so  you know where operation the organizations are   managing availability of resource you know back  office decisions is it there as well certainly   certainly yeah and that's one of the things we  work on optimizing processes AI can build models   based on previous history and previous results  to find out what are the proper variables to make   a decision who should take a hold of a case what  resources should you assign to a certain amount of   cases yeah predict the resources you will need for  that day optimize the scheduling of doctors nurses   that all happens in the in the back end it doesn't  happen on the face of the customer it really makes   his experience much more enjoyable more efficient  with less burden it really it really makes an   impact if we think about what great customer  experience means especially in the future and I   think we're working towards it customer engagement  with any organization customers want to engage on   the channel at the time in the means that they  feel is best for them you know and sometimes   it's in person sometimes it's via chat could be  via video I feel like the future is only driving   in One Direction which is that customers are  going to be more demanding on what they want   and they're going to get exactly what they want  and maybe technology like AI is going to be the   only way for an organization to deliver to that  expectation I think it's indispensable there won't   be a way around it companies that really want to  provide and enhance customer experience should   embrace this and become familiar with it and learn  to use them okay these peripheral very Advanced   Technologies quite commonly it's Engineers  talking to Engineers taking that conversation   and converting into business language and business  benefits for customer experience how does an   organization go about that it's a million dollar  question yeah for engineers it's really difficult   to communicate with non-engineer with commercial  people with marketing people because we're used   to speaking in the language of equations software  algorithms functions files that's the language we   speak with it's a very deterministic concrete  static language commercial people marketing   people they deal with other human beings if  an organization really wants to take a leap   in these new technologies which they should they  should embrace them because the world is moving   in that direction they should really try to get  people that can serve as a bridge between these   two worlds having people that can bridge this to  Worlds is an extremely extremely valuable asset   thanks for listening we hope you enjoyed the  podcast and if you did why not subscribe to our   YouTube channel for access to full length videos  and YouTube shorts you can also like share and   comment on the episode to keep the conversation  going and be sure to check out for   more content now if you wish to join our growing  community of thought leaders head over to LinkedIn   and follow us at cxinsider podcast to stay updated  thanks again I've been Marcel and I will see you   in two weeks but for now enjoy our rapid fire  questions by the way this podcast has been brought   to you by ACF Technologies global leaders  in customer experience Management Solutions   so my first question is what is your favorite  thing about your job working with Scientists   because I learned a lot from from them in the  science yeah I'm sure that's really fascinating   especially for someone who understands what  they're saying as well well to a certain extent   I still have my questions but it's it's fun to  engage with them and see what they're working on   and they're they're reeling at The Cutting Edge  of knowledge yeah is there anything that you've   like regretted buying the most a lot of things  I've regretted buying probably a bid the cheapest   that I could find in but it was really really bad  so I really regretted that I should have invested   more in that yeah invest in your sleep yes exactly  if you could transform into any animal what would   it be and why it definitely would have to be  a bird I'd like the freedom of flying maybe an   eagle perhaps and what's your favorite dessert  creme brulee I love it nice straight answer we   can tell it that it's true yes at the top of my  mind and if you could interview anyone Dead or   Alive who would that be Isaac Newton probably just  being able to tell him what has happened since his   theory of gravity I think it will blow his mind  do you think yeah do you think he could comprehend   anything I think he could the way the story of how  he came up with his theory of gravity is is really   impressive so I I think not only understand it  but he would be just fascinated favorite holiday   destination that I still haven't gone to is Nepal  I want to go to Tibet I want to see the Himalayas   with my own eyes would you climb any of them  no I'll probably die if I try I don't have the   training and uh skip that I'll skip that just as  long as I appreciate it before yeah I appreciate   it from afar I mean they say even getting to Camp  zero is already a massive effort yeah that's right   so I look at from afar correct any other questions  from you guys in the audience what scares you the   most about AI what scares me the most about  AI there's a famous quote that says I'm not   scared about AI I'm scared of people people they  actually make decisions that impact on the way we   use technology right they are the final decision  makers on how this technology is used or how is it   overseen or what are the regulations and if that's  not done properly then that can have an actual   impact not only in the company but also in the  country I'm more scared of people instead of AI [Music] foreign [Music]

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