Mosaic - Tutorial & Playthrough

Mosaic - Tutorial & Playthrough

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welcome to the jungkook's games tutorial for mosaic in this video i'll be teaching you the rules to the game as it's being played and i will be showing about half of the game today now i do want to ask that if you end up enjoying this video that you please click the like button for it down below as well as the subscribe button for the channel in addition to that if you'd like to directly support the channel in the creation of videos like this one in the future then please go to support there you'll find a bunch of ways you can really help things out and a few of them come with bonuses like watching some of my videos early and advertisement free as well as voting on which of those videos are made alright let's now jump into the game out here we have the game fully set up and ready to play for our two different players before i start i would like to ask that you please turn on the klingon subtitles i might make mistakes as i'm showing you the game and those will let me put corrections on the screen where you should be able to see them and i will also add corrections below this video in a pinned comment the next thing i'd like to mention is the fact that today i'm filming with a prototype version of the game that means the r to end components that you see here will not necessarily match those in the final version well let's start things off with a brief overview of the game in it each player is in control of a budding civilization and as we play through the game we are going to be expanding out in the mediterranean doing a wide variety of things one big thing involves establishing new cities as well as towns all across the map these will unlock various new trade goods which will help us gain money when we levy tariffs and those cities and towns are also worth points at the end of the game in addition to constructing out on the map we will also bring in infantry and cavalry units into these different regions and those are going to help us vie for a majority of influence in these specific regions now that is only going to matter when we get to specific scoring events and those happen when we reveal scoring cards in these different decks and those are revealed as we do all of the various actions in the game when that scoring happens there might be a little bit of combat depending on the technologies and effects each player has and then you check for influence majorities and give points out to the players now as the game goes on players will also be developing a wide variety of technology which will give immediate as well as ongoing benefits players can also increase their population as well as establish new governments which give players new ways to score victory points as well as potentially gaining new abilities players can also construct massive wonders onto the map which cost a ton of resources but can also give a bunch of points to those players now in order to get resources to do most of the things i'm talking about players are going to have to work with their population in order to gain those resources depending on their position on the various production tracks for those resource types now as players are making decisions in the game they must also keep in mind these civilization achievements as well as golden age cards these are going to give victory points as well as immediate bonuses to the players who meet specific conditions first once we have seen three region scoring cards from these different decks that will trigger the end of the game and once the game is over we will get points for a variety of things and the player with the most points will be the winner now i will describe the details of how all of these things work while we are playing and on that note let's now start the game we are going to play as the blue player over here for this tutorial and we are also the starting player so let's now take the first turn of the game on that note let's focus over here on our player area now there's quite a bit going on and the first thing that i'd like to point out is this civilization board now this tracks our production for a variety of different resources as well as money it also tracks how much population we have as well as trade goods and i'll talk about the details of all of these things soon now this board also gives us storage areas for the various resources that come in the game as you can see at the moment we have 5 food and 10 stone and we gained these resources during setup through a combination of our leader which we chose as well as from these starting technologies which we did a hand draft for now that means during setup each player got five of these starting technologies and then kept one and passed the others to the left and we did that five times and then place these face up in front of us and gain all of these benefits some of which increased production and others can do things like place extra cities on the map like this one over here that technology in particular is the reason why we have two cities on the board while our yellow opponent currently only has one now that i've briefly discussed what's going on in front of us it's time for us to take our action now on each player's turn they're going to take exactly one action and there are eight different action options for our first turn i think let's do a build action because we start the game with 10 stone and this is a good way to spend that stone in order to gain benefits for our civilization so let's focus out on the board where the eight different action options are all shown now in particular the build action is up here along the top of the board so let's take a closer look at that area the first thing to point out is this build deck over here and from that we dealt out five face-up build cards now every time we perform a build action we are going to take one of these face up cards or if all of these cards are gone along with the deck we can do a basic build action that's printed over here on the board now that is obviously a long ways away and for this first turn i think we want to select this card over here which says we can build a research city next up we have to pay for this construction and the cost to build a city is always four stone and two population our population is tracked right up here and at the moment we have seven so that means we have to go from seven down to five and then down here we have ten stone we can spend four of that right here as you can see that is worth five and i do want to point out that the resources in particular are not necessarily going to match up with those in the final version of the game after that we now have to place our research city token onto the map and in order to do that let's focus up here as you can see there are four different types of tokens in front of us these over here are standard cities these three are port cities which can only be constructed with specific cards that say port city on them and then these two types over here are manufacturing and farm style towns now this is not a town it is a city which means we have to take one of these tokens here and place it out onto the map now the placement rules for selecting a location for this new city are quite straightforward it simply has to go onto a spot that does not already have a player token on it and you cannot place a standard city onto a port location port locations have this fish trade good on them as you can see they also have this boat icon on the board and that was there to show us where to put these fish trading tokens during the setup of the game the final placement rule for this town has to do with the player count you may have noticed over here we have these bowls of resources on part of the map and that's because when you play a two player game you do not use the gall area and you also do not use hispania when you play a three-player game you do use gaul but you do not use hispania so in this two-player game i put these bowls over here to show that we are never allowed to interact with either of those regions in any way during this two-player game so that means we can place this onto any empty non-port spot that we see and if there is a trade good or treasure token on that location we immediately take that token after considering all of these options i think i want to construct this research city into the numidia region you'll note this is nowhere near or previously placed cities and that is just fine now i think we want to place it onto this location here because that means we can immediately take this token now this is a treasure token and these were all shuffled during the setup of the game and placed onto the treasure locations on the board next up we can reveal the backside of this treasure and then immediately gain the benefit shown in this case that is going to get us seven stone back we just spent four stone to make that city so we've actually gained three stone total by producing that research city so that worked out pretty well for us so we can place this seven new stone into our storage and then discard this from the game and it's worth noting that players can hold any amount of resources in these storage areas on their board at the moment it looks like we now have 13 stone the next part of constructing a city actually has to do with this tax and tariffs section of the board in particular this section over here which says we have to add five money from the supply every time a city is built and we actually have to add 10 money to the supply if this was a port style city in this case we did not build a port city so we put five money over there from the supply and this money will be taken by the next player to perform a tax and tariff action so that incentivizes players to do that sooner rather than later well it's finally time for us to deal with the research part of this research city that we just built up to this point everything that we've done relates to every single city type that we build but for this research city in particular the card that says we are going to increase our idea production by three currently our idea production is at four so when we add three to that it goes all the way up to seven now i'll talk about how we actually generate ideas from this production area later on in the tutorial the final thing we have to do is add this card to the side of our player board and the reason for that is because it has these component icons in the bottom right corner now there are nine different types of component icons in this game and by putting it over here we can easily track the number of each of these components that we have within our civilization these components show up on various build cards as well as technology cards and the leader card that we began the game with and they are important for a variety of reasons they are prerequisites for establishing certain governments as well as researching certain technologies they also increase the effectiveness of various technologies that we can create and there are many ways that we can get victory points for these components once the game is over now the only thing that really matters about this card are these components and the same can be said for just about everything on these starting technologies that are in front of us so with that in mind we don't need to keep all of these completely face up instead we can stack these so that just the components and relevant text on the cards are showing we focus in a little more you can see that this royal house is going to be worth one victory point once the game is over and this philosophy card is going to be worth one victory point for every one of these science components that we currently have face up in our civilization currently we have one two three total as you can see our leader has this government component not a science one this philosophy technology is one of the reasons why i wanted to make this research city because i knew that that component right there was worth one extra victory point to us while we're on the topic of victory points i suppose i should point out that every city on the map at the end of the game is going to be worth two points and every one of these towns are going to be worth one i'd also like to point out that every city and town placed onto the map is permanent there is no way to destroy or move these once they are placed on the map well our build action is coming to a close and the final thing that we have to do is draw the top card from this deck to fill in the spot that we removed a card from in this case this is a port city that just got placed out now this is a city so the cost for it is the same as the research city we just built and this one in particular is this type which can be placed onto the port locations on the map once again these are the spots that have fish trade tokens on them and this ship icon underneath now that we have finished taking one action our turn is over and play is going to move clockwise to our opponents and they can now take one action of their choice well after considering their options they have decided to perform a technology action for their first turn with this in mind they can now focus on the technology area of the board where there is a large deck of face down cards and five face up cards now when you perform a technology action you select one of these face up cards and then you must spend five of the idea resource back to the supply now as you can see each of these technologies has components listed on the bottom many of them have immediate effects and some of them have ongoing or even end game scoring effects printed on them one thing i would like to point out is the fact that some of these have prerequisites printed in the top right corner of them for example the food preservation technology says you must have two of the yellow food production components already face up in your civilization before you can use this technology now the yellow player currently only has one of those components but that does not mean they could not take this technology if they wanted they could spend their five ideas to grab this and then they can place this face down in their area and at any point as a free action they can flip this over as soon as they have these prerequisites in their civilization in this example we can see they do have one of those food production components on all of the stuff next to their board but not two so if they took this this would stay face down until they got that second component even though our opponent could take this card i don't think they are going to instead they've decided to develop tiles now this is a simple technology it gives them two components and it will immediately increase their stone production by two now they do of course have to pay for this and as i said they have to spend five ideas the idea of resource is over here so they can spend all five of these and then they can place this face up in their area and gain that benefit which means they increase their stone production from to where it was up to the four position before we move on let's consolidate our opponent's technologies so that only the components as well as text that still has impacts on the game are showing when we focus in it looks like they have a technology that gives them victory points for a specific type of component in their case that is the military component they currently have three of those showing and that will be worth one point for each of those now they also have this bronze technology right here and that lets them eliminate opposing enemy units in regions when scorings are about to happen and i'll describe the details of how this combat as well as scoring works later on in the tutorial the final part of this technology action involves replacing this spot on the board with a new card from the deck now this is the calendar technology as you can see it does have a prerequisite you must have one of that component already showing to utilize this tech when you take it and it says that when you utilize it you immediately gain two food production for each of that specific component including this one here up to 10 times now this is a one time effect so you want to have lots of these components when you develop that calendar to get as much food production as you can with our opponents turned on we can now go again and i think for the second turn in a row let's build with that in mind let's focus back on the build row and in particular i would now like to talk about building projects as well as towns now to start off with these projects each of these has a cost of five stone as well as five ideas and then you place this card in front of you and it gives the component listed on the bottom and it gives you another way to score victory points once the game is over for example the project civic center over here has one of the government component and at the end of the game it is worth one victory point for every government component that you have in your area once the game is over when you build these projects you put the card in front of you but you do not add a token to the map for those now the other thing that you can build are towns and these do not have components listed in the bottom which means after performing all of the actions on the card you discard it and the towns are actually free i think that is what we want to construct on this turn and the only town currently available to us is this manufacturing town so let's take this card and once again you never spend any resources to construct a town so we can immediately perform the effects of this card the first effect involves building this town onto the board and when we look at our supply you can see that we have two different types of towns these are manufacturing towns and those are farming towns and this is a manufacturing town so we can take one of these tokens and we must now place this onto a hex adjacent to one of our cities that does not have any other player pieces on it this means we have a bunch of options available to us because we do have three cities already built and i think let's go next to this city over here and let's place it down onto this treasure the reason for that is because this is also adjacent to our opponent's city and remember when you build a town you don't spend any resources and our opponent currently does not really have much in the way of resources so by going over here we are denying this treasure from our opponents and we of course gain that benefit as well now we can flip this over and ooh it looks like we will immediately gain 10 food so let's take that food and in this prototype the wheat tokens represent fives so we're gonna take two of these and we can place those down next to the other five food that we started the game with we got this five food because our magistrate leader card said we started with five food ten stone and one more population than we normally would have so we finished constructing our town onto the map and remember when the game is over every city is worth two points and every town is worth one so by building that we just got a point now we also gain other benefits from this card in particular this says we immediately gain 10 money and we will increase our tariff production by one our tariff production is shown down here we had a production of zero so we can place this marker onto the one spot to show we now have a production of one finally we can take the 10 money listed on this card and having money around is good for a couple of reasons one big one is the fact that you can spend two money at any time as if it was a food an idea or a stone so money is a flexible resource to have when you don't quite have the other resources that you need but again you have to spend two money for the single food idea or stone that you get for it there are other ways to spend money which i will be covering very soon at this point we can now discard this card from the game and then refill this empty spot on the build row with a new card this is another type of town the farm town in particular again towns are free to build and this one gives you five food immediately and increases your food production by one when you build it all right it's time for our opponent to go again and they've decided to select the military action for their turn the details of the military action are listed over here on the board and one of the options you can choose is recruiting now this is going to cost 10 money for each military unit you recruit onto the board and you can recruit at most two new units with each military action currently the yellow player has 20 money so they have decided to recruit twice which means they spend 10 money twice that is going to get rid of all of their money and now they can place two new units out onto the board now there are infantry units and cavalry units and they have the same effect by themselves but the difference between them can come into play with the technologies that players have for example this bronze technology that the yellow player has specifically will eliminate one enemy unit in a single region where you have an infantry unit so that means bronze only activates on infantry not with the cavalry with that in mind they've decided they are going to build two infantry and place them onto the board it's worth noting they could have built one of each if they had instead wanted to do that as i mentioned before they must now place these newly recruited units into a region where they have at least one of their cities currently the yellow player only has one city on the board and is over here in the syria region so they must place these units over here now the exact positioning of these units does not matter within this region they never occupy specific hexes in fact you don't have to put them into that region at all if you want you could simply put them next to the region so that you know they are associated with that region over here on the map now we'll just leave them over here for now so it's very obvious they are in this region and now that yellow is done recruiting i'd like to describe what would have happened if they had selected a move military action instead when we focus back on the military action area it says that when you perform movement you spend one money per unit that is moved the way this works is after paying one money you can take one unit and move it into an adjacent region at the moment these are in syria and the greek as well as the egypt area are adjacent to this region so that means for one money they can move over here to greece but they could not move this unit into italia because when you do a military action you can move each of your units at most once so you can spend one money per unit but you cannot spend more money on these units so there's only so far you can go with these move actions now at the moment the yellow player does not have any money so if they want to move these troops out of syria they'll have to gain some money before they do a move military action later on in the game yellow's military turn is done but before we move on i imagine you are wondering why they built these military units in the first place now this has to do with the scorings that are going to happen throughout the game and you may have noticed that there are four of these decks of cards out here on the board within each of these decks there is a single scoring card and it was shoveled into a specific part of the deck depending on the player count now as soon as we reveal that card we will pause the game and score every single region giving victory points to players based off of the amount of influence they have in those specific regions the way we count influence is we add two for every city and two for every wonder that has been constructed so far in the game i haven't actually described how we construct these wonders and i will get to it soon but they offer two influence just like the cities and this goes to the player who constructed that wonder now every military unit is going to add one influence to the majority scoring for that area and then the player who has the most influence in that region is going to gain three points plus one point for every city and wonder in that region that are controlled by any player so for example if we were to score syria right now the yellow player has two influence from the city and then one influence for each of these military units bringing them to four and we have two influence from the city and two influence from that wonder that for the purposes of this example i'm saying we built so in this example we actually have a tie with four to four and when there is a tie then all of those players will gain the full benefit of having the most influence in this area now as i said that is three victory points plus one for each city and wonder in that area so this would be three plus three or six points going to both of us because we tied if the yellow player had just one military unit over here they would come in second and the second place player always gets two victory points no matter what tokens are currently in that scored region so in this new example we would get six points compared to the two points of yellow now this game does not have victory point tokens instead you write these victory points down onto a provided score pad and when you do a scoring you will go through every single one of these regions now before you actually score these regions every player starting with the active player will have the ability to activate any of these special scoring abilities that show up on their technologies or other effects for example this bronze says the yellow player could immediately prior to each scoring round eliminate one enemy unit in a single region where you have an infantry unit so as you can see this could have them eliminating one of our military units which could swing the balance of influence in that region and give them significantly more points than they would have otherwise now once again there is a single empire scoring card in each of these four different decks and for example i'll just show you what it looks like like that now when these are revealed we will score every single one of these regions and then place this face up next to the table and these are the way we check to see if the game is over if at any point three of the four potential empire scorings have happened we will then continue playing until everyone has taken the same number of turns and then we will all play one more turn and then the game will be over and we will count up our victory points now i'll talk about how we count up those endgame victory points later on in the tutorial once i've covered all eight of the different actions that come in the game well at the moment yellow does have two military over here and we have not constructed this wonder so we can place that back off to the side and the yellow player's turn is officially over which means we can now go again so let's focus back on our area and for our turn i think let's increase our population our current population is five and i would like to make that higher and one of the main ways we do that is by performing a population action as you can see there is a relatively small deck of these population cards over here and then there will be two face-up cards on the board as long as this deck has not been depleted now when we perform a population action we are going to select one of these two cards we will then pay the amount of food listed on the card and gain the number of population also listed on that card now i think we want to gain three population so we are going to have to pay 20 food to do this now at the moment we only have 15 of the 20 food that we need to perform this action but we do have 10 money and remember two money can be spent as one food one idea or one stone so we could spend 10 money as if it was 5 food so we can spend 15 food along with this 10 money and that will get us to the 20 money that we need to perform this population action now that is going to increase our population three times bringing us from five up to eight now we needed a population to construct that city before remember we spent two population to do that and another big reason we want population involves the work action where we will generate resources based off of our population and our production tracks and i imagine i'll be talking about how that works quite soon in the tutorial so this card can now be discarded the final thing we have to do is refill this population card spot the new one says you can spend 12 food in order to gain two population the other card option that was already over here only costs five food and makes one population but of course it takes an entire turn to perform these actions so even though the food to population ratio gets worse you are still getting more population for your full turn action well yellow can now take their turn and they have decided to do the first work action of the game as you can see that action is displayed over here on the board and this is going to generate one type of resource depending on that resource's production and their current population so they can use this work action to produce food ideas or stone it is worth noting the work action does not interact with this part of the board now as i said you take your current population amount and you add that to the amount of production you have for the chosen type of resource and then you gain that amount this means if they wanted to produce food they would get five plus four or nine if they wanted to produce ideas they would get 5 plus 5 or 10 and if they wanted stone that would be 9 stone for them in this case they have decided to produce some ideas so they are going to take 10 from the supply so they can place these resources down over here in this prototype i'm using these cogwheels to represent five ideas each well that's finished up a quick turn for our opponent this means it's our turn and i think i'd like to make some money the way we do this is with the tax or tariff action we can do this by focusing over here in the bottom left corner of the map and the way this works is we are going to take one of these cards and then perform the effects of that card as you can see one says tax and one says tariff and that is not always the case these came from a shuffled up a deck so both could say tax or both could say tariff now i think in this case we want to take this specific tax card it's worth noting that each tax card does not work the same way as others and the same goes for tariff next up we can perform the actions on this card this is going to get us money equal to our current population amount plus the number of these government components that we have in our area and we will also gain money for our current tax production at the moment we have eight population remember we just increased that by three and this is part of the reason we wanted to do that before we did the tax action to get more money when we perform this so that is going to be eight plus we have one two three of the government component showing so that brings us to 11 and then our tax production is currently at five so that means that this is going to get us 16 money so we can take that from the supply and then we also gain all money on this part of the board remember every time a normal city is built five money is placed here from the supply and every time a port city is built ten money is placed onto the spot we built a city earlier on which put five money in here and now we get to take these five money because we decided to do the tax or tariff action before our opponent did that means with this action we actually made 21 money total so we can place this money into our storage area and then this tax card will be placed next to our board where it will stay for the rest of the game now the only part that matters now is at the bottom this right here says to unrest now in general people don't like it when you tax them and that is shown in this game with the amount of unrest that that gives us and when the game is over we are going to lose victory points equal to our unrest fortunately there are ways to lower the amount of unrest that we have but for the moment we don't have any of those so that means this is worth negative two points to us before we move on i'd like to focus on our opponent's leader as you can see as a benefit of being the artist they get minus four unrest that means the first four unrest that they get will not be worth negative points to them the final thing we have to do is reveal a new card from this stack that is a tariff card so that means the next time somebody does a tax and tariff action they can only choose from the tariff option now in general the taxes and tariffs have similar effects between them but the specifics of those cards do differ for example this tariff gives two money for each unique trade good and one money for each city whereas that one gives three money for each unique trade good and two money for the cities but this does have two unrest compared to the one from this one now i will describe the details of what these unique trade goods are later on in the tutorial well it's now the yellow player's turn and they have decided to perform a government action this will let them establish a government for their civilization at the beginning of the game each civilization does not have a government in order to do this government action they have to look at this part of the main board as you can see there are six different governments that come in the game and each of them has a component requirement as well as an idea cost to establish them now at the moment the yellow player has 10 ideas and that means they could afford the theocracy or the tyranny you can see all of the other ones require 15 or even 20 ideas to establish so these are the two options they could afford with their ideas but ideas alone are not what you need to establish a government there are also component requirements for the theocracy they have to have at least one of the black government components and for the tyranny they have to have at least one of the red military components now you don't spend these these are just thresholds and when we look out at their components they have three of the military components and currently none of the government wants that means even though they have the ideas to start a theocracy they don't have the components so this is not an option for them and the government they are going to go with is tyranny because this is the only one they can go for now that is going to cost them just five of their ideas they obviously have the component that they need for this so now they can flip this over and place it onto their board next up let's focus on the back side of this where it says as a tyranny type government they are going to gain one extra victory point for each region on the board that they control during the empire scorings currently they control this region right here with four influence to our two but we do control two other regions but fortunately for the yellow player those empire scorings don't happen until we get a decent way through any of these decks so they still have a while to set themselves up to get as many points as they can for that tyranny government before we move on i'd like to focus back over here on the government area and as you can see tyranny is the only government type that does not require at least one of the government component which does make sense to a certain degree now let's flip all of these over to see the benefits of each of them the city states government says that during the empire scoring you can select one region and gain one victory point for every city of yours in that region next up there is monarchy and it says as long as you are a monarchy you gain five production of food and stone and during the empire scoring you get two victory points per wonder that you have after that the oligarchy says as long as you have this government you gain plus five tax and tariff production and during the empire scoring you get one victory point for each golden age and civilization achievement that you have and i'll describe the details of how those work later on in the tutorial after that there is the republic with a very strong effect that lets you look at the top card of any deck before you take the associated action you can then use that card instead of one of them from the card row and obviously you won't refill the card row because you won't take any so that increases the number of options that you have for the technology population build and tax and tariff actions by one this also says during empire scoring you get one victory point for every two population you have finally the theocracy says during empire scoring you get one victory point for each region that contains one of your cities so you don't necessarily have to control that region to get the victory point for it this definitely incentivizes you to spread out with your cities across the map now i do want to point out that each civilization can have at most one government but you are allowed to change it as the game goes on you simply have to have the requirements and pay the associated idea cost and if you already had a government you simply return that back to the supply and take the government that you want to establish with that new action all right yellow is done which means we get to go and i would like to construct a wonder in our future but we don't quite have enough resources for it so for this turn let's do a work action and let's produce stone now this means we are only going to get two stone from our stone production but we also get eight from our population so all told we are going to gain 10 stone so we can add that into our storage and that finished up a quick turn for us next up yellow can go and they also want to produce this time they want to make stone so they are going to make four plus five or nine stone total and that's finished a quick turn for them all right it's our turn again and i think it's time for us to construct a wonder this is the eighth type of action that i've discussed and it is going to cost stone as well as food but i figure we'll spend money instead of food when we do this so let's focus on the wonder action part of the board and it says the first wonder that we construct in the game will cost 20 stone and 5 food when we go to build a second wonder that will cost 25 stone and 10 food and each subsequent wonder will cost five stone and five food more than the previous one did so we could spend 20 stone since this is our first wonder and for the five food we are going to spend 10 of our money again two money counts for one food it is true we could have spent this turn producing food and then building a wonder on our next turn but of course that would be an entire turn we would lose in the process and we did have the money to spend now that we've paid for it we can select one of these wonders and construct it out into a region that has at least one of our cities in it as you can see there are a bunch of options out here and every single one of these is worth a number of end game victory points which varies depending on a variety of conditions now i think we want to construct the hanging gardens of babylon and a big reason for that is because it gives us negative five unrest now once again at the end of the game we lose one point for every unrest we have but we are going to sum these together and then see if we lose points so if the game ended right now we would have minus five plus two or minus three unrest which would be worth zero negative points so by having the hanging gardens over here we can actually take three more unrest before that starts to cost us victory points and i imagine we are likely going to do more taxation or potentially tariff actions later in the future which will give us some unrest now we can place the hanging gardens over here and it says at the end of the game this is going to be worth three victory points for every adjacent city to it with that in mind we can now place this onto the map it has to go onto a hex that currently does not have any player or wonder tokens and it also has to go into a region that has at least one of our cities that means we could build into syria egypt or numidia now this is worth three points per adjacent city so we could place it right over there because it would already be adjacent to two cities one of them is our opponents but that would not change the way this score is for us so by placing there it would already be worth six points to us we could also look to the future and place this somewhere like that and then hope to surround this with our cities to get more points and obviously there are a bunch of these bonus tokens on the board we could take when we constructed the cities around that if that was a plan we wanted to go for now one other thing to consider is that this does give us two influence for the region scoring so i do think we are going to place it right over here and in that way we have now tied the yellow player for influence in syria now after we have placed that we gained this trade token that was randomly placed there at the start of the game and all trade tokens are placed into the trade good area of our board if we already had a good of this type we would simply stack it on top of a previous one but as you can see this is the first of that type that we have and there are eight different trade good types that are out here on the board now it's worth noting we never actually remove these trade goods from our board but there are several ways we can gain benefits for having different types of these trade goods on our board as you can see we have two of these we picked this one up during setup when we placed our cities out onto the board before the game started one of the benefits for having trade goods is doing tariff actions for example this one over here when taken would get us three money for each unique trade good that we had and currently we have two so if we did the tariff action right now we would get three plus three or six money for that and then we would obviously get two money for every city we have on the board and we'd get money for our tariff production so having more unique trade goods on our board makes our tariff actions stronger which gets us more money which is good considering these do come along with unrest in addition to that there are other reasons to have lots of trade goods this uh wonder over here is worth one victory point for every unique trade good that you have at the end of the game as one example and another reason to have lots of trade goods involves one of these civilization achievements in particular this merchant civilization here now i haven't described these just yet and i think now is a good time and when you're playing the game as soon as you meet the requirement listed on a specific civilization achievement you can then take that and it will be worth six victory points to you at the end of the game and obviously your opponents will not have access to it because you got there first so this civilization requirement here says you get these six figure points once you have seven unique trade goods and remember there are eight different trade goods out there on the board so chasing after these six points is one reason also to go for a wide variety of those unique goods now while we're over here let's take a look at the rest of these civilization achievements this one will give six points if you have five projects or wonders total already constructed the urban civilization will go to the player who has five cities out on the board we currently have three so we just need two more cities to pick up those points the seafaring civilization is going to give six points to the player who has three port cities currently no one has any of those but that is another reason to place lots of ports on the board the populist civilization will go to the player who has 12 population and currently we have eight so this is another one we are not too far off from although we would need a decent amount of food to increase our population four times to grab those six points the well-governed civilization will go to the player who has a tax production of 12 and the scholarly civilization will go to a player who has an idea production of 12 or more now the militaristic civilization goes to the first player to have six military units on the board and the final one of these goes to the player who controls four regions at any one point in time so these achievements give you reasons to push hard on specific parts of the game and there are a wide variety of ways you can gain these achievements to get those points now while we're over here i'd also like to discuss these golden age cards that are also up on top of the board now these just like the achievements will immediately go to players as soon as they meet its associated requirement but for the golden age cards those are all associated with components there are nine different components that come in the game and there is one golden age associated with each of them and you have to have six of that specific components in order to take that golden age card just like the civilization achievements every golden age card is worth six points at the end of the game but in addition to those points they also immediately come with a bonus you get as soon as you take that card for example architecture lets you increase your stone production by one and city states lets you immediately place a free city out onto the board so there are a bunch of good actions you get for free when you hit these thresholds and these give you an extra incentive to have six or more of specific component types before your opponents do well at this point we've finished up our wonder construction turn although before we move on i want to say one more thing about trade goods you may have noticed that some of these show an x2 symbol next to them and that's because those specific trade goods are associated with the production of food or stone now whenever you take a trade good that is a fish or a wheat on it you place it onto this spot either stacked on top of others or onto new locations like this if it's unique and you immediately increase your food production by two so that means if we were to take another wheat even though this is not a new unique trade good it would still boost our food production twice which would definitely be a good thing for us likewise you will have one specific spot for the stone trade good and when you take that it will also increase your stone production twice every single time you take a new stone trade good and place it onto your board so our wonder is now constructed but before we finish our turn it looks like our opponent is going to gain a benefit since they have the artist leader that has an ongoing benefit that says they get 10 money whenever anyone builds a wonder so with that in mind maybe it wasn't the best idea for us to do this at this point in the game but we're still going to stick with it so even though it was our turn our opponent gets 10 money because of that specific leader bonus now talking about leader bonuses we also have one of those and ours is a one-time use per game this says we can convert one of our population into 10 of any other currency and you can only do this once but it is a free action whenever we want to so obviously we lose one population but we immediately get 10 currency which could be very important for pulling off a specific plan that we might have in motion alright our turn is done and since i've covered all eight of the actions that come in this game i think it's now time to discuss how we calculate our end game victory points once the game is over remember the game end will be triggered once our third empire scoring happens we will then keep playing until everyone has had the same number of turns and then we all take one more turn so that we always take the same number of turns between each player at that point we then will add victory points for a wide variety of things to any points that we have gained throughout the game through the empire scorings and remember all of this is logged on a provided scoring pad the first area we get end game points for are our cities and towns constructed on the map every city is worth two points and every town is worth one next up we will all score for the constructed wonders we have in front of us some of them are a set number of victory points whereas others are based on a condition for example our hanging gardens is worth three points for each adjacent city so if the game ended right now it would be worth six points to us after that we will all score the victory points showing up on the civilization achievements and golden age cards that we have taken throughout the game next up every player who has constructed projects in front of them will get points based off of the number of components they have for example this civic center project will be worth one point at the end of the game for every government component that you have face up in your civilization after that we can score points that show up in the technologies that we have developed throughout the game that might be a set amount of points like this royal house is just going to give one victory point for having it but then others could give a conditional amount of points this one is worth one victory point for each of that component that you have in your civilization once the game is over after that you can check your leaders to see if they have specific end-game scoring conditions on them although neither of these do and finally we potentially lose points for our unrest now as i said you take your positive unrest that will come from a couple of sources and then you will add to that any negative unrest you have from leaders or other locations like this wonder right here and then if the number you get after that is positive you lose that amount of points once again for this example we have negative five on the hanging gardens and positive two unrest for this taxation action that would leave us at negative three and since that is not a positive number we would not lose any points in this instance once everyone has calculated their scores the player with the most victory points will be the winner and if there is a tie then the player who has constructed the most wonders will break it in their favor if there is still a tie then the player with the most money at the end of the game will break it in their favor and if somehow there is still a tie after that the players will share in the victory well at this point i've covered just about all of the rules to the game which means the tutorial part of this video has come to a close i do think i'm going to keep playing the game however and let's keep going until we hit one of the game's scoring conditions so that we can see how that is going to work with an overall example now at this point it is the yellow player's turn and they've decided to build in particular they want to construct a port city and if you remember from before the cost to build any city is two population as well as four stone next up they can add this out onto the board and since this is a port city they're going to place this figure out instead of the other city token that we've seen so far since this is a port city it must be placed onto a port and again those are the locations that have this fish trade good token on them now the yellow player has decided they would like to build this port right over here and then they of course take this fish trade good and then add that onto their board since this is their first fish trade good they put it into its own pile and remember the fish and wheat trade goods will increase the food production by two when you take them so the food production will go from four up to six next up we can see that this port city is going to get them 10 money so they can take that right now and then finally they can place this off to the side of their civilization board before yellow finishes their turn they do have to add 10 money from the supply onto this area because they built a port city they can finish their turn by drawing another build card this is another manufacturing town yellowstern is done which means we can go and i think let's do a build action of our own currently we don't have any food and i think because of that let's build another town remember towns do not cost any resources and this is going to get us five food as well as increase our food production once so we can place this five food token there and increase our production to five and now we can place one of these farm towns down onto the board adjacent to a previous city of ours now part of me wants to place this farm down onto a spot that has a food or a stone trade good to increase those specific tracks but we do also have an opportunity to take a treasure and these immediately give resources so i think let's go for that we can place this farm right over there and remember every one of these towns is worth one point at the end of the game but does not offer any influence when we do the empire scoring now this treasure is going to get us eight ideas nice we can place those onto our board and then we can refill this to finish our turn alright the yellow player can go and they've decided to spend five of their ideas to develop a new technology the one they've decided to choose is drama as you can see that is going to give them one of this culture component and it will immediately get them five more ideas that they could use to develop again and it also gets them three points at the end of the game so they can place this over here and get those five ideas back after that they can finish their turn by drawing a new card this harbor has these component requirements and when you build it you get three components as well as two added to your tariff production and two more food production well it's now our turn and let's research a new technology that is going to cost five of our ideas and the one i think we should research is the calendar that does have a requirement of us having one of this component already and as you can see we actually have three of that component so we are fine now this gives us another one which is good considering this is going to get us one point for each of that component type at the end of the game and now immediately this is going to increase our food production twice for every one of that component that we have up to a maximum of 10 more food production currently we have one two three four of that icon so that means our food production will go up by eight our food production was at five so we are going to go up to 13 and we can show that by putting this on the three and then we can put this token on the 10 to show that we have 10 plus 3 or 13 food production well that was a great technology for us especially considering it also had four components which help for other things we have four of those government components now which is more than enough for us to develop any of the government types at least as far as that specific component is concerned gaining a government does take a bunch of ideas though and we currently only have three so that's something we'll keep in mind but maybe we'll need to produce some new ideas before we get there well we can finish our turn by drawing a new technology this is diplomats that says you can immediately prior to each scoring round move all military units owned by a single opponent out of a single region to an adjacent region of your choice so this is another way to manipulate things before the scorings it does not remove units but it does move them around and you can push them into a location that will get you more victory points as the player with the diplomats our turn is done which means that the yellow player can go and they're actually going to develop more technology of their own they have five ideas so they are going to spend that right now and then they are going to research fermenting this does have a requirement of them having one of this coin type component and at the moment it appears they have four of them so they have more than enough now this gives them two more components and at the end of the game makes every one of this purple component worth one victory point and as you can see they have one two three four of those in their civilization already yellow can finish their turn by drawing a new technology this is plumbing and that simply gets you to population although you do have to have these prerequisites first all right it's our turn and we actually do have the prerequisites that plumbing needs we have one of that and we have more than one of that one there and i think let's research some more technology it's something that both of us are doing quite a bit right now this is going to take five ideas and we currently only have three but we can spend four of our money to make up for the other two ideas that we need to make this happen so we can take one back from the supply and then take plumbing and immediately put it face up in front of us because we have this prerequisite taken care of now that is going to increase our population twice which brings us up to 10 and we are now just two population away from taking this populist civilization achievement that is something that hopefully we can make happen soon all right we are done so we can reveal a new technology this is architecture and it increases population once and increases stone production once at this point the yellow player can now go and they have decided to perform a tariff action as you can see both of the options over here are tariffs and this is the one they want that is going to get them to unrest and now they will gain money equal to three times the number of unique trade goods they have plus two money for every city they have and also they will get money for their tariff production in addition to this 10 money that was placed over here when the yellow player built that port city so they can add the 10 money over here they also have three different trade goods so that is nine more money and in addition to that they have a tariff production of five so they are at 14 more and now they can get two more for each city they've built out on the map it appears yellow has two cities so that is four more which means they can take 18 money from the supply so this was a very lucrative turn for them they did gain two unrest but they also got 28 money total and that means they now have 48 money in front of them next up they can finish their turn by drawing a new card this is a three unrest tax card that gives money equal to twice your population plus two money for every one of those government components and of course money for your tax production well it's time for us to go and i think let's produce a bunch of food we currently have a food production of 13 here plus we also have 10 population so that means we will get 23 food by taking this work action we already had five so we now have 28 food in front of us our turn is done so yellow can go and they want to perform another military action now they've decided for their action to recruit two new units and each of those costs 10 money they have 48 money so they're definitely going to spend 20 of that to place two more onto the map currently they have technology which aids them with infantry so they're going to put two more infantry down these must go into regions with at least one of their city and they could split them up if they want but they've decided to actually place both of these over here where they now have a clear majority with six of their influence compared to four of hours since they recruited that means they are not allowed to move and that's going to finish their turn well their turn is done which means we can go and let's use our massive supply of food to increase our population when we do this action the most we can spend is going to be 12 food to increase our population twice so let's go for that so we can spend 12 of our food and it looks like we still have 16 left and that increases our population from 10 up to 12. the moment that happens we now qualify for taking the populist civilization achievement now this is a free action we simply grab it from this area and that is going to be worth six points to us at the end of the game and we can go below 12 population in the future we just have to have it at any one point when we take this civilization achievement so we can place this over there and then we can finish our turn by drawing another population card and that is a big one you have to pay 30 food but you do increase your population four times for a single population action all right yellow can go and they are going to produce some ideas unfortunately they're not gonna make a ton but they really would like at least five and fortunately they're going to make five plus three or eight so that is going to be enough for them to develop more technology and it does seem like that's what they want to do soon so here are their eight ideas and that's finished their turn well we can go again and i like the idea of taking that plus four population card while we can although that does need 30 food and we currently have 16. so let's go ahead and do another food production turn we are going to get 13 plus 12 or 25 food for this turn that's going to put us up to 41 food which seems like a lot but we are planning on spending 30 of that on our next turn now having a bunch of population is good obviously for making other resources and i am planning on using that population to build a bunch of cities later on in the game so i figure pushing hard on it now and then getting resources out of it as we then spend it is probably a good way for us to go either way that has finished our turn and now the yellow player can go and they have decided to build a city that is going to cost two of their population so they've gone down to just one and then they also have to spend four of their stone which leaves them with one remaining next up they can build a city and there are two options for them on the build row the architectural city would get them five stone back and the garrison city would let them build one military unit down after they construct it and this is the one they've decided to go with it appears yellow is leaning quite hard into militar

2021-05-14 23:48

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