modern poultry farming technology has dramatically changed egg production with modern factories processing millions of eggs every day using the latest machinery for grading and packaging how do these Innovations boost efficiency and egg quality explore the latest trending Farm to discover how these cuttingedge Technologies are setting new standards in the poultry [Music] industry today more Farms are choosing battery cages for raising chickens reflecting a growing Trend in poultry [Music] farming between 2018 and 2019 4379 international buyers imported chicken cages and related products from China indicating a rising demand for this [Music] method as chicks grow moving them into cages can be beneficial especially for commercial Farms as it saves space and reduces feed [Music] costs cages helps separate chickens from waste reducing the risk of [Music] disease cage farming allows highdensity housing with three layers of cages accommodating up to 20 chickens per square meter compared to just 5 to six on the ground [Music] labor is also reduced since the system automates feeding watering and egg collection [Music] additionally feed waste is minimized and the system enhances disease prevention by reducing contact with [Music] waste overall cage farming is an efficient and economical choice for modern poultry operations [Music] ensuring adequate feed and nutrition for laying hens on the farm requires a precise feeding process to ensure they reach their optimal size and [Music] weight David Denny owner of a farm with around 120,000 laying hens relies on a scientifically developed feeding [Music] program the farm carefully prepares their feed using key ingredients such as corn soybean meal vegetable oils minerals and vitamins to meet the nutritional needs of the hens at different stages of growth starter grower and finisher [Music] the feed is mixed pelletized and delivered to the farms on a schedule ensuring the birds receive exactly what they need to thrive [Music] in addition the hens are regularly Health checked and vaccinated against common chicken [Music] diseases Farmers on the farm record the daily indicators of the hens to Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness [Music] lb and then I actually only did 5 lbs of split [Music] pie for more detailed information on chicken diseases and how to prevent and treat them Farmers often consult veterinarians or local veterinary stations [Music] like a food factory every step in egg harvesting and processing follows a systematic sequence to ensure quality and [Music] safety first eggs are collected and placed on an aggregator which sorts them before they are transferred to the orienter the orienter aligns the eggs evenly for further processing next the eggs are sterilized with ultraviolet light to kill bacteria on the surface ensuring they are safe for consumption [Music] the eggs are then passed through a candling process where they are inspected for internal defects followed by crack detection to identify any defects in the [Music] Shell finally the eggs are graded based on size and quality a semi-automatic egg separator is used to separate the egg trays and the eggs are placed on a conveyor for efficient movement through the food factory or [Music] Hatchery the eggs are then packed into cartons or trays ready to leave the farm [Music] in a food factory chicken eggs are incubated under controlled conditions to ensure successful [Music] hatching before incubation eggs are stored at 68 to 70° F to slow embryo development once ready they are placed in incubators set to 99.6 de fah and 85° f for humidity [Music] the incubators turn the eggs regularly to mimic natural conditions supporting healthy embryo growth after 18 days eggs are transferred to a Hatcher with adjusted temperature and humidity to Aid the hatching process [Music] the entire incubation typically lasts 21 days resulting in healthy chicks after the chicks have successfully hatched at the factory you are wondering where they go right how does the journey from the incubation area to the specialized chick house take place like the video and follow along for more [Music] details transporting chicks requires careful preparation and attention to detail to ensure their safety and [Music] well-being Farmers choose clean well-ventilated transport boxes made of cardboard or plastic ensuring they are large enough to allow the chicks to move freely arrange the chicks with enough space and remove any weak or sick ones before [Music] transporting it is important to maintain a stable temperature during transport especially for newly hatched chicks by using heat sources such as heat Labs or hot water [Music] bottles make sure the box is well ventilated with small holes or air pockets to allow adequate air [Music] circulation forong long Journeys they provide small amounts of feed and clean water for the chicks right inside the Box [Music] food factory workers use a temperature controlled vehicle as a specialized poultry transport [Music] vehicle upon arrival they recheck the condition of the chicks call any that do not meet standards and place them in a prepared environment with the correct temperature humidity food and clean water caring for chicks requires careful attention to ensure their healthy development before the chicks arrive at the Farm Workers prepare the house by thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting expecting it to eliminate bacteria they equip the house with an infrared heating system to maintain an initial temperature of 32 to 35 de G gradually decreasing it as the chicks grow in addition a continuous lighting system is provided in the early days to promote eating and movement then gradually reducing the light over [Music] [Music] time the farm uses specialized industrial feed ensuring that the food is fresh and appropriate for the age and breed of the chicks [Music] clean water is provided daily using easy to clean drinking [Music] bottles maintain daily hygiene by cleaning the house and equipment and regularly monitoring the health of the [Music] chicks adjust the temperature when necessary supplement vitamins avoid overcrowding and adhere to the vaccination [Music] schedule effective waste management is also important to prevent [Music] contamination for Best Practices the farm consulted with experts or experienced individuals especially with food plant Rel ated operations Chinese farmers use some interesting methods to raise millions of black pigs outdoors in some mountainous areas Farmers have become more creative by turning natural caves into living spaces for their pigs [Music] these caves provide shelter and a cool environment which is very beneficial depending on the [Music] [Music] climate Shandon Province China is famous for its vast network of caves which provide perfect conditions for this type of livestock [Music] farming at this Farm farmers do not use any synthetic chemicals antibiotics or genetically modified [Music] compounds taking advantage of this terrain has brought surprising results instead of having to invest a large amount of money to build barns farmers can save costs by using caves as shelters for [Music] pigs this not only helps reduce investment costs but also creates a natural uncomfortable living environment for [Music] pigs in these caves pigs can enjoy coolness in the summer without the need for external cooling systems this method reduces dependence on external equipment the Kay Farms clever layout is designed to provide ample space for the pigs to move and graze [Music] [Music] freely furthermore the diet of these pigs is supplemented with a variety of organic foods such as corn red apples and grapes providing rich and balanced nutrition [Music] Chinese Farmers form the habits of pigs on their Farms by making noises to attract them when it's feeding time do you see how smart these pigs are [Music] in Winter many farms choose rotational [Music] grazing pigs will be moved to the outdoor area at fixed times to ensure the quality of their [Music] meat however outdoor Pig farming while seemingly ideal may be slightly less productive than large scale indoor [Music] Farms these methods focus on providing ample space for pigs to move around and fencing is important to keep pigs from [Music] escaping choosing the right Pig breed plays an extremely important role in ensuring the success of the outdoor Pig farming model in China SS will be pregnant for about 114 days before giving [Music] birth during this process They will receive special care in the indoor area Farmers massage to help SES reduce pain and facilitate the birth [Music] process they often line the mother Pig's nest with straw and protect the piglets when they are born when the piglets are born she uses a clean cloth to wipe off their mucous layer and proceeds to cut the umbilical cord at this time the piglets will also have their teeth cut and be breastfed directly after about 4 to 6 weeks the piglets are separated from their mothers and move to other grazing areas they will be fed a separate diet appropriate for their [Music] age after about 6 to 8 months of grazing black pigs reach a standard weight of about 220 to 264 [Music] lb this is the time to take them to the processing area [Music] as you know transporting black pigs requires attention and proper procedures to ensure safety for both people and animals as well as meat [Music] quality before being transported pigs are wait to meet standards and health checked farmers use specialized carts to move each Pig onto the truck or move them through a specialized walkway onto the [Music] truck the walkway ensures enough space for each Pig install barriers and tilt at the appropriate angle to avoid the pigs slipping and falling [Music] trucks specializing in transporting pigs must ensure a roof and comfortable storage space for pigs throughout the [Music] journey the car trunk is well ventilated has enough oxygen and is cool avoiding motion sickness sunstroke or heat shock that affects meat quality to save space trucks are designed with multiple floors the most popular being the three story type to increase the number of pigs in One Transport while still complying with load regulations drivers need to ensure a safe journey and comply with [Music] regulations don't forget to share the video with your friends to learn interesting things about animal husbandry in China [Music] [Music] Chinese people choose to use direct current to faint pigs before handling them this ensures Humane treatment of [Music] animals after that the pig is hung High by its feet and dropped into a hot water tank to soften its hair and facilitate the cleaning process black pig hair is relatively hard and thick so workers have to use a lot of force and specialized tools to clean it they continue to be cleaned with specialized brushes and wash before removing the internal organs [Music] the boss proceeds to separate the leg from the pig's [Music] body then he split the pig's body in half starting from the tail to the [Music] Head you can see the fat layer of black pigs is relatively thick due to the species characteristics and free grazing conditions they need to accumulate more [Music] fat the fat of black pigs has both economic value improves the quality of pork and has health benefits therefore Chinese people love consuming black lad [Music] the worker continues to separate the layer of fat in the pig's belly and proceeds to separate the pig's [Music] body black pork has a natural eye-catching pink red color not bruised or dark red like some other Pig breeds this color is due to the higher content of myoglobin red color protein in black pig muscles compared to other Pig breeds black pork is beautiful fat marbling interspersed between lean meat fibers creating Harmony in color and flavor black pork is divided into Parts such as pork belly shoulder tenderloin and rump [Music] each part has its own distinct flavor and [Music] experience what parts of black pig have you experienced please share with everyone Below in the comments section black pork is highly valued for its nutritional content compared to other pork varieties it contains a high protein content 20 to 22% essential amino acids and vitamins B12 and B6 which support muscle development and immune [Music] function the fat in Black pork has lower cholesterol and higher good cholesterol beneficial for heart health [Music] it also provides essential minerals like iron zinc and potassium black pork is versatile in cooking it's used in stews with vegetables stir fried with mushrooms or bell peppers grilled with spices and brazed in coconut water for Rich flavorful dishes [Music] in conclusion Chinese Farmers utilize natural spaces in converted caves to raise millions of black pigs ensuring a high quality of life and Superior pork [Music] products these Innovative methods not only enhance the taste and nutritional value of the meat but also promote sustainable farming practices thank you so much guys for watching this video so since we don't really have any clue of what kind of difficulties that you could be facing in your Farms please don't forget to share all the problems you're facing and the obstacles you're going through as this will tremendously help us with our upcoming videos
2024-09-26 23:47