mock interview for system administrator | how you explain your project in interview ...

mock interview for system administrator | how you explain your project in interview ...

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you know you're already working on the network what is your total years of experience Krish I've been working about five five years now five six years okay six years of experience yes okay let me take you some questions and you can answer me then based on that we will be discussing okay okay so what is your day-to-day activity so when I go to the office so what I do is I'm assign ticket so I work on I work on ticketing so anything to do with second L it could be that they will tell you okay and there's a user who is not able to uh log or user just starting I have to create a new account for the user uh troubleshooting network issues and um uh you know looking after the system you know like switch routers on really basic troubleshooting on the wildest um dealing with office 365 so anything to do with creating mailbox creating user mailbox shared mailbox migrating users to Cloud um okay just can you give me yeah I understood can you give me one example which you recently handled uh issue right uh what was the issue how you handle and uh uh where is a status now so uh on the second line one of the issue is we usually handle basic basic tis when I say basic I mean um keep in mind chrish there is a correction don't tell while you're explaining yeah basic okay don't tell don't use this word okay so you should have some confident and you should make a note yeah okay there was a you know production impact since I am the senior person uh I was in the shift and I got a call uh you know might be you can say P1 ticket or P2 ticket or M3 the major incident whatever you call and B on your process yeah I have received a call and there was a business impact and these many users are very impacted and uh you should make some alignment okay I know that you don't expose yourself as you're working as very basic level or L1 L2 level the positions what they are going to take you for there uh is a L3 support which is next level a b expertise level yes so the way you going to explain him you should he should get some confident yes you need him but you have a knowledge and you make a note okay you make a note and you should explain there is a business there you can say start with you know when I'm working on a shift and uh uh which is Operation supporting infrastructure supporting for the network environment multiple issues I am handling in terms of mailbox handling you know in in in terms of the switch switch related uh across infrastructure I handling and we have a around nine members or 10 members of team member and uh we all work 2 24 B 7 support and uh we will be in know rotation shift here and uh almost we are supporting from the you know the ticket based ticket ticket based supporting sometime we might get email also which is priority uh increased to respond that email also so if that the ticket has received for us to as a priority then we would be immediate respond there's a two way to you know handle the ticket one is response SLA and resolution SLA right so this kind of word you have to tell to the interview and that is make you know that that you should not tell you know should not expose yourself that is okay this is only L1 support basic and Next Level I I check with this guy this guy go with the proper terminology go with the proper you know technical side yeah so so that is a make make you uh and and this question they'll ask you what would be the day-to-day activity so you say yeah go ahead they ask they will ask me that so that's one question they will ask me so they ask me okay what tell me about yourself correct yeah tell me about yourself just you will be that's what I didn't ask you that tell me about yourself uh you just say your name and your totally of experience okay you tell me that I'll tell you that where you need to be improveed okay so they ask some about yourself okay uh my name is my name is uh rash uh Chris so I work as a um infrastructure engineer so um you know I work on systems on the I I do manage um let's say exchange online so anything to do with uh Azure ad um anything to do with maybox migration user migration creating user migrations I also work on um um active directory um also you know create group policies patchings and you know I I work on a bit of azure as well so what I do on Azure is I do work on um um on on Virtual machines um um know Azure Azure Administration so anything to do with u policies you know you know and yeah I I work on vmw as well so I do look after VMware um IV esxi you know um basically you're working with multi technology Kish you're working aure active directory on PR active directory on know aure environment uh everything it is good to know that but you make some elaborate or you can make a proper you know frame it okay first you need to tell confidently your name your education background Second Step third step you need to tell your total years of experience mhm okay and what is your current company working don't tell any previous company name currently working with you should say my name is Neil and uh I have completed my graduation this on this year I have a total years of experience uh on this industry in IT industry last five years and six years currently I'm working with this company as a network Senor network administrator and I handling these kind of issues that's it don't give the more information okay about your name total years of experience about your education what you are going to handle the issue that's it now the second question will come what is the day-to-day activity you're handling what is your day-to-day operations activity yes so what what would be the answer I mean um when I get to the office I do work on on on on issues such as uh I mean I are troubleshoot issues um so in the in this scenario you should give the B specific okay so what kind of issues you're handling uh can you do one one or two example which you recently handled yeah so I did with user Creations um user creation okay when the US join the office the network wise I do deal with patchings M um I did about okay now you told the patching can you give me that is in uh uh some elaborate little brief what is a patching process you handle what kind of server you're going to handle so uh Windows Server 2019 um so I do push uh um updates use on um uh W Source okay I log into dou source and um push pings on on few servers so what is the process are you going to implementing or or deploying the patches for directly production servers directly production servers yeah directly production servers what happened that that patch is not applicable and you install it okay that's a good question so it is it is production server you directly directly deploying the patch with the production server and uh the patch is not applicable and it's in and impacted server is not come up I just I will restart it don't don't take back up take a back up no no when you talk about patching right go with a proper answer what is that answer we have a you know phase by phase to deploy the patches we do first test environment patch deployment so test means we have some you know QA or development environment servers because uh we don't want to take a risk to directly deploy the patches and production and it might impact because we know that Microsoft servers and some of the patches are not applicable since it's w is taken care by all the patches are downloading from the Microsoft which is applicable and non- applicable and security patches and critical patches right uh those patches we have you know categorized and we have a specific group to be deployed and before we directly deploy the patches on production to avoid the impact and impact for that environment so we would have that design developed you tell like that even though you are not doing you have to tell it means if if you if you tell them directly production there's a huge impact and nobody is having for directly production patch deployment trust me okay okay no one has directly Pat deployment on production they must check in the test environment or they must check in the development environment they will see the same many issues occur and everything is went well then they will move into the production this the first important okay you just make a note and you need to tell okay if they ask question what is your day-to-day activity there will be the monthly you know when is a mic when is a uh releasing regularly releasing Microsoft patches what is the date when it's going to Rel CH the chose the Ping every third um I think third week of the month of last Tuesday of the month no remember every second week of Tuesday every second week of Tuesday every second week of Tuesday patch has been released from the Microsoft which are applicable non applicable all the patches are downloading from the Microsoft to my WS platform right that you need to correct this questions will like will ask 100% right so what happened what happened the server is down and how do you troubles shoot when the server is down so what I do is um if I get a call that the server is done so I first have to um I try how to do a ping I'll try a ping okay just think about that that server is physical and you have deploy the patch and it's down okay um I'll have to check if the server is powered on if um how do you check it it's a physical server somewhere data center is there at the server yeah won be able to connect yeah okay so um if I'm not able to connect I will check if everybody I I mean I don't know my question first of all go to the to the to the server room and check you don't you you are remotely accessing that server remotely and the server is uh some other country and the client you are you know supporting from the different say for example France or I know Canada Australia data center you have server remotely accessing server and you deploy the patch and server rebooted and after rebooted server didn't come and the server is physical uh so what I would do is um the first most important yeah go ahead yeah I don't know I mean I'll try to I'll try to log into virtual machine try to restart where you are not able to access anything the machine you can't restart it right it's a physical box yes true I don't know what to that remember you should tell confidently so before I rebooting since it's a physical server I must check is that uh you know no you must check that server does have a uh physical Network address network card what do you mean by physical network card means even though the server is in off State I can able to access with the help of the physical network if your server is a IBM the network card called is RSA if the physical server is in a Dell the network card is a ILO sorry dra and if the server is in a HP that's ILO you must tell if the server has the network physical network uh access card then I would have that IP address to accessing offline from the console say I said HP server ILO card Dell server Drax card IBM server for RSA card so from the Internet Explorer I have IP address for the network card access and username password I will log in the console I'll see that is and what is the status of the server you don't need to you know wait for or you don't need to uh go to the data center the one more questions will ask okay okay what happened that Server doesn't have a d doesn't have a that is a network card physical network card M so in this case you should check on the data center who is the on-site engineer that contact number we would have immediately I'm going to check that I I'm going to call him and This Server I have deployed the patches and already taken the approval for the maintenance and uh the server is not come up can you go to the data center and check this server rack and this is a server name what the status so you need to tell like that It ultimately you need to reach out to the uh server get bring back immediately right two scenario you have to these questions will come okay you deploy the patches and server didn't come but this server is a physical yes and what happen if this is a virtual machine how do you if this is a virtual machine yeah you know that virtual machines how do you access it right yes so um I I'll go to uh to the I'll log to my um my V Center correct perfect yeah so from there you can see that what is the status of the server console and you can able to so hope you understood the physical server you have the challenges you understood how to answer it correct yes perfect now you said active directory right on premise active directory what is your infrastructure how many Forest how many domain how many site handling so and don't for now I don't know how many PR and how many domain we do have but we I only work on active directory um in active directory what are the task you handling what are the issues you handling in active directory just resetting users password um adding users to the groups that's that's you are L2 support right yes so don't tell yeah we just using that password is set and unlock the account don't tell that yes okay so we should tell that confidently uh I I'm handling the multi-domain environment and even though you are not doing you should say that you know there is a requirement come to us in the groups group creation U delegation task activity Group Policy creation and Group Policy linking you should make a note and you can explain them okay how the group policy works yes um I mean group poliy it works you create on you from directory you create create an OU an organization unit and you add users or you add group of oruse no no where do you go to creating a group policy how okay okay give me you choose a domain in active that you choose a domain organization unit you need to create or I need to apply the wallpaper how do you apply the wallpaper Group Policy um person for you you have the I can't tell I can't tell I can't tell I've never applied in real life this question will ask right so you need to say I'll go to the gpmc domms group policy man man agement console Group Policy Management console yeah so you know when you apply the policy create a policy you have to go with the tool called gpmc domms in active directory okay I can see there is a group Al object I need to create object okay so there I need to configure the policy configure the policy for user configurations or computer configuration yes okay since the wallpaper is comes under for the user configuration I will see the the setting okay where need to be update and I'll take the image and I'll configure the uh you need to make you need to go through this uh Kish okay I'm sure when when you are saying tell about yourself then you're saying I'm handling past deployment see you're saying in active directory you're saying mailbox migrations you have to have L2 level a preparation not for just you know password related creation of the user uh these are all very basic level okay one or two years of experienc people can do it but four to five years of experienced people they should be working in a you know infrastructure side right as I said that is in you deploy the patches and physical server how it works so this kind of you know environment you should be handling you can tell them and I didn't have your profile otherwise I would have know suggest you to the what are the content you have updated in a profile so I will ask the same questions for can I so I have put can I share my screen hm go ahead me can you see my screen yeah I can see screen so I I'll show you this is the job um this is the job do you have a JD with that job yeah H so this is a job prescription description can you see H so management of cor Network asset operational management of so so these are the kind of um technology that they ask VPN they tell talk about VPN you know firewall switches along with these are a thir configurations and thir line technical support and they also mention is like including third party they also mention about here can you show me the profile the job profile or my CV your CV uh is it relevant your job this one okay wait go up five years of experience third line infrastructure role working with Microsoft a Microsoft 365 on PR infrastructure compound training it support lot of lot of uh you put information right come down come down work history Cloud infrastructure build a mic solution from on premises to Microsoft aure cloud okay can you tell me that what is that steps you following migration solution from on PR to what are the task you handled so one of the TX I handle here is I migrated uh um a VM a VMware one VMware into Azure those from on Prim into Azure how do you do say that again how did you it so one other thing I do is we had a vmy so I did um went into Azure assessment and I log into uh when you log into uh in this in this current company there is already like um a step by step process that um the other guys are using so we just go through the process but usually if you go to Azure portal um no think about my non PR is a physical server okay yes yes I want to migrate that pH and that machine has you know database yes that server has a database yes uh and active directory domain controller also how how there's a requirement come to you to move into the migrate to the Microsoft AER what's the plan and and how do you uh implement this um so the implementation is um the question I'm asking what you update in your profile yes you should have a confident you should have a strong you know prepared well and you should you should tell that you need to know that scenario what you done it you need so I I'll ask you question that isn't okay this one this one I put here especially on this one is what we did with um not like on the production environment but this is was that I did this with um AIT what's his name the training that I did with amid that is a that's a challenge right so even though you did it for the training you tell that what steps you followed right okay you have to convert that vhd the dis has to be convert vhd and you have to which tool you are going to use how you are going to take a steps one by I know to reach that server to the in Azure you you you have to plan for this see whatever you you said Cloud infrastructure engineer and first question itself you have said build migration solution from on premises Microsoft aure cloud you have to take a note clearly you should tell that if this question asked to me answer what how do I sh how do I how do I you know answer it with the step by [Music] step yeah me Point yeah make points yeah and second question so you make a note this okay so you take I'm sure you didn't work on theun but when ask question you should have a strong answer prepare it well prepared this is the steps I have to follow and these are the you know uh process we need to follow there will be the change implementation weekend you know out of business service maintenance activity there is a one VM which is been hyperv or physical server and this is a tool I'm going to using and and these are steps I'm going to following uh and making the pre checklist and post checklist has to be validated before the implementation of migration after the implementation of the migration if any issue is can you give me an example on this one and uh if you whoever worked on the project on like on migration how if he were you how will you say it right so now take one example of the I have the hyperv right or you can see that is in uh you should tell it that is in uh on Prem VM to Azure migration right yes so what are steps you what is the tool you going to use it have you used it the tool any tool you have used it what are the tools I'm going to use a your ad a your ad connect huh correct but a your ad connect is only helping you to sync no syncing is for a your active directory right yes not for the migration no so what is the prere request you need to be followed that is a storage it would be right in a in a the server has to be convert the dis has to be convert in a hyperv which is vhd dis right when you are take when you're taking that server to a in a Azure that dis has to be convert into vhd format VH vhd vhd virtual hard disk hyperv format remember okay that has to be followed and uh uh what do you called uh you know you need to that connecting between on premises to the network also be taken care right the network point so how can I explain this on step by step right you should yeah same things you should tell that is okay so I think I'll share you the link two link I can share with uh you know Amit you just prepare with those link you make a note what steps you have to be follow okay yes and have you worked on Azure active directory I do work on aure active directory yes okay so but what I do on aure active directory is mostly MFA and um I just enable mfas um single signning and um checking if the device registration is um you know the device are is is okay you know those basic things it's again basic only you are doing right it's very L1 support only and you have mentioned your experience administering Windows Server 2016 and above stand alone and cluster patching domain admin network configuration security monitoring chish I'll tell you this profile right you have updated you have to do some little changes little changes you have to do because if I ask you can you tell me can you how you implemented cluster what kind of cluster you implemented the third fourth point the fourth point oh no I don't this one you said experience administering Windows Server 2016 yes and Standalone and cluster what do you mean by Standalone cluster patching domain admin network configuration security what you mean by that so I mean by stand loan or cluster is not the stand Al loone is the like the only one server but the cluster is when you have like multiple servers in inside the inside the cluster okay tell me how how did you implement a cluster what kind of cluster you have implemented is a two node cluster four node cluster and what is the service you have implemented in the cluster is the DFA server cluster implemented is the file server cluster implemented is there you know D dscp Ser clust implemented so whatever you mentioned in the profile if they pick you this question you should have answer correct yeah so so make a note this point or you can remove that if you don't know that then you don't update it here I would suggest and you said in technical knowledge of Microsoft component how they inte with the good inep technical knowledge of Microsoft in Microsoft how the storage works okay s yes you know Microsoft you techic knowledge of Microsoft and nonpr infrastructure component how they integrate with one another I don't know is infrastructure component and how they I don't know this me but when I said technical knowledge of Microsoft in Microsoft how the storage will be config how the storage data will be copied I can't really hear can you hear me now it was it's crashing can you hear me yeah the fifth point techic knowled of Microsoft oh I can't hear you can you hear me yeah I can hear you your voice is going on slow mode it's like it's slow like crashing H still no I can't hear you clearly I'm not sure can you hear can you hear me can you hear now no it's not hear now no you it's like you're speaking on the microphone yes I'm speak micophone oh no I can't hear now it's breaking can you hear me now no I can't hear anything I can't hear anything I can't hear anything hello can you hear me no it's breaking your line is breaking can you hear now yeah I can hear you oh I can't hear you no it's breaking yeah your line is breaking hold can you speak more or let me hear can you hear now no I can't hear it's really breaking I can only half of the I can only hear half of the word you're saying not sure if if it's me I did shake a little bit it was better before but just now it's kind of breaking up hello give a minute can you hear me sh go go Mommy go yes what

2023-11-29 05:02

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