Making Learning More Accessible with Tinkercad

Making Learning More Accessible with Tinkercad

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We are so happy you are here this. Is episode, three of Tinkercad teachers. This. Is a webinar series exclusively, for, teachers but we also like to be inclusive so if you're not a teacher it's great that you're here as well this. Is a series, that is brought to you by the software, company, Autodesk which empowers its users to make anything, we. Are super excited now to get started to talk about the topic of making learning more accessible it's, Tinkercad. So. Who are we who is this person talking my. Name is kelly ann mahoney and i am a youth program specialist. At autodesk, before. I joined Autodesk, in July, I actually, spent, six thirteen years teaching, as a classroom teacher in the Boston Public Schools, I do, hold a very fancy master's, degree in education, and one, thing that I wanted to announce to you today is we have a new email address address. For Tinkercad teachers, you, can see it underneath my photo, it's Tinkercad, teachers, at autodesk. Comm. So. If you have any questions, particularly, about this webinar or maybe some of the earlier webinars, you'll. Be able to reach us there we. Do have other we have the Tinkercad, help desk and the Tinkercad forum, for more. General questions, but if you have questions specifically. About the Tinkercad teachers webinar, series, we'd love to hear from or even just comments, or ideas for, future episodes, another. Exciting new element, that we've added to our, our. By our BIOS today is our, team here, has decided that we should also share, a superpower, so I'm gonna begin sharing my superpower, and I think that my superpower, is bringing people together I love, meeting people and listening to people and hearing their ideas and then bringing people together that might share similar, interests but maybe are coming from different perspectives. And I hope that that is evident, today in this. Webinar. So. Next we have mayor before, Mayer introduces, herself I just wanted to thank Mara for hosting, us here at the beautiful Earle center, for learning and innovation, at me, Locke College, so. Mayor, has, been a lovely host to us and, we are so happy to be here in her space so I'm. Very happy you're here too. In its it's, a wonderful space, so, I've been. Directing. The earl center for about, four and a half years, since it was built and, I'm. A librarian by, well. A librarian, and a bunch of other things by trade. But. I got, into innovation, when I came here and I've. Also been a disabled, library, activist, with 35, years of experience because. I've been working. Through. Those 35 years to help libraries, continue. To be accessible for people with disabilities, I have. One myself so you, know it's it's you, know like the Hair Club for Men. And. My superpower, is I was recently termed. A compassionate. Disrupter, which is going on my business card I really like that. Super. Cool and next. We have Rhiannon, hi.

My Name is jamie anneka Terris I am currently a digital, learning specialist, in the Boston Public Schools, in the technology, department I have a master's in education technology. And a certificate and assistive, technology you. Can tweet me a greeny on an Elan I'm. Here today because I'm, a person, who has been hard of hearing or deaf for, most of my life so, my superpower, has always been that I'm in the greater I can read your lips from about 8, to 20 feet away so be careful. Next. We have shark hi my, name is Charlotte, I'm the, technology. Teacher, at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf here in Boston, we're, also at Boston Public School. My. Background, is in educational, technology and. My superpower, is that I can hear with my eyes and. Pictured. There there is my first. 3d. Printed object, so. Shara wins for the bio picture, I, made. A valiant effort and. Next is rich thanks, Kelly on my name is rich on, the innovation coordinator at Brookwood school and Manchester by the sea Massachusetts. Additionally. Have a national faculty member for the buck Institute for education, we, teach teachers how to do project-based learning I. Am. The PBS, digital innovator for 2017. For Massachusetts, formerly. I was, the education coordinator, for, a group, called enable, and the enable Community College which I will tell you more about later and. My superpower, is problem, finding with students, and helping students find problems to solve in their Bibles problem. Finding. All. Right moving on so just really quickly you might be here because you're a teacher who is interested in the topic of, excessive, accessibility. Or, you, might just be a geeky teacher like myself and you're just interested in learning something new and, maybe you don't have any backgrounds, in Tinkercad whatsoever. So, I just wanted to show you this quick clip, that I think demonstrates pretty clearly what you can do with Tinkercad basically. With Tinkercad if you have an idea in your mind you, can bring it to reality in minutes just like this so. When. You open up Tinkercad Tinkercad, is a free web-based. Tool. That. Basically. A lot of the commands, and functions, that you see happening here are very similar to like if you were to change the size of a picture for example in, a PowerPoint presentation it's. Really that simple you're, just dragging, simple, shapes, onto. A work plane and then making them more complex, so taking a cube and then adding a cylinder, and then maybe getting super fancy and turning your shapes into. Into. Holes to subtract, from them and make them more intricate, and then, once you're done you can export. Your, design. As an STL, file and send it to the 3d printer to print so that's, how simple take your cat is and you'll see more examples of that later on. What. Are we gonna learn today we're gonna learn a lot of things today and I'm really excited about it first. Off we're gonna be talking about the relationship between Universal. Design for Learning. Universal. Design which. Was actually the precursor to Universal, Design for Learning and assistive. Technology. We're. Also going to learn about design thinking and, its app in its application.

To Designs by, with, and for, students, with disabilities, if you're, someone coming from the education, community you're, probably very familiar with. Inhabiting. The land of acronyms, we use a lot of acronyms in education, because we talk about a lot of complex worthy, things and we like to shorten it down but. The one thing I really like about the acronym, SW. DS is that it really makes you think about how. When. You're talking about students, with disabilities, or people with disabilities or. Athletes, with disabilities. You put the WD, last because, you speak, about the person, first so. That's just a nice. Thing that I've learned through this process. Another. Thing that we're gonna learn is ways to increase participation of. Students. With disabilities and. Steam activities, that are purposeful, and promote, access and student agency, one, of the really important things that you might learn today as well in the spirit of Universal, Design for Learning is, although, it in some cases we're going to be talking about teaching students with disabilities. When, when you embed Universal, Design for Learning into, your teaching it actually helps everyone so. That's something we also hope that you take away, in. Addition. We're going to hear users user stories, of creating. Universal. Design for Learning and, assistive, technology tools, using Tinkercad and, other 3d design programs, when. I hear the word assistive, technology, I think of something futuristic, and robotic, and very advanced but, an assistive, technology could be something like maybe, someone in your family has limited, mobility in their hands, and they're having trouble using an iPhone, and then you just make a simple adaption. To it, in order to make the use of that object more easy for that person, so assistive, technologies, are quite. Commonplace, as well, glasses. For example used to be I glasses used to be a, considered. A medical device and, then designers. Got their hands on them in the 50s and 60s and they became more, of a fashion object, the. Keyboards, that we use like typewriters, for example, actually, began as assistive. Technologies, but, then the general public realized that they were useful in other um, in. Other contexts, as well so, when we design for for. People with disabilities. We're actually also enhancing, our own human, capacity. We're. Also going to be thinking about strategies, for supporting students with low high, incidence, disabilities, when 3d designing. That. Was a lot of words so you can cut them you would break down our agenda today just in three quick steps so step, one we're. Going to be hearing a call to action and learning, about the framework for why and how you. Would use Tinkercad or, other maker activities, for. Students with disabilities. Or to. Design by with and for students, with disabilities. Step, two we're, gonna hear some classroom example, so we're gonna go from theory, down to example. Straight from the classroom, in rich, and, sharp. Primarily, gonna be supporting, us with that step. Step. Three we're gonna try it out ourselves um, so, you see in, this little, gift that I made for step number three this is an example of a hockey slide, so I'm gonna show you just a few things that I a few, tricks and Tinkercad that I did to make this and also we'll learn a little bit about the history of the hockey slide. All. Right so right, now we're gonna transition. Into. Shar who's gonna be sharing a cult with us to start thinking about some of these issues, great.

Thank You Kelly um. Could. You control, the screen so I can see the chat but, what I'm going to do is. Leave. This quote just as the sidewalk kirkut provides. New avenues, for our bodies, electronic. Curb cuts provide, new avenues for our minds, what. I'd like you to do is open up your chat. Box and tell. Me who benefits, from a sidewalk curb cut. We'll. Just take a moment and see. Wait what you got. For. Example, mayor. Benefits, from a sidewalk curb cut I. Benefit. From mayor being able to cross the sidewalk, to my house. Anybody. Else maybe, under questions. Nope. All right well, I don't. Want to waste any time so I'll just move on um. Chatty. Group um. People. With, who are pushing strollers benefit. From them sidewalk. Curb cuts, kids. On bicycles, skateboarders. Yeah. Lots, of people better than the sidewalk curb cuts but. An electronic. Curb cut any. Ideas, and what we mean by that. Now. I'll spare, you the, sidewalk, curb and the electronic, curb cut is basically, using assistive, technology, using, set. Technology. And computers. To. Bypass, any barriers, that, are presented, to you in. Who. Does who benefits, from that you. Can name individuals. But we, all benefit, from that because. Then we all get to contribute so. That's, my two cents. All. Right so next we're gonna get deep. Into the theory so call-to-action. And frameworks. So. A picture of disability, in the u.s. today. 1. Billion people globally experience. Disability. 22. Percent in the u.s. live, with a disability. 12. Percent, are non institutionalized. People, of all ages but, a ston data from, ACS. Is six questions related. To disability. Higher. Among women older. People and racial, and ethnic minorities. So. Let, me think about pastino, we want to think about how this impacts, students, with disabilities, and since we are talking about 3d design this is how many tied to system and steam careers, so. According to the National Science Foundation, about 25, percent of undergraduates, with disabilities, enroll in science, engineering fields. And 20. Percent of those are graduate students we, think about people with disabilities we're, not simply talking about visible, disabilities, like, those who use wheelchairs and, those who might be blind or those who might be deaf or hard-of-hearing we're, also talking about learning disabilities. Diabetes. And other health conditions, some, they may not even be reflected, I'm, so the survey data that Mayer shared earlier. And. It's also important. About not only who is going to these programs, but the actual employment. Of folks, with disabilities, so. If you look here you can see that there is a high number of those who are employed but. Again, I'm also very curious because you do see that without a disability it's, higher but. It's lower those, with disabilities, but, you know the numbers so high they did you wondering, what age range is, this what is the specific, disability, I'm actually wondering, if there might be something a more high incidence, like, those, disabilities. And. To. Think about this we really have to consider how we're designing our environments. Or workplace, education, and. Even, public, spaces so, there's a few that I'm going to talk, to you about today the. One that we are going to start with is accessibility. We think about accessibility it is heavily, tied to. Laws you, might think about laws I'm thinking about things like the Americans, with Disabilities, Act of 1990 something.

That We've all benefited from, in this room section. 504, the Rehabilitation. Act of 1973 I DEA which is very, very. Important. In education and. This includes. Details. About assistive, technology and, this, is for, people, with disabilities, to be able to participate in, society then. We think about Universal Design we're, going beyond, laws we're going beyond accessibility, but. The catalyst, is folks. With disabilities, being able to participate so, we're proactively, designing, spaces for them to. Be able to participate. In society by going to restaurants, education, even using products, and services, and, then. We go into Universal, Design for Learning which, emerged, right around the nine East, whereas Universal desires more in the seventies so with UDL education. Were very familiar with this term we're thinking about engagement, we're thinking about how we represent information. And how, we give learners the options to express what they know and, this benefits everyone, but again the catalyst, is variable. Horner's learners, with disabilities. But. We can how great frameworks we can how great laws but. It's also extremely, important. To recognize that while we have choice and variability and design there. Are very specific, needs some users have for. Example when. We think about using, a phone we, can certainly lift it up but, if you can actually do. What you need to do on the phone more quickly then, you can have something like a little rinky, on the back of the phone even. A sippy, cup is a low-tech, accommodation. Then you can make for somebody who may have reduced mobility, so. There are a range of, assistive technology options out, there the 3d prints you can actually help. And. Should. Probably a little bit deeper into Universal, Design for Learning, it is proactive. It is flexible, it, always considers. The goal why, are we doing this what is it that you want on us to do if, you ask him now to, communicate, and main idea through, writing well, is writing, the goal or was communicating, the main idea on the goal and. Ultimately. It, promotes, expert, learners this, representation. That you see on screen is actually a new representation, that. I was released a few weeks back by cast and it. Really does emphasize that. Expert, learning and the engagement is number, one we, think about engagement, we're thinking about why I even, care, about what, I'm learning about, in the first place we. Considered, other to representation. And action expression, I feel, like there's opportunities, there we think about engaging students, with disabilities, for example as, a person, who's deaf I can, tell you that if you gave me a video and, it didn't have captions, you're failing to represent, the material, in a way that, would be accessible, for, me so, that's one way you can increase access for me but also for others, anybody.

Comes To action expression, if you expecting, people to communicate ideas about, something, there's a lot of different ways that can do that you can write you can speak you can dance you can do all sorts of that stuff so again, think. About the goal and how you want to promote export, learning. So. I want to ask you, right now and throughout, the rest of the evening how. Do you, proactively, plan for variability, of learners, in your classroom or. Your learning space we, created, this path that for you to share ideas, and, reflections. For the rest of the night and beyond, so please take a moment and share if, you go and click on the link you don't have to create an account all you have to do is just add your response. And. This. Is something that you can continue to go back to after the webinar as well and. As you're working on some of the maybe learning artifacts, that you're creating as a result of this webinar. Yes. Now. To give you a more, specific taste. Study of an, iPad, they'd be both a UDL 82. In the context, of 3d printing, you, can see a couple of images on there you can see a mount there's, various, mount, representations. On there using PVC pipes, but, you also use some other phone stands, I noticed, there's actually one that's right in front of us here and there's, a lot of really cool ways it can use it Shar was actually showing me earlier that if you're an ASL, user who's using a phone you're not gonna have a hand that's, going to be holding far you won't be hands-free so, you can fully express both, hands. There's. Also those options, for those who might, be using communication. Devices where. They may have some trouble with mobility and you want to be but you have their focus, on certain, areas of the screen and, there's actually something on thing in diverse that, has this. Design. Of that. Screen. Protector, ot, guard. So. Thingiverse, is sort. Of a key sight when you're doing 3d especially, when you're learning it because there's probably. A million things up there in 2015. The studies show though that only 1% or. 350. Designs from the site were for assistive technology, and of. The 70 designers, who were represented. Within those 350. Designs, only, 13, were people with disabilities, designing, for themselves. The. 80 adoption. Rate is less. Than a third of 80 devices. Are abandoned, because they don't meet the user's needs and the, thought is that it may be because the 80 users, are not part of the design process. So. At. Wheelock, what we've done here, is. We. Have, we. Have we, teach teachers, and, some. Of our teachers have disabilities, too but. We are teaching, our. Students. With disabilities how to design their own products. There. Are so many times and I'm. A wheelchair user I often, have people saying hey let me design something, to make your life easier, and what. I usually say, is well what about teaching, me to make my life easier and this, is what we attempt to do with our students. So, we. Actually have, one. One, item, here, which is. This. Was designed by Kayla Lumiere who, uses a wheelchair and, has a service dog and her. Dog is trained to be able to press buttons the. Door buttons like the one on the left there, which, is, actually fairly small and, kind of shiny and slippery and the dog's paws kept slipping off so, her dog couldn't get the door open so, we showed Kayla Tinkercad, which, she embraced hardly, and just. Loved, using and so, she designed this.

Door. Button which is very, large and. Really fun and worked, for her dog but it was a bit too large so she, went back and her, one, of her iterations, she went through several iterations and, came, down to a smaller, one but it's still highly textured, so her dog could open the door. The, other thing is and I always, say I'm going to threaten to write a book called beyond bunny rabbits, because you, know so many people they they encounter, a 3d printer and the first thing they want to do is print is matter fact I think that is one of the first things that was printed in one of the college's. Print, bunny rabbits teddy bears cell, phone cases you know the common things because, we're not used to thinking in three dimensions. I was, trained as a sculptor so it's its second nature to me but most people they think printing, and they think flat papers so it's, hard to get your mind out of that groove. So. We've looked for things that are sort. Of more useful, so this, on. The left and this here these, are Braille signs that we made because our elevators, break a lot so we could slap these up on the wall quickly saying elevator, out of order and we've, done that across campus. We, have, the. The, Box on the right was actually something Kayla designed, for her graduation, so, that she could feed her dog treats, from, it and so this was her the design, that works best for what she could could, hold onto and. Then, if you you. Know actually go. Back to sorry. This. One is actually a map of the campus a tactile, map it's. Very easy to do there's a site you can go to online you. Plug in your coordinates, coordinates, or your, your address to a Google map and it, exports, an STL, file that you can send to your printer and you, can print on various, different scales and Heights and you. Know it's so it works to give, people a tactile. Representation of, the site whether it's your campus or your house or whatever it's. Really cool. So. Many the big things that we want to think about design, which mayor absolutely, reinforced. Is the, coach which, is set, a lot among, activists. With disabilities, is nothing, about us without, us and you can see these images here are, historic. Images, of Americans. With Disabilities, fighting, for, the rights before the Americans with Disabilities, Act the people calling them steps legitimately. Had no way to get up other than calling so. This has made a huge difference so think, about what does this mean for us as designers. So. One, of the, inspirations. For me and our many uh is, the. Paralympic. Athlete. And actress, Amy Mullins and she. Wears. Prosthetics. I believe, from her knee down on both legs and she gave this amazing, TED talk where she's talking about her 12 pairs of legs and, one of the things she said which I thought was amazing. Is that someone. Said to her it's not, fair then you could change your height in significant, ways because, she can go from 5 for 9 to 6 feet tall and this had nothing to do with heels is actually, how to do with heels, mix, with how long her legs were and she even had custom, design prosthetics, for money and for, runway, walking. So. It's really interesting, to think about so. This is innovation, in design and. This. Is further exemplified in the book design needs disability, which was authored, and published by the MIT press and. In. This TED talk by Elise. Roy who is also deaf and she says that disability can, and should encourage innovation. In design. So. What does this mean and, you might be curious out there so how can I get more people in, my. Company. Or my organizations. Involved. In designing. Things I suggest. You really do start the design thinking process invite, people to come test, and prototype, don't just simply have a fun makenai, that's, actually, bringing, people through a process, and the, design thinking process gets. You through five steps, I know there's equity, central frameworks, which also emphasize. Reflection. And being. Able to notice, where your biases, are at the beginning. So. The design thinking process as, applied to disability. There, are a number of, amazing, examples. That are out there that I created, for you in this, playlist, if. You click on the image it, also be shared with you by our Autodesk. Organizer. There. Was a bunch of examples in here of articles. That, are published by Fast Company, we have TED talks in here we have actual. Links. To prototypes, created, by students. With. Disabilities. By, people. Who make assistive, technology, for living I couldn't. Possibly go. Through them all tonight but, I really encourage you to check out examples, with, sensory tools, with. 3d. Printed, switches, with, creating, prosthetics. For your American, Girl doll with. A little girl who's shooting out glitter from a prosthetic, arm and with, Microsoft's.

Designers, Who are saying okay let's totally, rethink, how, we do design and. I tell you these stories because. Innovation. Is, happening everywhere and you can actually make this happen in your classroom, you just simply have to really, engage again. With that design thinking process of, empathy, and the. Truth is and. I have to say this and I say it all the time disability. Is the one group that anybody, can join. Okay. So moving on to classroom, examples, so, we're gonna start with sharp I I. Wanted, to start with a little case study here. You're. Seeing rap y'all there and, Raphael has. Ushered syndrome, he's, deaf. And he, has read, oh hold. On. Absolute. At my notes because I never could pronounce it I know the sign. Retinitis. Pigmentosa and. What. That means is his vision starts, to tunnel. In on itself until nothing. Already. He's experiencing. The need for an enlarged cursor, and nowhere, was this more evident than winning was using Tinkercad, you. See the two red, boxes. Up above and then, the white box. Handle. I is. That the technical term Kellyanne, that works okay. For. Resizing, and. Twirling. And all that he, couldn't, find the, cursor. On the screen, to. Hit the little target, so. What, I did was used, the, display. Cursor, display in accessibility. On the Macintosh, and made. The cursor bigger. He. Still had difficulty but this time because the, handle, was so small and the. Cursor was so large, so. What. We did is we. Go, to the next slide, thank. You I am, turned. On, zoom, in zoom for. The. Display. And that magnified. Everything. Which. Is great. However. He. Looked at his screen then looked different, from everybody else in the class and this, is an example of not without us not, about us without us. He. Didn't. Want to be different he, had enough challenges, in his life with. Night, vision always. Freaking out whenever the lights went out. Those. Types of things he. Didn't want to be different from his peers so, what I did was I paired him up with a partner and the two of booth did this. Isn't. It great that the task was to build a house the. Criteria. Had to be four walls a roof and a, door and this, is the house the two of them built. You. Can see it's not perfect, it's, authentic. Work. But. Considering. How much, the red blends. In with the red I think. It's a work of art and the, boys were very proud, of it I mean it speaks to the power of collaboration and, you trying all different strategies.

In Order to engage them and this is great evidence of that yeah you're right Wow. Let's. Talk a little bit about design thinking I do this with my fifth graders now I, give. Them a cast of characters I have, used the, Simpsons but, I, didn't know about copyright. So. Here's. Five, royalty-free, images, mom. Astronaut. Child. With the backpack, grandpa. Baby. Person. In a wheelchair. They. Had to design a chair now the needs, of each of them are different as you can foresee. The the. Needs of the baby versus. The. Astronaut, are astronomical. Go ahead and flip the page. Take. A look at grandpa's chair, and the first step they came up with the blue chair they just use clip art to come up with solutions. Then. Someone else found a chair with a lift, and decided. That would be better for grandpa. First. Iteration, for this kid with the backpack Billy. Has. Just a standard chair but when I talk to them about how heavy the backpack, was someone. Said if I had a hook on the back that I could put the backpack on, that. Would be better the. Astronaut, is completely. Unfeasible. He's. Safe. He's. Not strapped in he's gonna float off into space but. It was a good first attempt, and it's for the wheelchair user, um. She. Already, had a chair, Helen. Wanted to trick it out and. So they did all. Right so, um. I think that's my my, Peter, self turn, it back over to you Kelly yeah yeah I think that's really a great simple, way to start teaching, about design, thinking either to like kids or adults is, beginning, with the user, and building empathy for the user and researching. The users needs and then building up there which is also could then be applied to, using Tinkercad as well as making the the chair in 3d that's super cool thank you sharp alright next is rich, great. Thanks Kellyanne, so. For the past five years I, and. My colleagues. At Brookwood school in in Manchester, were, about an hour north of Boston we've, been exploring the intersection. Between steam. Design. Assistive. Technology, empathy. And of, course 3d printing. In. 2013. I saw a YouTube video that essentially, changed my life it, was a video of one of the first 3d printable, prosthetics. And when. I saw that I thought well that might make an amazing project for some students my. Son Max was born with a condition called subarachnoid octiline, which prevented the fingers on his right hand from from developing, so. During, the 2013-14. School, year I, worked, with some students over a course of six months we created a functional. Prosthetic. Device, for max using, 3d printed parts, when. We brought max in to try it and it worked and Max said hey it works and my students said hey it works and I said oh my god it worked and we realized, that, we, had stumbled onto something, that here's, a technology, that, not only allows the. Educational process to unfold but it actually allows students. To create highly, effective, professional. Final. Products as well so next. Slide so, that forced. Us or sent, us into the world. Of 3d printed prosthetics, up on the screen here you can see a, spectrum, of the devices. That my students made for max you. Can see a spider-man hand and a Batman, hat hundun a Incredible. Hulk and you might see a theme developing, here and. Through. This work I became affiliated with, with a couple, of really interesting organizations. Enable. Is a online. Open-source. Community, of over 10,000, designers, and. Physicians. And parents, and artists, all working, to create 3d, printed prosthetics. And 3d printable, prosthetics. I became. Their education, coordinator and worked with hundreds of schools looking to bring this work to their school and. As you click to the next slide another. Group that grew out of enable. Was, the, enable Community Foundation, they're, seeking, to meet. The global. Need for cheap customized. Prosthetics. And those are I showed, those two slides both because they're they're part of the work, that I've been doing but also because these, are incredible resources for any teachers that are looking to bring meaningful, learning, experiences, to their to, their students um. While. Working. With enable I created a curriculum and, you can see there there's the link there, it is just curriculum, for bringing 3d cryptid prosthetics. And broader bringing. 3d printed assistive devices to the classroom, any. Of the viewers of the webinar are more than welcome to to access any of the curriculum or also contact, me if you would like to be assistance.

Or Watch for any any parts of the curriculum so that, I would offer that to you as well. Interestingly, in the last year, or so we've been moving past the. Mechanical. Articulated. Hands of being able and we've. Been moving, more towards, what we call hyper. Customized, devices, and you can see max probably. Wearing his device there well, we've actually decided, to do is is to. Start honoring the hand that max was born with and, on. The left side of the screen there you can see an actual scan, a digital, scan of his hand we took a plaster, cast of his hand and then we. Had the, fine folks at rubato in New York City they did a high-resolution scan, of it and we. Can then actually import, that scan into, Tinkercad and then, we could actually I and, the students can actually work with it so we, have a little video in the next slide I. Thought. I would include this just so you can actually see the process, of. How we go from a plaster. Cast of Max's hand to. A 3d, print of all, customized. Device. So. There's the scan, of Max's hand and. Just imported it you can actually import other STL, files Tinkercad. And manipulate. Them so we just took a actual. Hand. File and we made a hole, in the device the. Exact shape of Max's hands you, can see on the outside of actually it's. Actually his hand shape, that we've used to create the device, interestingly. We realized that that, students. Can play a really important, role in here they can actually start designing, the the clips there so there you see a little drumstick, clip we, have students, beginning to design all sorts of clips we have our kids take, a look at our PE department through max's eyes and what sorts of activities. Would he have a trip that's have time participating, in we. Have them take a look at our music program and ask. What sort of problems what, sort of issues would max run into he was actually trying to participate in our music department. This. Was a really, expensive and powerful scan, scanning. The device that they use there but, in fact now there are really cheap scanning, devices we just have a, an. App, called clone installed, in our iPads, and you can actually do fairly, high. Quality, scans. Using using, clone so that's also something that we have. To do some work with. Great. Once. We realize that we can actually get our students to start doing some of the designing of the the. Attachment, parts the hand we realized that we were in some really exciting terrain, that we could actually start having our, students do all sorts of those authentic, design. Tasks. So, about, three years ago we created something called the Brookwood problem. Bank and essentially. This started as a a Weebly website where, anybody in our school could, submit a problem, in need of a 3d design solution, and then we could turn that over to the students, and we. Found, that there was limitless. Problems. In our community that made, excellent, authentic, design challenges, for our students so far in the last three years we've, been having students do that kind of authentic design but we've actually also been helping other schools, do, that exact work. If. You were to click on the, problem Bank you'll see some information on how to create a probe make but if any schools want to set that up and, crowdsource, the problems in your community to. Students and given those design. And opportunities that would be you can certainly, contact me. Next, slide please so two years ago we realized that that, idea was too good just to keep within our school so we, decided. That we would actually have our students, make partnerships. With, folks, out in our community, we made a collaboration. With. The Harbor Light Community Partners Association, on the North Shore that's, an affordable housing organization. And our students started to work with seniors, and. Some. Of the things my colleagues were saying about not. Designing, for somebody, but designing with them and designing. By, them we, are actually working. With seniors to find issues. In their lives. And in their community, where a possible 3d printed assistive device might help the. Seniors, play a critical, role in this, they, help the students find the authentic problems, they give the students feedback on, the, designs, they. Actually do some of the prototyping, with with playdough in, fact today at our school we had 12, seniors come and visit working. With 50, sixth graders to. See that whole group using play-doh and in fact we actually also have the sixth graders teach the seniors huh use Tinkercad so, really. Seeking not just to empower our kids in terms of design but also empowering, those.

Seniors As well so, next. Slide. So. We we've made a commitment to this work at, Brookwood using. 3d. Designing, techniques and Tinkercad to. Empower, our, kids of all ages and, so. What you see there is this. Is a project that we're doing with 1st grade Sarah, dog who is our great. Teacher it's been collaborating with me and together we, have our students not only learning how to create, 3d printed nameplates, but we had them all to make Braille, and nameplates as well using an online, ground, translator, and then. We actually had our students last, week do a full needs. Assessment, of our schools so they walked around the school and they. Saw where. Did actually Braille, occur, and why, was it in some places and not other places and then they began to ask the questions well why is it not in this lesson so with, Tinker, Canada with the online braille translator, that I think I'll provide a link in the actual resources we. Can actually have first graders creating, actual, Braille plates that we connect up on the wall and, have. Our students play out a critical. Role to help you to make our school more accessible, so so. We have absolutely, embraced the the use of I often, tell people that your can't change my life we're. Using it as this this wedge, not. Necessarily just to make it all about 3d printing but we use it as a wedge to show that, it's possible for students to find problems in their in, their lives in their communities, in their world. Kids can actually create very sophisticated solutions. And hopefully. When they have some experience with that what. We call change-making then, they can take those same, skills. And mindsets and apply them to other areas of their life and solve problems for. Themselves and others in all. Types of. I. Love the way that rich engages. Not, just his own students, just, I the community, as well and community based learning and, just how, it seems as though his students are really thinking about how to make the world a better place so. Super. Cool so. Getting, back to the world of teacher if, you are here and hopefully you're still enjoying yourself, participating. In this webinar but we also wanted to make this useful for, you in terms of your professional, development and, documenting, your professional, development many. Of you have to present artifacts, of your learning to your evaluators, so we thought that we, could come up with some ways for you to make your learning visible as a result, of participating in this webinar, so here are some ideas so. One idea that we had was that you could do a problem finding project, that is similar to what rich does with. His students, that engages. Students in the design of an assistive, technology, we. Will be sending you that email, with all those goodies in it including the, certificate, I'm about to show you and other, resources. That we'll, be able to help you in this so rich, has some cool videos that we're gonna share that really kind of shows you a day in the life of some of the projects, that he does, another. Idea that we had is that you could create a Tinkercad lesson, plan that uses Universal. Design for Learning principles to, adapt for diverse, learners we've. Also created a template to help you with that and if that's useful for you maybe, that's something that you could include us an artifact, we, also just want to remind you about Rihanna's, padlet that she created and there's the URL for that at the bottom so that OTO. Des. K slash, padlet. Ah so that's a place for, you to maybe connect. With others who are participating, in this webinar maybe, you can collaborate on an artifact together through the padlet so, those are some resources for you another. Thing that we wanted want, to announce to you is in your email, that you'll be, receiving in about a week you will be getting a certificate. That honors, the time that you Spence uh with. Us during, this webinar in, the learning that you did we. Do hope that you also complete the additional hour of professional, development that's listed on the on. Their certificate and that just means take you know take what you learned today and turn it into something that's cool so it could be a lesson plan it could be a reflection, it could be a you.

Know A unit plan or something else but do, make sure that if you're using this, certificate, that you have actually done the follow-up work as well but make a nice cover maybe, T artifacts, I also, just wanted to give a shout out to the Boston, Public Schools, who endorsed. This webinar series as an appropriate, means of professional, development for its teachers so teachers in Boston, are now earning. PDP's, to, for, the renewal of their teacher licenses. As, a result of participating so I just wanted to shout out there, so. Next step is try it out yourself so um. One. Thing that you might do right now or you could just sit back and watch and maybe wait for the recording, to be emailed to you but if you want if you're getting antsy and you want to get active go, to Tinkercad so. You'll, be able to find my design that i'm gonna show you so, hockey sled it should come up pretty quickly and that's public in the gallery, um. So. Hockey, sled why I was, thinking about sled hockey one, it's the, week of there the two weeks of the Olympics so its Olympic season, um so, sled. Hockey is definitely on a lot of people's minds right now but. I also found sled hockey to be a really good example of this theme of. Objects. That were designed as assistive, technologies. By people, who are actually um impacted. Personally, um by. The disability so hockey. Sled was actually, invented. By two athletes. With disabilities in. Sweden, who. Were in a hospital together ima, had angel-like, playing. Hockey before they were injured but. They wanted to be able to continue to play hockey after, the fact so they didn't let it stop them in the, spirit of the maker movement they, actually, cobbled. Together some, things to build the first hockey sled, so, they had two skates that they put on it they had how I think soldered it to a metal frame, for the sticks they used. Bicycle. Handles and, they were able to not. Let their, disabilities limit them from playing the sport that they loved so I just thought that was a cool story and, it's also kind of a cool object to try to create so. Really, quickly and in Rich's. Video. That he showed he shows you importing, an STL, into. Tinkercad and I wanted to show you how you begin that, process or. You could begin this process through. Importing. In a. Vector. File so an SVG, file so. This is how I begin, so. If I'm thinking about so for example when I was making my hockey sled I used a lot of the the Tinkercad shapes, to make a lot of it the aspects, of it but there are certain things like the skates I just couldn't figure out how to make so I thought well maybe I can find a nice clean. SVG. File of a nice skate and kind, of work from there so, what you see me doing is I'm in Google Images, I found, an. Image that I liked even if it is an SVG it won't let you download it as an SVG it's, a PNG, file, you, can't import, PNG. Files into, Tinkercad. They need to be converted, into SVG's. So, I oftentimes, use this site that you see here which is online convert, it's. Free, you gotta avoid the advertisements. But I find it to be a pretty reliable, site for making SVG's, and as, you can see here through this process I have, created my SVG, and now I'm ready to import, it into Tinkercad, so I clicked import, make. Sure that you have the SVG, file when, you're importing it because. If you accidentally do the PNG it'll reject it so there's my SVG, of my. Skate when. I go to import things if it's an SVG I always scale it down to 10 because otherwise it's super huge so, you just saw me go from a hundred to ten and there we are so there's the skate but. I don't need the whole skate I just need the blade so. You see me here I'm lifting, it up using that handle, that. Little triangle, at the top to lift it I'm hitting, shift as I scale, it down so, I don't lose my proportions, of my skate and now.

He's To. Be doing here is dragging, out, block but. It's a hole and I'm using that to actually subtract. From, the shape in order. To just use the blade so, you can see me there, I'm, zooming. Out so I can actually see the whole thing I'm tilting it a little bit because the skates kind of at an angle and when, I'm ready I'm gonna, select. This. Gate. And the. The, block using. The the right button and then. There you have it so I've grouped them both together so, when you saw me up at the top there hitting that icon, that was the group icon so I selected, both shapes both the ice, skate and the, cube. That I used that was a hole and then you have your your. Your. Blade so. In this next step you're gonna see me so here's my hockey sled and you're. Gonna see me actually adding, the skate later on that STL, file but. Also I'm gonna add another SVG. Cuz in designing my, hockey sled I was thinking you know I've never been in one before but, I was thinking I want my seat to be comfy so what could I used to include a comfy seat so, I thought about a bicycle seat, so, I went. Through the same process as you saw before I found, a free, copyright, image and. I wasn't stealing someone's design so this is up there is free to use so, there's my bicycle seat you see I scaled it down to ten again so doesn't come in super huge it's, still kind of huge so. I'm pulling it out I'm just dragging it by using actually the arrow buttons. And. Then I'm just looking at it because you can see when you import, an SVG it doesn't come in totally. Flat but. You can extrude, it even further and make it bigger if you want I'm just rotating it here to 180, because that's where I want it to be. You. Can see how you can teach math about angles, and dimensions. And using, Tinkercad I'm lifting, it with the, arrow there and then I'm just dragging it over again using the arrows, there. Is a fancy, way of centering things, I'm just doing eyeballing, it here but you could actually align it, here. I'm gonna make it a little bit smaller so that fits, and again I'm holding down the shift key as I do it so I don't mess with the, dimensions. Lifting. It up here, I'm. Moving, it back with the arrows I actually thought it looked a little fancy, to have it hanging out in the back it made it look kind of like a sports car to be in the back so aesthetically, that was pleasing to me. So. And for me that just looks a little bit more comfy and as I was designing I was actually kind of in an empathy, mode of thinking about if this were the way that I needed to play hockey I, mean I want it to look cool I'd want it to be comfy and. Then. I think I'm dipping it back to a little bit I changed, the rotation, on there, so. Here I'm looking it's looking, pretty good to me right, now I think I dipped it back a little bit and. Then. What you'll see me do next once. I'm happy with it is I, am going to. Keep. That seat. Selected, you can see that blue outline. That shows that it's selected but. Then I'm gonna hit the. Shift key or. The. Shift. Here you hit the right button, on your mouse so, that I can select both of those things so I'm gonna select the sled, next. And the, reason why I'm selecting, them both is I want to group them together so, you can see them grouping, and now those stay together as the same shape. The. Next step is what I need next, is the blades so. I'm gonna go back and get that blade, from, my earlier, file so I'm choosing the file and I'm. Gonna import it as an STL, this, time like, the way that you saw, rich. Do it with, his, son's hand the scan of his hand so I'm, importing, the. Blade, and it's. Still a little bit big so I'm, dragging it out and. I'm, just doing that with using the arrows I'm hitting. Shift as I, make it smaller, and. Then. I'm moving it using. The arrows I could move it faster, if I change the snap. But. I'm. Trying to be a little bit precise here. So. You can see I'm almost there and. Then. I might want to zoom in to inspect it, to make, sure that it actually all connects, this. Is not the most practical way of actually, making a hockey slide but you can make a little prototype and, 3d, print it so. I'm seeing here that it's not necessarily, totally connected, so, I'm going to lift it just a bit using, that arrow there and.

Then. When I'm happy with it I realized that I actually need to so. I'm gonna smart duplicate, the. Blade. So, to, do that depending. On the device that you're on it's either command D or control D and. Then. It just pops out any one that looks exactly the same if it's at an angle it'll be at the same angle as well it's, usually in the same location, which is nice so I don't have to worry about it being lined up and. It's, looking pretty good so, I'm going to select, so. That one the right blade is already selected I'm. Gonna. Sneck select the left blade and. Then. I'm gonna select that little piece at the top and make, it group it together and make it all one component. Take. A look I think, it's annoying me that it's a different color so. That I'm gonna group it with the, rest of the of. The. Metal frame I. Like. Making things white, when they're supposed to be shiny because I think it has a cool aesthetic effect, oops and I didn't like that color so I'm gonna change it to dark grey so there you have it so that's an. Example of how I made some parts of the hockey sled and just how you. Can be creative, in terms of mixing you know both your original designs and then also, importing. SPG's. Alright. So if you found that interesting and you're interested. In thinking about how can I make sports more accessible, I feel like that's like a great topic. For us to be thinking about you. Might be interested, in a project that we've been working on with the Boston Bruins you, do not need to be necessarily a Bruins fan in order to join Boston, Bruins Bruins. Academy the curriculum, but here's, a link and, we've created three, really cool Tinkercad lessons, that, integrate. Common. Core subjects, with. With. The 3d, design and I would really love for people to because this isn't a curriculum, that's evolving, for people to start thinking about what are some other lessons, that we can teach maybe, even to make this sport of hockey more, accessible, in the. Spirit of accessibility, but also inclusion. And. Diversity, we. Are super, excited about any project that, some, members of our Tinkercad team, Erica, for example is. Doing in collaborating, with some. People from the Black Panther, movie that's coming out this weekend, so, she's created, three. Really cool movies, in. Collaboration. With. A group in Roxbury, Massachusetts, in. Making. Designs. That. Are like for example Queen, it's Queen Ramona right, yes Queen. Ramon does crown you. Can make it in Tinkercad, and. Also, there's they're. Meant for teachers, so teachers. Can share these videos with their students, and do these projects, with students as well they've. Created Instructables, so there's some links to this so. There's other objects, besides the crown the crown is the first one and, there's also a youtube, series it's sponsored by autodesk.

So We hope that you check that out as well so. At. This point in time we're happy that you've stuck around we're. Here to answer any questions I see some pretty compelling ones coming up already in the chat screen I ways. To stay connected with us so, if you have questions that aren't specifically, about this webinar you could ask them at the Tinkercad, forum, the, Tinkercad Help Center these are all linked to the to. The slide show that you'll be receiving I take. Your cut as a Facebook page so. And, that's at Tinkercad, our, handle, at Twitter is also at Tinkercad, we. Do have Instagram, at Tinkercad and Pinterest as well we know teachers like to find inspiration, in Pinterest, too so, these are all the different ways that you can stay connected in, addition to the padlet that we haven't created as well so. At this point Kayla. Who is helping us on Team, Tinkercad out in San Francisco, and, answering, your questions throughout the show has also been curating, some that she thinks would be interesting. For the panel to ask so I'm wondering Kayla, do you have any questions for us, yes. I do so. I have one here I work, in a library on a military base, we. Have patrons. On base who have disabilities, some on the autism spectrum, ADHD. And some unknown what, do you suggest is a good way to try, and get them to learn about stem, is there a specific, way we should be doing, with other than our normal marketing, which targets everyone. Well. I think targeting, everyone is the way to go. Huh. You. Know it's an, opportunity to, engage. Your your community, and get. Suggestions, from them with what they would like to see, I. I, was I was in in doing, some of the research on. You. Know devices, that don't exist one of the things that came up was. Fitbit's. You know it's very popular, all of these devices. To you. Know tell you how many steps you've walked and all of that well that wouldn't work for me because I'm on wheels so. You, know when you engage your community you find these things that you might never have thought of and it, gives you a place to start and then you can engage them in learning, how to make. Their own solutions. Found. In teaching students, with autism and, integrating, technology, in general is that, oftentimes a, lot of my students with autism particularly. Students who are very I creative. Or very interested. In technology it was actually, a good way for them to be able to show off something. That they're really good, at but also because. Tinkercad has, the collaboration. Feature as well it's a great way to then kind of teach those social. Skills that are oftentimes really important, for, students with autism so, maybe they know something that's super cool that they're able to do in Tinkercad but they're collaborating, with someone else and. Through the process of their learning social, skills well maybe another student is learning some sort of technical thing from them. All. Right, great. We do you have um, a. Question. Actually I guess for mayor there's, been a lot of conversations. Around your, 3d. Printed. Ap. Solution, and so people are wondering if there's a website that you could share to download the map there. Is and I think I actually it. It should be in the documentation. Somewhere, I sent that along, I. Off. The top of my head I don't remember what it's called but it's it's. Very accessible and we'll, have it in the resources, that we send out in the next, yeah yes so I believe, I may have went to this in my interactive.

Slide, Deck so one of the links that was shared was, a. Screen. Of various. Objects, and in, there you will find a link to talk, to maps and you can input the address and it gives you the file but they can create for you that you can create yourself yeah, so. That's available on the pasted slide, deck. Any. Other questions. We. Do have a question about importing. Files and, just general, importing, maybe we can if. We could do a real demo or just describe. Importing. Files a lot of people have questions. Around that there's, a type of files. At. The PL specifically. Uh it's. Just let me see if I can get this screen. Go. In, for. That. So. That's that's actually ran ins the. Little. Site, that she made. You. See you'll have access to that alright. So I'm going to take your CAD right now. How. Am I not already, signed in and always on Tinkercad. Luckily. My password, is there. So. To import. It's, pretty, simple it's the same process that you would use to import like an SVG or any other type a file. One. Thing that I love teaching students, about teaching with technology is. That one of the greatest skills that you learn in teaching technology. Is patience, because, sometimes, technology, is not always um. Helpful. For us as we, are to continue continuing, to sign it my, kids would say the, Internet's, not working and, I would say yes it is it's just not working here it's working hard somewhere else. It's. Also a great opportunity, to teach the word ephemeral, the, vocabulary, word. It's. Like you don't appreciate it until it's not, there for, some reason I'm not signing in immediate. Didn't like my password, now. It's, saying and that was my fault it wasn't the Internet's fault I'm sorry. You. Always have to apologize. Right. So to. Import an STL. I'm. Just opening up a new design. Okay. So I just do import. Choose. A file. I'm. Just gonna search, us to yell. Um. So. You, choose s STL. On my escapes, coming, up there and then. I just hit choose. I'm. Not gonna scale it down for, this one import. And there. It is so, that's how you import. Other. Questions, did. That answer the question. Yes. That does answer the question, I think we just had a nice comment in here about that, someone here is a Project, Lead the Way teacher the, new design and modeling curriculum, for middle school focuses a lot of designing. Orthotics. For students, with disabilities, and so just commenting, yeah if anyone else's project leads away. Like. A connection right now. And. Then a lot of people everyone. Oh yes. It's. Certainly very familiar, with Project, Lead the Way we were a lot of schools that. Have. Implemented its successful curricula, through, Project Lead the Way I know that they've actually started to do a lot more design. And 3d printing and so so I think the work that we're talking about just provides that an. Extra purpose for the work that students are doing. Terrific. Yeah that's I think. Thank. You that's it all. Right well we just want to thank everybody for sticking around we know we went a little long but we appreciate everybody who hung in there and, we, hope that you check out our next episode. Of Tinkercad teachers, are really excited to keep this going and they just would like to thank our awesome guests, again. This. Is cheering and silence. Oh we're gonna end. Thank. You guys goodbye.

2018-02-25 10:34

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Could you please include the link to the map app in your description? Thank you!!

We love this tool. Thank you so much guys!!!!

We love Tinkercad. Recently the login system has changed and has become too difficult for younger elementary students (autodirect to AutoDesk Profile, multiple attempts to login, etc). I got nowhere with tech help so thought I'd share with you. Please pass on because our younger kids love to model and print. Thanks!!!

Site to create the maps is Touch Mapper:

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