Listen Inc - Correlating Transient Distortion Measurements w Audibility Enhanced Loose Particles eLP

Listen Inc - Correlating Transient Distortion Measurements w Audibility Enhanced Loose Particles eLP

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[Music] hi everybody Dave Lindberg in Hong Kong with  another episode of the THD podcast uh this is   a part two episode and we have Steve Tammy from  listen uh continuing on and he's going to be   talking about uh perceptual algorithms for End of  Line testing and specifically uh something to uh   an enhanced measurement to detect loose particles  in your speaker measurement so we're going to get   rolling on that in a moment but without delay Alti  Association our sponsor we encourage everybody   to go check out their website and see what they  have to offer it's great networking for people in   the audio manufacturing industry so without delay  Let's uh get into the discussion so the one other   thing I just wanted to talk about um speaking  of perceptual measurements is you know periodic   Distortion harmonic Distortion is not the only  kind of distortion out there there's something   that we like to call loose particle Distortion  but so in the early days um you know we were   catching rubb and Buzz but there were cases where  you know dirt magnetic chips um foreign particles   whatever you want to call them would fall into the  voice coil Gap my favorite expression was crap in   the Gap and we wanted to be able to catch that  because it's also annoying we actually had one   customer who was pretty funny who made pro audio  loudspeakers and someone left a hammer inside the   the loudspeaker enclosure and the customer said  I keep on hearing this rattling sound when they   when they got the speaker back they found you  know that the ultimate loose particle was this   Hammer jumping around when the cabinet vibrated  but in any case we wanted to be able to catch um   you know even just uh the lead wires to the um uh  voice coil sometimes would hit the speaker so how   could we catch those so I realized later on that  it wasn't just loose particles that people wanted   to catch they also wanted to catch um rattling  buttons and um Fasteners and you know the the   speaker and the test box so if we want to catch  these what I'll call transient Distortion or some   people call them impulsive Distortion there's  all kinds of names um they're not periodic they   do get vibrated by the physical movement of the  loudspeaker of the diaphragm so you know it's it's   vibrating everything around it and if something is  loose like a um magnetic chip or glue chip in the   voice call or it's rattling a button on a smart  speaker and we try to analyze it in the frequency   domain it just looks like noise because it's not  periodic so the more we average the more averages   out so we can't really easily look at these  defects in the frequency domain it makes a lot   more sense to look at them in the time domain so  at the back in 2004 when we were developing this   algorithm the only other um I'll call it analysis  technique that we were aware of was Crest factor   and Crest factor is uh of course a very useful um  analysis tool and it's pretty simple to implement   just by using what we call a track and highpass  filter so again we do a fast sign sweep we offset   quote a highpass filter to um remove the uh the  stimulus and measure everything else everything   else in this case is can be loose particles but  it can also be rubb and Buzz and that's because   not only will loose particles by the way Crest  Factor just briefly to remind people is the peak   to RMS ratio so if you look at a sine wave the  crest factor is like is 1.414 it's very low but   if you look at a transient it's going to be very  high if you look at Buzz which kind of looks like   a transient it's also going to be high typically  um over 10 so what people would do is they'd use   um this tracking highpass filter and look at the  crest Factor versus frequency and it was a single   Distortion metric but it didn't isolate periodic  from what I'll call nonperiodic Distortion or uh   transients so it kind of lumped them together the  other problem is background noise also tends to   have a high Crest factor I mean random noise is  is typically um 20 DV so um we're also going to   get false rejects due to factory background noise  um so that's no good and of course the limits are   tricky too because they change versus frequency  there's none of this normalization being applied   to the the loudness so what we did back in 2004  is we said well let's do it a little differently   we're still going to use a tracking highpass  filter and capture whatever you want to call   the the crud the Distortion and the noise but  instead of plotting it versus frequency we're   going to plot it versus time and take the time  envelope now the reason we take the time envelope   is we need to look at it not like an oscilloscope  but we want to look at it as for example dbspl so   that we can set limits and instead of um looking  at Crest Factor we're going to count the number   of transients uh during that two Second Sweep  and basically if we have um loose particles   or something rattling we're going to get many  transient events and if it's background noise   we're only going to get maybe a few I mean if a  compressor goes off or someone drops something a   Forklift goes by in a production line it's not  going to happen 50 times in two seconds where   a loose particle or a button rattling it's it's  going to be at least 10 uh events in a couple of   seconds so we can separate out what we'll call  the um transient defects or Distortion coming   from the product versus the background noise  and we can just set a simple limit where we   say if it's greater than three transient events  it's probably coming from the the loudspeaker   but our algorithm back then was still if you  look at the envelope it's still a bit tricky   to set limits because again they they do change  versus frequency so we wanted to come up with a   more robust way of doing it so basically um the  first thing is we want to separate out the the   loose particle form as we called it from the  stimulus and basically we created a very good   tracking Notch filter so that you could listen to  everything but the stimulus um one of the things   that always amazes me is that um we've heard of  the psycho acoustic phenomena missing fundamental   and even though you even though you Notch out the  uh the stimulus if you have some second and third   harmonic or some Distortion you still hear some  sign sweeping because your human ear is trying to   fill it in say hey that should be a sign sweep  but anyhow I I digress it it kind of caught me   off guard when I first did this and I listened to  the loose particle waveform without the stimulus   I thought I could still hear some of the stimulus  like the filter working yeah yeah I mean there's   a lot of uh uh signal processing people put  in uh amplif you know base amplifiers and uh   rock and roll um but we wanted a easier way  to set the limits because that was really the   biggest challenge people weren't using the loose  particle algorithm because it still was getting   kind of tricky to set you know they wanted to set  a flat line again and they couldn't so we wanted   to improve the uh signal to noise the dynamic  range and we also wanted to catch um not just   loose particles and as I mentioned buttons but  things an automotive which they typically call   buz Squeak and Rattle and that is you know door  panels vibrating and um you know a car has so   many Fasteners so many parts and the last thing  you want is your um you know your $100,000 EV uh   Tesla making some annoying uh rattling sounds  because your speakers are vibrating it so so   basically um the algorithm looked like this we we  enhance uh the ability to extract artifacts which   basically we made a better Notch filter we still  use envelope analysis but the big difference is   that we tried to come up with a better way to  catch the Peaks the transients using something   called prominence and I'll explain that in  a moment but other than that it's the same   algorithm from 200 for so again just real quickly  we have a sign sweep so this is just like you saw   before but didn't hear before you know the um  typical kind sign chir it's actually step sign   but the transitions are so smooth from frequency  to frequency the phase continuous it sounds like   a chirp the next thing is now we captured the  response we recorded um in this case a speaker   with some really obvious loose particles it's  a solder bead inside the voice callil we P we   picked a particularly bad one so it would be  easy to hear but this is kind of a severe case   it is a severe [Music] case hopefully you can  faintly hear the rattling okay good but now when   we extract the uh we remove the stimulus from  this is exactly the same recording without the   stimulus the stimulus notched out now we can  not only see but we can also hear the loose particles very clearly and I think at the  beginning you probably heard the stimulus a   little there was some second and third hormon at  low frequency so that is the missing fundamental   so now we got to figure out how are we going  to put limits on this well we really need to   come up with a um way to measure the level and we  want to measure it ideally in dbspl so we do the   RMS and we get the envelope but as you can see  that the um Peaks do vary versus uh frequency   which is versus time time and frequency in this  case so how can we come up with an easier way to   set limits because you notice some of these Peaks  things kind of bounce around and you don't want   to count that twice you don't want to count that  twice so what we do is we use um what's called   prominence and I'll explain that here now and  so instead of um it really comes from cograph   um where you're looking at a mountain range and  typically we think of elevation you know it's   like okay um you know how far above sea level is  this peak but if you're hiking a mountain what   really matters is what is the difference between  where you're starting and where you're ending and   that could be called the prominence so in this um  elevation elevation C obviously is the highest but   if what we really want to know is the difference  between the nearest uh Peak and the near nearest   null or L we would say what's the prominence and  in this case it's actually prominence a which is   going to be the biggest difference so that is  going to help us be able to detect when there's   a spike that is Audible and I'll I'll show you  some examples in a moment so here is now the   envelope analysis but prominance is applied to  it so now it cleans up the envelope quite a bit   where it's very obvious that we have some sharp  spikes due to these transient events you can see   there's some little ones in the background but  we've effectively increased our dynamic range   and made it easy to set limits with a straight  line again and what we do is we just count the   number of times the events go above the threshold  this is just a snippet of the total sweep but if   we looked at the entire sweep we would actually  see 110 uh of these spikes that you heard during   the sign sweep and again if it was background  noise it' probably just be a few so just to   kind of um repeat we got the response wave form  the recorded response wave form we Notch out the   fundamental we get what we call the loose particle  waveform which we can play back and listen to and   correlate and it's not just going to be um loose  particles but you can also hear Distortion which   is pretty entertaining as well if you listen to  rub and Buzz this way then we take the envelope   and then we take the prominence and if I just let  this thing cycle you can see very clearly with   your eye how the spikes show up and get filtered  essentially and we end up with the prominence so   then the solution for that is the factory worker  notices that and takes a little air gun and blows   out the speaker and tries again if they can okay  um more often than not it goes people most people   we're talking to today have never been to the  factory but yeah they're always got the air guns   blowing off the speakers before they test them  so that's kind of a standard operating procedure   yeah and you're right and you know I always  tell customers measure the speaker pointing   down um there's a couple reasons for that one  is you're not going to get stuff falling on top   of the speaker like you might in a chamber number  two if there is a loose particle it's more likely   to bounce around off the um the diaphragm or the  uh dust cap so um if you point the speaker up the   loose particle might just get stuck in the bottom  and you won't catch it and then you ship it and   then it bounces around and your customer says  hey I can hear some something rattling around   um but yeah you're right uh I I even do uh demos  of this with h salt and pepper I just put on top   of the loudspeaker and I got to blow it off at  the end to kind of you know get rid of them right   all right so last quick sales pitch here and then  we can move on to your questions um but basically   yeah we're we're trying to refine things and I'm  a big believer in uh you know product Improvement   for through refinement and so we're constantly  trying to make it easier um improve our algorithms   make uh setting limits easier be able to listen  to what we're measuring measuring and correlate   objective with subjective and um yeah and if  it can catch other problems on your product   you know not just the uh the transducer I know the  automotive loudspeaker guys they they hate it when   um one of their speakers gets mounted improperly  in a $100,000 car and then the car manufacturer   blames the uh the loudspeaker manufacturer and  it's like it's not our problem it's it's you did   a bad job of fastening that loudspeaker in the  in whatever the door panel so it's also good all   right so uh yeah we've got a got a few minutes  left so uh What uh what's the future holding for   listen well good question um you know it's really  a bunch of different things that I'm trying to uh   work on as usual probably too many things um but  I mean I think everyone is uh aware of you know   not just smart um speakers but also um things  like spatial audio um I personally have always   been curious about you know how do we determine  a source localization how do we hear it and you   know there's anyone who is um been doing this is  really aware that there's there's a lot going on   um and it's not just you know headphones but  it's also cars um and it's really thanks to   um you know companies that are trying to  work with like AES and Alti um and create   uh the source material we're actually trying to  figure out ways to uh to measure the source uh location yeah so you're your thoughts like so  measuring these new things like people talk about   measuring spatial audio or immersive or whatever  this this new buzzword is and I'm sure this this   is a continuing progress and this is how they come  up with new products and New Market segment so we   got to live with it but uh I guess what are your  thoughts on on that spatial audio Yeah so I I you   know I really had a uh I guess you could say  an eye opener and an ear opener when uh about   two years ago at Christmas we bought our son um  a VR headset and you know I thought it was just   for gaming and I was not all that excited about it  but um you know I put on the VR headset and he had   me take the um roller coaster ride with the Via  headset on and I was just absolutely blown away   that um both by the video and the audio and that  without actually um feeling any of the vibration   or the the motion my brain was telling me I was  going up and down and getting slightly uh you   know seasick or whatever you want to call it  so I was like wow this this really is pretty   amazing and and I wanted to figure out a way  to uh to correlate um you know the the spatial   audio to ways to measure it I mean I think one  of the things that really um convinced me that   this was the future was uh just starting to play  around with binaural recordings and listening to   um ideally you know my own hrtf which is is a it's  of course extremely difficult to get your your own   personal HT hrtf measure because it takes a long  time but there's been a lot of advances there I   mean do the atmos is everywhere now and um we  have customers that basically want to know how   good a job they're doing at reproducing um The  Source material the sound objects and you know   can we come up with a way to say if I encode a  source you know I don't know a violin a musical   instrument at a particular distance a particular  angle asmith and then I play it back on my quote   surround sound system or my 7.2.1 whatever  Channel system is it really doing an accurate   job of reproducing the spatial audio um location  and I I talk to these customers and they're I say   so how are you measuring this and they're like we  we're not we're we're just subjectively listening   to it um some of them are use a laser pointer  and closing their eyes so there's there's a big   demand I feel to how can we come up with a metric  to accurately determine if the sound reproduction   of the spatial audio is indeed what the uh the  musician or the recording artist or the mixer   intended so um you know it's early days for us  in that we were pretty familiar with uh interal   cross correlation and interal level difference  kind of measurements and they're they're very   good at helping uh determine um a good job of  localization as well as development but they're   still not really there to say hey that's where  this source is that's where the source is and   and take into account the uh the room effects as  well is really a big challenge so I'm hoping toh   work on that and I had a good taste of this when I  went to the as spatial audio conference in England   which was sold out like immediately it's like the  interest in this is huge not just from the people   creating it but also from the people trying to  reproduce it okay all right so that's quite a   bit of uh information for today but uh maybe just  a kind of a fun fact to kind of finish things off   so what's maybe you want to share with us like  what's the most interesting thing that you've   had to test um I guess yeah sure sure I mean  uh I I've been very fortunate that I've met a   lot of different types of customers with a lot  of different types of applications and people   trying to measure some of the strangest things  I mean it's the usual stuff right headphones   smart devices phones watches Soundbars but you  know some of the more interesting ones were um   during the pandemic uh measuring um mask um  I mean we all experienc the muffled sound of   people talking through uh n95 mask and things  like that and um I don't know if you guys ever   saw the Dyson uh headphones yeah even know where  that people started putting microphones outside   the mask and then piping it into the headphones  because frankly the uh it was very hard to hear   speech intelligibility through a mask U one of  my favorites though was uh we actually had a uh   potato chip manufacturer who wanted to test or  or company who wanted to test the crunch Factor   potato chips and you know obviously potato chips  are not don't crunch very well so speak of Crest   factor and transients that we actually were able  to use some of the same techniques that we use for   capturing transient Distortion and uh I guess  last but not least um I am a bit of a Gearhead   and I I love cars and uh you know I I will admit I  uh I own a Tesla and one of my complaints my first   Tesla was you know it was super quiet when you're  going around town but on the on the highway it   was a lot of wind noise even though um the car is  incredibly quote um you know low drag coefficient   but there was a lot of wind noise so when um  my lease was up and I got the new Tesla I was   supposed to be quieter and I wanted to see if I  could measure it I also wanted frankly to test out   our new um audio interface that was portable and  can be powered off of a USB um input so it didn't   need to be plugged in so I went out and did some  road tests before I got the the new Tesla and then   afterwards and the new one supposedly had active  noise reduction which also is kind of a big thing   right now automotive industry and I wanted to  see how good it was and frankly it wasn't great   um so we'll be uh doing a u YouTube video on that  hopefully soon I mean there were some other things   that we measured which was pretty entertaining  like uh how they uh how loud this Max SPL in   the car and you know in the Tesla it goes up to 11  like in spinal tap and some of those funny things   but uh yeah you're welcome to check check some  of that out some of the those measurements are   already and videos are already on our YouTube  channel okay yeah we'll we'll put those links   in our description for this one so that's stuff uh  Simon do you have any questions before we I think   I spent all my questions mate all right okay so  that's that's great encourage everybody to like   subscribe share and hit that Bell notification  for future videos um Steve thanks so much for   your time today this is extremely informative um  and uh and well planned out we love the effort   you put into the presentation today so thank you  so much you're welcome thanks for having me and   and then thanks for your patience no problem  all right so see you next time bu okay by take care

2023-11-27 08:18

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