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This video I'm gonna be sharing with you the three, dangers. To raising, your, vibration, I'm gonna, show you what, to do to make sure this. Doesn't happen and, I'm, gonna share with you how I went through the process so that you can know how, to do it too. Welcome. Back to another video my name's Aaron and I help people expand. Their. Consciousness, now, in this video I'm gonna be sharing, with you the three dangers. Of raising, your vibration, three. Things that you should know when it comes to the process of raising your vibration so, that you avoid, the. Mistakes, and the kind of the. Hardships. That can come along with it now. With, this whole process of raising vibration. This, is more, about normally. When we think of raising vibration. We may think of kind of getting a new perspective seeing, things from a new point of view that may be part, of it but a lot of it is also just letting, go of what no longer serves so, I'm gonna show you this scale of consciousness, right here it's a scale I've showed many times before it's a powerful. Understanding. For the whole levels of consciousness, it's from a book that is called power versus force by dr. David Hawkins you'll, see a scale of consciousness, right here and on the bottom you'll see certain emotions, such as shame fear. Guilt. Moving, up to the anger. Eventually. Willingness then, you get to love peace, joy and, enlightenment, at the top now, these, are all different levels of consciousness different. Rates of vibration. Now we all have a core, frequency. A core vibration. That will resonate at either, maybe between. If. We're not feeling so good maybe it resonates, at like 150, if we, are feeling elated we're feeling very good then maybe were resonating, more in the 400s and maybe even the 500s, of that of love now, in general, the. Basis. For this is understanding, that we have a base, point of where we feel based on prior, experience. Based, on the way we think based, on what actions, we do it'll keep us entrained, within a certain level of consciousness, so, let, me share with you a little bit of my story just so you get kind of a basis for how this works I used, to feel very angry about my childhood, I went through a lot of I had an abusive ex stepmom, so I went through a lot of kind of like childhood trauma you, could say and that, kept me within. A certain realm. Of feeling, anger, I was angry, towards her I didn't feel like I was worthy I felt, some type of. Guilt. I felt, so. Many different negative, emotions, that that carried, with me even after my dad divorced, her when, I was 15 years old at the time so all the sudden me and my brother have all this freedom were able to have friends again were able to eat foods or you know more foods were able to gain weight we, weren't restricted, in so many different ways it's kind of like a real harsh, level of control where all my brother did is we worked outside everyday and we, weren't allowed to really do anything other than that we weren't allowed to really go to school activities we had to earn it in order to go we a, lot of emotional, stuff as well because it was like manipulation. And stuff so anyways, I just want to give you a basis, that I felt, a lot of resistance, I even outdoors 15, years old I have this freedom I'm allowed to have friends and a lot of watch TV again I'm allowed to be like a normal kid and from. 15, to about 20 21 I felt. A lot of resistance because. Even. Though I was, had all this freedom there was still that pain from the past of why did all of this happen why didn't I have between, 7 and 15 years old I didn't have a childhood really and I, was confused as to why that happened and I thought maybe you know there were certain beliefs, that were kind of entrained, into me about am i worthy this is this is a part of who I am so, what, I then did is I went through what some people call a spiritual, awakening and I, was this.

Was When I was forgives. Like 22 years old what happened is as I learned, meditation because. I was taking, adderall, for ADHD, which ADHD. Just means I had a lot of energy it wasn't balanced, and I, was taking adderall which the harsh side effects were you didn't eat very much you didn't sleep very much so I came across research. On meditation and. Basically. It can do the same thing adderall can do without the harsh side effects so if you can't eat very much can't sleep very much so, what, I did is I started meditating and within a week or two of meditating, it changed my whole entire life, I learned how to observe my thoughts rather than react I learned, that a lot of the beliefs I had came, from that period in my life I believe in wasn't worthy all those things I became aware of how my beliefs were creating my reality and on. A base point of one to ten ten feeling, amazing one feeling not so good my, base point before, that was like a three to a five so it wasn't, necessarily. Horrible. But it wasn't great at the same time either and it was less than it was less than mediocre, then, what happened as I went through my spiritual awakening, it moved my vibrational, set point up to. About a seven, or an eight out of ten now, all the sudden I'm feeling this. Feels like ecstasy, this feels amazing and that stayed. With me, and it's honestly, it's not I'm not enlightened to let me first stop say that I'm not enlightened but I raised my setpoint, because I learned how to observe my thoughts rather than react I remember walking around my room thinking is this, feeling gonna go away I thought it was gonna I was like this is probably gonna go away it never did it just became my natural setpoint so it became less, euphoric. In a way like it just became natural, you see and, there. Were a lot of things that happen so the things I'm gonna share with you the, three dangers, of raising your vibration because, even though that sounds very good there's also drawbacks.

To, That as well so you could say that on the scale of consciousness, I most, likely went, from a baby, a 150. To 250, calibration. To, that of more, of a 350, to 450, because, that's when for hundreds is when, you start to get into the intellect, of the mind you then start to brush upon, that of unconditional love which, I have more so been between the fours and the fives I haven't really been in the unconditional. Love yet. But, it's more about I've, been learning about the intellectual, nosov, creating. Our own reality, understanding. How to let, go of a lot of what doesn't serve and by doing that we raise our level of consciousness we. Can manifest, and create things in our life much easier from. These higher levels of consciousness than, the lower levels, the lower levels, are emphasizing. That we aren't already where we want to be when, we create from the lower levels, we create a lot of resistance and things, just don't happen as easy so in, this, process of me then going through that spiritual awakening, me feeling completely differently, so. Much about my life began, to change things, begin with my life begin to change when it had to come to the, vibration. How I felt, it changed. People's perception. Of me, because then I'm a cold totally different person, imagine, me going from being, like a certain type of having. Like a certain type just a lot of energy I remember I used to work at Nordstrom's, and I was like this person that would just walk around I would just say things to people to get a response I just, had fun as constantly, goofing, around which is great but at the same time it wasn't very balanced, all the sudden I come back and I'm much more like I'm still allowed to have a lot of energy but it's much different it's much it's, much more grounded, and people. Were like what happened, like why are you why, are you so different, you know and it was almost like people. Just didn't understand so with this process the first thing that may happen the first danger, of raising. Your vibration is, that, certain people may, not resonate with you any more. So. I remember, that at that period in my life I was. Working. At that job I had a lot of people that allow friends and stuff and, there. Were people that just did not understand, what I was going through they didn't understand how I went from one way of being to a completely different way of being I started to, really dive into metaphysics, understanding, how we create our reality from our thoughts all of these things and to people that normally know, you as, a certain type of person, when they look at you and they see this kind of change within you it kind of scares them you know and I kind of get it now that I look back at it because there were a lot of people a lot of friends, even family like, my dad for example he, didn't know what happened he thought I was on drugs or something like that because I go, from one, way to all the sudden meditating. All of, a sudden talking about like higher consciousness and, stuff like that and he just didn't understand it he had no other explanation for, it and now the paradox, is that I was, not I quit drinking did not have to drink anymore I quit doing anything, no, there's, no drugs there was no anything, other, than me, being. And. Meditating. Once a day and doing, things that that, were kind of like conductive. Of the lifestyle, I was leaving lit, living but there was no there was no drugs alcohol, nothing, so it was kind of a paradox because um because it, was actually far of the opposite, of what we thought was happening but people nonetheless did not get it so when, you start to resonate with those higher levels, like I was showing you not that this means you're enlightened or anything, you know sometimes I say things people think I'm like insinuating that I'm enlightened but when you do start to live I do believe I do live more, so within the four to five hundred range than I used to and I believe you have the same ability, as well that's why I'm sharing this info that's why I share a lot of the videos on my channels because I want other people to feel the same way that I do so, in the four to five hundreds all the, sudden you see things from a new point of view and you don't feed into, the lower levels, as much anymore so what will happen is you have some friends that may be feeling in the, lower levels, maybe they're, feeling, anger.

Maybe, They're feeling angry at the government angry. At people, that make a lot of money they, feel angry at things that have happened to them in the past and when they're feeling this negative emotion, you may look at it and not be able to connect to it as much as you used to maybe you are able to like observe, it and understand, it but you don't feed it as much you're not if someone's like all bla bla bla bla about the government, you're not like yeah the government blah blah blah you're just kind of like it, just is what it is you're just kind of like more so in your own world in your own level of consciousness, so one. Thing that may happen when. You go through the process of raising your vibration is. Just. That people, begin to fall out of your life and, this isn't a bad thing sometimes you have to let go - then, let in so, this, is about realizing, that it's about resonance, and when you start to resonate at a higher level of consciousness there. Are some people that won't dig it there are some people that won't like it and the, thing that you want to avoid here though this is one of the dangers that's on the other side as well is. You. Want to refrain, from developing. What is called a spiritual ego so. A spiritual, ego was something I actually developed when I went through my spiritual, awakening sort of raised my vibrational, state of consciousness which is a big paradox because it's. Like you're, more. Aware but less aware that you are judging. In a way it's like a form of judgment and that's what I did because I was like oh I'm in this higher. State of consciousness and, everyone, else just doesn't understand, me I was kind of bitter honestly, because I just, felt like nobody got it you know there were very, few people that a couple people did but most people did not understand, it so when, they see me and what I'm doing they assume that there's something going on something weird going on they kind of assume that I'm weird or something because they don't understand. The whole meditation or spiritual, awakening type thing but, nonetheless then I was like well they just get it they're just not there they're just you, know they're just at their their. Level, you see it I mean and then I it almost develops, this spiritual, ego so what I had to learn to do is to let go this spiritual you go realize everyone's. On their own journey this, is simply a matter of the process, itself so, this. Is about just moreso embodying. How you prefer to be letting. You be yourself and letting other people be themselves and, if they do have beliefs about you that don't you don't prefer just, observe, them and let them be it doesn't mean anything to you and that. Will help you move through this process because, there may be some people that just fall out of your life because they don't resonate anymore, the good news is that if you trust the process by, letting go you will then let in people that really do resonate with you you'll then let in people whether, it's even online at, first you know we have the online now so we can connect to so many people around the world or maybe, it's just you actually, being, more. Present to the moment and seeing. That. What. Really matters in life is you being your authentic core. So. That's the first one you may notice that people kind of fall out of your life you may notice that you start to feel completely different about yourself and then, the second, danger, of raising. Your vibration is, that, there may be radical. Shifts, in your life because when you change your vibration, when you change your state of consciousness it will, then change what you resonate with and you may notice a career, change, you may notice like I said with the relationships. You may notice that you start to get pulled to move to a different part a different, place of wherever you live you may notice these things because they just simply don't resonate anymore, like, I said in the beginning of the video this is more about you letting go than, it is piling, on and when, you let go of the lower levels of consciousness you let go of all the activities, that are attached to it you let go of all of the. You. Let go of all of the kind. Of the baggage, that may come with it as well so when. I was showing you those. Levels, of a consciousness, then. What you'll notice is that there's there's. Certain on the lower emotions, but working all the way up you'll notice that there's that certain scale I'll kind of show it to you one more time let, me share with you something else that did happen I feel guided, to say this isn't something I plan on saying in this video but, I think it's powerful I think so people may want to hear this now this mean not, resonate with everyone but.

This Is something nonetheless that did happen when, I went through my spiritual, awakening, so what. You'll notice on the scale of consciousness, is at the bottom you'll have you know certain emotions, then you move up and eventually you'll see the. The. - and 300s, - and 300s, maybe eventually. Getting to like anger, and then you get into like willingness love, and all of those well, there's, certain like, you could say drugs, and it's not really you know some people consider weed a medicine. But, nonetheless, I used to smoke weed I used to smoke weed in 2011/2012. And I. Did it quite, often you know after when I got off work was pretty much the first thing I would do and then. I had my you, could call it a spiritual awakened you could also call it where I started just feel completely different on that base point of 1 to 10 I started to go from the 3 to a 5 to, the 7 or an 8 I, had. That different that shift in feeling, and what. Happened was is then I would if I were to smoke after I had that shift it would actually bring me down I would go from that 7 or an 8 down to like a 5 or 6 and I, was so confused I'm like this brought made me feel good for so long why is this doing this now and I just did not understand, it but then reading the book power versus force I became, aware that marijuana. Or weed resonates, at about 350. So, it's not necessarily, that low but, it's also not necessarily, that high so, it depends on where you are on the scale of consciousness, now it doesn't mean that if you enjoy weed that you're of a lower consciousness but it may mean that in, order to move to a higher level you, may have to let go of, that, in order to really reach higher, states, that, you, may not even be able to imagine right now now if you do it daily I'm, not judging you I'm not saying that it's even bad I'm just saying be aware of where it lays on this level of consciousness because there's some people that I see that, I think could go much further with. Their level, of consciousness, or with what they're experiencing. But sometimes because, of the habit. Of doing it because, of doing it often it kind of keeps them because I was there - I know what it's like when, you do it and you hear someone else talked about it and talked about it in a different way it doesn't feel good it feels like why is you, know it's kind of going against the beliefs you know what I mean but, nonetheless I feel like saying it I feel guided to say it right now because I. See. So many people doing, it and there's nothing wrong with it I'm not saying this isn't about right or wrong this, is about RIT does it resonate, and is it serving. So if it resonates at 350, you, it, may make you if you're feeling resistance, from your job and you do it you'll immediately feel better, but, the thing is is then you could be getting into the 4 4 or 500, it's the 400s, mainly but, it that may be keeping, you as an anchor down so, there, were certain you. Know alcohol resonates, at about 200, you, know so it resonates even lower so wheat isn't necessarily, the lowest level one by any means, but I feel guided to say this because I've heard a lot of people I've mentioned this once or twice on a live Q&A and people wanted more on it and I've. Never really put it in YouTube video because I've always been afraid to put it out there because I know so many people do it especially so many people that watch my videos and. It's, just so many people do it in general as well I mean I live in Las Vegas it's legal in Vegas, Colorado, Seattle. California, I'm on the west coast so it's so, common, there's nothing, wrong with it this isn't about right or wrong but it is, is that does it resonate and is it serving you that's the new question to ask and, if it's not I promise you, that if you do decide to let it go because you because you feel guided to that, after, you, get used to it it will be worth it that's something I just felt guided to say I know, not everyone really wants to hear that but, that was my experience with it because after that I have not smoked, I don't smoke I don't drink alcohol, I don't do caffeine not. Because I'm better than anybody but, just because I believe, that the, more we cultivate, this consciousness. This energy within us the more those things aren't, even necessary anyways, now, the third danger, of raising, your vibration has. To do with, old things. Coming. Up so. Within our, body. There. Are certain, emotions, there are certain stored, energies. And when we start to move, through them we start to see them come up we can then decide to let them go now many times when, we are entrained, into certain, levels of consciousness what. Happens is they, remain on autopilot, so we're simply not aware of them now as we, raise our vibration. Though as we, move up the scale it then.

So, That we almost have, to let go those things will get brought to the front so it may seem scary sometimes, this is when sometimes people go through the dark night of the soul and they have an experience, like that but then what that does is that gives them the opportunity to, look, at it to let it go and then to come out even stronger on the other, side so, I know. For me I recently, went to a place. In Costa Rica and there it was like a light transformation, place and when, I went there what we did is we did this breath workshop, in this, breath workshop, we breathe this certain type of way for, about 45, minutes this is like deep, breath it's called transformational, breath work and I, just did not know what to expect I heard of it I went into it not knowing having any expectations, do. The certain type of breathing you actually breathe through your mouth which is kind of counterintuitive to me but it's what you do and you do this certain breathing technique, for about 45, to 50 minutes with music in the background there, were about 30 other people there and they. Said that when things come up just let them go there will be certain emotions that come up that been stored within, the body so what I did is I, was going through starting to do the exercise, and every now and then a practitioner, would come over and kind of adjust a little bit the breathing to see, how to breathe properly you, know and kind of like loosen up certain muscles and whatnot and I'm breathing and all the sudden in this exercise, about 20 minutes in my, hands clamp up like this like almost like a praying mantis and I'm laying there on the floor like this then they said that's something like that my hat may happen they said you may feel inclined, to being on the floor to release the stored energy and, it. Was something I totally, did not expect to happen but I felt, this tenseness, in my hands really tense and it didn't feel bad my body actually started, to kind of go numb but it wasn't a bad numb it wasn't like I was afraid of it but nonetheless I could feel this going through my body and then what happened, is there were waves of sensation.

I Went through my body and I could feel myself letting, go of energy, that was stored up letting, go of things that no longer served so, as I did that I just kept thinking to myself let, go let, go let go and as I did that I was letting go of stored, emotion, from my past childhood, from. The kind of person, I had to become, to, cope with all of that stuff the control, that I had my ego had to develop I had to kind of develop a I guess a strong ego for to become successful on, YouTube, I started making daily videos, I started, put everything I did into what I do for a living and that, kind. Of developed this ego, this control, that I had to have over my life for things to happen the way I want and what. I learned is how to let all of that go I remember afterwards. We had like a sharing, and I was kind of explaining my experience, and he said it was a very common type experience, some people were crying some, people were laughing, some people were just banging around some, people are humming I was humming for a while as well but, this was really a transformative. Type experience, and it lasted about an hour and after, that I felt so. Very. Just relaxed. Peaceful serene, euphoric. And that. Was letting. Go of those kind of emotions so it seems, like a bad thing though right I was feeling that tenseness, all of this stuff but what was happening is the. Oxygen. I was bringing up inside my body I was increasing the oxygen levels of my body that was causing, things to come up and then I was able to look at them and then to let them go you know even though my eyes were closed and I'm kind of laying back I started to bang my hands like halfway through and, I could feel myself just letting go of that stored energy now, that may seem like a scary experience but, it was very transformative. And it was something that really allowed me let to let go of things that just no longer serve me now, as much. As what. They told me as well I remember us talking to one of the the, transformational, breathwork, practitioners. Afterwards and she said that, the. Way people breathe, the breath pattern we have they. Can look at someone's breath pattern and they, can see a almost, exactly, or generally. What that person's personality, traits, are so, I said okay what's, my personality, trait then she saw me breathe for 40 minutes you know because she came around and adjusted me a couple times she, was like you're an overachiever. She says you, you, have a very strong desire to be successful, a lot of people that breathe that way do are successful. But they, create a lot of resistance because, they have this armor, around them they breathe from their back it is so true I've always breathed like there's certain times around there go kind. Of breathe like that because I'm controlling my breath because I need to I need to like control my breath and bring in more and she, just kind of explained, that what you can begin to do is to let go you can begin to see that things can be easier, you make it and that, from that point going forward I learned how to let go of the control, of my Eagle even more and I started to feel in even a higher level of consciousness so, I know all of this may, seem a little bit that. I mean that could also be more of a metaphor than anything else but it was something that happened that was really very true for me is letting go breathing in more if you have breathed shallow then maybe you don't feel as confident, you can learn to you, can learn to allow your breathing, in a completely new way and it can change everything the more oxygen you bring in your body the more you're gonna let go of stored emotions, and that's, something that can help as well so with, this process there's, also a, guided. Meditation that, I made to help you to raise your vibration so, that you don't go through a lot of these kind, of warnings. And dangers of going through the process kind of like the side effects that aren't preferable, I created, a raise, your vibration, mp3, that will show you exactly how to raise your vibrational, set point if you listen to it for twenty-one days I think it can absolutely transform your life that's, going to be in the top of description box it is absolutely, free I'm also, gonna be doing more live Q&A, s on Instagram. I do also daily videos on IG TV with, exclusive. Native content, so, if you want you could check me out there as well and other than that I hope. You enjoyed this video feel free to like this video if you liked it and subscribe if you haven't it already, hits a little notification here, so that you can see the daily vids that I do and, other than that as always peace.


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