Disclosure and the Fall of the Cabal with David Wilcock

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I'm David Wilcock and I've been working for over 20 years on disclosure. My, goal is to. Bring out the fullness, of the truth of the knowledge that has been suppressed from us I have. Spoken to dozens of insiders, who have worked in highly classified, so-called. Government, programs, run through the military-industrial complex, who. Have had first-hand. Contact. With. Extraterrestrials. And I. Looked them in the eye just like I'm looking you in the eye right now and you, can tell when someone is lying these. People are telling the truth the. Scope of the cover-up is so. Vast that. What. We think we know about UFOs, and, this. Whole subject. Constitutes. But a very small portion of the actual, activity, that. Is taking place in and around our, earth, in our solar system right now. Alta. Mately I believe that disclosure, is a. Process. That does not happen in one sudden, thundering, moment it's an ongoing, event. Now. The. Conventional, view that you hear about disclosure, is that this is going to be where. The, President of the United States gets on national, television and tells us the truth that's. Very, likely to be one of the last if not the last stage, of the process. And there, will be many intervals, before that, which we are already seeing. Inside. These classified, government programs. They are doing, something called PRI, or processed. Release of information which. Is a deliberate, effort that, has been ongoing since, the Roswell crash in the 1940s. To plant. These, seeds of. Truth. Into the mass consciousness. What's. Happening, is that alleged. Science fiction, since the late 1940s. Has been embedding, the truth in. These, story lines so, that once. We finally, do get disclosure, we. Discover, that we have been getting disclosure, all along so. Disclosure, is an ongoing process. And it is very interesting to note how many movies, are. Actually, written in. Which the. Idea that UFOs are, not real is treated like a joke. Everyone. In the movie laughs at people who, don't believe, and. Extraterrestrials. Being real are used in many many storylines. For a variety of movies. Extraterrestrials. Being a fact. Of reality is presented. In a wide number of movies I remember. Watching the remake, of Godzilla, and Exeter. S Turtles had a lot to do with the remake of Godzilla most. Of the Transformers. Movies have had very shocking, amounts of truthful. Information in, them and there. Was an x-files, series reboot. In which the whole first premiere episode is, absolutely. Loaded with. All kinds of stunning information the. X-files series reboot, in its pilot episode, that just aired in, January 2016. Had. An incredible. Body, of disclosure, everything. From. Aerosol. Chemtrail. Type spraying to. Federal, reserve financial. Collapse. Extraterrestrial. Reality, abduction. It, was just unbelievable, and we're seeing more and more of these kinds of things coming out now so. The effort for disclosure, is a very interesting almost. Schizophrenia. In our society, in which if even. One person who's, had, a sighting, is actually, witnessing, some, sort of extraterrestrial piloted. Craft. Then. You have to assume now that. There. Is much more going on than, just that one little, peak and that. Means that there could be a much greater. Amount. Of information to, know, then. Even what most of mainstream, ufology, is collected, you have to remember the. Data that we have in the UFO field such. As about area 51 this, might be only one or two whistleblowers, that come forward with stuff like this people. Photograph. It from a high mountaintop, far away we can't get in there we can't see inside the facility we don't really know what they're doing but. What's happening, is that there are more and more insiders, who have come forward and they, have independently, spoken, to me off record I've, cataloged. What, they have to say and I, have memorized. And in many cases notated. Vast bodies, of information, without. Putting it online and the reason why is that, when someone new comes along and they start saying all the same things, or many of the same things that's.

When I know that, they are all speaking, based on a common, body of knowledge and the, scope and the complexity. Of these correlations, between different, datasets from different insiders, is so vast that. I, don't. Believe it is possible for, this to be a cover-up the Occam's, razor argument. Slicing, through to the simplest, possible explanation, is that this stuff is actually happening, that, our government, is in direct contact, with a variety of human looking extraterrestrials. That, they have already gotten joint, bases both on earth inside, the earth and on. Moons, and in some cases solid, planets in our solar system, there. Is a very widespread amount. Of technology out there including stuff, that our own military industrial complex is built they, have their own deep, spaceships. Some of which are 2.5, kilometres long, cigar-shaped. This. Stuff we, in fact we have a whistleblower, now William Thompkins who actually came. Forward, as his. Aerospace, engineer, background, gave. Him the blueprints, that he designed, these. Ships from he's, presenting, us with those blueprints, showing, us these. Cigar-shaped, craft which, are identical, to, the ones that Corey Goode has, referred, to as having worked, in when, he was in the solar warden program, and William, Tompkins independently. Gave the codename solar. Warden for the program, then, we also have Gary McKinnon the UFO hacker who, independently finds. The name solar, warden when, he's hacking, the Pentagon, through. Looking. For UFO, documentation. So, this solar, warden code name was also embedded, within a list of non-terrestrial, officers. People. Who are of military, rank and designation, but, do not work on earth, now. You, start to put the pieces together you start to see what everybody's saying and, this. Is the disclosure process, we. Are doing this right now with, you watching this show. You are part of that process, this, process is, not, going to, happen by, the official, level until. It has been wrenched. Out of their hands it is last, thing they ever want to do is to, completely tell us the truth because. Court. Cases will then be filed charges, will, then be made if you look at the LIBOR scandal where. The top mega banks, have been accused. Of colluding with each other to rig their prime interest rate so, that they can look good in their, credit scores and. Misrepresent. Themselves to, investors, as if what they have is a, very solvent. Company, when in fact they're all bankrupt. And it's a big Ponzi scheme you, look at the fallout from LIBOR, which the mainstream media does not talk about we, are seeing multiple. Multi-billion, dollar lawsuits. That, are being prosecuted and. Fined. Against. These banks, and it has very, seriously. Impacted, their bottom line they're, not going to be able to do another bailout they're not going to be able to do another tarp the public does not want that to happen so. There is a situation. Going on right now in which, we can actually see, an example of a. Corporate. Mega. Entity, that. Is essentially. Buying. Its time but, is almost out of time right now and when, the time runs out what. We're going to find out is that not only have we been lied to about the, scope of financial, tyranny, in our world we. Have been lied to about exit. Arest riyals because, that. Technology. That has already been taken. In by our government, includes.

Free Energy it, includes, solutions. To every problem that, we have here on earth we. Can desalinate. Ocean water with very low energy yield we. Can then pump, that water into the deserts and literally, irrigate, all of the dead. Areas, of our planet we. Can completely, clean up the pacific, garbage juror's these gigantic, areas of plastic, that are just circling, around and, getting eaten by seagulls, and whales and all types of marine life we. Can eliminate any need for fossil, fuel we eliminate, greenhouse gas emissions, there, are technologies, already in possession of these, secret, space program groups. That eliminate, any need for pharmaceuticals. You, have pain relief technology, in which you interrupt, the potassium. Sodium balance, in the nerves you don't need any analgesic. Drugs you, don't need to take any drugs at all the. Only thing you would really still need to have the medical community for would, be surgery but, all other types of medical illnesses. Can, be treated, by advanced. Technology, that is already in possession of these, people that, leads to longevity that leads to life extension, if. We want to become an intergalactic. And, interplanetary, species if we want to take. The ships that are already built and use. Them to travel, throughout the stars we. Need to expand, our lifespan, you're, not going to be very successful, if you only live for 60 or 70 years to go out on a deep-space mission, like that they, have the technology, to dramatically, enhance, and extend our lifespan they. Have the technology to allow us to travel through portals to, be able to go from point A to point B even across vast numbers of light-years nearly. Instantaneously. We. Literally have, all the tools in front of us right now for. A Star Trek era, the, only reason why we don't have it is that our, planet unfortunately. Is being run by a sociopathic. Cabal, of people.

Who Actually believe that, humans, are bad for the environment and, they, need to dramatically, reduce population. First before. They release these technologies, their, goal was to bring us down to our knees so, that we were so desperate, for help that. By the time they give it to us they can instill total, control and have, absolute, dominion, over everyone, that's, not going to be allowed to happen there is an alliance here on earth of very, powerful entities this. Actually includes a majority, of the u.s. defense establishment and, I'm, also, talking about. Organizations. That most people think of as negative like the CIA there. Are very strong, positive. Groups, within all of these different intelligence. Agencies the NSA, the DIA. Naval. Intelligence you, name it and what. Their goal is is, to, work with this international. Cartel. That has formed, let me say that differently and their. Goal is to work with this international, alliance of countries. That are outside, the Western, system directly, and have, seen that in fact we are being ruled by a, Ponzi. Scheme in which they just print money out of thin air do as much as they want that's. Really the problem here we can't allow, these people to continue to. Make. As much money as they want without, having, any collateral behind, it so, once. We get some, further steps, forward. In the disclosure process once, the efforts of this alliance this international, alliance get. To the next level there will be data dumps there will be. Volumes. Of information released. That will shake our beliefs to their core they will challenge everyone, and, what. Can happen right now, is by, you listening, to this and educating. Yourself about the truth and about what is really going on in our world you. Can help to, calm people down when. This disclosure. Comes, out because. Some. Of the material, is so upsetting that, there will be people who do not want to get out of bed they do not want to eat I call. It the man in the bedroom imagine. Your, loved one you walk in there and there, is someone else in bed with that person and you, had no idea that this was going on we. Are taught to love these politicians, we are taught to aspire, to be like them think of them as great people cheer. In massive, crowds at these political, rallies, now. When we find out the scope of the betrayal we find out that these people have, not only been lying to us but, they've actually been deploying a weapons system into. Our food supply they've, deliberately, added, things to processed. Food that, decreases. Lifespan, increases. Lethargy, fatigue. Laziness. Decreases. Your IQ, decreases. Your motivation, that's, why it's very important, to eat organic food to try to eat as natural, of a diet as possible, stay away from the processed, stuff this. Is a war these people are trying to kill us and if. You can understand, that then, recognize, that once the truth comes out it, will be in the context, very likely of these people having been arrested on a massive level there's, all kinds of logistics, about how that's going to be done when that's going to be done it is a massive operation and, I, am not authorized, to give all the details away in fact I did leak details about mass arrests, before and, unfortunately. I compromised, at least two different operations. Because. I leaked too much that was classified, I got people killed so I'm not going to say all of the details now but we do expect there are certain things I can say we, do expect there's going to be a blackout, we do expect that all the power is going to go off for a while during. The time that the power goes out there very likely will be military, operations, taking place in all of the major American cities those. Operations. Will most likely be occurring, in places. Where this, financial, cabal is concentrated. The most and you can kind of interpolate, from that what I'm saying it. Is very likely that, the. Lights will not be turned back on until the operation has been completed so. Everyone is being advised to have approximately. Two weeks of storable, food and water on hand because. There may be a temporary disruption, of goods and services the. Way I like to look at this is if you throw up you'll feel better this. Is a situation in, which it, is akin to a coup, but, it is a positive counter, coup against, a group that has secured, political. Control of our planet in an, astonishing fashion.

And Has, been far more successful with it than most people realize. Sure. So. What do I mean when I'm talking about the Cabal, one. Of the names that many people are familiar with would be the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral, Commission the. Council on Foreign Relations the, new world order the Illuminati. What. Are we really talking about here, ultimately. We, are talking about organized. Crime we, are talking about crime, syndicates. That work. On a quasi, governmental level, because they. Do not take any of their high-ranking people and actually run them for office the. People who run for office are never more than middle, level within, these corporations, we have multiple. Insiders. Whistleblowers. Some whom I've spoken to directly who, have witnessed American. Presidents. Acting. Like simpering, little wimps, in front, of these higher ranking, cabal members because. They are terrified of them this, cabal has, at its core believe, it or not a. Luciferian. Belief. System, you. Say to yourself who, in the world would possibly, want. To construct a religion around Lucifer. Well. It's very clever it works like this you. Have, ancient mystery school teachings, and the. Ancient. Mystery school teachings, date back to the legendary, civilization. Of Atlantis which, is real we now know for example these. Ruins and Turkey gobekli tepe are at least 13 thousand years old because we've carbon dated the dirt that these stone. Circles were dug out of and we know they've been buried for thirteen thousand years we. Can no longer deny that. In fact there. Are ancient, stone monuments that predate, any, civilizations. That we normally know of here on earth and the problem is that whoever built these pyramids had. The whole civilization. The technology, to build it right out of the box we. Don't see a gradual, progression where, we're looking for shards, of pottery and, we're, trying to find how we can retrace, the footsteps of, a, civilization, that takes the necessary thousands. Of years to, build up to the point where, it could do highly, technological. Acts no. One has been able to build pyramid-like. Structures, with those large blocks of stone with today's technology, the largest cranes in the world can't lift them the Japanese, tried to do it at one-fifth, scale and they completely failed they could not build a Great Pyramid replica at only one-fifth, the size, so. Somebody had advanced, technology, the. Implication, is that this technology, was, not local, to earth but that this was a refugee.

Group Or multiple refugee. Groups who, actually came to earth perhaps, on the run from a cosmic, battle of some kind and in. Fact this is the occult, secret story, of Lucifer. Lucifer, the, fallen angel. And in. Fact there is a secret, book that was withheld from the Bible called the Book of Enoch and in. The Book of Enoch what, you hear about is a race of cannibalistic, Giants, who, crash-landed, on earth and are two fallen angels and they. Are in fact eating, people. Here on earth but, they're twice our size. They. Were ordered, not to reproduce, with. The women. Of Earth but they did anyway, and what. Ends up happening is, that, the women give birth to this new race that, they call Nephilim, and this. Is mirrored. In the book of Genesis, but the book of enoch has a lot more in there and we, now know that this is a genuine, authenticated. Ancient text because. Independent, copies. That say the same thing and have been backdated have been found in ethiopia and other places such. As by the Scottish, historian, Sir, Robert Bruce going. Way, back to the 1700s, so. This book, explains. That, a group of people came here from somewhere, else with advanced technology, and that. They did, in fact set. Up control systems, here on earth, the. Book of Enoch is a predecessor, to. Genesis. Which also has Noah's, Ark and the flood in fact, Enoch is Noah's grandfather. So, what appears to have happened is that. This great, flood was. Authorized, the atlantean, flood wiped out the civilization, of Atlantis because. Atlantis. Was a colony, it, was not native, people, that, had originated, here on earth it, was a vast, civilization. That, had transplanted. Itself here and when, they came here they brought with themselves, all of their books all, of their ancient texts, that go back five, hundred thousand years the. Full record of their civilization, now that those. Texts, were stored in the Library, of Alexandria in Egypt because, some of these people did survive the flood and then. The. Romans sacked. And burned the Library of Alexandria but before, they burned it they took out all the good stuff and they, relocated, it to the Vatican library so. I have insiders, who have actually, sat down with me and described to me going. Into the Vatican library and reading books. That were made by extraterrestrial. Civilizations, before they ever came here these, books include highly, technical, diagrams, of interstellar. Spacecraft and, gigantic, mother ships and these. Books are very very ancient some. Of them have, mylar. Type of pages very glossy some, of them are actually holographic. You open them up and this, image, just comes up and it, can show you interact. With your consciousness, tells you what you want to hear anything. You want to know it'll just show it to you. So. You have to understand, now that the. Repository. Of these documents is in the Vatican. Therefore. There, are people who are on a need-to-know basis. Who. Actually have access to that knowledge they. Understand. That, they are the descendants, of an, extraterrestrial, race that came here that had elongated skulls, and you. Look at the images, of the, Egyptian, pharaohs like, Akhenaten, like Nefertiti, like their daughter meritaten, and what, you see is this highly, elongated skull. We, have scientists, like Brian Forrester who are in Peru and they're actually Brian. Forrester is actually, finding new examples, of these skulls with elongated, craniums, and whereas. The normal human skull has two fissures these only have one they. Have all kinds, of anomalous, features including, we, have these nerve plexuses, that come out of our jaw here, whereas. They have it at the back of their head these, do not appear to be anything, having to do with head binding. So. The point is, elongated.

Skulls Show, up all over the world they have been found in bas Scop South Africa. They have been found in Siberia there. Are graves, of royalty, in France that have been dug up in which they have elongated skulls, elongated. Skulls have been found in North America and South America they. Are literally worldwide and, so, what. We're really dealing, with and I write about this in my new book the ascension, mysteries the whole second half of the book 250. Pages is a comprehensive. Diagram. Of the 500,000, year history of these people where, they started, how they got here how they turned into the Cabal so, it literally does appear strange as this must sound that. There are people with, exeter, estriol physiology, elongated. Skulls some. Of them have lost the elongated skulls others still have them and if, they still have them they wear these mitre hats that you see in the Vatican they, never take those hats off so you couldn't tell if, somebody had an elongated, skull under that hat. It. Does sound really bizarre but just imagine now, that, you tell a group of people secretly. That. They are the descendants, of an exit arest really that were the gods that. Had many tens of IQ points higher in intelligence, than everyone else on earth that, spread themselves out across the world that, became the prevailing, ruling, caste everywhere, they. Had advanced technology, when they first got here that allowed them to circumnavigate the globe to, build pyramids to build elaborate, structures not all the pyramids were built by negatives, but, there are some that were and they. Effectively, created. Dominion, over the earth they. Have been defeated by, what, we call the Elohim, these positive, X aterrestrials as. Texts. Again and again the. Elohim have caused mass catastrophes. To happen sodom and gomorrah being another example, fire and brimstone coming, out of the sky these. Things are not mythological. We know that the earth has periodic, catastrophes. Some. Of these catastrophes apparently. Have been authorized, in order to. Dramatically. Reduce the ability of these people, to, control our planet but there, is a remnant that is still here they. Are very advanced, and they. Have an internal cohesiveness, that tells, them that they are the chosen they are the elect they are the given special. People, so what happens when you have a religious, group that is taking, iconography. From various, cultures including, the Egyptian, Trinity of Isis. Osiris and, Horus taking. Celtic mythology, taking. Asian. Mythology, taking, Hindu mythology, putting all this together try, to distill, the best out of it and then. Along comes Christianity. And, this. Teacher, Jesus. Comes. Along and says, that. This. Has to stop he's, overturning the tables of the moneychangers he's. Essentially. Rewriting. The covenants then. In the aftermath of that event. You have. An organized, society. That rises, up in, which, all, of these ancient mystery schools are said to be evil, these. Ancient mystery schools believe they're the chosen ones and so. When they saw. The. Institutions. Of church. Suppressing. Suppressing. Sexual, freedom, suppressing. Independent, thought asking, you to conform or die creating. These very intense, inquisitions. In which people are tortured and forced into confession, they. Believed, that the, church. Itself and, therefore Jesus, was actually evil and that, they were good so what they did is they went into the Bible and they said well then who's the good guy it must. Be Lucifer, the, God of light the god of wisdom and truth why. Was Lucifer thrown out of heaven because. He, rebelled, because. He saw that it was a setup that it was all rigged and that that. Was evil so. They believed and this you gotta understand, whether you believe this or not is irrelevant this is their religion, this is what they actually believe I've, talked to many people who've given me different pieces of information about this from firsthand insider, sources or, they themselves are first-hand insiders, these.

People Honestly believe that, they. Are the, descendants, of gods that they, are the chosen that they are God's special, people that. We, are delusional. And that. The true creator is this. Wisdom, principle, that they think of as Lucifer that that wisdom principle, gave us ancient mystery school teachings and that, the enemy which they call Adonai, the adversary. Which. We would call the Christian God came. To try to defeat, them then. They even take it a step further and they look at texts like the Bible and they say that. Where it says in the end times that God. Will, take the money from the wicked and restore. It to the just that. We as a planet, are the wicked and they are the just so this is how they justify their, financial. Corruption they. Don't believe that we deserve the money in fact they believe that. If they did not dominate. Us and if, they did not control, us and play all these games that. We left to our own devices would, destroy our planet so. In some twisted rationale. They believe they are saving, the earth they, believe humans are bad for the environment we, cause pollution so, they have to reduce population, then, they've seen that in two movies like The Matrix where Agent Smith says, that. We. Are like that humans are like a virus on the planet, this. Is one of a variety of ways in which they will usually embed. Their. Teachings, into the villain look at the Batman. Begins the latest new series, of Batman films, that. Came out in the past in the, first Batman reboot, movie. Again. With Christian Bale playing Batman it's. The villain who actually articulates, the cabal's perspective. It's, the villain who advocates, population. Reduction who, describes, why these things are necessary then, look at the second one where, you have Heath Ledger playing, the Joker, everything. About what the Joker says in the second Batman film is totally. What they believe they. Actually believe. That creating. These fake, terrorist attacks, that, kill large numbers of people that, that is a sad. But necessary, evil. That they have to do in, order to secure control of us to prevent us from destroying, the whole planet, you. Have high-level people, who. Believe, this adamantly, and our financing. Things like vaccines that, actually, have, cofactors. Inserted, in them that over time can. Be combined, with other cofactors to, try to create, population. Reduction so. This is a very serious problem but. It is not just the internet community that, is hip to this that's another thing I really want to point out here there, has been a very powerful.

High-level. Counterinsurgency. Within, the highest levels of government on, earth that. Has been going on since, the 1700s. It started, in Russia this, is really where the alliance, against this cabal got started, and that, Alliance. Has, been working, on plans, that must take many many years to complete the. People in this cabal have, used secret societies, like the Freemasons, in which they guard their secrets, through. Complex. Rituals, in which the person, who, is an aspirant, to that order has, to learn. How. To keep a secret has, to learn secret handshakes, secret pass phrases secret, codes and what. That does is it creates a, body of people from which you can do recruitment, because. When you recruit from these people they, have now taken a, blood oath that, if they ever betrayed, the secrets of the order they will be killed and. When you go up to the seventh degree in Freemasonry, which is called Royal Arch masonry, you, swear, that you. Will do, anything within your power to free, a fellow, Mason, from, harm's, way even, if he has committed acts of murder or treason against his own government, so. This is perfect, because when. You get up to like for example the 30th degree there, was a book called light on masonry, that was published in late 1800s where, all this stuff came out it was actually the mid-1800s. And that. Book listed. All of what people hear in masonry, all the way up to 33rd, degree when. You get up to 30th and 31st degree. They. Say that the goal of their organization. Is to crush the head of the serpent of religion, now. Granted. Organized, religion has caused a lot of problems, but. What. They really mean, is not. That all religions, should be excluded. It's that they want to make it so only their religion, exists, on earth and if, you don't follow their religion you will be killed so. What they've been doing is they've, been, giving us their religion, they. Show it to us in for, example the most. Recent Olympics. Opening and closing ceremonies was loaded, with Cabal symbolism, they, do it at the Grammys, they do it at the Super Bowl halftime show they. Go out there in music, videos and movies and video games and television shows and they're, showing us, Luciferian. Symbolism, the, reason why they're doing this is that. They want us to. Become. Entranced. By the idea, of this religion, to have it be cool to have it be trendy, so, one of the things they do is this symbol which is 666. Each each. Finger, is one, of the stems, of the six so. You'll see people do stuff like this you'll also see them put their finger over their eye like this that's, the all-seeing eye or they'll do this a lot you'll have this kind of symbolism. So.

They're Out there putting out these sigils and signs and codes and symbols and they. Do it through things like pop music so people start watching what's ever popular and they're, seeing flames and they're seeing people dancing around in Baphomet, horns and they're seeing all, this really strange stuff. Their. Goal again. Is to acquaint us with their religions, so that if they get their goal realized, which is to, create. A massive world economic, collapse, greatly. Reduce population. And then come out as our liberators. Giving. Us this technology, giving us what they consider to be freedom. We. Would actually be trading, our sovereignty, for a much greater level of tyranny, thankfully. People. Such as the Russians as I said since the 1700s, have been aware that this plan was in place and they have been actively working to stop it that effort, is now so organized, and so vast that, there is no chance that the Cabal has to. Pull through this they cannot, realize, their goals they are being, defeated and I, have meticulously. Traced, on my, show wisdom teachings on Gaia so, many examples of how, they're doing this I've also written many many articles. Insiders. From the Alliance talking about what's going on revealing. This knowledge to us so, there, is going to be some sort of a major event a mass arrest and once. That happens, they. Have 26. DVDs worth, of information of shows it will be airing on all the cable channels that, will be actually, featuring in many cases, surprisingly. High ranking public figures that we all know who. Have done this covertly, some, of them will be military, political, leaders and they, will be on these films telling. Us all this kind of stuff that I'm telling you right now and it's. Going to be a massive, awakening, but it. Appears that this will be very positive because. We. Will be coming into a reality, in which the arrests, have taken place and the alliance, has done some very high-level. Telegraphing. Of their, move to wit, check. Out the movie Iron Man 3 in. Iron, Man 3 Robert, Downey jr. character, Iron Man does what he finds out that the bin Laden character, played by Ben Kingsley is, actually. Being hired, as an actor, and he's. Working on a green screen and the. Vice President of, the United States of America, who, looks surprisingly like Dick Cheney and the president, in that movie looked surprisingly like George W Bush he. Is frog, out of the white house in handcuffs at the end of the movie for financing. This fake, terrorist now. That movie Iron Man 3 was the biggest, movie of the year when. It came out then. We have the, movie Captain, America, the Winter Soldier which, comes out the year later and again is like the number one movie of the year other than Hunger Games and in. That movie the. Whole entire, thing is, essentially. A documentary. That's, true about. The Alliance and the work that they are doing to defeat, a cabal that wants to kill many many people in the, movie the cabal has these flying aircraft carriers, that are gonna shoot holes in everybody with lasers through the medulla and kill you and those. People are stopped and at the end of the movie there is this big trial in which, some of the people from this. Organization. That defeated. Shield, which really is supposed to be the NSA, are, on trial and they say look we're.

The Best that the, earth had we, needed to step up and solve this problem so, in that Captain. America movie shield, becomes, like the NSA even though in the previous movies it was good, halfway. Through that movie Captain, America, you have a whole little documentary, inside, the movie, wherein. Captain. America and Scarlett. Johansson's character, walk, in to this german base in which. A intelligent. Computer, tells them about Project. Paperclip that, Nazi, scientists. Were brought, over here after. World War 2 to America, and were, embedded, into, our society. Those. Scientists. Actually, ended. Up taking over the, military-industrial complex they. Act as if it's still America when, in fact they are pursuing, their agenda, and that is, what shield turns out to be in this movie now this is a major, mainstream. Film, that, cost hundreds. Of millions of dollars to make and my. Point in expressing, this is if you, want to know what the Alliance is up to, they've. Already showed you they've, done it in very large movies, they're. Telling us the truth and it, does appear to be building up to some sort of event and once. That event happens, films. Like this are going to be taken far more seriously by far more people because, whoever was talking about this before it actually happened, is now, going to be validated, and we're going to see that they were telling, the truth I. Would. Encourage everyone to, not, blame, the, musicians, who are displaying, these cabal symbols, and I want to bring out one example. The. Female. Artist Keesha or Ke$ha. I'll. Just go with Ke$ha the. Female artist Ke$ha, put. Out a video called, die young where. She is dancing in front of a pentagram and, singing. About, that. Her. Goal is to party, so that if she parties hard enough she'll die young and. She. Was quoted. In the media as saying that she brushes her teeth with Jack Daniels, okay so. It. Seems that this is what she wants to do this is the video that she wants to make so. Ke$ha, has the video die young out there in the public where she's dancing in front of a pentagram which appears to be what she wants, it's her video right that's what we're trained, to think and, then.

We Get the Sandy Hook school shootings. In which little children, have had their brains blown out by gunmen, she. Gets so distraught, and they, end up actually pulling, her. Video. And her. Music off of the airwaves because, of the tragedy of Sandy Hook and, she's singing about children, dying young. She. Gets this overwhelming. Amount of comments every, single article you see about her when this happened after Sandy Hook Illuminati. Bitch just like boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo hundreds, and hundreds and hundreds of them she, must have been bombarded with people saying, to, her that, she was a satanic, illuminati. Luciferians. Sellout so. She comes forward, in a public, statement, not, too long after the Sandy Hook shootings, and says that she was forced, to do. Those songs to sing those lyrics, and to perform in that video she. Was not the one who to dance in front of a pentagram she. Was not the one who wanted to write the lyrics I want to die young she. Was told what to write and then. This is the really important, part she. Comes out later on and, said. That she was raped by. Her producer, this, man named dr. Luke now. Dr.. Luke has. Been, a producer, who, has actually in many cases written the music for the. Vast majority of, the, most popular, female pop stars in today's world that's, why all the music sounds alike it's, written and produced by the same people so they have the same style so yes it all sounds alike and, there's not even that much variance in the vocals because they're using auto-tune and make everybody be bang on pitch what. Happens is that Kesha. Ultimately, files, a lawsuit. Against. Dr. Luke and says. And also against Sony saying. That nothing, was done to stop her from being raped and that, she wants, to be free of her recording, contract, so that she can record. Independently. As an artist the. Case is thrown out of court, she, loses Sony. Wins she's not allowed to get out of her record contract, and this, happens, right before, very. Significant, Video Music Awards, that take place then. What happens you, have some, of the people who, would normally be associated. As Illuminati, pop stars Luciferian. Pop stars like Katy, Perry like, Taylor Swift like, Rihanna. Like. Lady gaga who, all come out Taylor, Swift gives her I believe two hundred fifty thousand dollars. Adele. In her award speech speaks, out in support of Kesha Lady. Gaga, does, a whole musical. Performance, what, if it happened to you was basically, the point of her song about rape and she's like crying on the piano now, these are the people that we would think in most. Of the conspiracy, analysis, community, well. Yeah Lady Gaga wanted to be dressed up in this outfit with devil horns and she wanted to be drenched in blood and she wanted to have flames around her no.

What Were you finding out is these people are doing what they're told to do they want, to have a career they want to be famous and. You get into the system they. Just wear you down a little bit by a little bit you keep giving up more and more power more and more control, you know you're in over your head and they, keep your mind saturated. With drugs and alcohol so that you are not capable of making intelligent, decisions about your future and you're, so numbed out that you don't even really remember, most, of what's happening to you and they just put your body on a tour bus and if, they can prop you up on stage night after night then, you're cranking out all this money for them by going on a recording, tour so. This is the stuff that's really happening, in our world today and therefore, I would encourage you to not blame, the artists, but to look at the labels, themselves how. Is it for example that. American, television, companies continued, to give Bill, Cosby, television. Acting jobs for so long when there were so many, reported. Rape cases that he had committed we, have the same thing over in the UK with Jimmy Savile who, was on Top of the Pops in the 1960s. Is a very, active, television. Star through the 70s, in the 80s on into the 90s a huge, celebrity and there. Are over 2,000. People who have come forward to report that he raped them as, children. And he. Was doing this in hospitals, that he financed, in special. Rooms and certain, people have, come forward in, the express, which is one of the main British newspapers. Came, forward and said that he, was wearing, a black. Robe that, there were candles, in the room and he was chanting, in Latin Ave Satanas which, means hail Satan as she. Was being raped in this ceremony that's, public, record so. The British government, has been doing a variety of. Investigations. Of all this stuff and what they found is. 261. Figures, of public prominence, top. Politicians. In fact there's, over I believe it's over 60 politicians, were involved in this thing hundreds. Of celebrities. Some. Of the celebrities yes are involved some of them are brought in against their own will high-level. Executives, this thing is, pervasive.

Through, Media. Government. Finance. Military, politics. Pharmaceuticals. Agriculture. Food, it's. A very, complex, problem and a. Lot people. Immediately. Want to look away when they encounter this information, they say this is overwhelming in fact. And I she's given me permission to say this now my own mother when I would talk to her about this she said David I don't, want to live in a world where this is true and I. Said mom you. Can't change the fact that these people exist, the, evidence is right in front of your face, now, some. People do not want to look at it and I respect that but. I honestly can, tell you that if you are not willing to look at this stuff you are part of the problem because, you are burying your head in the sand you, don't have the courage to face the adversary. I studied. Martial arts for five years I studied, the very advanced, form of martial arts and what, I learned in that teaching is you do not back down you face the enemy head-on that's why I'm on this camera I'm talking, about this stuff right now I am prepared to go out there in public and put, my name behind this and I want to say something else one. Of the things that I learned from whistleblowers. From the Cabal itself, is that. They have to work within, something, they call the rules and this is very very important, so, I really want to make sure that this gets into the film the. Rules are, a body, of spiritual, principles, that they must follow in order to be allowed to exist now what do I mean by allowed, to exist I mean. That they are aware that there, are benevolent. Forces that will prevent them from achieving their, goals unless. We. Give, them permission to. Enslave. Us now, think about that, well. I didn't give them permission. Why. For, example was. There a document, on display, in the British Museum library, of London in the late 1800s. That comprehensively. Lays out a plan for three world wars during, which time they will consolidate a Luciferian.

New World Order and those, three world wars are precise, descriptions, of world war one world war two and a, third war in which. They believed that most, of the major countries, have been eliminated and, consolidated. And the only group left is going to be, rogue. Mercenaries. Which we would now call terrorists, they didn't use that word but. It totally describes, Gulf. War One Gulf War two the war on terrorism that's, World War three because. The, rules state, that they have to tell us what, they're doing. Therefore. If we, allow it to happen, we, have consented, to tyranny, we have consented, to enslavement. Now. If you get into the secret, history, of the, Cabal, this. Was, rediscovered. By, Queen. Elizabeth, the original, Elizabeth that we've heard about from the 1500s, Queen. Elizabeth's, Royal, astrologer, a man named John Dee who. Is the prototype, of the wizard with the long beard, the Hat and. What. He did was to. Rediscover. Through these ancient documents, that were in the Vatican, the. Technology. Of how. To access. What. They considered, to be spiritual. Beings that were useful to them but what we would consider to be demonic. Or evil beings, these. Beings, need. To be accessed through a very, complex. Set, of rituals, and ceremonies, you cannot just ask for, them to show up you, have to follow very elaborate, and specific, protocols, if. You follow those protocols it's like having an IP address which, is what we use to go online in order to notate. A website, every website has its own IP address. These. Spiritual, beings such as Baal, and Moloch. Which. They still do ceremonies for today such as in Bohemian, Grove there is a giant effigy, stone effigy, of an owl that's the god Moloch, the god Moloch, goes all the way back to Rome and Carthage in which, they were offering, child. Sacrifices. To this God in exchange for power so. John Dee rediscovered. The technology, of how. To draw the magic, circles how, to say the right incantation z' how, to actually do, black, magic, on a. Governmental, level. This. Is what people are going to have so much trouble with once disclosure, happens, is that these people actually, practice, black, magic and, they, are very very good at it the. Main principle. Of black magic could. Be distilled. Down into, what. You see happening, with voodoo. When. You see a voodoo attack, against, some what do they do they. Make a little doll and the, doll is an effigy of you it's supposed to look like you and then. They have a pin through, the heart or they do something to mangle the doll to make it look like it's been injured. They. Put that doll in, a, place that you're gonna be going through every day you. See the doll and if. You believe. That that, evil, has power, if you become, terrified, and you, believe, that this, is actually, something that's going to happen to you then, you attract, the. Disaster, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. So. What. Really, is going on here is that, we have massive, massive, creative. Power our thoughts. Actually, do manifest, reality so. The rules are. That, they. Use, two components, imagination. And will they. See our, imagination. With a particularly, desired, thought form and then. They, create events, that fire our will into. That thought form to actualize, it now let me give you an example because this might not make any sense okay. They, seed the imagination. Let's say with. The, idea, that. Guns. Kill people, guns. Are bad therefore.

We Take away all the guns and nobody's. Ever gonna die again everything's. Gonna be great. Then. In order to actualize. Our will they've seeded that thought form gun control gun control gun control, but. They are not going to lose, their guns and how. Do we know that we can trust them especially after, the Snowden disclosures where, we have the, open admission, that, there is an international cabal, that is actually, spying. On all of our electronic, communications. We. Can't trust them to be able to use that responsibly, they're not getting a warrant they're not getting a court order they are doing bulk collection, which means they grab everybody's. Data everything. That we put out there electronically. They have all of it if at, any point in the future you are suspected, of a probable, crime they. Can go back through extrajudicial. II, and access. Everything you've ever said and done and even. If you just so happen to accidentally, click on linked on a webpage that you know I've done it sometimes, your but, your finger hits the button you didn't intend it you, loaded that webpage and, it's. This let's, say it's a hate site of some kind now. They can say well looked you know David Wilcock went and accessed this hate site clearly we, can now establish, that he was into this stuff, so let's go back to the example of gun control now the. First stage with imagination. Is that, they tell you guns kill people therefore. Take away the guns then they, create a fake event a mass shooting which. Is staged, they. Already have the emergency, crews on hand they already have the, whole thing lined up the cover-up is already in place they manage the event they control the media they. Black out people's cell phones people don't understand why they're not getting a signal it's an EMP, block this is the kind of stuff they actually do so, nobody can be taking pictures and filming it well it's happening, then. The. Event happens and everybody's traumatized, and then they release, the coded, phrase they say guns. Are the problem guns, are the reason why these people died therefore, we need to take away the guns and then, everybody says oh yes thank God take, away all the guns this will never happen again. Every. Single, fascist. Overthrow. Of a country, in history. Started. With. Some form of confiscation. Of the. Tools, that the people had to protect themselves whether, it was guns or other forms of weaponry they make it illegal, to have defensive. Tools and that, is why the, founding fathers of the United States of America, written right, into the Constitution, the Second Amendment is that, you have the right to bear arms, because, they knew about the Cabal in its British form in the 1700s. So. Let's get back to the Queen Elizabeth astrologer, John Dee again for a second, John. Dee, discovered. The technology, it's an ancient technology it's in the form of ritual magic of how, to access these. Spiritual. Entities, that will do work for them so. One of the things that insiders, have told me was that. Two different times massive. Massive, armadas. Of Spanish. War galleons, were, sailing, through the seas towards. Great Britain and they had guys on high, pedestals, who could see this through their little, telescopes. And. John. Dee was, in direct contact, with these entities and, Elizabeth. Says what do we do should we deploy the army should we go fight them twice, in a row John Dee says don't, send out the armies don't do anything it's, all gonna be fine. So. They just sit there and this is this is a real faith, test for whether John Dee's accurate, or not. Spanish. Galleons, are sailing in this. Massive. Storm shows up and the. Storm is so vicious the lightning, and the Thunder and, the roiling. Boiling, sea that. The entire Spanish Armada was completely, wiped out and this happened not once but twice. So. What is that that appears, to be extraterrestrials. Who have weather modification. Technology, who, can be accessed, if you know the IP address, if you know the code if you know the right ceremonies. And then. They will do your bidding but you, end up paying a terrible price for it you end up losing your soul and in. Fact the groups that work with these entities invariably. End up being destroyed and that, is written right into their symbolism, the, symbol of the Eagle the.

Original, American, bird was not the eagle Benjamin. Franklin wanted to be the Phoenix, the. Phoenix, is the symbol of the Cabal why, because. The Cabal must be burned to ashes seems. To be completely, destroyed but. It keeps arising. And. Reincarnating. From the ashes it comes back so. Part of their religious, belief is that in order to get their New World Order they must be publicly exposed, they, must die for their beliefs they will appear to be wiped out and they, actually believe that these extraterrestrial. Gods that they've been contracting. With all these centuries are, going to return and they. Will be glorified they will return in light bodies and they. Will actually now be the rulers of the earth so. That this. Is part of their religious belief now why am I saying all this, because. If you are watching this video right now you. Are part of the resistance you are part of the movement that is awakening, my, job is much like Morpheus, in the movie The Matrix the. Word Messiah, okay, is a plural this is something a lot of people do not know it was never intended to be one figure, the Messiah is you if you are awakening, if you have the courage to spread, knowledge to spread the truth to, educate, and inform people about what is really going on the. Game is designed on purpose, that. It requires a Messianic, team it requires a vast initiative. Of people working together in, order, to make this happen there, needs to be as you say a collective, evolution, we, have to do this as a. Team it cannot, be one person, it was never designed that way it, is a organized. Effort, of sharing. The truth and, here. Is one of the most important, principles that I heard from a guy in the cabal directly, who, was a whistleblower, there. Is a cosmic, law, that. Is absolutely, irrefutable, that. Says that, the Cabal is not allowed, to shoot, the Red Cross workers, now. What does that mean. The. Planet itself is sick because, of folks like the Cabal, ultimately. The universe, is intelligent. Alive and conscious and it is benevolent it is a benevolent consciousness. That. Consciousness. Does. Not allow. The, negative, to succeed, unless it is invited, so, the Cabal has, made a science, a very elaborate, science, out of, studying, these arcane. Occult, magical, principles, that. Allow them to get away with what they do so. They have to put out everything, that tells you who they are in, music, videos in these, Super Bowl halftime shows, the Grammy Awards, ceremonies, they're. Out there showing, you the, truth when. You look at the. Latest, Olympics, opening ceremonies, you, have James, Bond, double-oh-seven. Daniel. Craig who. Is with Queen Elizabeth in. Her, little, royal Buckingham, Palace and then. Queen. Elizabeth, ends. Up going with James, Bond into. A helicopter.

The, Helicopter, there's a scene that they show everybody in the ceremony where the helicopter, flies over, Britain and then. In the actual. Auditorium. The, helicopter, flies overhead, and a man dressed, up in the same mouth at the Queen Elizabeth is wearing when she's where sits down this, pink dress and a white wig with the curls he, parachutes, out of the, helicopter, now. What the heck was that. Double-oh-seven. Is. Actually. A cabal, symbol, it. Represents. The. Penis and the two testicles, okay, the double-o is the testicles the seven is the penis and there's. Another name for this another, secret, name called two ball Cain and what. That means is literally two balls and a cane which is the phallic symbol, double-oh-seven. John. Dee was, the original, double-oh-seven. This, was his code that he used in all secret communications, with Queen Elizabeth, so, that whole sequence. Represents. John Dee the original, wizard the original astrologer, the man who discovered how to do black magic to teach the cabal how. To access these beings so that they could secure control and then, what happens, she. Is the fallen, angel she, parachutes, out of the helicopter a spaceship, and she, parachutes, down into, the. Auditorium. So again. People don't realize, how, elaborate. This belief system is they don't see that in the Olympics ceremonies, that they built this pyramid. That. They had all these symbols, including. People that were like partly, reptilian, that was in there all kinds of interesting stuff so. I. Want. To point out that this. Cosmic, law that they cannot shoot the Red Cross workers is why I am, alive people. Have said to me David you're so brave you're so courageous I, would. Agree with that it's taken me a lot of courage to come out here in the, face of multiple death threats over many years and to speak. This I'm not using a pseudonym, I haven't, changed my name I don't use a voice decoder, or anything like that it's. Me I'm here, you. Can look me up I'm a real person, so. Why am I still alive I, actually. Believe. The, stuff that I'm telling you I not. Be doing this if I didn't believe that this really works I have.

Had Spiritual. Contact, in, the form of dreams visions, and synchronicities my, whole life and I have been documenting, my dreams every morning since, 1992. I have. Learned the language of dreams I have learned how those dreams convey, to me. Information. That I need to know about my soul the, soul's evolution, I've. Had so many cases of dreams. Giving the accurate, information guiding. Me through every obstacle that comes my way predicting. The future in advance with stunning clarity and I. Have been told for. Many many years that, if I maintain, my. Integrity if. I stand behind my mission I stand, behind my message and I do not waver in other words I don't, have, a secret, personal. Life that is, different from what I'm representing, that means I'm not out there ripping people off I'm. Not out there womanizing. If I. Tell you that I do not do alcohol, and drugs that is true I have. Been chemical-free since, 1992. If. I were to start violating, these principles, and go around getting. Myself high. Womanizing. Stealing. People's money lying, to them these. Kinds, of things would then authorize. The. Cabal to take me down and they, would love it if they could but there. Are positive. Extraterrestrials. Who. Are essentially, what we could call angelic. Beings and those. Beings. Organize. And maintain this so-called illusion, which, we believe to be very compelling and real the, life. That we have on earth it. Is an illusion and it is intended for our spiritual, evolution, one. Of the great laws is, the, law of balance, the. Spiritual, beings that manage our illusion, cannot, allow the negative, to ever be more, predominant. Than the positive, they. Balance, the illusion, quite specifically. So that at any, point any, person. Has equal, opportunity to seek the positive, or the negative, so. What I would say is in, your left hand is death and in. Your right hand is life if you. Choose to see death you. Can go around you. Can look at the people and the situations, on earth and everywhere. You look you can find examples of decay, of collapse. Of pain, of selfishness. Of fear. And that. Can. Become something that you write into your mental, monologue, to. Such an extent that all. The time. You. Are obsessing on these details you keep, invoking the, details, in. Your. Other hand is life you can, just as easily and this is designed on purpose you, can just as easily look, for positive things in the world you can. Find those things and you, can choose to conclude, that you live in a positive, reality, so. The law of balance, means that either, choice, is available. To you and we are here to, make the choice with, equal opportunity, in either direction as, we. Get towards, this great exposure, of the Cabal and what they have done the, choice becomes far more poignant, because. There's, much more information available now, about this so-called cabal, about. This so-called illuminati, than there ever was before there.

Are People who want to learn about this and they end up going down the internet rabbit hole which can very quickly lead, to paranoia. Anxiety. Insomnia. Morbid. Depression. Because. You, feel also. That once you are awakening, to the truth that they are listening. Now that. NSA, surveillance is directed at you you are at risk you are under threat your, phone calls are being monitored who's that guy in the car over there when, am I gonna get to knock on the door is my car gonna drive over the cliff one day look. Here's, the bottom line, so. Many people are making, these videos, now. So. Many people are coming out with the truth with their real identity, the Cabal cannot, begin, to try, to harm these people or take them out in fact, they definitely, do not do that because they don't want a Jim Morrison, or Jimi Hendrix they, don't want another John Lennon they don't want somebody who comes out into the open and gives. Us a positive message, who is then taken away because they know that person then becomes a hero so. Instead what they do is they play a confidence, game they con you into thinking, that Big Brother is real and that they are threatening, and they can do something to take you down when. In fact, most. Of these people who. Are worried about the, government spying, on them when they're looking at these videos there. Is absolutely, nothing to worry about, and I want to give you a point that expresses, this I, used. To live in Virginia Beach and I was driving up the i-95, to upstate New York where my parents were and, along. The way I got a flat tire I happen to get a flat tire in an area called Delmarva. Delaware. Maryland Virginia this. Is right next to Langley, CIA headquarters okay. So. It turns out that people work at the CIA they lose their job and they need to get a job and they, have to get sometimes a mundane job, so. I go to this tire place and the. Guy who was working behind the desk is ex-cia. Now. I. Smile. At the guy and start, talking. To him and, pretty. Quickly discover, that, he knows some black ops stuff because I mentioned a few things and he said stuff that he shouldn't have known and, so. I said have you ever heard of project moon dust and Project Blue fly and. This. Is stuff that I'd heard from sergeant Clifford stone a whistleblower. Who's describing. The, code names of alien, crash retrieval, programs were UFOs, crash and they removed. The bodies and the occupants, okay. He. Says how the heck do you know that I. Said. Well I have high friends in low places. So. Then. I. Say. Look ma'am you. Guys are the problem I'm, out there trying to do this work I, called. The FBI in 1998. Because I had a series of prophecies, showing, me that there was going to be a terrorist attack on New York with a mini nuke it.

Was Going to be sailed into the harbor with, a boat it, was going to be detonated and it was going to basically, radiate. All of New York City and destroy it I had. Very. Very specific. And elaborate, dreams about this and I discovered, from insiders, later on that. I had the nature of the event and I, had the date and our. Government, already was, well aware of this, terrorist threat so. Who the hell is David Wilcock, how the hell does he know about this so. Then the FBI, authorized a wiretap, on my phone this is not the typical NSA, kind this, is a kind where certain. Words that I would say would, cause an audible click on the phone where, the illuminated, buttons would actually go black and then light up again and it. Would happen when I said certain words and those, words included. Things like extraterrestrial. And visitor and so. I would test it without them knowing I would say the key words the phone would click the lights would blink and now, I know I'm being recorded and he. Confirmed, that that was happening to me and I said okay. So. How. Many people in. My. Area are, you guys spying, on like this, he. Said well where do you live I said. Virginia Beach, he. Said Virginia Beach the, type of technology that you're describing. 30,000. 30,000. Just in one city he said yeah okay. How. Many intelligence, agents are actually. Listening to these tapes. Probably. None this, was his answer none. Yeah. Probably none. So. What are you saying are you guys just like recording, this stuff on a harddrive and nobody's actually listening, to it he. Said David, we. Have so, much information, that. The. Needle in the haystack paradox. Doesn't. Even begin to describe the, difficulty, of what. Is going on the. Only time that that data would ever be accessed, is, if. You. Caused so much trouble that. Assets. Were deployed to actually, study what you were doing all they were doing was making a record of what you had to say nobody's, listening to it and. What. He also said, was. The. Groups are so compartmentalized, even. Individual. Intelligence agents, do not tell the person at the dext next door what they're doing because. They. Need to keep secrets in order to stay alive these. Agencies, are totally, disorganized they, have totally, different computer, systems they, have never been able to integrate their computer systems that's. Why the Bush administration, created Department of Homeland Security their original, goal was. To try to get all of those different intelligence, agencies, to actually, have data in one database but. Look some of these intelligence agencies, I'm not kidding are still, using, das. Old-fashioned. PC, operating. Systems they don't have even windows on there and those. Are archaic, dinosaur. Computers, that are not online they, don't have internet capability, and that's the, database that stores all this information, so they, don't have the ability to just. Look for you the. Rules do, not allow the, Red Cross workers to be shot so if you, stay in your integrity if you. Are a good person if you. Are trying to do your best to be honorable, to be loving to be positive, the. Cabal cannot, get you and this is something that really needs to be spread far and wide, they. Are Big, Brother is a con game they cannot go, after the people that are doing this there's, only a, couple hundred thousand, intelligence, staff all together okay they, cannot harass all, the people that are doing this they can't take you down and therefore. These. People know this and what they've always worried, about is the awakening, of the public, they are worried about people stepping, into their power and. Understanding. That, they can be strong that they can go out there take decisive action and courageously, take, this planet back from the people that are stopping us from getting, disclosure, from getting the truth and from getting the knowledge that we ne


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