Learn Live: Enterprise 5G technologies for Azure Cloud Services | DIS05

Learn Live: Enterprise 5G technologies for Azure Cloud Services | DIS05

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome to the session on introduction to Azure private 5G core my name is Doug Benson and I'm a product manager in the Azure for operators organization within Microsoft I'd love to be there with you this year at uh build in Seattle but I am here in beautiful Mexico on vacation this week so apologize in advance for my uh my sunburn already my background is in telecommunications and cellular networks and a little bit of application development on the side so I'm uh excited to represent our private 5G core product which aims to change the private Network landscape and make this technology much simpler to deploy and get it into the hands of a much wider set of users and developers to build Solutions so please note that we're using a lot of QR codes today within our presentation starting with Q codes that are here so that you can connect over LinkedIn with aoni and myself so get your phones ready and please capture those and engage with us as we move through the content today uh luckily I'm joined by my fantastic colleague hayoni who also helped introduce you to our moderators peony thank you Doug uh hello everyone I'm I'm going to be Doug I'm a product Solutions director here at Microsoft and I'm in charge of our go to market which means working with partners and customers on a daily basis to work on work out how they want to build Solutions using our Microsoft private Mac and private Azure private 5G core product really looking forward to the session today this session is live so please say hi on the chat and ask questions we have Nick Hill knitting um Tom anitsel which are also from our product team as our product experts and moderators today and they will be answering questions as we go if we have time at the end we might take some life as well tag over to you okay um as mentioned here's the first main QR code which will take you to our more formal content on the learn website uh here you'll be able to work through four different modules which provide an introduction to the private 5G core uh show the steps of deployment process the monitoring and then finally troubleshooting modules so completing these modules will gain you a 5G badge to add your to your learning collection and show off your developing expertise around 5G fantastic so let's uh get started so the objective for this session by the end of the session you should understand what does your private 5G core service is and its key benefits how to deploy it to a customer site from Azure how to monitor the service once it goes live we have a a few items to take you through that it'll be high level as we said kind of at the end you have the link to go into the full training course but hopefully this will give you a good overview of what is the Azure private 5G core the benefits and the use use case usage scenarios the deployment methods and the monitoring monitoring capabilities okay so starting with what is the private 5G core that's the big question for today um so uh there are as you kind of um let's get started with a very high level view first of all of a private Network architecture as more devices are connected and generating data in an Enterprise deployment it is important to connect those those devices and transmit our data securely reliably so you can you can actually use the data access the data and process it in some cases that those new applications or new devices require high throughput like video and low latency when the data needs to be quickly processed or there needs to stay or the data needs to stay locally so you can process it and generate a critical next action private networks enable you to provide that enhanced connectivity to get the data to the application that needy needs it the private Network can provide the reliability the low latency as well as the mobility so you can more easily connect the the new things around the customer side at a lower cost than cabling and with service specific performance and security so what are the basic components of a private Network you will have the devices so iot devices like cameras and sensors as you know proliferating more ways to capture data on a site but also handheld devices like tablets or other user equipment these devices will connect wirelessly to the run the radio Access Network and with our solution you can choose any radio vendor of your choice depending on where you want to deploy the network the radio will then connect to the Azure private 5G core which is the brains of the network effectively and it is in charge of the authentication and routing of the data traffic in our solution the call runs locally on the customer site and you can run the applications either locally alongside the core for local processing or in the Azure Cloud depending on the performance of and and the application requirements okay so um here we're going to dig into it a little bit differently or a little bit more in depth we're going to show the elements of a private 5G core and have those connect together so Haney kind of give an overview of that as well but the user equipment is typically at the facility it's outfitted with either a physical Sim device or an e-sim credential and that will Traverse the radio Access Network or the Ram uh again for either indoor or outdoor type of environments and then authenticate with the core in order to obtain an IP address and some service quality of service attributes from the packet core all of that is local to the environment so this is an important capability of the private 5G Network and then it can operate completely at the edge of the network to provide those 5G characteristics of low latency and high throughput that enable our partners and applications to serve a wide set of use cases as you can infer the packet core itself is a contained set of network functions and that sits on top of a kubernetes infrastructure which again sits on top of an Azure stack Edge compute platform uh finally to the right you can see several data networks emerge from the packet core these are important to be able to segment different types of applications and Upstream networks and this is key to serving as I only mentioned both local applications as well as cloud-based or other off-site services so to bring all of this together we now will show the first of three videos found in the learn material so we can go ahead and advance to the next slide in the industry 4.0 landscape there is an increased demand for Enterprises to use secure and efficient 5G private networks to meet critical business needs the integration of 5G networks private multi-access Edge compute architectures and AI capabilities are keys to delivering this tangible business value Microsoft Azure private 5G core addresses this need by providing high performance low latency and secure connectivity for 5G devices the private 5G core uses Azure to securely deploy and centrally manage these core Network functions Microsoft Azure private 5G core runs within the Azure private Mech solution framework the this provides an integrated portfolio of services that integrators can use to deliver high performance solutions for indoor and outdoor applications the fully contained packet core runs within an Azure kubernetes service environment which is deployed on an Azure stack Edge device the user devices connect through a third-party radio Access Network that then terminates into the packet core Microsoft delivers value over Azure private Mac by closely integrating the Azure private 5G core with other applications and by supporting a broad range of brand vendors the benefits to our partners and customers are easy path to sell and add value end-to-end product credibility greater value for money key features provided by Azure private Mech and Azure private 5G core include automated deployment centralized monitoring flexible deployment of applications Azure private 5G core enables local access to Advanced applications where real-time data processing from user equipment is required this benefits industry verticals like aviation oil and gas defense and Healthcare with a wide range of Microsoft product portfolios and practically unlimited cloud computing and AI resources we can easily enhance and secure the capabilities of edge applications and enable customers to achieve and maintain Market leadership fantastic um okay so one of the key areas we focused on in development of the private 5G core was the ability to retain centralized management and monitoring of the solution even when sites are distributed widely to the edge as mentioned the core itself runs at the edge of the network often at the customer location but we didn't want to create a complex management Problem by constantly needing to configure each Edge Network so instead we allow the creation of mobile network the Sim credentials and policy all within Azure so that it becomes easier to manage multiple sites around the network all polling from that common configuration and finally the end-to-end security during delivery of the solution and any data at rest on the edge platform itself utilizes multiple layers of protection foreign s um as we open up the 5G Network itself we can see the distribution of functions running within the cloud and also those running at the edge the cloud components in lighter blue on the top of this diagram represent the portal where Azure configuration is performed and we use standard Azure resource apis to perform configuration of the network Sims and policy The Edge components in Darker blue operate at the edge of the network and allow full operation of the 5G Network within the customer premise importantly both 4G and 5G are supported and the set of control plane and user plane functions are also located at the edge of the network this allows Enterprises greater privacy and control of their data while also keeping credentials and policy local and synchronized with azure this allows the local core to operate even if there is a temporary disconnection from Azure itself which is very key to resiliency and up times fantastic thank you very much for the overview um we're going to cover now some of the key benefits uh and the why Azure private 5G service there are multiple kind of services out there that can't deliver private networks um but we believe ours is best um let me take you uh into some of the key benefits so there's your private core kind of as Doug was saying is deployed and managed from the cloud but it runs an instance of that service at the edge so the instance of the core at the Enterprise side which gives us the Enterprises full control of their data they can choose to process the data locally or to send it to the cloud and it can even operate for a period of time even if the connectivity to the cloud goes down making it more reliable and secure than other private Network architectures also this is the first hyperscaler core this uh has enabled us to create an enhanced Cloud experience even if the server is running at the edge so you can scale uh from the cloud deploy the service globally with all of the same consistent API experience and developer toolkit to orchestrate in and secure the service anywhere so all of the Fantastic benefits of cloud with security Simplicity and global scale kind of are available even if the service runs kind of at the Enterprise side so um Doug you want to summarize the key benefits sure um so summarizing these benefits uh whether you are in a 4G or a 5G mode of operation each core operates at the edge as a full set of functionality to operate locally these are all centrally deployed and managed to allow that greater scale using standard Azure functions for the deployment once deployed there are a large set of monitoring and troubleshooting options and tools which we will dive into shortly fantastic so there are many usage scenarios that can be can benefit from a private Network so Enterprises are develop and developers can now leverage the benefits of the private Network to create new Solutions Solutions are required Gathering and processing large amounts of data with requirements for low latency mobile mobility and enhanced security this can enable automation scenarios like product like analytics yeah so product Quality quality control in the factory uh production line uh analytics kind of use uh use cases as well as Robotics and agv so where you you've got um uh autonomous vehicles or autonomous guided vehicles or robots kind of that are moving around the factory and that need to be able to uh reliable reliably kind of connect to each other gather uh the data and process it uh quickly we also see a lot of deployments of private networks for large sites where cabling or Wi-Fi would be too expensive um as well as not kind of maybe not reliable enough for the use cases themselves and in many cases they're in remote locations where even the back hole would be limited so processing the data locally will enable the Enterprises to deploy solutions that they couldn't have access or couldn't actually have used previously these covers some specific verticals for example energy and resources mining offshore uh energy deployments but also kind of Public Safety or even defense scenarios so the range of industries that can benefit from the use of private networks is very large and there these benefits apply across all of them and Harry we do have a um another QR code on that last slide that that shows um some video uh use cases uh for the private 5G core for modern connected applications just because this is Microsoft build I think that there's special interest in those type of applications that are running and some examples so again uh folks take a look at the QR code there there's a really good video segment that we put together that addresses some actual uh real world use cases there fantastic Point thank you Doug so we can do now a quick uh first of three knowledge checks have you been listening less uh let's go and see um first question in which of the following situations should Azure private 5G core be used if you a minute or so to submit your answers uh QR code for the actual uh questionnaire on the corner get your phones out and tell us do you can you work out the answer do you know in which case the private 5G core can be used what do you think yeah lots of good uh good choices here especially with the focus on on AI so that might be a tempting option but we'll see fantastic let's give people a few more seconds to submit their answers um hopefully they're finding the content uh clear and uh simple and they can figure out the answer to this uh first question again as the answers come in pick a few more votes oh see I think I puckered some people into the artificial intelligence one okay um I can see some votes still coming in that's fine we'll go and give you the answer it's Mobility so most people got it right it is mobility and connectivity as your private 5G core provides local high-speed access at the customer location so that is one of the key reasons you might need a private Network and and those other ones are very good options but they're enabled once you have the connectivity in place so really the the 5G core and I guess the the uh meaning of that question was that the 5G core allows the connectivity from which applications can then run over the top of that and then we can expand the use cases from there fantastic okay so uh we're gonna dive a little bit deeper now into some of the methods to deploy in the private 5G core so we'll advance to the next slide um all right so essentially there are three typical ways to deploy an Azure private Network these use the standardized Azure systems that are already in place and include the web-based Azure portal there's also variations of the Powershell and CLI that also can be used to deploy and then we uh typically also see use of the arm templates or Azure resource monitor templates so that a higher level of Automation and sort of repeatability can be achieved and then finally rest apis can also be integrated into the larger automation systems so some of our larger customer bases want to integrate systems into their existing knock Network operation centers things like that so that's where rest API has kind of come into play as well foreign there's one second has gone one two one two minute you go back oh no it's happening okay prerequisites um so prior to deploy of a site there are uh several prerequisites required and these include collecting some local site information these would be things like IP addresses that are local uh to that location um the ordering and the bringing up the Azure stack Edge a super important initial first step and then the creation once you have those elements of common Network elements uh within Azure which is defining the mobile network uh defining the groups of Sims and credentials and then the policy structures within Azure so that we can assign quality of service to various Sims Etc and then finally once those are all in place then we push down uh The Edge site deployment to the Azure stack Edge fantastic so um we will go through uh the second of three videos which will go through the deployment steps in a little bit more detail the deployment of azure private 5G core involves creating the Azure resources that you'll use to set up and manage your private mobile network for each deployment you need to create the following resources a mobile network resource is for managing a private mobile network a Sim resource represents a physical Sim or e-sim a Sim group resource categorizes Sims for easier management a Sim policy resource specifies a set of interoperability settings for flexible Network traffic control a service is a representation of a set of quality of service characteristics for specific Network traffic a site represents a physical Enterprise location where the packet core instance resides now see the steps in deploying Azure private 5G core Step 1 set up the ASC platform Step 2 create the Azure resources such as the private mobile network Sims and Sim policies step 3 create a site to deploy the packet core instance the first step involves the following tasks one set up IP addresses on the ASE 2 deploy the AKs from the Azure portal 3. create the custom location the Second Step involves the following tasks one create a mobile network two provision Sims Sim policies and services to create a mobile network resource using the Azure portal specify proper values for parameters such as name and region to provision Sims either upload a predefined Json file or add Sims manually you can also choose to provision Sims and send policies later at this stage you can optionally create a default SIM policy which will be automatically assigned to The Sims you provision here in the third step create a site resource specify site-specific parameters like technology type and data networks the deployment may take up to an hour depending on the connection speed between the site and azure the packet core and the monitoring tools are automatically deployed as part of site creation if you are familiar with tools like arm templates Powershell and CLI you can also use them to do the deployment by now you see how quickly Azure private 5G core can be deployed and configured for a private mobile network fantastic um so you you hopefully Now understand how easy it is and how quickly in uh in uh as little as an hour you can have your private Network up and running so you've got a better understanding of those deployment methods let's do our second knowledge check okay which of the following tasks is a prerequisite for creating a private mobile network get voting your QR code on the right on the corner of your screen will wait give you some time also to get your answers how uh what is the prerequisite for creating um mobile a private a private mobile network um as we said in as little as an hour you can now deploy and have a network up and running to connect your private Network site and your devices on that site what do you think that will people get yeah a little bit of a spray of votes around here but all of these are great all these we have mentioned but one of them is is kind of a prerequisite for uh the mobile network itself so um it's looking good looking good let's give a couple of seconds more a few more votes coming in yeah anymore fantastic okay so let's give them the answer okay so read first prerequisites for the uh creating a private mobile network is actually ordering the ASC device so you need your device your infrastructure and site to be able to kick off the deployment from the cloud it becomes all very simple once you have the edge device set up and connected on your on your actual Enterprise site uh lots of uh votes around provisioning of Sims which is a great um a great answer but uh that happens generally when you create the mobile network and then you create the Sim and all that again follows the ordering of the ASE itself so I can understand that answer but or ordering the ASC is the first step fantastic okay um so now we have a running 5G core at the edge of the network uh the next topic for today is going to be around monitoring of that solution all right the solution uh for monitoring includes tools and systems available within the cloud as well as at the local Edge the cloud monitoring allows a centralized view across different Edge locations and uses platform metrics and dashboards to verify the health and the operation of those Edge systems some of the metrics include the number of connected Rand elements or radio access network devices the number of attached Sim devices or UE ends devices and then the throughput of the system these metrics are streamed via Azure Monitor and can further be sent to other systems for a longer data retention if necessary uh we also needed the ability to perform local monitoring of the packet cores so we have included tools and items like grafana dashboards and tracing tools locally as well and I think that brings us to our final video for the day which we'll we'll kind of talk about the monitoring um so we'll go through that in a little bit more detail Enterprises typically use private mobile networks to host their mission critical applications to make sure the applications run smoothly with expected performance you'll need to monitor a private mobile network on a routine basis once it is deployed in a production environment Azure private 5G core allows you to monitor a private mobile network both centrally from Azure and locally within an Enterprise from Azure you can use the platform metrics to centrally monitor all sites in the network using the Azure monitor rest API you can display the Network Health and performance metrics in a monitoring application of your choice to extend the use of the metrics data you can also export those metrics into a separate data storage and processing service such as Azure event hubs within the Enterprise you can use the packet core dashboards to monitor the Network Health and performance of each site these dashboards are provided by each packet core instance local monitoring provides real-time Network metrics and minimizes Cloud dependency potential issues are reported using either the central or local monitoring Azure private 5G core provides you with a distributed control plane tracing tool to diagnose registration issues within the packet core see how network monitoring Works in practice at an example company suppose the private mobile networks bans across three geographically dispersed sites where each site hosts a packet core instance the network operation manager and his team can monitor all the three sites centrally by using platform metrics all through the Azure portal with the flexible monitoring and diagnosis options provided by Azure private 5G core you can effectively monitor your private mobile networks providing the operational excellence needed for your mission critical applications fantastic platform metric metrics are an important functionality so we um to to ensure those services are uh um you've got the ability to monitor the services uh locally on kind of centrally uh kind of to suit your mode of operation as well um we this is an area that we are working uh hard on to give you more flexibility as you can see here we offer an Azure portal based dashboard which comes out of the box and shows some of the edge monitoring kind of analytics and kind of some of an example of the types of metrics arriving from The Edge but you can actually create more bespoke views and even integrate analytics as we were seeing on the previous video into your own monitoring tools using Azure monitor rest apis that can take you through in a bit more detail kind of some of the differences uh different kind of functionality you got from our Analytics in the serve for the service right so we recognize that there are lots of different types of operators of the private networks who want to have flexibility in the way that they monitor and store metrics over time the platform by default provides a metrics dashboard and the ability to use monitor metrics Explorer to create custom dashboards using that default storage of days worth of information but that data can also be sent to both separate Azure based or external customer storage and processing services for longer term analysis and this is really where it starts to get interesting to use our analytics and AI analysis of some of that data to validate Trends or see issues developing over time using the standard Azure rest API endpoints can also be found at the resource Explorer website and that allows you to pull the configuration the health data and those metrics from The Edge location again allowing developers to sort of peek into the operating 5G network configuration and also validate the health and of the system fantastic um so as you can see there's a lot of different ways that you can monitor a lot of data being produced by this service for you to integrate um and kind of here are some of the examples we've gone through in terms of the packet core dashboards so if you need to monitor a specific site you've got all of the detail there um and you could use the local packet called dashboards uh that is your or the global the central kind of uh um Azure private 5D core service dashboard as well the local ones we've mentioned before are powered by grafana which offers different visualization options as well so lots of flexibility some standard out of the box monitoring available already but then you can make create your bespoke view of the service depending on whether you are a developer um kind of that wants to see how that service is kind of Performing kind of connected the amount of traffic going through or you're operating the actual Network on before on behalf of that kind of Enterprise customer and our local Diagnostics tool for tracing is also super handy when trying to diagnose issues like authentication of an end device and during the call Flow the tool not only identifies issues but also creates for every call Flow a ladder diagram which shows the specific interactions between all the various Network functions within a 4G or a 5G core this allows you to see details like IP addresses policy settings for every user as they Connect into the system and again is super helpful when trying to determine any service issues or authentication issues in particular fantastic foreign we have also added the ability to collect traces and diagnostic packages when there's greater technical support that's required these allow technical support teams at Microsoft to both troubleshoot call Flow issues as well as end system-wide analysis perform that Microsoft is certainly deeply committed to privacy as we create support tickets so consent is required if any of these types of collections are sent to Microsoft to ensure that we are respecting the pii information of the personal identifiable information in those traces so that is a prerequisite of collecting these type of traces and processing them fantastic so hopefully again you now have a good understanding of the monitoring capability so we've gone through the why uh you might need a private Network why a Microsoft private Network how to deploy it we're not the stage where um you should have a good understanding of how you can monitor the service once has been once is live so let's check your understanding of the information we've shared to monitor all the sites in a private mobile network centrally from Azure which of the following tools should be used and see if you've been listening lots of options I think that's kind of uh kind of Might create some confusion in terms of the answers dag because we do have a lot of options of ways to do it but on the question here we're really asking about if you want to do it centrally yeah how what tool would you use that's a good question into the service I think is uh is that ability to create your own bespoke lots of different users will have requirements for different different types of information when it comes to private networks so the Enterprise and I want to know how many devices are connected and kind of how many are generating traffic whilst the operations guys will have completely different requirements and I see the answers coming in a few more to go get into the minute now any more answers anymore will stop there what do you think that did people get the answer right I think maybe we confuse them a little bit I think um a lot of people answered packet core dashboards and that seems like a good option because um because people want to see dashboards but those dashboards the packet core dashboards uh exist locally and so what we're looking for is the platform metrics information within Azure to be able to monitor those so I think maybe the confusion was that there are some default dashboards in Azure so maybe we that was a slight trick maybe um but platform metrics exist in Azure and that's what it's consumed to kind of see the the greater landscape of what's Happening okay um so that that that's the flexibility I think as we said before can get uh can get can trip up people here okay okay so um I think we've we've gotten through this material quite fast um so uh we're gonna start to wrap up I I did want to thank haoni for being my partner today I know she's slightly under the weather but she won't admit that um as well as our moderators online so thank you for everybody uh Fielding questions uh maybe we'll pause at this moment and see if there are any uh moderator questions that would like to uh be addressed to the wider audience or something that we can um check out I can see one question I'm not sure if I can see the comments the and while you're you're doing that I think let's talk about um again this QR code is important to be able to get into the learn uh modules for this section and get that badge so again we would ask that you scan this QR code and just go through the same modules that we pretty much step through I think there's one more uh troubleshooting module that we did not get to today but you're well on your way to earning this credential anyway as you've paid attention today so thank you okay we'll give Clipper a couple of minutes if they've got any more questions in the meantime I can cover Newton did a good job and responding already to the question online but I just quickly highlight when it comes to the physical kind of components of that private 5G Network kind of really good question from one of uh the attendees um uh is there a third party that can kind of take the the load of the Enterprise to install those devices that need to be physically kind of installed and yes the answer is yes so we we work with a number of Partners the way them as usually micro Microsoft Works which will be able to then take care of the site survey deploy in the Run choosing the right Run for the site um and then kind of into kind of deploying physical components of the network onto the Enterprise side parents can also then take the end-to-end service management for that Enterprise uh if they are not comfortable with another working aspects but we have a we have a range of partners that you can find through our online kind of portal um and you'll see that each of them will have a specific uh expertise or specific levels of uh solution management depending on how much you want to do as Enterprise how much you want to do as a as a as a as a kind of a developer when it comes to deploying on an Enterprise site okay uh and and maybe just to hit that that point a little bit more even in a industrial setting where there's Wi-Fi or different kind of connectivity methods you normally still need to do some sort of uh site survey planning infrastructure uh how many access points go where so uh that you have more freedom of choice I guess for 5G technology and 4G technology of the Spectrum in use that's why that they're often uh have advantage in industrial settings because they can connect a denser number of devices into those and you have a different frequency set of options to choose from that also helps in outdoor coverage areas where you need to do things like airport-wide coverage with a smaller number of radio access units so yes there's lots of partners that we have managed service providers different application partners that um largely packaged this up once they get it done you know once or twice this is sort of a package that they can scale through but yes every deployment is slightly unique in that it needs to have some sort of radio planning behind it yeah so that's why I care that the flexibility of this service is simple but it's also flexible so that's a key thing we see kind of when it comes to Enterprise uh type development so the size might be different the types of applications are going to they were going to run um or the country um might be different so there are certain variables around kind of radio that kind of you can uh the service is flexible enough to adapt to the different environments um I see one more question can we take one more dog you think okay quickly as a there's a question on fix is there a fixed cost per seam and how do we keep costs under control very good question I think everyone will be very interested in understanding the code the cost of this um so one of the key benefits of offering a private Network as a service from uh or Azure private core as a service is one is that you've got you pay as you go so you pay only when you need it and you use it so uh in terms of entry level it's it's cheaper with no you know big commitments other than ready you can deploy a single radio the core for a month try a lead to kind of start building on it and then expand the way the services uh charged it's all public you can find it on our website but it is throughput based uh mostly so you've got different levels of throughput that you can choose from that comes with a number of uh Sim subscriptions um kind of that you can connect to that core uh the larger packages kind of assumed you're going to be generating more data you're going to need to connect more things already come with larger larger number kind of sim subscription um uh connectivity options but you can always increase the numbers of themes the kind of flex uh depending on again your own setup the way we see normally is there are there will be a combination of devices some will have a lot of a big kind of bandwidth throughput needs like video like robotics use cases but in some cases if you're also connecting iot devices there might just be sensors with very little data so you need to work out the amount of data it is very much the main the main parameter for the pricing is really the throughput of that site that will drive the cost okay yeah and and so these are skus so we have a set of skus that uh can be deployed for each site right so every site may have different requirements as well so you can choose a particular SKU option for that particular site when you do the configuration that SKU will then allow you to run a certain number of Sims uh that are assigned to that site a certain number of radio uh Rand elements that can connect into the packet core and then finally as as he only mentioned the throughput option as well so that SKU kind of encompasses both Sims connected radios and also throughput right and but again those can be modified as you grow and change up the SKU or simply add Sims or more throughput Etc as you need interesting okay so um so to kind of summarize this in you know in this build event we've we've covered the basic overview of the 5G core itself we've spent some time covering the deployment as well as the monitoring of the solution um and so again we invite you to uh keep using these QR codes and uh participate in the in the learn material there and I think the next one next slide so yes okay there's the badges at the bottom and again another link to the getting started with Azure private 5G core which has those four different modules in them yeah go and go kind of get your phone out click on the code QR code complete the modules get your badges um and uh we hope you've learned uh everything you wanted to today but do do reach out to us through our site if you have more questions yes and so thank you for your participation today we hope you found the session informative and that it has sparked some of your imagination on the power of private 5G core and what's possible to build together so thank you thank you Doug and thank you to all moderators again uh for helping us with the questions I think I see there are a few more questions coming in please keep them coming we'll we'll be we'll try and answer all of them uh you know before we completely close the um the event thank you very much everyone

2023-05-27 23:34

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