Learn Google Forms: A Tool to Boost Your Business

Learn Google Forms: A Tool to Boost Your Business

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if you're ready to simplify data collection  and make informed decisions you're in the   right place let's find out how Google  forms can be the Catalyst to boosting your business hi I'm Jamie and welcome to teachers Tech  Google forms can be a very powerful way to collect   important data whether it be from customers your  own employees to make business decisions from this   data so today I'm going to show you how to create  a Google form from scratch when we go through this   I want to be able to show you how you can look  at your responses so we'll enter in some fake   responses and I also want to show you how it  looks in Google Sheets so you can go a little   bit further and then I want to make sure that you  understand how this is all organized inside your   Google Drive let's get started on how to create  a Google form today on teacher Tech to access   Google forms you will need a Google account now  you can use a completely free account like I'm   demoing today or you could be using your work or  school so once you're logged in if you go up to   your app launcher I want to point out that you'll  see Google forms as one of the apps and if you   are using it lots you could move it around uh for  quick access you need to be logged in to do this   now you can create the new form from here the way  I like to create it is to go to drive first and   get organized so I'm in Google Drive I'm going  to go to my drive here you can see I have a few   folders this is where I was doing my demo Google  site one if you want to learn about Google sites   I'll put the link down below but I'm going to go  and create a new folder and I'm just going to call   this forms and hit create because I like to create  my forms having things organized and if you have a   business you know what I mean so if I go in here  if I rightclick on this you'll notice I can go to   forms I can click here and I can create a blank  form blank quiz or from template I'll talk about   templates at the end after I show you the basics  but I'm going to be focusing on a blank form so   I'm going to click on this and you'll see that it  opens up this blank form at any time when you're   working on your Google forms you can go back  to forms home so if I click on that top leftand   corner it brings me back to here this is the forms  home where I can quickly create a blank one or   access many of the different templates that are  here or access to my recent forms notice here if   I have the main menu I can access access all the  different Google Apps quickly from here or even go   back to drive so inside our our form that we're  working on right now uh I'll be working on the   questions first but one thing to think about is uh  your settings so under your settings I'm not going   to be making this one a quiz today but you can  turn it on at this point I'm going to come back to   these settings after I'm done creating the forms  to show you how we can manage them uh there's also   responses that'll come back to after I put in some  fake responses from the forms that we uh created   let's go and start this form now let's dive in and  give this form a name so this is for my business   my fictional business my uh Pooch house Spa  booking that offers uh spa services for dog so I'm   going to quickly give it a name if I just click up  top in Untitled form you'll see that name up here   just goes back over here the other thing I'm going  to do right away is I'm going to upload and get a   look so we'll put an image header in and I'm going  to click on here customize themes so if I click on   this notice that we can choose some themes like we  can choose our font if I wanted a different font   you can see how quickly that changes font size and  so on you can even choose a image for your header   so there are themes that you can go through here  there's photos that uh you could use from your   account but I'm going to go upload so I'm going  to go browse and I'm just going to choose one of   these pictures that I have I used on the Google  site so I'm going to click open now when that   comes up you'll see that it has to fit within this  so I can adjust this to get the fit that I want   maybe this isn't the best picture but you know  what it's going to work so once I get that lined   up I can go ahead and hit done what I like what  happens when you upload a picture uh you're going   to see that it changes the colors will adapt so  it took the colors from there and notice down here   in the color that it chose a couple of ones that  would match with this picture and I like when it   does that and I'm just going to leave it as that  I'm going to close out of the theme here I can go   back anytime and adjust any of this information  I just want to point out now where this is in my   Google Drive notice I have it still open in this  tab uh if I just give it a quick refresh you're   going to see that it's organized inside of this  place now if I go back to this I want to point out   I can still move this form uh to different one  so I could go move folder and I could pick one   of those folders that you saw before and move it  if I want quick access I could hit star and then   it makes it really easy so if I'm coming into my  Google Drive if I have lots of different Google   forms or other things if I hit start it's going  to be right there all right let's go back to this   and let's start adding some questions then we'll  talk about settings too let's go ahead and add our   first section about collecting information from  the owner and and when I click in this Untitled   question here you'll notice this is where I  can start formatting you'll see it defaults to   multiple choice but I want to collect the owner's  name here and as soon as I do that notice that it   changed the short answer it knew what it needed  to be and I wanted it to be short answer but   I can adjust any of these by dropping down here  and you're going to see the different ways that   you can collect the information I'm going to be  showing a number of these throughout this form   that we we're building today in this tutorial so  we have owners name is this going to be a required   and I would imagine it is so you can go ahead and  click this and this makes it required they can't   skip this at this point the other thing I want to  point out is you see these three little dots here   more options you can have a response validation  if you are if somebody's writing something in you   can make it uh force it to be a certain thing so  if it was a number or text uh you can force it uh   to have those restrictions on it I'm not going  to have any of those so if I click back on it   again I can turn this off so we have our first  question in another thing that maybe I want to   add in and to add a new question we can just click  up here and I'm going to say well I want an email   address and right away it went to short answer  and that's what I want again is this going to   be required maybe uh you have an option on that  to whether or not they have it but I'm going to   make it required and lastly I want to have their  phone numbers so I can go ahead and click it again   and we have phone number and it adapts to what we  want so this first part is all about the uh owner   of the dog's uh information now I could keep going  as I collect the dog information all in one form   but what I what I like to do is add sections and  so when I click on here this will add a section   and now what's going to be my next section well  this is going to be dog information so if I just   start with this and let's see how this is looking  right now so to take a view of how this form is   looking if I go back up top you'll see that we  have preview so under preview you'll see these   red stars here mean I have to answer this so if I  go through you'll see owner name my answer email   address phone number if I click next right now  it won't go through because these are required   so a little tip is maybe as your previewing you  might not want to uh have those turned on so if   I click the little pencil there and go back what  I can do at any time is just turn them off and   on so this way if they're all off like this and  I go back to preview and I take a look at this   now I can just see for myself as I go through to  see what it looks like so now I'm on a different   section here so dog inform uh the information  and I want to go back and edit it I can click   the edit this form and start I'm going to  hit leave and I can uh keep adding more questions let's add some questions to the dog  information I want to point out with these more   options here that you can duplicate a section you  can move the section delete section or merge it   with Above So if I didn't want to have sections in  just one long form I could just merge this but I   do like breaking it into section just uh to uh I  believe it looks better as they go through it and   answer the questions but now let's go and add  another question this is going to be the dog's   name I want to collect so what's your dog's name  so I have this come through and I want to point   out if I want to if I want to bold any of these I  can do this I tsze underline I can even link this   so they can click on it and it will go somewhere  else I just have to put the link in right here so   this is going to be short answer and let's say  I want to add a picture that comes up with this   question so I could click and add an inline image  and I'm going to go ahead and uh go to my upload   again from browse and go to that same folder so  I'll pick this one and hit open it will upload it   and this will add it inside the image here so you  notice that when I click on I can size this if I   did want it to be a different size like this but  now I have that information I'm kind of curious   what it looks like I can go back to preview I can  hit next and this is what it's looking like right   here so what's your dog's name we have a picture  and then we have the answer that they'll submit I   can also go back notice that with my tabs across  the top I can just jump back this way to it so   let's add another question but let's change how  we're uh getting the type of questions and we'll   do a multiple choice this time so I'm going to  go and hit a question and we'll have how old old   is your dog so the options are going to be uh so  it's going to be a multiple choice so I'm going   to make sure it changes there all you have to do  is quickly just click in here the options and type   in what you want so in this one I have a puppy and  indicating the uh age I can click in the next one   and put the next group that I want I can go with  another one and I can have my senior dog that I'll   put in here uh notice that whenever you hover over  any of these These are in the right order but you   can change the order by dragging and dropping them  wherever you would like and I could add another   here but I'll add that to another so again you can  add to uh make this required if you want but I'm   going to go ahead and add one more multiple choice  because I want to know how large the dog is so I   could add a question what size is your dog and I  can go through and quickly do this the same way now I've updated these ones here so I have  another multiple choice the other thing I   want to point out with the next question I want  them to uh upload a picture of their dog and you   can have them upload different things as well so  if I click add question again notice here if I   drop down we have a file upload so if I click on  file upload it will walk you through this so let   respondents upload to files to drive it's going  to make a folder in your drive and I'll show you   where that is in a moment but I'm going to hit  continue and then at this point you can choose   do you want them to be able to upload anything or  specific so I'm just going to put a question here   please upload a picture of your Pooch allow only  specific file types I'm actually going to turn   this on and let's say I just want images in this  one but you can see the different ones maybe it's   a PDF or a spreadsheet that they're uploading  maximum number of files I can choose different   ones but I'm just going to pick one maximum size  I can adjust this I'm going to leave this at 10   Megs cuz this is a picture that should be fine  for that one uh and I can view the folder if I   want so if I click on this it's going to open up  my folder in Google Drives uh I'll show you I'll   come back to that in a moment and again I'm going  to not make this required because they don't have   to upload this so I'll just stay keep it there  and then if I go back and preview it again you   can see if I go through next uh then I have this  add file that when they click on they can browse   and if I go back to my Google Drive folder over  here I want to point out if I'm in my forms folder   this is what they just created here so this and  then when a picture gets uploaded it's going to   be living right inside here so I can see all  the different images so now that we have the   dog information I want to know what services  they want let's break it into new section by   adding a section here and we'll just call this  services and you can go back like I mentioned   before and you can update things if things  change you can quickly title these different   so I have a new section I'm going to click on a  new question here and this question is going to   be what services am I interested in so I could uh  probably the best option here is going to be check   boxes and it automatically gave me checkboxes  because they could choose multiple services   so just like with the multiple choice I can go  through and start adding my services so let's   say maybe there's the Pampered pedicur or pause  pedicur or the luxurious bubble bath and I'm going   to go through and fill this out with a few so now  at this point when they get to this question they   could select multiple ones but maybe I want to  show up before an after video in between this or   before this so if I go ahead I can insert ad video  in this case I already know the link that I want   but I could go ahead and do a search but I'm going  to put this link in right here so let's say this   was for pretend one of ours I could add it in now  I could go and give it some information before and   after but maybe I choose to have this first I can  simply drag this up as the first part and maybe   they watch the video and then choose something  after that another quite type of question I could   add is this one here so I'm going to say that  would they like to book a spa package but this   time I don't want it to be a multiple choice I  actually just want it to be a dropdown so this   works similar to a multiple choice so maybe I want  it to be uh something like basic Bliss so I'll go   ahead and fill out a few of these and then we'll  take a look at how it looks in our preview all   right so I have these four different things that  they can pick from let's take a look here under   the preview as I go forward our forms coming  along nice we have some pictures we have some   selection of multiple choice add a file we have  a YouTube video in here we have our selection of   our different options and we also have this drop  down here that they could pick what they want as   a spa spa package I went through and added a bit  more information more multiple choice more short   answers and I forgot to add a section and I want  to be able to be sure that they can pick a date   and time so I'm going to add a new section here  and I'm just going to call this section scheduling   so right in here I'll call the scheduling I'm  going to add this qu type of question this time   and notice as soon as I put in my question here  about preferred date and time for appointment it   changes over here to date and I'm going to go and  so down here it's going to allow me with a picker   or whoever gets to this it pick a date and I'll  demo this in a moment but I also want to add one   more question maybe they have a specific time as  well so if I click on this rather than it being   multiple choice I can now choose time so there's  two different ones if you want to know how this   looks this is how it looks right here when they're  choosing so they can go through and when they get   to this section of scheduling they would pick in  here if they just click on the calendar they can   pick a certain day and they go go at this point  at a time and all this information is going to   be collected and I am going to show you how this  looks and how you can go through this different   Data before I jump into the settings uh okay  before I jump into the settings I want to quickly   move this section I'm just going to click on these  options here and go to move section all I have to   do to move it now grab the handle I just want it  to be above the feedback in referrals here so I'm   going to put it right after here and hit save and  it will make those changes now I want to go over   to responses first and of course we don't have any  but I do want to point out uh this is going to be   linked to a Google Sheets that I'll show you in  a moment but if I click here these more options   this will give if you choose this if I click it  notice that there's a check mark next to it so   this means that every time there's a new response  you're going to get an email uh to this so if you   do want to get an email every time there's new  response you can go ahead and check that on if I   toggle it again notice that it will be off let's  take a look at these settings as I mentioned in   the beginning I could have turned this into a  quiz just by toggling on this and you see all the   different uh responses here uh for this tutorial  I'm not going to be focused on making a quiz but   for these responses I just want to point out some  of these options here uh do we want to collect the   email address well we're already asking for them  to put their email address in but if we did say   uh verified we would change it and it would force  people to uh collect that information I'm going to   leave this is this do we want to send responders  a copy of the response do we want to allow editing   and we have many of these different options here's  the file upload that we have the one thing I want   to point out here is uh a few more options here  I want to turn the progress bar on and I'll show   you what that looks like in a moment I don't need  to shuffle the question orders maybe if this is a   quiz I would turn this on if a bunch of students  were doing this together um after submission is   there a confirmation message if I click on edit  I can go ahead and put a confirm confirmation   message in here uh view the results so share the  results with the respondents uh you can turn this   on if you want them to see the results and disable  Autos save for all respondents so you have these   different options in your settings they're just  simply uh click or not click that you can turn   on if you want all the questions to be required  be by default I can just go ahead and select it   rather doing one at a time like I showed you so  that was just a little bit about the settings   I wanted to point out the progress bar that I  turned on so here it is at the be bottom here   so if I go to next each time it progresses through  it lets people know how far in the form they are   I like having that feature but how do we share  this form now I'm going to go back to the form   and now there's a couple different ways people  think about this and you got to make sure you   do this the right way if you want to share this  with somebody to collaborate with then they are   going to have the ability to alter the questions  or add new ones and that's different than sending   that this form out so if I click up here under the  more notice that we can add our collaborators what   this does is I can add people here that will be  able to access access this form see the results of   the form the responses and even make changes so if  that's what you want this is where you would add   them here but if you want to share this form out  to people to start completing it there's different   way so if I click on send up here and notice this  is from the settings up here do not collect that's   what I had set in my settings I can send via email  so I can just enter in the email addresses here   with the subject and they're going to get an email  with this form to sell to fill out in their email   I tend to use this way Lots uh I can copy this  link but a lot of times I'll shorten it and then   I could just go ahead and hit copy and send that  an email email or share it out to people could be   on a website or in a group message so I find  that's an easy way to share this out because   as soon as they click on this link it's going to  give them access to it so here's an example I'm   just going to bring over a uh web page here and if  I paste that link in here it's I can have access   and I'm not logged in to my that account this  is under a different account so it would give   quick access the other way is this is embedding I  can't embed this form because I actually have the   upload feature so you can't go through that way  but I can also push it out through Facebook and   Twitter at this point so this is how you Shir  out for people to complete the form uh you can   put this right into Google sites as well so again  if you want to learn more about Google sites take   a look at the video I have on that I'm going to  go ahead now and enter a bunch of fake responses   then we can take a look at the data to show to  show how you can analyze it I went through and   entered five responses you can see right now  there's five if I click on it I can quickly view   the different information if you're wondering  how I did that all I did was go to preview and   this is how I like to test out my forms is I  just go through and complete it because then I   can enter them more information and I can get to  see if anything's missing then I can go back and   change it so you can enter some fake information  from this point now let's look at the responses so   when I look at this I can quickly see the names  the emails the phone numbers uh now it gives me   some information and this is important stuff  so you get to see maybe how old dogs are that   you're working with I can see 40% here granted I  only have five different responses what's is the   size here it shows me the picture so any of these  that I click on I can have a quick preview of the   dog uh what services that am I interested in so  I get to see what services are the most popular   ones again this can help you make business  choices uh what spa package would you like   to book so all this information becomes really  important and it's really easy to view I can   see the times that they've uh asked for on these  dates and everything now I do want to point out   if I go back to the very top here this is all  linked to a Google Sheets remember what I said   before if you want to get notified when these  new ones come uh you can print it uh you can   just make sure this is checked you can download  the responses you can print all the responses   or you can delete all the responses from this  point as well but if I click link to Sheets here   this is going to open up a brand new Google Sheets  here and I could select an existing spreadsheet   but I don't have one I'm going to go ahead and  click create so this creates a sheet that is   linked so now you can see all the information in  Google Sheets and you can manipulate it from here   it's nice to have things in a spreadsheet as you  can apply more things you can could add different   graphing and search the information uh differently  if you want to learn more about Google Sheets I do   have different tutorials that I'll link up in the  description and up above in the card now at any   time as you get more information entered you're  going to see more responses come up in here and   it's automatically going to update on this sheet  if I go back I just want to point out with it I   can unlink this so if you didn't want that Google  sheet linked to hear anymore you can click unlink   and then you can go ahead and create a brand new  one after that so these are just different ways   you can view your responses remember at the very  beginning I mentioned about templates and this   can save you a lot of time if I go ahead and  click up on the forms home like I showed you   before or before or I could go to Google Drive  and start from template I want to point out these   the template Gallery I'm just going to expand this  here now they have different information ones that   you can just start from these that will save you  a lot of time so whether it be contact information   RSVP uh you can see different ways it maybe it's  event feedback an order form job application all   these different ones now with the knowledge that  I gave you you should be able to open these up   create the template and then just modify it as  you need and everything else will work the same   so I hope you take all this information and you  can apply it to your business to start collecting   data and then using that data to make the right  decisions for your business let me know what   else you're interested in learning whether it be  Google or Microsoft other Tech products thanks   for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next week with more Tech tips and tutorials

2024-12-03 09:31

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