Lean Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing

Lean Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing

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okay welcome everyone and thanks for joining us uh there are going to be more people joining us uh but anyway let's make a start um I hope you're all having a good day as well so my name is Vince loraphas uh and I'm from the advanced manufacturing industry for Hub at swinburne University and I'm going to be your host for today's webinar so I'm joined today by my colleague Rick grimaceutical and together we are going to present lean industry 4 in manufacturing now the presentation will run for about 45 to 50 minutes and we'll have time at at the end for questions so feel free to raise any questions using the Q a function during the presentation please now we will also be conducting a few polls during the webinar and we will ask you to contribute your responses which you can actually make Anonymous as well now before we continue I'd like to make an acknowledgment of country we respectfully acknowledge the traditional owners of the land upon which this presentation is being held today and pay respect to their Elders past and present we also acknowledge and respect the traditional owners of lands across Australia their Elders ancestors cultures and Heritage and recognize the continuing sovereignties of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nations now just as some background so Vic and I are both mechanical engineers and we both have almost 50 years of combined experience in manufacturing we have both practiced and implemented lend during our careers and more recently we've been advocating for lean industry 4. now in 2019 we both became part of a Victorian government funded unique entity known as the advanced manufacturing industry for help or hub for short and we're located at swinburne University's Hawthorne campus now the remit of the Hub is to assist small to medium manufacturers with digital transformation and we do this through awareness events in-depth Gap analysis and training in Industry before and we are software and Technology agnostic we have no commercial interests we are not system integrators but we can connect into areas within swinburne who can assist with de-risking Innovation and prototyping ideas and smallish type project implementation now today we are going to expose you to lean industry 4. we'll take a brief look at lean and Industry 4 separately and then describe lean industry for now we'll touch on several examples and conclude with the brief of how you might adopt lean industry for and at the end of the presentation we've got a list of images and comments materials that we've used from external resources we've also used our own material as well all right so before we get started we would like to quiz you on what your impression or thinking is about the topic so what I'm going to do is I'm going to execute a poll and let me just describe the options for you as well just as I um as I launch this Okay so do you think that lean industry 4 and sorry lean and Industry 4 are separate do you think they actually conflict with each other do you think that industry 4 is a subset of wine which means that everything that industry 4 does can be seen as part of the lean methodology or do you think that lean is a subset of Industry fall so anything that lean does is actually included within industry 4. do you think that there is an overlap so that they actually share ideas um they can work together but they both have distinct Parts um just ignore the amount of overlap for the moment but just acknowledge that there is some overlay or do you think that they're actually identical and one in the same and there's no difference so I'll Let's uh we'll give you guys about a minute just to respond to that again you can make your responses anonymous but we're just curious to see what you think um lean industry 4 is before we actually delve into the explanation and just to see whether we've been able to either confirm or sway people's opinions and look when it's you're not getting assist on this so you know there's no real right or wrong answer but we'd just like to see what people um people's thinking is about this so we're still waiting on a few responses I'll just wait another maybe 10 seconds or so I've still got a few creeping here but we can definitely see that there's uh I'll I'll actually release the the results of the poll very soon okay I think we'll stop it there I'll end the poll now so thank you for those who responded um and I'll share the results with you as well so hopefully you can all see this on screen it looks like we have an overwhelming majority for an overlap um but there are still I guess some who think it's separate some who think that one is a subservant of another at this point okay let's continue and uh let's see okay so in the next few minutes we'll give you a brief and Broad overview of lean so lean has been around for decades now predominantly in manufacturing but it can also be be applied and provide benefits in other Industries now the principles are objective behind lean are presented here so lean focuses on two key Things One customer satisfaction and the second being waste reduction and it does this by first sitting the customer as the focal point to Define value and this is from their perspective second then by mapping the ability string and this helps to visualize the process delivering on that value and to help identify waste then we streamline or look at streamlining the flow of value to that customer and trying to minimize disruption and defects and producing in small lock quantities as well then we look at shifting production to respond to customer demand so here you make to order and pulling orders through the business rather than actually pushing them through and then finally by creating a mindset of ongoing refinement of processes that create that value for the customer and also reducing waste and Lane should be considered a commitment made to a way of working and not a once off or short-term thing link doesn't work without people they are the driver and it's best when it's when it develops from Grassroots or the shop floor level now when is people focused it improves engagement it educates and empowers with autonomy and delegation it challenges the status quo and benefits from people's creativity and curiosity lean provides a set of tools and a way of thinking to help minimize costs and maximize value by minimizing resources and identifying and reducing waste it is process orientated requires standards and standardization and a mindset and culture of continuous Improvement in combination lean management will help to achieve operational excellence and deliver on improving predictability quality efficiency productivity and optimization now there are several tools and terminologies associated with lean and we've listed the most common ones here on the screen later on we'll explore how some of these might be impacted by industry 4 and we also hope that you can challenge our industry form might impact more of Link okay so what is industry four if we put industry 4 in the context with other industrial revolutions industry one became began with the mechanization where Steam and water power was introduced in Industry 2.0 we saw the introduction

of mass production where electrical power was used in mass production lines industry 3.0 was the start of Automation in production where electrical systems for example plcs NC systems and I.T systems are used to control machines and equipment now industry 4.0 signifies the emergence of a cyber physical systems now this is where operational and information technology or digital technology combine to control physical systems so using for example technology like iot big data cloud and machine learning industry 4 is suggesting an era where autonomous decision making and self-organizing factories become possible now industry 4 is typically associated with various Technologies and we've represented those in the blue bubbles in this graphic now most of them have been around for decades and sure you can say that they have been evolving and improving with time but none of these Technologies are actually new so what's the hype around industry for what we are seeing happening over the past almost decade now is an increase in in the combining of these Technologies leading to two overarching industry shifts one being the digitalization of value and Supply chains and two being the real-time integration of people machines or equipment and things now value and supply chain digitalization is the interconnectivity across horizontal and vertical streams where there is bi-directional information flows along a digital thread of sorts now information is available in real time it can be visualized in real time and can be transmitted in real time to and from any node along these chains you know the nodes can be a person so a production operator receiving instructions or recording critical quality measurements it could be a machine or piece of equipment reporting on operating condition requesting a machine a maintenance check or receiving instructions for the next operation or it could be a sensor so temperature humidity air quality and the like now industry 4 has the potential to influence manufacturing changing how operations can be executed it can replace typical forecast based production planning with real-time planning of production coupled with self-optimizing intelligent automation systems production could be synchronized across value and Supply chains from the order of material to the delivery of goods um a 2016 report from the csiro discusses the emergence of five Global trends that are occurring as a result of the advancement of Industry 4 digital Technologies now the first being made to measure so here we see where technology advances and consumer expectations is driving towards bespoke Solutions next we see service expansion where we see manufacturers are changing from a make and sell product Paradigm to providing a product service offers so they offer their product direct with services then we have smart and connected where we see sensors and integration of equipment and systems data capture and Analysis is allowing for higher levels of optimization in the factory and across the value chain then we have sustainable operations where we see scarce resources environmental and social pressures driving a motivation towards more efficient and sustainable practices and finally supply chain transformation where you have supplier specializations are fostering more collaboration and we see technology advances enabling more vertical integration now to explain this in another way and provide a different context industry 4 is leading to more sophisticated business models and what this means is that there are other paths to earning Revenue Beyond increasing production efficiency now presented here is a typical journey and manufacturer might take in developing or maturing their business model so from the left of screen and beginning with the introduction of digital Technologies to create a more sustainable operation and Achieve operational excellence and manufacturer Works to a paper product model so you make something and you sell it and essentially it's a one-time transaction you know as the business gains experience and maturity with technology they can adapt their business model with new enhanced products and or services so instead of charging for a one-off product sale or one-off service the business adopts a pay-per-use model which can provide a recurring income for product use and or a recurring service like for software use or automatic replenishment of consumables now this can extend to a pay per outcome business model where the customer agrees to and pays for an intended outcome or result the product or service provides so for example the outcome or results could be on delivery time cycle time throughput net profit or even unit margin a relatable example is Rolls-Royce charging for miles of engine use rather than for the engine itself and this is in the in the airline industry and then finally to the Holy Grail of business models where a manufacturer is capable of producing a customizable product in any quantity for any customer at the request and in response to that customer all right so with that in mind um I'd like to ask you again what you think Lynn industry 4 now means to you so let me just execute the second poll which is like the first one that we did and I'll ask you to respond to that to the same questions again please so I'm just launching that now so do you think that industry 4 and lean are separate do you think that they conflict do you think that industry 4 is a subset of Link or lean is a substitutive industry for do you think that there is an overlap so that they share ideas but they still have distinct parts or do you think that they're near one in the same so I'll give you guys a chance to respond to that again please and we'll just see if um people's thoughts have shifted so there's about half of the responses so far so we'll just let that go for a little bit longer interesting to see the responses here there still seems to be some overwhelming thought but there have been some shifts as well which is very interesting indeed I'll end the polls soon and I'll share the results with you as well so um you can see what I'm seeing I think we're pretty much stabilized now so um I'll end the poll now um and I'll share those results with you in a moment so it looks like there is still an overwhelming majority that um for an overlap but there actually has been a shift towards it being one in the same so that's that's actually quite interesting all right so let's continue with the presentation okay so now we'll take a look at how we are defining lean industry fourth okay so the term lean industry 4 was first coined by the Boston Consulting Group in 2017. yeah it represents for them the integrated application of lean and Industry 4. and BCG advocate for a

holistic application of lean industry 4 rather than an independent or sequential approach Deloitte refers to this integration as digital mean which is similar to bcg's point of view but it just covers a broader spectrum of digital Technologies and we tend to agree so lean industry 4 is a Synergy of the two paradigms of lean and Industry 4. in absolute terms the overlap is determined by the level of application between the two and is specific to its business and may actually change with time as well so lean industry 4 is still considered to be a commitment made to a way of working it remains people focused with the mindset and culture towards continuous Improvement lean industry 4 is still orientated towards minimizing resources and identifying and reducing waste but it does so using a digitally enhanced set of tools so it's this final key that we believe will help manufacturers achieve higher levels of operational excellence now as a summary you can think of lean industry 4 as a commitment towards continuous Improvement and minimizing waste using a digitally enhanced toolkit now we've used a graph from a Deloitte article from 2020 titled digital lean manufacturing and we've modified it slightly the Blue Line in the graph represents the value gain or productivity increase along the vertical axis using just link Management on its own as a proportion to the applied effort or time put in across the horizontal axis now the graph suggests the substantial gains in the early stages of lean implementation start to slow down when a business reaches a state of land maturity the time to maturity depends on how aggressive lean management is how sorry how it's adopted so at a point of maturity businesses who typically then Embrace industry 4 follow a value game trajectory shown by the solid green line now the key message here is that businesses do not necessarily need to follow this path but follow an integrated lean industry for a path instead as shown by the dotted green line and this is suggested to be the most efficient way to reach the next level of operational excellence the graph depicts that lean industry 4 can unlock previously unreachable and unimagined productivity Frontiers now before we continue and I'm going to hand you over to um Vikram soon so um we're going to present some examples but first we'd like to gauge if you are in a business that practice practices traditional or digital lean and we'd like you to respond to the following polls so let me just execute that now so what we're asking you here is are you playing in the traditional lean space in the digital lean space a bit of both none of the above or you're actually exploring options and again well there's no judgment here you can answer anonymously and again this is just more our curiosity just to see where where um people's thinking and when businesses um businesses lie foreign we're just going a bit over halfway um interesting to see these responses I'm sure can you say these big as well yep okay so it looks like we've had I think the results are stabilizing almost we've got maybe a few more so let that go for just a little bit longer I think we can we can stop it there and I'll share the results with everyone so interesting to see that we've got a mix a mix of everything um and there's actually in these people exploring options too which is um encouraging to see all right um so we'll stop there and um Vic I'll uh I'll let you continue thanks Vince now before we continue we want to disclose that we are presenting these you know some of the examples um again maturity within this group you can see there are people who are you know getting onto the lean Journey or there are people who are getting trying both lean and Dusty for all distantly so we have picked up examples from low maturity to you know covering industry for Technologies as well now these have been sourced from the internet and from our own experience and we have no arrangements with and we are not receiving any benefits from entities in these examples now we come across many smes who are still using paper forms in their Factory to capture production quality fifas or maintenance issues um let's start with a very basic example of daily now various softwares some free options as well help with digitization of forms for example five response now digitized forms improve compliance accountability and workflow and this example shows a form used on a mobile device and a dashboard of summary results now well defined process documentation is foundational to lean manufacturing digital tools is creation of these documents crowdsourcing inputs from shop floor employees they they know the process is best easy document control and quick retrieval of documents using QR codes like the one you see in the graphic creation of digital instructions can include forms used to capture data from the field which in turn can be automatically inputted into other digital systems for Australian High variety low volume manufacturing changeovers can be a big productivity or capacity range smed or single minute exchange of die is a lean production method to reduce the waste related to changeovers with a goal of reducing changeover times to single digits less than 10 minutes hence the name single minute in any changeover there are activities performed when the equipment has stopped for changeover for example as you can see in the picture removing water lines during a mold changeover now these are called internal activities and then there are activities in a changeover which can be performed when the machine is running for example bringing in the new mold or the material to be processed and these are called external activities so the essence of smed is to convert as many changeover steps as possible from internal to external and to simplify and streamline the remaining steps now let's see how industry 4 helps the sned industry 4 Technologies improve real-time visibility of when exactly the changeover is going to happen and this can trigger a pickup of the next tool from Storage to arrive just in time for the changeover RFID tag tools can drink trigger change of equipment parameters automatically once you scan the tool you don't have to do it manually it can also guide the tool coming out of the machine to either go into storage or maintenance based on the set of usage rules that we have defined and we have seen some new equipment which guides The Operators step by step on changeover through the HMI screens and even mistake proves the changeovers it prevents the operator from putting the parts in the wrong sequence now technology helps take Pocoyo or mistake proofing to the next level in this example and lot of in automotive people from the automotive sector will be aware of these these have been you know pretty much used in all automotive places in this example product assembly bill of materials are fed into a digital system the red base picture in the workstation have different child parts now based on the product and sequence of assembly leads in front of Child part bins the the red winds open up allowing access to those parts at the required sequence and required times now this ensures that the operator by mistake does not pick up wrong parts for assembly and you can see a variety of sensors light and touch they capture the motion of the hand of the operator as acknowledgment of completion of that process step before proceeding to the next task this is an example of using technology for process improvements now eye tracking technology can be used to confirm the effectiveness of operator instructions by observing the actual Behavior what you see on the left side is an example where the red spot on the left image is confirming the operator's attention or Focus point during a cleaning operation of a moltum aluminum pouring ladle and if you see the example on the right hand side shows a heat map of areas attracting the most attention on a display case now this Behavior data can be used to improve training safety and productivity outcomes in this example of process monitoring the various process elements as seen represented in different colored blocks on the bottom right side they are captured in the digital system in real time to assist with work distribution and balancing between stages and operators on the line the digital system lights up the correct screwdriver to be used uh you can see the blue light over the screwdriver in the hand of the operator and you can see multiple screwdrivers at the same station the blue lights indicate tells the operator which screwdriver to use work instructions are available on the screens in front of the operator and an and on display signals to the operator if the screw is not tightened correctly this is an example of using simulation for optimization now we find manufacturing businesses using relation for product design but very few of them using discrete model simulation for process optimization here is an example of an open source simulation tool Jam Sim being used to create a model of a sewing process in a garment manufacturing plant now all the process steps have been built into this model with a process starting on the lower left side and finishing on the lower right side the dashed red circles Circle areas they indeed indicate the build up of 23 at those particular process steps now this simulation was used to identify bottlenecks experiment with load balancing and derive time slots during the day when additional resources can assist with maintaining flow and improve total output and this tool was not used Standalone but it was used to complement the initial work done in Excel but Excel had its own limitations and that's that was where the need was right for using Jam cell and you may have seen better tools better simulation tools and there are a variety of sophisticated digital tools available with you know quite good graphic user interface and functionality why we chose this one just to highlight the availability and capability of free tools available for ready use now Machine Vision can be used for extracting measurements from images it has been widely used to assist with quick and automated decision making Machine Vision supports machine learning and artificial intelligence in this example processing techniques are being used for counting and scaling logs automatically without the need to do this manually one at a time the center image shows how the vision system identifies the logs potentially you can reduce counting and recording errors as well as a young Industrial Engineer 25 years ago my prized possession was my stopwatch to conduct detailed time motion studies and then a video camera to record processes wherever it was possible nowadays variables can help with capturing process elements operator reach and even force and strain the data collected can automatically be analyzed to generate insights and this that used to be almost 80 by 80 percent of my time in those early days of my career just for collecting manipulating analyzing and presenting data leaving just 20 percent of the time to action on the sites in this example the wearable iot devices are being used to measure worker productivity on a production line in a meat processing business the device was worn on both hands and transmitted data using Bluetooth via Raspberry Pi to a server where real-time analysis and visualization of our workers yield could take place now the table that you see on the left bottom contrasts the difference between an experienced and an inexperienced worker so this iot solution provided a means of identifying significant Improvement in plant productivity this is an example of a complex electric battery assembly workstation where an operator is guided using AR mixed reality to help reduce assembly defects you can see the glasses the glass is being worn by the team member is displaying process instructions visible here in the dash you know red ellipse the smart the red circle virtual arrows that you see within the the image are selected to step through the process now the system is specially good for learning new job functions or onboarding new employees speeding up training and providing accessible process instructions ultimately speeding up productivity lean brought in autonomous maintenance with production operators monitoring their equipment and timely reporting any deterioration to maintenance this preventive maintenance regime was a move away from reactive maintenance of the Industrial Age now industry for Technologies take it to the next level it enables condition monitoring of critical equipment in real time data models are created to capture equipment parameters in real time and predict failures and production and maintenance they both provide inputs in creating these algorithms this Predictive Analytics equipment uptime can be significantly higher with predictive maintenance and maintenance cost may be lower than preventive maintenance regimes now traditional Robotics and related automation has been a key driver of the third industrial revolution of the 1970s robots have been there with us for almost 50 years now by contrast collaborative robots or cohorts as the name suggests are symbiotic partners with humans now you can see two examples of symbiotic work cells using cobots cobots they work in close proximity to humans to complement and augment what humans do not replace them cobots move with limited force and speed and stop when they sense any obstruction that might be a person and hence they do not injure humans while working closely with them by carrying out the tasks alongside humans they can shift humans to doing more higher value added activities while cobots can do the repetitive potentially non-value added tasks and use of cobots result in improved ergonomics and productivity and in Engineers can can see can watch you know these robots you know forever so there's in a symbiotic cell human cobot system they seem to be doing a well choreographed dance yeah some of you might be thinking that you know you do not have state of the art modern equipment to embrace lean industry for now there are Simple Solutions like the factory in a box which is shown in this picture or industrial Raspberry Pi which can help you get a taste of capturing data out of your legacy equipment and establishing it if you if it is beneficial for you you know before you start moving on to investing in more bigger sophisticated things now this Factory in a box uses smart sensors and iot Technology to create a network retrofitted to your legacy equipment when connected to software you can create a real-time visualization of a factory which allows for data driven decision making it's just an entry point low cost solution we are increasingly finding manufacturers getting comfortable using automated forklifts within their Factory Stores this we haven't seen a lot of comfort with using automated forklifts within the production areas but at least in Factory Stores using automated guided vehicles for Implant Logistics moving materials to and fro from stores and even within the factory pictured here are several technology examples in the logistics space agbs can sometimes address some unavoidable lean base related to transport automated mobile robots amrs bring required items to people which is Goods to person system instead of people walking to pick up items in the warehouse known as person to Goods system a Goods to person systems helps to address the unavoidable lean waste of motion and transportation now this Matrix shows where industry 4 Technologies can assist with improved identification and Mitigation Of The Seven Ways of lean the list is not comprehensive in any way you may recall the earlier example where we talked about setup reduction through smed as another example now consider additive manufacturing or 3D printing how has that replaced plastic injection molding in some cases not just for prototyping but for manufacturing paths negating the need to develop molds or worry about changeovers additive manufacturing has the ability to produce Parts in quantities of one at the time when it is required and add Gamba examples include 3D printing of spare parts on ships so you don't have to fly in the parts or printing bone implants in hospitals next to operating creators now let's pause here for a minute we would like to ask you what might some of your obstacles or challenges be with implementing lean industry for please use the chat function and we'll try to respond to some of these during the question and answer time thanks Vicky so if you can please just use a chat function to provide a responses responses to that question so any obstacles or challenges of implementing lean industry 4 I think you can still input those anonymously um if you prefer you can save those to the Q a function but we would appreciate if you were to put those in the chat function as well so we just allow maybe a minute or two just to get some responses and actually as another option if you do want to limit your responses so that uh other participants can't see you can just um you can forward the response to just the hosts and the panelists as an option um otherwise if you're happy for other people to to see them you can respond to everyone yeah Jeff that's a very common question or where to begin um okay digital twins all right I'm getting some good responses here yeah developing the culture map is definitely um can be an obstacle it's good that we basically get buying from people and get everyone as many people on board as possible with this with this journey foreign 2017 article um when lean meets industry 4 they depict their experience of lean industry for adoption presented in the left side graphic as you can see the lean and Industry for maturity of manufacturing businesses and the majority of these businesses are at low levels of lean and Industry for maturity and what you see on the right side is through our Hub we do in-depth Gap analysis to surface opportunities for digitalization for Victoria manufacturing businesses and primarily smes and this right hand side graphic reflects our experience and shows a similar trend for a much smaller subset of 20 plus Victorian manufacturing businesses and as you can see most businesses have low levels of lean and Industry for maturity with very few businesses showing better than you know mid-level lean maturity now before we talk about the approach businesses should take for adopting lean industry for and particularly industry 4 in the business let's talk a bit about the Lean Startup approach Silicon Valley entrepreneur Eric Reese first introduced the term Lean Startup in 2008 and published his best-selling book in 2011. with foundations in lean thinking the initial concept was aimed at has at helping startups take an agile and customer-centric approach to product development an important Concept in The Lean Startup approach and a lot of you might be aware of is the concept of minimum viable product or a minimum wire service now MVP is a version of a product that enables you to learn just enough to test your current assumptions with the least amount of development effort The Lean Startup approach draws on the scientific method of generating and testing hypothesis conducting falsifable experiments to inform decision making now this is in stark contrast to the traditional approach of creating a comprehensive you know one-off Plan before embarking on the development phase of a project and the build measure learn feedback loop is a core element of The Lean Startup methodology it consists of turning your ideas into an MVP getting feedback from users and then making decision based on what you have learned fast pale methodology is associated with this approach which is preferring failure in say two months instead of two years to reduce the amount of resources invested and learn faster to Pivot and change direction if required now obviously uh can't stress that this requires a psychologically safe work based culture where failures are accepted as inevitable for learning now let's talk about how Lean Startup approach applies to Industry for adoption within your business new technologies are fascinating No Doubt it sounds surprising but we find manufacturers often working on projects that do not focus on solving their most urgent business problems but rather exploring a technology without a clear business outcome linked to a project such projects have sub-optimal returns as we can understand this can be avoided by focusing on the basics what are the next set of business outcomes you want to achieve in the next two to five years and then see how technology can enable those outcomes when choosing a starting point it is always beneficial to start with the problem to solve where the production process is consistent and is well known by the plant and then start small with a pilot where the solution can capture measurable new value and where people process and Technology are ready for change the objective of such pilot is to develop a minimum viable solution like that we discussed before quickly and then improve it through iterations now scaling fast can generate the business case value you know most digital lean efforts meet the business case when scaling the solution and not during the initial pilot pilot just gives you a sense whether you are on the right track and gives you an opportunity to Abundant without having invested too much resources now to summarize most of you will agree that industry 4 technologies will not replace lean as some may think but quite the opposite they will co-exist since the implemented lean industry for Technologies requires effective and efficient processes as a precondition to operate successfully one of the two Bill Gates rules of automation state that automation applied to an inefficient operation will only magnify the inefficiency so true lean industry 4 while maintaining the use of customer lens in identifying ways accelerates its identification and mitigation faster than traditional lean due to real-time capture and democratization of information the information is easily available to anyone in the factory or the person who's actually managing the process most of you may find this paradoxical that in the exponentially changing digital world we live in human skills of creativity curiosity and compassion are as important as digital skills you may wonder how to polish these human skills in your team don't worry these human skills are fostered by lean managements focused on focus on people engagement challenging the status quo and culture of continuous Improvement as you can see in the graphic industry 4 acts as a kind of a Turbocharger through traditional lean intensify and accelerating the operational excellence to a new object just in closing I think initial slide we had talked about you know why we are there why we were set up by the Victorian government and you know what do we really do now this is just a slide showing uh you know how we do it and what we do uh what we do during uh so we do awareness and we do industry for training Hands-On experiential training at Hawthorne campus we do it through webinars as the one that you are attending now we do uh Gap analysis now this Gap analysis is basically using you know from Hopper Frameworks it basically looks at a business from five different dimensions right from business strategy to processes to uh how flexible uh your workplace is looks at business from what we call as 33 indicators or over 100 different lenses and its surfaces opportunity for digital technology adoption within your business these are some of the references that we used and for any questions um sorry Benz um for any questions yeah use the Q a function and we're happy to answer your questions and we can all also cover the challenges that you have listed to us and for any follow-up please reach out to Sharon Manor our industry engagement manager thank you thanks very much Rick all right so that basically concludes what we have to present to you today about lean industry 4. we hope you found

it informative um and potentially challenge some of your thinking or confirmed confirmed it so if you would like to use the Q a please go ahead and do that um I guess Vic and I will just quickly look through these um through this chat and I wonder actually if any of you have had some of these uh these responses already answered so um if we go through these so it Department I guess they're limited uh limited um abilities maybe or capabilities or even just the the amount of resources being able to do it so potentially with that you need to be more selective about what you're choosing to do and potentially even consider collaborating with um or the likes of universities or even with um other businesses and system integrators now the the important Point um if you picked up on it that Vic was talking about when you are thinking about technology adoption we preferred businesses never to look at it through a technology lens or what we call a technocentric view so we always advocate for a business to think technology lasts the first consideration should be the business outcome you know so what is it that you want to achieve look for what's going to actually drive those outcomes and then check to see whether or not there is any technology that you could use to actually enhance those outcomes so that's what we would always always um advocate for and in that respect what you're doing is you're actually pulling the technology into the business rather than pushing it through the business so instead of picking up a new shiny toy and say oh how can I use this that's the Techno Centric view the view we would prefer is for it to be able to address a business outcome and the technology is the last consideration because potentially you could actually have um another approach to address that outcome before you actually consider using technology and the reason we would suggest to take that kind of approach is depending on the level of maturity that you're at um that may be a better way way to go and referring to that quote from Bill Gates about technology enhancing your existing condition um you would it we Advocate that you're better off having some level of maturity that you can build on um rather than implementing it from a place potentially where it's just going to add more troubles and more waste and more expense unnecessarily um Vic can you pick up on any other ones um okay so there's one also post implementation servicing skills of Machinery um so yes that's and again I guess one thing to consider there Brit is whether or not you should be looking at all the business should be looking at creating um industry for Champions or digital Champions so you've actually got the skills within the business potentially to cope with some but then it also may be a case of collaborating with you know partners and as again as I said you know universities could be a good source I'm not advocating necessarily for swing boom but there are many examples around Australia with other universities and collaborations that we're aware of that have been quite successful in actually achieving an outcome and again as well we have other um system integrators and other other technology businesses that could potentially help the only thing that we would caution you there is again that mindset of having a technocentric approach rather than an outcome approach so it's just something to be weary of sorry I've been uh talking a lot um is there any is there any uh we've got something in the Q a are you able to hear me I can hear you now yes I'm sorry my zoom seems to be Frozen that's the reason but yeah but I think please continue because my message window has frozen so for some reason yep okay um that's all it's all good now Vic um okay okay so he's uh he's a good one um so low batch and high product mix um yeah I guess it depends I know I know lean advocates for low batch production um and preferably uh producing one one at a time and there's various reasons behind doing that which we don't really have time for in this um in this webinar might be uh maybe good as a follow-up but yeah look that really depends on on the business and its needs I guess in terms of tracking and traceability and actually understanding what you need to produce at what quantity at what time um that's where we see industry for digital Technologies being very helpful with that regard and obviously it just depends on how how much you want to implement it in um in the business uh again you know just reflecting back on the Lean Startup approach so starting with pilot trials start with maybe a known area a low risk area to introduce an idea into a business um that's the approach that we would take and also you know just to have that mindset that yep you may stuff up here and there which which is fine and it needs to be tolerated but the goal is that you learn from what you're doing so that you know whether you should continue or pivot you know take a different direction and modify it or even scrap it completely because it's not having the outcome that you originally desired um what else can we responsive there is a lot here um yeah sorry I'm um my zoom is actually Frozen so like all right okay something so and I can't really read the comments as well so yeah like just continue wins um Okay so we've got a question here so using a tool like I auditor to help mature the business is um continuous Improvement maturity so the idea of I auditor and even another software that came shortly after it called dazuki those are actually digital tools which will replace what you're currently doing Maybe by hand now so look Vic and I have both experience I'm an ex-sum Toyota Automotive engineer uh from the Altona plant here in Victoria and we use paper like a hell of a lot during um during our time so the idea of using things like I auditor or even duzuki and other softwares um of that nature it's more about converting from a hard copy paper form into a digital format and then once you've got it into that digital format what those softwares do allow you to use is um to exploit things like notifications and scheduling um and follow-up and that sort and those sorts of things so that you can maybe more easily manage it um the fact that you got it on digital then allows you to then convert those or transfer those into another system and it just makes sharing information and Vic mentioned the word about democratization it just makes it a whole lot easier um and potentially even more shareable around an organization sorry Vic I just want to finish so I wouldn't be technocentric at all and plus uh you know some some businesses get confused or they think that you know having one system is better than having multiple systems so there is no clear preference as long as you know different Standalone systems talk to each other so it's the integration of all those systems and not having to duplicate any efforts which is more important rather than you know just relying on one system to do it all right so just paying conscious of time um will need to end it there but look we will have this webinar available as a recording so we notice that there aren't um as many attendees as registered so we'll be making the recording available to all registered um people anyway uh the slides we were unable to make them available but you can re-watch this again at a future time so look thank you very much everyone for joining in we hope it was uh insightful and informative for you and you got something out of it uh you'll be given a a very short survey just to give us some feedback about the webinar um at the end um when we conclude this so thanks again everyone I have uh have uh an enjoyable rest of the afternoon and um we'll see you at another time thanks everyone thank you thanks Vince

2023-06-12 00:40

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